1 minute read
Isabel Reyes
Defense Mechanis m Personalit y trait from Big Five Coping Mechanis m Social Influence
Due to Bucky’s past with being the winter soldier he has issues with guilt about actions he could not control. It would be beneficial for him to use sublimation if needed to deal with the effects of past. He would do this by saving people and stopping criminals along with his friend Sam. This would be the healthiest way for him to satisfy his impulsion of guilting himself for everything and believing that he doesn’t deserve another chance despite him being forced to do the actions he did. A coping mechanism that would benefit bucky would be problem-focusing coping because it would alleviate stress from the direct source. He could do this by providing closure to families who lost people to the Winter soldier(himself) Instead of always trying to amend by finding those were in charge and associated with the killings of those people.
A trait from the Big Five personality traits Bucky already tends to score high in is neuroticism because of his past experiences with being forced to be the winter soldier. Inorder for Bucky to live a happy life and mentally healthy life he will need to be more agreeable in order to trust people and allow them to actually help him. All this time after being released from the winter soldier he has been scared of trusting anyone and refusing to get help to acknowledge all that he has gone through. He would the trait of Agreeableness to help him communicate with the people who could help him and start building relationships again. A good social influence for Bucy would be peer pressure from his friends to stop blaming himself and instead to acknowledge that he has another opportunity. It might be hard to get the idea to him but persistent pressure and actually talking to him should end up less guilt tripping himself for something that he had no control over.