Bluffton Monthly July 2022

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48 // H I LT O N H E A D M O N T H LY. C O M

It all began in 2014 when Kathie Hall Rainsford was planning her wedding with a little help from her sister, Karen Hall Caraway. One of the first engagement gifts Kathie and her then-fiancé received was a beautiful sweetgrass basket created by artisans in Charleston’s renowned City Market. Kathie loved the basket so much, she chose to incorporate sweetgrass material into her wedding, referring to it as “Sweetgrass and Seersucker” themed. Kathie’s husband, Adam Rainsford, was born in Charleston proper, so it was important to the couple to incorporate a Lowcountry flair into their wedding. “My mother-in-law has an extensive collection of sweetgrass baskets,” said Kathie. “I’ve come to love them through her. The baskets are so beautiful and functional. When we knew we wanted a Lowcountry wedding I thought it would be cute to incorporate sweetgrass.” While purchasing several sweetgrass pew markers, Kathie and Karen were inspired to create little bags with sweetgrass handles for the flower girls to carry. From there Charleston Carry was born. Within a year, the sisters had a website up and running, and word was quickly spreading about the sweet southern staples and accessories coming out of Charleston Carry. Since then Charleston Carry has flourished into a thriving accessory business throughout the Lowcountry. Each of Charleston Carry’s bags are designed to be one-of-a-kind. “Everything is intended to be unique and custom made,” said Kathie. “All of our bags are hand-stitched and hand-tooled.” One aspect that makes Charleston Carry a truly local treasure is the guild of weavers that the business has supported along the way.

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