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Dine With a View
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact many children and families.
In 2021 many schools transitioned back to in-person classes for children, but with waxing and waning cases, some students may find themselves in hybrid formats doing some work at home.
Children spending more time at home can lead to social isolation, eating disorders, social restrictions for activities and exercise, and increased social media use.
One of the biggest concerns for families has been children’s expressions of anxiety over the course of the pandemic. Children, like adults, experience stress and anxiety but most have not yet developed the necessary skills and understanding to effectively communicate these emotions.
Thankfully, most children’s anxiety can be managed through gentle interventions that help them process their feelings of fear, anxiety, and stress.
Here are some effective techniques that may help: Caregivers/parents should first start by actively monitoring their own anxiety. Children can be little sponges and often notice even the most subtle changes in the household.
Your own response to stimuli is heavily influential in how children observing you will behave in turn. Learn to calm yourself first so that what your children see when they look at you is the behavior and mindset you want them to emulate.
Simple breathing techniques help calm the mind and focus attention. To teach this to children, an illustrative prompt is most effective. Try “Sniff the flower and blow out the birthday candle” to cue for inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth to calm breathing. Practice this with your child and then encourage them to continue their own — give positive feedback to reinforce their efforts.
Monitor screen time and create a plan. Literature shows too much screen time can worsen anxiety in some kids. Screens are an essential part of our lives now, and healthy habits are essential to managing their effects. For more tips and information on healthy screen use, visit this resource by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Redirection is the most effective way to reduce a
negative stress reaction. Physical activity, interactive games, reading a favorite book or even a new one — just a few minutes of diversion can help children feel better and make space to deal with their apprehension later, when they and you are in a better frame of mind.
Normalize stress. Negative feelings can be overwhelming and disorienting. Letting kids know that everyone has these same feelings from time to time, and that it’s OK can help to reassure them. Teach them to seek help from an adult, ideally their parents or primary caregivers, when they are feeling especially worried or anxious before it affects their school or daily activities. When they do, try to exude calm and assurance, as you gently explore what could be precipitating their fear or worry.
Share your own experiences. Acknowledge your feelings to your kids — attempting to hide or deny these feelings can be confusing and may promote feelings of guilt or shame when your children experience these emotions themselves.
You might say, “I’m feeling scared right now, but I know it’s not that likely that the thing I’m scared of will actually happen. I’m going to call my sister/spouse/best friend for advice.”
Self-care when parenting is important, as is passing on the practice to your kids. And remember — you have to put your own oxygen mask on first in the event of an emergency.
If your child’s anxiety seems to be worsening or interfering with daily activities, talk to your child’s pediatrician or seek the support from a mental health professional.
Tips and resources for improving health of children:
The Centers for Disease Control recommends all children and adults who meet the current criteria for vaccination get vaccinated to slow the spread of the virus that causes