2 minute read
We had the chance to sit down with some Stellar Kids here in the Lowcountry. These are children, tweens, and teens who truly stand out among their peers.
DAKOTA LEHRSCHALL 7th Grader at H.E. McCracken Middle School
WHAT: Dakota Lehrschall is a young leader in LGBTQ advocacy. She was recently awarded Student of the Month for Courage. The award praises her self-confidence and fearless defense of others. Her goal is to create a safe space for all students to be recognized and validated. She does this by acknowledging and normalizing preferred names and pronouns of her fellow students. Dakota is especially known for her tactful interventions. She addresses bullying with a no-tolerance policy, consistently responding with empathy for both sides. Demonstrating maturity beyond her years, she describes the process as restorative! Dakota attributes her confidence and fierce defense of others to her parents, both U.S. Marines.
ADVICE: “You are not alone in this!”
FUN FACTS: Dakota’s favorite subject in school is science. Not surprising since her long-term goal is to become an obstetric surgeon. “Yale is my top choice!” On the weekends, she likes to stay up late watching scary movies with a big bowl of buttery popcorn. Fearless is right!
OLIVIA PELUSO 12th Grader at May River High School
WHY: Olivia has raised more than $3,000 for adaptable P.E. equipment for special education students at her school. When she realized her school needed $4,000 worth of equipment, she didn’t hesitate to get involved. While she started researching grants, Special Olympics South Carolina caught wind of her efforts and donated $1,000 to her cause. The nonprofit organization also started an online fundraiser to help Olivia meet her goal. You can donate here: www.classy.org/give/263999/#!/ donation/checkout
ADVICE: "If you don't like the way something is or want to change it, don't sit around waiting for someone else to change it for you. Change it yourself. There is always something that can be done, whether big or small. Any effort helps. Find something that you are passionate about it, and get involved with it. ... I promise the end result will always be rewarding."
ACTIVITIES: Member of the National Honor Society and the National Beta Club, varsity basketball player and soccer player at MRHS
FUN FACTS: I have a fraternal twin sister. I want to pursue a career in special education.