Issue #5 Spring 2013

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St. Edward’s University • Wednesday, February 27, 2013 • Volume 33 • Issue 5 •

Alcohol offenses more frequent this semester Bridget Carter

Alcohol-related offenses are becoming more frequent on campus this year. As of Feb. 12, records from the University Police Department, UPD, show that there have been three DWIs and six public intoxication offenses that lead to arrests

on campus since “Nationally, alcohol on college universities Jan. 1. One DWI and nine public is an issue ... Our policies are about safety, intoxication ofeducation, and the community.” fenses took place -Dean of Students Lisa Kirkpatrick over the entire year of 2012. “Nationally, alaccused of a drug-related dent Code of Conduct. cohol on college universities crime on or off campus, St. However, as stated in the is an issue,” Lisa Kirkpatrick, Edward’s may take disciplin- Student Code of Conduct, dean of students, said. ary action against that stu- the disciplinary process is If a student is arrested or dent for violation of the Stu- not meant to punish stu-

dents, but rather to protect the community and challenge students whose behavior is not in accordance with university policies. “Our policies are about safety, education, and the community,” Kirkpatrick said. “We offer an opportunity for students to reflect on their actions and make better decisions in the future.”

The Alcohol and Other Drug Policy states that students under the age of 21 are not allowed to drink or possess alcohol on or off campus. Students age 21 and over living on campus may store and consume alcohol in the their rooms provided that students under 21 are not present. CAMPUS | 2

Construction worker injured on site, evacuated by paramedics Kristina Schenck

It took over an hour for the Travis County Emergency Medical Service and the fire department to lower an injured worker from scaffolding following an accident at the construction site of the new Munday Library at St. Edward’s University. The first ambulance arrived on the scene at 2:02 p.m. The injured 26-year-old male, who was not named, was taken to St. David’s South Austin Medical Center at about 3:12 p.m. on Feb. 22, Travis County Emergency Medical Service, EMS, spokesperson Warren Hassinger said. “It was nothing major, a

minor laceration,” said Mike Smith with VKW Construction Co., the contracting company for the project. The man sustained a twoinch laceration on his leg that was caused by an angle grinder, Hassinger said. Blood loss was minimal and the man’s injuries were serious, but not life-threatening. Witnesses said the construction crew appeared to be exploring several different methods for lowering the man down from the scaffolding, such as using a crane and a forklift, before the paramedics arrived on campus. “I think they were just trying to figure out how to get him down but they didn’t do anything unsafe,” sophomore

Michael Haywood said. Two fire trucks and another EMS ambulance arrived at 2:17 p.m. Emergency personnel then used three ladders to lower the man to the ground, one as a slide for the stretcher and one on each side for people to stabilize the stretcher. “Since he was on the scaffolding, he couldn’t walk down. They were practicing doing things in a safe way because it wasn’t life threatening,” Smith said. Construction continued on the adjacent structure throughout the process of lowering the injured man down from the structure. Additional reporting by Brooke Blanton.

Photo by Matthew Nuñez Paramedics lower an injured construction worker from the scaffolding on Friday afternoon.




Campus Ministry program Alternative Spring Break adds a new trip location.

Planning for the second annual club sports athlete banquet is in the works.

Austin fixture and crosstown paper the Daily Texan faces financial troubles.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2013 • HILLTOP VIEWS 2 NEWS Pope’s resignation sparks discussion, Campus Ministry events Monique Moreno

Two weeks after Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation was accepted on Feb. 24, rumor and fact is still hard to separate as much speculation had been stated and circulated these past few weeks. “The pope was speaking to a meeting of cardinals and bishops known as a consistory. It seemed to take them all by surprise. Only his closest advisors and his brother seem to have known about the pope's plans,” said the Rev. Peter Walsh, director of Campus Ministry. Brother Larry Atkinson said the media has taken over coverage since then. “[Benedict] believes he is not up to the physical challenges of running a church of over one billion Catholics. He seems to be quite active mentally, but the constant

public audiences and visits to countries is difficult for a man of 85. He was courageous to break with tradition and offer to resign and let a younger person lead the church,” Atkinson said. Although some in the media have given the pope a hard time about resigning, others believe it is a good thing that the pope resigned due to poor health. “He has revived it as a real option for future popes who find themselves in a serious health crisis or advanced age.” Walsh said. Selecting a new pope can be a very lengthy process. Technically, any Catholic man can become pope, but it has always been somewhat of a tradition to select a Cardinal to take over the spot. “The Cardinals gather in the Sistine chapel and pray, discuss and vote. If they do not get a pope on the first

George Bridges/MCT Pope Benedict XVI addresses a crowd at the White House.

ballot, they keep voting over a period of a couple of days until they have a candidate with the required majority,” Atkinson said. The Cardinals will select the new pope once Benedict officially resigns Feb. 28. “There are many needs in the church that need a strong

leader. Depending on whom they choose, it could be a more ‘traditional’ pope who will hold on to the traditions of the past, or a pope from a developing part of the world who might be more in touch with the current needs and perhaps be more ‘progressive’ in his rulings,” Atkinson said.

Having a pope with a more modern way of thinking could bring significant changes to the church. “It could mean conflict within the church from those who resist change from both the clergy as well as the people. A ‘modern’ pope would have to consult before making any radical changes. However, a ‘modern’ pope might be more open to some of the current cries for change like married or female clergy; contraception, etc.,” Atkinson said. Walsh said that if the new pope is younger rather than older, he could potentially serve into the middle part of the century. “If that's the case, he will oversee a Church that will be largely located in the global south — South America and Africa — and Asia,” Walsh said. A modern pope may also

have to adapt to the new media available in the twentyfirst century. Benedict used Twitter, and the next pope could similarly make use of Twitter and other online communication. There will be several campus events going on depending on when the new pope is chosen. Because the new pope is not being chosen due to death, the traditional mourning period does not have to be recognized. Campus Ministry will hold a talk on Benedict’s legacy on Feb. 28 and it will be followed by a prayer service. If people are on campus when the election happens during that day in Austin, the bells will be rung at St. Joseph Hall at the same time they are ringing in the Vatican. Televisions will also be set up for students who want to watch coverage in the Ragsdale Center lobby.

Campus policies explain consequences for alcohol offenses Continued from page 1

Students over 21 may consume alcohol at campus events if an alcohol permit has been issued so food and alcoholic beverages can be provided. An arrest may be made if a St. Edward’s police officer believes that a person on campus is driving while intoxicated. Visual detection of DWI motorists includes problems maintaining proper lane position, speed and braking problems and judgment problems, such as taking risks and endangering others. In the event that an arrest is made, the officer must inform the student that he or she is being arrested and provide the reasons for the arrest, ac-

cording to the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. After an arrest, the St. Edward’s police officer transports the individual to the Travis County Sheriff ’s Department jail facility where the individual is booked. However, UPD may release an intoxicated student to the care of an adult who agrees to take responsibility of the student. “If an adult or family member over 18 is willing to take care of the intoxicated individual for the evening, we can allow that,” Captain Dan Beck of UPD said. There are also health factors to consider. According to the Alcohol and Other Drug Policy, the blood alcohol content, BAC, of .08 is considered intoxicated for an

individual over 21. If a stu- educational classes and comdent’s BAC rises above .30, munity service projects, losthe student is at serious risk ing housing eligibility and the of alcohol poisoning. ability to drive on campus, The person is at risk of death if “Health and safety are he or she passes out and cannot our priorities.” be awakened, becomes cold or -Police Chief Rudolph Rendon, clammy, has unUniversity Police Department usually pale skin, or vomits while they are asleep. “If we assume that a stu- and the student contacting dent may have toxic poison- his or her parents. ing, we will make sure they In addition to university get to a hospital,” Chief Ru- sanctions, state penalties dolph Rendon of UPD said. could apply. A first-time “Health and safety are our DWI offense could result priorities.” in a $500 fine, 40 commuStudent Code of Conduct nity service hours, an alcosanctions for driving while hol awareness course and intoxicated and public in- a 60-day suspension of the toxication include attending individual’s driver’s license.

