165 minute read
Fine Printed Books & Manuscripts Lots 91-235
Selections from the Collection of Dr. Eugene Vigil and the remaining stock of Antiquariat Botanicum
Lots 1-90
1 ACCUM, Friedrich (1769-1838). A Treatise on the Art of Making Wine from Native Fruits; exhibiting the Chemical Principles upon which the Art of Wine Making depends; the Fruits best adapted for Home made Wines, and the method of preparing them. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown, 1820.
12mo (187 x 108mm). Hand-colored engraved title-vignette; 24-pp. publisher’s catalogue at end. Contemporary morocco-backed marbled boards, partially uncut (minor wear to spine end and corners).
FIRST EDITION. The catalogue at end contains several reviews of Accum’s Treatise on Adulterations of Food. Bitting, p. 2; Simon 16; Vicaire 4.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $300 - 400
2 ADAMS, George (1750-1795). Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy. London : R. Hindmarsh, sold by the Author, 1794.
5 volumes, 8vo. Frontispiece, 39 folding plates. (4 plates supplied from shorter copy margins extended to size, some uncut plate margins frayed, one with longer tear not affecting image.) Original paper-backed boards, printed spine labels, uncut and largely unopened (spines lightly toned, minor wear to extremities, labels rubbed). Provenance: Ben Damph Forest Library (stamps on pastedowns).
FIRST EDITION of his last publication, containing his lectures on many areas of natural philosophy from astronomy to optics. ESTC T88417.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $1,000 - 1,500
3 ADANSON, Michel (1727-1806). Familles des Plantes. Paris: Vincent, 1763.
2 volumes, 8vo (188 x 117mm). One folding engraved plate. (Some minor toning and occasional spotting.) Contemporary French calf gilt (some repairs to joints, minor wear to spines and extremities). Provenance: Émile Burnat (his bookplate and donation label to Bibliothèque du Conservatoire Botanique de Geneve with duplicate release stamp, 1922); Kenneth K. Mackenzie (bequest to:); New York Horticultural Society of New York (bequest bookplate, 1934).
FIRST EDITION of this important work in botanical classifi cation. In this book, Adanson proclaimed his contempt for Linneaen systems. Adanson had been sent to Senegal in 1748 to catalogue the natural resources of the country. “The bewildering diversity of tropical vegetation made the systems of classifi cation proposed by Tournefort and Linnaeus appear pitifully inadequate, based as they had been on the wild fl ora of Europe and a limited number of cultivated plants...he concluded that, by making a large limited number of systems and then putting together those plants which belonged together in the greatest number of systems without attaching greater importance to one set of characters than another, he could make one generally satisfactory natural system” (Hunt Cat., Introduction, pp. xcii-xciii). Hunt 577; Pritzel 21
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $500 - 700
4 ALBINUS, Bernhard Siegfried (1697-1770). Historia musculorum hominis. Leiden: Theodor Haak and Hendrik Mulhovius, 1734.
4to (255 x 192mm). 8 engraved folding plates by Jan Wandelaar (4 in outline). (Titlepage a little toned and soiled with a small triangular tear at foot, variable browning and spotting throughout, plates clean.) Contemporary mottled calf gilt (spine ends, joints and corners discreetly restored, lower joint with a short split). Provenance: Dr. Wilhelm Pfi tzner (ownership inscription on front fl yleaf, dated Strassburg, 1890).
FIRST EDITION of Albinus’ very detailed verbal descriptions of all the muscles of the human body, with four excellent illustrations depicting the muscles of the hand drawn and engraved by Jan Wandelaar. The plates show the hand life-size with all the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones.
Choulant-Frank, p.280; Heirs of Hippocrates 829; Norman 28; Wellcome II, p. 26
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $800 - 1,200
5 AMBROSINI, Giacinto (1605-1671). Phytologiae; hoc est De Plantis partis primae tomus primus. Bologna: sumptibus Haeredum Evangelistae de Duccijs, 1666.
Volume I (all published), folio (312 x 207mm). Allegorical engraved frontispiece showing a large garden, 36 full-page woodcuts in the text. (Some minor occasional mostly marginal foxing.) Contemporary vellum over boards (spine repaired at head with vellum, covers bowed). Provenance: Congregazione dell’Oratorio di San Filippo Neri Bologna (oval stamp on title).
FIRST EDITION. The Phytologiae was intended to be the fi rst of a two-volume dictionary of plants with the second volume planned to be devoted to trees was never published due to Ambrosini’s death. The woodcuts in this work on herbaceous plants were done by Lorenzo Tinti. “Giancinto (Hyacintho) was director of the Botanical Gardens at Bologna from 1657-1665, following the directorship of his brother Bartolomeo. The genus Ambrosinia was named after the two brothers” (Hunt).
Hunt 303; Pritzel 132; BM(NH) 36; Wellcome II, 39. RARE.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $1,000 - 1,500
6 [ANONYMOUS]. Nature’s Cabinet Unlock’d. Wherein is Discovered the natural Causes of Metals, Stones, Precious Earths, Juyces, Humors, and Spirits, The nature of Plants in general… By Tho. Brown D. of Physick. London: for Edward Farnham, 1657.
12mo (138 x 75mm). (Some pale marginal staining to title and Preface leaves, minor browning throughout.) Contemporary sheep (rebacked in modern calf, some chips and wear to covers).
FIRST EDITION of this work spuriously ascribed to Sir Thomas Browne. The Preface is signed in type “Religio Medici.” Its authorship was denied by Sir Thomas Browne, and the actual author is unknown. Contains a 2-pp. publisher’s advertisement at end for John Baptist Porta’s Natural Magick [published 1658]. Wing B5065; ESTC R16043. RARE: According to online records only two copies have appeared at auction in the last 50 years.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $400 - 600
7 [ASTRONOMY]. A group of 4 works, comprising:
PONTECOULANT, Gustave De. Theorie Analytique Systeme Du Monde. Paris: Mallet-Bachelier, 1856. Volume I (of 2) only. Second edition. -- DRAPER, Henry, & George W. RITCHEY. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge …. On the Construction of a Silvered Glass Telescope… On the Modern Refl ecting Telescope. Washington, [D.C.]: The Smithsonian Institution, 1904. -- POINCARE, Henri. Lecons sur les Hypotheses Cosmogoniques. Paris: A. Hermann et Fils, 1911. -- POWER, Joseph. “Theory of the Reciprocal Action between the Solar Rays and the Different Media,” In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Vol. 144, Pt. I. London: [Royal Society of London], 1854. -- Together, 4 works in 4 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, all in original printed wrappers, most uncut and unopened, most FIRST EDITION, condition generally good.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $300 - 400
8 [ASTRONOMY]. A group of 5 works, including:
PRITCHARD, Charles. Uranometria Nova Oxoniensis. Oxford, 1885. 2 ALSs tipped-in before title-page: Copy of KNOBEL, Edwin. ALS (“Edwin B. Nobel”), as Secretary for the Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) to Pritchard. London, 9 January 1886. Awarding the RAS Gold Medal to Pritchard for his work on Photometric research; PRITCHARD. ALS (“C. Pritchard”), to the Warden for the New College Library. N.p., 10 January 1886. Regarding gift of the present book with the above ALS. Provenance: New College Library (exlibris stamp, signature). ASSOCIATION COPY. -- HALE, George Ellery. The Study of Stellar Evolution. Chicago, 1908. Provenance: British Astronomical Association Library (stamps, shelfmarks). FIRST EDITION. INSCRIBED BY THE PUBLISHER. -- CHAMBERS, George F. A Cycle of Celestial Objects. Oxford, 1881. Second edition. -- And 2 others. Together, 5 works in 5 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, all in original or contemporary cloth, condition generally good. Complete list upon request.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $400 - 600
9 BARROW, Isaac (1630-1677). Lectiones opticae & geometricae. Edited by John Collins, with revisions and corrections by Isaac Newton. London: William Godbid for Robert Scott, 1674.
2 parts in one volume, 4to (197 x 159mm). General title (a cancel), errata on p. 127 (Part I), Benevolo Lectori leaf present (intended to be canceled) at beginning of Part II, errata p. 148 (Part II), additional addenda leaf at end of Part II following p. 148; 28 folding plates. (Imprimatur leaf, dedication leaf, and Epistola ad lectorem leaf bound after Part I, cancel title a 1/2-inch narrower than text and with a pale stain, stamp excised on first leaf of text of the Epistola [a1] with patched repair, plate 3 in Part I with paper flaw causing loss to blank lower fore-corner, occasional minor spotting, minor marginal soiling.) 18th-century half vellum, marbled boards (minor soiling and rubbing).
In 1669 Barrow issued his Lectiones XVIII, which would come to be known as the Lectiones Opticae. The Lectiones Geometricae were first published in 1670, and the two volumes together, revised, corrected, edited and slightly expanded by Collins and Newton, were first published in this 1674 edition. It is stated in the preface that Newton revised and corrected the Lectiones Opticae.
In this 1674 fi rst complete edition, the title and preliminary matter for the Lectiones Geometricae were intended to be cancelled. ESTC notes this is «A reissue of ‹Lectiones XVIII› and ‹Lectiones geometricae›, with cancel general title page and added p. 149-151, [1] (addenda). No copy is recorded with the original second title page retained; the following leaf, “Benevolo lectori”, is also intended to be cancelled…” The present copy does not contain the second title, but does retain the Benevolo Lectori leaf.
Wing B945; Babson 249; ESTC R3609.
10 BATE, George (1608-1669). Pharmacopoeia Bateana… Huic accesserunt Arcana Goddardiana. Edited by J. Shipton. London: Samuel Smith, 1691.
12mo (153 x 88mm). (Bifolium following title sprung in fi rst quire; some minor marginal browning, heavier at end.) Contemporary calf (rebacked in sheep, worn). Provenance: John Lany (ownership inscription on blank recto of imprimatur leaf, dated 1695 and his? occasional marginalia and notes on rear fl yleaf); Franz Sondheimer, British chemist (bookplate).
Second edition. Includes a 9-pp. catalogue of medical books printed by Samuel Smith at end. Welcome II, 113; Wing B1086; ESTC R31572.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $300 - 400 11 BERNARD, Claude (1813-1878). Leçons de physiologie expérimentale appliquée a la médecine faites au Collége de France. Paris: J.-B. Baillière, 1855-56. Leçons de physiologie expérimentale
2 volumes, 8vo. 48 pp. of advertisements at end of each volume; woodengraved text illustrations. Original printed wrappers, ENTIRELY UNCUT AND UNOPENED (Vol. II with a few minor creases and spine slightly toned); quarter morocco folding case.
FIRST EDITION of this important work on the function of the liver, pancreas, and gastric glands. “This basic work on the application of experimental physiology to medicine contains, among others, his memorable work on glycogenesis and experimental diabetes” (Heirs of Hippocrates). Garrison & Morton 615; Heirs of Hippocrates 1792. VERY FINE.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $300 - 400
12 12 BERNARD, Claude. (1813-1878). Leçons de physiologie opératoire. Paris: BERNARD, Claude. (1813-1878). Leçons de physiologie opératoire. Paris: Ballière et Fils, 1879 Ballière et Fils, 1879
8vo. 116 illustrations in text (a few with color). Original printed wrappers, 8vo. 116 illustrations in text (a few with color). Original printed wrappers, entirely uncut and unopened (some small marginal chipping and creasing to entirely uncut and unopened (some small marginal chipping and creasing to front and rear wrappers, otherwise fi ne and fresh); quarter morocco folding case. FIRST EDITION, FIRST PRINTING, with advertisements dated December 1878. “In this, his last work, Bernard showed himself the unapproachable master in the technique of experimental procedure” (Garrison & Morton). The work represents lectures that Bernard delivered in the academic year of 1859-60, as a course in medicine at the College of France. “Arranged in four parts, the treatise discusses general physiological processes, the techniques and methods used in experimental physiology, physiology of the circulatory system along with experimental pharmacology, and the physiology of the digestive system” (Heirs of Hippocrates).
Garrison & Morton 634; Heirs of Hippocrates 1801, Osler 1519, Waller 955. 13 [BONNEFONS, Nicolas de]. Le jardinier François, qui enseigne à cultiver les Arbres, & Herbes Potageres... Sixiesme edition. Amsterdam: Jean Blaeu, 1660.
12mo (122 x 73mm). Engraved frontispiece and 2 engraved plates. (Frontispiece cut to platemark in upper margin. Contemporary Dutch vellum, yapp edges (minor soiling, lower corner chipped on I1 slightly affecting catchword, lacking front and rear free endpapers). Provenance: purchase note on pastedown dated 1699; some contemporary marginal annotations and underlinings in text.
Sixth edition. The book is divided into three sections, the fi rst dealing with the earth, fruit trees, nurseries, grasses, shrubs, mosses, etc.; the second with melons, beets, radishes and other vegetables; and the third, with the preserving and conserving of various fruits. One plate depicts the interior of a busy kitchen. The fi rst edition was published in Paris in 1651.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $300 - 400
14 [BOTANY]. A group of 5 works, including:
[LINNAEUS, Carolus]. An Introduction to the Science of Botany… from the Works of Linnaeus. London: F.C. and J. Rivington et al, 1810. Modern quarter calf gilt. Fourth edition, second issue. -- LINDLEY, John. An Introduction to Botany. London, 1848. 2 volumes. Original cloth. Fourth edition. -- EMORY, William H. Report on the United States and Mexican Boundary Survey. Part I. Botany of the Boundary. Washington, 1859. (Vo. II, part I general botany only). Later quarter morocco. Provenance: Forrest Shreve (bookplate). With Shreve’s “The Plant Life of the Sonoran Desert” From 15 April 1936 laid in. -- And 2 others. Together, 5 works in 6 volumes, various 8vo and 12mo sizes, most illustrated, some hand-colored, condition generally good. Complete list upon request.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $400 - 600
16 16 [CARDIAC DISEASE]. A group of 8 works, including: [CARDIAC DISEASE]. A group of 8 works, including:
LATHAM, P.A. Lectures on Subjects… Comprising Diseases of the HeartLATHAM, P.A. Lectures on Subjects… Comprising Diseases of the Heart. London, 1845. 2 volumes. -- KEYNES, George, editor. The Anatomical Exercises of Dr. William Harvey. London, 1928. Contemporary morocco gilt, uncut. LIMITED EDITION, number 60 of 1450 copies. -- BALFOUR, George William. Clinical Lectures on Diseases of the Heart and Aorta. London, 1882. -- MACKENZIE, James, Sir. Principles of Diagnosis and Treatment in Heart Affections. London, 1916. FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE. -- And 4 others. Together, 8 works in 9 volumes, various 8vo sizes, most in original cloth gilt, condition generally good. Complete list available upon request. 15 BOUGUER, Pierre (1698-1758). Essai d’optique, sur la gradation de la lumiere. Paris: Claude Jombert, 1729. Essai d’optique, sur la gradation de la lumiere.
12mo (160 x 97 mm). 3 folding engraved plates, initial blank, errata and publisher’s catalogue at end. (Minor marginal toning to some gutters, occasional spots.) Contemporary calf (rebacked preserving original spine and endpapers, upper fore-corners worn). Provenance: Ferguson of Raith (armorial bookplate).
FIRST EDITION OF THE FIRST TREATISE ON PHOTOMETRY. As the discoverer of a practical method of measuring the intensity of light, Bouguer was the founder of this branch of optics. A youthful prodigy who established himself early in life as the leading French authority on nautical matters, Bouguer merely dabbled in optics as a hobby. Nevertheless, the Essai contains two fundamental contributions to the subject. The first was his method of using the naked eye «not as a meter but as a null indicator, i.e., to establish the equality of brightness of two adjacent surfaces» (DSB), and then applying Kepler’s law of inverse squares. His second discovery concerned the transmission of light through transparent surfaces: “In a medium of uniform transparency the light remaining in a collimated beam is an exponential function of the length of its path in the medium. This law was restated by J. H. Lambert in his Photometria (1760) and, perhaps because of the great rarity of copies of Bouguer›s Essai, is sometimes unjustifi ably referred to as Lambert’s law” (op. cit.). Norman 283.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $3,000 - 4,000
CHAPTAL, Jean Antoine Claude (1756-1832). Traite théorique et pratique sur la culture de la vigne, avec l’art de faire le vin, les eaux-de-vie, esprit de vin, vinaigres simples et composés…seconde édition. Paris: Marchant for Delalain fi ls, An X - 1801.
2 volumes, 8vo (203 x 122mm). 21 engraved plates (3 folding), 3 letterpress folding tables. (Occasional minor spotting or browning, small pale stain in some upper margins in Vol II., minor soiling.) Contemporary French tree calf gilt (a little wear to spine ends and joints). Provenance: previous owner’s library stamp on titles.
Second edition, published the same year as the fi rst edition. Brunet VI, 6368.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $300 - 400
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $600 - 800
18 CLAVIUS, Christoph (1537-1612). Algebra. Rome: Bartholomaeus Zanettus, 1608.
Contemporary fl exible vellum, manuscript title on spine (spine darkened with some chips at ends, some edgewear, soiled, front hinge cracked, lacking front and rear free endpapers).
FIRST EDITION, marking the fi rst appearance in Italy of the German plus (“+”) and minus (“-“) signs. Clavius was also “one of the very fi rst to use parentheses to express aggregation of terms” (see DSB III, p. 312). Clavius’ Algebra was so well received that a Geneva edition followed only a year later (1609). BL/STC Italian I, p. 240; Honeyman 719; Sommervogel II, 1221. RARE.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $2,000 - 3,000
20 20 DESCARTES, René (1596-1650). L’Homme et la Formation du Foetus. Paris: DESCARTES, René (1596-1650). L’Homme et la Formation du Foetus. Paris: Charles Angot, 1677.
4to (245 x 185mm). Illustrated with numerous anatomical text woodcuts and other diagrams. (Occasional marginal spotting, some minor wormholes or short wormtracks mostly in lower margins, occasionally touching letters, some repaired). Contemporary French calf gilt (some old repairs to joints and edges, joints now starting near ends, but cords sound). Provenance: Herbert McLean Evans (bookplate).
Second edition in French. Dedicated to Colbert, and the second to contain his De homine fi guris, his attempt to explain reproductive generation in mechanistic physiological terms. Another issue by Girard was published the same year. The work represents “the fi rst attempt to cover the whole fi eld of ‘animal physiology’” (Garrison & Morton). The fi rst edition appeared in Latin in 1662, a translation from the original French manuscript; the fi rst French edition appeared in 1664, and included the fi rst printing of the treatise De la formation du foetus, which appears here on pp. 99-154. The woodcuts are based on drawings by Descartes in the manuscript.
Garrison & Morton 574; Tchemerzine 4, 309; this edition not in Wellcome. 19 CULLEN, William (1710-1790). Synopsis and Nosology, being an Arrangement and Defi nition of Diseases. Hartford: Nathaniel Patten for Isaiah Thomas, 1792.
16mo (148 x 84 mm). Half-title. (Some very minor spotting or browning.) Contemporary sheep, smooth spine gilt-ruled and with mor lettering piece (minor worming near head of spine, else very good). Provenance: Jonathan Sax (contemporary inscription on title, “Ex Libris Johannis Saxonis”).
FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH, and an early American medical imprint. Cullen was an eminent Scottish physician; professor of medicine and chemistry at Glasgow and Edinburgh and fi rst published this work in Latin in Edinburgh the same year. The work was fi rst translated into English for the present American edition. This copy the issue with a six-line imprint. ESTC notes two issues of imprint, one in 6 lines long, with last line beginning “Boston”; the other in 5 lines, with last line beginning “and by him…”
Evans 24237; Austin 581; Norman 540; ESTC W22405.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $300 - 400
21 [DICKSON, R. W. (fl . 1799-1815)]. A Complete Dictionary of Practical Gardening…by Alexander McDonald, Gardener. London: R. Taylor and Co. for George Kearsley, [1805-]1807.
2 volumes bound in 3 (plates comprising Vol. III), 4to (262 x 203mm). 61 hand-colored engraved botanical plates by F. Sansom after Sydenham Edwards [including 19*], 13 uncolored architectural plates by after C. Blunt and J. Farey Jr. (Minor spotting to titles, occasional mostly marginal spotting to text, some uncolored plates with minor spotting, some foxing to tissue guards in plate volume.) Contemporary tree calf (minor wear to spine ends, a few scuffs and abrasions to boards). Provenance: William Kent (engraved bookplates); William Martin (signature added within Kent’s bookplate in Vol. I); Thomas M. Martin (ownership signatures on front fl yleaves, dated 5 March 1856).
FIRST APPEARANCE OF EDWARDS’ PLATES which were subsequently reissued as The New Botanic Garden and The New Flora Britannica (both London, 1812).
BM(NH) III, p.1207; Cleveland Collections 718; Dunthorne 106; Great Flower Books, p. 115; Nissen, BBI 479.
22 DUCHENNE DE BOULOGNE, Guillaume (1806-1875). De l’Électrisation Localisée et de son application a la physiologie, a la pathologie et a la thérapeutique. Paris: J.-B. Ballière, 1855.
8vo. Half-title; numerous wood-engraved text illustrations. (Occasional minor marginal foxing). Contemporary quarter morocco, marbled boards, spine gilt (minor rubbing to extremities).
