New Standard Spring 2010

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spring 2010

The Employee Publication of the North Shore-LIJ Health System

Health System Looks to Expand Into Manhattan NEW YORK — Lenox Hill Hospital, a 652-

bed facility on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, recently agreed to join the North Shore-LIJ Health System. The agreement, approved by the Lenox Hill Hospital and North Shore-LIJ boards of trustees, is contingent on regulatory approval. The partnership opens a new and exciting chapter in Lenox Hill Hospital’s 153-year history, preserving a rich legacy of exceptional care that provides care to more than 325,000 patients annually. For North Shore-LIJ, the addition of Lenox Hill establishes its first hospital in Manhattan and its 15th overall, expanding its reach in the metropolitan area. “When Lenox Hill Hospital began the process of seeking a partner, North ShoreLIJ was identified as desirable since both organizations have similar cultures with

core missions of providing high quality clinand new medical school being developed ical care supported by medical education with Hofstra University.” and research,” said William Hiltz, chairman “This is an unprecedented opportunity of the Lenox Hill Hospital Board of Trustees. to build upon Lenox Hill Hospital’s legacy “The decision was also based on North continued on page 23 Shore-LIJ’s reputation as a highly respected organization that has successfully integrated independent hospitals into its system,” said Gladys George, president and chief executive officer of Lenox Hill Hospital. “We are confident that our patients will benefit from North Shore-LIJ’s nationally recognized quality initiatives, North Shore-LIJ and Hofstra University will find out in early June if the depth of clinical services, School of Medicine will receive preliminary accreditation. See page 16.

Decision Near on Med School

Children’s Hospital Renamed for Steven and Alexandra Cohen The North Shore-LIJ Health System recently announced that the Steven A. and Alexandra M. Cohen Foundation has pledged $50 million for pediatric care provided at the campuses of Long Island Jewish (LIJ) Medical Center and North Shore University Hospital. North Shore-LIJ’s pediatric hospital, formerly known as Schneider Children’s Hospital, has been renamed the Steven and Alexandra Cohen Children’s Medical Center of New York, in recognition of one of the largest single gifts ever received by the North Shore-LIJ Health System. The contribution by the Cohen Foundation will enable North Shore-LIJ to move ahead with plans to construct a 100,000-squarefoot pavilion in front of the existing children’s hospital in New Hyde Park on the border of Nassau and Queens. The nearly continued on page 30

I N S I D E : Integrative Healthcare 3

Quality Award 9

Comfort for Troops 15 Alexandra and Steven Cohen have a 14-year relationship with the children’s hospital.

Disaster Relief 31

National Quality Healthcare Award Winner 2010

Corporate University Triples in Size LAKE SUCCESS — The North Shore-LIJ

Health System’s Center for Learning and Innovation (CLI) recently tripled its size, to 45,000 square feet. The increase makes the facility the largest healthcare corporate university in the country. Approximately 20,000 square feet of CLI is dedicated to a newly expanded Patient Safety Institute (PSI), which is a major hub for high-tech medical simulation training. PSI’s $2 million addition features cutting-edge simulation settings such as an operating room, a procedure room, a labor and delivery suite, and eight critical care rooms to enable physicians and nurses to hone their clinical and communication skills without risk to patients. The facility includes computerized patient mannequins that mimic a range of high-risk medical scenarios, such as respiratory failure and cardiac arrest in a variety of clinical settings. All training simulations are video recorded and reviewed during post-scenario debriefings. PSI has added 14 standardized patient rooms where actors test physicians’ diagnostic skills by portraying patients with various illnesses. The institute also houses an endovascular simulation lab where physicians practice cardiac, vascular and neurosurgical procedures. “The Patient Safety Institute is a major asset and we must continually invest in the development of our physicians and nurses to practice life-saving skills before a real-life error or tragedy occurs,” said Michael Dowling, president and chief executive officer of the North

Shore-LIJ Health medical events becomes System. “The new second nature.” facility greatly PSI will also be used expands our ability as a key clinical training to train clinicians in site for medical students a state-of-the-art at the Hofstra University learning environSchool of Medicine in ment and improve partnership with the quality and safety for North Shore-LIJ Health our patients.” System. Approximately “Medical simulation 7,000 clinicians will lets us put new doctors train through medinto critical situations that ical simulation at you would never allow Saul Katz, left, North Shore-LIJ’s board chairman, PSI this year. them to get involved in and health system supporters Thomas Milana, Jr., The North with real patients,” said and Allison Neisloss, donned lab coats and stethoscopes for a hands-on experience with simulation Shore-LIJ Patient Lawrence Smith, MD, technology, learning how to resuscitate a patient in North Shore-LIJ’s chief Safety Institute’s cardiac arrest. comprehensive and medical officer and dean innovative programs align with the health of the medical school. “Learning doesn’t hapsystem’s goal of zero tolerance for medical pen without being emotionally engaged, errors and hospital-acquired infections. and the life-like mannequins replicate Borrowing lessons learned from the avistressful medical scenarios, so the simulated ation industry, where pilots are trained with setting is as real as it gets.” simulator technology to improve performance The debriefing sessions are equally and avoid catastrophes, North Shore-LIJ is important because that is when healthcare helping its nurses and doctors improve teams can critique their own performance, clinical and decision-making skills — and Dr. Smith said. “The power of simulation avoid serious medical errors in the hospital. is to recreate rare medical events that “Healthcare is a team sport,” said you’d never be proficient in, in real pracKathleen Gallo, PhD, the health system’s chief tice,” he added. “The litmus test of a medical learning officer. “At the Patient Safety student is whether you can put knowledge Institute, we emphasize that those who work into action in real time under the most in teams, train in teams — so communication stressful situations.” and skills are learned in a realistic, fast-paced — Betty Olt hospital setting, and responding to rare

Message from the President A Growing Reputation As we prepare to add our first Manhattan hospital and open the doors to a new medical school starting next year, it’s clear that we have the opportunity to elevate the North Shore-LIJ Health System’s reputation to an unprecedented level within the next few years. The addition of Lenox Hill Hospital on Manhattan’s Upper East Side (see page 1 story) and the work we’ll be doing with Lenox in providing urgent care services to patients displaced by the recent closing of St. Vincent’s Hospital will give North Shore-LIJ an opportunity to excel in a new, highly competitive market. As you know, the health system already has a major presence in New York City. Our hospitals have the largest market share in both Queens and Staten Island, and North Shore-LIJ is the ninth-largest employer in the entire city. Yet, historically, we have always been perceived as a Long Island hospital system, despite the fact that we are the largest integrated health network in New York State. Certainly, there’s no desire to turn away 2

from our roots. Many of you are born and bred Long Islanders, and the commitment we have to meeting the health needs of communities across Nassau and Suffolk will remain as strong as ever. But our emergence in Manhattan will help solidify North Shore-LIJ’s rising national reputation, which was further strengthened earlier this year when we received the prestigious National Quality Forum Award. Our reputation will also be aided greatly by the opening of our new medical school being developed with Hofstra University. As noted in the story on page 16, we expect to find out in early June if we have receive preliminary accreditation, which would allow us to admit our first class of medical students in the summer of 2011. As well regarded as North Shore-LIJ has been for its clinical excellence, the absence of having our own medical school has limited our ability to achieve national prominence. Not only will we be opening our own medical school, but thanks to a highly innova-

tive curriculum, it will transform the education of future physicians by putting students in Michael Dowling patient-care settings from Day One. I’m confident the school quickly will become a model that will be emulated and envied by others across the country, both new and old. The bottom line is we’re in for some invigorating days ahead. Every week, we are getting calls from news media outlets and other healthcare organizations that want to come to talk to us about how we have become so successful. Obviously, there are many factors, but if I had to narrow them down to two, it would be our unwavering commitment to quality, and the talent and dedication of our employees. The health system’s accomplishments are your accomplishments. We’re in this together. Knowing that, I’m confident that this is just the beginning of bigger and better things to come.

In the

A Day in the



Complementary and Alternative Medicine Integrative medicine “combines mainstream medical therapies and CAM [complementary and alternative medicine] therapies for which there is some high-quality evidence of safety and effectiveness,” according to the National Institutes of Health’s Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. The North Shore-LIJ Health System began offering integrative medicine therapies in 2001, when Plainview and Syosset hospitals initiated their Integrative Medicine Program. North Shore University Hospital (NSUH) established a similar program a few years later. Now patients can find acupuncture, aromatherapy, amma massage therapy, reflexology and guided imagery at North Shore-LIJ sites. Irene Fulmer, RN, administers the Plainview/Syosset program and Deborah McElligott, RN, DNP, a holistic nurse practitioner, manages NSUH’s Office of Complementary and Alternative Medicine and is director of advanced practice nurses there. At Southside Hospital, patients receive integrative therapy from Joan Zieniewicz, RN, CAM Program director. Linda Bardekoff, RN, offers reflexology therapy to outpatients at LIJ and the Monter Cancer Center. At Huntington Hospital,

Materials Management, Center for Advanced Medicine

During reflexology massage, the practitioner applies pressure to specific points to stimulate nerve pathways.

Ms. Fulmer and Ms. McElligott share a commitment to support their practice with evidence. Ms. Fulmer has conducted two IRB-approved research studies — one with bariatric surgery patients and one with cancer patients. The latter indicated that a combination of amma therapy and guided imagery is equal in reducing pain and anxiety

“Now patients can find acupuncture, aromatherapy, amma massage therapy, reflexology, and guided imagery at North Shore-LIJ sites.” integrative therapist Judy DiBartolo gives workshops on psychotherapist Peggy Huddleston’s “Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster” program. NSUH’s Lili Dolcimascola, RN, and Marianne Zamm, RN, have completed a 200-hour national certification program in aromatherapy, which they use to help cancer patients combat nausea and anxiety and for pre-operative orthopedic patients. Ms. Fulmer and Ms. McElligott are certified in amma therapy by the New York College of Health Professionals; Ms. McElligott is also certified in reflexology by the American Reflexology Certification Board. Supported by a Robert Wood Johnson grant, Ms. McElligott, Ms. Fulmer and Kerry Gillespie, director of Staten Island University Hospital’s Outpatient CAM Center, codeveloped relaxation DVDs and CDs. Available in English, Spanish and Chinese, they are distributed to all North Shore-LIJ hospitals. Ms. Fulmer has also created CDs available at Plainview, Syosset, Southside, NSUH, Staten Island and Franklin Hospital.

Dawn D’Andraia, Distribution Manager

to prescription medication. Ms. Fulmer also conducted a pilot study on acupuncture for cancer patients. Ms. McElligott has published two studies supporting CAM efficacy, including a piece on amma therapy in the New York State Nurses Association Journal, and a study assessing health-promoting behaviors in nurses in the Applied Nursing Research Journal. Furthermore, the Journal of Holistic Nursing has accepted Ms. McElligott’s dissertation on interventions to increase health promotion in nurses for publication this year. North Shore-LIJ staff members are being introduced to CAM treatments through formal classes and the opportunity to receive treatment themselves. “We have demonstrated the need and identified the modalities we are credentialed to provide,” Ms. McElligott said. “The policies are in place, the referral systems and practitioners are available.” She added she hopes the health system’s CAM offerings can expand through support from grants and foundations. — Thea Welch

What is the function of the Materials Management Department? We have a motto in our department that has been adopted by materials management departments systemwide: We fill the hands that heal. The 20,000square-foot warehouse located at the Center for Advanced Medicine is one of only two off-site warehouses in the health system (the other is near Staten Island University Hospital). It furnishes Long Island Jewish Medical Center, CFAM, the Cohen Children’s Medical Center of New York, The Zucker Hillside Hospital and Forest Hills Hospital with 95 percent of their hospital, medical and surgical supplies, all patient room supplies, surgical gauze, tubes, suture and removal kits, syringes and more than 162 cases of diapers weekly. What’s a typical day like for your department? My team of 14 employees averages sevenhour days and moves almost 1,200 warehouse items, constantly checking to see that our inventory is up to date. On average, 32 skids — about 2,300 cases of supplies — move through our department every day. What special skills do Materials Management Department employees need? To work the forklift, an employee must be certified by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), which requires passing a six-hour course. We require recertification every three years, and I have the credentials to do that for our employees. I am the only person in the health system who can certify our employees to operate forklift motorized equipment. What do you tell new employees? I want my department members to recognize how integral they are to the daily workings of five major hospital sites. We each perform an important job, and I want them to remember that today you could be transporting supplies that might be used on yourselves or your own family members tomorrow.

— Elaine Wohl 3

Around the SYSTEM Consumer Reports Rates Glen Cove, Southside Among Best in CCU Infection Prevention Consumer Reports has rated Glen Cove and Southside hospitals among the nation’s best-performing facilities in New York and nationwide for preventing intensive care unit central-line infections. The publication’s study focused on one of the most serious infections that occur in hospitals: bloodstream infections — known as central-line infections — introduced through large intravenous (IV) catheters that deliver nutrition, medication and/or fluids to the body. According to the study, Glen Cove Hospital maintained a zero infection rate for 1,731 central-line days — the total number of days that ICU patients had the IV catheter inserted in their neck or arm during the reporting period — and Southside Hospital was infection-free for 2,565 central-line days. “The North Shore-LIJ Health System has zero tolerance for preventable hospitalassociated infections,” said Kenneth Abrams, MD, the health system’s senior vice president of clinical operations and chief quality officer. “Due to precise infection control protocols and the diligence of our surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses and other clinicians, Glen Cove and Southside have stepped out in front in our quest to elimi-

nate all preventable hospital-acquired infections.” Between 2004 and 2008, central-line infection rates throughout the health system dropped 60.3 percent, and there was an 8.7 percent decrease in the number of days patients were on central lines. Central-line infections account for 15 percent of all hospital-acquired infections, but cause at least 30 percent of the 99,000 annual hospital infection-related deaths, according to Consumer Reports. Medical experts agree that central-line infections are preventable with simple checklists, hygienic precautions and sterile practices. “If nurses and doctors strictly adhere to infection control protocols, you get results,” said Brian Pinard, MD, chief of surgery at Glen Cove Hospital, which has not had a central-line-associated infection in more than two years. Adding to the success at Glen Cove, Dr. Pinard said, “The majority of central lines are inserted by a core of very experienced physicians. There is a high level of cooperation and respect between our nurses and physicians, and every staff member is held accountable for patient care.” Felice Jones-Lee, RN, associate executive director of quality management at

Southside Hospital, said Southside’s critical care team and epidemiology staff have been working tirelessly to reduce central-line infections. “We constantly strive to reduce hospital-acquired infections by strict adherence to infection-control protocols, universal precautions and simple handwashing between patients,” she said. Following a common-sense checklist whenever treating patients with a centralline prevents infection and adds another level of accountability to staff, Dr. Pinard said. “For example, surgeons must wear a mask, cap, sterile gown and gloves and use a drape on patients every time they insert or remove a catheter, a process similar to preparing for a surgery.” Consumer Reports analyzed central-lineinfection data from 926 hospitals in 43 states in 2008, including 112 in New York State. New York is among 27 states that require their hospitals to report infection rates to the state health department. In 2007, the North Shore-LIJ Health System was the first nonpublic hospital system to publicly report information on the prevalence of infections at its hospitals. — Betty Olt

Employees Pull Man from Burning Car

and moved him a safe distance away. In the meantime, Mr. Ruggero had alerted the hospital’s Security Department, and police and fire officials began to arrive. Then Mr. Budani said, “My wheelchair is

in there!” Mr. Ruggero immediately opened the back door to pull the wheelchair out. Two other hospital security officers who had responded to the scene by then, Pete Mattiace and John Clifford, helped Mr. Karen lift Mr. Budani into his chair. “After I got the chair out, the fire spread quickly,” Mr. Ruggero said. Flames swiftly engulfed the car. Mssrs. Karen and Ruggero agreed that they reacted instinctively. “I hope someone would do the same for me,” Mr. Ruggero said. At Huntington Hospital the next day, Mr. Budani expressed his gratitude to the employees for putting themselves in the line of fire.

