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Church Leaders
Chapel in the Hills is a Christian, Interdenominational Church that has been serving the Lord here in Wimberley since 1949. If you are curious about our worship style, music, and the way we worship, please go on-line to our Facebook page and watch one of our services. This will tell you much about our Church and Sunday worship, but when you visit, you will discover our personal friendship and fellowship for yourself.
Reverend Jim Denham has served as Pastor for this Chapel twice: from 1999 to 2008, then returning in 2014 to again serve as Pastor. He has also served as a Hospice Chaplain, Hospital Chaplain, and pastor in several other congregations here in Texas.
Our church’s tag line for decades has been “There are no strangers here, only friends you haven’t met.” Come for a visit on Sundays at 9 am with Guitar music, or at 11 am with a Choir and English handbells. Hope to see you on Sunday.
Sunday Services: 9 am Church Service, 10 am Sunday School, 11 am Church Service. www.WimberleyChapelInTheHills.com (online service)

Whoever you are, and wherever you find yourself on the journey of faith, you are welcome at St. Stephen’s! We have many wonderful offerings of fellowship, worship, lifelong learning, and outreach that are integral to the community. “We are truly a welcoming community that is committed to being in relationship with God and one another. It is my great pleasure and honor to welcome you,”
On Sundays we offer two worship services: one at 8 AM in the Chapel and another at 10:30 am in the Sanctuary. The Nursery, for ages infant through 4 years, is available on Sundays during Sunday worship and during Sunday morning adult bible classes.
Teens meet on Mondays from 6 pm to 8 pm in McArthur Hall. Adults have several opportunities for lifelong learning on Sundays, as well as Bible study, and social and service activities throughout the week. We also offer a mid-week Holy Eucharist service on Wednesdays at 10:30 am in the Chapel, which includes healing prayers for those in need.
For all the details on worship, classes, and fellowship gatherings, visit the church website: ststeve.org