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Event History and EOC Activations
Tropical Storm
EOC activation; Hurricane Matthew EOC activation, community evacuation, and Public Safety Evacuation Point activation.
Hurricane Irma EOC activation; community evacuation; and Public Safety Evacuation Point activation.
Winter Storm
EOC activation; Hurricane Florence - EOC activation and Public Safety Evacuation Point established and Hurricane Michaelpartial EOC activation.
Hurricane Dorian EOC activation, community evacuation, and Public Safety Evacuation Point activation
EOC activation in alternate EOC.
COVID-19 significantly affected Emergency Management’s ability to develop, coordinate and exercise plans. Even with the significant response to the pandemic, Emergency Management was able to accomplish much with the support of other members of Fire Rescue and Town departments including:
• Conducting a Town Continuity of Operations Exercise with a pandemic scenario in February.
• Managing the Emergency Operations Center for three months in response to COVID-19.
- Developed weekly incident action plan that steered the Town’s COVID-19 response.
- Developed a completely new plan for our response to COVID-19 that included use of personal protective equipment, safe management of COVID-19 patients and unique equipment configuration to ensure safety of our personnel.
- Created procedures to ensure our personnel were able to respond to COVID-19 patients.
- Worked tirelessly to find critical resources that were hard to get, such as hand sanitizer, N95 respirators, gloves, cleaning supplies, and surgical gowns.
• Supporting large-scale community testing events.
- Developed the plan for large-scale community-testing events in partnership with Hilton Head Hospital, Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office, Volunteers in Medicine, and the South Carolina Nation Guard. The first event in June tested over 1,800 people for COVID-19. This plan was used as the basis for all of the large testing events and mass vaccination clinics in Beaufort County.
- Supported many other testing events throughout Beaufort County with planning and logistical support.
• Supporting the Fire Rescue mission by responding to emergencies and performing liaison activities with agencies such as the Red Cross.
• Participating in the update of the Beaufort County Hazard Mitigation Program.
• Emergency Management in coordination with Community Development applied for and received the HurricaneStrong designation from the Federal Alliance for Safe Houses.