Providing alcohol to a minor could incur a $4,000 fine and one year in jail. Student housing and dorms may be prime areas for students to engage in under-age drinking or the use of illegal drugs. Occasional room inspections in residence halls and apartments take place when university personnel may enter student housing for the purpose of health and safety inspections, repair and maintenance, assessment of damages or emergencies where danger to life, safety or health is suspected. The Room Inspections in Residence Halls and Apartments Policies state that any items in violation of university policies that are in plain site will be confiscated and handled through the student

conduct process. Officers may conduct a room search based on probable cause. During a search, officers are permitted to bar students from the area being searched. If an alcohol or drug related incident takes places in campus dorms, a resident advisor or resident director may write a report. The student has the right to review the report and the allegations made against him or her. “Anyone can write a report acknowledging what they saw and the objects they found in the student’s room,” said Residence Director Roy Pequeno. “Loosely termed ‘evidence,’ such as a student’s physical mannerisms, may be recorded in the report.”



Going abroad raises questions on affordability, study options Kelsey Cartwright

dent residences, international health insurance, pre-departure and on-site orientation and certain excursions. It excludes course textbooks, technology, round-trip airfare, meals, transportation within Angers, personal expenses and passport and visa application fees. All financial aid and scholarship would go towards tuition payment. If a student chooses to go abroad through a third-party provider program, they can use private scholarships, student and parent loans, as well as the Federal Pell Grant, said Sarah Garza, financial services counselor. However, if a student chooses to go abroad with an exchange program such as the International Student Exchange Program, ISEP, a student would be able to use their federal and institutional financial aid, said Laura Ray, assistant international advisor.

Questions arise when students decide they want to study abroad, including those of finances and living situations. Students can bring any such issues to Natacha Martin, assistant to the dean of the School of Humanities. “I see my role as trying to overcome any obstacles,” Martin said. Martin urges students to start early and plan, especially if they are freshmen already considering study abroad. “There are some life issues that I think play into this decision,” Martin said. One of the biggest concerns is most likely how a student will afford to go abroad. If students travel abroad through a faculty-led program at St. Edward’s University for the summer, their financial aid will be divided up into the spring, summer and fall semesters, instead of just spring and “There are some life fall semesters. issues that I think play This option can into this decision.” help students who have to stay -Natacha Martin, assitant to the an extra summer dean of the School of Humanities or just want to go abroad the summer after they have already been in college “Essentially, they pay what for four years. they usually pay here at SEU A student currently study- for a semester or year abroad ing abroad in Angers, France with their financial aid inin the spring of 2013 is pay- cluded,” Ray said. ing $15,355 in St. Edward’s Similar to a third-party tuition, according to the Of- provider program, ISEP also fice of International Educa- has a direct program in which tion’s, OIE, website. With a a student pays ISEP directly. $5,195 program fee, the total A student’s federal financial cost $20,550. aid can be applied to the proThe cost includes tuition gram cost, Ray said. for 12-18 credit hours, single Financial questions aside, occupancy housing in stu- the requesite first step for

student who expresses interest in studying abroad is to attend a Study Abroad 101 session at the OIE. After attending the session, a student will be placed with an advisor within the OIE to determine what program they want. Students will work with the dean or associate dean of their school on the course approval process if that is necessary, Ray said. Students are required to meet with their financial aid counselor or with Garza in the Office of Student Financial Services to understand how their financial aid can be used, Ray said. Both Ray and Garza said that they help students find outside scholarship and funding. However, the two provide support for other questions regarding study abroad, as well. “It’s not a matter of ‘can I afford to go?,’ it’s more a matter of which study-abroad program and when,” Garza said. Eriann Panado, sophomore, is currently studying abroad through ISEP in Aalborg, Denmark at Aalborg University for the spring semester. Panado was able to pay St. Edward’s tuition since she was going abroad through ISEP, but she said she has to pay for her own books, excursions, a $400 resident permit, a bus pass, bike rental for the semester, as well as about a $900 round trip flight from her hometwon San Diego to Aalborg. Despite the many questions and issues that can occur in the process, most students who study abroad share the same sentiment, according to Martin. “Study abroad was the defining experience [in their college career,]” Martin said.

Affordable Care compromise stirs debate among Catholics Sam Jackson

The Obama administration has proposed a compromise in response to complaints by religious organizations about the mandatory women’s preventive health care included in the Affordable Care Act. This compromise is not likely to affect the university’s current healthcare plan, but that is not set in stone, university spokesperson Mischelle Diaz said. “This new modification to the [Health and Human Services] ruling does raise some questions, but for now it’s just unclear whether the proposal will affect health insurance here or not,” Diaz said. “The administration needs time to look at that and to meet with the health care administrators to see if there would be an effect or not.” Last year, as part of the Affordable Care Act, President Barack Obama and the Department of Health and Human Services required all businesses that provide employee healthcare to also provide for women’s preventive care free of charge. Preventive care includes services like birth control, pap smears, mammograms and other crucial services intended to stop or quickly recognize lethal diseases. Catholic groups raised protest against the bill, because the use of contraceptives contradict Catholic social teaching. In an attempt to diffuse this tension, the Obama administration recently made a compromise that essentially redefines which religious groups can exempt on faith-based

Kirk McCoy/Los Angeles Times/MCT The university’s health care plan includes contraceptives.

grounds. The administration added a clause that allows nonprofit religious organizations to be exempt from offering coverage themselves, and rather had the insurance company foot the bill entirely. The health plan for St. Edward’s faculty and students does include prescription birth control coverage. However, over-the-counter methods, like the “morningafter pill” are not covered under the current insurance plan. However, current St. Edward’s health policies on contraceptives are more fixed. “The reason we have a policy that covers [contraception] right now is because our health insurance plan is what’s called a ‘fully insured group’,” Diaz said. “It administers a health plan approved by the Texas Department of Insurance. The way that stands right now in Texas, customizations are not an option. You can’t customize to exclude certain things, including contraception.” This applies to both em-

ployer and employee, Diaz said. The mandate already exempted churches and other non-profit religious organizations from the beginning, but it did not include Catholic hospitals and universities in the country. Even with the compromise, the bill is facing opposition from other Catholic interests, who feel that the compromise is a weak attempt to please both sides. “In effect, the president is saying we have a year to figure out how to violate our consciences,” Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan said in a statement to the New York Times. Many universities, hospitals and other for-profit religious organizations have filed suit against the government because they believe their religious liberties are being violated, since the bill penalizes non-compliant companies financially. The suits have had many different results, which could mean that the mandate will be tested in the Supreme Court, according to the Washington Times.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2013 • HILLTOP VIEWS 4 NEWS University alumns form biggest LIVESTRONG marathon team Shelby Cole

Alumni from St. Edward’s University have banded together to form the largest and highest fundraising team for the Livestrong Austin Marathon and Half Marathon in support of 26-year-old cancer survivor and alumna Kate Voth. The team broke records of team size with 119 runners, as well as fundraising, and raised a total of $53,000. Stephani Smolucha and Katie Shagman, both St. Edward’s alumni, were already planning to run a half-marathon this year. Smolucha and Shagman came up with the initial idea to run in honor of Voth. Team Kate’s initial fundraising goal was to hit $1,000, an amount which doubled within the first week of the team’s creation. “[It] is a testament to what an incredible person Kate is,” Smolucha said. In 2004, when Voth was in

Courtesy of Melissa O’Cañas Formed in support of Kate Voth ‘07, Team Kate’s roster is the largest in LIVESTRONG history.

school at St. Edward’s, she went to a dermatologist and had melanoma removed from her shoulder, thinking it was a routine procedure. Voth went back to the doctor in 2008 and had melanoma removed again, this time from her scalp. In 2009, Voth was told that she had melanoma in her liver and in one of her adrenal glands. She was 22. “I’ve looked at myself as a young, active, determined individual who, aside from cancer, is in perfect health ...

For me, beating cancer has never been a question of ‘if ’ but ‘when,’” Voth said. She is still fighting cancer and undergoes treatment regularly. Last month, her doctors discovered that her cancer had grown. She is now enduring radiation for some 25 brain tumors. Her diagnoses and subsequent treatments have prohibited her from doing any high-impact activities, which includes her all-time favorite passion of running.