FIRST EDITION. Duchenne proved electricity to be an essential tool for the study of the physiology of muscles in the body, and also a means of diagnosis. He was able to identify previously unknown diseases, distinguishing between progressive muscular atrophy, labioglossolaryngeal paralysis, progressive muscular atrophy with pseudohypertrophy, and locomotor ataxia. “Duchenne classifi ed the electrophysiology of the entire muscular system and summed up his fi ndings in the above work. The application of his results to pathological conditions marks him as the founder of electrotherapy” (Garrison & Morton).
Garrison & Morton 614; Heirs of Hippocrates 1690; Osler 2511; Waller 2604; Norman 659.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $400 - 600
24 [EUCLID (fl . ca 300 B.C.)]. CLAVIUS, Christoph (1537-1612), Editor. Euclidis Elementorum libri XV. Accessit liber XVI. Cologne: Peter Cholinus, 1627.
8vo (151 x 93mm). Contemporary vellum (a few minor stains to covers). Provenance: early owner’s manuscript monogram in red ink dated 1647 on front free endpaper; two faint stamps on title.
The second posthumous edition of Clavius’ work on Euclid’s Elements, which “contains a vast quantity of notes collected from previous commentators and editors, as well as some good criticisms and elucidations of this own. Clavius made a new attempt at proving the ‘postulate of parallels’.” (DSB). USTC 2020353. 23 ERNSTING, Arthur Conrad (1709-1768). Historische und physikalische Beschreibung der Geschlechter der Pfl anzen. Welcher Hrn. Linnaeus systematisches Verzeichnis von den Geschlechtern der Pfl anzen beigefüget worden. Lemgo (North Rhine-Westphalia): gedruckt mit Meyerschen Schriften, 1762.
2 parts in one volume, 4to (212 x 170mm). 10 engraved folding plates at end. (Some minor browning to text.) Late 18th- or early 19th-century half calf, marbled boards (a little wear to spine ends and corners, some rubbing to joints and edges, some scrapes to boards).
FIRST EDITION. Includes section on pp. 663-748, Caroli Linnaei Methodus sexualis sistens genera plantarum secundum mares et foeminas in classea et ordines redacta. Hirsch II, 299; Stafl eu & Cowan 1717; Pritzel 2735.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $400 - 600
25 25 [FERNS & GRASSES]. A group of 7 works, including: [FERNS & GRASSES]. A group of 7 works, including:
SCHNEIDER, G. The Book of Choice Ferns. London: L. Upcott Gill, 1891-1894. 3 volumes. -- MAPP, Marcus. Historia Plantarum Alsaticarum. Amsterdam: Petrum Mortier, 1742. Contemporary mottled calf. -- SINCLAIR, George. Hortus Gramineus Woburnensis. London: James Ridgway, 1826. Later half morocco gilt. Third edition. -- BRITTEN, James. European Ferns. London et al: Cassell & Company, Limited: [ca 1880]. Later diced russia gilt. -- And 3 others. Together, 7 works in 9 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, most in original cloth, most illustrated, condition generally good. Complete list upon request.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $600 - 800
26 [FLORA]. A group of 10 works, including:
TORREY, John. A Flora of North America. NY et al, 1838-1840. 2 volumes. Contemporary calf. Provenance: Edward Read Memminger (1856-1949), botanist (signatures, 1888). -- RALFS, John. The British Desmidieae. London, 1848. Provenance: Charles Atwood Kofoid (1865–1947), American zoologist (bookplate). -- WALTON, Elijah. Flowers of the Upper Alps. London, 1869. -- NUTTALL, Thomas. The Genera of North American Plants… to the Year 1817. Philadelphia, 1818. 2 volumes in one. Later quarter morocco. -- BIGELOW, Jacob, Florula Bostoniensis. Boston, 1824. Original boards, later quarter cloth. Second edition. -- And 5 others. Together, 10 works in 12 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, most in original cloth, most FIRST EDITION, condition generally good. Complete list available upon request.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $700 - 900 27 [FLOWERING PLANTS]. A group of 13 works, including:
28 FRÉART, ROLAND, Sieur de Chambray (ca 1606-1676). A Parallel of the Antient Architecture with the Modern in a Collection of ten Principal Authors who have written upon the fi ve orders… London: T. Roycroft for J. Place, 1664.
Folio (344 x 222mm). Imprimatur leaf, engraved title and 40 engraved plates. (Some browning to early leaves and margins throughout, tear on D1 just crossing catchword, tear on E2 just crossing platemark, small internal tear on plate M3, 3-in. tear on P4 crossing plate near gutter, a few other minor marginal tears and dust-soiling.) Contemporary English calf (rebacked in modern calf gilt, some wear to corners). Provenance: T. March (early signature on upper margin of engraved title); P. Jackson (early signature on upper margin of engraved title).
FIRST EDITION of Evelyn’s translation. “The preface to the work strikes a new note in English architectural theory. The true model of architecture resides in antiquity, but not all examples of antique architecture are now considered worthy of imitation. The essential can be grasped only after painstaking study and analysis of the originals, and a fi rm rejection of all distortions and developments. This meant, in effect, that only the Greek models were to be upheld” (Millard).
Fowler 128; Wing C-1923; Keynes, Evelyn 74; Millard 19; ESTC R19331. HOOKER, William Jackson. Flora Scotia. London et al, 1821. 2 volumes in one. Original boards (reinforced). -- SCHLEIDEN, M.J. The Plant; A Biography. London, 1848. FIRST ENGLISH EDITION. -- WARD, F. Kingdon. The Romance of Plant Hunting. London, 1924. -- [ALLEN, Stephen M.] Fibrilia: A Practical and Economical Substitute for Cotton. Boston, 1861. -- WILSON, E.H. Plant Hunting. Boston, 1927. 2 volumes. Part of dust jacket laid in. SPECIAL AUTOGRAPHED EDITION, SIGNED BY WILSON. -- BRIDGEMAN, Thomas. The Florist’s Guide. NY: the author et al, 1847. Original clothbacked boards. Later edition. -- TAYLOR, George et al. An Account of the Genus Meconopsis. London, 1924. -- And 6 others. Together, 13 works in 16 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, most illustrated, all in original cloth except where noted, all FIRST EDITION except where noted, condition generally good. Complete list available upon request.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $700 - 900
29 FUESSLI, Johann Caspar (1742-86). Archives de l’histoire des insectes. Winterthur: J. Ziegler, 1794.
4to (240 x189mm). Half title, errata/binder’s instruction leaf, 50 engraved plates (47 hand-colored). (Some marginal browning and spotting to text, plates generally clean, with very minor toning to some extreme outer margins.) 19th-century boards (rebacked and recornered in modern calf with portion of contemporary spine laid down, rubbed). Provenance: unidentifi ed armorial bookplate.
French translation of a fi nely illustrated treatise on insects from the original German edition published in 1781-86. Nissen, ZBI 1455.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $600 - 800
30 [GARDENING ALMANACS] -- [CALENDARS] -- [ENCYCLOPEDIAS]. A group of 10 works, including:
JUSTICE, James, Sir. The British Gardener’s Calendar… Climate of NorthBritain. Edinburgh: R. Fleming, 1759. Contemporary calf (rebacked). -- LOUDON, J.C. An Encyclopaedia of Gardening. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1878. Original cloth. “New edition.” -- PHILLIPS, Henry. Flora Historica. London et al: E. Lloyd and Son et al, 1824. 2 volumes. Modern half calf. -- SWITZER, Stephen. Ichnographia Rustica. London: D. Browne et al, 1718. Volume I (of 3). Contemporary English paneled calf (rebacked). -- And 6 others. Together, 10 works in 11 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, most FIRST EDITION, condition generally good. Complete list available upon request.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $800 - 1,200 31 [GARDENING]. A group of 22 works, including:
32 GASPAR, Nicolas. Tratado, e arte de Arismetica para fazer hum perfeyto Cayxeyro. Edited by Manuel de Figueiredo. Lisbon: Bernardo da Costa de Carvalho, 1716.
12mo (149 x 98mm). Contemporary vellum (recased, upper cover a little discolored and with old library shelf stamp). Provenance: early inscription on title; Agost. Descalc de Coimbra (stamps on title).
Gaspar’s major work was originally published in 1516, but here edited and amended by Manuel de Figueiredo. Tipped into this copy at front is a printed broadside containing Pope Clement XI’s writ in favor of libraries Breve ad favorem bibliothecarum dated 23 January 1721.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $300 - 400 33 [GEOLOGY]. A group of 16 works, including:
HANDASYDE. The Four Gardens. Philadelphia & London, 1912. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. -- [McINTOSH, Charles.] The Flower Garden, Its Cultivation, Arrangement, and General Management. London, 1845. “New edition.” -- DOWNING, Andrew Jackson. A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, Adapted to North America. NY, 1859. Sixth Edition. -- NICOLSON, Philippa, editor. V. Sackville-West’s Garden Book. London, 1968. Dust jacket. PRESENTATION COPY, SIGNED BY NICOLSON. -- JEKYLL, Gertrude. Children and Gardens. London et al, 1908. -- BUIST, Robert. Family Kitchen Gardener. NY, 1855. Second edition. -- CALLCOTT, Maria. A Scripture Herbal. London, 1842. -- [VICK, James.] Vick’s Flower and Vegetable Garden. Rochester, NY: James Vick, N.d. FIRST EDITION. -- BRIDGEMAN, Thomas. The Young Gardener’s Assistant. NY, 1857. Later edition. -- BOGGS, Kate Doggett. Prints and Plants of Old Gardens. Richmond, VA, 1932. -- And 12 others. Together, 22 works in 22 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, most illustrated, most in original cloth, most FIRST EDITION, , condition generally good. Complete list available upon request.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $800 - 1,200 $800 - 1,200
TUTTON, A.E.H. Crystallography and Practical Crystal Measurement. London, 1922. 2 volumes. Dust jackets. Provenance: Alsoph Henry Corwin (ca 1908 -2007), former Johns Hopkins University chemistry professor (signature). Second edition. -- WILLIAMS, Butler. Practical Geodesy. London: John W. Parker, 1842. -- KING, Lester C. The Morphology of the Earth. Edinburgh & London, 1962. Provenance: William J. Breed (1928-2013), American geologist (presentation inscription). PRESENTATION COPY, SIGNED BY KING TO BREED on business card tipped-in. -- [BRANCA, Wilhelm.] Atlas zu den Abhandlungen zur Geologischen Specialkarte. Berlin: J.H. Neumann, 1887. Volume VIII, number 4 only. Original cloth-backed printed wrappers. -- HERSCHEL, John F.W. Physical Geography from the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Edinburgh, 1862. -- BAKEWELL, Robert. An Introduction to Geology. London, 1815. Original boards, later quarter cloth. Second edition. -- EMMONS, William Harvey. The Enrichment of Ore Deposits. In: Geological Survey, Department of the Interior, Bulletin 625. Washington, [D.C.], 1917. -- LYELL, Charles. Elements de Geologie. Paris: Pitois-Levrault, 1839. Later quarter calf. FIRST FRENCH EDITION. -- And 8 others. Together, 16 works in 17 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, most illustrated, most in original cloth, most FIRST EDITION, condition generally good. Complete list available upon request.
34 GIHOUL, Louis (1831-1854). Culture forestière des arbres résineux conifères. Brussels: Librairie de Deprez-Parent, 1847.
8vo. 9 hand-colored lithographed plates. (Some minor foxing on title and preliminary leaves, a few other minor spots, a few plate margins trimmed slightly affecting images or captions/number). Orig cloth (spine sunned, small ink stain on upper cover, rear hinges tender).
A rare work on conifers, published simultaneously in Brussels, Breda and Paris. Contains detailed descriptions on various conifers, information on the different soils in which conifers grow, on the cultivation of forests, plantations, enemies, diseases, etc. Rheder IV, 441 (listing Breda as place of publication).
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $300 - 400
36 HEDWIG, Johann (1730-1799). Theoria Generationis et Fructifi cationis Plantarum Cryptogamicarum. St. Petersburg: typis Academiae Imper. Scientiarum, 1784.
4to (252 x 194mm). 37 hand-colored engraved plates by Capieux after drawings by the author. (Some dampstaining or damp-wrinkling to plates, heaviest on fi rst 3 plates, some minor offsetting of color to facing versos). Contemporary red morocco gilt, edges gilt (some minor marginal dampstains).
FIRST EDITION of Hedwig’s important thesis on the reproduction of cryptogamic plants, which was issued with colored and uncolored plates.
Brunet III, 77; Nissen, BBI 832; Pritzel 3879.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $800 - 1,200 35 GRAY, Asa (1810-1888). Plantae Wrightianae Texano-Neo-Mexicanae: An Account of a Collection of Plants made by Charles Wright in an expedition from Texas to New Mexico… Washington City: Smithsonian Institution, March1852-February 1853.
2 volumes bound in one, folio. 14 lithographed plates (a few plates misbound in fi rst part). (Some minor marginal toning.) Contemporary half morocco over marbled boards (rebacked preserving original spine, some other small repairs, a little wear to corners, front free endpaper nearly detached). Provenance: William Whitman Bailey (1843-1914), professor of botany (presentation inscription in a secretarial hand on front fl yleaf, bookplate on front free endpaper and an autograph note from the author mounted on pastedown sending the work).
PRESENTATION COPY, with secretarial inscription and note from the author to botanist William Whitman Bailey. This work comprises Vol. III, Art. 5-6 of the Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge series.
Pritzel 3527; Sabin 28373-4.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $300 - 400
37 [HOW, William (1620-1656)]. Phytologia Britannica, natales exhibens indigenarum stirpium sponte emergentium. London: Richard Cotes for Octavian Pulleyn, 1650.
8vo (145 x 86mm). Interleaved. (Minor browning and soiling, short wormtrack on B1-B2 affecting a few letters, fi rst leaf [blank except for signature mark A on recto] and imprimatur leaf detached.) Contemporary calf (rebacked in sheep, fl yleaves detached). Provenance: Richard Abbott (contemporary signatures on fl yleaves and some annotations); A. Robertson, Brantford (bookplate).
FIRST EDITION of this encyclopedia of English fl ora, in Latin with common names in English. This is the second British fl ora after Thomas Johnson’s Mercurius botanicus.
Henrey 290; Wing H2956; ESTC R14016.
38 HUA SHOU. Jushi Keiraku Hakki. Shih-Ssu Ching Lo Fa Hui [Elucidation of Elucidation of the Fourteen Meridians]. Kyoto, Genroku 12 [1699].
2 volumes (216mm by 150mm). 11 large mostly full-page woodcuts and several smaller woodcuts in text. (Vol. I with opening leaves wormed in blank upper margins and some worming along fore-edge affecting some letters; occasional staining and foxing.) Contemporary Japanese wrappers, sewn (very worn). Provenance: occasional notations in Japanese in red ink throughout text.
A Japanese translation of this important Chinese texts on acupuncture, fi rst published in 1341.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $800 - 1,200 39 [INVENTION & INNOVATION]. A group of 5 works, including:
40 LOWER, Richard (1631-1691). Tractatus de Corde. Item de motu et colore sanguinis et chyli in eum transit. Amsterdam: Daniel Elzevier, 1669.
8vo (152 x 94mm). 7 folding engraved plates. (Some minor marginal toning.) Late 18th- or early 19th-century calf (rebacked preserving original spine, a little wear to spine ends and corners). Provenance: gift inscription on front free endpaper, signed “L. G.”
Second edition, First Elzevier edition, preceded by two London issues published earlier the same year. “Lower made the next great advance after Harvey in the physiology of blood circulation when he determined experimentally, with the assistance of Robert Hooke, that venous blood is changed to arterial blood in the lungs by virtue of its contact with air. The experiments leading to this discovery are reported in the third chapter of Lower’s De Corde, a work that contains a number of other important observations, such as the scroll-like structure of the cardiac muscle (confi rmed 250 years later by Mall), the heart’s contractive and expulsive movements, the tamponade effect or pericardial effusion and the limiting effect of pericardial adhesions of the heart” (Norman 1397, fi rst edition). Krivatsy 7158; Rahir 1486; Wellcome III, p.552; Willems 1412. 41 [MANUSCRIPT – ASTRONOMY]. “Capo D. Sfera terrestre tranisetto.” [Italy, ca mid-18th century].
64 leaves, 8vo (202 x 135 mm). In Italian. Written in cursive in brown ink on thick paper. With several ink diagrams, tables, head- and tail-pieces throughout. (Some offsetting and a few stains.) 18th-century sprinkled calf gilt (some staining and repairs).
Text opens: “La Sfera che si spieghera si divide in Naturale et Artifi ciale; la Naturale compre de tutto l’Universo l’Artifi ciale e un instrument fatto dall’arte comprendere La Sfera Naturale, e composta de diversi circoli.” Describing the terrestrial sphere, time, signs of the zodiac, the movements of the heavens, the cycles of the moon, and presenting propositions, experiments, and corollaries.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $400 - 600
FERGUSON, James. Ferguson’s Lectures on Select Subjects. Philadelphia: M. Carey, 1814. 3 volumes. Mixed calf. Second American edition. -- IMISON, John. The School Of Arts… Useful Knowledge… of Real Experiments and Improvements in Several Pleasing Branches of Science. London: for the author, [ca 1790]. Cotemporary calf (rebacked). Second edition. -- Memoires Presentes a L’Institut des Sciences, Lettres et Arts, par Divers Savans. Paris: Baudoin, 1806. 2 volumes. Later quarter straight-grained morocco. -- ECKMANN, John. A History of Inventions and Discoveries. William Johnston, translator. London: R. Lea et al, 1814. 4 volumes. 19th-century morocco gilt by Matthews. Second edition. -- And 1 other. Together, 5 works in 11 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, condition generally good. Complete list available upon request.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $700 - 900
42 [MANUSCRIPT – ASTRONOMY]. ORIANI, Barnaba (1752-1832). Italian manuscript on astronomy. [Italy, ca 1790].
182 leaves, 8vo (220 x 158 mm). In Italian. Written in cursive in dark ink. Written in the right-hand column with notes and diagrams in pencil and ink in the left column. (Fading to fi rst part, some minor staining, a few quires becoming disbound.) 18th-century paste-paper covered boards (worn).
A series of astronomy lectures presumably in Oriani’s hand, with a note on the front free endpaper from Professor Rossi attributing the manuscript to Oriani. Comprising some 36 lessons with additional information about physics and astronomy at the end, likely delivered to his students at the college of Brera. Oriani studied astronomy under Joseph Louis Lagrange and was ordained a priest in 1776. He joined the Jesuit-operated Brera Observatory and was later appointed by Napoleon as director of the Milan Observatory in 1802. He used his calculations to prove that Uranus was a planet rather than a comet, and was named a member of the French Academy of Science, a Fellow of the Royal Society, and a member of the Berlin Academy.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $1,000 - 1,500
43 [MANUSCRIPTS—CONCOLOGY]. TERVER, Ange Paulin (1798-1875). 2 manuscript notebooks containing a profusion of fi ne and accurate drawings of mollusks. [Lyons, ca 1830-1840].
“Conchyliologie” [cover title], 4to (263 x 200mm), composed of 69 leaves of “Explication de la Planches,” interleaved with 80 leaves containing fi nely drawn pencil studies of over 2,470 species of mollusks, mostly keyed to the Explication sheets or captioned individually (in ink towards end). (Some toning to leaves, occasional minor spotting.) Bound in contemporary quarter morocco, gilt-lettered cloth.
“Planches des especes dans Generie Helix,” small 4to (223 x 178mm), contains a manuscript title, 8 leaves containing fi nely drawn pencil studies of mollusks, the remainder blank leaves. With title-page signed and dated “Mars 1859.” Bound in cloth-backed blind-embossed boards (some edgewear).
Manuscript notebooks containing remarkable examples of fi nely detailed and accurate drawings of mollusks. The larger collection of drawings cover the following genera: Helix, Plausilia, Cyclostoma, Paluvina, Hinima, Buhonius, Pupa, Sorgue, Natica, Curbo, Scalaria, Crochus, Bulla, Purpura, Monodonta, Rissoa, Buccinum, Cerithium Siamella, Planaxis, Colombella, Gurritella, Fusus, Triton and Casidaria. All the plates in both manuscripts have legend (“Explication”) pages or genus species captions in ink below individual drawings. The fi nal drawing in the smaller notebook has an incomplete series of six drawings that demonstrate the technique used by Terver to achieve his fi ne results drawing mollusk shells.
Ange Paulin Terver was a French malacologist, and member of the Société linnéenne de Lyon. He was curator of its zoological collections from 1849 to 1872. In 1853 he became a member of the Société d’agriculture de Lyon, serving as secretary of the Commission des soies from 1853 to 1868. His collection of terrestrial and freshwater snails were purchased by the city of Marseille (Musée de Marseille). His family donated his collection of 14000 coquilles to the Muséum de Lyon.
The larger manuscript was intended as the beginning part of a great work that included collaboration with Michaud cited by Terver in 1839, but was never published. Most of his unpublished drawings of identifi ed species of mollusks were given to the Natural History Museum of Lyon. 43
[With:] TERVER, Ange Paulin. Catalogue des Mollusques terrestres et fl uviatiles, obervés dans les possessions françaises au nord de l’Afrique. Paris and Lyon, 1839. 8vo, sewn in contemporary marbled wrappers. 3 lithographed plates. (Some spotting.) FIRST EDITION.
