Digg Brand Book

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Whatever happened to the good ole days when the world went to bed at night? Current events were reported in morning papers and on nightly news programs, hosted by strapping gents in polyester leisure suits? Today, it seems the world never sleeps. All kinds of things are happening, at all hours, all over the globe; all simultaneously documented in the ever-expanding abyss of content that is the Internet. It’s mindboggling. It’s information overload. The massive scope of the Internet is enough to make even the savviest web surfer want to shut off their computer and hide under the covers with a warm panini. Digg understands. Digg is here to help.

Digg.com is a website that compiles only the most interesting and current internet content - news, videos, links, images, articles, you name it – into one place, based on submissions by Digg community members. We sift through that gigantic Internet haystack and find the needles for you.

" You like me, you really like me! ” –Sally Field, 1985 Whoever said, “Life is not a popularity contest,” was wrong. OF COURSE it is. And so is Digg. We get a bajillion submissions every day, so who decides what’s hot and what’s not? You do. Users Digg what they like and Bury what they don’t. Posts with the most Diggs are promoted to the front page. How can you be sure the rankings are legit? It’s a very complicated process, but that’s why we’ve got a warehouse full of robots, tabulating Diggs and Burys around the clock. No need to worry.

We know you are very busy and important, and even if you’re not, you’re still probably sick of wasting time on internet content that sucks - like that link, cousin Kenny sent you, to an eight minute photo montage of animals dressed as humans. This stuff isn’t cute. It isn’t funny. It’s Wubbish. Web-rubbish. Digg has a zero-wubbish policy, so you can rest assured you’ll never again be duped into following a link with an intriguing title, only to find yourself watching Rick Astley awkwardly air-hump in a denim pantsuit.

Think of one person who doesn’t LOVE Santa. You can’t. Why is this? Because he’s awesome, he brings people free presents. Everyone’s knows an Internet Santa - that person who’s always sending out videos or links to something that’s totally new, different, entertaining, educational, or so hysterical you pee in your pants a little. How do these disseminators of Internet mirth find this viral gold? They’re probably on digg.

" Who the *@#$ is Zheng He ? ” Apparently he discovered America. But Columbus gets the glory. Why? He told people. And that’s what you do on Digg. When you find something that could be the next cyberspace sensation, don’t make the same mistake as poor Zheng, submit that needle to Digg and take credit where credit is due. Just imagine how much easier life would be if you could claim you were the one who discovered “David After the Dentist.” You’d probably be bathing in gold right now, and that panini you had under the covers? Gold too. Imagine…sandwiches made of edible gold. They exist. But only for those who’s discoveries are seriously Dugg. Well, maybe not. But still, the feeling you’ll get when you post something that has never been Dugg before? It’s probably how Columbus felt when he first set eyes on America. Sure some may have already seen it, but you, YOU are the FIRST to Digg it. And that, my friend, makes all the difference.

Hello. HOLA!



We were raised with our parents telling us that we are all beautiful and unique, little snowflakes, and you know what? We couldn’t agree more. No two Diggers are alike. That’s why Digg lets you customize your homepage to exactly the topics you’re into in right now. Maybe you’re interested in news of the Three Stooges being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Maybe it’s an article on gallstones and the magical powers of apple juice. Or, you might prefer a link to celebrity mug shots. Heck, you might Digg all three. The point is, everyone in the Digg community has a distinct and exceptional taste profile and we promise to cater specifically to your own, one-of-a-kind specialness. After all, Digg is about digging through the Wubbish and givin’ our people what they want.

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