HUNTINGTON — Huntington Hospital

employees often perform life-saving heroics at work. But even after they go home, those instincts remain. Recently, those instincts spurred phlebotomist David Karen to react swiftly, pulling Patrick Budani, a paraplegic, to safety from his burning car. Security officer Richard Ruggero also swung into action, braving the flames to grab Mr. Budani’s wheelchair from the fiery vehicle. The drama unfolded at the Mill Dam field in Huntington, where hospital employees park on a rotating basis. It was Mr. Karen’s turn to use the off-site parking facility the hospital accesses through an agreement with the Town of Huntington. Riding the hospitalowned shuttle driven by Richard Ruggero, Mr. Karen noticed a parked vehicle emitting white smoke from under its hood and assumed it was overheating. By the time he was inside his own car, Mr. Karen saw that the white smoke had turned black. As he began to drive, he witnessed the first flames shooting out from the wheel wells — yet the occupant remained in the driver’s seat. “I ran over to him and yelled for him to get out of the car, but he said he couldn’t,” Mr. Karen said. Realizing that Mr. Budani was trapped in his car, Mr. Karen scooped him up 4

Huntington Town Councilwoman Glenda Jackson, rear/right, recently recognized Huntington Hospital employees David Karen, foreground/left, and Richard Ruggero, foreground/right, for saving saving Patrick Budani, foreground/center, who was trapped in his burning car. Also expressing their support were, rear from left, hospital board members Mark Mayoka, Mark Cuthbertson, Frank Petrone and Susan Berland.

Southside Rehab Program Returns Cardiac Patients to Daily Living BAY SHORE — Cardiac patients at

Southside Hospital are taking advantage of a new approach to secondary prevention of heart disease. Heart attack, coronary artery bypass, valve surgery or stent patients may be eligible for Southside’s unique cardiac rehabilitation program. Multidisciplinary healthcare professionals help patients manage an individualized medical course over 12 to 36 weeks. “We talk about everything from Jean Cacciabaudo, MD, chief of cardiology at Southside Hospital, risk-factor modification, such as cuts the ribbon to officially open Southside's Cardiac nutrition, diabetes, stress and weight Rehabilitation Center, as hospital and elected officials look on. management to the importance of exercise, smoking cessation and life a great place to stabilize this emotional roller counseling,” explained Jean Cacciabaudo, MD, coaster, since there is a community of people chief of cardiology. “It’s about living and getwith very similar experiences. Experienced ting your life back.” staff, all of whom are certified in advanced A variety of counseling services, along cardiac life support, includes a physician, with peer support, help this program work. nurse practitioner and exercise physiologist. “After someone has a cardiac event, his or her They help to maintain an upbeat approach. emotional world is rocked,” Dr. Cacciabaudo Patients may enroll in the program two said. “They have an abrupt confrontation with to four weeks after discharge; a physician their own mortality, usually out of the blue, referral is required. Assessment of medical and now they are survivors.” Patients often history, risk factors and exercise capacity are get depressed, she added, but rehab provides considered to provide a tailored “prescription”

Baby Born in a Rush-Hour Dash STATEN ISLAND — It was like a scene from

a movie: Judith Ruiz is ready to deliver a baby three days past her due date, so she asks her husband, Juan, to fire up the car and head to the hospital — and, of course, it’s rush hour.

to match a patient’s unique needs. “For example, a diabetic patient would get connected with a program nutritionist for diabetic counseling,” Dr. Cacciabaudo said. The exercise segment includes a onehour circuit with approximately six to eight patients using aerobic equipment, such as exercise bikes, treadmills, Biodex units (similar to recumbent steppers) and light-resistance training. A monitor records each patient’s heart activity; blood pressure is also tracked. The entire program incorporates education. Comprehensive care includes any necessary referrals for such additional services as physical therapy, balance and vestibular rehabilitation, nutrition, psychological counseling and smoking cessation. “This provides patients with a continuum of care,” said Dr. Cacciabaudo. The Cardiac Rehab Program is available only at Southside Hospital, with the goal to expand it to other North Shore-LIJ Health System facilities. “This is a great program, really hands on, and a very upbeat experience,” Dr. Cacciabaudo said. — Brian Mulligan

Elissa in the Staten Island University Hospital lobby, next to the main elevators. A cast of employees aided the delivery. Mr. Ruiz expressed gratitude to everyone who helped the couple in their day of frenzy. “Their support was unimaginable,” he said. “Everyone was there for us.” Staff members who helped Elissa enter the world included: Mohamed Elessawy, MD; Adam Edwards, MD, resident; Judy Albaese, NP, Preadmission Surgical Testing (PAST) Department; Esme Ellison, NP, PAST; Mary Molski, NP, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU); Natalya Kusheleva, PA, NICU; Shea Silva, Patient Transport Department; and Thomas Maetta, Dietary Services Department.

B. Higgins

Franklin’s Teamwork Keeps Hospital Afloat

Juan and Judith Ruiz with future lobbyist Elissa.

Ms. Ruiz’s mild contractions began about 3 a.m. At about 7:45 a.m., she awoke her husband with shrieks of pain. Ms. Ruiz quickly dressed and headed for the car. School buses and commuters clogged the rush-hour roads, turning the couple’s usual 10or 15-minute trip to Staten Island University Hospital’s North Campus into a 30-minute debacle. After a wild ride that will make for a lifetime of storytelling, Ms. Ruiz gave birth to

VALLEY STREAM — Rising groundwater levels and nearly 10 inches of rainfall in Valley Stream during March and April kept Franklin Hospital’s staff scrambling to keep the hospital afloat. Despite major water damage, the hospital stayed open without disruption due to the resourcefulness and teamwork of its employees. According to the US Geological Survey, Franklin’s North Wing is approximately 20 feet above sea level. But because water levels in the Nassau/Queens border vicinity have been rising since New York City ceased pumping drinking water from aquifers there, Valley Stream’s water table has risen several

Music for a Good Cause Glen Cove Hospital staff and friends will make beautiful music together at the facility’s 28th Annual Picnic Pops Concert on June 19 at Old Westbury Gardens. Celebrate summer during an evening of music under the stars featuring a performance by the Nassau Pops Symphony Orchestra. Gates open at 6 p.m.; the concert begins at 8 p.m. Tickets are $30 each in advance and $35 at the door. Proceeds will benefit the hospital. For information and reservations, contact Beth Behr, associate director of development at Glen Cove Hospital, at 516/465-2553 or or visit

continued on page 26 5

Under the MICROSCOPE Air Pollution Makes Kids with Asthma Sicker Children with asthma are at much higher risk for landing in a hospital — and even in intensive care — on days when there are higher ozone levels in the New York City air, according to researchers at Long Island Jewish (LIJ) Medical Center and New York University (NYU). The study, recently published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, was based on data collected from 74 hospitals in all five New York City boroughs, involving more than 75,000 asthma-related hospitalizations from 1999 to 2006. The study provides substantial evidence that the air pollution in warmer seasons increases the risk that a child with asthma will have an episode severe enough to require hospitalization. “This is a major problem,” said Robert Silverman, MD, research director for LIJ’s Emergency Department and an associate investigator at The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research. Dr. Silverman, Kazuhiko Ito, PhD, an environmental scientist at the NYU Nelson School of Environmental Medicine, and other researchers utilized air pollution data from 37 monitors situated throughout the metro New York area that are used by the US Environmental Protection Agency to measure air pollutants. Twenty-four of the sites measure small particle emissions and 13 monitor the ambient air for ozone. Investigators focused on warm-weather months because ozone levels are at their highest and small-particle pollution is also high then. Ozone levels are generally higher in the warmer months because heat

and sunlight enhance the production of ozone — a chemical component of smog formed by a reaction of pollutants from cars, factories and gas vapors. The main sources of small-particle air pollution in the eastern United States during the summer, also known as PM 2.5, are coal-burning power plants in the Ohio Valley region and local traffic.

“There was no safe threshold of air pollution.” Dr. Ito compared the asthma-related hospital admissions to the varying levels of air pollutants between April and August. He found substantial increases in the number of hospital admissions of children on days when small particles and ozone were elevated, and that the prevalence of asthma hospitalizations was more common among children than adults. In fact, for children between the ages of six and 18, there was an approximate 20 percent increase in asthma hospitalizations on higher small-particle days and a 26 percent increase in admissions to the intensive care unit (ICU). For ozone, it was a 19 percent increase in ICU admissions and higher ozone days. “Children were far more vulnerable,” wrote Drs. Silverman and Ito. By comparison, adults over age 50 had a three percent increased risk of hospital admission on high small-particle days and a six percent increase on high ozone days. In 19- to 49year-olds, there was an eight percent

increased risk for hospitalization on highpollution days. The association between air pollution and life-threatening asthma was seen primarily in school-aged children. In the study, about one out of 10 children between six and 18 hospitalized for asthma was admitted to the ICU. There was no apparent increased risk for older adult asthma sufferers to land in the ICU. Age and the risk for asthma-related hospitalizations were directly correlated, Dr. Silverman said. Children under age six did not have the same high risk as schoolaged children with the highest risks. As people age, the risk lowers. Dr. Silverman believes that this may be because school-aged children are more likely to play outdoors and take in more air pollution, a trigger for asthma. “Children also normally have faster breathing than adults, and their lungs and immune systems are still developing. They are more sensitive to the harmful effects of air pollution,” he said. Researchers also examined the measures of air pollution and found that there was no safe threshold of pollution. The higher the air pollution concentrations, they said, the greater the risk for a severe asthma attack. The EPA is holding hearings on whether to reduce the acceptable safety threshold for air pollutants. “EPA scientists need to revise what safe levels are,” Drs. Silverman and Ito wrote. “These levels should take into account the fact that children are more sensitive to air pollution.” — Jamie Talan

Schizophrenia-Linked Gene May Reduce Cancer Risk MANHASSET — People who inherit a specific form of a gene that puts them on a road to schizophrenia may be protected against some forms of cancer, according to a new study by Katherine Burdick, PhD, and her colleagues at The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research. The MET proto-oncogene is activated in a variety of tumor malignancies. The gene has recently also been linked to autism and has a role in neurodevelopment, which is why Dr. Burdick and her colleagues decided to look for a relationship between MET and schizophrenia in their large sample of patients. Such an association may help explain the familybased data that suggest that inheriting an enhanced risk for schizophrenia reduces the chance of developing cancer. In a study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, the researchers exam6

ined the relationship between 21 single-nucleotide polymorphisms in MET and schizophrenia in 173 patients and 137 normal volunteers. They found that several varieties of MET influenced the risk for schizophrenia, as well as genKatherine Burdick, PhD eral cognitive ability. The authors were able to replicate their findings in a second sample of 107 patients and 112 healthy volunteers. “The results add to the growing evidence suggesting an intriguing relationship between cancer-related genes and schizophrenia susceptibility,” they wrote.

It remains unclear exactly how the gene may increase the risk for schizophrenia while protecting against some forms of cancer. However, evidence from research on MET in autism provides some insight. Specifically, it is known that MET is activated (increased activity) when tumors develop and can increase the chance that cancer cells multiply and infiltrate other tissue. The activation of MET during normal neurodevelopment is critical to ensure that neurons grow and migrate to position themselves correctly in the cortex. In autism, it appears that while the brain is developing, reduced MET activity results in structural and functional changes in the brain that may increase the risk for developing the disorder. The Feinstein investigators speculate that the same risk-inducing mechanism may be at play in its link to schizophrenia. — Jamie Talan

Unraveling Parkinson’s Disease MANHASSET — Scientists who have identified brain networks damaged in Parkinson’s disease have new evidence that these systems become abnormal a few years before symptoms appear. And what’s more, parts of the networks appear to respond in a lastditch attempt to rescue the brain. “We were surprised,” said Chris Tang, MD, PhD, a Parkinson’s investigator at The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research and an author of the study, published in the Journal of Neuroscience. The Feinstein scientists, who have been following Parkinson’s patients for decades, have had a unique opportunity to take snapshots of the brain over four years in 15 patients and an equal number of normal volunteers. The researchers initially identified two discrete abnormal networks: one involved in mediating the motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and the other that regulates the cognitive dysfunction that develops in many patients with the illness. Symptoms of Parkinson’s disease initially occur on one side of the body, which gave scientists a unique opportunity to study the brain scans at multiple times and compare the symptoms to changes in the brain networks over time. The idea for the latest study was to watch the activity of the network on the side of the brain that controls the symptom-free side of the body. As the disease progresses, both sides of the body ultimately are affected.

the disease process. By using these scans to understand what the brain is doing before symptoms emerge, investigators are characterizing new therapeutic targets to slow or actually prevent the onset of clinical disability in Parkinson’s disease and related neurological illnesses. In another study published in The Lancet Neurology, scientists used brain scans to identify the networks involved with three different Dr. Tang and his team are employing brain images collected over four years neurological conditions — to shed light on Parkinson’s. Parkinson’s, multiple system atrophy and progressive The motor network that governed the supranuclear palsy — and found they could side with initial symptoms was the first to calculate the odds of whether the condition become abnormal. Scientists under the is really Parkinson’s. This is critical in making direction of David Eidelberg, MD, head of treatment decisions. About 10 to 20 percent the Center for Neurosciences at the Feinstein, of patients initially thought to have Parkinson’s found that the motor network on the other suffer from another movement disorder. side of the brain was also abnormal, even “This is a big problem for physicians,” though symptoms appeared only two years said Dr. Eidelberg. “The treatments for later. The brain network that governs cogParkinson’s will not work for these patients nition began showing abnormalities after two and they can cause their own side effects.” more years passed, which was four years “The pathology is totally different but after diagnosis. The average age of the the earliest symptoms are so similar,” said patients in the study was 58 and no one has Dr. Tang, who was the lead investigator of yet to develop cognition problems. the study. The brain scans measure glucose and — Jamie Talan dopamine, the chemical that is depleted during

20 Percent Employee Discount for Science Camp LAKE SUCCESS — North Shore-LIJ Health System employees are eligible for an exclusive 20 percent discount to send their children to a summer camp at the DNA Learning Center West. Located at 5 Delaware Drive, Suite 5, in the Lake Success Quadrangle, the learning center offers summer science camps for students entering sixth through 12th grades. The week-long camps are: Fun with DNA for kids entering grades six or seven (regular tuition $375, discounted tuition $300) World of Enzymes for kids entering grade eight or Fun with DNA alumni entering grade seven (regular tuition $375, discounted tuition $300) Green Genes for kids entering grade nine or World of Enzymes alumni entering grade eight (regular tuition $375, discounted tuition $300) Genetic Horizons for Green Genes alumni (regular tuition $450, discounted tuition $360) DNA Science for kids entering grades ten through twelve (regular tuition

$450, discounted tuition $360) Human Genomics for DNA Science alumni entering grades eleven or twelve (regular tuition $450, discounted tuition $360) DNA Science and Human Genomics are also available for college students, professionals, and others with advanced training. The DNA Learning Center West is a

joint effort between The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Find camp descriptions, dates, online applications and payment options at (remember to choose from the “DNALC West” location to be eligible for the North Shore-LIJ employee discount), or call 516/719-1296 weekdays between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.

