30 minute read
Business Directory
A Fresh Start Cleaning Co. 843.842.9262 AvantStay, Inc. avantstay.com Beach House Boutique Vacation Rentals and Realty hiltonheadluxerentals.com Beach Properties of Hilton Head beach-property.com BeachBum Property Management beachbum-rentals.com Beachside Getaway beachsidegetaway.com Beachside Hilton Head Island beachsidehhi.com Beverly Serral Properties beverlyserral.com Coastal Home and Villa coastalhomeandvilla.com Coastal Vacation Rentals coastalvacationshhi.com Daufuskie Rental Group vacationdaufuskiesc.com Destination Vacation destinationvacationhhi.com Five Star Properties experiencehiltonheadsc.com HarbourSide III Property Owners Association harboursideIII.com Hilton Head 360.com hiltonhead360.com Hilton Head Accommodations hiltonheadusa.com Hilton Head Guest Services hiltonheadguestservices.com Hilton Head Island Beach & Tennis Resort hhibeachandtennis.com Hilton Head Properties Realty & Rentals hiltonheadproperties randr.com Hilton Head Resort Four Seasons Centre hiltonheadresortvillas.com Island Getaway Rentals islandgetaway.com Island Rentals of Hilton Head islandrentalshhi.com Island Time Hilton Head islandtimehhi.com Marriott Vacation Club marriottvacationclub.com Marriott’s Grande Ocean marriott.com/hotels/travel/ hhhvi-marriotts-grande-ocean Montage Palmetto Bluff montagehotels.com/ palmettobluff Ocean Oak Resort by Hilton Grand Vacations oceanoakresorthgv.hilton.com Palmetto Dunes Oceanfront Resort palmettodunes.com Sea Turtle Getaways, Inc seaturtlegetaways.com Seashore Vacations, Inc. seashorevacations.com Sunset Rentals, Inc. sunsetrentals.com The Sea Pines Resort seapines.com Vacasa South Carolina vacasa.com/usa/SouthCarolina/Hilton-Head-Island Vacation Company vacationcompany.com Vacation Homes of Hilton Head vacationhomesofhilton head.com Vacation Time of Hilton Head vthhi.com Vtrips vtrips.com
Beach House, Hilton Head Island beachhousehhi.com 866.593.6569 Courtyard by Marriott Hilton Head Island courtyardhiltonheadisland.com 843.802.2180 Extended Stay America Bluffton-Hilton Head extendedstayamerica.com 843.936.8838 Hampton Inn Hilton Head Island hamptoninnhhi.com 843.681.7900 Hilton Garden Inn Hilton Head hiltonhead.hgi.com 843.837.8111 Hilton Head Island Beach & Tennis Resort hhibeachandtennis.com 843.842.4402 Holiday Inn Express Hilton Head Island hiexhiltonheadisland.com 843.842.6662 Home2 Suites by Hilton, Hilton Head home2suites3.hilton.com 843.802.2700 Marriott Hilton Head Resort & Spa marriott.com/hhhgr 843.686.8400 Montage Palmetto Bluff montagehotels.com/ palmettobluff 843.706.6500 Ocean Oak Resort by Hilton Grand Vacations oceanoakresorthgv.hilton.com 843.342.8400 Old Town Bluffton Inn blufftoninnsc.com 843.707.4045 Omni Hilton Head Oceanfront Resort omnihotels.com/hotels/ hilton-head 843.842.8000 Palmera Inn and Suites palmerainnandsuites.com 843.686.5700 Palmetto Dunes Oceanfront Resort palmettodunes.com 877.567.6507 Red Roof Inn & Suites Hilton Head Island redroof.com/property/sc/ hilton-head-island/RRI148 Sonesta Resort Hilton Head Island sonesta.com/hiltonheadisland 843.842.2400 The Inn & Club at Harbour Town seapines.com 843.363.8100 The Sea Pines Resort seapines.com 843.785.3333 The Westin Hilton Head Island Resort & Spa westinHHI.com 843.681.4000
Best Western Ocean Breeze Inn bestwestern.com/ oceanbreezeinn 843.715.4116 Candlewood Suites BlufftonHilton Head candlewoodsuites.com/ blufftonsc 843.705.9600 Comfort Suites Bluffton - Hilton Head Island choicehotels.com/sc253 843.277.9165 Daufuskie Island Accommodations daufuskieislandrentals.com 843.785.8021 Grand Hilton Head Inn choicehotels.com/sc547 843.842.3100 Hampton Inn & Suites Bluffton hilton.com/en/hotels/bfnschx 843.705.9000 Hilton Head Harbor RV Resort and Marina hiltonheadharbor.com 843.681.3256 Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites ihg.com/holidayinnexpress/ hotels 843.757.2002 Hotel Carolina A Days Inn by Wyndham Hilton Head wyndhamhotels.com/days-inn 843.842.4800 Okatie Hilton Head Hotel okatiehiltonheadhotel.com 843.705.2300 Simple Rewards Inn srihiltonheadisland.com 843.681.3655 SpringHill Suites by Marriott Hilton Head marriott.com/hotels/travel/ hhhhs 843.802.8200
Hilton Head Island Motorcoach Resort hhimotorcoachresort.com 843.785.7699 Hilton Head National RV Resort hiltonheadrv.com 843.707.4800
Adventure Center HHI flyHHI.com Adventure Hilton Head, LLC myadventurehiltonhead.com Aerial Adventure Hilton Head myadventurehiltonhead.com Chronic Golf mychronicgolf.com K-1 Speed Bluffton k1speedbluffton.com The Sandbox: An Interactive Children’s Museum thesandbox.org The Zone thezonebluffton.com X-GOLF xgolfhiltonhead.com ZipLine Hilton Head myadventurehiltonhead.com
Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport (SAV) savannahairport.com Adventure Center HHI flyHHI.com Hilton Head Island Airport (HHH) hiltonheadairport.com MAVCO flymavco.com Signature Flight Support Hilton Head Island signatureflight.com
Art League of Hilton Head Gallery artleaguehhi.org Arts Center of Coastal Carolina artshhi.com Camellia Art camelliaart.com FASTFRAME #326 fastframe.com Flip n’ Flop Adventures flipnflopadventures.com Full Spectrum Studio fullspectrumstudio.org Gullah Sweetgrass Basket Creations gullahbasketsby michaelsmalls.com Jacob Preston Pottery jacobprestonpottery.com Marsh & Light marshandlight.com Red Piano Art Gallery redpianoartgallery.com Sandtastic Memories 551.427.1833 Silver Dew Pottery 843.842.6419 Smith Galleries, Inc. smithgalleries.com Society of Bluffton Artists sobagallery.com Vivid Gallery vivid-gallery-hhi.com
Art Cafe artcafehhi.com Art League of Hilton Head Academy artleaguehhi.org/academy
Flip n’ Flop Adventures flipnflopadventures.com Sandtastic Memories 551.427.1833 Society of Bluffton Artists sobagallery.com
Art League of Hilton Head Gallery artleaguehhi.org Arts Center of Coastal Carolina artshhi.com Bloody Point Lighthouse Museum (Daufuskie Island) daufuskiedifference.com Bluffton MLK Observance Committee blufftonmlk.org Bluffton Public Library beaufortcountylibrary.org Bluffton Youth Theatre blufftonyouththeatre.org Coastal Discovery Museum at Honey Horn coastaldiscovery.org Daufuskie Community Farm daufuskieartisan villageandfarm.com Daufuskie Island Historical Foundation daufuskiemuseum.org Gullah Heritage Trail Tours gullaheritage.com Gullah Museum of Hilton Head Island gullahmuseumhhi.org Heritage Library Foundation Inc. heritagelib.org Heyward House Museum & Welcome Center/BHF heywardhouse.org Hilton Head Choral Society hiltonheadchoralsociety.org Hilton Head Dance School/ Theatre hiltonheaddance.com Hilton Head History Tours hiltonheadhistorytours.com Hilton Head Public Library beaufortcountylibrary.org/ hilton-head-branch Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra hhso.org Historic Bluffton Arts & Seafood Festival blufftonartsandseafood festival.org Italian American Club Hilton Head iachh.org Lean Ensemble Theater leanensemble.org Main Stage Community Theatre mainstagecommunity theatre.org May River Theatre Co., Inc. mayrivertheatre.com Mitchelville Preservation Project exploremitchelville.org Morris Center for Lowcountry Heritage morrisheritagecenter.org National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force mightyeighth.org Native Island Business & Community Affairs Association gullahcelebration.com Office of Cultural Affairs Hilton Head Island cultureHHI.org Outside Hilton Head outsidehiltonhead.com Outside Palmetto Bluff outsidepb.com Outside Savannah outsidesav.com Port Royal Sound Foundation portroyalsoundfoundation.org Savannah Riverboat Cruises savannahriverboat.com Silver Dew Winery (Daufuskie Island) daufuskiedifference.com Society of Bluffton Artists sobagallery.com Telfair Museums telfair.org