“Running is her passion, and I hate running with a passion,” Melinda O’Cañas, a friend of Voth’s, said. “We wanted to show our gratitude and support for everything that she’s enduring by running this marathon. She’s gone through so much.” O’Cañas—who is the administrative coordinator in the St. Edward’s School of Education—and Voth met at an alumni event and hit it off. O’Cañas did not know Voth had cancer until a while after

meeting her. “She always looked like she was ready to put on her athletic clothes and get ready to run,” O’Cañas said on Voth’s healthy appearance, which was unaffected by treatment until very recently. Because of her newest form of radiation, Voth lost her hair. In a show of support, Voth’s husband, mother and sister also shaved their heads. Runners have the option of paying the regular runners’ fee or to fundraise $500 each. O’Cañas joined Team Kate and decided to pledge to fundraise, ultimately reaching $700. Then, O’Cañas hit the track and started training. O’Cañas, experienced firsthand the pain of running 13 straight miles. “Mile 11 is where my back was really hurting. My second toe felt like the toenail was coming off. I could comfortably run 10 miles, but pushing the rest felt like too much,” O’Cañas said. “I kept thinking that Kate has endured so much compared to

this little thing I’m complaining about, which was 20 more minutes of just pushing myself to run.” Thinking about Voth’s struggle with cancer encouraged O’Cañas to push to the finish line. Voth has served as an inspiration for the lives of many, and her positive energy brought family, friends, peers and strangers together to run for an important cause. “She’s such a beautiful and kindhearted person, and I’m so glad all these people came together to show support and love for her,” O’Cañas said. “She’s a human being, and she’s an incredible person.” Eighty-one percent of all funds raised since the program’s inception have gone directly to support programs and services for cancer survivors, according to the Livestrong Foundation’s website. “It just makes me happy that so much good has come from this very challenging battle with cancer,” Voth said.

Professor builds, plans to sell online student portfolio system Shelby Sementelli

An employer receives an application. In many work places, the first stage for screening the candidate is a quick Google search. Ryan Hoover, professor of English Writing and Rhetroric, ENGW, realized this growing trend and wanted to help students at St. Edward’s University transition into life after education. In 2011, Hoover and other ENGW professors put together a specialized portfolio site powered by WordPress and transitioned from the traditional paper portfolio

required for graduation to an electronic one. SEU Folios is now a hub of writing students portfolios, but faculty from other majors are starting to show interest. This semester the Religious Studies department adopted SEU Folios. Other majors may implement it into its curriculum for next semester. “It’s a great program because when people Google your name, SEU Folios is one of the first things to pop up,” senior ENGW major Whitney McCaskill said. “You can have all of your academic work in one organized place for employers to see.” Hoover believes that this

program is more “The portfolios give beneficial than other professtudents a chance to sional social netassemble their work working sites like LinkedIn. strategically.” “It is a presence -Moriah McCracken, professor of that you control,” English Writing and Rhetoric said Hoover. Students cantechnology, but it is working not modify the appearance of other network- out a deal to sell the program ing sites to the extent of SEU to other universities. The NaFolios. Hoover said there is tional Institute for Technolno limit to the content or ap- ogy in Liberal Education has offered to promote the profile pearance of the portfolio. “It creates a beautiful im- system. Sam Houston State age of who the student is,” University has already shown interest in implementing the Hoover said. Currently, St. Edward’s portfolio system in classowns the copyrights for the rooms.

Hoover’s original goal was to give students an online presence that could be used for academic and outside purposes. Now, students are using SEU Folios in ways he never anticipated. Sophomore Willa Goldberg is using her portfolio to document her study abroad experience in Durban, South Africa. McCaskill used the coding skills she learned and the organization of her work to get the rights for her own website. English Writing and Rhetoric students create their profiles sophomore year in document design. Students are encouraged to put their

best piece of work from every ENGW class into their portfolio. Students culminate their two-year project in a career preparation course. Along the way, classes such as Technical and Business Communication have requirements for the portfolio in their curriculum. “The portfolios give students a change to assemble their work strategically,” ENGW professor Moriah McCracken said. “It certainly wasn’t the way it was when I was an English major and everything was in a filing cabinet, but the world doesn’t work that way anymore.”




look for the answers to both games in next week’s issue!

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LIFE & ARTS Spring break service program adds a new site WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2013 • HILLTOP VIEWS

Monique Moreno

Alternative Spring Break, ASB, is a week-long trip organized by Campus Ministry that sends groups of students to various sites throughout the country to do community service. “I am excited to be taken out of my comfort zone and experience what it means to live without the luxuries, which often become distractions in our everyday life,” junior Greg Hakeem, who will participate in ASB for the first time this March, said. Liza Manjarrez, Assistant Director of Campus ministry, is the mastermind behind the program. “If you really wanted to go to New York for Spring Break, buy a plane ticket. If you want to make a difference during Spring Break no matter where you are placed, then apply for Alternative Spring Break,” Manjarrez said.

chicago, il new york, ny

denver, co vanceburg, ky

los angeles, ca whiteriver, az

biloxi, ms phoenix, az el paso, tx new orleans, la

Graphic illustration by Hannah Smith ASB participants will travel to one of 10 sites across the United States later this month.

Students who are interested in attending an Alternative Spring Break trip apply at the beginning of the fall semes-

ter and do not know where they will be sent until the ceremony before the trips, after undergoing an interview

process. The small teams of students with a variety of backgrounds are selected to go to a service

location. Service sites include El Paso, New Orleans and Phoenix. The newest addition to the ASB roster is Los Angeles, Calif. “I am looking forward to being able to learn and grow with people whose stories are drastically different from mine and learn from our conversations and interactions,” Hakeem said. All of the teams work to assist the local community of the place they travel to. For example, in New York City, students will be working with inner-city kids to help combat education issues. “Each program is unique and caters to a different community and social justice issue. We look for students open to an experience of service no matter where they are placed,” Manjarrez said. Before leaving on their excursions, applicants also do community service in their local community and bond as

a group. The goal is that students bond and work together before they ever embark on their trips. Each trip has a student leader that has previously participated in an ASB experience. Sophomore Cristina Alvarado took part in ASB last year and is now leading the trip to Los Angeles. Alvarado believes every student should partake in this experience because it is empowering. “It's awesome to see a group of different students, all wanting something different, come out with profound smiles on their faces,” Alvarado said. For Alvarado, Alternative Spring Break is an emotionally moving experience. “Any of the other awesome people I get to work with will tell you I cry easily. It's never because I am sad ... it's because it makes me amazingly happy to see compassion and faith in action,” Alvarado said.

Austin Slam Poetry community continues to grow and expand Jorge Roque

Unknown to many, there is a thriving Slam Poetry scene in Austin. Events are perpetually taking place within the city, both competitive and open-mic, and well-known artists such as Anis Mojgani and Derrick Brown have settled down in Austin for its thriving scene. Among the rising poets on the scene is St. Edward’s University alumna, Gloria C. Adams, ’12. According to Adams, Slam Poetry is a fusion of a variety of art forms. “It bridges together poetry,

acting, rap and even stand-up comedy, and the blend is not consistent,” Adams, whose stage name is “Glori B,” said. She describes the melting pot of poets as “a community of writers and performers each working in a similar but distinct style.” The alumna defined Slam as a cathartic experience. “On any given night you are guaranteed to hear some deep philosophy, hilarious stories and deep, painful revelations,” Adams said. Furthermore, Adams believes the people are drawn in by the art because of the willingness to be vulnerable. She said an audience ex-

pects “honesty, full disclosure, feelings, metaphors and above all, truth.” At 8:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, the Spiderhouse Ballroom on Guadalupe and 29th hosts the Austin Poetry Slam, a competitive event comprised of 13 poets in total each night. If a poet does not get an opportunity that evening then they are guaranteed one the following week. On April 3, the Austin Poetry Slam will culminate its season competition and have an end-year final, known as the “Grand Slam.” Those who earn a spot on the team will then perform

at Nationals in Boston this August. The Grand Slam will take place at the Stateside Theater on Congress. “Glori B.” is among the four poets already guaranteed a spot. Her love for poetry, talent for performance and the amount of pain, struggle and vulnerability she puts into each poem is evident. One piece in particular has garnered acclaim from those in the scene. “Last year, a friend of mine died, and I found that writing about it helped. I brought a poem to Slam about his death, and every time I perform that poem, people come

up to me afterwards to tell how they relate, how they

also lost important people in their lives,” Adams said.

Courtesy of Jered Scott Anis Mojgani is a world-renowned slam poet that lives in Austin.