Event Benefits Parkinson's Research, Honors Scientists The Thomas Hartman Foundation for Parkinson's Research's Seventh Annual Cure for Sure Dinner will recognize the achievements of 2009 research grant recipients on June 22 at the Crest Hollow Country Club. Among the scientists honored: David Eidelberg, MD, head of the Center for Neurosciences at The Feinstein Institute for Medical

Research and the foundation's executive scientific advisor, and Andrew Feigin, MD, chief of laboratory research at the Feinstein. Emmy Award-winning actress Susan Lucci of All My Children will be the guest of honor. Learn more at 631/2779655 or



Institute for Nursing Learning Programs

MISSION LIJ Nurse Saves New Mother’s Life up she spoke to the patient’s husband again and told him face many challenges, from breast to hang up and call 911. feeding and car seat safety to their Next, Ms. Andrews own health and wellness. But those alerted the woman’s private concerns do not usually involve a obstetrician to the situation; life-threatening condition like the by then, an ambulance was other detected by Anne Andrews, on its way. “I think that RN, a nurse in Long Island Jewish there was a higher power in (LIJ) Medical Center’s Newborn the nursery that day,” said Nursery Unit. Ms. Andrews, “because Newborn Nursery Unit nurses something caused me to call routinely call patients within a this patient.” few days of discharge to see how Anne Andrews, RN After examination by LIJ they feel and address their quesEmergency Department staff, the patient tions. One day in February, Ms. Andrews was diagnosed with a pulmonary embolus. picked up a stack of discharge callback Pulmonary embolism is a life-threatening files and contacted a patient who went condition in which one or more arteries in home the day before. Had she picked up the lungs becomes blocked, most often by another stack, she wouldn’t have made a blood clots travelling from another area of phone call that saved a family. the body. Immediate treatment is essential. When the patient’s husband answered The new mother was admitted, treated and the phone and mentioned that his wife released, and returned home to her family. was anxious, Ms. Andrews said she did “[Ms. Andrews’] astute assessment skills not initially worry since women often feel and response saved this new mother’s life,” exhausted and anxious after birth. But said Phyllis Cohen, RN, director of Women when she spoke to the patient, an alarm and Newborn Patient Care Services at LIJ. sounded: “She was short of breath and “She has exemplified our culture of commitmentioned that she had difficulty sleeping,” ment to service excellence based on caring, said Ms. Andrews. “I started getting nervous respect, expertise and responsibility.” for her and asked if she could come to the — Kristen Longo hospital to be evaluated.” Before hanging NEW HYDE PARK — New mothers

Meg McCormick’s Nursing Excellence Lauded The Long Island/ Queens Chapter of the Oncology Nursing Society recently honored Meg McCormick, RN, with the Kay O'Brien Memorial Award. A staff nurse in the Ambulatory Chemotherapy and Transfusion Unit at Long Island Jewish Medical Center, Ms. McCormick has played a pivotal role

Meg McCormick, RN

in providing comprehensive quality care to cancer patients there for more than 30 years. She administers chemotherapy, assesses patient outcomes, assists with pain management, and provides patient and family education. Ms. McCormick is also a committed volunteer for several causes. Included in her breast-health advocacy efforts is the Pink Tulip Garden in the New Hyde Park ProHealth complex, recently planted to raise breast cancer awareness.

Computerworld Recognizes EHR Initiative WASINGTON, DC — The North Shore-LIJ Health System's electronic health records (EHR) initiative has been recognized as a laureate by the Computerworld Honors Program. The health system's case study, entitled "A Strategy for Widespread Use of Interconnected Electronic Health Records," will be commemorated during the 22nd Annual Laureates Medal Ceremony and Gala Awards Evening on June 7 in Washington, DC. The Computerworld Honors acknowledge individuals and organizations that have used information technology to benefit society. 8

Hone your nursing skills or add new ones at learning opportunities sponsored by the North Shore-LIJ Health System’s Institute for Nursing. Upcoming events include: June 10-11 Oncology Nursing Society Chemo/ Biotherapy Course Huntington Hospital August 11-12 Oncology Nursing Society Chemo/ Biotherapy Course 420 Lakeville Road, New Hyde Park September 15 Nursing Education Conference North Hills Country Club, Manhasset September 24 Oncology Nursing Conference Swan Club, Glenwood Landing The health system is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the New York State Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. The North Shore-LIJ Health System’s Institute for Nursing adds to its roster of conferences and programs regularly. To learn more, call 718/470-3890 or visit

Joint Commission Recertifies NSUH Stroke Program MANHASSET — North Shore

University Hospital (NSUH) recently earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval when it earned twoyear recertification as a Primary Stroke Center; the seal is the commission’s highest distinction. NSUH demonstrated that its stroke care program maintains national standards for safety and quality care that can significantly improve the outcome for stroke patients. Initially certified by the Joint Commission in 2008, NSUH underwent a rigorous recertification process that evaluates areas covering stroke care services, including patient safety, credentialing and training of staff members, and 10 core measures for care, such as timely administration of tPa, a clot-busting drug; initiation of appropriate stroke prevention medications; providing stroke education; and other components, according to Jeffrey Katz, director of stroke and vascular neurology at NSUH.

Recognizing a Culture of Quality Michael Dowling, inset right, president and CEO of the North Shore-LIJ Health System, recently accepted the National Quality Forum (NQF) Award from Daniel Wolterman, president and CEO of the Memorial Hermann Healthcare System in Houston, at the NQF's spring policy conference in Baltimore. North Shore-LIJ was the first New York-area healthcare provider recognized by NQF for providing quality-driven care. The NQF presents its National Quality Healthcare Award annually to "exemplary healthcare organizations that are role models for achieving meaningful, sustainable quality improvement in healthcare." Among North Shore-LIJ staff members who attended the NQF Awards celebration were, front, from left: Maureen Hinkelman, Lori Stier, RN, Maureen White, RN, Merryl Siegel, Mr. Dowling, Donna Moravick, RN, and Karen Nelson, RN. Rear, from left: Joanne Gottridge, MD, Allison McGuire, Geraldine Koster, RN, Yosef Dlugacz, PhD, Walter Markowitz, Trustee Mark Claster, Mark Solazzo, Gene Tangney, Bernard Rosof, MD, Kathleen Gallo, PhD, RN, Donna Armellino, RN, and Kevin Beiner.

Free H1N1 Program Protects Community The North Shore-LIJ Health System’s H1N1 (swine flu) prevention efforts protected thousands of community members this winter. Staff from the offices of community health and emergency management; the pharmacy, infectious disease, public relations, government relations and legal departments; and Region Care joined forces to develop and implement the program. North Shore-LIJ, Nassau University Medical Center and the Nassau County Department of Health collaborated to deliver and administer the H1N1 vaccine to more than 17,000 infants, children and adults in their own communities and workplaces, including more than 5,200 North Shore-LIJ employees. In addition, many more learned how to prevent seasonal flu and H1N1 via outreach on several fronts. From November through February, North Shore-LIJ provided medical and

support staff at bi-weekly H1N1 clinics to screen, vaccinate and educate community members — all at no out-of-pocket expense to participants. North Shore-LIJ emergency medical technicians, health educators and pharmacists were also at each site, as were multilingual and American Sign Language health services translators. A comprehensive seasonal influenza/ H1N1 community education campaign incorporated a multimedia Web site that attracted 46,000 video views and 115,000 page views. The Office of Community Health activated a flu information phone line and distributed multilingual “Flu News

You Can Use” displays and flyers to public libraries and health system facilities and displays with flyers were set up in emergency departments and lobbies as well. North Shore-LIJ also kept the community updated via Facebook and Twitter. The collaborative effort was the only program in New York State to offer so many clinics with real-time data analysis for clinical decisions coupled with a social media component to disseminate breaking H1N1 news.

EAP Helps Managers Recognize Substance Abuse Drug and alcohol abuse can be a problem in any workplace. In fact, many people do not realize that substance and alcohol abusers are actively employed — sometimes for years in the same place, said Margaret Kuzminski, coordinator of the North Shore-LIJ Health System’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP). She added that since substance abuse is progressive, it eventually manifests itself in daily behavior and job performance.

The EAP’s Recognizing Substance Abuse in the Workplace Program helps team leaders recognize substance abuse on their team and gives them tools to intervene. The program provides details about: ❒ North Shore-LIJ’s drug- and alcoholfree workplace policy; ❒ alcohol/substance abuse; ❒ how addiction/abuse affects performance, health and personal life; and ❒ assistance available for employees.

The North Shore-LIJ Employee Assistance Program is a free, professionally staffed, confidential counseling service to help staff members resolve problems that affect life at work or home. Call 877/EAP-4 YOU to learn more. 9

Physicians ROUNDS New Associate Chief of Staff Joins Cohen Children’s Medical Center Steven Shelov, MD, has joined the Steven and Alexandra Cohen Children’s Medical Center of New York as associate chief of staff. He previously served simultaneously as vice president of the Maimonides Infants and Children’s Hospital of Brooklyn and chairman of pediatrics for Maimonides Medical Center, and chairman and senior vice president of pediatrics at Lutheran Medical Center in Brooklyn. Dr. Shelov has been active in health policy, serving several presidential administrations and currently working with New York State

leadership to address child healthcare quality issues. The author of more than 100 articles and 15 books, he is editorin-chief of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Caring for Your Baby and Young Child — Birth to Five, recently published in its fifth edition, and coeditor of Pediatrics for Medical Students. A Yale University graduate, Dr. Shelov completed his medical training at the

Steven Shelov, MD

Medical College of Wisconsin and received his master’s of administrative medicine from the University of Wisconsin. Dr. Shelov will focus his educational expertise on enhancing postgraduate residency education and looks forward to serving as a mentor and master teacher upon the anticipated opening of the Hofstra University School of Medicine in partnership with the North Shore-LIJ Health System.

A Bioskills First Mark Eisenberg, MD, left, chief of neurosurgery at Long Island Jewish Medical Center, and B. Todd Schaeffer, MD, right, associate chair of otolaryngology and communicative disorders for North Shore University Hospital, recently hosted the North Shore-LIJ Health System’s first CME-accredited lab course at the Bioskills Education Center in Lake Success. “Endoscopic Transnasal Approaches to Pituitary Tumors and the Skull Base” consisted of didactic and hands-on endoscopic cadaveric dissection.

In Memoriam

Phasing In Sunrise Clinical Manager Progress continues toward an interdisciplinary, evidence-based documentation system within North Shore-LIJ Health System’s hospitals and facilities. Sunrise Clinical Manager’s Phase 2/Knowledge Based Charting decreases redundancy and variability and enhances staff communication, workflow and integration. Already implemented at LIJ Medical Center, the Steven and Alexandra Cohen Children’s Medical Center of New York and North Shore University Hospital, Phase 2 will be implemented at Syosset Hospital by summer. Plans and preparation to deploy Phase 3/Computerized Prescriber Order Entry (CPOE) are under way as well. Multidisciplinary groups continue to collaborate on finalizing North Shore-LIJ’s 10

CPOE design, while clinical experts develop content for the health system’s order sets. These order sets will decrease variability in practice, promote safety and improve communication. Implementation will encompass full provider order entry, order and worklist management by nursing and allied healthcare professionals, and an electronic medication administration record for nurses and other providers. For more information, visit CIS Project Sunrise on HealthPort or contact Cathy Halloran or Michael Oppenheim, MD, at 516/734-3335.

The North Shore-LIJ Health System lost a great friend and colleague when Mitchell Goldman, MD, recently succumbed to cancer. Chairman of radiology at North Shore University Hospital (NSUH) and Long Island Jewish (LIJ) Medical Center for 12 years, Dr. Goldman gave 34 years of service to NSUH and LIJ and Mitchell Goldman, MD the entire North Shore-LIJ Health System. His legacy will be cherished by all those who had the pleasure of working with him. Dr. Goldman’s “talents as a radiologist and clinical leader were outmatched only by his personal skills and attributes,” said Michael Dowling, president and chief executive officer of the health system. “His affable and kind nature made him a friend to all who knew and worked with him, and his enthusiasm for his profession was embraced by generations of radiologists whom he mentored.” To recognize his many contributions to North Shore-LIJ, the Diagnostic Imagining Center at the Center for Advanced Medicine in Lake Success has been renamed. It is now the Mitchell A. Goldman, MD, Diagnostic Imaging Center.

Dr. Di Capua Named VP, Anesthesiology John Di Capua, MD, has been an anesthesiologist. Previously, he appointed vice president of aneswas an assistant in anesthesia at thesiology services for the North Massachusetts General Hospital in Shore-LIJ Health System. He began Boston and Cambridge Hospital in serving as chairman of anesthesiology Cambridge; a clinical fellow in at North Shore University Hospital anesthesia at Shriners Burns and Long Island Jewish Medical Institute in Boston; and a consultant Center in 2006, overseeing anesin anesthesia at McLean Psychiatric thesia services and department Hospital in Belmont, MA. operations. In this expanded role, A diplomate of the American John Di Capua, MD he will assume similar responsibiliBoard of Anesthesiologists and the ties at hospitals across the health system. American Board of Pain Medicine, Dr. Di This position was held previously by Peter Capua received his bachelor’s and medical Walker, MD, who stepped down as North degrees from the Combined Medical Program Shore-LIJ’s chairman of anesthesiology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. He went four years ago. on to a residency in anesthesia and a fellowDr. Di Capua has been part of the health ship in pain management at Massachusetts system since 1994, when he joined NSUH as General Hospital.