Avis/Budget Car Rental of Hilton Head budget.com/en/locations/ us/sc/hilton-head/hhh Carolina Rides carolinarides.com Palmetto Car Service palmettocarservice.com
Audi Hilton Head audihiltonhead.com AutoNation Hyundai Hilton Head autonationhyundai hiltonhead.com AutoNation Subaru Hilton Head autonationsubaru hiltonhead.com AutoNation Volkswagen Hilton Head autonationvolkswagen hiltonhead.com Copper Frog Car Wash 270.799.5661 Genesis of Hilton Head genesisofhiltonhead.com Hilton Head BMW hiltonheadbmw.com Hilton Head Lexus hiltonheadlexus.com Infiniti of Hilton Head infinitiofhiltonhead.com Jaguar Land Rover Hilton Head landroverhiltonhead.com OC Welch Ford Lincoln, Inc. goseeocford.com Porsche Hilton Head porschehiltonhead.com Vaden Nissan of Hilton Head vadennissanofhiltonhead.com Volvo Cars Hilton Head c/o Volvo Cars Savannah carvolvo.com ZIPS Car Wash zipscarwash.com
Alljoy Donut Co facebook.com/alljoydonutco Declan’s Delights Co. declansdelights.com Duck Donuts duckdonuts.com Harris Teeter Main Street Village (#152) 843.689.6255 Harris Teeter Park Plaza (#423) 843.785.6185 Hilton Head Social Bakery South, LLC hiltonheadsocialbakery.com Hilton Head Social Bakery, LLC (Shelter Cove) hiltonheadsocialbakery.com Kroger Belfair (#499) 843.815.6070 Kroger Buckwalter (#703) 843.989.7022 Kroger Hilton Head (#671) 843.842.0540 Lowcountry Fresh Market & Cafe lowcountryfresh.com Nantucket’s Meat & Fish Market nantucketsmarket.com/ hilton-head Publix Belfair (#0845) 843.706.3049 Publix Buckwalter (#1205) 843.815.6430 Publix Festival Centre (#0473) 843.689.9977 Publix Island Crossing (#0700) 843.842.2632 The Cottage thecottagebluffton.com The Fresh Market thefreshmarket.com The G-Free Spot, Inc. thegfreespot.com Whole Foods Market at Shelter Cove Plaza wholefoods.com
Bubba’s Cabin Lowcountry Outfitters bubbascabin.com Burke’s Pharmacy (Beach Wheelchairs) burkespharmacy.com Hilton Head Outfitters hiltonheadoutfitters.com Island Cruisers hhibikes.com LowSea Bike, Beach & Baby Rental, Inc. hiltonheadbikerental.com Outside Hilton Head outsidehiltonhead.com Shore Beach Services, Inc. shorebeach.com Vacation Comfort Rentals comfyrentals.com
Arum Spa sonesta.com/ hiltonheadisland Bluffton Bronze blufftonbronze.com Continuum Advanced Aesthetics continuumadvanced aesthetics.com FACES DaySpa facesdayspa.com Hair Designs by Linda 843.684.0313 Heavenly Spa by Westin westinhiltonheadspa.com Hilton Head Health hhhealth.com LUX~A Medical Spa luxhhi.com LUX~A Medical Spa Hilton Head Island luxhhi.com Ocean Tides Spa omnihotels.com/hotels/ hilton-head/spa Pure Salt Studios puresaltstudios.com Restore Hyper Wellness + Cryotherapy restore.com/locations/ hilton-head-sc Rhonda Smith at Neora International dreamwithrhonda.neora.com Spa Montage montagehotels.com/ palmettobluff/spa Spa Soleil marriott.com/hhhgr The Indigo Spa indigospa.com Whisper Creek Spa whispercreekspa.com
Bubba’s Cabin Lowcountry Outfitters bubbascabin.com Forest Beach Surf & Cycle hhi.bike Hilton Head Bicycle Company hiltonheadbicycle.com Hilton Head Outfitters hiltonheadoutfitters.com Island Cruisers hhibikes.com LowSea Bike, Beach & Baby Rental, Inc. hiltonheadbikerental.com Moreland Bike Shop/Pedego Palmetto Bluff pedegopalmettobluff.com Outside Hilton Head outsidehiltonhead.com Outside Palmetto Bluff outsidepb.com Pedals Bicycles pedalsbicycles.com Peddling Pelican Bike Rentals, Inc. pelicancruiser.com Vacation Comfort Rentals comfyrentals.com Wheelz of Hilton Head rentwheelz.com
Advanced Sail, Inc. Catamarans hiltonheadislandsailing.com Anchors Away Sailing Charters sailinghiltonheadisland.com Boatsetter boatsetter.com Broad Creek Marina Adventures broadcreekmarinahh.com Capt. Hook Party Fishing Boat captainhookhiltonhead.com Cheers Charters cheerscharters.com Daufuskie Difference daufuskiedifference.com Destinations DMC destinationsdmc.com Dolphin & Nature Cruise hiltonheadtours.com Dolphin Seafari HHI dolphinseafarihhi.com Drifter Excursions, Inc. hiltonheadboattours.com
Forest Beach Surf & Cycle hhi.bike Freedom Boat Club HHI freedomboatclub.com Fusion Fit/Stand and Paddle fusionfitgym.com H2O Sports h2osports.com Harbour Town Yacht Basin seapines.com/marina Hilton Head Boat Charters, LLC hhiboatcharters.com Hilton Head Outfitters hiltonheadoutfitters.com Hilton Head Speed Boat Tours hiltonheadspeedboat tours.com Hilton Head Yacht Charter hiltonheadyachtcharter.com Island Explorer/Dolphin Nature Tours dolphintourshiltonhead.com Island Head Parasailing islandheadhhi.com/hiltonhead-harbor/parasailing Island Skiff Adventure Tours islandskifftours.com Island Time Charters islandtimechartershhi.com Island Water Sports islandwatersportshhi.com Kayak Hilton Head and Dolphin Discoveries Boat Tours kayakhiltonhead.com May River Excursions mayriverexcursions.com Mermaid of Hilton Head mermaidofhiltonhead.com Outside Hilton Head outsidehiltonhead.com Outside Palmetto Bluff outsidepb.com Outside Savannah outsidesav.com Pirates HHI pirateshhi.com Pirates of Hilton Head piratesofhiltonhead.com Savannah Riverboat Cruises savannahriverboat.com Sea Monkeys Watersports seamonkeyshhi.com SEAnic Paddle Co. seanicpaddle.com Shelter Cove Harbour & Marina sheltercovehiltonhead.com Spirit of Harbour Town vagabondcruise.com The Sea Pines Resort Recreation Department seapines.com/recreation Vagabond Cruise vagabondcruise.com
Bee-Town Mead & Cider, LLC beetownmeadandcider.com Burnt Church Distillery, LLC burntchurchdistillery.com Hilton Head Distillery hiltonheaddistillery.com lot 9 brewing co. lot9brew.com River Dog Brewing Co. riverdogbrewing.com Silver Dew Winery (Daufuskie Island) daufuskiedifference.com Southern Barrel Brewing Co. southernbarrelbrewingco.com
