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Human Development And Sexual Health Expectations

Health and Physical Literacy is central to a holistic, student-centred education. Health Literacy focuses on the development of lifelong skills, attitudes, and behaviours that empower students to take charge of their health. Combined with Physical Literacy learning, students acquire the competence and confidence to value and participate consistently in a wide variety of physical activities in multiple environments.

Accommodations to the HPE curriculum may be made for the following circumstances:

» Medical documentation indicates a student is unable to participate in the program or unable to access the facilities necessary to participate fully in the Active Participation and Movement Competence strands of the curriculum. Medical documentation should indicate the specific duration an accommodation may be needed.

» An alternative program (may include virtual) will be provided to enable active participation in physical fitness and sport activities.

» Upon recommendation by a clinical psychologist and noted in a psychoeducational assessment conducted in the past three years. Accommodations to a students HPE learning experience will be documented in the students Individual Learning Plan (ILP).

Exemptions from the HPE program may be made on a individual basis for the following circumstances:

» Exemptions are limited to instruction related to the Human Development and Sexual Health expectations found in strand D of The Ontario Curriculum: Health and Physical Education, Grades 1-8, 2019. Students will not be exempted from instruction related to any other expectations in this curriculum or related to expectations in other curriculum subjects.

» References to human development and sexual health made by teachers, staff, or students outside the intentional teaching of content related to the Human Development and Sexual Health expectations are not included in this Policy.

» There will be no academic penalty for an exemption and there will be no assessment, evaluation, or reporting of exempted students’ achievement of Human Development and Sexual Health expectations in their particular grade. Exempted students’ grade in health and physical education will be determined on the basis of the overall expectations of the health literacy curriculum, without consideration of the specific expectations under Human Development and Sexual Health.

For more information about how to request an exemption from the Grades 5 - 8 Human Development and Sexual Health expectations of the Health and Physical Education curriculum please click here.

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