Robert S. Waldbaum Center Opens The Robert S. Waldbaum Center at the Smith Institute for Urology recently opened in Manhasset. Named in honor of North Shore University Hospital’s chairman emeritus of urology who has practiced in Manhasset for more than 30 years, the center offers a full spectrum of urologic care. Besides general urology, specialists at the center offer treatment for all urologic malignancies, kidney stones, enlarged prostate,

ureteral obstruction, men’s and women’s voiding dysfunction and incontinence. Located on the first floor of 1554 Northern Boulevard, the center is staffed by Dr. Waldbaum and Farzeen Firoozi, MD, Lee Richstone MD, Michael Schwartz, MD, and Joph Steckel, MD. To make an appointment, call 516/6275348 or 516/734-8500.

Continuing Medical Education Physicians can keep their clinical edge with courses from the North Shore-LIJ Health System’s award-winning Department of Professional and Public Health Education. This summer’s courses include: June 10 June 11 June 14 to 18 June 30

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Crest Hollow Country Club Regional Perinatal Conference (call 718/470-4665) The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research Electroconvulsive Therapy: Practice and Theory The Zucker Hillside Hospital Annual Training in Recognition and Reporting of Child Abuse, Maltreatment and Neglect North Shore University Hospital

Infection-control training is available online any time at Get updated conference information at or 516/465-3CME (516/465-3263). North Shore-LIJ is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Honors, Awards and Appointments LAWRENCE DAVIS, MD, has been appointed interim chairman of radiology at North Shore University Hospital (NSUH) and Long Island Jewish (LIJ) Medical Center. He succeeds the late Mitchell Goldman, MD, who recently passed away. Also at LIJ, Dr. Davis directs the Radiology Residency Program. In addition, Dr. Davis serves as assistant dean of students for the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, for which LIJ is an affiliated teaching site. He will perform similar duties for the Hofstra Medical School in partnership with North Shore-LIJ, working with physicians to plan, oversee and evaluate clinical rotations. SEYMOUR KATZ, MD, gastroenterologist at North Shore University Hospital (NSUH), recently wrote “MMX Mesalamine Is Safe and Efficacious in Achieving Clinical and Endoscopic Remission of Active Ulcerative Colitis,” which appeared in Hospital Practice. He also coauthored “Fontolizumab in Moderate to Severe Crohn’s Disease: A Phase 2, Randomized, Double-Blind, PlaceboControlled Multiple Dose Study,” published in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Most recently, Dr. Katz cowrote the "Geriatric Gastroentrology: Overview" chapter of the 2010 edition of Brocklehurst's Textbook of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology (Saunders Elsevier). DAVID ROSENBERG, MD, NSUH’s associate chairman for hospital operations for the Department of Medicine and head of hospital medicine, has been named a senior fellow of hospital medicine by the Society of Hospital Medicine. Dr. Rosenberg is among the more than 150 hospitalists nationwide who have earned the society’s designation for the first time.


CW Post to Offer Graduate Degree in Genetic Counseling BROOKVILLE — Millions of people carry inherited genes that can lead to cancer, heart conditions, infertility, Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease and other conditions. Genetic testing is becoming a preferred option for families to determine if they carry a particular disease or risk acquiring a condition for which they may be genetically predisposed. As patients and their families face lifealtering decisions about their health, the demand has increased for professionals who can help them to understand and act upon genetic test results. The CW Post Campus of Long Island University is addressing the growing need for genetic counselors by offering a new master of science degree in genetic counseling with expertise from the North Shore-LIJ Health System. Joyce Fox, MD, chief of medical genetics at the Steven and Alexandra Cohen Children’s Medical Center of New York, will serve as medical director of the program. “There is no field of medicine that offers as much hope as clinical genetics,” said Dr. Fox. “The field has been growing exponentially due to advances in genetic technology and research. Genetic counselors are essential to explain how genetics and new advances apply to individuals and their families.”

Dr. Fox added that there are too few genetic counselors, especially in some parts of the country. A genetic counselor is a vital member of a healthcare team who evaluates a patient's personal and family history for inherited medical conditions. The counselor identifies families at risk, interprets information about disorders, analyzes inheritance patterns and risks of recurrence, and reviews available options such as surgery, behavior modification or additional testing. Bhuma Krishna-machari, formerly director of genetic services at Edward Hospital in Naperville, IL, is the director of

clinical genetics at CW Post. The CW Post program is the first graduate-level genetic counseling program on Long Island, and only the third in New York State. The two-year program is provisionally accredited by the American Board of Genetic Counseling and begins in September. As part of their program of study, students will participate in clinical training at 20 area health organizations, including the North Shore-LIJ Health System. For more information visit or call 516/299-3926. — Betty Olt

Senator Gillibrand Tours Sim Center US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand recently toured North Shore-LIJ's Patient Safety Institute to learn about the health system's work in providing simulation training to medical residents, nurses and other clinicians from throughout the region. North Shore-LIJ's Chief Learning Officer Kathy Gallo, RN, PhD, right, showed Senator Gillibrand plans for expanding the health system's Patient Safety Institute and Center for Learning and Innovation — the nation's largest corporate university.

Hard-to-Heal Wounds Meet Their Match System. “Working closely with referring Often, these patients are suffering from physicians, the wound care/hyperbaric complications of diabetes, vascular disease, wounds can find relief at the North Shore medicine team develops a customized tissue damage from radiation therapy or University Hospital’s and Long Island treatment plan for patients with the goal of non-healing traumatic wounds, and need Jewish (LIJ) Medical Center’s new hyperbaric getting them healed quickly and back to specialized treatment. oxygen therapy facility in the “Hyperbaric oxygen therapy offers a their highest level of functioning.” Comprehensive Wound Care Center at high-tech solution to the complex problem Hyperbaric oxygen therapy works by 1999 Marcus Avenue. of healing chronic wounds,” said Gene allowing patients to breathe 100 percent The Wound Care Center provides comCoppa, MD, senior vice president of surgical oxygen at two to three times greater-thanprehensive, multidisciplinary treatment not normal atmospheric pressure within a services of the North Shore-LIJ Health only to heal wounds, but also to preserve monitored, pressurized limbs and prevent wound recurchamber. This increases the rence; it is an outpatient program amount of oxygen delivered to of the Department of Surgery of the body’s tissues by the blood. North Shore University Hospital The increased blood flow to and LIJ Medical Center. Among the wound site improves the the most advanced in the region, body’s response to infection the center offers individualized and supports tissue growth and treatment plans to address each healing. Many wound-healing patient’s needs. Specialists at the problems require 30 to 40 center include: vascular, general, hyperbaric oxygen treatments. plastic and podiatric surgeons, The facility is equipped certified wound care nurse practiwith two hyperbaric chambers tioners, registered nurses and and TVs to help patients relax physical therapists. during treatments. An Most cuts, scrapes or minor Celebrating the opening of the Comprehensive Wound Care Center’s new hyperbaric entrance in the underground injuries heal on their own and oxygen therapy facility were, from left: Jean Shelton, director of patient care services; parking garage at 1999 do not require medical attention. Lawrence Smith, MD, chief medical officer of the North Shore-LIJ Health System and Marcus Avenue minimizes However, some people develop dean of the Hofstra University School of Medicine; Gene Coppa, MD, senior vice presiwalking for patients with wounds, infections or pressure dent of surgical services for the health system; Helene Feinberg, administrative managmobility issues. ulcers that refuse to heal, even er of surgery; Diane Gioia, RN, nurse manager; Jeffrey Nicastro, MD, vice chairman of surgery at Long Island Jewish Medical Center; and David Battinelli, MD, chief academic — Betty Olt after many weeks and months, officer of North Shore-LIJ. causing severe pain and disability. LAKE SUCCESS — Patients with chronic


Family Ties: How One Family Beat Leukemia Thomas Judge of Levittown has always been grateful to be part of a large, close-knit family — he is one of a dozen children. But he could never have predicted that one of his siblings — a nurse at North Shore University Hospital (NSUH) — would give him bone marrow for a life-saving procedure after he was diagnosed with full-blown leukemia. Last June, after visiting a hospital for abdominal pain, the 53-year-old husband and father of three received some worrying test results: His white blood cell count was low. Following a bone marrow biopsy, he was referred to oncologist Jonathan Kolitz, MD, at the Monter Cancer Center in Lake Success. Typical treatment options for adult leukemia are chemotherapy and bone marrow/ stem cell transplantation, but finding a donor involves matching tissue types with the patient. Ideal donors are siblings who have certain genes identical to the patient, but the chance of a match is just one in four. Thankfully, Mr. Judge’s 11 siblings were willing to be tested for compatibility. His sister, Karen Manolis, a registered nurse at NSUH, was a perfect match. “I grew up taking care of many siblings,” said Ms. Manolis, “I could feel my mother telling me this was the time to be there. I feel so honored to have given him help that contributed to saving his life.” Before the transplant, Mr. Judge underwent four rounds of chemotherapy and many months in the hospital. “Through it all he barely complained,” said Laura Judge, Mr. Judge’s wife and a secretary, also employed at NSUH. No one lost hope — friends held fundraisers to contribute toward his care, his kids, brothers and sisters visited from as far as Texas and they all kept their faith. With three family members who work at the hospital — including his wife,

Diane Egglinger, RN, right, supervisor of North Shore University Hospital’s Lab/Blood Bank, and Jim Martone, left, director of clinical lab operations, assisted Karen Manolis, RN, case manager in the NSUH Case Management Department, when she donated bone marrow to help her brother, Thomas Judge, overcome leukemia.

Ms. Manolis, and sister Susan Hammond, a clerical support associate in the Coronary Care Unit — not a day passed without a visit. “When they told us he was in remission, it took a while to sink in,” said Ms. Judge. “It was a real miracle.” Ruthee-Lu Bayer, MD, chief of bone marrow/stem cell transplantation at the Don Monti Division of Hematology/Oncology at NSUH, performed Mr. Judge’s procedure. On January 26, Mr. Judge returned home for the remainder of his recovery. “I kept thinking ‘Wow, my doctors are

Thomas and Laura Judge at home.

good,’” said Mr. Judge. “Plus the positive attitudes of all the staff really got us through each day. When I felt sick, Dr. Bayer acted like my mom used to: She sat down next to me, rubbed my back and told me that it would be all right.” He is deeply grateful for the personalized, compassionate and skilled care he and his family received. “The best care was right here in our back yard,” added Ms. Manolis. “My brother needed all of us in this long process, and it just wouldn’t have been the same anywhere else.” — Kristen Longo

PA Association Names Mr. Sobel President Jonathan Sobel, PA, supervising physician assistant of cardiothoracic surgery at Long Island Jewish Medical Center, was recently elected president of the Association of Physician Assistants in Cardiovascular Surgery. Mr. Sobel has served as vice president of the organization as well as on its Board of Directors; his term as president lasts through 2012. Among his areas of expertise is endoscopic vein graft harvesting. Jonathan Sobel, PA

EZ-IO Accesses Blood Flow via the Shin

Local Teen Pitches In Eagle Scout candidate Michael Wysota custombuilt rolling shelves for the Center for Advanced Medicine in Lake Success and stocked them with hundreds of books. The Manhasset teen’s project will help patients and family members pass the time more pleasurably as they await treatment.

BAY SHORE — Southside Hospital’s Emergency Management Department recently acquired several EZ-IO intraosseous infusion systems. The hand-held, battery-powered device accesses the shin bone for administration of fluid or medication. Intraosseous (bone) blood flow is rapid and continues even during shock; medications and fluids administered this way reach central circulation as quickly as those given via the bloodstream. The units are deployed in the Town of Islip’s five ambulance companies. “In mass casualty situations, the EZ-IO would allow emergency medical service providers to rapidly establish vascular access, thereby giving more time to treat

more patients,” said Anthony Pellicone, Southside’s director of safety and emergency. “These patients will have vascular access in about 10 seconds — prior to arriving at the hospital. This allows medical staff in the Emergency Department to administer lifesaving fluid or medication much earlier than previously possible with traditional peripheral intravenous placement.” The EZ-IO can help in such cases as arrhythmias, burns, cardiac arrest, dehydration, hypothermia, hypotension, obstetrical emergencies, respiratory arrest, seizures, shock and traumatic injuries. A grant from Health Research, Inc., which is part of the New York State Bioterrorism Hospital Preparedness Program, made the acquisition possible. 13

Not Just For the Birds

J. Madura

By now, you’ve heard of North ShoreLIJ’s social media initiative and met Maxwell the bird, star of the “Feed the Bird, Spread the Word” campaign and host for all things social media. With more than 3,600 Facebook fans, a couple of hundred Twitter followers and a vibrant YouTube channel (which along with Facebook and hosts some pretty neat videos), North Shore-LIJ’s social media efforts are really (ahem) taking flight. A snapshot of the health system’s social media presence reveals that 75 percent of its fans and followers fall between the ages of 25 and 54 (70 percent female, 30 percent male). Not surprisingly, the bulk of North Shore-LIJ’s fans come from the New York area; there are also followers throughout the United States, 100-plus in Canada and others scattered throughout the globe.

Instant Gratification One of social media’s most intriguing aspects is how people interact with the health system, whether they are employees, patients, community members or others interested in healthcare. Social media allows quick interactivity unavailable elsewhere. Contests and fan feedback are a regular part of North Shore-LIJ’s social media sites. The name of the health system bird, “Maxwell,” came from a Facebook contest (the winner, Eric Sandhusen, director of compliance for the health system, took home $250). Also, the “Feed the Bird, Spread the Word” campaign continues to award random fans $50 American Express gift cards whenever the health system adds another 500 fans. But you’ve gotta be a fan to have a chance. To learn more, click the Facebook icon on to become a fan. You’ll gain access to health news, informative video, tips, contests and more. So if you haven’t already seen what the fun is about, why not check it out?

Every Woman Matters: A Walk for Women and Their Families Mothers, daughters and sisters. Teachers, healers and protectors. Shoulders to lean on and hands to hold. Women are so many things to so many people — and now it’s time to make sure they can enjoy the same healthy, fulfilling lives they work so hard to provide for everyone else. On May 16, family, friends and community members joined together for an inspirational walk along the Jones Beach Boardwalk to celebrate women's health and wellness. All proceeds will benefit the new Katz Women’s Hospital and Katz Institute

for Women’s Health of the North Shore-LIJ Health System, an initiative that promises to transform women’s healthcare forever. Visit for more information or to contribute.

