Hillcrest Christian College aspires to build a culture which aligns all community members to the vision, mission and values. Our students are seen as ambassadors for the College and the uniform is the most visible symbol to identify students. It is a community expectation that all students take pride in their appearance and ensure their uniform is worn in a respectful manner during school activities to positively reflect our College values.
In the Virtual Learning Community, the uniform is to be worn whenever students are engaging in online learning, where they are visible to other staff and students. This ensures a standard of dress appropriate to virtual learning activities, as well as building community within the online environment. Students are also required to wear the VLC uniform when attending on-campus or in-person, school-related activities, unless otherwise stated.
The VLC Uniform Expectations have been designed to provide all Virtual Learning students and parents/carers with the specific requirements of the College uniform across Prep to Year 12. This is to ensure all students understand our uniform expectations and present to the Virtual Learning activities each day in the correct attire.
It is the responsibility of all staff, students and parents/carers to be aware of the uniform standard and policy at the College and for parents/carers to provide the correct uniform for their child.
The Uniform Expectations are divided into the following sections for ease of reference:
• General Uniform Expectations
The College uniform is to be worn correctly at all times on College grounds, on the Virtual Learning platform, and while worn in public. Students are to be well-presented with their shoes kept clean, shirts well-maintained and hair neat and tidy. Students are not to wear casual clothing under their uniform that is visible.
Students are to:
Wear the College hat when in the sun, while participating in on-campus activities. It is also highly recommended that students wear their hat when in the sun during activities that form part of the at-home, virtual learning program; for example, Health and Physical Education activities.
Students must wear the College hat when attending College events with an outdoor component, such as sport carnivals and camps.
Shoes and Socks
It is optional for VLC students to purchase the College sport socks. Sport shoes and white socks are to be worn with the VLC uniform when attending in-person College events. No ballet flats, slip-on, casual or skate shoes are to be worn. Sport shoes may be chosen specific to performance requirements. All sport shoes should be ‘non-marking’ when using College facilities.
Personal Grooming
A high standard of personal dress and grooming is required

Hair is to be kept neat and tidy. Extreme hairstyling, including mullets and rat-tails are not permitted and natural hair colour must be maintained. hair should be kept off the face so it is not an obstruction during learning activities.
Girls – Red, navy and maroon hair accessories are permitted. These are available to purchase from the Uniform Shop if required. Plain metal clips and elastics matching hair colour are also permitted. If hair is collar length or longer, it must be tied back during virtual learning activities.
Boys – Hair length is to be kept off the face and behind the ears. If hair is collar-length or longer it must be tied back and out of the face at all times. Clipper cuts are not to be shorter than a number one blade. Boys are to remain clean-shaven. Sideburns are not permitted.
Please note, when participating in on-campus or face-to-face meet-ups, special care should be taken to ensure hair is neat, tidy and conservatively-styled.
When engaging in on-campus and face-to-face events, watches and medical identification bracelets may be worn. A maximum of two pairs of small studs or sleepers, which meet safety guidelines, are permitted in the lower ear lobe. Studs are to be silver, gold, pearl or clear diamond, and no larger than 4mm and sleepers are to be no larger than 12mm. No other jewellery is to be worn on campus.
Students are permitted to wear sunglasses while on-campus; however, they should not be outrageous in style or worn inside.
Makeup is not permitted while students are engaged in Virtual Learning activities in Prep to Year 8. In Years 9 to 12 natural foundation and clear lip gloss are allowed. Other makeup is not permitted. Students may wear clear lip balm, as required. Fingernails are to be kept clean, short, neat and tidy. Tattoos (temporary or permanent) and henna are not permitted.
Sport – Interschool Sport and Sports Development
Students participating in on-campus Sports Development (Year 3-4) must wear their House shirt, sport shorts and bucket hat, as well as sport shoes and white socks. Students participating in the Inter-School Sport competition (Years 5-6) must wear their VLC navy sport uniform on designated ISS training and competition days, including bucket hat, sport shoes and white socks.
When attending House Carnivals (eg. Swimming, Athletics, Cross Country), VLC students must wear their House shirt, sport shorts and bucket hat, as well as sport shoes and white socks.
A College hat is to be worn on all excursions, on-campus enrichment days, social meet-ups (when outdoors) and to camp, unless parents/carers are notified otherwise.
Students representing the College in interschool swimming events must wear the College swimmers, available from the Uniform Shop.
At other events, it is preferred that:
• Boys wear navy blue or black speedos or shorts, and a rash shirt as necessary
• Girls wear the College one-piece or a navy full-brief onepiece. Shorts and/or a rash shirt may be worn over the top of the swimmers, if required.
Refer to the College Swimwear section of this Uniform Guide for requirements.
Riding Bicycles
A regulation helmet must be worn when riding a bicycle either to or from the College or during designated College bicycle activities.
Uniform Guidelines Outside of College Hours
When students are on College grounds outside of regular school hours, the expectation for uniform and personal presentation remains as outlined in this policy for normal College hours. When students are in their VLC uniform, but off-campus (except in their own home), they are seen as ambassadors for the College and it is an expectation for them to take pride in their appearance and actions to positively reflect College values.
Year 12 Jersey
The Year 12 Jersey may be worn with the VLC Uniform instead of the sport jacket.

