List of IB schools in Delhi Ncr

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List of iB schooLs in DeLhi anD ncR https://www.exceLsioReDucatio n.oRg/acaDemic-pRogRam/pRe-pR imaRy-pRogRam/

aRe you tRying to finD the most effective iB schooL in guRgaon foR youR chiLD? exceLsioR ameRican is one of the top-RateD iB schooLs in DeLhi & ncR. the iB pRogRam is moRe pRacticaL oRienteD as compaReD to otheR BoaRDs. it's a BRoaDeR spectRum of suBjects that ResuLt in compLete DeveLopment stuDents. iB examinations test aRe maDe By expeRts to asceRtain stuDents’ knowLeDge, not theiR memoRy anD speeD. the schooL incLuDes a team of highLy quaLifieD anD weLL-tRaineD teacheRs anD suppoRt staff, as it offeRs some of the Best eDucation faciLities anD pRoviDes a

Day Care



Address: Behind Dell building, Golf Course Road, Phase -1, Block C2, DLF Garden Villas, Sector 43 Gurugram, Haryana 122001

• Phone: +91-124-4049342/4049343 , Mobile: +91-8750062266

• Email Address: • gram/pre-primary-program/


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