Ongoing Support Reaches Thousands John and Janet Raggio recently presented $400,000 to continue their support of the Raggio Nephrology Institute of the North Shore-LIJ Health System. Established in 2002, the Great Neck-based Raggio Institute is a center of excellence for renal care and research. The institute also offers free workshops on chronic kidney disease (CKD) such as CKD Prevention, CKD and Diabetes SelfManagement, The CKD/Heart Disease Link, Options of End-Stage Renal Disease and Kidney Transplant and Organ Donation. More than 10,000 have participated in 400plus community workshops and free screenings for early detection of CKD — most of them offered in underserved communities with high risk for CKD. From left are: Mr. Raggio; Robert Mossey, MD, chief of nephrology for North Shore University Hospital; Kelly Calderon, MD, nephrology fellow; and Alessandro Bellucci, MD, acting chairman of the Department of Medicine for North Shore University Hospital and Long Island Jewish Medical Center.

Get a Tax Deduction — And Save for Retirement If you are 55 or older, you can receive a fixed income for the rest of your life by making a gift to any North Shore-LIJ Health System hospital or program. A gift of $10,000 or more in cash or stock will provide steady income, part of which is tax-free. For example, if you are 72 years old and donate $10,000 cash, you can lock into a fixed rate of 6.4 percent, and receive $640 of guaranteed annual income, $430 of which is tax-free for about 15 years. You would also be eligible for a charitable income tax deduction of about $3,700 the year you make the gift.

Sample Percentage Rates* One-Life Rates Age % Rate 55 5.3 60 5.5 65 5.8 70 6.2 75 6.8 80 7.6 90 10.0

Two-Life Rates Ages % Rate 55/55 4.6 60/60 5.1 65/65 5.4 70/70 5.7 75/75 6.1 80/80 6.6 90/90 8.3

*Rates are subject to change. For more information and a no-obligation personalized illustration of benefits, contact Alexandra Brovey, senior director of gift planning, at 516/465-2610 or 14

Dozens Collaborate to Save “Miracle Baby” from CHAOS NEW HYDE PARK — A Long Island boy born with a totally blocked airway — one of only 50 reported cases in the past 20 years — recently went home after four months in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the Steven and Alexandra Cohen Children’s Medical Center of New York (CCMC). Justin Olivares greeted the world at a news conference accompanied by his parents Derly and Julian. The family thanked dozens of physicians and nurses who assisted in his dramatic delivery at Long Island Jewish (LIJ) Medical Center. While he was still in his mother’s womb, clinicians detected Justin’s condition — known as congenital high airway obstruction syndrome (CHAOS) — during a prenatal exam at North Shore University Hospital. Some time between six and eight weeks of gestation, Justin’s airway failed to develop.

Adopt-a-Unit Four units deployed from Fort Totten to Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan got a taste of home recently, courtesy of the North Shore-LIJ Health System. Soldiers in the 595th/1174th Deployment Distribution Support Battalion (DDSB); 595th Transportation Terminal Brigade; 831st Transportation Detachment, Air Defense Direction Center; and 840th DDSB/1174th DDSB got more than 1,000 pairs of socks via donations at Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New Hyde Park and the Orzac

From left: Joseph Schulman, The Zucker Hillside Hospital’s executive director; Physician and Ambulatory Network Service’s Kim Schneider and Joanne Fulgieri-Ventura; and Randy Howard, administrative director of the Rosen Center.

Center for Extended Care and Rehabilitation in Valley Stream, plus nonperishable food, personal hygiene items and games from donations at the Information Services Department in Lake Success and the Physician and Ambulatory Network Service in Manhasset. The Office of Military and Veterans Liaison Services and the Rosen Family Wellness Center coordinated the items’ shipment. The Office of Military and Veterans Liaison Services will continue to coordinate support for deployed units by sending correspondence and morale and welfare supplies. To support deployed soldiers, contact Randy Howard at 516/562-3238 or

Without surgical intervention, he wouldn’t be able to breathe once he was born. Besides cutting off oxygen, CHAOS causes fluid produced in the lungs to accumulate, causing dangerous enlargement of the lungs. This leads to abnormal development and function of the lungs and diaphragm. “The extreme challenge of CHAOS called for the close coordination of teams of physicians and nurses from numerous pediatric subspecialties at CCMC with maternal/fetal medicine specialists from LIJ Medical Center and North Shore University Hospital,” said Dennis Davidson, MD, chief of neonatology at CCMC. During Justin’s delivery, the clinical team established an airway while he was still being supported by the placenta. This ensured that the baby received enough oxygen during the procedure so he would not suffer severe brain damage — or death. The procedure was Justin’s only option and was a major risk to his mother. The clinical team decided to deliver the baby at 36 weeks, before Ms. Olivares went into labor, so physicians could control the complicated process of performing a tracheostomy (insertion of a breathing tube) while the baby was still attached to the placenta. In Justin’s case, the obstruction was surgically bypassed while he and his mother were still joined by the placenta. When Justin was delivered, he received oxygen through

The Olivares family thanked dozens of clinicians who assisted in Justin’s life-saving care.

mechanical ventilation. In addition to the blocked airway, it was discovered in utero that Justin would be born with ventricular septal defect — a hole in the wall between the heart’s two major pumping chambers. Fortunately, doctors reported that the hole is beginning to close on its own, so future cardiac surgery may prove unnecessary. After treatment in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Justin is breathing on his own, has developed normally, and is ready to live with his parents and eightyear-old brother, Jason, who is very happy to be a big brother to this miracle baby. — Michelle Pinto

Three New Outpatient Locations to Open The North Shore-LIJ Health System will open three multi-specialty locations this fall, providing high-quality outpatient care and specialized services to Queens and Nassau residents. Healthcare practitioners in a variety of disciplines will staff the new facilities to provide community-based care, said Donna Moravick, NP, North Shore-LIJ’s vice president for cardiovascular services. “Each location — two in Queens and one in Nassau — will offer expert specialized care, educational programs and state-of-the-art imaging services to help diagnose and treat disease,” she said. “The new locations represent a significant investment by North Shore-LIJ and are a continuation of our commitment to the communities we serve.” “These new locations provide convenience and quality under one roof, complementing our inpatient programs and services in Queens and Nassau,” Ms. Moravick said. “Responsiveness to

patient needs will be paramount and supported by our ambulatory care management team.” The locations and services are: ❒ 1001 Franklin Avenue, Garden City internal medicine, cardiology ❒ 150-55 14th Avenue, Whitestone internal medicine, cardiology, pulmonary medicine ❒ Queens Crossing, 136-20 38th Avenue, Flushing internal medicine, cardiology, thoracic surgery, urology

Council Honors Leigh Brisco-Dwyer, PharmD The New York State Council of Health System Pharmacists has designated Leigh BriscoeDwyer, PharmD, corporate director of contracting for the North Shore-LIJ Health System, the recipient of its Debra B. Feinberg Award. Formerly known as the Board of Directors Award, it is the organization’s highest honor. She will accept the honor at the organization’s annual assembly in Saratoga this summer. 15

North Shore-LIJ, Hofstra Prepare to Reinvent Medical Education The Hofstra University School of Medicine in partnership with North ShoreLIJ Health System faced its first critical step toward accreditation in March, when school officials were visited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME), the nationally recognized accrediting authority for medical education programs leading to the medical degree in the United States and Canada. The School of Medicine is expected to find out in early June if it has received preliminary accreditation. If approved, the medical school will open in the summer of 2011. Since 2008, more than 250 people from Hofstra and North Shore-LIJ have contributed to preparing the school’s preliminary proposal. Subject to receiving preliminary accreditation, the School of Medicine will become Nassau County’s first allopathic (MD degree-granting) institution and the first medical school in New York State in 35 years. School officials have been designing an integrated curriculum that will put medical students in patient care settings from Day One. The traditional medical school model places students in life and

education institutions in the United States and abroad. “All medical schools are trying to improve,” Dr. Battinelli explained. “We have the advantage of starting with a clean slate. The School of Medicine won’t have to spend time breaking out of established models and can go directly into implementing the best practices we’ve found.”

Why a New Approach? The United States is facing an anticipated shortage of US-trained physicians, a trend that has spurred the opening of new medical schools nationwide. To review the nation’s medical education practices, the Josiah Macy, Jr., Foundation in 2008 gathered leading medical educators who concluded that medical education needs to be brought into better alignment with societal needs and expectations. Accomplishing this requires preparing physicians in the United States to manage such contemporary realities as the accelerating pace of scientific discovery, calls for more public accountability, the unsustainable rise in healthcare costs, the well-documented shortfalls in quality of care, racial and ethnic disparities in health and healthcare, and the increased burden of chronic illness and disability. The School of Medicine curriculum will prepare physicians to address those issues. For example, healthcare increasingly will be delivered through interprofessional teams to improve quality and control costs. The EMT experience will immediately immerse students in the world of healthcare teams. Classes will be designed on the team model, with most offered in small groups as opposed to large lectures. Scientific training remains the foundation of medical education. Students will learn how to apply the concepts they learn in the classroom to real-life situations. The basic sciences will be team-taught to make the interrelationship among subject areas evident. This means that rather than learning normal versus abnormal structure and the function of a certain body part separately and, perhaps, months or years apart — as has been the tradition — students will take an integrated approach. For example, students exploring the human shoulder will learn the anatomy and physics involved, study how the shoulder works normally, learn what can go wrong and then, in a clinical setting, observe how to treat these conditions.

The curriculum will prepare physicians to address such issues as the accelerating pace of scientific discovery, calls for more public accountability and the rise in healthcare costs. medical science classes during the first two years and then offers clinical training in the final two years. While healthcare reform makes headlines, the North Shore-LIJ Health System and Hofstra University are preparing to establish a medical school that can transform the education of tomorrow’s physicians. Hofstra’s 40 first-year medical students will be trained during their first few months as emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and will take shifts riding the ambulances of the North Shore-LIJ Health System. “The EMT training will give students hands-on skills early to allow them to understand how patients interact with their environment,” said Lawrence Smith, MD, North Shore-LIJ’s chief medical officer and dean of the medical school. “By experiencing the emergency department setting first-hand, students will be able to discern the difference between books and reality — a good thing to understand early on.” The medical school’s curriculum was developed by the Educational Program’s subcommittee, chaired by David Battinelli, MD, the health system’s chief academic officer and senior associate dean for education at the School of Medicine. Dr. Battinelli visited and consulted with more than a dozen medical 16

Medical School students will be integrated into campus life.

Students will benefit from the latest simulation technology at North Shore-LIJ’s Patient Safety Institute (PSI), where PCbased, digitally enhanced mannequins can be programmed to simulate countless medical scenarios, such as stroke and heart attack, so they can learn to diagnose and manage treatment without risk. PSI also offers clinical education facilities that can replicate situations in a critical care unit or an operating room. Doctors with Broader Perspectives As patients, we travel through a continuum of care: home, clinic or physician’s office, hospital, nursing or rehabilitation facility. Controlling costs and improving outcomes depend on 21st-century physicians’ ability to understand and manage every phase of this continuum. With its 15 hospitals, 17 longterm care facilities, three trauma centers, five home healthcare agencies, a hospice network, dozens of outpatient centers and The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research, the North Shore-LIJ Health System will expose medical students to a full range of learning experiences. Hofstra University — with its schools of business; communication; education, health and human services; law; and liberal arts and sciences — offers students a wealth of academic and interdisciplinary exposure. Physicians increasingly will be called upon to participate in public discussions regarding health and healthcare. “Medical decisions need to be made in societal context,” said Veronica Catanese, MD, senior associate dean for academic affairs. “They must address improving the health of the entire population. We plan to equip our students with a background in the social sciences, as well as with root-cause analysis skills and other techniques commonly used in the business world, so they can participate in finding solutions.” Tapping into Hofstra’s Resources Medical schools often are located on their own campuses, separate from the academic centers of their parent institution. That will not be the case at Hofstra, where the medical school and medical student residence will be on Hofstra’s North Campus.

“The university made the conscious decision to integrate the medical school into the larger campus,” explained Herman Berliner, Hofstra’s provost and senior vice president for academic affairs. “We want to share faculty and resources and to create collaborative programs.” For example, the curriculum anticipates partnering with the School of Law and the Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences’ Department of Drama and Dance to help medical students improve their communication skills. Better communication will not only lead to better care, but will also help doctors understand how to influence patients to change lifestyle habits that contribute to the rise in such chronic illnesses as diabetes and heart disease. School of Law faculty, who were represented on the medical school curriculum design group, will help teach bioethics courses. And an innovative exhibit has been proposed for the Hofstra University Museum to showcase the “art” of designing prosthetic devices. There is a broader context for the choice to integrate the new school into the larger Hofstra world, according to Hofstra President Stuart Rabinowitz. “Hofstra has made progress in enhancing its national reputation for excellence,” Mr. Rabinowitz said. “We believe that significantly expanding our science programs is the next logical step on that journey, and the medical school will be a catalyst for expanding that expertise.” The benefits are already evident. Also in partnership with North Shore-LIJ, a new master’s degree program in medical physics is awaiting approval, and planning is under

Korean-American Celebration The Korean-American community recently expressed its gratitude to the North ShoreLIJ Health System for its support when Yonghwa Ha, president of the Korean American Association of Greater New York, presented North Shore-LIJ Chief Operating Officer Mark Solazzo, right, with a plaque recognizing the health system’s efforts in the Korean community.

way for the creation of a PhD in molecular medicine, in collaboration with The Feinstein. A master’s degree in public health is being designed with Hofstra’s School of Education, Health and Human Services, a school that will likely see more of its health professions programs expand as the School of Medicine grows. Expanding Opportunities The School of Medicine administration also will begin exploring ways to raise funds for scholarships and financial aid. “We need to make it possible for academically qualified students to enter medicine who otherwise could not afford to do so,” said Dr. Smith. “Right now, more than 80 percent of medical school graduates carry a debt burden of $130,000 on average. Not only does this discourage students

from low-income families from pursuing careers in medicine, but it also steers young doctors away from less well paying but potentially more socially responsible careers. We hope that the community will help us to address these important issues by expanding financial aid opportunities.” Dr. Smith’s enthusiasm for the medical school and its innovative curriculum is irrepressible as the dream moves closer to reality. “I can see a day, not too far off, when residency directors will covet our graduates,” he said. “They will say that Hofstra School of Medicine grads have learned how to care for patients competently and how to think clearly.” — Leila Zogby

Go Red for Women Is for Young Girls, Too MANHASSET —

Traditionally, followers of the American Heart Association’s (AHA) Go Red for Women campaign show their support by wearing red. This year, blues, browns and greens — the traditional colors of Girl Scout uniforms — were added to the region’s sea of supporters in red, with an all-Girl Scout honor guard and Girl Scout chefs demonGirl Scouts participate in a heart-healthy cooking demonstration with North strating the benefit of Shore University Hospital chef Michael Ferguson to celebrate the American starting heart-healthy Heart Association's seventh annual Go Red for Women campaign. habits young. Girl Scouts of Nassau County and the AHA Go Red for Women, the national to create a heart health patch program to observance created by the AHA and held on educate girls and their family members February 5, encourages women to make about developing healthy habits to stop the positive lifestyle changes to help reduce number one killer of American women — their risk of heart disease and stroke. North cardiovascular disease. Shore-LIJ is the official Long Island/Queens Donna Ceravolo, executive director and Go Red for Women sponsor. The Girl CEO of Girl Scouts of Nassau County, Scouts of Nassau County helped the North keynoted the Go Red event. She spoke about Shore-LIJ Health System celebrate and the innovative heart patch program and her educate women about heart disease during own experience with heart disease. Members the seventh annual event at North Shore of the Girl Scouts conducted a heart-healthy University Hospital. cooking demo that was “so easy, a kid could “Because a good start for the heart do it,” and heart patient Duffy Spencer, PhD, begins in childhood, this year’s event focused shared her inspiring story of dealing with on how young girls and women can adopt aortic stenosis. She said listening to her body heart-healthy behaviors early on that will and seeking a second opinion helped her benefit them throughout their lives,” said survive heart disease. Michael Dowling, North Shore-LIJ’s president — Brian Mulligan and CEO, himself a heart disease survivor. The health system partnered with the 17

LASIK... SEEING IS BELIEVING LASIK surgery offers the power to dramatically improve the way you view the world. We encourage you to discover the future in laser vision correction at the North Shore-LIJ LASIK Center. Carolyn Y. Shih MD, MBA, MPH Conveniently located at 600 Northern Blvd., Great Neck

*North Shore-LIJ Health System employees and their families are eligible for a discount.

