RELIEF INDIA TRUST Unprecedent contribution of Relief India Trust
Introduction: Not-for profit organizations are established with the aim to achieve a developed society, where every individual enjoys the basic human rights, such as civil rights, health right, economic right etc.
The Relief India Trust is also one of the prominent not for profit organization that has been established with the mission to bring prosperity and progress in underdeveloped areas.
Mode of operation The mode of operation or functioning of the Relief India Trust is area focus. This trust assesses the extent of need of assistance in different areas.
Creation of employment The role of this trust in the creation of employment is also praiseworthy. As there are a huge number of employees working in these organizations. For different types of projects, the trust needs different sorts of employees having expertise in various fields.
Improving living standards of poor people The Relief India Trust is playing a vital role in improving living standards of people. Privileged people are given a substantial amount of basic necessities, such as clothes, shelter and food.
Assisting people in hard times when they face mishaps or natural disasters Relief funds and assisting others in hard times are the prime objectives of this trust. When people are faced with any sort of calamity or natural disaster, like flood, earthquake and other mishaps.
Collection of funds Since these organizations do not have any source of profit sharing. They collect funds from different donors or philanthropists, and get services of volunteers to execute a variety of their projects.
Conclusion From the above cited features, it is crystal clear that how valuable these organizations are for societies, in eliminating poverty and other social evils.
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