Relief india trust explaining the core responsibilities of an executive director of an ngo

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Relief India Trust Explaining the Core Responsibilities of an Executive Director of an NGO

Introduction: According to Relief India Trust, an executive director of an NGO or any other firm sits at a very critical position especially in terms of management and leadership.

• Creating a Vision: First thing first, an executive director of an NGO has to create and pass a very clear and objective vision which is shared with the other staff members of the NGO.

Lead and Manage: The executive director ideally should lead and manage the organization at the same time. Such a job role includes the outlining of the critical tasks and also refers back to the vision which will serve for them as a guideline in their tasks.

The executive director of an NGO in this regard must think about the following: • What tasks are needed to be accomplished now? • What tasks are still pending which need to be accomplished now?

What are the new activities or tasks of the NGO that need either to be changed or redefined?

Engage the Community: Engaging the external community is one of the most crucial tasks of the executive director of an NGO. According to Relief India Trust, it helps in building the much needed relationship for the NGO.

The main objectives for the executive director in engaging the community typically includes: Listen and pay heed to the communal needs.

Identify and also provide advocacy for change where the executive director thinks is valid and should be brought upon. Utilizing all his useful communication, interpersonal and the listening skills in engaging the community.

Facilitating the community with the much needed financial, human and the technological resources. Promote awareness in the community on different issues.

Fore More Information Visit: Contact : +91-9810102897

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