44 [MANUSCRIPT – ENGINEERING]. “Mines de Commentry.” France, ca 1900.
84 leaves, 4to (265 x 213 mm). In French. Written in cursive in black ink on graph-ruled sheets. Numerous ink drawings on leaves facing text, with several folding drawings and plans on paper or onionskin in pencil, ink or printed, many folding, tipped in. Bound in contemporary cloth-backed marbled paper-covered boards (some overall wear with loss to portions of marbled paper). Provenance: Paul Glachant (signature on cover).
Manuscript describing mining practices and the use of locomotives, with drawings depicting machines, pulleys, drilling equipment, drilling schematics and plans, electrical plans, and locomotives. All within an École nationale supérieure des mines notebook, owned by Paul Glachant.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $400 - 600
46 [MANUSCRIPT—MATHEMATICS]. Manuscript on arithmetic and algebra, beginning “Institutions of Arithmetick Byway of Preface…” [England, late 17th century].
154 numbered leaves (including blanks), folio (355 x 253mm). Written in dark brown ink on heavy laid paper in a neat cursive hand; variables and diagram letters supplied in red; ruled in red throughout. With numerous diagrams (some with ink wash). Bound in contemporary English mottled calf (rebacked preserving original spine label, some wear to corners, some scraping to covers, endpapers renewed).
A very fi ne Restoration manuscript largely devoted to the rules of algebra, with opening sections on decimal arithmetic and universal arithmetic, and concluding with sections on conics and solids. Also contains a section entitled “Collections on Archimedes.” 45 [MANUSCRIPTS—MATHEMATICS]. Notebook containing exercises in geometry and trigonometry. [France, 17th century].
ca 184 pp, 12mo (132 x 71mm). In French. Written in a neat cursive in dark brown ink. Illustrated throughout with numerous fi nely drawn diagrams. The book is divided in to six books, with a list of defi nitions at the start of each book followed by a series of propositions. (Several openings with large brown ink stains with some show-through on versos or affecting nearby leaves.) Bound in 17th-century French calf gilt (a little wear to head of spine and joints, rubbed). Provenance: Earls of Macclesfi eld (bookplate, shelfmark and small embossed stamps).
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $300 - 400
47 47 [MANUSCRIPTS—MATHEMATICS]. Géometrie Pratique ou Recueil de [MANUSCRIPTS—MATHEMATICS]. Géometrie Pratique ou Recueil de Plusieurs Traités Concernants La Géometrie. [France], 1740. Plusieurs Traités Concernants La Géometrie. [France], 1740.
294 pp., 165 x 96mm. In French, in cursive in ink, illustrated with 52 folding plates at end. (Some ink-corrosion along decorative rule on titles at beginning, some minor show-through on preliminary leaves.) Contemporary French calf gilt (some wear to spine ends, joints and corners rubbed).
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $800 - 1,200
48 [MANUSCRIPTS—MATHEMATICS]. “Cours de Mathématiques”. [Paris, ca1790].
3 Volumes (246 x 184mm): Géometrie 193 pages, plus 60 blank leaves; Algèbra 166 pages, plus 46 blank leaves; Planches 182 fi gures on 76 plates, plus 48 blank leaves. In French. Written in a neat cursive hand in brown ink. The plate volume with ink diagrams and geometric fi gures (5 with tan wash), on papier bleu. Bound in contemporary French mottled calf gilt (spines with minor rubbing and light wear at ends). Provenance: Arthémond de Régny (1777-1841), French economist (bookplates).
Presumably used by the noted French economist Arthémond de Régny while attending university at the end of the 18th century. The Géometrie volumes begins with Euclid with numerical references to drawings in the plate volume, followed by a number of problems, solutions and corollaries, and the remainder deals with fi fty theorems plane and solid geometry. The Algèbra volume begins with basic math functions, followed by a discussion of algebraic functions.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $800 - 1,200
50 [MANUSCRIPT – MATHEMATICS]. “Géométrie.” Paris, 1901-1902.
36 leaves, folio (325 x 242). In French. Written in a fi ne calligraphic hand in black ink. Decorative Art Nouveau-style frontispiece in full watercolor; diagrams in ink (occasionally with wash). Bound in green gilt-lettered cloth. Provenance: Andrée Wehlen (binding, school prize inscription from Director Auguste Louvrier de Lajolais 27 July 1902 and stamp from L’École Nationale des Arts Décoratifs on fl yleaf). 49 [MANUSCRIPTS—MATHEMATICS]. Manuscript notebook on geometry. [France, late-18th or early- 19th century].
369 pages, plus 55 folding plates, 4to (218 x 175mm). In French. Written in a cursive hand in brown ink on left-hand side of each sheet (with right-side mostly blank). Illustrated with 247 fi gures on 55 folding plates in ink and pencil at end. Bound in early 19th-century boards (modern rebacking in calf, some wear to board edges).
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $400 - 600
51 [MANUSCRIPTS—MEDICINE]. MOHR. A large compendium of medical and surgical treatments and cures for “different infi rmities of human life,” kept by a practicing physician. [Vienna?, ca 1799-1818].
1,496 pp, thick 4to (237 x 173mm). In German. Written in German script in brown and red ink. Bound in dark calf (rebacked preserving original spine, corners restored). Provenance: early note on front fl yleaf indicating a date “Wein…1799”).
With a section on perspective and architecture at end, and with sections on the calculations of angles and surface area, and with pages of illustrated diagrams facing text throughout. Lajolais, a painter, was devoted to reforming teaching of decorative art, which he achieved through is appointments as director of the L’École Nationale des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, Limoges, and Aubusson.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $400 - 600 Organized in sections for different diseases with extensive pharmaceutical discourse (occasional marginalia) followed by prescriptions from the author’s own experience or from other sources, such as Nicolai Alexander or Paracelsus. Records in great detail what a practicing physician would face in normal practice in the late-18th and early-19th century Vienna, and embodies a wide range of symptoms and diseases known to this physician (or pharmacist). The last pages contain a short index of symptoms and page reference for discussion and treatment.
52 [MANUSCRIPT—NATURAL HISTORY]. “Cours de Culture. 1855-56”. [France, c.1856].
769 pages, plus blanks and index at end, 4to (190 x 146mm). In French. Written in a small neat cursive in dark brown ink. Illustrated with ca 70 pen-and-ink drawings in text (one full-page hand-colored garden plan); numerous tables. Bound in contemporary French quarter sheep (joints repaired). Provenance: “Lizot” (name gilt-lettered at foot of spine).
A manuscript copy of an unidentifi ed work on a wide-range of subjects, including horticulture, botany, fl oriculture, propagation, farm production and equipment, nutrition, zoologie and human anatomy. It may have been transcribed a Lizot, whose name appears on the spine.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $400 - 600
54 [MANUSCRIPT – PHYSICS]. “Geostatica.” France, 17th/18th century?
110 leaves, 8vo (176 x 145 mm). In Latin. Written in neat cursive in brown ink. With 27 in-text drawings in ink and chalk. Bound in contemporary mottled sheep, edges stained red (rebacked, preserving original spine).
Illustrated manuscript describing solid and fl uid mechanics and practical, presented in propositions, questions, and supporting illustrations. The illustrations explain experiments with pulleys, fulcrums, screws, gears, and liquids.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $1,500 - 2,500 53 [MANUSCRIPT—PERFUMERY]. Collection of formulas for perfumes and soaps. [France, ca 1850-1860s].
39 leaves (including 2 partial leaves), folio (ca 305 x 230mm). Written in brown ink on various paper stocks, with some later written in colored inks or pencil. (Some browning and fraying to leaves, many captions cropped at head, some stains including adhesive stains where gutter reinforced on fi rst leaf.) Bound in modern quarter morocco.
Includes numerous recipes for a wide-range of Victorian perfume fragrances, including “Extrait de Bouqt. des Hesperides,” “Extrait Bouquet Prince Royal,” “Bouquet Victoria,” “Jenny Lind”, etc.; also includes many recipes for soap fragrances. Many recipes make reference to the name “Maugenet,” presumably M. Maugenet & E. Coudray, a small Parisian perfume shop established in 1810. Edmond Coudray, a doctor-chemist, traveled over the world bringing back exotic raw materials. In 1837 the house of Coudray became the offi cial supplier to the British Court.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $300 - 400
55 [MANUSCRIPT – PHYSICS]. “A System of Natural Philosophy.” [South Devon], 1720.
116 leaves, 8vo (170 x 100 mm). Written in cursive in black ink. Two fullpage astronomical illustrations. Contemporary calf-backed marbled boards (joints starting, some wear). Provenance: Thomas Pearse (inscription on p.4: “Tho. Pearse, Erius Liber, Anno Dom: 1720 May 3th”).
Thomas Pearse lived at Sidbury manor, South Devon, from 1690 to 1758. The manuscript covers the nature of Earth, astronomy, fi re, thunder, lightning, light, colors, plants, vegetables, the human body, and includes a description of “aether.” It mentions Ptolemy, Copernicus and Newton, including a chapter entitled “An Appendix concerning Newtons Improvement on Copernicus.” Many of the chapters are laid out with bullet points.
56 [MANUSCRIPT—SURVEYING]. GAMBU, André (1647-1718). A bound volume of land surveys of the lands in Aiserey and Brazey-en-Plaine in the Côte-d’Or region, for the Monastery of Saint-Bénigne de Dijon. [Dijon, 1702].
6 leaves (text), folio (ca 355 by 227mm). 9 folding ink and watercolor surveys, with detailed identifi cations notated in a neat cursive hand. (Final plan with a little wear at fold.) Bound in stiff boards covered in reused vellum manuscript, with manuscript cover label on paper (covers bowed with some wear).
Born in Mâcon, André Gambu was the offi ce surveyor for water and forests in Dijon. In this capacity and in a private capacity, he produced many estate plans, for individuals and secular and ecclesiastical institutions: more than fi fty have been identifi ed in the public and private collections kept in the Departmental Archives of the Côte d’Or. According to the cover label and preliminary text, this work was done for the Monastery of St. Benigne in Dijon around 9 October 1702. This appears to be a livraison of a larger series comprising their lands.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $800 - 1,200 57 [MANUSCRIPTS – WORLD WAR I]. “Mitrailleuse Vickers.” France, [early 20th century].
8 leaves, 12mo (143 x 93 mm). In French. Finely drawn in black ink on onionskin throughout, one page text, 11 pages diagrams, including 4 doublepage and one with a fold-out. (Staining to outer margins from adhesive.) Contemporary marbled wrappers, hand-lettered title on label on front wrapper (endleaf becoming disbound).
The text leaf provides a name and description of each component of the Vickers machine gun, with numbers corresponding to the fi nely detailed diagrams which follow. The Vickers gun was originally produced for the British Army, and required a 6- to 8-person team to operate. It was in service from the First World War through the 1960s. France ordered 2,000 Vickers guns in 1914, with another 12,125 issued to the U. S. Army in France. “The Vickers gun accompanied the British Expeditionary Forces to France in 1914, and in the years that followed, proved itself to be the most reliable weapon on the battlefi eld” (Hogg and Batchelor, Weapons & War Machines, p.62).
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $500 - 700 $500 - 700
58 MINKOWSKI, Hermann (1864-1909). Raum und Zeit. Offprint MINKOWSKI, Hermann (1864-1909). Raum und Zeit. Offprint from: Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, Volume 18. Leipzig and Berlin: B.G. Teubner, 1909.
8vo. Photographic portrait frontispiece. (Minor bumps at corners.) Original printed wrappers (minor toning at edges, extremities lightly rubbed, minor bump at upper fore-corner); quarter calf folding case. Provenance: Ed. Meyer (contemporary signature on title).
FIRST SEPARATE EDITION. The ideas previously expressed in Minkowski’s fi rst paper on space-time did not become widely known until he expanded them the following year. “In this paper ‘Space and Time,’ read by Minkowski in Cologne only a few months before his death, he introduced the notion that made possible the expansion of the relativity theory of Einstein from its specifi c to its general form. The technical description of Minkowski’s hypothesis is the four-dimensional space-time continuum... Minkowski maintained that the separation of time and space is a false conception; that time is itself a dimension, comparable to length, breadth and height; and that therefore the true conception of reality was constituted by a space-time continuum possessing these four dimensions…” PMM 401. 59 [MURRAY, Charlotte, Lady]. The British Garden. A Descriptive Catalogue of [MURRAY, Charlotte, Lady]. The British Garden. A Descriptive Catalogue of Hardy Plants, Indigenous, or Cultivated in the Climate of Great-Britain. Bath: S. Hazard, 1799.
2 volumes, 8vo (ca 222 x 138mm). (Occasional minor foxing.) Contemporary plain brown cloth, with old hand-lettered spine labels, uncut and partially unopened (spine a little sunned, minor wear with a few breaks to cloth along joints, labels chipped and darkened). Provenance: William Granville Eliot (armorial bookplates); E. W. W. James (pencil signatures); Norman Douglas Simpson (bookplate in Vol I).
FIRST EDITION. Henry 512 and p. 584; ESTC T99214. VERY RARE: According to online records no copies of the fi rst edition have appeared at auction in at least the past 45 years.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $300 - 400
JOFFROY, A. et al. Archives de Neurologie. Paris: Bureaux du Progres Medical, 1897. Second series, volume 3. Later quarter cloth. -- BOIS-REYMOND, Emil du. Gesammelte Abhandlungen zur Allgemeinen Muskel-und Nervenphysik. Leipzig: Veit & Comp, 1877. Vol II only. Original printed wrappers (spines reinforced). -- SCHIMMELBUSCH, Carl. “Die Blitplattchen und die Blutgerinnung. Aus dem Laboratorium von Prof. Eberth zu Halle.” pp. 201-244. In: Archiv fur Pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und fur klinische Medicin. Berlin: Georg Reimer, 1885. 19th-century quarter cloth. -- LOBSTEIN, Jon. Frid. De Nervi Sympathetici Humani Fabrica Usu et Morbis. Paris: F.G. Levrault, 1823. Modern quarter leather. FIRST EDITION. -- And 5 others. Together, 9 works in 9 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, condition generally good. Complete list upon request.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $800 - 1,200
61 [ORCHIDS] -- A group of 4 works in 4 volumes about Orchids, comprising:
[NURSERY CATALOG]. Charlesworth & Co. Orchids. Haywards Heath, [England]: Charlesworth & Co., 1922. -- A Manual of Orchidaceous Plants Cultivated Under Glass in Britain. Part VI. Oaelogyne, Epidendrum. Chelsea: James Veitch & Sons, 1890. -- Orchidaceous Plants. Part III. Dendrobium. N.p.: N.p., [after 1883]. Contemporary black morocco gilt. -- GIBSON, William Hamilton. Our Native Orchids A Series of Drawings from Nature. NY: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1905. Provenance: Edith Gay Bittinger, concert singer and wife of Charles Bittinger (1879-1970), American artist (bookplate, signature, 1936), gifted to; Margaret Donnald (gift inscription). -- Together, 4 works in 4 volumes, 4to and 8vo, all ILLUSTRATED some with colored plates, all in publisher’s original cloth or printed wrappers except where noted, condition generally good.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $300 - 400
62 PANSERON, Pierre (ca 1736-87). Recueil De Jardins Anglois et Chinois. Second Volume. Jardins Anglois et Chinois. Second Volume Paris: Chez l’Auteur, Desnos, Mondhare & Basan, 1783.
Volume II (of 3?) only (Cahiers 1-3). 4to (270 x 202mm). Engraved text: title, preface leaf and 2-pp. catalogue; 17 (of 18) full-page engravings, and10 large folding plates, all hand-colored (a few full-page plates with minor dampstains to extreme upper margins, some folding plates with discreet repaired tears where inserted at gutter [extending into image in a few cases], one folding plate with short separation repaired along one fold repaired). In contemporary French mottled calf gilt (some wear to spine ends and corners, some minor worming to upper cover).
FIRST EDITION of the second volume of Panseron’s Recueil de Jardinage. Consisting of three series of 6 plates each, of which the fi rst plate of the fi rst series is not present (as in the copy cited below), showing detailed designs of English and Chinese gardens, and 10 large folding general plans (“dispositions”) of houses and gardens. Panseron had studied with the great French architect Jacques Francois Blondel and had been building inspector for the Prince de Conti and professor of drawing at the Royal Military Academy before he settled at Paris as a private tutor of architecture and drawing. All plates were designed and engraved by Panseron personally. The plates of the present work are beautifully designed, engraved and colored, presenting a rich and wonderful survey of gardening in France in the second half of the 18th century when English and Chinese gardens were in fashion. VERY RARE: the only other copy sold at auction over at least the past 40 years, was part of a fi ve-volume set of Penseron’s works, Sotheby’s New York, 23 November 2014, lot 323.
Thieme-Becker XXVI: 203; Nagler XII, 75.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $5,000 - 7,000
63 PANZER, Georg Wolfgang Franz (1755-1829). Symbolae Entomologicae… cum tabulis XII. aeneis. Erlangen: Johann Jacob Palm, 1802.
4to (245 x 204mm). Title-pages in Latin and German. 12 hand-colored engraved plates at end by Jacob Sturm and Valentine Bischoff. (Minor soiling.) some light toning to text. Contemporary German sheep-backed boards, spine with gilt insect motifs in panels (spine ends and hinges repaired, minor wear at board edges).
Comprises the fi fth part of Johann Eusebius Voet’s Beschreibungen und Abbildungen hartschaaligter Insekten Coleoptera Linn. The text includes a scientifi c description of the individual beetles in Latin with a commentary on the different species in German. Nissen, ZBI 4260.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $800 - 1,200 64 [PHYSICS - OPTICS].A group of 5 works, comprising:
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $800 - 1,200
65 PLAT, Sir Hugh (1552-1608). The Garden of Eden: or, An accurate Description PLAT, Sir Hugh (1552-1608). The Garden of Eden: or, An accurate Description of all Flowers and Fruits now growing in England. London: for William and John Leake, 1675.
2 parts in one volume, 8vo (147 x 86mm). (Some pale marginal dampstaining causing some fraying and softening to title and other leaves, occasional soiling or staining.) Rebound in modern calf preserving original cover panel (front fl yleaf detached). Provenance: Harold Hulme Brindley, British zoologist (bookplate).
Sixth edition. Originally published as Floraes Paradise, in 1608, with the second part issued in 1660. Henrey 299; Hunt 340; Wing P2388; R31801.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $600 - 800 LA CAILLE, Nicolas Louis de. Lecons Elementaires d’Optique. Paris: H,L, Guerin & L.F. Delatour, 1764. -- FARRAR, John. An Experimental Treatise on Optics… The Third Part. Cambridge, N.E.: Hilliard and Metcalf, 1826. FIRST EDITION. -- SCHELLEN, H., Dr. Spectrum Analysis in its Application to Terrestrial Substances. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1872. -- BREWSTER, David. Sir. A Treatise on Optics. Philadelphia: Lea and Blanchard, 1839. FIRST EDITION. -- LANGLEY, S.P. First Memoir. Energy and Vision. N.p.: National Academy of Science, N.d. Vol. V only. -- Together, 5 works in 5 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, most in original or contemporary bindings, condition generally good. Complete list available upon request.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $400 - 600
66 RAY, John (1627-1705). Catalogus plantarum circa Cantabrigiam nascentium. Cambridge: John Field, 1660.
2 parts in one volume, 8vo (142 x 87mm). (Minor soiling and spotting; small rust hole on A3 affecting a few letters; a few early annotations on title and marginal markings in the second part.) Contemporary calf (rebacked preserving original spine, hinges reinforced). Provenance: Beilby Thompson of Escrick (1742-1799), Yorkshire landowner and politician (engraved armorial bookplate).
FIRST EDITION of Ray’s fi rst book. With cancel title [*1] with corrected text ([*2] not present). Contains a second part Index plantarum agri Cantabrigiensis with separate title and pagination (register continuous).
Henrey 24; Wing R383; ESTC R203306; Kenes, Ray, pp. 1-6.
67 RAY, John (1627-1705). Synopsis Methodica Stirpium Britannicarum. London: Synopsis Methodica Stirpium Britannicarum S. Smith & B. Walford, 1696.
8vo (186 x 111mm). Imprimatur leaf before title. (Some minor pale dampstaining to upper margins on title and preliminaries, occasional minor marginal soiling or spotting, short tear on lower margin of (a*8) in the second work.) Contemporary English green stained gilt-panelled vellum, edges gilt (rebacked to match, covers very bowed). Provenance: Rev. William Richardson (signature on title and small booklabel); John Payne (signature on front free endpaper); Robert M. Young, Belfast (signature in blue pencil on front free endpaper).
Second edition of the Synopsis, which includes Rivinus’ letter to Ray (Rivini… epistola ad Joan. Raivm, cum ejusdem responsoria), at end as issued. This copy also contains Ray’s De variis plantarum methodis disseration brevis (Wing R390), bound between these parts with a separate title and pagination, also published by Smith & Walford, 1696. Henrey notes: “With some copies of Ray’s Synopsis… Editio secunda, 1696 is bound the author’s De variis plantarum methodis dissertatio brevis, 1696.”
Henrey 322; Wing R407; ESTC R17299.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $500 - 700
69 69 SCHEUCHZER, Johann Jakob (1672-1733). Piscium querelae et vindiciaeSCHEUCHZER, Johann Jakob (1672-1733). Piscium querelae et vindiciae. Zürich: Sumptibus authoris, typis Gessnerianis, 1708.
