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New methods for pre-treatment and anodising of aluminium using the Chemetall range of Gardo products.

The Surface Treatment global business unit of BASF's Coatings division, operating under the Chemetall brand, which provides technologies with a sustainable focus to optimize pretreatment and anodising processes with a complete product portfolio for all types of aluminium finishing applications. Aluminium is one of the most commonly used metals worldwide for many different applications and industries. The requirements for excellent paint adhesion and long-term corrosion resistance are long established for the pre-treatment of aluminium alloys. Excellent long-lasting adhesion and corrosion performance are achieved with Chemetall’s GSB, Qualicoat and Qualanod approved products and customised processes. Chemetall offers a one stop supply package providing the following: cutting fluids and coolants used in extrusion and die shops cleaners, etches/pickles, conversion coatings and additives used in pre-treatment process cleaners, decorative etches, brighteners, desmuts, anodising, colouring and sealing systems used in anodising process waste water treatment products paint strippers extrusion die cleaning products

Laboratory analysis one-off/contract basis. Gardobond X products and Oxsilan products meet the most demanding quality requirements and combine eco-friendly properties i.e. chrome free and heavy metals free to multi metal applications and are now widely used via all types of process applications in the Aluminium Finishing industry as the alternative to hexavalent chromium. Anodising aluminium offers an aesthetic finish and long-lasting corrosion protection. Chemetall’s anodising product range including Gardo® cleaners, additives for alkaline etching, Gardacid® desmut and the Gardo® Seal series for sealing processes help the customer in optimising the anodising process, maximising efficiencies, and producing high quality in the form of appearance and function. Anodising finishes add creativity and vibrancy into the construction industry, bringing an element of uniqueness. Examples of Chemetall´s portfolio for aluminium pre-treatment and anodising, meeting all requirements of GSB, Qualicoat and Qualanod specifications:

Gardoclean – silicate free, borate-free and phosphate-free cleaners and alkali etching series.

Gardacid – acid etches, free of HF with special additives to avoid plant material attack, reducing sludge build up, leading to lower maintenance cost and extended bath solution lifetime. Gardobond X Cr free series Nitrogen free and Oxsilan thin film technologies for the conversion stage, all Qualicoat and GSB approved. Gardobond Additive H 7526 – for use in the anodising stage, providing shorter process time, quality enhancement, extended bath life, energy savings and increased productivity.

Gardo Seal 1999 – Qualanod approved additive for the sealing of anodised surfaces which enables a vital reduction in operational temperatures and process times as well as energy savings and increased productivity.

Gardobox – customised service package. Chemetall offers key local support with decades of experience in surface treatment of metal substrates. Chemetall is recognised as an environmentally sound and game changing technology supplier to the Aluminium Finishing industry. We are proud of our association with leading companies, organisations and associations around the world. Chemetall customers can choose between different, customised, eco-friendly and reliable solutions for our modern-life challenges to achieve surface treatment processes which are high performing, safe and environmentally sound. We are committed to a sustainable future through new products, processes and technologies as well as contribute to sustainability with our passion for chemistry, people and the planet. Close working relationships with facility/ equipment providers – ensuring value focused projects – optimizing processes and products. Contact and further information: Gary Mothersole UK Sales Manager Aluminium Finishing Telephone: 07825 319214 Email: gary.mothersole@basf.com Visit: www.chemetall.com

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