RELIEF INDIA TRUST Relief India Trust‌fulfilling the dreams of deserving people!
It is undeniable fact that in every corner of the world, there are some people who are still deprived of even basic human rights. In order to bring them to the balanced level, a lot of effort is needed to improve standard of these people, so that they can have access to the modern facilities, thus creating balance of status in societies.
Exceptional role in poverty alleviation They do offer financial assistance to the deserving people of societies. Poor people are assisted in getting access to the basic necessities of life, such as food, clothing, shelter, health and education.
Unprecedented contribution in health sector Health and physical fitness are the utmost important components of human life. Without healthy and fit life, it is too difficult to govern happy and prosperous life.
Keeping in view the importance of health, non-profit organizations are extending various sorts of medical facilities to the deserving people of remote areas . the Relief India Trust also actively provides poor people of remote areas with free medical facilities.
Share in uplift of education in backward areas The said welfare organizations also give their valuable contribution in promoting education in backward areas. Likewise,
Relief India Trust also gives financial support to poor children to fulfill their educational needs, by providing them with all sorts of materials that is necessarily needed for fulfilling the requirements related to education.
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