Alfred’s Chef on the Run alfredshhi.com/chef-on-the-run Avocado Bleu avocado-bleu.com Bess’ Delicatessen & Catering bessdeliandcatering.com Big Jim‘s BBQ, Burgers, Pizza & Catering palmettodunes.com/dining Black Marlin Bayside Grill blackmarlinhhi.com Bluffton Family Seafood House blufftonoyster.com Bluffton Oyster Company blufftonoyster.com Board and Basket HHI boardandbaskethhi.com Catering for Wedding & Special Events - Sea Pines Style seapines.com Chef Lynn Michelle, The East Coast Chef cheflynnmichelle.com Coastal Picnic & Rentals coastalpicnicrentals.com Country Club of Hilton Head invitedclubs.com/clubs/ country-club-of-hilton-head CRAB: Coastal Restaurants and Bars hiltonheadcrab.com Dunes Catering & Events palmettodunes.com/cateringand-events Frankie Bones - Bluffton frankiebones.com Frankie Bones Restaurant & Lounge Hilton Head frankieboneshhi.com Gordon’s Hop Stop gordonshopstop.com Honey Baked Ham Co. and Cafe honeybakedham.com Jim N Nick’s Community Bar-B-Q jimnnicks.com Kona Ice of Hilton Head kona-ice.com/local-site/konaice-of-hilton-head LowCountry Picnic lowcountrypicnic.com Lowcountry Taps HHI lowcountrytapshhi.com Omni Hilton Head Oceanfront Resort omnihotels.com/hotels/ hilton-head One Hot Mama’s American Grille - Bluffton onehotmamas.com One Hot Mama’s American Grille - Hilton Head onehotmamas.com Palmetto Pops LLC palmettopopshhi.com Port Royal Clubhouse portroyalgolfclub.com Poseidon poseidonhhi.com Publix Catering at Festival Centre 843.689.9977 Red Stripes Caribbean Cuisine & Lounge Bluffton redstripescaribbean.com Red Stripes Caribbean Cuisine & Lounge Hilton Head Island redstripescaribbean.com Roy’s Place Cafe & Catering roysplacehhi.com SERG Restaurant Group serggroup.com Shaken and Stirred Mixology shakenandstirred mixology.com Signature Catering & Events by SERG signaturecateringhhi.com Skull Creek Boathouse skullcreekboathouse.com Skull Creek Dockside docksidehhi.com Southern Graces at Hewitt Oaks southerngraces.com Sunset Landing Pavilion at Skull Creek Boathouse skullcreekboathouse.com/ catering The Sea Pines Resort seapines.com The Smokehouse smokehousehhi.com USCB Catering uscbdining.campusdish.com/ catering WiseGuys Modern American Restaurant wiseguyshhi.com
Hilton Head Nannies hiltonheadnannies.com Programs for Exceptional People (PEP) pephhi.org Purple Nanny purplenanny.com SYNERGY HomeCare of the Lowcountry synergylowcountry.com
Adventure Center HHI flyHHI.com Adventure Hilton Head, LLC myadventurehiltonhead.com Aerial Adventure Hilton Head myadventurehiltonhead.com Art Cafe artcafehhi.com Art League of Hilton Head Academy artleaguehhi.org/academy Art League of Hilton Head Gallery artleaguehhi.org Arts Center of Coastal Carolina artshhi.com Beach Play Company beachplaycompany.com Chronic Golf mychronicgolf.com Cinemark Bluffton 12 cinemark.com/south-carolina/ cinemark-bluffton Coastal Discovery Museum at Honey Horn coastaldiscovery.org Coligny Plaza colignyplaza.com Daufuskie Community Farm daufuskieartisanvillageand farm.com Daufuskie Island Trail Rides daufuskietrailrides.com Drifter Excursions, Inc. hiltonheadboattours.com Gullah Museum of Hilton Head Island gullahmuseumhhi.org Harbour Town Lighthouse Museum & Shop harbourtownlighthouse.com Harbourfest at Shelter Cove Harbour & Marina sheltercoveharbourfest.com Heyward House Museum & Welcome Center/BHF heywardhouse.org Hilton Head Island Concours d’Elegance & Motoring Festival hhiconcours.com Hilton Head Island Recreation Association islandreccenter.org Hilton Head Island Seafood Festival hiltonheadseafoodfestival.com Hilton Head Island Wine & Food Festival hiltonheadwineandfood.com Hilton Head Outfitters hiltonheadoutfitters.com Island Explorer/Dolphin Nature Tours dolphintourshiltonhead.com K-1 Speed Bluffton k1speedbluffton.com Lean Ensemble Theater leanensemble.org Legendary Golf legendarygolfhhi.com Magic of Gary Maurer maurermagic.com Main Stage Community Theatre mainstagecommunity theatre.org Mermaid of Hilton Head mermaidofhiltonhead.com National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force mightyeighth.org Office of Cultural Affairs Hilton Head Island culturehhi.org Outside Hilton Head outsidehiltonhead.com Outside Palmetto Bluff outsidepb.com Outside Savannah outsidesav.com Palmetto Axes palmettoaxes.com Pirates HHI pirateshhi.com Pirate’s Island Adventure Golf, Inc. piratesislandgolf.com Pirates of Hilton Head piratesofhiltonhead.com Port Royal Sound Foundation portroyalsoundfoundation.org Sea Turtle Patrol Hilton Head Island seaturtlepatrolhhi.org Shelter Cove Harbour & Marina sheltercovehiltonhead.com The Sandbox: An Interactive Children’s Museum thesandbox.org The Sea Pines Resort seapines.com The Zone thezonebluffton.com Town of Bluffton Public Parks townofbluffton.sc.gov/210/ parks Town of Hilton Head Island Public Parks hiltonheadislandsc.gov/parks/ home.cfm
X-GOLF xgolfhiltonhead.com ZipLine Hilton Head myadventurehiltonhead.com
Central Oak Grove Missionary Baptist Church cogbchurch.com Church of the Palms - United Methodist palmsumc.net Congregation Beth Yam bethyam.org First Baptist Church of Hilton Head fbchhi.org First Presbyterian Church fpchhi.org Grace Community Church gracehhi.org Hilton Head Island Community Church hiltonheadislandcc.org LowCountry Community Church lowcountrycc.org Providence Presbyterian Church providencehhi.org Queen Chapel AME Church queenchapelame.com
Culinary Institute of the South at Technical College of the Lowcountry tcl.edu/culinary-institute Technical College of the Lowcountry tcl.edu Technical College of the Lowcountry-New River Campus tcl.edu University of South Carolina Beaufort Hilton Head Gateway Campus uscb.edu University of South Carolina Beaufort-Historic Beaufort Campus uscb.edu USCB Hilton Head Island Hospitality Management Campus uscb.edu
A Lowcountry Backyard Restaurant alowcountrybackyard.com Alexander’s Restaurant & Wine Bar alexandersrestaurant.com Alfred’s Restaurant alfredshhi.com Aunt Chilada’s auntchiladashhi.com Avocado Bleu avocado-bleu.com Bad Biscuit bad-biscuit.com Bayley’s Bar and Terrace sonesta.com/hiltonhead Bess’ Delicatessen & Catering bessdeliandcatering.com Big Bamboo bigbamboocafe.com Big Jim’s BBQ, Burgers, Pizza & Catering palmettodunes.com/dining Bistro 17 bistro17sheltercove.com Black Marlin Bayside Grill blackmarlinhhi.com Blue marriott.com/hhhgr Blue Laguna Grill orderbluelagunamexican grillandcantina.com Bluffton Family Seafood House blufftonoyster.com Bowdie’s Chophouse bowdieschophouse.com Brickyard Pub hiltonheadgolf.net/dining British Open Pub - Bluffton britishopenpubhhi.com British Open Pub - Hilton Head Island britishopenpubhhi.com Canteen montagehotels.com/ palmettobluff/dining Carolina Coffee & Crumbs carolinacoffeehhi.com Carolina Crab Company carolinacrabco.com Catch 22 catch22hhi.com Charbar Co. Burgers & Sushi charbarhhi.com Charlie’s L’etoile Verte, Inc. charliesgreenstar.com Chez Georges Bistro & Bar chezgeorgeshhi.com Chow Daddy’s - Bluffton chowdaddys.com Chow Daddy’s - Hilton Head chowdaddys.com Chronic Golf mychronicgolf.com Coast, Oceanfront