Heart For The House 2023 | Hillsong UK

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We are so blessed to be a part of a generous church that over the last two decades has continued to faithfully and sacrificially give to the Heart for the House offering. This annual miracle offering has enabled us as a church to take big steps forward with facilities, Social Impact Initiatives and our mission to reach the cities and nations of the United Kingdom. We can look back with gratitude to the generations of courageous and faith-filled people who have helped get us to where we are today. But now, it is our time. We believe we are on the doorstep of an incredible opportunity as a church, we have so much ahead of us and we have no doubt God is with us every step of the way. Jesus boldly said that He will build His Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. What a privilege it is that we get to continue to partner in His mission to build His church in this time for His Glory. This year’s giving will be different, as a church we need to continue to change with the needs and opportunities that arise. Therefore, this year all the contributions to the “Heart for the House” offering will be allocated to three areas: Local Initiatives - the campus you attend, National Initiatives - a single major focus that strategically enables the church to move forward, and Social Impact Initiatives - fulfilling our calling to be the hands and feet of Jesus to our cities, nation and the world. Our intention is to provide clarity and transparency, so that you can be confident of where your giving is making impact in your location, the wider church and beyond. We want to increase our faith and generosity but also our stewardship and communication. Hillsong Church UK - you are awesome, we are so incredibly thankful for you, your faithfulness, your commitment and your generosity. We are believing that together this year we can bring an offering that will be a statement of who we are and who we will be for the future generations. Our prayer is that we would all do something, no matter the amount, and that we would all answer the call to say yes to continue to build His church for His glory in our generation. Once again, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for being an integral part of this amazing group of people who make up Hillsong church. Together, let us be bold in our faith, expectation, and anticipation for the miracles to come. With much love, Tim and Nicola Douglass Lead Pastors, Hillsong Church UK

“All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it.” 1 Corinthians 12:27 3

THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY We are profoundly grateful to all who faithfully partnered with us in our Heart for the House 2022 offering. Your unwavering support has made a remarkable difference. Here are some highlights of what your generous contributions have achieved.

THE HIPPODROME In early 2022, we made history by purchasing the Hippodrome in North London, our very first owned building in the heart of the city. This landmark acquisition is a testament to your dedication and our belief in creating a lasting impact. Our Next Step: Restoring the Hippodrome to its full potential. A part of our 2023 offering will fund this transformative project, ensuring that the Hippodrome becomes a thriving hub of hope and inspiration for our community. 4

SOCIAL IMPACT Through our initiatives like Refugee Response, Green Light, AMP, Love Your Neighbour and Community Grocery, we’ve made a positive and sustainable social impact across the UK and beyond. Our partnership with Vision Rescue has played a vital role in these achievements. Community Grocery: In November 2022, we launched our Community Grocery in Liverpool, providing 15,453 meals to vulnerable people in just one month. Football United Programme: We held three weekly sessions, with an average of 90-100 young refugees and asylum seekers participating, fostering friendships, building confidence, and enhancing skills Vision Rescue Partnership: Our ongoing partnership with Vision Rescue continues to provide food and education to children from the slums in India, ensuring they have access to necessities and hope for a better future. 5

WHAT ARE WE DOING IN 2023? Our vision and mission drive our Heart for the House offering, and in 2023, we are thrilled to introduce three initiatives that will empower our church to create a collective impact. First, our Local Initiatives, spearheaded by our location pastors, are designed to directly benefit the communities in which we are rooted, including the location you attend. Next, our National Initiative involves the renovation of the recently acquired Hippodrome in North London. This endeavour holds tremendous potential for personal transformation and community outreach while presenting revenue-generating opportunities that will bolster our efforts to secure permanent facilities across all our locations in the future. Lastly, our Social Impact Initiatives span across local, national, and international levels. Through our collaborative projects and partnerships with various councils and organisations, we have the privilege of contributing to a positive and meaningful impact on society.



LOCAL INITIATIVES This year, we have a unique opportunity to meet specific needs in each of our Hillsong UK locations. Each location will focus on either “Generations” or “Welcome Home.” This targeted approach allows us to invest directly in the unique needs of each location through our collective efforts to serve and uplift our local Church communities. 7


This year, we have a unique opportunity to meet specific needs in each of our Hillsong UK locations. Each location will focus on either “Generations” or “Welcome Home.” This targeted approach allows us to invest directly in the unique needs of each location through our collective efforts to serve and uplift our local Church communities.



We are deeply committed to creating spaces that embody a “Welcome Home” where individuals discover belonging, a relationship with Jesus, community, and purpose. Every moment, from forging friendships in the foyer to experiencing salvation during our services, is profoundly significant. By investing in specific resources and equipment, we aim to empower each location to create environments where people can encounter God and make meaningful connections with others.

We firmly believe that God is a generational God, continually working from one generation to the next. Our Church is dedicated to paving the path for people of all ages to connect with Jesus and nurture their relationship with Him. We aspire to create spaces that foster personal transformation and community engagement, equipping individuals and sparking inspiration among both the present and future generations.


