4 minute read

Suspension and masking technology for the surface finishing industry

WHAT WE DO Epifatech has been developing and manufacturing suspension systems for the electroplating & powder coating industry for over 40 years now and take great pride in being recognised as one of the market leaders when it comes to design and manufacturing for the surface treatment industry.

In collaboration with our customers, we have been producing effective solutions in a range of areas and are now pleased to have representation across Europe, and to meet with customer demands we are now pleased to confirm we have a comprehensive UK stock holding in place at our warehouse facility based in Shropshire, ensuring we are able to offer quick and effective deliveries across the UK.

Surface treatment can differ significantly and, on many levels, with this in mind Epifatech ensure that our suspension systems comply with the current stringent quality stipulations in place for many and make the process as smooth as possible, whilst always considering optimising the solution, giving our customers the desired outcome, they require.

A slightly more advanced suspension system could also make it easier to synchronise the different phases, and by doing so our customers have better control over the entire process through to the finished product.

WHAT WE DO Epifatech has been developing and manufacturing suspension systems for the electroplating & powder coating industry for over 40 years now and take great pride in being recognised as one of the market leaders when it comes to design and manufacturing for the surface treatment industry.

Our Process

Listening to your needs, budget and timescale is at the forefront of our vision on every enquiry we undertake.

We pride ourselves on making the process for our customers as simple as possible, we use a 4-stage process to obtain a final product that meets with our customer’s needs, from initial consultation & discussions we are able to propose a solution, drawings are then submitted allowing any changes or adjustments to be made before prototype samples are manufactured.

With Epifatech this isn’t limited to a single prototype, again understanding the trialling process is something we appreciate and sometimes the need to have multiple prototypes is a must for some customers.

Upon approval we enter full production from either our head office based in Sweden or our new purposebuilt production facility in Poland.

Quality Driven

Epifatech takes great pride in having a dedicated skilled team, with many employees being with us since day 1 of our venture, our success is clear for all of them to see and this has led our workforce to be as fully committed to delivering quality driven products to all our customers.

We feel quality is a matter of gaining the full trust of our customers, allowing us to work along side them gives us all immense pleasure when seeing a basic idea evolve into an optimised hanging system, meeting the needs of the customer completely.

Product Range

We offer a wide range of standard hooks, jigs, fittings, and masking products, our full colour brochure also makes ordering very simple, using a simple unique product code enables us to process orders efficiently. Ensuring our solutions can be adapted to suit all types of products and operations is a priority for us, and to achieve this we haven’t locked ourselves into just a standard range, instead we strive in every way to be flexible and by doing so can deliver product-based needs, the result, is that we can offer complete, optimised solutions without necessarily costing more.

Our Commitment To You

We constantly seek to find specially adapted solutions, Epifatech firmly believe that we have optimised solutions as standard, by this we mean that it should not need to cost more to have an adapted system than it would be to buy a ready-made standard solution. Not only are we committed, but we are also competitive and have a great

Patrik Karagianis , CEO

Decades Of Expertise And Commitment

understanding with our customers, having dealt with clients for many years clearly highlights the mutual success we have.

Listening to your needs, budget and timescale is at the forefront of our vision on every enquiry we undertake.

For more information, please take a look at our user-friendly website www.epifatech.com

Telephone: 07500 938950

Email: jason@epifatech.uk

At Epifatech AB e xcellent av a ila bilit y a nd clos e colla bor at ion wit h our cus t omer s is somet hing we pr ior it is e hig hly in our day-t o-day oper at ions For us , t his mea ns wor k ing wit h t he cus t omer t o produce a t a ilor-made solu t ion B y e s t a blishing a mu t ua l colla bor at ion at a n ea r ly s t a ge in t he proce ss , we ma ke it ea sier t o under s t a nd each indiv idua l cus t omer s nee ds which create s t he foundat ions for finding t he be s t possible solu t ion Don t he sit at e t o get in t ouch if you have que s t ions a bou t a ny of our produc t s or our wor k O ur employee s have hig h compet ence a nd k nowle dge t hat creat e a nd ena ble our succe ss t oget her we creat e a clos e colla bor at ion where ever yone is involve d

We are Pure Water Equipment Specialists and provide an extensive range of water treatment systems and services to commercial and industrial clients throughout the UK. Providing a Full Turnkey Service means we can Design, Manufacture, Install and Commission a system based on specific produc�on needs or requirements.

These Systems include:


I‐on‐x Exchange Cylinders

Reverse Osmosis

UV (Ultra Violet)



Pumps and Tanks

Spares and Consumables:

ADEPT Pure Water Ltd can also provide service for: Break Down & Repair on ALL makes of Water Purifica�on Equipment

Re-Condi�oning of all types of Water Purifica�on Equipment

Tailored Service Agreements –Standard or Responsive op�ons available Site Survey and System Efficiency Reports for prospec�ve clients or Repair and Service op�ons for pre-exis�ng systems.

ADEPT offer a choice of consumables including UV Lamps, Chemicals, Micron & Carbon Filters. We also offer Spare Parts, Tanks, Refurbished Water Equipment and more. Look out for the launch of our New ONLINE STORE COMING SOON

ADEPT Pure Water Limited 36 Huxley Close, Park Farm South, Wellingborough, Northants, NN8 6AB

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