Dining seapines.com/dining Comedy Magic Cabaret comedymagiccabaret.com Cowboy Brazilian Steakhouse cowboybraziliansteak house.com CRAB: Coastal Restaurants and Bars hiltonheadcrab.com Craft Kitchen craftkitchen.online Crane’s Tavern & Steakhouse Restaurant cranestavern.com Crazy Crab Harbour Town thecrazycrab.com Crazy Crab Jarvis Creek thecrazycrab.com Daufuskie Difference daufuskiedifference.com Driftwood Eatery driftwoodeatery.com ELA’S On the Water elasgrille.com Express Restaurant Delivery hiltonheaddelivers.com FARM farmbluffton.com Fiesta Fresh Mexican GrillNorth fiestafreshnorthend.com FISH Seafood & Raw Bar gofishhhi.com Fishcamp on Broad Creek fishcamphhi.com Fore & Aft montagehotels.com/ palmettobluff/dining Frankie Bones - Bluffton frankiebones.com Frankie Bones Restaurant & Lounge - Hilton Head frankieboneshhi.com Fraser’s Tavern fraserstavern.com Giuseppi’s Pizza & Pasta - Bluffton giuseppispizza.com Giuseppi’s Pizza & Pasta - Hilton Head giuseppispizza.com Gusto Ristorante gustohiltonhead.com Harbour Town Bakery & Café seapines.com/dining Harbourside seapines.com/dining Healthy Habit healthyhabithhi.com HH Prime omnihotels.com/hotels/ hilton-head High Tide Rooftop Bar marriott.com/en-us/hotels/ hhhcy-courtyard-hilton-headisland Hilton Head Diner hiltonheaddiner.com Hilton Head Ice Cream, Inc. hiltonheadicecreamshop.com Hilton Head Social Bakery South, LLC hiltonheadsocialbakery.com Hilton Head Social Bakery, LLC hiltonheadsocialbakery.com Holy Tequila holytequila.com Honey Baked Ham Co. and Cafe honeybakedham.com Hudson’s Seafood House On The Docks hudsonsonthedocks.com Hush montagehotels.com/ palmettobluff/dining It’s Greek to Me itsgreektomehhi.com Jane Bistro & Bar janehhi.com Java Burrito Company javaburrito.com Jim ’N Nick’s Bar-B-Q jimnnicks.com Joe’s Ice Cream & Beverage Co. joesicecreambeverage.com Kilwins at Shelter Cove Towne Centre kilwins.com/hiltonheadsheltercove Kind of Blue kindofbluehhisc.com Links, an American Grill linksamericangrill.com lot 9 brewing co. lot9brew.com Lowcountry Fresh Market & Cafe lowcountryfresh.com Lucky Rooster Kitchen & Bar luckyroosterhhi.com Lulu Kitchen lulukitchen-hhi.com Main Street Island Pub hiltonheadcafe.com Marley’s Shrimp & Burger Shack hiltonheadshack.com Melt montagehotels.com/ palmettobluff/dining Michael Anthony’s michael-anthonys.com Munchies Gr8 Bites gr8biteshhi.business.site Nantucket’s Meat & Fish Market nantucketsmarket.com/hiltonhead Nectar Farm Kitchen - Bluffton nectarfarmkitchen.com Nectar Farm Kitchen - Hilton Head nectarfarmkitchen.com Nick’s Steak & Seafood nickssteakandseafood.com Nunzio Restaurant + Bar nunziohhi.com Ocean Lounge seapines.com/dining Octagon montagehotels.com/ palmettobluff/dining Odd Birds Cafe and Market, LLC oddbirdshhi.com Old Daufuskie Crab Company daufuskiedifference.com Old Oyster Factory oldoysterfactory.com Olive & Fig Mediterranean Kitchen olivefig.net OMBRA Cucina Italiana ombrahhi.com One Hot Mama’s American Grille - Bluffton onehotmamas.com One Hot Mama’s American Grille - Hilton Head onehotmamas.com Palmetto Bay Sunrise Cafe palmettobaysunrisecafe.com Palmetto Dunes General Store palmettodunesgeneral store.com Palmetto Market omnihotels.com/hotels/ hilton-head Philly’s Cafe & Deli orderphillyscafe.com Pizza Co. yourpizzaco.com Poseidon poseidonhhi.com Quarterdeck Restaurant & Lounge seapines.com/dining Red Fish redfishofhiltonhead.com Red Stripes Caribbean Cuisine & Lounge Bluffton redstripescaribbean.com Red Stripes Caribbean Cuisine & Lounge Hilton Head Island redstripescaribbean.com Reilley’s Grill and Bar reilleyshiltonhead.com River Dog Brewing Co. riverdogbrewing.com River House montagehotels.com/ palmettobluff/dining Robber’s Row Grille hiltonheadgolf.net/dining Rockfish Seafood & Steaks @ Bomboras rockfishhhi.com Roy’s Place Cafe & Catering roysplacehhi.com Santa Fe Cafe santafehhi.com Sea Grass Grille seagrassgrille.com
Sea Shack sites.google.com/view/ theseashack Seacrest Restaurant and Terrace sonesta.com/hiltonhead SERG Restaurant Group serggroup.com Skillets Cafe & Grill skilletscafe.com Skull Creek Boathouse skullcreekboathouse.com Skull Creek Dockside docksidehhi.com Slapfish slapfishrestaurant.com Southern Barrel Brewing Co. southernbarrelbrewingco.com Stacks Pancakes stackshh.com Starbucks Coffee Company - Island Crossing starbucks.com Starbucks Coffee Company - Sea Turtle Marketplace starbucks.com Starbucks Coffee Company - Shelter Cove Towne Centre starbucks.com Stellini Italian Restaurant stellinihhi.com Street Meet The American Tavern streetmeethhi.com Subway Northridge Plaza subway.com Sunset Landing Pavilion at Skull Creek Boathouse skullcreekboathouse.com/ catering Sunset Slush Hilton Head sunsetslush.com Surfside Market seapines.com/dining The Bluffton Room theblufftonroom.com The Cafe marriott.com/hhhgr The Carolina Room westinhiltonheadisland.com The Corner Perk Cafe cornerperk.com The Cottage thecottagebluffton.com The Ice Cream Cone colignyicecreamcone.com The Jazz Corner thejazzcorner.com The Juice Hive & Health Emporium thejuicehive.com The Pearl Kitchen & Bar thepearlbluffton.com The Porch Southern Kitchen & Bar beachhousehhi.com/ restaurants-hilton-head The Roasting Room roastingroomlounge.com The Sandbar Beach Eats sandbarhhi.com The Smokehouse smokehousehhi.com The Studio studiodining.com Tiki Hut tikihuthhi.com Tio’s Latin American Kitchen - Bluffton tioshhi.com Tio’s Latin American Kitchen - Hilton Head tioshhi.com Top Dawg Tavern topdawgtavern.com Truffles Cafe - Belfair trufflescafe.com Truffles Market & Cafe - Sea Pines Center trufflescafe.com Up the Creek Pub & Grill upthecreekpubandgrill.com Wild Wing Cafe wildwingcafe.com WiseGuys Modern American Restaurant wiseguyshhi.com X-GOLF xgolfhiltonhead.com XO Sports & Spirits omnihotels.com/hotels/ hilton-head
Crush Entertainment crushIsland.com East Coast Entertainment bookece.com/locations/ hiltonhead Equinox Entertainment equinox-entertainment.com Hilton Head Entertainment hiltonheadentertainment.com Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra hhso.org Lavon Stevens 843.298.3321 Magic of Gary Maurer maurermagic.com
Amazing Event Rentals amazingeventrentals.com Audio Video Solutions, LLC avshhi.com Circle of Life & Gardenias Event Floral gardeniashhi.com Coastal Picnic & Rentals coastalpicnicrentals.com Meeting Dynamics, Inc. meetingdynamics.com Ranco Tents rancotents.com Royal Restrooms royalrestrooms.com
Capt. Hook Party Fishing Boat captainhookhiltonhead.com Captain Experiences Hilton Head Fishing Charters captainexperiences.com/ locations/south-carolina/ hilton-head-island Destinations DMC destinationsdmc.com Drifter Excursions, Inc. hiltonheadboattours.com Gale Warning Private Fishing Charters captainhookhiltonhead.com/ private-fishing-charters Hilton Head Outfitters hiltonheadoutfitters.com May River Excursions mayriverexcursions.com Outside Hilton Head outsidehiltonhead.com Outside Palmetto Bluff outsidepb.com Outside Savannah outsidesav.com Reel Job Charter Fishing reeljobcharterfishing.com Shelter Cove Harbour & Marina sheltercovehiltonhead.com/ fishing-charters