Transit Theatre Troupe set to perform musical this spring Alexis Gonzales

The award-winning student organization Transit Theatre Troupe has just announced their spring season which includes Neil LaBute’s “Some Girls” and the musical “I Love You Because” by Ryan Cunningham and Joshua Salzman. Transit Theatre Troupe was founded in 2007 as an on-campus, site-specific theater company that produces shows in various locations on campus. “[Transit Theatre Troupe] is an opportunity for new artistic and creative experiences for the St. Edward’s community,” said junior Leah Harris and managing director. The troupe is completely student-led and overseen by adviser Michelle Polgar, the managing director of the Mary Moody Northen Theatre. The student-led aspect, the principle on which it was founded, is what Harris says she really loves about it. For the spring, Transit

Theatre Troupe will produce their first musical. The romantic modern-day musical, directed by senior Andrew Hatcher, is called “I Love You Because,” and will run in April. The troupe will also produce a comedic play entitled “Some Girls,” directed by senior Emily Donald. “Some Girls” is expected to open later in April. Furthermore, if the troupe manages to iron out the details, they will produce a performance art piece consisting of five different music genres and five different artists. The company wants to show how different types of music can influence visual art. “It’ll be a night of music and painting at sunset,” Harris said. Transit Theatre Troupe may makes it look easy to put on these productions, but much, dedication, hard work and time go into the shows. “Each show is prepared just like any other production you might see,” Harris said. The student directors host auditions, create the cast and

then move on to facilitating rehearsals. Other members of the troupe are maintaining proper advertisement for the show and making sure there will be an audience present on the performance day. It should be known that all Transit performances are completely free of charge. The company does, however, heavily encourage donations. Eighty percent of the money contributed is donated to a charity picked by the director and 20 percent goes to the company to fund more productions. These charities are most often associated with the arts and music in the local Austin community. By donating, a student is not only helping Transit Theatre Troupe provide entertainment for themselves and fellow Hilltoppers, but they are also helping their local community. Students can get involved by auditioning, liking the company’s Facebook page, following them on Twitter and going to see their free shows.

Courtesy of Transit Theatre Troupe Transit Theatre Troupe also produces an annual New Works Festival during the fall semester.


Topper Trends | Top Five Latest Fashion Week trends can update every wardrobe Katie Brown

It has been a very important couple of weeks for fashion. It is that time of year again when the world’s best designers grace the catwalks with their new and upcoming designs at New York Fashion week, where the upcoming fall/winter 2013 are displayed ever so artfully at numerous runway shows. That is right. As we are gradually saying goodbye to our winter ensembles, fashion is already saying hello to trends for next year. It may seem silly to some that trends so far in advance are already being talked about, but in the fashion world, being far ahead of the game is necessary. As an outsider looking in, it is fun to see what kinds of things people will be wearing almost a year from now. Even though I was unfortunately not physically at fashion week, I was longingly drooling over online photos and Instagram pictures of the event. As I scoured through these photos, not only did my obsession for the fabulous British model Cara Delevigne flourish as I swooned over those caterpillar eyebrows and her perfect bone structure, but also my Topper Trend inspiration was kicked into full gear. Therefore, it seemed impossible and unfitting for me to write on only one upcoming trend, since fashion week supplied me with many. So, I came up with a list of my 5 favorite trends

Photo by Katie Brown Layering was a popular style at this year’s Fahsion Week.

to be on the lookout for this upcoming year.

Victoria Beckham to Tommy Hilfiger.

1. Layering

4. ‘70s

2. Menswear fabrics

5. Matchy-matchy

It was once all about the crisp, simple pieces and layering was seemingly over. Well, not anymore. Now, it is all about adding dimension to your outfit by layering a sweater over a collared shirt or simply putting on a high-fashion jacket to polish your ensemble. Remember a couple of years ago when it was in to wear men’s style clothing? I am talking boy cut jeans and preppy plaid jackets. Yep, it is back. Tommy Hilfiger, for example, showed off this preppy menswear fabric style by layering up houndstooth, checks and pinstripes.

3. The beanie

As any of you avid readers know, I am a huge fan of grunge style. Unfortunately, it did not touch the runways this year as expected. The exception to this was the beanie, which was seen everywhere from Victoria by

As both history and fashion tells us, things repeat themselves. Rather, they are repeated in a revamped way. Marc by Marc Jacobs and Von Furstenberg injected some feel-good 70s glamour into the week, including bold prints and lots of velvet. It is usually a huge fashion crime to match from head to toe, but not anymore. At DKNY, a pink leopard sweater was worn with a matching pink leopard skirt, bag and shoes. Yes, all matching. Right now, fashion is taking a chance and finding new ways to make matching modern. Now, I know we all may not be able to wear the newest Marc Jacobs or J.Crew pieces, but what we can do is look to them for inspiration. Take some of these looks, tweak them and make them your own in order to show off your personal style.



85th Annual Academy Awards

The Academy vs. Austin Film Critics Founded in 2005, the Austin Film Critics Association is a group that recognizes and awards the best in film, locally, nationally and abroad, each December.

Best Picture: “Argo” “Zero Dark Thirty” Actor: Daniel Day-Lewis, “Lincoln” Joaquin Phoenix, “The Master” Actress: Jennifer Lawrence, “Silver Linings Playbook” Jennifer Lawrence, “Silver Linings Playbook” Supporting Actor: Christoph Waltz, “Django Unchained” Christoph Waltz, “Django Unchained” Supporting Actress: Anne Hathaway, “Les Misérables” Anne Hathaway, “Les Misérables” Directing: Ang Lee, “Life of Pi” Paul Thomas Anderson, “The Master”

Foreign Language Film: “Amour” “Holy Motors” Adapted Screenplay: Chris Terrio, “Argo” Chris Terrio, “Argo” Original Screenplay: Quentin Tarantino, “Django Unchained” Rian Johnson, “Looper” Animated Feature Film: “Brave” “Wreck-It Ralph” Cinematography: “Life of Pi” “The Master” Sound Editing (tie): “Skyfall” and ‘’Zero Dark Thirty” Original Song: “Skyfall” from “Skyfall,” Adele Adkins and Paul Epworth Documentary Feature: “Searching for Sugar Man” “The Imposter” Best Austin Film: “Bernie”

Oscars break records, celebrate filmmakers Mitch Harris

The 85th annual Academy Awards proved to be an interesting mix of deserved recognition, snide comments and celebrity flubs. Host Seth MacFarlane, of ‘Family Guy’ fame, proved that while talented, his sense of humor would be better left to the voices of adult cartoon characters. His delivery was sarcastic, cavalier and edgy - hardly what one would expect in the world’s mostwatched award show. Despite the painfully long introduction including several musical numbers and an extended cameo from William Shatner, the awards themselves celebrated incredible achievements in film over the past year with some particularly ground-breaking nominations. Nominated for her work in “Beasts of the Southern Wild,” Quvenzhané Wallis became the youngest person ever nominated for Best Actress. The nine-year-old was cute, precocious and graceful even when she lost the award to the second youngest nomi-

Lawrence K. Ho/Los Angeles Times/MCT Ang Lee earned his second Best Director Award for “Life of Pi.”

nee, 22-year-old Jennifer Barbra Streisand in “Funny Lawrence. Girl” and Audrey Hepburn “Amour,” a brutal Austrian in “Lion in Winter”. film about an elderly couple, While there were big winwon for Best Foreign Film, ners at this year’s Oscars, but earned an impressive there was no single movie four other nominations: Best that swept the awards. Picture, Emmanuelle Riva “Life of Pi” proved to stimfor Best Actress, Michael ulate the senses with its wins Haneke Best Director and for Ang Lee for Best DirecBest Original Screenplay. tor, Best Cinematography, Also a first, there was a tie for “Host Seth MacFarlane Sound Editing. of ‘Family Guy’ fame, Both “Skyfall” and “Zero Dark proved that while Thirty” claimed talented, his sense the Oscar. This of humor would be is the first tie for the Academy better left to the Awards in 43 voices of adult cartoon years. The last tie came in 1969 characters.” in the Best Actress category for Best Visual Effects and Best Original Score. However, “Life of Pi” seemed to lack the acting prowess and storytelling abilities of its fellow nominees. Ben Affleck’s “Argo” earned

Robert Gauthier/Los Angeles Times/MCT Host Seth MacFarlane showed off his singing voice in the show.