Call our LASIK Coordinator, Victoria Leo, at (516) 465-8450 for more details and to schedule your FREE evaluation today!



Executive Appointments Two members of the North Shore-LIJ Health System’s leadership team — Mark Solazzo and Lawrence Smith, MD — were recently named executive vice presidents. As executive vice president and chief operating officer (COO) of the health system, Mr. Solazzo joined the organization in 1995 and has held a number of important roles over the past 15 years; he has served as COO since 2005. Mr. Solazzo has worked with other senior leaders as well as front-line staff to develop and implement the health system’s strategic objectives, and improve operMark Solazzo ations and patient care delivery. Mr. Solazzo has played a key role in significantly improving operations and efficiencies systemwide. As the health system’s executive vice president and chief medical officer and dean of the Hofstra University School of Medicine in partnership with North Shore-LIJ, Dr.

Smith joined the organization in 2005 after a distinguished career as a practicing physician and faculty member at Stony Brook University Hospital, and clinical and educational leader Lawrence Smith, MD at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Dr. Smith has strengthened and enhanced the health system’s partnership with the physician community, improved physician recruitment efforts and strengthened North ShoreLIJ’s medical education programs. Kevin Dwyer was recently promoted to senior vice president and chief development officer of the North Shore-LIJ Health System. Mr. Dwyer manages all day-today activities and Kevin Dwyer

initiatives of the North Shore-LIJ Foundation. He is heavily involved in major gift and capital initiatives that support the health system administration’s long-range capital plans. Mr. Dwyer joined North ShoreLIJ in 2005 as the Foundation’s corporate director of development. Jacqueline Moline, MD, has joined North Shore-LIJ as vice president of population health for the health system and chair of the newly created Department of Population Health at North Shore University Hospital. Dr. Moline collaboJacqueline Moline MD rates with North Shore-LIJ leadership to develop health and wellness initiatives for staff members and the community. Additionally, she is developing a population health and epidemiology research program. Dr. Moline was formerly vice chair at Mount Sinai School of Medicine.

Phone Service Facilitates Patient Transfers GREAT NECK — The North Shore-LIJ

Health System recently launched the Patient Transfer Center to ensure safe transfers for patients who require a higher level of care from hospitals and physicians in the community setting. The Patient Transfer Center simplifies the transfer and admission processes for physicians and patients. With one phone call, a doctor can initiate a swift patient transfer from local hospitals to North Shore University Hospital or Long Island Jewish (LIJ) Medical Center to ensure continuity of quality care. RNs answer every call to the Patient Transfer Center, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The Patient Transfer Center nurses are critical care specialists with training in facilitating transfers for patients with a diverse set of complex health issues.

“Our primary concern is to ensure that all patients are treated in the setting most appropriate to their needs,” said Jeremy Boal, MD, medical director at LIJ. “Equally important is to make the process of transferring patients who require a higher level of care more user-friendly to our colleagues both in and outside of the health system.” “Patient Transfer Center nurses establish contact between the sending physician and an accepting physician at one of our tertiary facilities,” said Vicki LoPachin, MD, medical director at North Shore University Hospital. She added that upon acceptance, the Transfer Center RN handles such logistics as reserving a bed and arranging transportation. The call center’s phone number designated for physicians is 888/701-BEDS (2337).

She Can See Clearly Now

IS Updates Portal The North Shore-LIJ Information Services (IS) Department recently unveiled a redesign of its HealthPort portal. Now, employees can go online to open and obtain the status of service tickets and service requests. The site also features details on key projects and initiatives; IS forms, user guides, and policies and procedures; alerts and notifications for service interruptions; security tips for home and office; and a link to Clinical Information Systems’ Project Sunrise page. Find IS in HealthPort’s left navigation bar or under the “Departments” tab.

Laura Feaser, MSW, a senior social worker at the Orzac Center for Extended Care and Rehabilitation in Valley Stream, recently took advantage of the employee discount offered by the North Shore-LIJ LASIK Center in Great Neck. Ophthalmologist Carolyn Shih, MD, utilized IntraLase blade-free technology to create an optimal corneal surface for Ms. Feaser’s outpatient procedure. Like most LASIK patients, Ms. Feaser recovered fully in a couple of days. She reported that her biggest thrill is no longer needing to don glasses to see her alarm clock.


Online Cost Estimator Gives Patients Pricing, Financial Assistance Info GREAT NECK — In a move toward greater

pricing transparency, the North Shore-LIJ Health System has launched an online service to help consumers estimate medical costs in advance. Accessible via the Financial Help section on, the Cost Estimator also helps consumers understand their hospital bills, determine their eligibility for financial assistance, establish affordable, interest-free payment plans and arrange for convenient online payments. “Just like every company that sells a product or service to consumers, hospitals should be able to tell consumers in advance the cost of their medical services and their payment options,” said Michael Dowling, president and CEO of North Shore-LIJ. Giving consumers access to pricing information is part of a continuous move toward greater public transparency by North Shore-LIJ, which was recently recognized by the National Quality Forum for its “ongoing commitment to providing highquality, transparent, patient-centered healthcare.” Among other efforts, North Shore-LIJ is the first nonprofit health system in New York State to post its hospitals’ infection rates and performance information from the US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services online. The North Shore-LIJ Health System is one of the nation’s most progressive when it comes to providing financial assistance to uninsured patients and others who struggle to pay their hospital bills. It was one of New York State’s first healthcare providers to offer a comprehensive Financial Assistance Program in 2004. In fact, North Shore-LIJ’s program — offering financial aid to families earning up to three times the federal poverty level (FPL) — served as the model for a 2007 state law requiring hospitals across New York

to offer reduced-cost coverage for the uninsured. In 2008, the health system expanded eligibility to families with household incomes up to five times the FPL, which amounts to $110,250 a year for a family of four. “We have dedicated programs to help uninsured and underinsured patients reduce their out-of-pocket costs and obtain clear information about our affordable payment plans,” said Robert Shapiro, senior vice president and chief financial officer for North Shore-LIJ. In 2009, he said, the health system’s cost of providing care to uninsured and underinsured patients was $122 million. “We want to help families pay off their debt in a way that does not place undue hardship on them, enabling them to maintain a secure financial footing,” Mr. Shapiro added. Toward that end, North Shore-LIJ designed its Cost Estimator with the patient in mind. In addition to assistance available through the health system, the online service

helps guide families on how to enroll in government-subsidized plans such as Child Health Plus, Family Health Plus, the Prenatal Care Assistance Program, Medicaid and Medicare. Furthermore, the Cost Estimator provides information to help patients get guidance on completing enrollment applications, and reading and understanding hospital bills. Patients can also use it to make secure online payments with a credit card or electronic check. If a patient is unable to make a full payment, an online payment calculator helps to calculate a minimum monthly payment. For concerns with an existing account, patients can contact a payment specialist via the online contact form in the Financial Help section or by calling 888/214-4065. Spanishspeaking representatives are available and a translation service is provided for other non-English-speaking callers. — Elaine Wohl

Gift Shop Gets Makeover North Shore University Hospital (NSUH) recently celebrated the opening of Vivo Health Marketplace. The renovated and renamed gift shop expands shopping options for patients, families, employees and visitors, with more than 1,000 items in stock; sales proceeds benefit NSUH. Vivo Health Marketplace is open every day from 9 a.m. to 7:45 p.m. For information, call 516/562-4MKT or click

Lucky Strikes Kids bowled for more than dollars when North Shore-LIJ helped them take a stand against the tobacco industry during 2010’s National Kick Butts Day. Students at Our Lady of Perpetual Help School in Lindenhurst transformed their gym into a health classroom and fair with information booths, games, a poster contest, prizes and giveaways. Trained by staff from North Shore-LIJ Health System’s Center for Tobacco Control, eighth graders developed a short lesson plan about the dangers of smoking and tobacco advertising and presented it to fifth graders.


Cancer Survivors’ Day 2010 Olympic Gold Medal figure skater and NBC Olympic commentator Scott Hamilton headlines the fourth annual Cancer Survivors’ Day. The June 5 event at the Monter Cancer Center will honor current and past patients, their families and caregivers.

Year-Old CEMS Program Covers 900+ Calls

Ballpark HIT The North Shore-LIJ Health System and the New York Mets cut the ribbon on a new health and wellness information center at Citi Field — the first of its kind in Major League Baseball. Among those participating in the opening of the Health Information Team (HIT) were members of the Ridgewood/Glendale/Middle Village/Maspeth Little League team and from left, back row: Mets pitcher Johan Santana; Mets manager Jerry Manuel; Neeta Shah, MD, vice president of women's health services at North Shore-LIJ; Iris and Saul Katz, president of the Mets and chairman of the North Shore-LIJ Health System; Stacey Rosen, MD, chief of cardiology at LIJ Medical Center; Queens Borough President Helen Marshall; City Councilwoman Julissa Ferreras; and North Shore-LIJ President and CEO Michael Dowling.

The North Shore LIJ Center for Emergency Medical Services (CEMS) recently celebrated its first anniversary providing ambulance services for the Village of Rockville Centre. The program — the only one of its kind on Long Island — covered more than 900 calls in its first year. “It’s going extremely well,” said Alan Schwalberg, CEMS director of operations. “Everyone’s extremely satisfied — the village board, the community, the Rockville Centre Fire Department and the North Shore-LIJ Health System.” CEMS posts an ambulance in Rockville Centre Monday through Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.; the village Fire Department’s ambulance responds to calls at other times.

Commission on Cancer Honors LIJ for Outstanding Achievement NEW HYDE PARK — Long Island Jewish

(LIJ) Medical Center has received the Commission on Cancer (CoC) Outstanding Achievement Award, which recognizes programs that strive for excellence in providing quality care to cancer patients. “This exceptional designation is reserved for only a few programs,” said Richard Gralla, MD, vice president of cancer services for the North Shore-LIJ Health System and chief of hematology/oncology at the Monter Cancer Center in Lake Success. “Based on the daily dedication and expertise of our physicians and staff, we are very pleased that such a prestigious group as the American College of Surgeons, which established the CoC, has recognized our achievement.” Eligibility and accreditation for the CoC’s Outstanding Achievement Award are reserved for facilities that commit to providing the best cancer care and can comply with CoC standards. Each program undergoes a rigorous evaluation and review of its performance and compliance with CoC standards and on-site evaluation every three years. “To be among the few institutions chosen from around the country to receive the Outstanding Achievement Award shows our deep commitment to providing the highest quality of care to our cancer patients,” said Kanti Rai, MD, chief of hematology/oncology

at LIJ Medical Center. “Our Cancer Registry staff members maintain excellence in each aspect of their work, while Cancer Committee colleagues pursue new areas in

cancer research as well as community outreach. This is an occasion to take pride in our work and rededicate ourselves to maintaining our high level of care,” he added. To receive the CoC’s Outstanding Achievement Award, a facility must demonstrate a commendation level of compliance with six standards that represent the full scope of the cancer program within program activities that encompass cancer committee leadership, cancer data management, research, community outreach and quality improvement. The commendation follows an on-site evaluation by a physician surveyor. Furthermore, each facility receives a compliance rating for an additional 30 standards. Only 82 programs received the award following the 2009 surveys — 18 percent of the 432 participating programs. There are more than 1,480 CoCaccredited cancer programs across the country. These accredited hospitals and treatment centers diagnose and treat 80 percent of newly diagnosed cancer patients annually. Participating programs focus on continuum of cancer care, prevention and early detection, pretreatment evaluation, staging, optimal treatment, rehabilitation, surveillance for recurrent Standing from left: Adrienne Thomas, Tumor Registry supervisor; disease, support services, end-of-life and Kanti Rai, MD, LIJ’s chief of hematology/oncology; Mary Paul, RN, lifelong follow-up care. nurse manager, ambulatory chemotherapy and treatment (ACT); — Elaine Wohl

and Meg McCormick, RN, ACT, with patient Mel Ilberman, seated.


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Targeting Patient-Safety Failures The North Shore-LIJ Health System has joined a study administered by the Joint Commission with other top healthcare providers to increase patient safety. The Joint Commission recently launched the Center for Transforming Healthcare to detect and stop the causes of dangerous breakdowns in patient care. First on the agenda was hand-washing failure, which contributes to healthcare-associated infections that kill nearly 100,000 Americans every year and costs US hospitals $4 billion to $29 billion to combat annually. “Demanding that healthcare workers try harder is not the answer,” said Mark Chassin, MD, president of the Joint Commission. “A comprehensive approach is the only solution to preventing bad patient outcomes.” Participating hospitals and health systems used the Joint Commission’s processimprovement tools to evaluate hand-washing habits. The study revealed that, on average,

caregivers wash their hands less than 50 percent of the time. Targeted solutions currently undergoing evaluation include: ❒ holding all hospital personnel accountable and responsible – including clinicians, food service staff, housekeepers, chaplains, technicians and therapists; ❒ using a reliable method to measure performance; ❒ communicating frequently; ❒ using real-time performance feedback; and ❒ tailoring education in proper hand hygiene for specific disciplines. “Identifying and quantifying unsafe practices will lead to the development and testing of specific, long-lasting patient-safety solutions,” said Donna Armellino, director of epidemiology at North Shore University Hospital.