Bubba’s Cabin Lowcountry Outfitters bubbascabin.com Hilton Head Outfitters hiltonheadoutfitters.com Outside Palmetto Bluff outsidepb.com Palmetto Dunes General Store palmettodunesgeneral store.com Shelter Cove Harbour & Marina sheltercovehiltonhead.com Walmart Supercenter Bluffton (#6395) 843.815.5159 Walmart Supercenter Hardeeville (#2832) 843.208.3000 Walmart Supercenter Hilton Head (#728) 843.681.3011
Branches branchesdesigns.com Circle of Life & Gardenias Event Floral gardeniashhi.com Flowers by Sue flowersbysue.com
Aunt Laurie’s auntlauries.com Coastal Curation coastalcuration.com Dream Boutique facebook.com/ justdreamboutique Gullah Sweetgrass Basket Creations gullahbasketsbymichael smalls.com Island Fudge Shoppe islandfudge.com Nantucket’s Meat & Fish Market nantucketsmarket.com/ hilton-head Nourish nourishsavannah.com River Street Sweets riverstreetsweets.com
Hilton Head Discount Golf hiltonheaddiscountgolf.com Hilton Head Golf Vacations hhigolfvacations.com Palmetto Dunes Oceanfront Resort palmettodunes.com Sunset Rentals, Inc. sunsetrentals.com The Heritage Golf Collection hiltonheadgolf.net The Sea Pines Resort seapines.com
Chronic Golf mychronicgolf.com Old South Golf Links oldsouthgolf.com Palmetto Dunes Golf Academy palmettodunes.com/golf The Golf Learning Center at The Sea Pines Resort seapines.com/golf/instruction X-GOLF xgolfhiltonhead.com
Beaufort County Parks and Recreation bcscrec.com Coastal Gymnastics Center Bluffton coastalgymnasticscenter.com Coastal Gymnastics Center Hilton Head coastalgymnasticscenter.com CycleBar hiltonhead.cyclebar.com Discover Specific Chiropractic specificchiropractic.com Dr. Debi Lynes drdebilynes.com FMS Running fmsrunning.com Fraum Center for Restorative Health fraumchiropracticofhilton head.com Fusion Fit/Stand and Paddle fusionfitgym.com Hilton Head Health hhhealth.com Hilton Head Island Recreation Association islandreccenter.org HOTWORX - Bluffton hotworx.net/studio/blufftonbuckwalter Island Nutrition 843.298.3169 Lighthouse CBD & Wellness cbdstorebluffton.com Lowcountry Stretch, LLC Bluffton stretchzone.com/locations/ bluffton Lowcountry Stretch, LLC Hilton Head stretchzone.com/locations/ hiltonhead Matador Core Performance matadorcore.com Nutrishop nutrishoplowcountry.com Okatie Nutrition 260.223.9774 Outside Hilton Head outsidehiltonhead.com Outside Palmetto Bluff outsidepb.com Outside Savannah outsidesav.com Patrick Wiita, MD, LLC wiitamd.com Pure Salt Studios puresaltstudios.com Restore Hyper Wellness + Cryotherapy restore.com/locations/ hilton-head-sc The Juice Hive & Health Emporium thejuicehive.com Your CBD Store getsunmed.com
Daufuskie Island Trail Rides daufuskietrailrides.com
H2O Sports h2osports.com Hilton Head Outfitters hiltonheadoutfitters.com Island Water Sports islandwatersportshhi.com
Kayak Hilton Head and Dolphin Discoveries Boat Tours kayakhiltonhead.com Outside Hilton Head outsidehiltonhead.com Outside Palmetto Bluff outsidepb.com Outside Savannah outsidesav.com Sea Monkeys Watersports seamonkeyshhi.com Shelter Cove Harbour & Marina sheltercovehiltonhead.com Tour Daufuskie tourdaufuskie.com
Broad Creek Marina Adventures broadcreekmarinahh.com Freeport Marina (Daufuskie Island) daufuskiedifference.com Harbour Town Yacht Basin seapines.com/marina Shelter Cove Harbour & Marina sheltercovehiltonhead.com Windmill Harbour Marina windmillharbourmarina.org
Beaufort Memorial Hospital bmhsc.org Beaufort Memorial Okatie Medical Pavilion bmhsc.org Coastal Carolina Hospital coastalhospital.com Hilton Head Regional Healthcare - Hilton Head Hospital hiltonheadregional.com Main Street Medical hiltonheadurgentcare.org Palmetto Medical Group PalmettoMedicalGrp.com Sea Pines Circle Immediate Care, LLC seapinescircleimmediate care.com St. Joseph’s/Candler Medical Group-Bluffton sjchs.org Symbios Medical Services mysymbios.com Tidewatch Emergency Department hiltonheadregional.com
Legendary Golf legendarygolfhhi.com Pirate’s Island Adventure Golf, Inc. piratesislandgolf.com
Bloody Point Lighthouse Museum (Daufuskie Island) daufuskiedifference.com Coastal Discovery Museum at Honey Horn coastaldiscovery.org Daufuskie Difference daufuskiedifference.com Gullah Museum of Hilton Head Island gullahmuseumhhi.org Harbour Town Lighthouse Museum & Shop harbourtownlighthouse.com Heyward House Museum & Welcome Center/BHF heywardhouse.org Morris Center for Lowcountry Heritage morrisheritagecenter.org National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force mightyeighth.org Port Royal Sound Foundation portroyalsoundfoundation.org Telfair Museums telfair.org The Sandbox: An Interactive Children’s Museum thesandbox.org
Audubon Newhall Preserve hiltonheadaudubon.org/ audubon-newhall-preserve Pinckney Island National Wildlife Refuge fws.gov/refuge/pinckneyisland Sea Pines Forest Preserve seapines.com
Dog People dogpeople.dog Fetch A Vet fetchavetsc.com Paws On Learning pawsonlearning.com Vaughan Kennels Inc./ DBA Evergreen Pet Lodge evergreenpetlodgehhi.com Woof Gang Bakery and Grooming Palmetto woofgangpalmetto.com
Burke’s Main Street Pharmacy burkespharmacy.com Harris Teeter Main Street Village (#152) 843.689.6255 Harris Teeter Park Plaza (#423) 843.785.6185 Kroger Belfair (#499) 843.815.6070 Kroger Buckwalter (#703) 843.989.7022 Kroger Hilton Head (#671) 843.842.0540 Publix Belfair (#0845) 843.706.3049 Publix Buckwalter (#1205) 843.815.6430 Publix Festival Centre (#0473) 843.689.9977 Publix Island Crossing (#0700) 843.842.2632 Walmart Supercenter Bluffton - (#6395) 843.815.5159 Walmart Supercenter Hardeeville - (#2832) 843.208.3000 Walmart Supercenter Hilton Head - (#728) 843.681.3011
Adventure Center HHI flyHHI.com Crescent Moon Pictures, Inc. crescentmoonpictures.com Denolis Polite Photography denolispolitephotography.com Harden Creative hardencreative.com Island Life HH, LLC islandlifehhphotography.com Kaufman Photography kaufmanphotography.com Kit Carper Photography kitcarperphotography.com Michele Jeanine Photography michelejeanine.com Stage Front Presentation and Production Systems sfps.net Willie J. Rice, Photographer wjricephotography.com
Visit the Town of Bluffton’s website at townofbluffton.sc.gov/210/parks for more information.
Buckwalter Place Park and Veterans Memorial 2 Venture Dr. Dubois Park 67 Lawrence St. Field of Dreams at Oscar Frazier Park 11 Recreation Ct. Martin Family Park 68 Boundary St. New River Linear Trail 3809-3835 Okatie Hwy. Oyster Factory Park 55 Wharf St. Pritchard Pocket Park 124 Pritchard St. Tom Herbkersman Commons 1325 May River Rd. Wright Family Park 111 Calhoun St.
