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Summary Of Feedback Shared In Parent Survey 2022

Academic Environment


» Class sizes support student voice and choice in learning

» Faculty collaboration enhances student learning

» Expectations for learning are clear

» Rigorous and challenging academic curriculum

Areas for Growth:

» Continued attention to individualized learning

» Opportunity to provide variety in assessments

» Room to expand advanced coursework

Physical Environment


» Campus grounds and facilities are well-maintained and clean

» The food offered in Lawson Hall is nutritious and satisfies a variety of tastes and dietary needs

Areas for Growth:

» Updates to the Middle School building

» Accessibility improvements in older areas of the College

Academic Relationships, Support and Communication


» Students feel welcome to participate in decision-making

» Students have opportunities for leadership

» HSC provides an inclusive and respectful learning environment

Areas for Growth:

» Timely and streamlined communication via myHSC

» Concise feedback on student performance

Parent Experiences


» Majority of respondents indicate their children are happy at HSC

» Majority of respondents agree that HSC makes effective use of financial resources

Areas for Growth:

» Increase lines of communication between faculty and families to ensure alignment on student progress and classroom activities

“I am beyond impressed with the culture of friendliness and support cultivated at HSC. The lack of competition is clearly a factor in seeing less bullying and other detrimental behaviours amongst students. Rather, students celebrate and applaud each other’s successes. It is a beautiful environment, a safe haven and home away from home for both of the children, and for that I can’t thank the teachers and leadership at HSC enough.”

“Overall I am very happy with my experience and my children's experiences at HSC. I believe there is room for growth, and I look forward to supporting the College as it continues to make positive changes and leads educational experiences in our region.”

“I would love my child to have access to more expert and trained support and resources to help manage and support their individual learning needs.”

“Fantastic, outstanding school with the most wonderful Compassionate and caring staff. We love HSC!!!”

“My child has shown a huge improvement in their overall well being and mental health, which at this young age is important. I am hopeful that the academic side will improve as they progress through the grades.”

“I believe HSC prepares students for higher education. Again more options for courses as students move up the grades.” Have your children been attending HSC for their entire school careers or have they transferred from somewhere else?

Survey Results By Question

how would you rate the quality of the education at HSC?

Below is HSC’s mission and vision statement. Please read it over and then answer the following question. MISSION - Learn with joy. Live with purpose. VISION - Hillfield Strathallan College inspires its students to reach their full potential and to better the world around them. Do you agree or disagree that HSC meets its mission and vision statement.

If you had a choice between several options for schooling, how likely would you be to recommend HSC to your friends, family, and others as the preferred option? Please use the scale from 0 to 10 where 0 means you would not be likely to recommend HSC at all and 10 means you would be extremely likely to recommend HSC.

Please rate the curriculum at HSC.

Teachers at HSC use a variety of teaching strategies. Don’t know

Teachers at HSC meet students’ learning needs by individualizing instruction. Don’t has up-to-date technology.

Teachers at HSC work as a team to help students learn.

Teachers at HSC allow students to be creative in assignments and projects. Don’t know enough to answer.

Teachers at HSC engage students in classroom discussions.

Students at HSC know the expectations for learning.

HSC has high expectations for students. Don’t know enough to answer.

Students at HSC are given varied assessments to measure their understanding of what was taught.

Students at HSC are challenged to their full academic potential. Don’t know enough to answer.

HSC has a clear understanding of individual student needs.

Students with identified needs at HSC have access to support services. Don’t know enough to answer.

HSC provides an adequate supply of learning resources that are current and in good condition. Don’t know enough to answer.

HSC maintains satisfactory class sizes.

HSC prepares students effectively for post-secondary education. Don’t know enough to answer.

HSC prepares students effectively for the workforce.

Don’t know enough to answer.

Please indicate how well HSC teaches each of the following skills (Very well, Somewhat well, Neither well nor poor, Somewhat poor, Very poor).

Being inclusive and understanding diversity

The HSC building and grounds are safe.

*There were a few notes about having a fence around the College

The HSC buildings and grounds are kept clean.

Neither agree nor disagree

The HSC building and grounds are in good repair.

Neither agree nor disagree

*A lot of comments about renovating the Middle School agree nor disagree

The HSC building and grounds meet the needs of the student body.

The food served at HSC is healthy.

Students at HSC enjoy the food that is offered.

Teachers at HSC keep students well informed of their academic performance.

Students at HSC are comfortable raising an issue or concern with their teachers.

Students at HSC are comfortable discussing an issue or concern with the Head of School.

Students at HSC are allowed to contribute to the decision-making process where appropriate.

HSC communicates effectively about the school’s goals and activities.

Neither agree nor disagree agree nor disagree

Report cards at HSC are informative.

Report cards at HSC suggest areas for improvement.

HSC has a diverse student body.

HSC encourages the students to be involved in leadership activities.

HSC promotes an attitude of overall wellness.

At agree

Visited our Instagram (@hillstrath).

I am pleased with my children’s progress at HSC.

Teachers at HSC keep me well informed of my children’s academic performance.

Teachers at HSC keep me well informed of classroom activities.

I am comfortable raising an issue or concern with a teacher.

I am comfortable discussing an issue or concern with the Head of HSC.

I communicate with my children’s teachers on a regular basis.

HSC makes effective use of financial resources.

How important is each of the following factors when choosing a school for your children (Very important, Somewhat important, Not very important, Not important at all, Don’t know)?

Developing critical thinking skills

Improved academic skills (e.g. reading, writing, and/or math)

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