4to (222 x 165mm). 5 folding engraved plates, contemporary mottled calf, gilt fi llet border on covers, binding slightly rubbed. Provenance: Earls of Macclesfi eld (bookplate and small embossed stamp on title, sale Sotheby’s 16 March 2004, lot 96).
FIRST EDITION. A rare work on fossil fi sh in relation to the great fl ood. Nissen, ZBI 3663.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $2,000 - 3,000 68 RISLER, Josua; and Christian THRAN. Serenissimi Marchionis et Principis Bada-Durlacensis Hortus Carolsruhanus, in tres ordines digestus, exhibens nomina plantarum exoticarum, perennium & annuarum quae aluntur per Christianum Thran… accedit aurantiorum, citreorum limonumque malorum Catalogus. Lörrach [Baden-Württemberg]: S. A. de la Carriere, 1747.
8vo (180 x 100mm). (Minor spotting and soiling, lacking fi rst leaf presumably a blank.) Contemporary calf gilt (minor wear to spine ends and corners, joints rubbed). Provenance: 19th-century gift inscription in French on front fl yeaf and note on rear fl yleaf.
FIRST EDITION. A rare catalogue prepared by Josua Risler containing identifi cations of the plants growing in the Royal Gardens and Orangerie at Karlsruhe. The primary part is organized by exotic, perennial and annual plants, and lists 2,993 plants that main gardener Christian Thran recorded in his diary. The second part by Risler contains a listing of 154 citrus fruit plants growing in garden at Carolsruh, most likely in the Orangerie. Thran was the gardener for margrave Karl Wilhelm of Baden-Durlach from 1731 to 1746 who asked him to create the palace garden in the French baroque styles. Pritzel 7369. VERY RARE: According to online records no copies of the fi rst edition have appeared at auction in at least the past 45 years.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $800 - 1,200
70 STEELE, Richard (bap. 1672-1729). An Essay Upon Gardening, containing a Catalogue of Exotic Plants for the Stoves and Green-houses of the British Gardens. York: for the Author by G. Peacock, 1793.
4to (259 x 208mm). Half-title, list of subscribers, with additional leaf of subscribers and author’s apology for errors; 3 folding engraved plates, each with letterpress explanatory leaf, errata leaf at end of fi rst part. (Some foxing to plates, occasional marginal spotting or toning, mostly to explanatory leaves opposite plates.) 19th-century half calf with earlier spine laid down. Provenance: John Ireland Blackburne, Esq. (etched bookplate); D. Shirley (signature on pastedown).
FIRST EDITION. Henrey 1384; ESTC T82581.
71 TORELLI, Joseph (1721-1781). De Nihilo Geometrico, Libri II. Verona: Augostino Carattoni, 1758.
8vo (209 x 134mm). (Title-page fore-margin trimmed and with a pale stain, otherwise a fi ne crisp copy.) Contemporary Italian boards, spine lettered in an early hand.
FIRST EDITION of a text book on infi nitesimal geometry by the Veronese scholar best known for his works on geometry. Torelli’s De nihilo geometrico presents a new basis for infinitesimal analysis, which had been started but not exhaustively treated by Newton and Leibniz. His rejection of the concept of limits and his support of the ideas of Bernard Nieuwentijt against Leibniz caused his work to be largely ignored in modern times. Riccardi II, 538. EXTREMELY RARE: According to online records only one other copy has appeared at auction in at least the past 45 years.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $800 - 1,200
73 WELPER, Eberhard (1590-1664). Gnomica, oder Gründlicher Unterricht und Beschreibung, Wie man allerhand Sonnen-Uhren auf ebenen Orten künstlich aufreissen und leichtlich verfertigen soll. Nuremberg: Paulus Fürst, 1672.
2 parts in one volume. 4to (180 x 136mm). Engraved frontispiece, 17 engraved plates (including a duplicate of plate facing page 48 attached to fore-edge on leaf F4). (Browned and spotted, lacking fi nal blank.) Contemporary vellum, yapp edges (soiled). Provenance: ownership inscription on title, dated 1720; Björn Kjellström (bookplate).
One of three editions of Welper’s work on dialing published in 1672. In the fi rst part Welper describes the process and illustrates details for quadrant and instruments for measuring circle of declination. The second part by Johann Christoph Sturm (1635-1703) provides additional mathematical information and instructions in the use of horizontal and vertical dials. Wellcome V, 412 (containing a third part published in 1681). RARE: According to online records no copies have appeared at auction in at least the past 45 years. 72 WEISS, Friedrich Wilhelm (1744-1826). Plantae Cryptogamicae Florae Gottingensis Collegit et Descripsit. Göttingen: Abraham Vandenhoeck, 1770.
8vo. One hand-colored folding plate. (Some browning and spotting throughout, lacking fi rst leaf, presumably a blank.) Contemporary marbled boards (rebacked in modern calf, minor rubbing and wear to boards). Provenance: William Withering (1741-1799), English botanist, geologist, chemist, physician and fi rst systematic investigator of the bioactivity of digitalis (signature on title and his underlinings and some annotations in ink).
FIRST EDITION of this rare work on algae, mosses and ferns. FROM THE LIBRARY OF WILLIAM WITHERING. Although best known for his pioneer work on use of extracts of foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) to treat dropsy (edema), a condition associated with heart failure, Withering was also an avid enthusiast in the identifi cation and classifi cation of lichens, algae and mosses. He kept lichen among his herbarium, and enumerated 118 species in genus Lichen in his Botanical Arrangement of all the Vegetables Naturally Growing in Great Britain, published in 1776. Withering was meticulous, almost obsessional, in his observation and recording of plants. His work on the fl owering plants was largely derived from others, but on the algae and agarics he broke new ground. AN IMPORTANT ASSOCIATION COPY.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $800 - 1,200 $800 - 1,200
74 WILKINS, John (1614-1672). Mathematical Magick: or, the Wonders That May be Performed by Mechanical Geometry. London: Richard Baldwin, 1691.
8vo (159 x 102mm). Engraved portrait frontispiece. (Frontis browned, remargined at gutter and with a few small marginal chips, lacking fi nal leaf [supplied in printed facsimile], some minor pale spotting or soiling.) Contemporary calf (rebacked, corners worn, endpapers renewed). Provenance: Edward? Price (early signature on title); John Bell, Yar. [mouth] (owner’s stamp on title)
Fourth edition. Toole Stott 885; Wing W2201; ESTC R15643; Poggendorff II, 1328.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $300 - 400
75 [WINE MAKING]. A group of 7 works, including:
PASTEUR, Louis. Etudes sur la Biere, ses Maladies. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1876. Original printed wrappers; custom chemise and slipcase. FIRST EDITION, later state. -- VIZETELLY, Henry. A History of Champagne. London & NY: Vizetelly & Co. et al, 1882. -- PHIN, John. Open Air Grape Culture: A Practical Treatise. NY: C.M. Saxton, 1862. -- [STEPHEN, John]. A Treatise on the Manufacture, Imitation, Adulteration, and Reduction of Foreign Wines, Brandies, Gins, Rums. Philadelphia: for the author, 1860. FIRST EDITION. -- And 3 others. Together, 7 works in 7 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, most in original cloth gilt, condition generally very good. Complete list upon request.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $700 - 900 76 [BIBLIOGRAPHY] -- [BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS & PRINTING HISTORY]. A group of 19 works, including:
ADAMS, H.M. Catalogue of Books Printed on the Continent of Europe, 1501-1600 in Cambridge Libraries. Cambridge, 1967. 2 volumes. Dust jackets. -- CHURCHILL, W.A. Watermarks in Paper in Holland, England, France, Etc. Mansfield Centre, CT, 2006. -- DURLING, Richard J. A Catalogue of Sixteenth Century Printed Books in the National Library of Medicine. Bethesda, MA, 1967. PRESENTATION COPY, INSCRIBED BY DURLING. -- Another copy. -- KRIVATSY, Peter. A Catalogue of Incunabula and Sixteenth Century Printed Books in the National Library of Medicine First Supplement. Bethesda, MA, 1971. PRESENTATION COPY, INSCRIBED BY KRIVATSY. -- KRIVATSY, Peter. A Catalogue of Seventeenth Century Printed Books in the National Library of Medicine. Bethesda, MA, 1989. FIRST EDITION. -- BLAKE, John B. A Short Title Catalogue of Eighteenth Century Printed Books in the National Library of Medicine. Bethesda, MA, 1979. PRESENTATION COPY, INSCRIBED BY BLAKE. -- another copy. -- Short-Title of Books Printed in Italy and of Books in Italian Printed Abroad 1501-1600. Boston, 1970. 3 volumes. Later edition. -- And 7 others. Together, 14 works in 25 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, most in original cloth, many with inscriptions to Marjorie A. Stuff, former Librarian at The National Library of Medicine, most FIRST EDITION, condition generally fi ne. Complete list available upon request. 78 [BIBLIOGRAPHY] -- [BOTANY]. A group of 13 works, including:
Bibliotheca Americana Catalogue of the John Carter Brown Library in Brown University Books Printed 1675-1700. --Short-Title List of Addition Books Printed 1471-1700. Providence, 1973. 2 volumes. -- REED, Talbot Baines. A History of the Old English Letter Foundries. London, 1952. New edition. -- A Book of Types Initials, Borders & Ornaments. Edinburgh, 1916. Original cloth-backed boards. -- HAMILTON, Charles. Great Forgers and Famous Fakes. NY, 1980. -- VITALE, Philip H. Bibliography, Historical and Bibliothecal. Chicago, 1971. -- HAIN, Ludovici. Repertorium Bibliographicum. Staten Island, NY: Maurizio Martino, N.d. 4 volumes. -- LEHMANN-HAUPT, Hellmut. The Book in America. NY, 1952. Second edition. -- GRAVELL, Thomas L. et al. American Watermarks 1690-1835. New Castle, DE, 2002. -- BAURMEISTER, Ursula. Des Livres et des Rois: La Bibliothèque Royale de Blois. [Paris], 1992. -- And 10 others. Together, 19 works in 25 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, all in original cloth except where noted, some with dust jackets, most FIRST EDITION, condition generally fi ne. Complete list available upon request.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $200 - 300 $200 - 300
[BIBLIOGRAPHY] -- [BOTANY]. A group of 13 works, including:
REHDER, Alfred. The Bradley Bibliography. A Guide to the Literature of the Woody Plants of the World Published before the Beginning of the Twentieth Century. Mansfi eld Centre, CT: Martino Publishing, N.d. 5 volumes. -- VOLBRACHT, Christian. Myko Libri Die Bibliothek der Pilzbücher. Hamburg, 2006, 2017. 2 volumes. Dust jackets. -- MERRILL, Elmer D. Plant Life of the Pacifi c World. NY, 1945. Dust jacket. FIRST ISSUE. -- HENRICI, Arthur T. Molds, Yeasts and Actinomycetes: a Handbook for Students of Bacteriology. NY et al, 1930. -- HABERLANDT, G. Physiological Plant Anatomy. Montagu Drummond, translator. London, 1914. -- GREW, Nehemiah. The Anatomy of Plants. NY & London, 1965. -- GREEN, Joseph Reynolds. A History of Botany in the United Kingdom from the Earliest Times to the End of the 19th Century. London et al, 1914. -- And 6 others. Together, 13 works in 12 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, many illustrated, most in original cloth, most FIRST EDITIONS, condition generally good. Complete list available upon request.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $200 - 300
79 [BIBLIOGRAPHY] -- [BOTANY]. A group of 17 works, including:
MERRILL, E.D. and, Egbert H. WALKER. A Bibliography of Eastern Asiatic Botany. Jamaica Plain, MA, 1938. PRESENTATION COPY, INSCRIBED BY MERRILL AND WALKER. -- DESMOND, Ray. Dictionary of British and Irish Botanists and Horticulturalists. London, 1977. -- WITHERING, William. An Account of the Foxglove and Some of its Medicinal Uses. [Birmingham, 1979]. LIMITED EDITION, number 4519 of unknown number. -- Les Botanistes Français en Amerique du Nord Avant 1850. Paris, 1962. -- FREEMAN, R.B. British Natural History Books 1495-1900 A Handlist. [Kent, England et al], 1980. -- BRITTEN, J. and G.S. BOULGER. A Biographical Index of Deceased British and Irish Botanists. London, 1931. Second edition. -- MIREK, Zbigniew et al, editors. Studies in Renaissance Botany. Kraków, 1998. -- VON SACHS, Julius. History of Botany (1530-1860). Henry E.F. Garnsey, translator. Oxford, 1890. FIRST ENGLISH EDITION. -- And 9 others. Together, 17 works in 23 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, some illustrated, most in original cloth, most FIRST EDITION, condition generally good. Complete list available upon request.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $200 - 300 80 [BIBLIOGRAPHY] -- [BOTANY]. A group of 16 works, including:
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil
81 [BIBLIOGRAPHY] -- [MEDICINE]. A group of 7 works, comprising: [BIBLIOGRAPHY] -- [MEDICINE]. A group of 7 works, comprising:
MAJOR, Ralph H. A History of Medicine. Springfi eld, IL, [1954]. 2 volumes. Dust jackets. --Classic Descriptions of Disease. Springfi eld, IL et al, 1939. Second edition. PRESENTATION COPY, INSCRIBED BY THOMAS. -- JORDANSMITH, Paul et al. Burton’s Anatomy of Melancholy and Burtoniana a Checklist of Part of a Collection in Memory of Sarah Bixby Smith. Oxford, 1959. -- SALLANDER, Hans. Bibliotheca Walleriana the Books Illustrating the History of Medicine and Science Collected by Erik Waller. NY: Maurizio Martino Publisher, N.d. 2 volumes in one. “Reprint edition,” one of 400 copies. -- BRUSH, Stephen G. History of Modern Science a Guide to the Second Scientifi c Revolution, 1800-1950. Ames, 1988. Dust jacket. -- MEADE, Richard Hardaway. An Introduction to the History of General Surgery. Philadelphia et al, 1968. -- Journal of the History of Biology. Volume 1, Number 1 - Volume 18, Number 1. Cambridge, MA, Spring 1968-1985. 17 (of 18) volumes, Vols. I-2, 4-18. Later cloth, original wrappers bound in. -- Together, 7 works in 24 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, most in original cloth, most FIRST EDITION, condition generally good. Complete list available upon request.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $200 - 300 82 [BIBLIOGRAPHY] -- [MEDICINE]. A group of 14 works, including:
[AUCTION CATALOG]. The Magnifi cent Botanical Library of the Stiftung Fur Botanik Vaduz Liechtenstein Collected by the Late Arpad Plesch. London: Sotheby & Co, [1975]. 3 volumes. Original boards. -- HARSHBERGER, John W. The Botanists of Philadelphia and Their Work. Mansfi eld Centre, CT, 1991. -- LAWRENCE, George H.M. et al, editors. B-P-H BotanicoPeriodicum-Huntianum. Pittsburgh, PA, 1968. -- VERDOORN, Frans. Plants and Plant Science in Latin America. Waltham, MA, 1945. -- WYCOFF, Edith, librarian. Bibliographical Contributions from the Lloyd Library. Cincinnati, Ohio, 1911-1918. 3 volumes. -- [AUCTION CATALOG]. A Magnifi cent Collection of Botanical Books Being the Finest Colour-Plate Books from the Celebrated Library Formed by Robert De Belder. London: Sotheby’s, 1987. -- REED, Howard S. A Short History of the Plant Sciences. NY, 1942. -- And 9 others. Together, 16 works in 21 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, some illustrated, most in original cloth, most FIRST EDITION, condition generally good. Complete list available upon request.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $200 - 300 $200 - 300
[BIBLIOGRAPHY] -- [MEDICINE]. A group of 14 works, including:
EALES, Nellie B. The Cole Library of Early Medicine and Zoology… Part I. 1472 To 1800. --Part II. 1800 to the present day. Berkshire, England, 1969, 1975. 2 volumes. Part II in original printed wrappers. -- STILLWELL, Margaret Bingham. The Awakening Interest in Science during the First Century of Printing 1450-1550. NY, 1970. -- HORBLIT, Harrison D. One Hundred Books Famous in Science. NY: The Grolier Club, 1964. Slipcase. -- HOOK, Diana H. et al. The Haskell F. Norman Library of Science & Medicine. San Francisco, 1991. 2 volumes. -- [NORMAN, Haskell F.] One Hundred Books Famous in Medicine. NY: The Grolier Club, 1995. Slipcase. -- SPARROW, Ruth A. Milestones of Science. Buffalo, NY, 1972. -- The Barchas Collection at Stanford University: A Catalogue of the Samuel I and Cecile M. Barchas Collection in the History of Science of Ideas. [Sandford, CA], 1999. -- NEEDHAM, Joseph. A History of Embryology. NY, 1959. Dust jacket. Second edition. -- And 6 others. Together, 14 works in 20 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, most in original cloth, most FIRST EDITION, many limited edition, condition generally fi ne. Complete list available upon request.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $200 - 300
83 [BIBLIOGRAPHY] -- [MEDICINE].A group of 15 works, including:
MAJOR, Ralph H. A History of Medicine. Springfi eld, IL, [1954]. 2 volumes. Dust jackets. -- WILLIAMS, Henry Smith. A History of Science. NY et al, 1904. 5 volumes. -- Guide to the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum. London, [1927]. -- POYNTER, F. N. L. A Catalogue of Incunabula in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library. London et al, 1954. Dust jacket. -- MOORAT, S. A. J. Catalogue of Western Manuscripts on Medicine and Science in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library... I. MSS Written before 1650 A. D. London, 1962. -- The Haskell F. Norman Library of Science and Medicine Part I: The Middle Ages and The Renaissance. --Part III: The Modern Age. NY: Christie’s, [1998]. 2 (of 3) volumes (Part I and III only). Original boards. -- And 9 others. Together, 15 works in 21 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, many illustrated, most in original cloth, most FIRST EDITION, condition generally good. Complete list available upon request.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $200 - 300 84 [BIBLIOGRAPHY] -- [EARTH SCIENCE]. A group of 43 works, including:
85 85 [BIBLIOGRAPHY] -- [MAGIC & EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCE]. A group of 8 works, [BIBLIOGRAPHY] -- [MAGIC & EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCE]. A group of 8 works, comprising: comprising:
THORNDIKE, Lynn. A History of Magic and Experimental Science. NY et THORNDIKE, Lynn. A History of Magic and Experimental Science. NY et al, 1923-1958. 8 volumes. -- FERGUSON, John. Bibliographical Notes on al, 1923-1958. 8 volumes. -- FERGUSON, John. Bibliographical Notes on Histories of Inventions and Books of Secrets. London, 1981. 2 volumes in one. -- BROCK, Alan St. H. A History of Fireworks. London et al, 1945. -- HAGGARD, Howard W. Mystery, Magic, and Medicine The Rise of Medicine from Superstition to Science. Garden City, NY, 1933. -- BERNARD, Claude. An Introduction to the Study of Experimental Medicine. Henry Copley GREENE, translator. [NY], 1949. -- DEBUS, Allen G. The English Paracelsians. London: Oldbourne, 1965. -- CANICK, Michael. A Price Guide to Magic Books: 16391990. NY, 1997. Original spiral bound printed wrappers. PRESENTATION COPY, INSCRIBED BY CANICK TO ANTIQUARIAT BOTANICUM. Second Printing. -- CAILLET, Albert L. Manuel Bibliographique des Sciences Psychiques ou Occultes. Mansfi eld Centre, CT: Maurizio Martino, N.d. 3 volumes. LIMITED EDITION, one of 100 copies. -- Together, 8 works in 17 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, most in original cloth, most with dust jackets, most FIRST EDITION, condition generally good. Complete list available upon request. 86 [BIBLIOGRAPHY] -- [MATHEMATICS]. A group of 5 works, comprising:
SINKANKAS, John. Gemology An Annotated Bibliography. Metuchen, NJ et al, 1993. 2 volumes. -- Investigations Representing the Departments Physics Chemistry Geology Mathematics, The Decennial Publications, First Series, Volume IX. Chicago, 1903. Later Edition. -- CUSHING, Harvey. A BioBibliography of Andreas Vesalius. Hamden, CT et al, 1962. Second edition. -- ADAMS, Frank Dawson. The Birth and Development of the Geological Sciences. Baltimore, 1938. -- GUERLAC, Henry. Essays And Papers in the History of Modern Science. Baltimore et al, 1977. PRESENTATION COPY, INSCRIBED BY GUERLAC. -- WRIGHT, Wilmer Cave, translator. Giovanni Maria Lancis Aneurysms. NY, 1952. -- WINGATE, S.D. The Mediaeval Latin Versions of the Aristotelian Scientifi c Corpus. London, 1931. Original printed wrappers. Provenance: Melville Harrison Hatch (1898-1988), American entomologist (bookplate, signature). -- TATON, R. Reason and Chance in Scientifi c Discovery. A.J. Pomerans, translator. NY, 1957. -- And 35 others. Together, 43 works in 52 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, many illustrated, most in original cloth, most with dust jackets, most FIRST EDITION, condition generally good. Complete list available upon request.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $200 - 300 $200 - 300
