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“You crown the year with Your goodness (favour), And Your paths drip with abundance”
Life is about living & leading with a legacy in mind There is so much immediate need around us - both locally and globally - and as a church community we must not forget to live with the future generations in our hearts and in our vision. We have the opportunity to once again give into the Hillsong Foundation and address social injustices, take His Church forward and build for the future. As we unite around a common cause and are faithful with what God has put in our hand, we have the opportunity to make an impact in the lives of countless people. This past financial year was a testimony to God’s hand and provision on the people of our church, and yet we will always have more vision than resource. Through the Hillsong Foundation, we can bring relief and transformation to many facing desperate circumstances. Our heart has always been to partner with strategic organisations – people in our immediate world and abroad who are making a noticeable impact in communities, cities and nations across the globe. EVERYone is invited to be a part of this and everyONE has a significant part to play. We are excited to see all that God is still to do through you and through Hillsong Church collectively, as we continue to move forward for the benefit of others and the glory of our God. Thank you for your faithfulness. It is my continued prayer that the rest of your year will be “crowned with His goodness.” (Psalm 65:11).
W ith love , B r ian & B obbie H ouston S enio r P asto r s
THE HILLSONG FOUNDATION 2012 / 2013 We each have a significant part to play in the stand against injustice, the furthering of God’s Kingdom, bestowing love on others and building facilities for future generations. The Hillsong Foundation is for anyone who feels called to finance the Kingdom over and above their tithes and offerings. We host a number of events throughout the year at each of our campuses and other special locations, which are open to Kingdom Builders, Vision Impacters and everyone who calls Hillsong home. This is our opportunity to gather with like-minded people, be encouraged, equipped and kept up to date with the initiatives and projects. Anyone can join the Hillsong Foundation at any time no matter the size of your giving commitment – we are all in this together. Thank you for partnering with us as we faithfully outwork what God has put in our hand. All giving to the Hillsong Foundation above $2 is tax-deductible.
VOLUNTEER GRANTS & CORPORATE MATCHING GIFTS PROGRAMS In 2011 we received “matching gifts” donations from The Westpac Group and others, thanks to employees who signed up to their employer’s corporate giving program. These corporate giftmatching donations are a significant source of funding for our tax-deductible initiatives. A volunteer grants program is where your employer donates $1 to the Hillsong Foundation for each hour that you volunteer personally in your own time. Or your employer may donate a certain amount of money after you volunteer for example, 50 hours. This allows you to increase “your” Foundation giving at no additional cost to you, other than the time taken to sign up to your employer’s program, if you are one of our volunteers. A matching gifts program is where your employer donates $1 to the Hillsong Foundation for each $1 that you donate personally. This allows you to effectively double “your” Foundation giving at no additional cost to you, other than the time taken to sign up to your employer’s program. Corporate Matching Gifts Programs – Eligibility Criteria The Hillsong Foundation meets standard eligibility criteria for matching gifts including: • It is recognised by the Australian Taxation Office as a deductible gift recipient (DGR) • It is an ancillary fund, is not of a political, religious, or fraternal nature • It allows gifts to be specified for a particular community outreach program if requested in writing • It can provide a guarantee if required that the funds will not be used for religious advancement but will fund charitable initiatives. Volunteer grants and corporate gift-matching donations can be directed to the following account: BSB: 082-135 / Account no: 833 659 459 / Account name: Hillsong Foundation Projects If your employer requires specific information from the Hillsong Foundation to satisfy its Volunteer Grants Program or Matching Gifts Program criteria, please contact Lisa Beavan phone on +612 8853 5380 or email to lisa.beavan@hillsong.com to obtain this.
S y dne y This year we launch our second City campus and we are well under way with the fit out of Doody St. The plans for our Hills Family Centre and upgrades for our South West kids facilities are in progress.
B r isbane We are excited to be opening our new kids facilities in January and plans are in for the upgrade of the mid-week working environment.
Melbou r ne Our new campus will be starting weekly services in February 2013, the hunt is now on to find a home for our new family.
FOUN DA TION Our Hillsong House is now open - dormitory accommodation for 40 physically disabled students at Tembaletu school in Cape Town, South Africa. This home protects them from abuse, crime and situations of extreme vulnerability. In 2012 we are continuing to increase the impact of this program across the whole student body through innovative community programs which will assist these students to live a full and productive life!
CA MPA IGN Shelters for rescued victims of human trafficking are now located in Greece, Ukraine and Bulgaria. As a result of your giving in 2012 we launched a human trafficking hotline in Greece our giving will continue to fund the operating costs, providing free access to a 24hr help line. This is a tangible tool to provide further help to the 120,000 women and children trafficked into Europe each year.
RESC UE Last year alone, Vision Rescue provided over 344,000 meals to children on the street and graduated over 600 children into formal education. This year they will be officially opening a Dream Centre to provide a transition program for children rescued from trafficking. Hillsong Foundation continues to support the Vision Recue buses as they feed 1100 children and educate 800-850 kids in Mumbai everyday, this is just the beginning.
CITY CA RE CityCare currently operates across all of our Australian Hillsong campuses. In the last financial year we mobilised an average of 421 volunteers each week, assisting 79,306 people through our programs and initiatives. This resulted in a total volunteer count of 20,008 volunteers engaging with their community, each an average of 4 hours equating to over 80,000 volunteer hours.
At our first gathering we saw over 1400 in attendance and over 80 salvations. Now work begins to find a permanent venue when we launch weekly services in 2013. We have so much to do, please keep Hillsong Melbourne in your prayers.
COPENHAGEN This year we are planting Hillsong Copenhagen. There is much to do as we set up our brand new church in Denmark. Pray for this European city, as we believe to see the Church have an impact on the entire nation.
CONFIDENTIAL APPLICATION FORM thank you for filling out this form. it helps us plan for the year. IT ALSO ALLOWS US to pray over you, YOUR FAMILY and your finances.
I would like the opportunity to make a difference through my financial involvement in the Hillsong Foundation. Please consider my prayerful decision and commitment to fulfilling this amount by the 30th June 2013. Please select one: ARMY OF FAITHFUL BELIEVERS (UP TO $2,499) VISION IMPACTERS ($2,500 - $4,999) KINGDOM BUILDERS ($5,000 AND ABOVE) My commitment for 2012-2013: $ Name: Receipt Name (if different): Privacy Number (if known): Email: Address: Phone (H):
Phone (W):
Phone (M): Connect Group Leader: Campus / Extension Service: Volunteer Grants and Corporate Matching Gifts Programs: Does your employer operate a volunteer grants program? Yes / No / Unsure Does your employer operate a corporate matching gifts program? Yes / No / Unsure All giving $2 and above to the Hillsong Foundation can be tax deductible. You can complete this form online at myhillsong.com/foundation OR return in the envelope provided either via post or in the offering containers during our weekend services. Our privacy policy is available at myhillsong.com – we may utilise your information to notify you of news at Hillsong Church and only provide it to third parties who help us provide services to you. To request access to your information email privacy.officer@hillsong.com .