One Under 40 Allison Bunin, corporate director of employee communications for the North Shore-LIJ Health System, recently accepted a 40 Under 40 Award from John Kominicki, publisher of Long Island Business News, at the publication’s awards ceremony at the Crest Hollow Country Club in Woodbury. The event recognized outstanding members of the Long Island business community under the age of 40. Also honored at the event was Nassau County Legislator Kevan Abrahams, an analyst in the health system's Department of Strategic Planning.

Preceptor of the Year George Washington University’s (GWU) School of Public Health and Health Services recently designated the North Shore-LIJ Health System as the Preceptor of the Year. The designation honors the health system’s dedication to education and support of professionals beginning or expanding their healthcare careers through its Administrative Fellowship Program; this is the first time the university acknowledged an organization for its efforts rather than an individual. Kathleen Gallo, RN, PhD, the health system’s chief learning officer, and Amit Powar, MD, its senior director of system operations, accepted the award on behalf of North Shore-LIJ. From left: Bob Burke, PhD, chairman of the university’s Health Services Management and Leadership (HSML) Program; Elliot Cohen, chairman of George Washington University’s Alumni Association; Tashonda Frazier, GWU fellow; Gabe Spencer, past GWU fellow; Drs. Gallo and Powar; and Leonard Friedman, PhD, HSML director.

Lenox Hill to Join Health System from page 1

of medical excellence,” said Saul Katz, chairman of the North Shore-LIJ Health System Board of Trustees. “Utilizing North ShoreLIJ’s infrastructure and resources will further strengthen Lenox Hill Hospital’s ability to provide its physicians with access to the full continuum of care for their patients. The board is confident that this new partnership will bring great value to both Lenox Hill and the North Shore-LIJ Health System.” North Shore-LIJ will provide the necessary support to help Lenox Hill Hospital enhance its clinical services, which have a well-deserved reputation for excellence in cardiac care, digestive disorders, maternal-

child health and orthopedics said Michael Dowling, president and chief executive officer of the health system. “By making clinical investments at Lenox Hill and providing other resources and support that will enhance quality and reduce expenses, we’re confident we can build on the hospital’s unique operating niche as a physician- and patient-friendly facility that attracts clinical talent and patients from throughout the metropolitan area,” he said. “Among Lenox Hill’s attributes is its large core of loyal physicians in key clinical areas who are critical in attracting patients and expanding programs.”

Value-Based Health Care Jossey-Bass recently published Value-Based Health Care: Linking Finance and Quality by Yosef Dlugacz, PhD, senior vice president of clinical quality for the Krasnoff Quality Institute. The book covers successfully linking healthcare quality and finance and describes the tools to implement strategies for organizational success. Dr. Dlugacz provides examples of process and outcomes of the value-based approach from a range of healthcare settings. 23


Green SOLUTIONS North Shore-LIJ and EPA Sign Green Initiatives Agreement MANHASSET —The North Shore-LIJ Health

System and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have signed a major partnership agreement on far-reaching environmental stewardship programs that will directly affect the health and well-being of patients cared for at health system hospitals as well as safeguard the environment. At a recent news conference at the Feinstein Institute of Medical Research in Manhasset, Michael Dowling, president and CEO of North Shore-LIJ, and EPA Regional Administrator Judith Enck, signed a five-year “Memorandum of Understanding” (MOU) in which North Shore-LIJ hospitals in Queens, Long Island and Staten Island will participate in voluntary EPA environmental stewardship programs in energy and water conservation; solid waste recycling; environmentally sensitive landscaping; combined heat and power plants; sustainable building and construction projects; and green cleaning. Mr. Dowling and Ms. Enck joined more than one billion individuals, corporations and governments in 190 countries to mark the 40th anniversary of Earth Day by taking action to promote healthy communities and protect the planet. “Medical professionals work every day to improve the health of people they serve, and the environmentally sound practices in this agreement will help them create a healthier environment for all,” said Ms. Enck. “This is the perfect time to sign this comprehensive agreement between EPA and an entire healthcare network.” “With a workforce of more than 38,000, the North Shore-LIJ Health System is the largest employer on Long Island and the ninth largest in New York City,” said Mr. Dowling. “We play a leading role by not only providing top-notch healthcare but also promoting sustainable business practices to improve public health and minimize our impact on the environment. Our collective actions make a tangible difference in terms of reducing greenhouse emissions, conserving energy, wisely using natural resources and at the same time, benefit from significant cost-savings.” “Operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, hospitals continually use power to heat and cool patient-care facilities year-round, so there is an incentive to be energy efficient and cost-effective,” said Maurice LaBonne, North Shore-LIJ’s senior vice president of facilities services. “Hospitals are well suited to sustainable design and construction because patients often have compromised immune systems; sustainable healing environments contribute to better patient outcomes,” he said. For example, improving the indoor environmental quality of the patient experience — such as including

On the eve of the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, Michael Dowling, president and chief executive officer of North Shore-LIJ, and Judith Enck, EPA Regional Administrator, signed an agreement on far-reaching green initiatives that safeguard public health and protect the environment.

features such as providing sunlight or nature views — can reduce stress and anxiety as well as improve indoor air quality. Highlights of the agreement between North Shore-LIJ and EPA include: ❑ Energy Conservation and EnergyStar Building and Plants Program — North Shore-LIJ will strive to reduce energy consumption by at least 10 percent. This commitment is underscored by a systemwide energy and water conservation program initiated in 2006 that will expand under the partnership. In 2009, Glen Cove Hospital earned the EnergyStar for superior energy efficiency. ❑ Solid Waste Recycling and WasteWise Program — The health system has already implemented a recycling program that includes paper, plastic, aluminum and cardboard. It will explore additional opportunities to minimize waste and recycle. ❑ GreenScapes and Re-Use of Industrial Materials — In accordance with the EPA’s GreenScapes program, North Shore-LIJ will re-use landscaping materials wherever possible and re-use industrial materials for construction projects. Construction materials will include as much recycled content as feasible. ❑ Coal Combustion Byproducts Program — The health system will seek ways to increase the use of coal combustion byproducts in construction activities. For example, in the Katz Women’s Hospital construction project at North Shore University Hospital, cement will consist of 40

percent fly ash, one of the waste products from coal combustion. ❑ Combined Heat and Power Partnership — North Shore-LIJ recognizes that the use of combined heat and power reduces environmental impacts while meeting the demand for energy. At LIJ Medical Center, a combined heat and power plant supplies electrical energy to the campus boiler/chiller operations and supplementary heat for steam and hot water. The health system will seek opportunities to enhance this plant and explore the application of this technology to other facilities. ❑ Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) — North Shore-LIJ will continue to certify construction projects under the LEED rating system. Currently, there are 25 such projects registered with the US Green Building Council for LEED certification. Such certifications further confirm the health system’s commitment to sustainability and environmental protection Other EPA programs within this MOU are Water Conservation and WaterSense Products, Alternative (or Renewable) Energy, and the Clean Construction USA Program. In addition, North Shore-LIJ plans to certify major construction projects under the LEED rating system. The health system has worked with the US Green Building Council/Long Island to establish the Healthcare Committee for the chapter. The following construction projects have been registered with the council: ❑ Katz Women’s Hospital at North Shore University Hospital ❑ Surgical Pavilion at North Shore University Hospital ❑ Zucker Hillside Hospital Inpatient Pavilion ❑ Steven and Alexandra Cohen Children’s Medical Center of New York ❑ Monter Cancer Center Phase II ❑ Center for Advanced Medicine Radiation Oncology Program ❑ LIJ Medical Center, Katz Women’s Hospital, floors 8 and 9 ❑ Health Info Team-North Shore-LIJ at Citi Field “I applaud North Shore-LIJ, for its commitment to energy efficiency and participating in LIPA’s Efficiency Long Island Commercial Program,” said Kevin Law, LIPA president and CEO. “By becoming more energy efficient, our commercial and residential customers will see significant savings and help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.” — Betty Olt 25

Net NEWS HealthPort Adds Multimedia Portal HealthPort recently unveiled a multimedia portal, courtesy of the North ShoreLIJ Studios. The new portal represents a significant leap in the health system’s communication and educational abilities. The technology is on the leading edge of corporate audio and video delivery, and North Shore-LIJ’s implementation is one of the most innovative in the healthcare field. Partnered with the back-end management tool, the new portal dramatically improves how North Shore-LIJ delivers and views multimedia content. The portal features two sections. The training section provides education content for users who may otherwise be unable to access or attend. For instance, while all employees are mandated to go through some training every year, time and access can hinder delivery of educational content. Many staff members don’t have full-time access to computers while at work and can’t attend lectures and educational events live — especially if they work offshift. But many health professionals need continuing education credits to maintain certification status. The training section addresses these concerns with features like: ❒ Personalized tracking. If you stop or pause a course, even for a long time, the system will remember where you were when you return. ❒ Testing. If you’re required to complete a test for credit, you will get results immediately. ❒ Surveys. You may get the opportunity to provide feedback to the content owner to help improve the content in the future ❒ Certificates. Upon successfully completing a course, you may print out a certificate right from the portal ❒ Continuing education credit. For courses approved by the relevant continuing education department, you will receive continuing educa-

tion contact hours for completing the online course ❒ Downloads. You can download any supporting material included by the content owner. ❒ Anytime, anywhere access. As long as you have your Universal ID, you can log in to HealthPort any time. The other section of the portal, NSLIJTV, includes corporate messages, marketing information and reference and other nonrequired media. Users can access this track without logging in. Access to the portal is as simple as visiting HealthPort via the intranet or remotely. On the home page, click the multimedia link in the secondary navigation bar to open the portal. Clicking “NSLIJ-TV” will bring you directly to that page. If you choose the training portal, you’ll be prompted for your Universal ID — it’s the same log-in you use to get to your e-mail, your desktop log-in, Sunrise Clinical Manager or remote access to HealthPort. The center panel of each portal contains important messages and new content. Find content via the search tool or by browsing through content categories. Once you find what you need, launch it directly from the list. Web pages typically display video on one side, graphics or PowerPoint slides on the other and descriptive information below. New content for the multimedia portal will come from such sources as clinical departments, the Corporate Compliance Department and Human Resources. Content from North Shore-LIJ’s recently upgraded two-way teleconferencing network, dedicated video-capture systems and North ShoreLIJ Studios productions will be added to the portal regularly. To learn more about the multimedia portal, visit North Shore-LIJ Studios on HealthPort or contact Daniel Sokolow at 516/465-8109 or — Daniel Sokolow

Information Services Department Expands The North Shore-LIJ Health System Information Services (IS) project management office recently came under the umbrella of the Information Services (IS) Department. IS project management was formerly covered by Eclipsys Corporation. Cindy Phelan directs the project management office and reports to Nick O’Connor, vice president of client project services in IS. Twenty project managers within the project management office provide centralized management of information technology initiatives. Project management 26

office leadership creates standardized policies and procedures to deliver projects on time, on budget and according to customer expectations. The project management office encompasses clinical systems such as electronic medical records, radiology, cardiology and pharmacy and business systems such as finance, human resources and revenue cycle. It also handles technology infrastructure and facilities projects; each area is led by a program manager who works with clinical, business and IS leaders.

Franklin’s Teamwork Keeps Hospital Afloat from page 5

feet in recent years. Combined with relentless rainfall, this caused groundwater to rise through the hospital’s floors into the 23,000square-foot space of the North Wing. Alerted to Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) level two, the New York State and Nassau County departments of health and authorized the hospital to take action to maintain operations. Franklin’s staff labored to vacate the North Wing of the hospital, relocating and outsourcing critical functions to other parts of the building and satellite facilities. In just three weeks, while keeping each department functional, the hospital relocated Audio-Visual Services, Biomedical Engineering, the Central Sterile Department, Employee Health Services, Environmental Services, the Human Resources Department, the Infectious Disease Division, the laboratory, the mail room, Materials Management, Medical Staff Services and Credentialing, Nursing Education, Physician Billing, Purchasing, Security Operations, the storeroom and Service Excellence. The hospital’s Greenberg and Shankman auditoriums were also unusable.

Franklin Hospital worked with the New York State Department of Health and Nassau County authorities to avert disaster when a rising water table plus almost 10 inches of rainfall caused groundwater to rise through the North Wing. Numerous departments were relocated from the 23,000-square-foot space.

“These circumstances could have had catastrophic implications for operations — but they didn’t,” said Joseph Manopella, Franklin’s executive director. “Our staff members mobilized instantaneously. With additional help from health system resources, we overcame the challenge without any interruption to services. The people were our resource. Their actions and endurance are a testament to the commitment and dedication of our staff to the people we serve every day.” — Kristin Longo

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throughout Long Island and Queens we perform the full range of tests, from the simplest to the most specialized. Plus, all major insurance plans are accepted including Oxford, United and Aetna. North Shore-LIJ Laboratories. The tests you need. The flexibility you want. The standard you expect. Ask your physician about us or visit one of our patient centers. To find a location near you, call 516.719.1100 or visit


Women’s CORNER Every Woman Matters Award Saul Katz, chairman of the North ShoreLIJ Health System, recently presented Victor Klein, MD, with the Every Woman Matters Award. Director of patient safety and risk reduction in obstetrics and gynecology for the North Shore-LIJ Health System and obstetrician/gynecologist at North Shore University Hospital and LIJ Medical Center, Dr. Klein received the honor for dedicating his career to meeting women’s healthcare needs, especially during pregnancy.

Somber Memorial Survivors and family members of the Avianca Flight 52 plane crash recently gathered at St. Dominic's Roman Catholic Church in Oyster Bay to commemorate the tragedy’s 20th anniversary. A noon mass memorialized the 73 people who perished on the flight and served as a supportive reunion for survivors. From left, Nestor Zarate, of Florida, views a drawing from a child survivor with Victor Fornari, MD, the director of child/ adolescent psychiatry at North Shore University Hospital, and John Hickey, MD. Dr. Hickey, Nassau County’s former deputy commissioner of mental health, helped ease survivors’ and family members’ trauma immediately following the crash, Dr. Fornari worked with several child survivors and Mr. Zarate now serves as the "leader" of the survivors.

North Shore-LIJ Remains Among Top IHNs

The North Shore-LIJ Health System continues to be ranked among the top 100 integrated healthcare networks (IHNs) in the United States, according to SDI, a healthcare data and consulting firm that conducts the annual review. North Shore-LIJ was ranked 27th in the 2010 SDI Top 100 IHNs list — ahead of the two other networks in New York State that made the top 100. An IHN is a system or network of organizations and individuals that provides a coordinated continuum of services to a defined population, and that is held clinConstruction on the Katz Women's Hospital at North Shore University Hospital ically and fiscalrecently reached the half-way mark, as supporters gathered for a "topping-off" cerely accountable mony outside the hospital, which will become home next year to 73 private rooms for the outcomes to accommodate women and their families. From left are: North Shore-LIJ trustees Roger Blumencranz and Michael Katz, associate trustee Dayle Katz, trustee David and health staKatz, Iris and Saul Katz, in whose honor the women's hospital is named, associate tus of the poputrustee Jeanine Bondi, hospital executive director Susan Somerville and North Shorelations it serves. LIJ President and CEO Michael Dowling. Construction is also progressing on the Katz SDI rates each Women's Hospital at LIJ Medical Center, which is scheduled for completion in 2012.