86 [BIBLIOGRAPHY] -- [MATHEMATICS]. A group of 5 works, comprising:
RUSSELL, Bertrand. The Principles of Mathematics. London, [1951]. Second edition. -- CLAGETT, Marshall. Archimedes in the Middle Ages Vol. I The AraboLatin Tradition. Madison, Philadelphia, 1964-1984. 5 parts in 10 volumes. -- MILLER, Johann. Regiomontanus on Triangles. Barnabas Hughes, translator. Madison et al, 1967. -- James & James. Mathematics Dictionary. Princeton, NJ et al, 1968. Third edition, Multilingual edition. -- Together, 5 works in 13 volumes, all 8vo, all in original cloth with original dust jackets, most FIRST EDITION, condition generally good. Complete list available upon request.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $200 - 300
87 [BIBLIOGRAPHY] -- [NATURAL HISTORY]. A group of 26 works, including:
RAMON Y CAJAL, Santiago. Histologie du Systeme Nerveux de L’homme & des Vertebres. Madrid, 1972. 2 volumes. Second French edition. -- SALLANDER, Hans. Bibliotheca Walleriana the Books Illustrating the History of Medicine and Science Collected by Erik Waller. Stockholm, 1955. 2 volumes. -- HOOK, Diana H. et al. Origins of Cyberspace. Novato, CA, 2002. -- DOE, Janet. A Bibliography of the Works of Ambroise Paré. Chicago, 1937. -- ROBBINS, Christine Chapman. “John Torrey (17961873) His Life and Times.” Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 95, no. 6. Torrey Botanical Society, 1968. Contemporary cloth. Provenance: George Hill Mathewson Lawrence (1910-1978), American Botanist (bookplate, inscription). PRESENTATION COPY, INSCRIBED BY ROBBINS TO LAWRENCE. -- ROBERTS, Verne L. et al. Bibliotheca Mechanica. NY, 1991. -- GILLISPIE, Charles C. Dictionary of Scientifi c Biographies. NY et al, 1981. 16 parts in 8 volumes, plus 2 volumes of supplements. -- DORF, Philip. Liberty Hyde Bailey an Informal Biography. Ithaca, NY, 1956. Provenance: Helen Van Pelt Wilson (1901-2003), American Garden Writer (inscription). PRESENTATION COPY, INSCRIBED BY DORF TO WILSON. -- ARAGO, Francois. Biographies of Distinguished Scientifi c Men. London, 1857. -- CROWTHER, J.G. British Scientists of the Nineteenth Century. London, 1962. Second edition. -- Important Scientifi c Books: The Richard Green Library. NY: Christie’s, 2008. -- The Library of the Earl of Macclesfi eld Removed from Shirburn Castle. London: Sotheby’s, 2004-2008. 10 volumes (Vols I-VII, IX-XI only). -- And 14 others. Together, 26 works in 50 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, many illustrated, most in original cloth, many with dust jackets, most FIRST EDITION, condition generally good. Complete list available upon request.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $200 - 300 88 [BIBLIOGRAPHY] -- [NATURAL HISTORY]. A group of 52 works, including:
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil [BIBLIOGRAPHY] -- [NATURAL HISTORY]. A group of 52 works, including:
BREWSTER, David. Memoirs of… Sir Isaac Newton. Edinburgh et al, 1855. 2 volumes. Contemporary half calf. Later edition. -- DEMEREC, M. et al. Cytology, Genetics, and Evolution. Philadelphia, 1941. -- WILSON, Edmund B. The Cell in Development and Heredity. NY, 1925. Provenance: Julius Feldmesser (1918-2000), former Nematologist (stamp). Third edition. -- MICHEL, Henri. Scientifi c Instruments in Art and History. NY, 1966. -- HUGHES, Arthur. A History of Cytology. London et al, 1959. -- MANUEL, Frank E. Isaac Newton Historian. Cambridge, MA, 1963. -- CLARK, George et al. History of Staining. Baltimore et al, 1983. Third edition. -- CAJORI, Florian. Sir Isaac Newton’s Mathematical Principles. Berkeley, CA, 1947. Third issue. -- BEDINI, Silvio A. Early American Scientifi c Instruments and their Makers. Washington, [D.C], 1964. -- OLBY, Robert. The Path to the Double Helix. Seattle, 1974. -- TILEY, N.A. Discovering DNA. NY et al, 1983. -- WILLIAMS, Harley. Don Quixote of the Microscope. London, 1954. -- And 40 others. Together, 52 works in 53 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, most in original cloth, many with dust jackets, most FIRST EDITION, condition generally good. Complete list available upon request.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $200 - 300
89 [BIBLIOGRAPHY] -- [PHYSICAL SCIENCE & ASTRONOMY]. A group of 9 works [BIBLIOGRAPHY] -- [PHYSICAL SCIENCE & ASTRONOMY]. A group of 9 works [BIBLIOGRAPHY] -- [SCIENCE BIOGRAPHIES]. A group of 57 works, including: in 11 volumes, comprising:
BASTOS, Antonio. Celestial Objects and Satellite Astronomy. N.p, 1974. Original boards. -- KENNEY, Louis A. Catalogue of the Rare Astronomical Books in the San Diego State University Library. San Diego, CA, 1988. Original cloth; slipcase. PRESENTATION COPY, INSCRIBED BY KENNEY. -- CARMODY, Francis J. The Astronomical Works of Thabit B. Qurra. Berkeley et al, 1960. Provenance: A. George Molland (1941-2002), Professor of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Aberdeen (signature, 1969). -- DELAMBRE, Jean-Baptiste. Histoire de L’Astronomie Ancienne. N.p.: Jacques Gabay, 2005. 2 volumes. --Histoire de L’Astronomie du Moyen Age. N.p.: Jacques Gabay, 2006. --Histoire de L’Astronomie au Dix-Huitième Siècle. N.p.: Jacques Gabay, 2004. --Histoire de L’Astronomie Moderne. N.p.: Jacques Gabay, 2006. 2 volumes. -- BROWN, Basil. Astronomical-Atlases, Maps & Charts. London, 1932. Original boards gilt. -- KANAS, Nick. Start Maps History, Artistry, and Cartography. Chichester, UK, 2007. PRESENTATION COPY, INSCRIBED BY KANAS. -- Together, 9 works in 11 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, all in original printed wrappers except where noted, all FIRST EDITION except where noted, condition generally good. Complete list available upon request. JOHNSON, Laurence. A Manual of the Medical Botany of North America. NY, 1884. -- KEYNES, Geoffrey. A Bibliography of Dr. Robert Hooke. Oxford, 1960. -- Another copy. -- JACOB, Margaret C. The Newtonians and the English Revolution 1689-1720. Ithaca, NY, 1976. -- [LINNAEUS, Carl Von.] NYNAS, Carina et al. A Linnaean Kaleidoscope Linnaeus and his 186 Dissertations. Stockholm, 2016. 2 volumes. -- [BEDFORD, Evan.] The Evan Bedford Library of Cariology Catalogue of Books, Pamphlets and Journals. London, 1977. -- McHENRY, Lawrence. Garrison’s History of Neurology. Springfi eld, IL, 1969. -- KEELE, K.D. Leonardo da Vinci on Movement of the Heart and Blood. London, 1952. Original quarter leather gilt. LIMITED EDITION, number 438 of 1000. -- ALLAN, Mea. Darwin and his Followers the Key to Natural Selection. London, 1977. -- FREEMAN, R.B. Darwin Pedigrees. London, 1984. -- And 48 others. Together, 57 works in 63 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, most in original cloth, many in dust jackets, most FIRST EDITION, condition generally good. Complete list available upon request.
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $200 - 300
Selections from Antiquariat Botanicum, Dr. Eugene Vigil $200 - 300 90 [BIBLIOGRAPHY] -- [SCIENCE BIOGRAPHIES]. A group of 57 works, including:
Lots 91-235
91 ALBERTI, Leon Battista (1404-1472). De re aedificatoria. Florence: Nicolaus Laurentii Alamanus, 29 December 1485.
Folio (262 x 187 mm). Collation: a-d8 e6 f-o8 p6 q-z8 &8 Ɔ8♃8 (a1r blank, a1v dedication to Lorenzo de’Medici, a2r text, ♃7v colophon, ♃8r verse to the reader by “Baptista siculus,” ♃8v registrum). 204 leaves, 34 lines. Type: 111Rb. 6- and 7-line initial spaces with printed guide- letters. (Small mostly marginal worm-holes to ca 55 leaves at beginning and end occasionally touching letters, mostly marginal spotting.) 20th-century red morocco gilt (some light wear, a few sheets trimmed affecting marginal annotations). Provenance: Marginal annotations in a Renaissance hand; numerous spurious marginal notes and diagrams in a later “Leonardesque” styled hand in mirror-writing and with diagrams based on his codices (see below); William Marquess of Lothian (armorial bookplate); Emil Richter, Berliner Museum (note in ink on recto of ff.1, see below); acquired by a private individual in 1951; by descent to present owner.
FIRST EDITION OF THE FIRST PRINTED TREATISE ON ARCHTECTURE, presumed earlier setting, with the last quire set in Roman letter as throughout (not Nerlius, see BMC). According to Fowler, Alberti began work on his treatise in the middle of the 15th-century and enhanced and revised the work until his death in 1472. Some thirteen years later, his work was published due to the efforts of his brother. Alberti, who was architect of several important Renaissance buildings including the Basilica of San Sebastiano and Sant’Andrea in Mantua, and the Santa Maria Novella and the Rucellai Palace in Florence, based his work, based on Vitruvius’s De Architectura, is divided into ten books describing the building of palaces and churches, and describing materials, construction, and ornament for sacred and secular buildings, as well as a section devoted to the restoration of buildings.
“In accordance with classical principles, the principal elements of architecture are defined as beauty and ornament. Beauty is essentially harmony, the correct proportions of the parts” Alberti considers architecture not only for ecclesiastical purposes or private patrons, but for the first time particularly as a civic activity. His book includes a scheme for building a whole new town, the earliest printed example of town planning” (PMM).
With spurious marginal annotations and drawings in brown in a “Leonardesque” hand on 8 leaves (occurring on ff. 7r, 21v, 30v, 44v, 76v, 131r, 164r and 203v), the last being signed “Leonardo da Vinci.” A 24 April 1924 note in German from Emil Richter, the Berliner Museum, describes the annotations as being in the hand of Leonardo da Vinci (“kamm ich Betätigen dass diselben in eigener Hand von Leonardo da Vinci sind”). Though the handwriting and method of writing do bear some similarity to that of Leonardo (including the use of mirror-writing), the drawings, including a partial sketch of a hygrometer, are apparently copied from known examples by Leonardo, and the inscriptions are possibly later.
BMC, VI, 630; BSB-Ink A-125; Cicognara, 370; Fowler 3; Goff A-215; GW 579; HC 419; Millard Italian 4; PMM 28. Property from the Estate of Nancy Hagensieker $80,000 - 120,000
92 [AMERICAN LITERATURE, 19th-CENTURY]. A group of 6 works of American Literature, including: 93 [AMERICAN LITERATURE, EARLY 20th-CENTURY]. A group of 8 works, including:
HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel. The Marble Faun. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1860. 2 volumes. Provenance: Yale College University (bookplate with duplicate stamp). FIRST AMERICAN EDITION with 16 pp. of ads dated Mar 1860 in vol. I. BAL 7621. -- HARTE, Bret. The Luck of the Roaring Camp. Boston: Fields, Osgood, & Co., 1870. FIRST ISSUE, not including “Brown of Calaveras.” BAL 7246. -- IRVING, Washington. Wolfert’s Roost. NY: G.P. Putnam & Co., 1855. Gilt. Provenance: Edward Grabhorn (1889-1968), co-founder of Grabhorn Press (bookplate). -- TARKINGTON, Booth. Monsieur. NY: McClure, Phillips & Co., 1900. FIRST ISSUE, with the publisher’s seal after the last page of text measuring one-half inch in diameter. PRESENTATION COPY, INSCRIBED BY TARKINGTON: “Very gladly inscribed for Mrs. Emerson Willis by Booth Tarkington. July 20, ’49…” -- IRVING, Washington. The Crayon Miscellany. Philadelphia: Carey, Lea, & Blanchard, 1835. Volume I only. FIRST STATE. -- And one other. Together, 6 works in 7 volumes, various 12mo and 8vo sizes, most IN ORIGINAL PUBLISHER’S CLOTH, most FIRST EDITION, condition generally fi ne.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $600 - 800
94 [AMERICAN LITERATURE, 20th-CENTURY]. A group of 9 works, including: [AMERICAN LITERATURE, 20th-CENTURY]. A group of 9 works, including: DOS PASSOS, John. Three Soldiers. NY: George H. Doran Company, 1921. With dust jacket [third state with the Stars and Stripes blurb on the front panel]. FIRST STATE with three blanks at front and p.213, line 31 reading “singing.”. -- LONDON, Jack. Tales of the Fish Patrol. London: William Heinemann, 1906. . FIRST ENLISH EDITION, PUBLISHER’S PRESENTATION COPY with blind-stamp on title. BAL 11887. -- RINEHART, Mary Roberts. The Circular Staircase. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Company, September 1908. -- SANDBURG, Carl. Potato Face. NY: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1930. With dust jacket. -- And 4 others. Together, 8 works in 10 volumes, all 8vo, most in original cloth, all FIRST EDITION, condition generally good or fi ne.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $200 - 300
95 [ART HISTORY]. A group of 4 works, comprising: [ART HISTORY]. A group of 4 works, comprising:
MILLER, Henry. Tropic of Capricorn. Paris: The Obelisk Press, [1939]. Original wrappers. -- STEIN, Gertrude. Matisse Picasso and Gertrude Stein. Paris: Plain Edition, [1933]. Original wrappers. LIMITED EDITION, one of 500 copies. -- STEINBECK, John. The Moon is Down. NY: The Viking Press, 1942. With dust jacket. Stated “second printing before publication.” -- Another copy, unclipped dust jacket. Later issue with “By The Haddon Craftsman” on title-page verso and the large period on page 112 removed. -- POST, Wiley and Harold GATTY. Around the World in Eight Days. NY et al: Rand McNally & Company, August 1931. FIRST ISSUE, SIGNED BY POST AND BY GATTY. -- And 5 others. Together, 9 works in 10 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, all in original cloth or wrappers, ALL FIRST EDITION, condition generally good or fi ne. BEWICK, Thomas. A Portfolio of Thomas Bewick Engravings. Chicago: Newberry Library & The Cherryburn Press, 1970. 3 volumes. Numerous wood engraved plates. LIMITED EDITION, one of 150 copies. -- PENNELL, Joseph. Etchers and Etching. NY: The Macmillan Company, 1919. Folio. Numerous plates. Contemporary calf-backed cloth (rebacked preserving portion of original spine). -- NORTHCOTE, James. The Life of Titian. London: Henry Coleburn & Richard Bentley, 1830. 2 volumes. Contemporary half green morocco by Tout. -- BERGER, John. A Painter of Our Time. London: Secker & Warburg, 1958. Original brown wrappers. -- Together, 4 works in 7 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, ALL FIRST EDITIONS, condition generally good.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $400 - 600
96 [ARTIST’S BOOK]. BEARD, Peter (1938-2020). Last Word from Paradise. [New York: International Center of Photography[, 1977.
2 folded broadsides (each sheet approximately 1480 x 1070 mm unfolded). Two large-format folded posters, printed recto and verso, reproducing Beard’s photographic collages and journals. (Some browning to outer “covers,” some chipping to a few margins, with annotations on outer wrapper in red ink: “Catalogue I.C.P. P. B. Nov. 11, 1977”.)
THE RARE CATALOGUE from Beard’s the End of the Game: Last Word From Paradise exhibition, held at the International Center of Photography from 13 November 1977 - 22 January 1978. The show›s design was by Marvin Israel and Kate Morgan, and was mounted to run alongside the release of his photobook, The End of the Game. Beard spent many years in Africa documenting the impact of Western Civilization on African residents and wild life.
[With:] Untitled. Gelatin silver print, 14 x 11 inches. (Some surface dirt, mounted to backing board, tear with small loss upper margin, a few marginal chips.) An historical photograph by an unknown photographer, included by Beard in the 1977 edition (and subsequent editions) of The End of the Game. INSCRIBED BY BEARD in upper left corner. $500 - 700
97 [ARTIST’S BOOK]. BENGSTON, Billy Al (b. 1934). Billy. Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1968. . Los Angeles: Los
Oblong 8vo. Illustrated. Original 100-C and 50-D grit sandpaper covers, upper cover lettered in felt-paper, with pink ribbon bookmark, bound with upper cover lettered in felt-paper, with pink ribbon bookmark, bound with nuts and bolts, supplied by Keystone Bolt & Supply Company.
LIMITED ISSUE, one of 2,500 copies of the catalogue for Bengston’s exhibition at LACMA and the Corcoran Gallery. $500 - 700
98 [ARTIST’S BOOKS]. BRAQUE, Georges (1882-1963). Catalogue de l’oeuvre de Georges Braque, 1916-1957. Paris: Maeght Editeur, 1968-1959.
7 volumes (including one duplicate, and a supplement), square 4to. Illustrated throughout. Ring-bound in original pictorial stamped buckram (spines darkened, some minor staining); supplement in stiff wrappers.
FIRST EDITION of the defi nitive catalogue raisonne of Braque’s works on canvas. Volumes 2-6, comprising: 1924-1927, 1928-1935, 1936-1941, 1942-1947, and 1948-1957; with a duplicate copy of 1936-1941. The supplement includes additional works to be included in the 1948-1957 volume. Without the fi rst volume for the period 1916-1923, which was the last to appear, published in 1973. $600 - 800
99 [ARTIST’S BOOK]. CAGE, John (1912-1992). Rolywholyover, A Circus. New York and Los Angeles: Rizzoli and the Museum of Contemporary Art, 1993. Rolywholyover, A . New York and Los Angeles: Rizzoli and the Museum of
A collection of reprints of documents, specimens and booklets after material found on John Cage’s desk. Loose as issued in original refl ective mirrored metal box lettered on lid (a few tiny light scratches, otherwise fi ne).
A compilation created in conjunction with Cage’s exhibition held at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. “John Cage’s infl uence on the artistic life of the twentieth century can hardly be overestimated” (Richard Koshalek, Director’s Foreword). Cage, best-known as a composer, conceived of the exhibition as a “composition for museum.” ). Cage, best-known as
$100 - 200
100 [ARTIST’S BOOKS]. CHAGALL, Marc (1887-1985). Chagall Lithographe. Vol. III: [Paris]: André Sauret, 1969; another copy; Vol. IV: New York: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1974.
3 volumes, 4to (vols. III & IV only, with a duplicate of vol. III). Text in French or English corresponding with place of publication, 4 original lithographs (dust jackets and frontispieces), numerous reproductions of Chagall’s lithographs. Original cloth; lithograph dust jackets (vol. IV clipped, a few spine ends with soft creases); glassines (slight chipping); board slipcases.
FIRST EDITION IN FRENCH of vol. III; FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH of vols. IV. Includes a duplicate copy of vol. III. $600 - 800
101 [ARTIST’S BOOKS] -- [DERRIÈRE LE MIROIR]. A group of 2 issues, comprising:
CALDER. No. 113. 1959. -- CHAGALL. No. 182. December 1969.
All published Paris: Maeght Éditeur. Each with numerous lithographs and illustrations, loose as issued in original lithographed wrappers. First trade editions, condition generally good. $300 - 400
102 [ARTIST’S BOOKS]. ZERVOS, Christian (1889-1970). Pablo Picasso. Paris: Editions Cahiers d’Art, 1942-1978. 27 volumes (of 34, lacking Vols. 26-31, 33-34, and with Vol. 2 in 2 parts as issued), Folio. Profusion of photographic reproductions. Original wrappers printed in red and black; original glassines (some with chipping, tearing or losses). The standard catalogue raisonne of the artist, with numerous black and white illustrations. [With:] Duplicates of the following volumes: Volume 33 (retaining original shipping box and all wrapping). Provenance: Monsieur Marco Levi Laurenti (shipping label); Volume 32 (retaining original shipping box); Volume 33 (retaining original shipping box, another copy). Property from the Estate of a Renowned Art Dealer, New York City, New York $3,000 - 4,000
103 Pablo Picasso [ARTIST’S BOOK]. RUSCHA, Ed (b. 1937). Course of Empire. N.p.: United States Pavilion, 51st Venice Biennale, 2005. Oblong 8vo. Illustrated. Original wraps. FIRST EDITION, INSCRIBED BY RUSCHA: “Michael Happ ‘Nw’ ‘Yr’ Ed Ruscha.” Ruscha’s ten-painting cycle The Course of Empire, inspired by the Jeffersonian layout of the American Pavilion’s architecture and by Thomas Cole’s painting cycle of the same name, was presented at the 2005 Venice Biennale, and included 5 paintings in color, and 5 in black and white. With a forward by Joan Didion and an essay by Frances Stork. $200 - 300
104 [BIBLE, in English]. The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments, Translated out of the Original Tongues, and with the Former Translations, Diligently Compared and Revised. London: M. Ritchie for J. Wright, 1796.
