Voip newsletter #25 desember aec special edition

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ARE YOU READY TO FACE AEC ? 25th Edition Special Edition Asean Economic Community December 2014 Visit Us hima.ee.its.ac.id Follow twitter.com/himatektro_its Like facebook.com/himatektro Subscribe himatektroits Thanks for the support, Victory Press won the title of the Best Newsletter KM ITS 2014. Help us be better again by sending criticism and suggestions to 085641065960 (Alifi)




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FASE: Facing AEC (Asean Ecomonic Community ) as an Engineer is a seminar that will be held by Prokesma Departement of HIMATEKTRO to motivate students of Elektro ITS, so they will be ready to face AEC in 2015. Fahad Al Azmi, Chief Organizer of FASE, said that FASE which will be held in Thursday, Desember, 4 2014. AEC, ASEAN Economic Community, is not just about economics. AEC will also affect technology, education, and culture in Indonesia and other countries. Moreover, experts in the field of technology would be affected by AEC. Indonesia's ability to survive among ASEAN countries depends on experts and engineers like us. According to Gusti Rinaldi, the head of Himatektro’s Prokesma Department, preparation for students of Electrical ITS is needed to face the upcoming AEC. Our expertise will be useless if we do not know the condition that will be faced by Indonesia in AEC. So, do you want to see Indonesia survive in the upcoming AEC? Do you want to be ready for AEC? Come and enlighten your knowledge in FASE: Facing AEC as an Engineer. Because building a better Indonesia starts from you. (AYS)(TUF)

INTERNATIONAL OFFICE For years, ITS International Office (IO) has become the pioneer of global movement in ITS. IO has actually been established since 2005, but it wasn't optimally functioned at that time. In 2012, Dr. Maria Anityasari thaught that eventhough the human resources at that time was limited, but IO has a great potential to be developed. Since then, volunteers are recruited from students of ITS in order to revitalize ITS IO. Now, ITS IO is divided into three divisions, the hospitality division, focusing on the activities of foreign students; workshops division, focusing on personal development of ITS's students , and media information division, focusing on the spread of information in social medias. Essentially, the goal of IO is to spread internationalization in ITS, so that every elements of ITS are aware of today's global challenges. To face AEC next year, IO has designed some programs to make ITS aware of AEC, the lesser examples are the ASEAN countries flag in the roundabout ITS and in the T-junction of biology majors, Workshop ASEAN Language, Staff internship, ISIP Competition, and spreading AEC issues through various medias. Finally, with more frequent reminders from IO and departement's organizations, ITS students are expected to be aware of the AEC and start preparing so dealing with the ASEAN society will not be a strange thing again. One thing is for sure, with all the activities that have been and will be held, IO hopes that ITS will be a well known among ASEAN universities, even globally. In addition, all the elements in the ITS can follow the pace of globalization, and they can keep up with the global Mikhael Vidi one of IO Volunteers lifestyle.(AYS) from electrical engineering (e52)

INDONESIA’S PREPARATION Earlier we have been talking about AEC, now we also need to know preparation of our country, Indonesia. Here are some Indonesia's efforts to face AEC: 1. Development of Industrial area On May 27 2011, the Government designed “Masterplan Pe rc e p a t a n d a n Pe r l u a s a n Pembangunan Ekonomi Indonesia (MP3EI)”. It is the embodiment of national economic transformation with orientation on strong economic growth, inclusive, quality, and sustainable. 2. Strengthening UMKM Sector In order to enhance the growth of UMKM in Indonesia, several program is held to introduce products of UMKM's in Indonesia and also as a stimulant for citizens to be more creative in developing small and medium enterprises. 3. Improvement of Human Resources Through education In order to support the completion of the Nine Year compulsor y education program, the government maximized the use of “BOS” in the elementary schools. ASEAN Economic Community in 2015 could be the rising glory of Indonesian economy if Indonesia can improve its competitiveness and take advantage from opportunities in the ASEAN market. Besides, the orientation of national industrial policy should be oriented to the long term scale to improve competitiveness of national industry, with or without foreign investor. The question remains, Is Indonesia’s preparation enough?.(AYS)

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