BFJ Planning Portfolio

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Hillary Collins’ Work Examples BFJ Planning Portfolio

Downtown Jamaica Transportation Study

The New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) assigned a portion of this transportation study to Arup and its sub-consultant, BFJ Planning. The objective of BFJ’s section of the study was to address transportation issues in Downtown Jamaica and its surrounding neighborhoods, through assessing parking, and goods movement. The following excerpts from the study are thorough documentation and analysis of existing conditions, services, and operations of the off-street parking, my specific subsection of the Downtown Jamaica Transportation Study. My responsibilities included collecting field work, creating the graphics for the plan, research existing zoning and compose the off-street parking section, including the methodology used to find all data.

Downtown Jamaica Transportation Study Each off-street parking facility was located and recorded in order to proceed with occupancy counts. These excerpts from the study explain the process of when and how the cars were counted and the results from these occupancy surveys, which is shown in a table on the following page.

Downtown Jamaica Transportation Study

Downtown Jamaica Transportation Study Survey Results This table shows each off-street parking lot’s occupancy utilization at the peak hours of the day during morning, afternoon and evening car counts. From the percentages, it was determined whether or not the parking facility was Well Utilized (WU), Underutilized (UU), or At or Over Capacity (AOC).

Branford Station Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Plan Branford Station Transit Oriented Development Plan is an initiative taken by the Town to create a vision for the future development within a study area of a half-mile from the Branford River waterfront and the area around the train station. The TOD Plan is apart of a larger regional effort to promote the long term transformation of outdated industrial and commercial uses in the area with development this is more transit oriented. Community outreach was a critical component of the Plan to ensure the vision for future development meets local needs. My responsibilities included creating the graphics and collecting data of the sidewalk conditions and ridership data at the station. I was also responsible for authoring beginning sections in the Plan, such as Existing Land Use, Existing Zoning, and Historic Resources.

Branford Station Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Plan Extensive field work was conducted in order to collect data, which included train ridership counts during the peak commuting hours of the day from 5 - 10AM and 5 - 7 PM, occupancy survey counts for the number of vehicles in the Branford Station’s parking lot and documenting the existing conditions of the sidewalks within the half-mile around the station. These data helped inform what some priorities in the plan and commuter data to use to plan for future development.

West Lot

East Lot

Branford Station Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Plan Below excerpts of essential sections in the Branford Station TOD Plan, such as Existing Land Use, Existing Zoning, and descriptions of major streets in the study area.

Branford Station Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Plan

North Williamsburg Transportation Study

The New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) assigned a portion of this transportation study to Arup and its sub-consultant, BFJ Planning. The objective of BFJ’s section of the study was to address traffic and transportation issues in North Williamsburg, through assessing on- and off-street parking, and goods movement. The following excerpts from the study are thorough documentation and analysis of existing conditions, methodologies, and inventory of facilities. My responsibilities included creating, compiling, and managing consistency all graphics of the plan. I also took inventory of truck signage of both present and not present along truck routes.

North Williamsburg Transportation Study

These two maps were created from the data collected from truck signage inventory and the off-street parking facility inventory in the study area.

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