2 volumes, 4to (295 x 233 mm). (Some light staining, toning, and chipping.) Contemporary red straight-grained morocco gilt, edges gilt (some light wear, corners bumped). Provenance: Mary Smith (early signature); Smith family (several pages of family history, ca late 18th- mid 19th-century); sold Edmund Lloyd, E. Lloyd (bookseller’s ticket);
Ambassador Edward J. Perkins’ Bible. Perkins, a career diplomat, served as U. S. Ambassador to Liberia, South Africa, the United Nations and Australia. He was also director of the United States State Department’s Diplomatic Corps. Perkins served on the Task Force on Religion and the Making of U.S. Foreign Policy, and believed that in diplomacy, “the best way to understand the forces we were up against was to understand the religion.” 105 [BIBLES - AMERICAN]. A group of 7 works, comprising:
WRIGHT, Paul. The New and Complete Life of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Philadelphia: Tertius Dunning & Walter W. Hyer, 1795. -- [BIBLE, in German]. Biblia, das ist: die ganze göttliche Heilige Schrift Alten und Neuen Testaments... Philadelphia: Kimber & Sharpless, ca 1840. -- BURKITT, William. Expository Notes with Practical Observations on the New Testaments. N.p.: n.p., ca 18th century. -- The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments… New York: T. Kinnersley, 1836. Provenance: John C. & Mary G. Kimball, (morocco gilt bookplate). -- The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments... Philadelphia: Bible Association of Friends in America, 1859. -- The Bible in Modern English.... Perkiomen, PA: Perkiomen Press, 1909. -- MERIAN, Matthew. The Complete Story of the Bible in Pictures. New York: Eastern Color Printing Co., n.d. -- Together, 7 works in 7 volumes, folio or smaller, all in leather or cloth. Condition varies, some overall wear.
106 [BIBLES - MANUSCRIPT LEAVES]. BIBLE, in Latin. 3 leaves. [France (Paris?), 13th century].
3 leaves, each 290 x 203mm. On vellum. Double column. Text in a small gothic rotunda script in dark brown ink. With running titles and chapter numbers in alternating red and blue letters with penwork decoration. With eight 2- to 3-line initials alternately in red and blue with penwork marginal extensions. (Some minor staining and wrinkling.)
Property from a West Michigan Collection $1,000 - 1,500 107 [BIBLE LEAVES - IRELAND, SCOTLAND, AND WALES]. A group of 4 Insular Bible leaves, comprising:
New Testament, in Welsh. London, 1567. Title-page, from the fi rst printing of the Bible in Welsh. -- Arbuthnot’s Bible. Edinburgh, 1579. Title-page. -- New Testament, in Irish Gaelic. London, 1602. Title-page, in Gaelic. From the fi rst printing of the New Testament in Irish Gaelic. -- Hart’s Bible. Edinburgh, 1610. Colophon. -- Together, 4 leaves, 394 x 279 mm or smaller, matted (unexamined out of mats.)
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $400 - 600
108 [BIBLIOPHILIC SOCIETIES]. A group of 6 works published by the Caxton Club [BIBLIOPHILIC SOCIETIES]. A group of 6 works published by the Caxton Club or the Grolier Club, including: 109
A Decree of Star Chamber Concerning Printing. Made July 11, 1637. NY, 1884. Publisher’s original vellum wrappers gilt, uncut. Provenance: Robert Woods Bliss (1875-1962) and Mildred Barnes Bliss (1879-1969), co-founders of the Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection in Washington, D.C. (bookplates). LIMITED EDITION, number 78 of 150 copies. -- JOUTEL, Henri. Journal of La Salle’s Last Voyage. Chicago, 1896. LIMITED EDITION, one of 203. -- STEVENSON, Robert Louis. A Lodging for the Night. 1923. LIMITED EDITION, one of 300 copies. -- CHAPIN, Howard M., introduction. Gazette Francoise: A Facsimile Reprint of a Newspaper Printed at Newport on the Printing Press of the French Fleet. NY, 1926. LIMITED EDITION, one of 300 copies. -- And 2 others. Together, 6 works in 6 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, all in original bindings or wrappers, ALL FIRST EDITIONS, condition generally fi ne. CURRIE, Barton. Fishers of Books. Boston, 1931. 2 volumes. LIMITED EDITION, number 164 of 365, SIGNED BY CURRIE. PRESENTATION COPY ADDITIONALLY INSCRIBED BY CURRIE to Lawrence N. Conant -- ORCUTT, William Dana. The Kingdom of Books. Boston, 1927. Provenance: Abel E. Berland (gift inscription). FIRST EDITION, trade issue. -- George Orwell An Exhibition at the Grolier Club… Selections from the Collection of Daniel J. Leab. Washington, CT, 1996. With original compliments letter. -- And 27 others. Together, 30 works in 31 volumes, various 8vo and 12mo sizes, most FIRST EDITIONS, condition generally good or fi ne.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $300 - 400
109 [BIBLIOGRAPHY]. A group 30 works of catalogues, pamphlets, and books, including:
Folio (420 x 302 mm). Half-title, frontispiece and 75 full-page wood engraved plates by Gustave Dore. 19th-century citron morocco, sides with Grolieresque strapwork onlays of green, navy, plum, and purple morocco gilt, spine in 6 compartments with 5 raised bands with morocco onlays to a similar pattern gilt, wide turn-ins gilt, red doublures with gilt concentric rectangle pattern, red watered silk endleaves with all-over gilt fl oral tooling in a diaper pattern, edges gilt, STAMP-SIGNED BY CHATELIN 1868 (some very slight rubbing or soiling); cloth folding case.
Illustrated edition of Dante’s Inferno, with illustrations by Dore which, according to Gordon Ray, employ “perhaps Doré’s subtlest design” (The Art of the French Illustrated Book, 246). Carteret III, 184 (“Un des livres de Dore les plus rares”). IN A FINE 19TH CENTURY BINDING BY ANTOINE CHATELIN. Property from the Collection of Mr. Mark Frank $2,000 - 3,000
111 [BINDINGS] -- [CLEMENS, Samuel Langhorne (“Mark Twain”) (1835-1910).]. JOHNSON, Rossiter, editor-in-chief. Authors Digest the World’s Great Stories in Brief. N.p.: Authors Press, [1908].
20 volumes, 8vo. Original watercolor and ink drawings illuminated in gold in the margins of several leaves, and one pictorial border and initial with hand-coloring in vol.I, numerous color-printed plates. Original half navy crushed levant gilt, spines in 5 compartments with 4 raised bands gilt, giltlettered in 3, the rest with gilt fl oral design with red and green morocco onlays, top edges gilt, others uncut (very slight rubbing to extremities, a few joints starting). “AUTOGRAPH EDITION,” LIMITED EDITION, ONE OF ONLY THIRTY-TWO NUMBERED SETS, this set prepared for Duncan Mackintosh. SIGNED BY CLEMENS in vol. I.
Property Donated to the Friends of the Whitefi sh Bay Public Library, Whitefi sh Bay, Wisconsin $2,000 - 3,000
112 113 113 114
112 112 [BINDING]. DODGSON, Charles Lutwidge (“Lewis Carroll”) (1832-1898). Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. London: Macmillan and Co., 1867.
8vo (178 x 119 mm). Half-title, frontispiece, illustrations by John Tenniel, many with hand-coloring. 20th-century red crushed levant gilt, upper cover with central gilt ornament of Alice holding a rabbit, spine in 6 compartments with 5 raised bands, gilt-lettered in three, the rest gilt decorated, edges gilt, stamp-signed by Whitman Bennett, NY (some slight rubbing, a few faint stains); original covers and spine bound in. Provenance: Eliza Burrell (signature); Sylvia J. Thomson (bookplate). Early English edition (eighth thousand).
Property from a Private Collection, Cincinnati, Ohio $400 - 600
113 [BINDINGS]. FIELDING, Henry (1707-1754). The Works of Henry Fielding. George Saintsbury, editor. London: J.M. Dent & Co., 1893.
12 volumes, 8vo (170 x 104 mm). Frontispieces, titles printed in red and black, illustrations by Herbert Railton and Edward J. Wheeler. Contemporary half green morocco gilt, marbled boards, spines in 5 compartments with 4 raised bands, gilt-lettered in 3, the rest with central gilt bird and fl ower ornaments, top edge gilt, others uncut, partially unopened (some slight rubbing to extremities). $300 - 400
114 [BINDINGS]. RILEY, James Whitcomb (1849-1916). The Works of James Whitcomb Riley. New York: Charles Scribner›s Sons, 1910-1914.
16 volumes, 8vo (188 x 125 mm). Half-titles, frontispieces, titles printed in red and black. Contemporary half brown morocco gilt, green and gilt fl oral boards, spine in 6 compartments with 5 raised bands, gilt-lettered in 2, the rest with central corn ornament gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut and unopened (some slight rubbing, minor toning to extremities). “Homestead edition” of Riley’s works. $200 - 300
115 [BINDING]. GIONO, Jean (1895-1970). Un de Baumugnes. [Paris]: Les Bibliophiles de l’Amérique Latine, 1930. 4to (285 x 233 mm). In-text illustrations after Jacques Thevenet; with an additional suite of the illustrations printed on papier du Chine bound in. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED BY THE ADDITION OF THREE ORIGINAL PENCIL DRAWINGS BY THEVENET, each window-mounted and bound in, one with pen, replicating the illustrations on the title-page, and pp. 59 & 138. Contemporary brown crushed levant, sides decorated in blind starburst pattern, gilt-lettered on spine, top edge gilt, others uncut, suede doublures and endleaves, STAMPSIGNED BY THÉRESE MONCEY AND COCHET; morocco-tipped slipcase and chemise. Provenance: Comte Edgar Marie da Silva Ramos (1890-1945), (limitation statement); tiny collector’s inventory label to verso of fl yleaf. LIMITED EDITION, one of 100 named copies reserved for Bibliophiles de l’Amérique Latine, this being Comte Edgar da Silva Ramos’s copy, of a total edition of 135. A VERY FINE EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED COPY BOUND WITH ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY THEVENET IN A VERY FINE FRENCH BINDING BY THÉRESE MONCEY AND COCHET. $2,000 - 3,000
116 Un de Baumugnes. [Paris]: Les [BINDING]. GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang von (1749-1832). Faust suivi du Second Faust. Gérard Nerval, translator. Paris: Éditions de la Pléiade, 1930. 8vo (236 x 170 mm). Lithographed illustrations after Constant le Breton. Contemporary brown crushed levant, upper cover set with stylized hourglass design with tan levant onlays gilt, lower cover with gilt zodiac design, spine gilt-lettered, top edge gilt, others uncut, wide turn-ins blind-ruled with giltlettered quote: “Et réciproquement | Si je dis à l’instant: «Reste donc! Tu me plais tant.»,” STAMP-SIGNED “F.M.”; original wrappers bound in. LIMITED EDITION, number 657 of 1,000 copies on vélin fabriqué spécialement of a total edition of 1,116. $800 - 1,200
$2,000 - 3,000 Faust suivi du . Gérard Nerval, translator. Paris: Éditions de la Pléiade, 1930.
117 [BINDING]. Histoire d’Aboulhassan Ali Ebn Becar et de Schemselnihar Histoire d’Aboulhassan Ali Ebn Becar et de Schemselnihar. Harlem: De Erven F. Bohn, 1929. Harlem: De Erven F. Bohn, 1929. 118 [BINDING]. RUNEBERG, Johan Ludvig (1804-1877). Nadeschda. Scènes de la [BINDING]. RUNEBERG, Johan Ludvig (1804-1877). Nadeschda. Scènes de la vie russe. Paris: Editions de la Lampe d’Argile, 1924. . Paris: Editions de la Lampe d’Argile, 1924.
4to (279 x 224 mm). Illustrations, many in color, by M. A. J. Bauer. Contemporary blue calf, sides with all-over wave and star pattern, spine gilt-lettered, top edge gilt, others uncut, turn-ins gilt (spine slightly faded); morocco-tipped slipcase; original wrappers bound in. Provenance: A few tiny collector’s inventory labels to front pastedown. 8vo (222 x 152 mm). Engraved plates by Henri Farge. Contemporary tan crushed levant, upper cover set with purple, cream, green and red morocco onlays gilt in an art deco design, spine gilt with red morocco onlays gilt, STAMP-SIGNED BY R. VINCENT; original wrappers bound in.
LIMITED EDITION, number 133 of 250 copies on vélin de rive of a total edition of 280.
119 120
119 [BINDING]. VERHAEREN, Émile Adolphe Gustave (1855-1916). Les Heures Claires. Brussels: Aux Editions du Nord, 1943. 8vo (195 x 160 mm). Illustrations by Pierre Gandon. Contemporary tan and green morocco gilt in an art deco design, upper cover and spine lettered in green, top edge gilt, others uncut, STAMP-SIGNED BY R. VINCENT; original wrappers bound in. LIMITED EDITION, number 3,186 of 5,000 copies. $300 - 500 Les Heures Claires. Brussels: Aux Editions du Nord, 1943.
120 [BINDING]. WARD, Mary Jane. La fosse aux serpents. Mulhouse: Les Heures Claires, 1948.
8vo. 12 lithographs by Vuillermaz after Mariette Lydis, with an additional suite printed in sanguine. 20th-century morocco, covers with a serpentine motif with red snakeskin onlay, spine gilt-lettered with serpentine red snakeskin onlay. Provenance: Tiny collector’s inventory labels to verso of fl yleaf. LIMITED EDITION, number 19 of 100 hors commerce copies with an additional suite of plates printed in sanguine. $400 - 600
121 122 122
121 [BINDING]. WILDE, Oscar (1854-1900). Le Portrait de Dorian Gray. Paris: Société d’éditio ‘Le Livre,’ 1928.
4to (280 x 205 mm). Engraved illustrations after Jean Emile Laboureur. Contemporary brown crushed levant, sides decorated in gilt and blind, spine gilt-lettered, top edge gilt, others uncut, turn-ins gilt (very slight rubbing to corners and spine bands). Provenance: A few tiny collector’s inventory labels to front pastedown. LIMITED EDITION, number 88 of 250 copies on vélin de cuve of a total edition of 280. $600 - 800
122 [BINDINGS]. 2 works in 20th-century French bindings, comprising:
DOMBASLE, Charles de Meixmoron de (1839-1912). Ainsi ma Vie… Paris: Aux Éeiditons de la Caravelle, 1925. 8vo. Contemporary red and blue calf onlays in a checkerboard pattern gilt, spine gilt-lettered, STAMP-SIGNED BY E. VINCENT; morocco-tipped slipcase; original wrappers bound in. LIMITED EDITION, number 41 of 50 copies on Vélin Lafuma.
VERLAINE, Paul. Sagesse. Paris: Société Française d’Éditions Littéraires et Techniques, 1929. 8vo. Engravings by Eugéne Carriére. Contemporary green vellum, cream morocco, gilt, and silver art deco design wrapping around spine and boards STAMP-SIGNED BY L. WOLF (some light wear to foot of spine and slight soiling); green vellum-tipped slipcase; original wrappers bound in. $400 - 600
123 [BINDINGS]. ROLLIN, Charles (1661-1747) and J. B. L. CREVIER. Histoire Romaine Depuis la Fondation de Rome Jusqu’a la Bataille d’Actium. Paris: Veuve Estienne, 1769.
16 volumes, 12mo (166 x 96 mm). Contemporary French mottled calf, spines gilt, tan leather lettering-pieces gilt, edges stained red (slight rubbing to extremities and tiny wormholes to a few volumes). Provenance: Ladisl. Com. a. Kollonitz Epis. M. Varad. (bookplate); Bibliothek Forster (stamps, shelfmarks). A new edition of Rollin’s popular history of Rome. $300 - 400
124 124
124 [BINDINGS.] ROULE, Louis (1961-1942). Les Poissons et le Monde Vivant des Eaux. Paris: Librairie Delagrave, 1926-1937. 125
10 volumes, 8vo (243 x 161 mm). Illustrated. Contemporary tree calf gilt, marbled boards, spines in 6 compartments with 5 raised bands, red leather letting-pieces gilt in 2, the rest with gilt fi sh tools, top edge stained red, others uncut (some light rubbing to extremities).
FIRST EDITION. PRESENTATION COPY, INSCRIBED BY ROULE: “Bien cordial souvenir de sympathique intime. Dr. Louis Roule.”
[With:] FABRE, Jean Henri (1823-1915). Souvenirs Entomologiques . Etudes sur l›Instinct et les Moeurs des Insectes. Paris: Librairie Delagrave, 1924. 10 volumes, 8vo (243 x 162 mm). Illustrated. Uniformly bound with the preceding in contemporary tree calf gilt, marbled boards, spines in 6 compartments with 5 raised bands, red morocco letting-pieces gilt in 2, the rest with gilt butterfl y tools, top edge stained red, others uncut (some light rubbing to spines). $300 - 400
125 [BINDINGS]. A group of 12 works in French fi nely bound, including:
THIERS, M.A. Histoire de la Revolution Française. Brussels: Société Typographique Belge, 1840. 2 volumes. 19th-century half calf gilt, diaper-patterned purple cloth, spines elaborately gilt. -- GOMARD, A. -J. -J. Possellier. La Theorie de.: Militaire de J. Dumaine, 1845. 19th century brown crushed levant gilt, stamp-signed by Bretault. -- GUIZOT, M. L’Histoire de France. Librairie Hachette, 1872-1876. 5 volumes. Contemporary half red morocco gilt, marbled boards, spines elaborately gilt decorated with 5 raised bands, top edge gilt. -- KOCK, Charles Paul de. The Works. London et al: The Frederick J. Quinby Company, 1903. 2 volumes. Contemporary navy crushed levant gilt, fl oral gilt with red morocco onlays to spines and sides, stamp-signed by the Harcourt Bindery. -- FLAUBERT, Gustave. La Tentation De Saint Antoine; Premieres Oeuvres 183..-1842; Bouvard et Pécuchet; Par les Champs et Par les Greves. Librairie de France, 1922, 1923, 1923, 1924. 4 works in 4 volumes. Later half brown morocco gilt, marbled boards. -- And 3 others. Together, 12 works in 18 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, most published in Paris, all illustrated, most in contemporary half morocco gilt, some with original printed wrappers bound in, several LIMITED EDITION, condition generally fi ne. Complete list available upon request. $300 - 400
126 [BINDINGS] -- [EASTON PRESS]. A group of 50 works in 51 volumes published by the Easton Press, Including:
126 127 128
LEWIS, Meriwether (1774-1809) and William CLARK (1770-1838). The Journals of the Expedition under the Command of Capts. Lewis and Clark. 1962. 2 vols. COLLECTORS EDITION. -- DOSTOEVSKY, Fydor (1821-1881). Crime and Punishment. 1966. -- MILTON, John (1608-1674). Paradise Lost. 1976. -- HUXLEY, Aldous (1864-1963). Brave New World. 1978. -- HAMILTON, Alexander (1755-1804), James MADISON (1751-1836), and John JAY (1745-1829). The Federalist or the New Constitution. 1979. COLLECTORS EDITION. -- SHAKESPEARE, William (1564-1616). The Tragedies of William Shakespeare. 1980. -- DOYLE, Arthur Conan (18591930). The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. 1981. -- And 43 more. -- Together 50 works in 51 volumes, all in original leather bindings, edges gilt, condition fi ne. Complete list available upon request. $400 - 600
127 [BINDINGS] -- [EASTON PRESS]. A group of 52 works published by the Easton Press, including:
LONDON, Jack (1876-1916). White Fang. 1973. -- CLEMENS, Samuel (1835-1910). The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. 1975. LIMITED EDITION. -- HAWTHORNE, Nathanial (1804-1864). The Scarlet Letter. 1975. LIMITED EDTION. -- DARWIN, Charles (1809-1882). On the Origin of Species. 1976. -- DODGESON, Charles Lutwidge “Lewis Carroll.,”. (1832-1898). Alice’s Adventure’s in Wonderland. 1977. -- WHITMAN, Walt (1819-1892). Leaves of Grass. 1977. -- DICKENS, Charles. Great Expectations. 1979. -- And 45 more. -- Together, 52 works in 52 volumes, all in original leather bindings, edges gilt, condition fi ne. Complete list available upon request. $400 - 600
128 [BINDINGS] -- [EASTON PRESS]. A group of 51 works in 52 volumes published by the Easton Press, including:
CONFUCIUS (551 BCE – 479 BCE). The Analects of Confucius. 1976. -- MELVILLE, Herman (1819-1891). Moby Dick. 1977. -- ALIGHIERI, Dante (1265-1321). The Divine Comedy. 1978. -- BRONTE, Charlotte (1816-1855). Jane Eyre. 1978. -- HOMER (ca. 750 BCE). The Odyssey. 1978. -- St. Augustine of HIPPO (354-430). The Confessions of Saint Augustine. 1979. -- KIPLING, Rudyard (1865-1936). The Jungle Books. 1980. -- And 44 more. -- Together, 51 works in 52 volumes, all in original leather bindings, edges gilt, condition fi ne. Complete list available upon request. $400 - 600
129 BOSWELL, James (1740-1795). An Account of Corsica, the Journal of a Tour to that Island; and Memoirs of Pascal Paoli. Glasgow: Robert and Andrew Foulis for Edward and Charles Dilly, 1768.
8vo (195 x 125 mm). Half-title, engraved vignette on title-page, D2, E2 and Z3 are cancellans, with fi nal blank; engraved folding map (short tear to fold). Contemporary calf (neatly rebacked preserving old spine label and endpapers). Provenance: Abel E. Berland (bookplate).