Francis Specker/Landov/MCT Anne Hathaway won her first Oscar for “Les Misérables.”

the coveted spot of Best Picture as well as the awards for Film Editing and Adapted Screenplay, although it also failed to snag any acting awards. The strongest acting came primarily from historical or period pieces. Daniel Day-Lewis won his third Oscar for his stunningly realistic portrayal of honest Abe in “Lincoln.” To no one’s surprise, Anne Hathaway received the award for Actress in a Supporting Role for her raw and emotional Fantine in the movie musical “Les Misérables.” Austrian-born Christoph Waltz won his second Best Supporting Actor award as Dr. King Schultz in Quentin Tarantino’s “Django Unchained.”

Robert Gauthier/Los Angeles Times/MCT The cast of “Chicago” performed a show-stopping number.



85th Annual Academy Awards

Robert Gauthier/Los Angeles Times/MCT Despite her fall, Jennifer Lawrence kept her cool. Lawrence K. Ho/Los Angeles Times/MCT Ben Affleck, George Clooney, and Grant Heslov won the Oscar for Best Picture with “Argo.”

Although the acting this year was superb, the ceremony was far from it. As Jennifer Lawrence walked up to accept her Best Actress award, she tripped on her own dress walking up the stairs. However, the young actress handled the incident with grace and humor. Once she reached the microphone, the audience was giving her a standing ovation. “You guys are just standing up because I fell and that’s really embarrassing, but thank you,” Lawrence said as she accepted her Oscar. Quentin Tarantino was his usual scatterbrained self when he accepted his award for Best Original Screenplay. He was sweaty, excited and downright proud of himself as he ended his acceptance speech with the words “peace out.” Renée Zellweger also had an interesting moment when presenting the Best Original Song with her cast from “Chicago.” Not only did the one-time Oscar winner seem a little off-kilter, when handed the envelope to read the winner, she squinted and passed it on to Queen Latifah. Rumors of drunkenness, drug abuse and illiteracy quickly proliferated on the internet. Despite it being three and

a half hours long, the night was littered with pleasant surprises. To everyone’s surprise, first lady Michelle Obama announced the award for Best Picture from the White House. “[These films] reminded us that we can overcome any obstacle if we dig deep enough and fight hard enough and find the courage within ourselves,” Obama said. The universe was also blessed with a performance from Adele and her song “Skyfall” from the James Bond movie of the same name. The anthem also won the Oscar for Best Original Song. Also, Dame Shirley Bassey, performed “Goldfinger” from the 1964 Bond movie. Bassey was equally as stunning as she celebrated the 50th anniversary of the James Bond franchise. The theme of the ceremo-

ny was music’s role in film, and the musical numbers ended up being some of the best moments. Aside from this year’s Best Original Song nominees, several outstanding songs from films gone by made an appearance. Jennifer Hudson’s “And I Am Telling You” from “Dreamgirls” and Catherine Zeta-Jones’ “All That Jazz” from “Chicago” were a welcome reprieve from the typical awards show fare, though the did ceremony seem more like a Tony awards show. Despite the length of the ceremony and the hit-andmiss humor of the host, the 85th annual Academy Awards proved to be a success, thanks primarily to the stunning cameos. From Michelle Obama to Adele to Jennifer Lawrence nearly falling on her face, this was an Oscars to be remembered.

Robert Gauthier/Los Angeles Times/MCT Quentin Tarantino’s original screenplay won him an Oscar.

Jay L. Clendenin/Los Angeles Times/MCT Quvenzhané Wallis was the youngest nominee.

Francis Specker/Landov/MCT Adele’s “Skyfall” was named Best Original Song.

[slapdash] Four seasons a week


SPORTS Athletes recognized for academic achievement WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2013 • HILLTOP VIEWS

Lesli Simms

This past academic year, St. Edward’s University has steadily risen in various national rankings. Recently, the university has gained national recognition for impressive student-athlete graduation rates. For the 2011-2012 academic year, the university maintained a federal graduation rate of 82 percent. This ranking places the university at 7th amongst the various Division II schools within the nation. According to the NCAA website, the data compiled shows that “student-athletes are shown to graduate at a higher rate than their peers in the general student body.”

According to the website, the nationwide measure like this is the first to ever be done by the NCAA. Recently, the Athletic Department released an annual report for the 20112012 academic year. Athletics reported that the combined GPA for all St. Edward’s student-athletes was a 3.19. According to the report, 69 percent of all studentathletes within the university held a 3.0 GPA. Additionally, 39 percent held a 3.5 GPA or higher. By the end of the academic year, nine student-athletes reportedly maintained a cumulative GPA of 4.0. Senior Michelle Hundt, who plays libero on the volleyball team, was not surprised by the university’s

climb in ranking. “We are called studentathletes because being a student comes first,” Hundt said. “That is what our coaches always say and they make us live up to this standard.” Hundt said that her coach requires that players attend study hall if their GPAs fall below a 3.5. “When I miss class, it does make [studying] very difficult. There we times when I should be studying, but instead I have to make volleyball my top priority,” Hundt said. “But volleyball has taught me not to procrastinate and to time manage.” According to university policy and procedure, student-athletes may not skip

class for any type of practices activities including team meetings and rehabilitation. Student-athletes may not miss classes that are one hour before the game. Additionally, the athletic schedule for every year is approved the SEU Athletic Council approves the entire competition schedule including away games. Their approval is based on the desire to minimize any academic conflicts for students. In an effort to aid students, the university has various outlets to help studentathletes with their academic work. For example, the Academic Success Center holds various study hall hours. Peer tutors are present to answer any questions athletes may have.

Sports Information Hundt is a volleyball player.

Student-athletes can attend either personal one-on-one tutoring or group tutoring events. The Academic

Success Center also provides academic coaching services to student-athletes. Peer tutors, like liberal arts tutor Meagan Solis, aid student-athletes in various subjects like French I and Molecular Biology, among other things. Additionally, the athletic council approves the athletic schedule to minimize any academic conflicts for students-athletes. “At St. Edward’s, [studentathletes] are encouraged to find a balance between school and athletics,” Solis said. “There is a lot of encouragement to make time for academics… There is more of an awareness of balancing academic work and athletics.”

Club sports committee plans second annual StEspy Awards Colin Stonecipher

A committee of club sports athletes is currently organizing the second annual club sports banquet. This new tradition on campus — dubbed the StEspy Awards, a play on ESPN’s ESPY Awards — gives St. Edward’s club sports athletes the chance to celebrate their camaraderie and accomplishments. This year will mark the second annual StEspy’s. Those who sit on the StEspy Awards’ board looked at both the annual Athletics Banquet and the Student Life Awards, as these are two events that are comparable in size and purpose. Both the Athletics Banquet and the Student Life Awards have

consistent student turnout and have been successful over the years. The Athletics Banquet is typically put on for the athletes, and has, in the past, been hosted off campus in hotel ballrooms. Club sports teams and athletes have the interesting distinction of being one part Student Life and one part athletics. This means they are obligated to operate under both the administrative requirements of a student organization and are also beholden to the office of Campus Recreation. While club sports teams and athletes are allowed to attend and be honored at the Student Life banquet, the Athletics Banquet is not an option for these student-run teams.

Last year, a few driven students were determined to create something unique to the club sports program. Junior Bethany Cuenod went to Director of Campus

attending the banquet. “It was six of us making a brand new event, so it was a little scary. But in the end, it went oddly better than any of us thought it would,” Cuenod said. The event went off last year “Club sport athletes without a hitch, are allowed to attend and expectations are high this and be honored at the year after last Student Life banquet, year’s success. The first banquet the Athletics Banquet had about is not an option...” 150 people in attendance and was held in the Recreation Andy Lemons for Mabee Ballrooms. Attendees his thoughts on the idea. dressed formally and enjoyed Lemons was in full support food catered by Bon Appétit. of the banquet, so long as The current committee Cuenod and other committee consists of Cuenod as well members could find the club as senior Shelby Cole, sport athletes to commit to juniors Curran Kelley, Jordan

Crain and Nicole Wellman, sophomore Audrey Eads and freshman Katy Gillis. The committee members are representatives from swimming, fencing, outdoor adventure club, rugby and women’s club soccer. This year’s committee is faced with a challenge, as Lemons’ wife just gave birth to the couple’s first child. This means that means that Lemons, the committee’s advisor, will be on paternity leave for a portion of the planning. As Lemons enjoys the experience of being a new father, the banquet committee will move forward with planning. Cuenod notes that this may make communication more difficult in the coming weeks. “We are so excited for Andy

and we know he is going to be able to help us out a lot while still being the coolest dad,” Kelley said. Both Kelley and Cuenod had fond memories of last year’s award presentations during the banquet. Each club team gives awards to players on their teams and often have very fun ways of doing it. Last year, Allison Baneham, a women’s lacrosse player received the highly-coveted “Most Likely to be in a Katy Perry Video” award. The chance to recognize the team’s “Most Valuable Player” or “Most Improved Player” is a way to build team spirit and acknowledge players’ commitment and skills. This year’s StEspy Awards will be held on May 2.