Calhoun Street Dock 110 Calhoun St.
Visit the Town of HHI’s website at hiltonheadislandsc.gov/ parks/home.cfm for more information.
Alder Lane Beach Access Alder Ln. (parking at 2 Woodward Ave.) Burkes Beach Burkes Beach Rd. (park at 11 Cast Net Dr.) Coligny Beach Park 1 Coligny Cir. (off Pope Ave.) Driessen Beach Park 64 Bradley Beach Rd. Fish Haul Beach Park 124 Mitchelville Rd. Folly Field Beach Park Folly Field Rd. (parking at 55 Starfish Dr.)
Compass Rose Park 4 St. Augustine Pl. (off Pope Ave.) Chaplin Community Park 11 Cast Net Dr. Historic Mitchelville Freedom Park 226 Beach City Rd. Island Recreation Center 20 Wilborn Rd. Jarvis Creek Park 50 Jarvis Creek Rd. Lowcountry Celebration Park 94 Pope Ave. Rowing and Sailing Center at Squire Pope Community Park 133 Squire Pope Rd.
Visit hiltonheadisland.org for list of Real Estate companies.
Amazing Event Rentals amazingeventrentals.com Carolina Rides carolinarides.com Cintas Corp cintas.com Circle of Life & Gardenias Event Floral gardeniashhi.com Hilton Head Outfitters hiltonheadoutfitters.com Island Cruisers hhibikes.com LowSea Bike, Beach & Baby Rental, Inc. hiltonheadbikerental.com Peddling Pelican Bike Rentals, Inc. pelicancruiser.com Ranco Tents rancotents.com Royal Restrooms royalrestrooms.com Shore Beach Services, Inc. shorebeach.com Vacation Comfort Rentals comfyrentals.com Wheelz of Hilton Head rentwheelz.com
The Greenery, Inc. thegreeneryinc.com
Aiden Lane affordablesapparel.com Arthur Hills Golf Clubhouse palmettodunes.com/golf Belk Department Store belk.com Birdie James thebirdiejames.com Bubba’s Cabin Lowcountry Outfitters bubbascabin.com Camp Hilton Head camphiltonhead.com Carolina Me Crazy facebook.com/ carolinamecrazy Coastal Bliss coastalblisshiltonhead.com Coastal Provisions coastalprovisionsco.com
Coastal Provisions Company Coligny Plaza coastalprovisionsco.com Dream Boutique facebook.com/ justdreamboutique Fab’rik fabrikstyle.com Forest Beach Surf & Cycle hhi.bike Fresh Produce freshproduceclothes.com George Fazio Golf Clubhouse palmettodunes.com/golf Gigi’s Boutique gigisbluffton.com Gullah T’s N’ Tings gullahtsntings.com Haskins & Co facebook.com/haskinsandco Hilton Head Outfitters hiltonheadoutfitters.com Island Sole facebook.com/islandsole John Bayley 843.715.0713 Kelly Caron Designs kellycarondesigns.com Lululemon shop.lululemon.com/stores/ us/hilton-head-island/ shelter-cove-pop-up Maggie & Me facebook.com/ maggieandmebluffton Moreland Bike Shop/Pedego Palmetto Bluff pedegopalmettobluff.com Old South Golf Clubhouse oldsouthgolf.com Outside Hilton Head outsidehiltonhead.com Outside Palmetto Bluff outsidepb.com Outside Savannah outsidesav.com Palmetto Dunes General Store palmettodunesgeneral store.com Palmetto Dunes Tennis and Pickleball Center palmettodunes.com Palmettoes, Inc. facebook.com/palmettoeshhi Robert Trent Jones Oceanfront Golf Clubhouse palmettodunes.com/golf Sam’s Club 843.837.1993 Shop! Boutique 843.785.7467 Southern Tide - Signature Store southerntidehiltonhead.com Tanger Outlets Hilton Head tangeroutlet.com/hiltonhead The Haven Boutique havensc.com Walmart Supercenter Bluffton - (#6395) 843.815.5159 Walmart Supercenter Hardeeville - (#2832) 843.208.3000 Walmart Supercenter Hilton Head - (#728) 843.681.3011
Bargain Box thebargainboxofhiltonhead.org Chella D facebook.com/ chelladboutique Goodwill Industries of Lower SC palmettogoodwill.org Goodwill Industries of Lower South Carolina palmettogoodwill.org Hilton Head Regional Habitat for Humanity, Inc habitathhi.org Osprey Village Thrift ospreyvillage.org St. Francis Thrift Shop stfrancisthriftshophhi.org The Church Mouse Thrift Shop, Inc. churchmousethrift.com Three Sisters Resale & More threesistersresaleandmore.com
Ace Hardware of Hilton Head acehardwareofhiltonhead.com Belk Department Store belk.com Grayco Hardware graycoinc.com Sam’s Club 843.837.1993 Staples Connect - Bluffton staples.com Staples Connect - Hilton Head Island staples.com Walmart Supercenter Bluffton - (#6395) 843.815.5159 Walmart Supercenter Hardeeville - (#2832) 843.208.3000 Walmart Supercenter Hilton Head - (#728) 843.681.3011
Art Cafe artcafehhi.com ArtWare artwaredesigns.com Aunt Laurie’s auntlauries.com Belk Department Store belk.com Binya Boutique, LLC binyahhi.com Birdie James thebirdiejames.com Bloody Point Lighthouse Museum (Daufuskie Island) daufuskiedifference.com Bluffton General Store blufftongeneralstore.com Branches branchesdesigns.com Bubba’s Cabin Lowcountry Outfitters bubbascabin.com Camellia Art camelliaart.com Camp Hilton Head camphiltonhead.com Carolina Me Crazy facebook.com/ carolinamecrazy Cassandra’s Kitchen cassandraskitchen.com Coastal Bliss coastalblisshiltonhead.com Coastal Curation coastalcuration.com Coastal Provisions coastalprovisionsco.com Coastal Provisions Company Coligny Plaza coastalprovisionsco.com Coastal Treasures coastaltreasures-hilton head.com Daufuskie Difference daufuskiedifference.com Declan’s Delights Co. declansdelights.com Dream Boutique facebook.com/ justdreamboutique Fab’rik fabrikstyle.com FACES DaySpa facesdayspa.com FASTFRAME #326 fastframe.com Freeport General Store (Daufuskie Island) daufuskiedifference.com Fresh Produce freshproduceclothes.com Furniture Direct furnituredirecthhi.com Gifted Hilton Head facebook.com/ giftedhiltonhead Gigi’s Boutique gigisbluffton.com Grind Coffee Roasters thegrindroasters.com Gullah Sweetgrass Basket Creations gullahbasketsbymichael smalls.com Gullah T’s N’ Tings gullahtsntings.com Harbour Town Lighthouse Museum & Shop harbourtownlighthouse.com Heritage Fine Jewelry heritagejewelershhi.com Hilton Head Distillery hiltonheaddistillery.com Hilton Head Island Coffee Roasters hiltonheadcoffee.com Hilton Head Island House of Jerky / Hilton Head Island House of Popcorn islandhoj.com Hilton Head Toys - Coligny Plaza hiltonheadtoys.com Hilton Head Toys - Harbour Town hiltonheadtoys.com Island Fudge Shoppe islandfudge.com J. Banks Design Group, Inc. jbanksdesign.com LaSource Home HHI, LLC dba/Plantation Interiors plantationinteriors.com Lighthouse CBD & Wellness cbdstorebluffton.com Lowcountry Fresh Market & Cafe lowcountryfresh.com Maggie & Me facebook.com/ maggieandmebluffton Markel’s Card & Gift Shop Inc. markels.myshoplocal.com Marsh & Light marshandlight.com Moreland Bike Shop/Pedego Palmetto Bluff pedegopalmettobluff.com Nantucket’s Meat & Fish Market nantucketsmarket.com/ hilton-head Nourish nourishsavannah.com Outside Hilton Head outsidehiltonhead.com Outside Palmetto Bluff outsidepb.com Outside Savannah outsidesav.com Palmetto Dunes General Store palmettodunesgeneral store.com Palmettoes, Inc. facebook.com/palmettoeshhi River Street Sweets riverstreetsweets.com Sam’s Club 843.837.1993 Silver Dew Pottery (Daufuskie Island) daufuskiedifference.com Silver Dew Winery (Daufuskie Island) daufuskiedifference.com Spartina 449 - Old Town Bluffton spartina449.com/our-flagshipstore Spartina 449 - Shelter Cove Towne Centre spartina449.com Studio One Awards studio1awards.com Tanger Outlets Hilton Head tangeroutlet.com The Fresh Market thefreshmarket.com The Greenery, Inc. thegreeneryinc.com The Spirited Hand thespiritedhand.com The Store thestore-homegoodsstore. business.site Three Sisters Resale & More threesistersresaleandmore.com Walmart Supercenter Bluffton - (#6395) 843.815.5159 Walmart Supercenter Hardeeville - (#2832) 843.208.3000 Walmart Supercenter Hilton Head - (#728) 843.681.3011 Wild Birds Unlimited of Hilton Head Island hiltonhead.wbu.com Your CBD Store getsunmed.com
