The world over has been faced with the problem of insane deaths due to diseases and chronic health conditions. It is due to this reason that there has been the need for the private sector to step in and assist the government in the fight against these conditions.
• Strengthening the health workforce • The world’s statistics dictate that close to 1 billion people across the world have never seen an actual health worker. As surprising as this fact is, it is also very saddening. As most countries head into pandemics, organizations such Relief India Trust have stepped in to fill the gap that the central government cannot cover.
• Advocating for smoke free work places • Non-Governmental Organizations cannot actually do everything on their own. Also, being proactive is more effective than being counteractive. Due to this fact, the organization has invested in advocating to lifestyles that don’t leave to health risks. One of these conditions is creating a smoke free environment to minimize the risk of long term cancer patients.
• Consumer product regulation • In the sense of being proactive, there has been a great need for organizations like the Relief India Trust to be on the forefront of controlling the products released to the consumers.
• This is due to the fact that there have been many cases and research that have shown that most of the disease conditions are caused by the fact that most of the food that consumers get from manufacturers is not a hundred percent safe for long term consumption.
• Urbanization regulation • The organization is also involved in the control of how the population and industrial sector decide to advance in whatever way. This is due to the fact that urbanization and industrialization have been linked with increase in diseases and chronic diseases.
• As a result the organization is on the forefront in flagging down any developments that pose a long term risk to the population. All these efforts are all in a bid to create a better tomorrow for tomorrow’s generation.
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