Sophomore tennis player finds perfect match Kelsey Caine

countries, athletics and academics are completely separated, and universities often do not have student athletic organizations. Students are forced to either go on to university study or continue in the athletic realm. This led Haegele to search for an American university that could provide her with both an education and an

Sophomore Rafaela Haegele is a driving force on the St. Edward’s University tennis team. Haegele was recruited in 2011 after participating in an athlete showcase. Her fierce game came with time and dedication. Haegele started playing tennis as a child in “Even if you make an Stuttgart, error you can still turn it G e r m a n y. At the age of around and win. So you four, Haegele should never give up.” played tennis with her par-Sophomore Rafaela Haegele ents and was truly a natural. When she was seven, she began outlet for her tennis career. competing in tournaments St. Edward’s was a perfect around Germany. match, allowing Haegele Her practice time logged to study international in at as much as three hours business and play a day five times a week, and competitive tennis with a it is apparent that her hard seasoned team. work paid off. Haegele currently plays Before moving from both singles and doubles, Germany to play for St. though she comes from Edward’s, Haegele was a singles background. ranked 77th in Germany Haegele admitted that she for women 18 and under. learned most of her doubles In Germany, as well as game at St. Edward’s. in many other European “Paige Rachel, [my

current teammate], really helped me understand how to play doubles,” Haegele said. The two girls often play doubles together and know how to complement each other on the court. Rachel plays a great net game, while Haegele knows how to control the baseline. Doubles aside, another significant obstacle Haegele faced was becoming comfortable playing on a cement court. In Germany, most tennis courts are made of clay, which slows the pace of play, the bounce of the ball is slowed coming off the ground; on a cement court, the game is all about speed. Haegele adapted well, making it to the top of the St. Edward’s team. She compares her game to the legendary Steffi Graf, Haegele’s favorite professional tennis player. Haegele and Graf each play an aggressive baseline game complemented by a powerhouse serve. The St. Edward’s tennis program is made up of many international students, from Brazil to France and places in between.

Baseball Fri. 3/01 | 12 p.m. vs. St. Mary’s Fri. 3/01 | 3 p.m. vs. St. Mary’s Sat. 3/02 | 12 p.m. vs. St. Mary’s

Men’s basketball Thurs. 2/28 | 7 p.m. vs. UA Fort Smith Sat. 3/02 | 4 p.m. vs. Newman

Men’s Tennis Sat. 3/02 | 10 a.m. vs. McMurray Sun. 3/03 | 12 p.m. vs. Abilene Christian

Men’s Golf Mon. -Tues. 3/04-3/05 St. Edward’s Invitational (All day) @ Austin, Texas Sports Information Haegele played tennis competitively throughout Germany.

“Tennis is an international language,” Haegele said. In a recent match against Texas State University, Haegele was the only player from St. Edward’s to win. She admitted that it was the toughest match of the year, but also happy to have won against such a good

team. Overall, Haegele is just happy to be able to play competitive tennis at the university level. When asked what her favorite part of the game is she said, “Even if you make an error you can still turn it around and win. So you should never give up.”

Women’s Basketball Thurs. 2/28 | 5 p.m. vs. UA Fort Smith Sat. 3/02 | 12 p.m. vs. Newman

Women’s Tennis Sat. 3/02 | 10:00 a.m. vs. McMurray Sun. 3/03 | 1:00 p.m. vs. Incarnate Word




Olympic committee votes to eliminate games’ oldest sport Mitch Harris

In fact, according to a poll by the Los Angeles Times, nearly 28 percent of people thought modern pentathlon should be cut while only 7.6 percent thought wrestling should go. In the 2012 London Olympic Games, wrestling had 344 competitors and gave out 33 medals. The IOC’s removal of wrestling as a core sport does not mean it is banished from the Olympic games forever. On the contrary, wrestling could still show up at every Olympic games from here on out should the committee vote it in. The classification of “core sport” means that the sport will be a guaranteed competition at the Olympics. Without that status, wrestling falls into a category that must bid to be selected by a certain city’s Olympic

Wrestling is one of the oldest sports known to man. It was even on the original list of athletic events practiced at the ancient Olympic games more than 2,700 years ago. When the modern Olympics began again in 1896, wrestling was one of the first sports to be accepted and has not left the Summer OIympic roster since. However, the International Olympic Committee, IOC, dismissed those 2,700 years of history on Feb. 12 when they announced that wrestling would not be included in the 2020 Olympics. Due to budget constraints, the IOC had to cut their program from 26 core sports to 25. Modern pentathlon, taekwondo and field hockey were also on the chopping block, but wrestling was the unlucky chosen one. “The IOC dismissed “This is a process 2,700 years of history of renewing and renovating the when they announced program for the that wrestling would O l y m p i c s ,” I O C not be included in the spokesman Mark Adams said. “In 2020 Olympics” the view of the executive board, this was the best program for the games. Olympic Games in 2020. It The 2020 games committee is not a case of what is wrong must choose between with wrestling, it is what is wrestling, baseball and right with the 25 core sports.” softball, karate, squash, The IOC took into account roller sports, sport climbing, the popularity, ticket sales, wakeboarding and wushu. global reach, television It is difficult to predict the ratings and anti-doping committee’s choice, however, policies for each of the sports since the host city of the and decided wrestling was 2020 games has yet to be the weakest, surprising many announced. It is unlikely who thought the modern that any of the three selected pentathlon would be cut. applicant host cities would

vigorously support the reinstitution of wrestling. The news may not seem terribly devastating to the US Olympic team as a whole. Only 125 of Team USA’s 2,400 total summer games medals since 1896 have come from wrestling. However, five percent of total United States medals should not be ignored. If Team USA had five percent fewer medals in the 2012 games, China would have surpassed the United States in the medal count. Regardless of the news, USA Wrestling refuses to give up hope. The tagline for US wrestling is still “Where Olympic Journeys Begin.” If anything, the IOC announcement has strengthened the wrestling community worldwide: petitions are being signed, donations are being made and the IOC is being bombarded with letters. Wrestling representatives from the United States, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Georgia, Iran, Japan, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkey will be brought together in Tehran, Iran, on Thursday for the World Cup. In solidarity, they will lie on mats in protest of the IOC’s decision and urge them to reconsider. There is little to no chance that the IOC will overturn their decision, especially not this soon after declaring it. However, the gesture symbolizes what the Olympics should be about in the first place: people from different parts of the world uniting over a love for and dedication to sports.