Central London Elevating our kids facilities through strategic investments in new equipment and engaging toys. North London Commence on a comprehensive bathroom renovation project within our building. Southwest London Transforming our foyer into a welcoming space with fresh signage to help connect people better, while acquiring much needed production equipment. Southeast London Strengthening our Youth and Kids ministries by upgrading equipment needed for vibrant Kids services and Youth nights. Additionally, making our services more accessible to people with additional needs through introducing interpretations. Croydon Strengthen our Youth and Kids ministries by acquiring needed resources, additionally, enhancing our service quality by investing in production equipment. Reading Revamping our foyer space with the introduction of fresh signage, decor, and an upgraded coffee machine.

Kent Introducing a new design and installation to revitalise our coffee bar area. Guildford Strengthening our services by acquiring much-needed production equipment and musical instruments. Oxford Enriching our youth nights by securing an ideal venue for our activities. Birmingham Elevating our foyer space and services with the introduction of a coffee machine and investing into upgrading our production equipment. Liverpool Enriching the experience for our Youth by investing in a diverse range of equipment and engaging toys for our Kids ministries. Newcastle Establishing a local outreach hub with a Community Grocery, clothing bank, and comprehensive wraparound care services. Edinburgh Upgrading our Kids and Youth facilities through investment in new equipment and toys. Additionally, establishing and furnishing a family room. 9


NATIONAL INITIATIVES We can achieve more together through the collective effort of our entire Church. Currently, our National Initiative supports the renovation of the recently acquired Hippodrome in North London. This venue holds immense potential for personal transformation and community outreach. It also offers revenue-generating possibilities, which will support our goal of securing permanent facilities across our locations. Together, we can turn this potential into reality. 10

THE HIPPODROME In January 2022, we acquired The Hippodrome, a historic London landmark, which has since transformed into our vibrant and welcoming community hub. The Hippodrome now serves as the central location for our North London community, hosting our Sunday services, which have expanded to two services since our move. Additionally, it has facilitated baptism services where 195 individuals have chosen to take this significant step in their faith journey. Furthermore, this versatile space has allowed us to expand our Amplified Arts Academy, introducing a second site at The Hippodrome. This initiative empowers local youth to explore their artistic talents, creating opportunities that amplify their potential. As part of our National Initiative, our next project involves restoring the balconies within the auditorium, creating additional space for people to experience and connect with Jesus. This renovation will enhance our impact as a church in North London and transform the Hippodrome into a revenue source that supports our Church’s outreach. The possibilities for The Hippodrome’s contribution to our Church and the community are vast. We have only begun to tap into this potential and eagerly anticipate what the future holds. 11


SOCIAL IMPACT INITIATIVES Our aim is to create a meaningful impact on society through Local Social Impact Initiatives and Global Partnerships. This year, we will continue supporting our UK Social Impact Initiatives, such as Refugee Response, Green Light, AMP, Love Your Neighbour, and Community Grocers. Additionally, we will support our longstanding global partnerships. These initiatives and partnerships collectively generate a significant and sustainable social impact. 12

LOCAL SOCIAL IMPACT AMP Breaking social and economic barriers for youth, delivering exceptional artistic education, and empowering young talent with opportunities for growth and success.

COMMUNITY GROCERY Offering discounted products, including food and toiletries, sourced from supermarket chains, making them accessible to low-income individuals and families in need.

LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR Initiating social action projects addressing local needs, demonstrating love through tangible assistance to vulnerable members of our community.

REFUGEE RESPONSE Resettling refugee families in the UK, offering support and empowerment to asylum-seekers, creating pathways to self-reliance and integration.

GREENLIGHT Empowering unhoused individuals to rebuild lives, regain trust, and become integral to a healthy community, fostering resilience and inclusion through support programs and opportunities.

GLOBAL PARTNERS VISION RESCUE Providing vital resources such as food, education, medical aid, skills training, and holistic assistance to children and families residing in India’s slums. 13

PREPARE FOR YOUR FINANCIAL GIFT PRAY Prayerfully consider the part you are able to play in our Heart For The House offering.

PLAN Every significant sacrifice requires a plan. Never underestimate budgeting for generosity.

BRING Let’s join together for our Heart For The House offering weekend on the 29th of October.


WAYS TO GIVE ONLINE GIVING Contribute in under a minute by using your mobile number or email. It’s a fast and secure method to manage your donations conveniently.

HILLSONG GIVE APP Download the ‘Hillsong Give’ app for iPhone or Android devices. Choose your location and select Heart For The House giving.

SUNDAY SERVICE You can also give in person using cash, cheque, or contactless payment methods at any of our services. Offering envelopes are available in the foyers for your convenience.

STANDING ORDER / BANK TRANSFER Establish a standing order or make a bank transfer with your bank using our provided banking details. Account Name: Hillsong Church London Account Number: 80010219 Sort Code: 20-74-71 Transaction Reference: Your Giving ID





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