Benny Hudson Seafood 843.682.3474 Harris Teeter Main Street Village (#152) 843.689.6255 Harris Teeter Park Plaza (#423) 843.785.6185 Kroger Belfair (#499) 843.815.6070 Kroger Buckwalter (#703) 843.989.7022 Kroger Hilton Head (#671) 843.842.0540
Lowcountry Fresh Market & Cafe 843.815.2780 Nantucket’s Meat & Fish Market 843.706.2500 Publix Belfair (#0845) 843.706.3049 Publix Buckwalter (#1205) 843.815.6430 Publix Festival Centre (#0473) 843.689.9977 Publix Island Crossing (#0700) 843.842.2632 Sam’s Club 843.837.1993 The Fresh Market 843.842.8332 Walmart Supercenter Bluffton - (#6395) 843.815.5159 Walmart Supercenter Hardeeville - (#2832) 843.208.3000 Walmart Supercenter Hilton Head - (#728) 843.681.3011 Whole Foods Market Shelter Cove Plaza 843.842.0700
A&C Gold and Diamonds acgoldandsilver.com Forsythe Jewelers forsythejewelers.biz Heritage Fine Jewelry heritagejewelershhi.com Jewel Tones jeweltonesonline.com
Farmers Market of Bluffton farmersmarketbluffton.org Farmers Market at Coastal Discovery Museum at Honey Horn coastaldiscovery.org Lowcountry Fresh Market & Cafe lowcountryfresh.com The Farmers & Makers Market at Sea Pines Center facebook.com/ seapinesfarmersmarket
Benny Hudson Seafood bennyhudsonseafood.com Bluffton Oyster Company blufftonoyster.com Shell Ring Oyster Company shellringoystercompany.com
Visit hiltonheadisland.org/ see-do/shopping for a list of shopping centers.
ArtWare artwaredesigns.com Bluffton General Store blufftongeneralstore.com Camp Hilton Head camphiltonhead.com Coastal Provisions coastalprovisionsco.com Coastal Provisions Company Coligny Plaza coastalprovisionsco.com Coligny Plaza colignyplaza.com Daufuskie Difference daufuskiedifference.com Freeport General Store (Daufuskie Island) daufuskiedifference.com Forest Beach Surf & Cycle hhi.bike Gifted Hilton Head facebook.com/ giftedhiltonhead Harbour Town Lighthouse Museum & Shop harbourtownlighthouse.com Hilton Head Distillery hiltonheaddistillery.com Palmetto Dunes General Store palmettodunesgeneral store.com Silver Dew Winery (Daufuskie Island) daufuskiedifference.com Skull Creek Dockside/The Ship Store docksidehhi.com Tanger Outlets Hilton Head tangeroutlet.com/hiltonhead Walmart Supercenter Bluffton - (#6395) 843.815.5159 Walmart Supercenter Hardeeville - (#2832) 843.208.3000 Walmart Supercenter Hilton Head - (#728) 843.681.3011
Arthur Hills Golf Pro Shop palmettodunes.com/golf-proshops Bubba’s Cabin Lowcountry Outfitters bubbascabin.com Forest Beach Surf & Cycle hhi.bike George Fazio Golf Pro Shop palmettodunes.com/golf-proshops Hilton Head Outfitters hiltonheadoutfitters.com Moreland Bike Shop/Pedego Palmetto Bluff pedegopalmettobluff.com Old South Golf Pro Shop oldsouthgolf.com Outside Hilton Head outsidehiltonhead.com Outside Palmetto Bluff outsidepb.com Outside Savannah outsidesav.com Palmetto Dunes Tennis and Pickleball Center palmettodunes.com/activities/ hilton-head-island-tennis Robert Trent Jones Oceanfront Golf Pro Shop palmettodunes.com/golf-proshops Shelter Cove Harbour & Marina sheltercovehiltonhead.com Walmart Supercenter Bluffton - (#6395) 843.815.5159 Walmart Supercenter Hardeeville - (#2832) 843.208.3000 Walmart Supercenter Hilton Head - (#728) 843.681.3011
Bill’s Liquors & Fine Wines facebook.com/ billsliquorsbluffton Burnt Church Distillery, LLC burntchurchdistillery.com Hilton Head Distillery hiltonheaddistillery.com Red Fish redfishofhiltonhead.com Rollers Wine & Spirits rollerswineandspirits.com Sam’s Club 843.837.1993 Southern Wine & Spirits southernwine.com
Arum Spa sonesta.com/hiltonheadisland Continuum Advanced Aesthetics continuumadvanced aesthetics.com FACES DaySpa facesdayspa.com Heavenly Spa by Westin westinhiltonheadspa.com Hilton Head Health hhhealth.com Hilton Head Plastic Surgery and MedSpa, LLC hiltonheadislandplastic surgery.com LUX~A Medical Spa luxhhi.com LUX~A Medical Spa Hilton Head Island luxhhi.com Moor Spa Hilton Head moorspahiltonhead.com Namaste Spa at Grande Ocean Resort namastespahhi.com Namaste Spa at Marriott’s Barony Beach Club namastespahhi.com Ocean Tides Spa omnihotels.com/hotels/ hilton-head/spa PURE Medical Spa pinnacleplasticsurgerymd.com Pure Salt Studios puresaltstudios.com Restore Hyper Wellness + Cryotherapy restore.com/locations/hiltonhead-sc Spa Montage montagehotels.com/ palmettobluff/spa Spa Soleil marriott.com/hhhgr Sunny Spa, LLC sunnyspadunmore.business. site The Indigo Spa indigospa.com VIP Cosmetic Surgery vip-cosmeticsurgery.com Vitality Med Spa vitalitymedspa.co Whisper Creek Spa whispercreekspa.com
Palmetto Dunes Tennis and Pickleball Center palmettodunes.com Port Royal Racquet Club hiltonheadgolf.net/port-royal/ recreation/tennis Professional Tennis Registry ptrtennis.org Public Tennis publictennis.org Sea Pines Racquet Club seapines.com/tennis Smith Stearns Tennis Academy smithstearns.com
6th Sense World® Historic Ghost & Cemetery Tours 6thsenseworld.com Advanced Sail, Inc. Catamarans hiltonheadislandsailing.com Adventure Center HHI flyHHI.com Adventure Hilton Head, LLC myadventurehiltonhead.com Aerial Adventure Hilton Head myadventurehiltonhead.com Burnt Church Distillery, LLC burntchurchdistillery.com Coastal Discovery Museum at Honey Horn coastaldiscovery.org Daufuskie Community Farm daufuskieartisanvillageand farm.com Daufuskie Difference daufuskiedifference.com Daufuskie Island Ferry daufuskieislandferry.com Destinations DMC destinationsdmc.com Dolphin & Nature Cruise hiltonheadtours.com Dolphin Seafari HHI dolphinseafarihhi.com Drifter Excursions, Inc. hiltonheadboattours.com Gullah Heritage Trail Tours gullaheritage.com Gullah Museum of Hilton Head Island gullahmuseumhhi.org H2O Sports h2osports.com Harbour Town Lighthouse Museum & Shop harbourtownlighthouse.com Heritage Library Foundation, Inc. heritagelib.org Heyward House Museum & Welcome Center/BHF heywardhouse.org Hidden Treasures Tours of Bluffton, SC hiddentreasuresbluffton.com Hilton Head Boat Charters, LLC hhiboatcharters.com Hilton Head Distillery hiltonheaddistillery.com Hilton Head History Tours hiltonheadhistorytours.com Hilton Head Outfitters hiltonheadoutfitters.com Hilton Head Segway hiltonheadsegway.com Hilton Head Speed Boat Tours hiltonheadspeedboat tours.com Hilton Head Yacht Charter hiltonheadyachtcharter.com