American footballer comes out, retires from pro soccer Irma Fernandez

A few weeks ago, American professional soccer player Robbie Rogers tweeted a link to a new blog post he had written and commented that he needed to get “some sh*t” off his chest. Linked was his letter to the world declaring that he is gay. People have the right to come out all the time, but this was a little different — this is a professional soccer player coming out to the world in the middle of his career at the tender age of 25. He played for the United States Men’s National Team, who spent a few years playing Major League Soccer, MLS, and who played in England for some well-known teams like Leeds United. In a sport that still has so much hatred and racism poking through the fabric of such a beautiful game, this was a breath of fresh air. However, at the same time, he announced that he would be retiring from the same sport that had been his safe place while he kept his secret. Rogers’ early retirement means there are still no out professional soccer players in Europe, save Swedishbased Anton Hysen. I personally found that Rogers’ walking away from the game was the only dark cloud over his announcement. He quite literally had the world at his feet in the form of a soccer ball. So why walk away? It was not for lack of support. The American

Chuck Myers/MCT Rogers played stateside for the Columbus Crew, an MLS team. He also played for Team USA in Beijing.

soccer community, including the commissioner of the MLS, came out in droves to lend their support for Rogers, just like they had when American women’s professional footballer Megan Rapinoe very publicly came out before the women’s team left for the London Olympics last summer. Support for Rogers came in the form of multitudes of tweets from not only various American players, but from the same teammates that Rogers once lined up with on the field. Unfortunately, Rogers’ brave announcement that took so much courage barely made a blip on the radar of the rest of the country. Robbie Rogers does not owe me or any of us anything. He does not have to continue playing soccer to make any sort of political statement. Robbie Rogers did not shed light on the biggest secret of his life to

become any sort of poster boy or to gain notoriety. He did it to free himself and live an honest life. Both Rogers and Rapinoe symbolize the beauty in our unique American soccer community, a community that grows because of the passion and love inside it. They were equally supported by their teammates, fans and more in a way that I believe would not have been seen in other parts of the world. While Robbie Rogers does not owe me anything, I do feel like I owe him for his bravery. I owe it to him to ensure that his story is told so that, one day, a player will come out and feel that he or she can still play at the highest level of his or her sport. We owe it to Rogers to cultivate an American soccer community that is always open and does not judge players by who they love off the pitch, but for their love of the game instead.





Many college newspapers face cuts in funding The struggle for print-based publications in an Internetdominated world has made its way to an Austin institution. The Daily Texan, the University of Texas’ campus newspaper, is facing a financial struggle that is threatening the future of the publication. On March 1, the independent Texas Student Media, TSM, will consider a print reduction, according to the Daily Texan. Since 1900, The Daily Texan has been an important source of news to the Austin community. Reducing or eliminating the print version of the paper seems like a disservice to the Austin community. That being said, the Texan’s trouble reflects the similar struggle of many

college newspapers to stay afloat. The Daily Texan averaged over $2.1 million in advertisements each year in 2007; however, last year, The Daily Texan sold less than $1.3 million in advertisements, according to TSM, and they expect these numbers to continue declining. Although the future of The Daily Texan is uncertain, the publication clearly knows where it stands. According to The Daily Texan, reducing the number of days they print a new issue will not solve their financial woes. Print advertising accounts for nearly 100 percent of the publication’s annual advertising sales. Unfortunately, similar di-

lemmas have become com- publications. Unlike The mon among college publica- Daily Texan and newspapers tions. at other public universities, When the University of we receive funding from our Georgia’s campus newspaper, The Red and Black, “Hilltop Views has changed its daily some financial support print production routine, both its from the university, print and online which allows us to edition declined in readership, acmaintain weekly print cording to The and online editions.” Daily Texan. Marquette University’s campus newspaper paper, The Mar- university. quette Tribune, recently cut We use revenue from ad the length of its print edition sales to pay for our online in half, according to College edition, but university fundMedia Matters. ing pays for our print edition Fortunately, Hilltop Views and pays our staff. is not in the same sinking Hilltop Views has some boat as many other college financial support from the

university, which allows us to maintain weekly print and online editions, but we do sympathize with struggle papers. In fact, we have a direct connection with The Daily Texan’s struggle–Hilltop Views was printed at The Daily Texan’s press before the UT Board of Regents decided to sell the printing press. Unfortunately, the move away from print media and toward online media seems inevitable. Hilltop Views is also different from other campus newspapers in an important way. In addition to being a voice for the entire SEU community, it is housed in the School of Humanities where it serves as a laboratory for students concentrating in

journalism across a variety of majors. We only hope the move online does not eliminate print media like The Daily Texan entirely. A free press is simply not free, but that does not mean a free press is not important. If papers are forced to reduce their print runs and move online, they lose revenue from print ads. The loss of print revenue makes it difficult for papers to exist all, even if they exist exclusively online. The decline of print media may seem like a niche issue, but newspapers, especially small papers and studentrun papers, are an important place for civil discourse and an integral part of our community.

Punk is not dead, lives on in youth culture and the Internet Jonathan Coker

Punk has been evolving ever since it crawled out of the gritty London underground. It is more than just a state of mind: it is an art form, a fashion movement and a music genre. Punk is a feeling. But by now, punk has become a consumerism ploy, a political ideology ravaged by “posers” with as much staying power as a hashtag trending on Twitter. That being said, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York is hosting a multimodal exhibition entitled, “PUNK: Chaos to Couture” in celebration of the past forty years of punk culture. The exhibition will feature 100 designs, with

original punk designs from the 1970s, clashing beside the modern ready-to-wear trends they inspired. The fashion designers featured in “PUNK: Chaos to Couture” range from visionaries who combined punk’s penchant for rebellion with high fashion showmanship such as Vivienne Westwood and Malcolm McLaren, to a new flock of punk-inspired trendsetters like Jeremy Scott and Ricardo Tisci of Givenchy. “PUNK: Chaos to Couture” will illuminate the hopeful prospects born from a street style’s nihilistic, “no future” maxim, according to the show's curator, Andrew Bolton. The very core of punk seems

to be anti-everything the fashion industry exudes, yet fashion often appropriates punk’s sense of aggression in an attempt to capture the spirit of the radical youth. Searching for a modern punk movement differs from, say, 1979, when “Rolling Stone” named The Clash’s “London Calling” the best album of the year. Nothing so noticeably radical has dared to infiltrate the mainstream music psyche in years. Except maybe Lady Gaga or dubstep. Regardless, neither Gaga nor dubstep are unmistakably original phenomenons like the punk movement of the 1970s. So if our most prolific and defiant creative movements are just sampling vintage

vibes, where did “real” punk go? The answer is the Internet. From the the debaucherous hodge-podge of Reditt to the sea-punk nonsensical blur of Tumblr, kids today are using the Internet as a tool for rebellion. Something as nonthreatening as taking selfies with no filter on Instagram or posting a passive-aggressive 3 a.m. tweet often passes as a radical affront to the status quo, the establishment, or, at the very least, an online "frenemy." Online nirvana is reached by maintaining both a flippant online presence and a revolutionary agenda. Individuality is key, and so is fitting a hip mold. Punk is whatever you want

it to be. Punks of the past might shudder in their Doc Martens at this statement, but modern Children of the Internet will agree. Punk is Frank Ocean demanding to sing “Forrest Gump,” a song about his intimate feelings for another man, at the Grammys. Punk is Lena Dunham playing ping-pong naked on an episode of “Girls.” Punk is that Hot Topic phase you had in seventh grade. The point is, although the stereotypical punk may not dominate the streets in herds, youth culture is still doing really radical things. And as long as there is a mainstream to rebel against, punk will never disappear.

Orban-Taamallah/Abaca Press/MCT Vivienne Westwood is an acclaimed fashion designer.



SXSW 2013

This year’s SXSW free shows South by Southwest traffic to astound Austin music lovers and trash frustrate residents Michael Darling

Each year, South by Southwest hosts thousands of musicians, draws hundreds of thousands of people, and generates hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue for Austin. While many criticize the multimodal event for various reasons, one Holy Grail feature makes SXSW worth the traffic, lines and week of insanity: the free shows. Each March, SXSW’s plethora of free live music confirms the best things in life are free. This year looks very promising. The Free Concerts on Town Lake series has played host to a number of killer shows over the years, and some flops. In terms of memorable performances, The Strokes packed Auditorium Shores in 2011, bringing in an estimated 30,000 people and ending with fireworks during “Last Night.” Another remarkable show was The Shins last year, just days before the release of their wildly successful fourth album "Port of Morrow." The relative size of the

crowd marked a major turning point in the band’s career, which has skyrocketed since the release of PoM, leading to primetime spots at heavyhitting festies like Bonnaroo and ACL. Some serious fails include shows like The Counting Crows last year. Lead singer Adam Duritz either had too much to drink before going onstage or was experiencing the degeneration of basic cognitive skills. Either way, the performance was dismal. This year, however, Free Concerts on Town Lake is putting together what is set to be one of the best shows in the history of the series. Jim James, Divine Fits, and The Flaming Lips will be playing Auditorium Shores in succession on March 15. For free. The Flaming Lips speak for themselves, and their fan base in Austin is massive. On top of the cult following of the Lips, the successes of last year’s Divine Fits’ debut, "A Thing Called Divine Fits," and this month’s first solo album from Jim James, "Regions of Light and Sound of God," guarantee that the

crowd will to be huge. The gates open at 3:30 p.m., so get there early. If that godlike offering is not enough, this year’s free BrooklynVegan Day Parties look phenomenal. Notable acts for Wednesday include Tegan and Sara, Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, and Jovanotti. The shows really blow up on Thursday with The Airborne Toxic Event, Diamond Rings, Wild Belle, and The Joy Formidable. On Saturday, Alt-J is playing for free. Billy Bragg later in the day will probably be great. Saturday hits hard with The Zombies, which is exciting and probably going to be the most packed of all the Day Party shows. The Ra Ra Riot set later that day is also not to be missed. Despite the flack that SXSW takes from uptight Austinites, it offers some of the best free live music anywhere. Even if you have never heard of these bands, go check them out. After all, what better do you have to do with your Spring Break? So much is deliciously free.