FIRST EDITION, of the work which secured Boswell’s place in London’s literary and political circles, with the map in the fi rst state. ESTC T26157; Gaskell 473; Pottle 24; Rothschild 442.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $400 - 600
131 [BRITISH LITERATURE]. A group of 8 works by William HAZLITT (1778-1830), [BRITISH LITERATURE]. A group of 8 works by William HAZLITT (1778-1830), William McFEE (1881-1966), and Lord Alfred TENNYSON (1809-1892), including:
TENNYSON. Maud, and Other Poems. Edward Moxon, 1855. -- McFEE. Letters from an Ocean Tramp. 1908. Custom half morocco chemise and slipcase by James MacDonald Co. Provenance: Katharine de Berkeley Parsons (bookplate). FIRST STATE BINDING, PRESENTATION COPY, INSCRIBED BY McFEE. -- HAZLITT. Lectures on the English Comic Writers. Taylor & Hessey, 1819. Later half green morocco gilt by Tout. -- And 5 others. Together, 8 works in 8 volumes, most published in London, all 8vo, most in original cloth, ALL FIRST EDITION, condition generally good.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $200 - 300 130 BOSWELL, James (1740-1795). The Life of Samuel Johnson. London: Henry Baldwin for Charles Dilly, 1791.
2 volumes, 4to (277 x 216 mm). Engraved portrait frontispiece of Johnson by James Heath after Sir Joshua Reynolds, 2 engraved plates of facsimiles by H. Shepherd. (Vol. I title-page reinforced at gutter, some light soiling, a few tiny mostly marginal wormholes, marginal tear with loss not affecting text to [X3] in vol. II.) Contemporary speckled calf, spine in 6 compartments with 5 raised bands gilt, red and black leather lettering-pieces gilt (re-backed preserving original boards, joints cracking, some light chipping); brown cloth slipcase. Provenance: Abel E. Berland (bookplates).
FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE of the most celebrated biography in the English language, with “give” on p.135 of Vol.I -, the initial blank in vol. II, and all 7 cancels. 1,750 copies of the fi rst edition were printed. “Homer is not more decidedly the fi rst of heroic poets, Shakespeare is not more decidedly the fi rst of the dramatists, Demosthenes is not more sensibly the fi rst of orators, than Boswell is the fi rst of biographers” (Macaulay). Boswell’s great biography of his friend, author Dr. Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) was published 16 May 1791 and achieved immediate critical acclaim. It has not been out of print since. ESTC T64481; Grolier English 65; Rothschild 463; Tinker 338.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $1,500 - 2,500 $1,500 - 2,500
132 132 [BRITISH LITERATURE]. A group of 11 works, including: [BRITISH LITERATURE]. A group of 11 works, including:
WILSON, Romer. Red Magic. Kay Nielsen, illustrator. NY, 1931. Dust jacket. -- THACKERAY, William Makepeace. Vanity Fair. 1848. Later polished calf gilt. FIRST EDITION IN BOOK FORM, FIRST ISSUE. -- DOYLE, A. Conan. The Adventures of Gerard. NY, 1903. -- GOLDSMITH, Oliver. Essays. W. Griffi n, 1765. Contemporary calf (rebacked). -- PHILLPOTTS, Eden. Children of the Mist. 1898. Provenance: Whitaker Wright (1846-1904), fi nancier and swindler, gifted to; Clara Hubbard (gift inscription). 2 pp. ALS by author, January 1928 and newspaper clipping regarding Wright laid in. -- And 6 others. Together, 11 works in 11 volumes, most published in London, various 8vo and 12mo sizes, many illustrated, most in original cloth gilt or stamped, most FIRST EDITION, condition generally good.
133 BROWNING, Robert (1812-1889). The Ring and The Book. London: Smith, Elder, 1868-1869.
4 volumes, 8vo. 1p. publisher’s advertisements at the end of vol. I. (A few minor spots.) Publisher’s dark green cloth over beveled boards gilt and stamped in black (spines darkened, some light wear vol. IV with some light chipping to spine ends); slipcase. Provenance: Edward Hubert Litchfi eld (bookplates); Morse Peckham (bookplates).
FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE, with vol. I and III lettered in roman numerals and 2 and 4 in Arabic numerals on the spines. Containing 21,000 lines of blank verse, The Ring and the Book is Browning’s psychological epic, is the most extensive use of the dramatic monologue. Sterling 89; Tinker 425; Wise Browning, pp. 27-28.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $800 - 1,200
134 CAMDEN, William. Britain or a Chorographicall Description of the Most Flourishing Kingdomes.
Folio (326 x 220 mm). Engraved title-page, 57 engraved maps (56 double-page) by William Kip and William Hole after Christopher Saxton, John Norden, or George Owen, numerous illustrations. (Some overall browning and staining, worming to lower margin affecting a few maps, a few small holes.) Contemporary calf (worn, spine defective).
Camden’s work was fi rst published in Latin in 1586, but the work did not include maps until the sixth edition in Latin of 1607. ESTC S121328
$1,000 - 1,500
until the sixth edition in Latin of 1607. ESTC S121328
$1,000 - 1,500
135 [CHATTERTON, Thomas (“Thomas Rowley”) (1752-1770).] Poems, Supposed to have been written at Bristol, by Thomas Rowley, and Others. London: T. Payne & Son, 1777.
8vo (226 x 141 mm). Engraved heraldic plate by I. Strutt. (Some spotting and marginal chipping, short tear on K1 with old repair.) Original blue-grey boards, uncut (modern rebacking, some staining and chipping); folding case. Provenance: A. Simpson (early signature, 1777); David and Lulu Borowitz (bookplate).
FIRST EDITION IN ORIGINAL BOARDS, with C4 in cancelled state with the words “and were probably composed by him” omitted. Published as the fi ctitious 15thcentury poet Thomas Rowley, Chatterton’s work infl uenced several of the most prominent Romantic poets including Coleridge, Keats, Shelley, and Wordsworth. ESTC N70222; Hayward 188; Rothschild 589.
136 CHESTERFIELD, Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfi eld (1694-1773). Letters Written by the Late Right Honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfi eld, to His Son. London: J. Dodsley, 1774; 1774; 1787.
3 volumes, 4to (276 x 219 mm), including Supplement. Half-titles, engraved portrait frontispiece, errata at end of vol. II. (Some minor offsetting and spotting, pale dampstaining to a few leaves.) Vols. I and II: contemporary calf gilt; vol. III: modern polished calf gilt (vols. I and II: neatly rebacked and recornered, some light rubbing and darkening to extremities; cloth slip-case. Provenance: Henry J. Spooner? (early ownership signature). FIRST EDITIONS, FIRST ISSUES, with the misprint “quia uroit” on p. 55 of Vol. I. WITH THE RARE SUPPLEMENT. Containing 30 years of correspondence from 1737 to 1768, Lord Chesterfi eld wrote more than 400 letters to his son Philip Stanhope (1732-1768). The letters were published posthumously by his son’s widow, and Samuel Johnson remarked that the letters “teach the morals of a whore and the manners of a dancingmaster.” (See Boswell, Life of Johnson, 1754.) Rothschild 596.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $500 - 700
137 CHURCHILL, Winston Leonard Spencer, Sir (1874-1965). The Second World War. London, et al: Cassell and Co., Ltd., 1948-1954.
6 volumes, 8vo. Author’s note and errata tipped in to vol. I, numerous maps, charts, and facsimiles. Original black cloth, top edge stained red (covers to vol. II bowed, light spotting to a few edges); original dust jackets (spines darkened, most volumes priceclipped, some chipping and minor losses); folding case. Provenance: Sold Chas. J. Sawyer Ltd., (bookseller slip laid-in ).
FIRST ENGLISH TRADE EDITION of Churchill’s monumental history, with the imprint reading “London, Toronto, Melbourne, Sydney, Wellington.” The First English Edition is dated 1948-1954 (as is the present set), while the First American Edition is dated 1948-1953. Woods A123(b).
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $300 - 400
137 CHURCHILL, Winston Leonard Spencer, Sir (1874-1965). The Second World War
138 CLEMENS, Samuel Langhorne (“Mark Twain”) (1835-1910). Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. New York: Charles L. Webster and Company, 1885.
Square 8vo (213 x 165 mm). Half-title, lithographic frontispiece by E. W. Kemble, photographic portrait frontispiece of the bust of Mark Twain by Karl Gerhardt (BAL state 1), numerous illustrations. (Some minor spotting or staining.)Publisher’s original green pictorial cloth gilt, stamped in black (front hinge starting or separated, some wear and staining to extremities). Provenance: Dennis H. Miller (contemporary signature on rear pastedown).
FIRST AMERICAN EDITION, third issue, with the following issue points: the frontispiece in the third state; the title leaf in the third state; second state of p. 13 with “Him and Another Man” plate listed as being on p. 87 where it appears; second state of p. 57 with “saw”; fourth state of p. 283; with fi nal blank 23/8. BAL 3415. $800 - 1,200
8vo (204 x 128 mm). Half-title. (Lacking 4pp. advertisements, a few tiny spots.) 20th-century teal crushed levant gilt, edges gilt, stamp-signed by Sangorski & Sutcliffe (some very slight fading). Provenance: Paul Francis Webster (19071984), American lyricist (morocco bookplate; his sale, Sotheby’s New York, 24 April 1985, lot 17).
FIRST EDITION, containing the fi rst printings of three of Coleridge’s most celebrated poems. Coleridge began writing “Christabel” as early as 1803. “Kubla Khan,” which Coleridge composed one night after he experienced an opium-infl uenced dream in 1797, could not be completed according to his original plan; while writing, Coleridge was interrupted by “a person from Porlock,” and the interruption caused him to forget the lines. He would read the poem periodically to the Wordsworths, Lord Byron, and other friends, and in April 1816, Byron persuaded him to publish the visionary Kubla Khan and Christabel. Ashley I, p.204; Grolier English 70; Hayward 207; Tinker 693; Wise Coleridge 32.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $800 - 1,200
140 COLERIDGE, Samuel Taylor (1772-1834). Sibylline Leaves: A Collection of Poems. London: Rest Fenner, 1817.
8vo (215 x 130 mm). (Lacking half-title, a few stains.) Contemporary calf (rebacked, with repairs to hinges and spine). Provenance: John Wordsworth (1805-1839), nephew of William Wordsworth (signature on verso of fl yleaf).
FIRST EDITION, with several of Coleridge’s best-known works, including “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” “Fears in Solitude,” “The Eolian Harp,” “The Nightingale,” “Dejection,” and “France.” John Evans & Co. abandoned a project to print a two-volume edition of Biographia Literaria and Sibylline Leaves in 1815. Fenner acquired the sheets, printed preliminaries, and issued this work in 1817; thus, «Vol. II» appears on several leaves throughout the text. Ashley I, p.206; Tinker 697; Wise Coleridge, 45.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $500 - 700
141 CONRAD, Joseph (1857-1924). A group of 4 works, including:
An Outcast of the Islands. 1896. Provenance: Hugh Sutherland (bookplate); Wilson Collection (stamp); acquired from Zeitlin & Ver Brugge Booksellers, Los Angeles. FIRST ISSUE. Cagle A2a(1). -- The Children of the Sea. NY, 1897. Provenance: Barton Wood Currie (1877-1962) American journalist and book collector (bookplate). -- The Nigger of the “Narcissus.” A Tale of the Sea. 1898. Cagle A3c(1). -- Typhoon and Other Stories. 1903. 20th century blue polished calf gilt by Bayntun. -- Together, 4 works in 4 volumes, most published in London, most published by William Heinemann, various 8vo sizes, most in original bindings, ALL FIRST EDITION or FIRST ENGLISH EDITION, condition generally fi ne.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $400 - 600
143 [CRUIKSHANK, George, illustrator]. CAREY, David (1782-1824). Life in Paris. London: for John Fairburn, 1822. 8vo (214 x 131 mm). Half-title, “To the Binder” leaf at end; engraved title, engraved frontispiece, and 20 engraved plates all with hand-coloring. (Some minor spotting or offsetting.) 20th-century green crushed levant gilt, edges gilt, stamp-signed by Riviere & Son. Provenance: Thomas Gullan? (faded signature on half-title). FIRST EDITION. Abbey Travel 112; Tooley 129. Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $300 - 400 Life in Paris London: for John Fairburn, 1822.
$300 - 400
145 [CRUIKSHANK, George (1792-1878)]. A group of 3 works about Cruikshank, [CRUIKSHANK, George (1792-1878)]. A group of 3 works about Cruikshank, comprising: comprising:
THACKERAY, William Makepeace. On the Genius of George Cruikshank. London, 1884. EXTRA ILLUSTRATED. Contemporary maroon morocco gilt, stamp-signed by Morrell. Later edition. [Bound with:] The Political “A, Apple-Pie.” London, 1820. Twenty-fifth edition. -- INGLIS, Henry David. Rambles in the Footsteps of Don Quixote. London, 1837. Illustrated by Cruikshank. Later polished calf gilt stamp-signed by Root & Son. FIRST EDITION. -- BLANCHARD, Laman, editor. George Cruikshank’s Omnibus. London, 1842. Illustrated by Cruikshank. Later blue half morocco gilt. FIRST EDITION IN BOOK FORM. -- Together, 3 works in 3 volumes, each with the bookplate of Alfred Brendan Taylor, condition generally fine. $300 - 400 144 [CRUIKSHANK, George (1792-1878)]. JERROLD, William Blanchard (18261884). The Life of George Cruikshank in Two Epochs. London: Chatto and The Life of George Cruikshank in Two Epochs. London: Chatto and Windus, 1882.
2 volumes, 8vo (188 x 120 mm). Half-titles, frontispieces, illustrated title-pages, illustrated throughout; EXTRA ILLUSTRATED by the addition of approximately 101 portraits plates, and facsimiles, many with hand-coloring. (Some light spotting.) 20th-century red morocco gilt, front covers with facsimile signatures gilt, spines in 6 compartments with 5 raised bands, giltlettered in 2, the rest with fi gures after Cruikshank gilt, top edges gilt, others uncut, stamp-signed by Sangorski & Sutcliffe (some light scuffi ng).
FIRST EDITION of the defi nitive biography of Cruikshank. $500 - 700 $500 - 700
146 DICKENS, Charles (1812-1870). The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick DICKENS, Charles (1812-1870). The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. London: Chapman and Hall, 1837. . London: Chapman and Hall, 1837.
8vo (208 x 128 mm). 43 engraved plates by Hablot Knight Browne (“Phiz”), Robert William Buss, and Robert Seymour (including engraved frontispiece and additional engraved vignette title-page). (Lacking half-title, some minor spotting.) 20th-century calf gilt, red and green morocco lettering-pieces gilt, edges gilt, stamp-signed by RIVIERE & SON (spine sunned).
FIRST EDITION IN BOOK FORM, text with most of the fi rst issue points listed in Smith, this copy without signature E on p.25, but with “inde-licate” corrected on p.341. With most plates in Smith’s fi rst state. Gimbel A15; Grolier English78; Smith I:3. $500 - 700
147 DICKENS, Charles (“Boz”) (1812-1870). Master Humphrey’s Clock By Master Humphrey’s Clock By “Boz.” London: Chapman and Hall, 4 April 1840 - 27 November 1841. London: Chapman and Hall, 4 April 1840 - 27 November 1841.
88 weekly parts, 8vo (267 x 180 mm). Three frontispieces and numerous wood engravings in the text by George Cattermole, Hablot K. Browne and others. (Some soiling and chipping, a few soft creases.) Original pictorial printed white self-wrappers, uncut (some chipping and light soiling, a few leaves becoming detached); green cloth slipcase and chemise.
FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE, IN THE ORIGINAL 88 WEEKLY PARTS. With preliminaries (frontispiece, title-page, and Preface) for the three volume edition present in numbers 26, 52, and 88; addresses by the author in parts 9, 80-83, and 87; a tipped in advertisement to pt. 62 for Chambers’s Journal of Literature, Poetry, Biography, and Adventure. Each weekly part was issued as a single folded sheet of 16 pages, 4 of which formed the outer wrapper around 12 numbered pages of letterpress. “Of the four issues the weekly one is diffi cult to obtain in a clean condition and is therefore the costliest” (Eckel). All 88 parts include front wrappers with an engraved design by George Cattermole which was engraved in wood by E. Landells. One of the fi rst works to be published in both weekly and monthly parts, a strategy which proved unsuccessful. Eckel, pp. 61-65; Hatton & Cleaver, pp. 161-182.
$500 - 700
One of the fi rst works to be published in both weekly and monthly parts, a strategy which proved unsuccessful. Eckel, pp. 61-65; Hatton & Cleaver, pp. 161-182. $500 - 700 149 DICKENS, Charles (“Boz”) (1812-1870). Little Dorrit. London: Bradbury and Evans, December 1855 - June 1857. 150 DICKENS, Charles (“Boz”) (1812-1870). Our Mutual Friend. London: Chapman and Hall, May 1864 - November 1865.
149 DICKENS, Charles (“Boz”) (1812-1870). Little Dorrit. London: Bradbury and Evans, December 1855 - June 1857. 148 DICKENS, Charles (“Boz”) (1812-1870). The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit. Hablot Knight Browne (“Phiz”) (1815-1882), illustrator. London: Chapman and Hall, 1844. The Life and Adventures of Martin
8vo (213 x 131 mm). Half-title, etched frontispiece, additional etched vignette title-page, 38 (of 38) etched plates by Browne. (Some spotting or staining, some toning to plates, some minor chipping with a one or two old repairs to a few plates.) Early 20th-century calf with gilt, spine in 6 compartments with 5 raised bands, red and green morocco lettering-pieces gilt, edges gilt, stamp-signed by Root & Son (some minor rubbing, bookplate removed from endpaper).
FIRST EDITION IN BOOK FORM, second issue with the signpost reading “£100,” and the 14-line errata. Eckel pp. 71-73; Hatton & Cleaver, pp. 185224; Smith I: 7. $300 - 400
150 DICKENS, Charles (“Boz”) (1812-1870). Our Mutual Friend. London: Chapman and Hall, May 1864 - November 1865.
20 parts in 19, 8vo (222 x 142 mm). Half-title in pt. 11, with 40 (of 40) etched plates (including frontispiece and additional title-page) by Hablot Knight Browne (“Phiz”). (Some staining or toning, some chipping, plates browned.) Original blue-green pictorial wrappers (a few wrappers detached, Part I soiled and with losses, some overall chipping, front wrapper to Part 3 supplied with part number updated in ink, repairs to spines). 20 parts in 19, 8vo (223 x 138 mm). Half-titles, frontispiece and 39 woodengraved plates after Marcus Stone by Dalziel and W.T. Green. (Some staining.) Original green pictorial printed wrappers (several parts rebacked, a few covers becoming detached, some browning, chipping and staining); cloth slipcase and chemise. Provenance: Frank Cotton (early signature on pt. 1); M. Carr (signature on pts. 2 & 5).
FIRST EDITION IN ORIGINAL MONTHLY PARTS, VIRTUALLY COMPLETE WITH ADVERTISEMENTS AND INSERTED SLIPS, fi rst issue of part 15, with character name “Rigaud” rather than “Blandois” on pages 469, 470, 472, and 474 and the subsequent correction slip in part 16. “Little Dorrit Advertiser” present throughout, all of the inserted advertisements as called for by Hatton and Cleaver, with the following exceptions: additional advertisements not called for in parts 2 and 9; lacking 12pp. front ads in parts 3 and 15; lacking rear ads in parts 2, 3, 5, 11, 15, and 17; lacking one ad in part 6. $500 - 700 FIRST EDITION IN ORIGINAL MONTHLY PARTS, fi rst issue of part 1 without the printer’s imprint on front wrapper, and with the scarce slip addressed to the reader. The “Our Mutual Friend Advertiser” in each part and other inserted advertisements as listed in Hatton and Cleaver with the following exceptions: a few parts with different advertisements on inner rear wrapper; lacking a portion of the Advertiser in part 14; with additional rear ad in part 2; Mappin ad in part 17 printed on white paper (rather than green or yellow), and in part 19/20 printed on yellow paper (rather than green). Our Mutual Friend was Dickens’ fourteenth, and final, completed novel. Eckel, pp. 94-5; Hatton & Cleaver, pp. 343-370; Yale/Gimbel A149. $300 - 400
151 DICKENS, Charles (1812-1870). The Mystery Of Edwin Drood. London: The Mystery Of Edwin Drood. London: Chapman and Hall, April-September 1870.
One volume bound from 6 original parts (222 x 138 mm). Engraved portrait frontispiece by J.H. Baker from a photograph, engraved title after Luke Fildes, 12 wood-engraved plates by Dalziel, C. Roberts and others after Fildes. (A few minor spots, slight toning.) Late 19th-century brown morocco gilt, stamp-signed by Henderson & Bisset (spine sunned, slight wear);original blue-green pictorial wrappers bound in.