Island Explorer/Dolphin Nature Tours dolphintourshiltonhead.com Island Skiff Adventure Tours islandskifftours.com Island Time Charters islandtimechartershhi.com Kayak Hilton Head and Dolphin Discoveries Boat Tours kayakhiltonhead.com May River Excursions mayriverexcursions.com Mermaid of Hilton Head mermaidofhiltonhead.com Mitchelville Preservation Project exploremitchelville.org Moreland Bike Shop/Pedego Palmetto Bluff pedegopalmettobluff.com Noble Jones Tours noblejonestours.com Old Savannah Tours oldsavannahtours.com Old Town Trolley Savannah trolleytours.com Outside Hilton Head outsidehiltonhead.com Outside Palmetto Bluff outsidepb.com Outside Savannah outsidesav.com Pirates HHI pirateshhi.com Pirates of Hilton Head piratesofhiltonhead.com Port Royal Sound Foundation portroyalsoundfoundation.org Savannah Riverboat Cruises savannahriverboat.com Sea Monkeys Watersports seamonkeyshhi.com Sea Pines Resort Eco-Adventures seapines.com/experiences Shelter Cove Harbour & Marina sheltercovehiltonhead.com Spirit of Harbour Town vagabondcruise.com The Sea Pines Resort Recreation Department seapines.com/experiences/ daily-activities Tour Daufuskie tourdaufuskie.com Vagabond Cruise vagabondcruise.com ZipLine Hilton Head myadventurehiltonhead.com
A Yellow Transportation yellowtransportationhhi.com Above and Beyond Limousine Transportation Service aboveandbeyondsav.com Avis/Budget Car Rental of Hilton Head budget.com/en/locations/us/ sc/hilton-head/hhh Camelot Limousine, LLC camelothhi.com Carolina Rides carolinarides.com Daufuskie Difference daufuskiedifference.com Daufuskie Island Ferry daufuskieislandferry.com Diamond Transportation SC, LLC hiltonheadrides.com Enterprise Rent-A-Car enterprise.com Hilton Head Paratransit NEMT yellowtransportationhhi.com Island Buggy Service Inc. 843.816.4210 Kelly Tours Gray Line kellytours.com MAVCO flymavco.com Old Savannah Tours oldsavannahtours.com Old Town Trolley Savannah trolleytours.com Outside Savannah outsidesav.com Palmetto Breeze palmettobreezetransit.com Palmetto Car Service palmettocarservice.com Platinum Executive Coaches platinumexecutive coaches.com Silver Oak Transportation, LLC silveroaktransportation.net
Adventure Hilton Head, LLC myadventurehiltonhead.com Aerial Adventure Hilton Head myadventurehiltonhead.com Alfred’s Restaurant alfredshhi.com Arts Center of Coastal Carolina artshhi.com Belfair belfair1811.com Berkeley Hall Club berkeleyhallclub.com Burnt Church Distillery, LLC burntchurchdistillery.com Callawassie Island Club callawassieisland.com Chronic Golf mychronicgolf.com Cinemark Bluffton 12 cinemark.com/theatres/ sc-bluffton/cinemark-bluffton Coastal Discovery Museum at Honey Horn coastaldiscovery.org Colleton River Club, Inc. colletonriverclub.com Country Club of Hilton Head invitedclubs.com/clubs/ country-club-of-hilton-head Crazy Crab Jarvis Creek thecrazycrab.com Culinary Institute of the South at Technical College of the Lowcountry tcl.educulinary-institute Dataw Island dataw.com Daufuskie Difference daufuskiedifference.com Destinations DMC destinationsdmc.com ELA’S On the Water elasgrille.com FISH Seafood & Raw Bar gofishhhi.com Frankie Bones - Bluffton frankiebones.com Frankie Bones Restaurant & Lounge - Hilton Head frankieboneshhi.com Golden Bear Golf Club goldenbear-indigorun.com Grind Coffee Roasters Warehouse thegrindroasters.com Haig Point Club & Community (Daufuskie Island) haigpoint.com Haig Point Weddings haigpoint.com/event Hampton Hall Club hamptonhallclubsc.com Hampton Lake hamptonlake.com Harbour Town Lighthouse Museum & Shop harbourtownlighthouse.com Harbour Town Yacht Club htyc.com Heyward House Museum & Welcome Center/BHF heywardhouse.org Hilton Head Distillery hiltonheaddistillery.com Hilton Head Health hhhealth.com Hudson’s Seafood House On The Docks hudsonsonthedocks.com Joe’s Ice Cream & Beverage Co. joesicecreambeverage.com Lowcountry Fresh Market & Cafe lowcountryfresh.com Meeting Dynamics, Inc. meetingdynamics.com Michael Anthony’s michael-anthonys.com National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force mightyeighth.org Old Oyster Factory oldoysterfactory.com Oldfield Club oldfield1732.com Outside Hilton Head outsidehiltonhead.com Outside Palmetto Bluff outsidepb.com Outside Savannah outsidesav.com Palmetto Hall Golf & Country Club palmettohallcc.com Port Royal Clubhouse portroyalgolfclub.com Poseidon poseidonhhi.com Red Fish redfishofhiltonhead.com RMC Your Destination Connection rmcdmc.com Roy’s Place Cafe & Catering roysplacehhi.com Savannah Riverboat Cruises savannahriverboat.com Sea Pines Country Club seapinescountryclub.com SERG Restaurant Group serggroup.com Shaken and Stirred Mixology shakenandstirredmixology.com Signature Catering & Events by SERG signaturecateringhhi.com Skull Creek Boathouse skullcreekboathouse.com Skull Creek Dockside docksidehhi.com Southern Barrel Brewing Co. southernbarrelbrewingco.com Southern Graces at Hewitt Oaks southerngraces.com Spirit of Harbour Town vagabondcruise.com Sunset Landing Pavilion at Skull Creek Boathouse skullcreekboathouse.com/ catering The Golf Club at Indigo Run invitedclubs.com/clubs/thegolf-club-at-indigo-run The Sandbox: An Interactive Children’s Museum thesandbox.org The Smokehouse smokehousehhi.com The Zone thezonebluffton.com Truffles Cafe - Belfair trufflescafe.com University of South Carolina Beaufort Hilton Head Gateway Campus uscb.edu University of South Carolina Beaufort-Historic Beaufort Campus uscb.edu USCB Catering uscbdining.campusdish.com USCB Hilton Head Island Hospitality Management Campus uscb.edu/hhicampus Vagabond Cruise vagabondcruise.com Wexford Club wexfordhiltonhead.com ZipLine Hilton Head myadventurehiltonhead.com
Destinations DMC destinationsdmc.com Dunes Catering & Events palmettodunes.com/cateringand-events Haig Point Club & Community (Daufuskie Island) haigpoint.com Haig Point Weddings haigpoint.com/event Omni Hilton Head Oceanfront Resort omnihotels.com/hotels/ hilton-head Port Royal Clubhouse portroyalgolfclub.com Sea Pines Country Club seapinescountryclub.com Signature Catering & Events by SERG signaturecateringhhi.com
A Wedding by the Sea hiltonheadofficiant.com Thomas C. Briley 843.290.0560
No matter what draws you to Hilton Head Island, you can easily come back to visit time and time again. With 11 airlines and more than 30 nonstop destinations, and designated the #1 U.S. Airport in the 2022 Travel + Leisure World's Best Awards, Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport (SAV) makes returning to your favorite island a breeze. By flying to the #1 U.S. Island through the #1 U.S. Airport, as named in the 2022 Condé Nast Traveler Readers’ Choice Awards, you can count on a superior travel experience to kick off an unforgettable vacation — each and every time. flySAV.com F d savhhiairport