Chuck Myers/MCT The Flaming Lips are set to play at Auditorium Shores for this year’s South by Southwest.

Kelsey Acosta

In just a few short weeks, over 250,000 people are expected to pour into Austin for the annual SXSW interactive, film and music festival and conference, which is now in its 26th year. This massive influx of people not only means a lot of money for the city, but also a number of inconveniences for Austinites. In the past 26 years, Photo by Renee Cornue SXSW has grown from a Austinites may face inconveniences during SXSW. small regional music festival to an enormous multi but this year organizers are badge are low. -modal and interactive fes- requesting that the city exThere are free shows, and tival and conference. The tends road closures. you can always wait around growing size of SXSW and Then there is the traffic. the venue in hopes of getting its crowds has caused an Austin traffic is already in without a badge, but that abundance of complaints unsatisfactory, so trying to often ends in heartbreak and concerns. Large crowds drive in or out of downtown and disappointment. Some can be difficult to manage, with the over 250,000 out- people can weather all those especially when you factor of-towners can be a bigger shattered hopes and long in that most waits in line or suffering of the crowd through basic bands at the “SXSW can be an is under some free shows, but for the rest sort of influof us, it is tiring and vastly exciting adventure the ence. overrated. first few years, but These extra SXSW is great for genpeople also erating revenue for the city, you quickly learn that make excessive but it also makes a mess of without a badge your amounts of daily life in Austin. While garbage. Last SXSW experience can SXSW rages on, Austinites year, cleanstill have to go along with be rather limited.” ing crews estheir daily routines, which timated that can be difficult when there they picked up are over 250,000 people 90 cubic yards of trash and mistake than trying to get packed into downtown and recycling from Auditorium down Guadalupe when UT its surrounding areas having Shores, according to YNN football has a home game. a nine day party. Austin. SXSW can be an excitAlso, this makes it difficult Clean up crews clean the ing adventure the first few to enjoy everything Ausstreets every morning to years, but you quickly learn tin has to offer during our clear the trash from the pre- that without a badge your Spring Break. So unless you vious day, and make room SXSW experience can be want to fight the traffic and for the new crowd. rather limited. crowds, avoid going north of SXSW also means road With SXSW badges Town Lake as much a posclosures that usually last for starting at $650 and going sible. It can be more trouble four days, during the mu- all the way up to $1,595, than it is worth. sic portion of the festival, the chances of you having a



North Korea’s testing of nuclear weapons causes global concern Jacob Sanchez

When North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il died in 2011, his son, Kim Jong-Un became the leader of the country. Like his father, Un has continued the country’s testing of nuclear weapons. The first test occurred on Feb. 11. The nuclear test was in retaliation of the Chinese who have been urging North Korea to not risk confrontation by conducting another test, according to the New York Times. The blast could be felt by surrounding countries who were the first to report the nuclear test before the state news agency in North Korea confirmed the reports. North Korea used a smaller nuclear device that was more powerful and did not have

any negative impact on the can cross the Pacific Ocean, environment, according to it could potentially hit the the New York Times. West Coast. The fear of numerous Another target for North countries around the world Korea would be their neighis that North Korea actually bor, South Korea. becomes capable of constructing a nuclear “A North Korea capable weapon that of nuclear warfare is works. If they accomplish this, very dangerous for the North Korea can safety of the world, potentially sell these weapons especially the United to countries like States.” Iran or even to terrorist groups. A North Korea capable of nuclear warfare is At a United Nations Convery dangerous for the safety ference for Disarmament, of the world, especially the North Korea threatened to United States. “destroy” South Korea, acThreats have come from cording to The Guardian. North Korea against the U.S. The Obama administration in the past, and if they can has said that it will take adbuild a nuclear weapon that ditional action against North


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Hilltop Views is a weekly student newspaper published by the School of Humanities and serving the community of St. Edward’s University. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the university, whose mission is grounded in the teachings and doctrine of the Catholic Church. Letter Policy: Hilltop Views welcomes all letters to the editor. Letters may be edited for space, grammar and clarity. Letters will be published at our discretion. Anonymous letters will not be printed.

Korea after the recent nuclear test, but there are not very many ways it can do that. The only way to truly hurt North Korea is through China. For years, China has propped up North Korea through supplying them with oil and other aid. If China was to cut them off, North Korea would not have anything to support the country. The only caveat is that China will most likely not cut off North Korea because Chinese leaders fear that North Korea will descend into chaos without its support. With China’s next president, Xi Jinping the current leader of the Communist Party, this could change because it would begin to change the strained relationship between China and the U.S. China may be the last re-

MCT Punggye-ri is a nuclear weapon testing site in North Korea.

sort to cripple North Korea, and potentially stop them from creating an operational nuclear weapon. If they do not, the United States may feel the need accelerate a ballistic missile defense program with American allies in the region,

something that China will not appreciate, according to the New York Times. A fully nuclear North Korea is a danger to the world, not only because of the threat it poses to the globe, but also because their actions cannot be predicted.

Viral YouTube video captivates a culture Brooke Lewis

The Harlem Shake, a viral video that has taken the Internet by storm over the last couple weeks, is the latest dance sensation to sweep the nation. People can hardly scroll down their Facebook News Feeds without seeing a reenactment of the original. One video involves a person pulling the move, which is a combination of awkwardly flailing arms and bodily convulsions, then a crowd joins in, and basically “Harlem Shakes” their lives away. The dance track featured in the video was composed by Brooklyn-based DJ Baauer. People are not only watching the Harlem Shake video online, but also recreating the

video themselves by shaking lem. their business everywhere inDance crazes seem to never cluding the streets, at school lose their popularity. Just last and even at their own jobs. year, Gangnam Style became Countless colleges have al- the most watched YouTube ready re-created the video, video of all time. including St. Edward’s University. “Dance crazes are Students gathered Feb. 17 on usually easy, involving the front lawn just a few steps anyone of Main Building to record the with a basic sense of Hilltopper verrhythm can learn.” sion of the Harlem Shake. The video reached over 7,000 views not even 24 So why are people obsessed hours after it premiered on with all of these weird dance YouTube. moves? However, the Harlem It has a lot to do with camaShake has not always been raderie. The Harlem Shake about flailing your body to would not be popular if it techno music. The dance was just a video of one person originated in the New York dancing alone. City neighborhood of HarInstead, most videos feature

groups of people acting weird together. Although Psy is the star of Gangam Style, it is rare that you see people out doing the Gangnam Style alone. The song plays, and everyone gets up to do it together. Essentially, there is something about dancing along with others that brings a sense of extreme joy. Dance crazes are usually easy, involving just a few steps and anyone with a basic sense of rhythm can learn. Dances like the Cupid Shuffle and the Electric Slide are still popular because the songs tell you each step to make. Dance crazes are not about being the best dancer or the most coordinated. People appreciate a chance to just let loose and have fun.



ARTCRANK Artcrank Austin 2013 had its opening night at Pine Street Station Feb. 22 which gathered thirty local artists to showcase their handmade, bike inspired posters. Proceeds from Artcrank, or ‘a poster party for bike people,’ were donated to the Livestrong Foundation and the Austinbased nonprofit’s campaign to provide free cancer support services. This free event will run from Feb. 23–March 17 at Mellow Johnny’s Bike Shop. Photos by: Nathaniel Muniz

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