Women’s Hospital to Open Next Year at North Shore


network on its level of performance as well as degree of integration and the ability to operate as a unified organization. Performance is analyzed in eight categories: hospital utilization, financial stability, physician participation, services and access, contractual capabilities, outpatient utilization, integration and integrated technology. These categories are made up of 33 attributes (operating and profit margins, inpatient services, quality of service, outpatient visits, disease management, continuum of care, etc.), each with an assigned point value, that serve as key components used to assess an IHN’s current and future success. Every IHN examined receives a performance level score for each attribute. The scores of each category are added together for a total score. The more integrated the IHN, the higher the score received. North Shore-LIJ received a score of 81.34 out of 100.00. The SDI ranking indicates North ShoreLIJ’s success functioning as a health system. This year’s ranking reflects the clinical and administrative accomplishments over the past several years. Clinical programs and services have been integrated across departments, hospitals and facilities; relationships with physicians have been developed and supported; and resources have been more fully utilized. As this work continues, North Shore-LIJ’s ability to deliver quality, patientcentered care will be enhanced, heightening our reputation as a healthcare leader. — Irene Peake




Blood Drives

CLI Integrates Online Registration

June 1 June 2 June 4

The North Shore-LIJ Health System’s Center for Learning and Innovation (CLI) recently unveiled online registration. The corporate university partnered with CME Tracker for the system. Previously, fax registration could take up to 48 hours. CLI’s new electronic system allows students to see which classes are available in real time, update their personal information and register for a course.

June 4 June 6 June 9 June 14 June 16 June 16 June 17 June 17 June 24 June 24 June 28 July 1 July 2 July 7 July 12 July 13 July 14 July 14 July 15 July 15 July 20 July 28 July 29 July 30 Aug. 4 Aug. 10 Aug. 11 Aug. 11 Aug. 13 Aug. 18 Aug. 24

Long Island Jewish (LIJ) Hospital The Zucker Hillside Hospital The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research Administration — Great Neck SIUH — South Plainview Hospital Dolan Family Health Center CEMS North Shore-LIJ Laboratories LIJ Hospital SIUH — North, Rehab Gym Regional Claims Recovery Service Syosset Hospital Huntington Hospital NSUH NSUH Glen Cove Hospital North Shore-LIJ Materials Management SIUH — South Franklin Hospital Center for Advanced Medicine Administration — Westbury Southside Hospital SIUH — North, Conference Room Southside Hospital Stern Family CECR Corporate — Lake Success SIUH — South Physician Ambulatory Network Services Plainview Hospital SIUH — North, Conference Room Forest Hills Hospital SIUH — North, Rehab Gym SIUH — Pouch

Registration triggers automatic e-mail confirmations to students and supervisors. Since the inception of CLI’s online registration, more than 10,000 online registrations have been completed. Any Internet-capable computer — at home or work — lets students find and register for classes. For a guide to the online registration process, e-mail

For Your BENEFIT Invest in Your Health The North Shore-LIJ Health System has again joined forces with Weight Watchers to bring employees special savings on weightloss solutions. Any full-time or part-time employee may enroll and get reimbursed up to 100 percent. As part of the system-wide focus on wellness, employees can take advantage of several Weight Watchers options. At-Work Meetings bring trained Weight Watchers leaders to the workplace for weekly meetings with support from coworkers. Several sites are already taking advantage of this benefit just in time for summer, according to Jane Jacobson, the health system’s wellness coordinator. “We want to make it easy for employees to get the support they need to achieve

their goals, and it doesn’t get much more convenient than having Weight Watchers come to you at work,” Jacobson said. New this year is a reimbursement system based not only on meeting attendance but also on weight loss. “We encourage employees to invest in their health. In return, North Shore-LIJ will cover program costs,” she added. Besides At-Work Meetings, employees may choose to attend meetings at their local Weight Watchers venue or enroll in an online subscription with interactive tools and resources that chart progress. Visit HealthPort for cost information, reimbursement forms and contact information.

Celebrating the Gift of Life North Shore University Hospital (NSUH) recently joined other hospitals across the North Shore-LIJ Health System in celebrating National Donate Life Month and raising awareness of the need for organ and tissue donations. Among those celebrating were, from left: Louis Kavoussi, MD, chairman of urology for the North Shore-LIJ Health System; James Conroy, who donated a kidney to his mother, Patricia (at his left); Madhu Bhaskaran, MD, medical director of the North Shore-LIJ transplant program; Harriet Citron, who received a kidney from her daughter, Randi Feinberg (not pictured), with her husband, David (at her left); Siddiqua Alleyne, who received a kidney from her brother, Marc (at her left); and Ernesto Molmenti, MD, the transplant program’s surgical director. The NSUH transplant team has performed more than 50 transplants since the program’s 2008 inception.


ORIGINS In October 1950, Jinx McCrary, North Shore Hospital trustee and radio personality, helped to promote the opening of a local gas station. The new business contributed a portion of sales toward the North Shore Hospital Fund during its opening weekend. Looking on were, from left, Warren Stuiz and Jake Williams, co-owners of the station, and George Dow, a Little Neck/Douglaston representative for the hospital campaign’s Professional, Industrial and Commercial Division.

Medical Update Watch Medical Update with Dr. Frank Field, North Shore-LIJ’s award-winning series, at 11 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Monday through Friday on Verizon FiOs Channel 1, and at 12:30 p.m. Sunday, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday and 1 p.m. Friday on Great Neck Public Access TV (Channel 20 on Cablevision and Channel 37 on Verizon FiOs) and any time at

Children’s Hospital Renamed for Steven and Alexandra Cohen from page 1

$120 million project has been on hold since December 2008 because of the economic downturn. Construction began this spring and will be completed in 2013. The new pavilion made possible by this contribution will feature: ❒ a Pediatric Emergency Center — the region’s first dedicated, stand-alone pediatric emergency department; ❒ a 24-bed Pediatric Intensive Care Unit; ❒ a 25-bed Medical-Surgical Unit; and ❒ a state-of-art surgery center that will include six operating rooms solely dedicated to children. Steven and Alexandra Cohen have had a 14-year relationship with North Shore-LIJ. Previously, the Cohen Foundation donated $7 million to North Shore-LIJ to build a new Ambulatory Pediatric Chemotherapy Unit that opened in 2009 and establish an endowment named the Philip Lanzkowsky, MD, Professorship in Pediatrics. The professorship is currently held by Arthur Klein, MD, the health system's senior vice president of children's services and the executive director and chief of staff of the Cohen Children's Medical Center of New York. “Pediatric healthcare is an issue that is near and dear to our hearts and one that we have supported for many years,” said the Cohens. “The hospital is one of America’s top children’s hospitals and impacts the lives of countless children and families. We 30

The Cohens’ generosity will allow construction of a new pavilion, shown at left in this architect’s rendering, to move forward.

hope that our gift will enable the hospital to continue its important work.” “Earning the Cohens’ confidence and support is a testament to the progress we have made in advancing pediatric medicine and the reputation of our children’s hospital in the New York metropolitan area and nationally,” said Michael Dowling, the North Shore-LIJ Health System’s president and chief executive officer. “We are extremely thankful for the Cohens’ extraordinary generosity.” North Shore-LIJ Chairman Saul Katz expressed his appreciation for the Schneider family’s more than 25-year commitment to the hospital and said he looks forward to deepening the health system’s existing rela-

tionship with the Cohens. “We’re delighted by the Cohens’ extraordinary devotion to furthering our mission of providing the highest quality pediatric care to our patients. Their donation is a major development and represents one of the largest gifts ever made for pediatric care in the United States.” Dr Klein added, “We’re deeply touched and honored by Steve and Alex Cohen’s support of the hospital. As someone who has known the Cohens for many years, I’ve seen first-hand their deep love of children and family. The new construction made possible by this gift will enable us to develop what will truly be a world-class children’s hospital unmatched in the New York area.”

Mission POSSIBLE Responding to the Call in Haiti Volunteers from across the North Shore-LIJ Health System have battled infrastructural damage, sweltering heat, deficient supplies, inconsistent electricity, unsafe water and widespread disease to help survivors of Haiti’s January earthquake. Louis Auguste, MD, a surgical oncologist at Long Island Jewish (LIJ) Medical Center and president of the New York Chapter of the Association of Haitian Physicians Abroad, was one of the first volunteers on the ground. He spent a week at State University Hospital, known as General Hospital, the largest city hospital in Port-au-Prince. Upon his group’s arrival at the facility, Haitian staff members had yet to return to their jobs and many patients were without food or water. The team administered help immediately but their work was hampered when aftershocks caused such setbacks as evacuation of emergency care and postoperative patients into the hospital’s open courtyard. Though structural damage threatened everyone, the hospital assisted the majority of victims from the downtown and nearby neighborhood, Dr. Auguste said, adding that a space with a capacity of 700 accommodated upwards of 1,200 patients. Some discharged patients had nowhere to go — particularly orphans or adults whose homes were destroyed or who could not care for themselves following an amputation. Through New Reality International (, Richard Nauheim, MD, a community-based ophthalmologist affiliated with North Shore University Hospital, LIJ and Syosset Hospital, worked with a team of 12 medical professionals at a small Christian mission 40 miles outside of Port-Au-Prince. “As dawn broke, Haitians would begin to pour into the mission compound,” Dr. Nauheim wrote when he returned. “They came by the hundreds, traveling hours for the chance of medical care. We could hear their chants and prayers as they registered in the church. They prayed that they would be seen and helped.” Chris Summers, PA, part of LIJ Medical Center’s cardiothoracic team, joined with other members of NYC Medics ( in Haiti for almost a month. The group embedded with the 82nd Airborne Division to enter areas inaccessible to other nongovernment organizations in order to treat and evacuate earthquake victims. In the middle of his trip, Mr. Summers e-mailed his LIJ supervisor, Jonathan Sobel, PA: “We are working like animals here…Its crazy hot and the entire city is leveled. Whatever you see on TV is just a tenth of what it’s like here. So far

we have treated well over 1,000 patients who have not received any care since the earthquake. We started a clinic/ED in the courtyard of a destroyed school, now we are doing mobile medical care in the refugee camps.” LIJ’s operating room was well represented when Sharon Deans, MD, obstetrician/ gynecologist; David Livingstone, MD, chief of anesthesiology; Marie Ward, MD, intensivist; Andrea Nimmons, RN; Sanique Lubin, RN; and Mohani Ramsahai, RN; and Pamela Donaldson RN, OR nurse manager, collaborated on a week-long relief mission at the end of February with the Ejayes Charities medical mission. The volunteers worked 10-hour days at a clinic and an earthquakeravaged hospital where patients housed in tents had to contend not only with heat but also with flies.

Members of the Nutrition Services Department at Franklin raised $2,700 toward humanitarian efforts in Haiti. From left: Ludj Charles, nutrition aide, Marc Jean Beaubrun, nutrition aide, Michelien Thomas, nutrition aide, Yvon Julien, first cook, Cassandra Louis, nutrition aide, Lesly Pierre, second cook/short order, and Jean Milien, nutrition aide.

“Thank God we had each other to lean on for support, because there were times when it got very emotionally rough,” said Ms. Donaldson. “If I had to do it again, I would.” North Shore University Hospital’s Internal Medicine Department sponsored two residents — Samuel Agahiu, MD, and Alain Berthold, MD — in their disaster relief. While challenging — Dr. Berthold, originally from Haiti, saw his high school collapsed in the rubble — the experience was invaluable, said Saima Chaudhry MD, residency program

director in the Department of Medicine. She added, “Studies show that early exposure to international health promotes ongoing volunteer participation of trainees after graduation. Such rotaSports Therapy and tions also promote Rehabilitation Services cultural competence.” (STARS) sent clothing Drs. Agahiu and to orphans affected by Berthold presented the earthquake. their work for Department of Medicine Grand Rounds in late April. Ahmed Latefi, DO, chief neurosurgery resident at North Shore University Hospital, wore many hats when he volunteered in Haiti: He triaged in an emergency department, performed wound care, served as an X-ray technician, worked as a scrub nurse, assisted in the oral and maxillofacial surgery of a 17-year-old boy and helped in a supply room. North Shore University Hospital donated medical supplies and the Department of Neurosurgery sponsored Dr. Latefi’s trip. The health system joined with other New York-area healthcare organizations to donate 2,000 pounds of medical supplies to support relief efforts. With the support of North Shore-LIJ Trustee Sandra Tytel, co-chair of Doc to Dock, the supplies were airlifted from Teterboro Airport by FlexJet in partnership with Doc to Dock and the Partners in Health relief group. Here at home, staff members of Haitian heritage from Franklin Hospital’s Nutrition Services Department raised $2,700 with a cultural tribute/fundraiser. The group arranged a menu of traditional dishes and organized a tribute to the victims, their families and friends and the heroic assistance efforts offered in the community and worldwide. Surrounded by Haitian cuisine and traditionally themed decor, staff and community members purchased food and made donations at the event, which lasted all day — from breakfast through dinner. “Good can come from every disaster, despite the heartache,” said Edward Cox, assistant executive director of service excellence and nutrition services at Franklin and the Orzac Center for Extended Care and Rehabilitation. “Most importantly, in times of such chaos, we rely on humanitarian efforts to provide the victims, and the world, with hope.” Louis Auguste, MD reported that structural damage to the State University Hospital necessitated evacuating patients to an open courtyard. 31


125 Community Drive Great Neck, NY 11021

spring 2010

The Employee Publication of the North Shore-LIJ Health System


Executive Editor Terry Lynam

Managing Editor Maria Conforti

Contributors Serena Ahne Allison Bunin Marisa Fedele Theresa Jacobellis Margaret Kuzminski Kristen Longo Brian Mulligan Betty Olt Irene Peake Michelle Pinto Katherine Roth Jamie Talan Timothy Vassilakos Denise Weiner Thea Welch Elaine Wohl Leila Zogby

Photography North Shore-LIJ Studios, except as noted.

Art Direction James Kostolni

Manhasset Super Service 1111 Northern Boulevard Manhasset, NY 11030 (516) 365-3400 (Across the street from Macy’s)

Graphic Design Reduzzi Design/ North Shore-LIJ Art Dept.

Comments/Suggestions: Public Relations Dept. North Shore-LIJ Health System 125 Community Drive Great Neck, NY 11021 (516) 465-2600

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