Free Dress Days are conducted occasionally as fundraisers. If attending an on-campus event where there is a Free Dress Day, the following expectations regarding students’ attire is to be observed:
• Students may wear conservative attire (T-shirts that have negative slogans or images will not be permitted)
• Students may not wear colour in their hair
• Shorts/skirts must be an acceptable length
• No bare midriffs, low necklines, singlets or strappy tops
• Closed footwear should be worn at all times, where applicable.
All school clothing, shoes, equipment, personal items and sporting equipment worn/brought to the College campus must be clearly marked with the owner’s name.
The Uniform Shop is located on the Hillcrest Christian College Home Campus at 21 Bridgman Dve, Reedy Creek. Parents/ Carers and students can make individual appointments if you require assistance purchasing the uniform. You can also order online, or make appointments for uniform fittings, at www. alintaapparel.com.au
Uniform Shop trading hours are Monday to Friday 7:30am –9:15am.
Trading hours during the school holidays will be advertised on the Hillcrest Uniform Facebook page
You can shop in-store as a self-serve option. We provide samples to try on, with the exception of swimwear, for hygiene reasons.
The Uniform Shop accepts cash, MasterCard, Visa and EFTPOS.
For further information, please contact the Unform Shop on: Phone: 07 5522 0629 Mobile: 0488 711 717 (after hours) Email hillcrestcc@alinta.com.au
Second-Hand uniforms are also available for purchase at the Uniform Shop. Families also advertise uniforms for sale on the Hillcrest Buy Sell Swap Facebook page.

When participating in the Virtual Learning program, students must wear the VLC-branded sport shirt or Hillcrest House shirt and Hillcrest sport shorts. When involved in outdoor, in-person activities, the College bucket hat must also be worn. A tracksuit jacket is to be worn with the VLC uniform in cooler weather, and optional tracksuit pants, as well as sport socks, are available to buy. The House shirt will need to be worn if students attend sport carnivals.



• Navy / Numbered sport shirt
• House shirt
• Girls shorts
• Boys shorts
• Reversible House-coloured bucket hat
• Sport shoes
• Tracksuit jacket (compulsory for cooler weather)
• Optional tracksuit pants
• Optional white ankle socks


Students wishing to participate in on-campus co-curricular teams such as Sports or Performing Arts may be required to purchase the Hillcrest Knights (Sports) or Performing Arts Uniforms. Ordering of co-curricular uniforms is available after registration.

Hillcrest Christian College


Girls navy one-piece full brief swimmers (Uniform Shop item)

Girls navy onepiece swimmers

Navy rashie (Uniform Shop item)
Swimming cap Prep-Year4 (available in House colours) (Uniform Shop item)
Girls shorts with rashie
Boys navy racers (Uniform Shop item)
Boys board shorts
Swimming shorts

Small Backpack
Medium Backpack
Library Bag (Kindy - Year 2)
Hillcrest Christian College Hair Accessories
Year 1-4 - Formal Uniform Only Maroon
Pre-Kindy To Year 12 Sports Uniform Only Navy
Year 5-12 - Formal Uniform Only Red
Hillcrest Christian College Hair Accessories
Year 1-4 - Formal Uniform Only Maroon
Pre-Kindy To Year 12 Sports Uniform Only Navy
Year 5-12 - Formal Uniform Only Red
Hillcrest Christian College Hair Accessories
Year 1-4 - Formal Uniform Only Maroon
Year 5-12 - Formal Uniform Only Red
Large Backpack