FIRST EDITION, BOUND FROM THE ORIGINAL PARTS, with all covers and ads as listed in Hatton and Cleaver including the scarce “Cork Hat” ad, with the following exceptions: part 4 lacking Chapman & Co. 2pp. ad; part 5 lacking Chapman & Hall’s ad dated 31st July 1870 and Chapman & Co.’s 4pp. slip; pt. 6 lacking 4pp. Wilcox & Gibbs ad. Dickens only completed 6 parts of this work before his death, with only 3 being published while he was alive, leaving readers in suspense regarding the outcome of the tale (Hatton & Cleaver, p. 373). Eckel pp. 96-98; Hatton and Cleaver pp. 373-384; Gimbel A154.
$300 - 400
Cleaver, p. 373). Eckel pp. 96-98; Hatton and Cleaver pp. 373-384; Gimbel 152 [DICKENS, Charles (1812-1870)]. FORSTER, John (1812-1876). The Life of Charles Dickens. London: Chapman and Hall, 1872-1874. The Life of
6 volumes (3 volumes in 6 parts), 8vo (212 x 133 mm). 3 half-titles, portrait frontispieces, illustrated throughout; EXTRA ILLUSTRATED by the addition of approximately 196 portraits and plates, and with 5 printed wrappers bound in for monthly issues of Pickwick Papers, Nicholas Nickleby, Dombey and Son, Our Mutual Friend, Martin Chuzzlewit. (Some spotting and staining, some light offsetting.) Contemporary red straight-grained morocco gilt top edge gilt, others uncut, stamp-signed by Riviere & Son (some light wear to extremities).
FIRST EDITION of this biography of Dickens, written by his friend, literary agent, editor, and literary executor John Forster. Following Dickens’ death, Forster was left the manuscripts for many of Dickens’ novels, which are now in the Victoria and Albert Museum.
$1,000 - 1,500
153 [DICKENS, Charles]. KITTON, Frederick George (1856-1904). Dickens and His Illustrators. London: George Redway, 1899.
4to (278 x 222 mm). 68 plates (of 69, lacking plate XIV). (Some minor spotting and chipping.) Modern half calf gilt top edge gilt, others uncut (a few gatherings becoming detached, some staining and wear).
Second Edition of Kitton’s work including illustrations by the illustrators of Dickens’ works, including George Cattermole, George Cruikshank, John Leech, Hablot Knight Browne “Phiz,” Marcus Stone, and Sir John Tenniel.
[With:] CRUIKSHANK, George (1792-1878). The Comic Almanack. First Series, 1835-1843. --Second Series, 1844-1853. London: John Camden Hotten, 1835-1853. 4 volumes, 8vo (185 x 120 mm). Engraved title-page vignette in vol. I, numerous illustrations(Some toning and spotting.) 20thcentury half green morocco, gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut, stamp-signed by Root & Son (some spotting and light wear). $200 - 300 154 DICKENS, Charles (1812-1870). The Works of Charles Dickens. Andrew Lang, editor. 34 volumes. [Uniformly bound with:] FORSTER, John (18121876). The Life of Charles Dickens. 2 volumes. London & New York: Chapman & Hall, Ld. & Charles Scribner’s Sons, [1897-1899], 1904.
Together 36 volumes, 8vo (203 x 138 mm). Engraved frontispieces and title-pages, titles-pages printed in red and blank, numerous engraved plates. (Some spotting and occasional chipping.) 20th-century half brown morocco gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut, stamp-signed by H. Sotheran & Co. (some minor staining).
The ”Gadshill Edition” of Dickens’ works with Forster’s defi nitive biography of Dickens.
$600 - 800
155 DICKENS, Charles (1812-1870). A group of 3 works, including:
The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. London: Chapman and Hall, 1839. Later half calf gilt. Eckel, pp.64-66; Smith I:5. -- Dealings with the Firm of Dombey and Son. London: Bradbury and Evans, 1848. Later half green morocco gilt. -- Bleak House. London: Bradbury & Evans, 1853. Half-title. Later half brown morocco gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut. Gimbel A154; Smith I:10. -- Together, 3 works in 3 volumes, all 8vo, all with illustrations by Hablot K. Browne (“Phiz”), ALL FIRST EDITIONS IN BOOK FORM, condition generally fi ne. $300 - 400 156 DICKENS, Charles (1812-1870). A group of 5 works, including:
American Notes for General Circulation. NY: Harper & Brothers, 1842. Original wrappers; slipcase. -- The Battle of Life. --The Haunted Man and The Ghost’s Bargain. London: Bradbury & Evans, 1846, 1848. 2 volumes. Uniform later maroon half leather gilt. -- American Notes 1842. N.p.: Westvaco Corporation, 1970. Original cloth and board slipcase. LIMITED EDITION. -- The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. NY: Hurst & Co., ca 1848. Publisher’s green cloth. -- Together, 5 works in 5 volumes, various 8vo and 12mo sizes, most FIRST EDITIONS, most illustrated, condition generally good. $200 - 300
157 DICKENS, Charles (1812-1870). A group of 3 editions of The Posthumous DICKENS, Charles (1812-1870). A group of 3 editions of The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club and related works, comprising:Papers of the Pickwick Club and related works, comprising: 158 [DICKENS, Charles (1812-1870)]. A group of 8 works about Dickens and his
The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. ALDIN, Cecil, illustrator. London: Chapman & Hall Ld. and Lawrence & Jellicoe, Ltd., 1910. 2 volumes. 20th-century half maroon calf gilt. First edition illustrated by Aldin. –-- The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. NY & Chicago: Butler Brothers, Incorporated, n.d. Publisher’s green cloth. Provenance: S.J. Puckett (early gift inscription); Peggy Timberlake (gift inscription, 1937). -- FITZGERALD, Percy Heatherington. The History of Pickwick. London by Chapman and Hall, Limited, 1891. Contemporary half calf gilt, stamp-signed by Morrel. FIRST EDITION. -- Together, 3 works in 4 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, condition generally good. $300 - 400 158 [DICKENS, Charles (1812-1870)]. A group of 8 works about Dickens and his life, including:
BAKER, George Pierce, ed. Charles Dickens and Maria Beadnell (“Dora”) Private Correspondence. Saint Louis, MO: Privately printed for William K. Bixby, 1908. Publisher’s half vellum gilt. Provenance: Mrs. H.C. Scott (contemporary gift inscription). INSCRIBED BY THE PUBLISHER. -- LANGTON, Robert. The Childhood and Youth of Charles Dickens. London: Hutchinson & Co., 1891. Publisher’s tan cloth gilt. LIMITED EDITION, number 180 of 300 copies SIGNED BY THE PUBLISHER. 7 etchings related to Dickens laid in. -- FORSTER, John. The Life of Charles Dickens. NY: The Baker & Taylor Company, 1911. 2 volumes. Contemporary dark green half morocco gilt by Stikeman & Co. “Memorial edition.”. -- WHIPPLE, Edwin Percy. Charles Dickens The Man and His Work. Boston & NY: Houghton Miffl in Company, 1912. 2 volumes. Contemporary half brown morocco gilt by The Riverside Press. LIMITED EDITION, number 331 of 550 copies. -- SMITH, Francis Hopkinson. In Dickens’ London. NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1914. Publisher’s half cloth. -- And 3 others. Together, 8 works in 11 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, many illustrated, most FIRST EDITIONS, condition generally good or fi ne. $300 - 400
159 [DICKINSON, Emily (1830-1886).] “Success.” In: A Masque of Poets. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1878. 8vo. Original black decorated cloth gilt and stamped in red (some wear, some soiling, rear joint cracked; front hinge starting); black cloth folding case, red leather lettering-piece gilt to spine. Provenance: Charles Purrington (stamp). FIRST EDITION, containing one of the only lifetime publications of the author. Also including works by Louisa May Alcott, Sidney Clopton Lanier, Rose Hawthorne Lathrop, James Russell Lowell, Christina Georgina Rossetti, and Celia Thaxter. Property from a Private Collection, Evanston, IL $500 - 700 A Masque of Poets
161 DICKINSON, Emily (1830-1886). Poems by Emily Dickinson Edited by Two of Her Friends Second Series. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1892.
8vo. 3pp. facsimile in the Second Series. (Some light toning, a few short tears not affecting text.) Original gray cloth gilt, top edge gilt (some light wear to extremities and light soiling).
FIRST EDITION. While Dickinson published 7 poems during her lifetime in magazines, the present works are her fi rst published collections of poetry, which were edited by her close friends Mabel Loomis Todd and T.W. Higginson. BAL 4656 (covers beveled, fl yleaf at front, terminal fl yleaf).
[With:] Poems by Emily Dickinson Edited by Two of Her Friends [First Series]. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1891. 8vo. (A few spots.) Original green cloth gilt, top edge gilt (some light rubbing, rear hinge a little loose; corner chipped on one leaf from rough opening). Fifth edition. 162 DICKINSON, Emily (1830-1886). Letters. Mabel Loomis Todd, editor. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1894.
2 volumes, 12mo. 2 frontispieces, 3 facsimile letters. (A few minor stains.) Publisher’s green cloth gilt (some very light rubbing, spines slightly darkened); green slipcase.
FIRST EDITION, FIRST STATE, with (half-titles in both volumes, the “paration to me” reading on p.[v] in vol.I, and the correct footnotes. IN THE FIRST STATE BINDING with Robert Bros. imprint in gilt on spine). BAL 4660.
Property from a Private Collection, Evanston, IL $200 - 300
160 DICKINSON, Emily (1830-1886). Poems…--Poems Second Series –Poems Third Poems…--Poems Second Series –Poems Third Series. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1892, 1891, 1896.
3 works in 3 volumes, 8vo. 3pp. facsimile of “Renunciation” in the Second Series. (Some light creasing and spotting.) All in original green cloth-backed cream cloth gilt, edges gilt (some staining or soiling, some light rubbing or scuffing). Provenance: Nathan Haskell Dole (1852-1935), American editor, translator, author (note by Stephen Weissman, Ximenes Rare Books, indicating the purchase from Dole’s library in 1978).
FIRST EDITIONS of the Second and Third Series, eighth edition of the First Series. While Dickinson published 7 poems during her lifetime in magazines, these posthumous volumes comprise the fi rst published collections of her poetry, which were edited by her close friends Mabel Loomis Todd and T.W. Higginson. Dole published a letter summarizing a paper written by Todd on Dickinson’s life and works, published in Book News in March 1892, noting that Todd was “one of the comparatively few who were admitted to anything like intimacy with the weird recluse of Amherst” (Buckingham, 361). Dole also noted that the Indian pipe decoration on the front covers of the present works was made from the panel given to Dickinson as a gift from Todd (Buckingham, 349). BAL 4655; 4656; and 4661 [Binding 1, with spine imprint of “Roberts Bros.” in unbeveled boards]; Buckingham, Emily Dickinson’s Reception in the 1890s.
Property from a Private Collection, Evanston, IL $4,000 - 6,000
Property from a Private Collection, Evanston, IL
DICKINSON, Emily (1830-1886). Letters. Mabel Loomis Todd, editor. Boston:
163 DICKINSON, Emily (1830-1886). Poems by Emily Dickinson Edited by Two of Poems by Emily Dickinson Edited by Two of Her Friends. New York: Collectors Reprints, Inc., November 1993.
2 volumes, 8vo. Publishers quarter gray pictorial cloth gilt and stamped in silver; tissue dusk jackets. [With:] 2 copies of a typed card laid in “Printed for subscribers to The Library of American Poets”.
LIMITED EDITION of this facsimile, one of 2,500 copies, printed at the Stinehour Press in Lunenburg, Vermont. The facsimile is based on the Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection copy at the New York Public Library, a fi rst edition, fi rst issue of the work.
Property from a Private Collection, Evanston, IL $100 - 200 164 [DICKINSON, Emily (1830-1886)]. A group of 20th-century editions relating to Dickinson and her circle, including:
STEARNS, Florence Dickinson. Strange Dimension Poems. NY: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1938. Original blue cloth gilt. PRESENTATION COPY. –Two additional copies, both presentation copies. -- HITCHCOCK, Frederick H. The Handbook of Amherst. Amherst, MA: N.p., 1891. Original blue cloth gilt. -- TODD, Mabel Loomis, editor. Letters of Emily Dickinson. NY et al: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1931. Original green cloth gilt; dust jacket. . -- Unpublished Poems of Emily Dickinson. Martha Dickinson Bianchi and Alfred Leete Hampson, editors. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1936. Original green cloth gilt; original dustjacket. Later edition. SIGNED BY THE EDITORS, and additionally inscribed by Bianchi. -- JENKINS, MacGregor. Emily Dickinson Friend and Neighbor. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company,1930. Original blue cloth stamped in red and green; dustjacket. -- Another copy. 1939. Publisher’s green cloth stamped in orange; dustjacket. Later edition. -- Together, 5 works in 8 volumes, various 8vo sizes, most FIRST EDITIONS, condition generally good or fi ne.
Property from a Private Collection, Evanston, IL $400 - 600
165 D’ISRAELI, Isaac (1766-1848). An Essay on the Manners and Genius of the D’ISRAELI, Isaac (1766-1848). An Essay on the Manners and Genius of the Literary Character. London: T. Cadell & W. Davies, 1795.
8vo (205 x 124 mm). (Some occasional staining.) Original blue-grey boards, uncut (some light staining and chipping); folding case. Provenance: Sir George Douglas (bookplate).
FIRST EDITION IN ORIGINAL BOARDS. “The Literary Character has, in the present day, singularly degenerated in the public mind” (Preface). British writer and scholar Isaac D’Israeli was the father of British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli. ESTC T109852.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $200 - 300 166 DRAKE, Leah Bodine (1904-1964). A Hornbook for Witches Poems of Fantasy. Sauk City, Wisconsin: Arkham House, 1950.
8vo. Half-title. (Some very light toning.) Original black cloth, spine giltlettered (a few scuffs, corners slightly bumped); unrestored and unclipped pictorial dustjacket (some minor chipping and rubbing). Provenance: Charlotte Stephens (gift inscription from Mary Henderson).
FIRST EDITION, SIGNED BY DRAKE: “Sincerely, Leah Bodine Drake. 1950.” ONE OF THE RAREST BOOKS PUBLISHED BY ARKHAM HOUSE, ONE OF 553 COPIES, of which 300 were given to Drake. Dedicated to Drake’s “sixteenth century ancestor Jean Bodin who also concerned himself with witches,” this was her fi rst book of poetry and her only work published by Arkham House. American visual artist Frank Utpatel, who designed cover illustrations for various works of science fi ction and fantasy including the magazine Weird Tales and works by H. P. Lovecraft, provided the illustrations for this dustjacket.
167 EINSTEIN, Albert (1879-1955). Die Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativitatstheorie. Leipzig: Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1916.
8vo. Contemporary cloth-backed boards, hand-lettered label on spine (some wear). Provenance: Unidentifi ed library stamp on verso of title.
FIRST EDITION, later issue, without the printer’s imprint “Druck von Metzger & Wittig in Leipzig” on the verso of the title. It differs from the journal issue by the incorporation of textual revisions, the addition of a table of contents on pp. 3-4 and Einstein’s introduction on pp. 5-6. According to Norman, there were several reprints and facsimiles. An early issue of Einstein’s fundamental general theory of relativity, , which “transformed astrophysics, and indeed the whole scientifi c outlook” (PMM). Grolier/Horblit 26c; Norman 696; PMM 408; Weil 80. Property from the collection of Mr. Felix Brejente $800 - 1,200
169 ELIOT, Thomas Stearns (1888-1965). “The Waste Land.” In: The Dial, Vol. LXXII, No. 5, pp. 473-485. New York: Dial Publishing Co., 1922.
8vo (247 mm x 165 mm). Comprising pp. 473-506 only (issue incomplete, but Eliot’s work complete). (Some minor soiling.) Modern green wrappers (stab holes from original sewing, pp.503/504 misbound); cloth folding case.
FIRST AMERICAN APPEARANCE of “The Waste Land,” preceded by The Criterion printing in England in October 1922. The present copy also includes The Player Queen by W. B. Yeats. $250 - 350 168 ELIOT, George (“Mary Anne Evans Lewes”) (1819-1880). The Mill on the The Mill on the Floss. Edinburgh & London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1860.
3 volumes, 8vo. Half-titles, 16pp. publisher’s advertisements at end of vol. III. (Some spotting, toning, and staining.) Publisher’s orange-brown diagonal ripple-grain blind-stamped cloth, spine gilt-lettered by Edmonds & Remnant with their ticket (spines darkened, slight wear to extremities, some very minor staining); folding case. Provenance: Sold Barker Shiffnal Bookseller (bookseller’s embossed ticket).
FIRST EDITION, FIRST STATE in Carter’s variant B binding, with no advertisement inserted in vol. I and 16pp. publisher’s advertisements at end of vol. III. Carter pp.110-111; Sadleir 816.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $600 - 800
170 EMERSON, Ralph Waldo (1803-1882). Nature. Boston: James Munroe and EMERSON, Ralph Waldo (1803-1882). Nature. Boston: James Munroe and Company, 1836.
12mo. Original purple-rose cloth embossed with coral-like branches, blocked in blind, title gilt-lettered on upper cover (repairs to spine ends, spine slightly leaned, some minor soiling); folding case. Provenance: Mercantile Library Association New York (stamps on title and contents leaves, a few shelf marks).
FIRST EDITION, second state with p.94 correctly numbered. EMERSON’S FIRST BOOK and, a fundamental work of the Transcendentalism movement, one of 1,500 copies printed, which were issued in bindings of varying cloth and designs, offering as many as 75 different binding combinations. BAL 5181 (binding cloth G, frame B, no priority); Myerson A3.1.a (binding cloth 2, stamping B).
171 FITZGERALD, F. Scott (1896-1940). The Great Gatsby. New York: Charles Scribner›s Sons, 1925.
8vo. Original green cloth, spine lettered in gilt (minor blistering to the rear cover, slight rubbing to corners). FIRST EDITION, FIRST PRINTING, with “chatter” for “echolalia” on p. 60, “northern” for “southern” on p. 119, “sick in tired” for “sickantired” on p. 205, and “Union Street station” for “Union Station” on p. 211. Bruccoli A11.1.a; Connolly The Modern Movement 48.
Property from the Collection of G. Deliberto $1,000 - 1,500
172 [FRENCH COSTUME]. HERMANN, Lucien Antoine (1886-1954). Gazette du Bon Ton Art-Modes & Frivolites. Paris, Berlin & London: Librairie Centrale Des Beaux-Arts, Paul Cassirer, and William Heinemann, Christmas 1913 – June 1914. 6 parts in one volume, 4to (244 x 190 mm). Title-pages printed in red and black, 22 plates with pochoir (2 double-page & folding), numerous in-text color illustrations and advertisements. (Some minor offsettingand light spotting.) Contemporary vellum, yapp edges, spine giltlettered, top edge gilt, others uncut (a few leaves becoming loose, some light soiling, a few tiny scuffs); a few original white ribbed printed wrappers bound neatly in .
6 original parts bound together of French Publisher Lucien Vogel’s fi rst magazine, launched at the end of 1912. Vogel started Gazette du Bon Ton with his wife Yvonne (“Cosette”) de Brunhoff, who was the first editor-in-chief of Vogue France when it was launched in 1920. $400 - 600
173 [FRENCH COSTUME]. A group of 6 works, comprising:
JUVEN, F., director. Le Rire. Paris: F. Juven, 1895. Nos. 1-52 (10 Nov. 1894 - 2 Nov. 1895). 20th-century quarter navy morocco gilt; original printed wrappers bound in. -- GALLOIS, Emile. Provinces Francaises Costumes Decoratifs. Paris & NY: Editions Art et Architecture, French & European Publications, n.d. Original unbound folded sheets in original portfolio. LIMITED EDITION, number 258 of 1000 copies. -- COLINE, Line. Les Costumes du Pays de France. Paris: Editions Nilsson, [1930]. Original unbound folded sheets and blue cloth portfolio. -- La Mode Illustree Journal de la Famille. Nos. 1-5, 7-13, 15-19, 21-49, 51-52 (Jan. 1894 – 30 Dec. 1894). -- Supplement La Mode. Nos. 1-52 (7 Jan. 1894 – 39 Dec. 1894). Paris: Firmin-Didot & Co., 1894. 20th-century quarter maroon morocco gilt; original printed wrappers bound in. -- GYSELS, Francois. [Modes 1864-1865.] Anvers, [Belgium]: N.p., n.d. Original quarter red leather gilt. -- Together, 6 works in 5 volumes, various folio and 4to sizes, all profusely illustrated with color plates, condition generally good. $400 - 600
174 GEORGE III, King of England (1738-1820). Letter signed and subscribed (“Bonus Frater Consanguineus et Amicus Georgius R.”), in Latin, to Ferdinand IV of Naples. St. James’s Palace, 8 August, 1783. Countersigned by D. J. Fox.
2 pages, folio, on a bifolium, with integral address leaf and seal, tear from opening, some minor toning. GEORGE III ANNOUNCES THE BIRTH OF PRINCESS AMELIA. Ferdinand IV and his wife Maria Carolina were close allies of England, employing Englishman John Acton as their de facto prime minister. Charles James Fox, then in a coalition with Lord North, was a prominent Whig statesman. He was a staunch opponent of King George III, who he regarded as an aspiring tyrant, and the Fox-North coalition helped bring an end to the American Revolutionary War.
Property from the Collection of Blake Petersen $800 - 1,200
175 GEORGE III, King of England (1738-1820). Partly printed document signed, 19 March 1808. Counter-signed by Lord Hawkesbury and William Strachan.
1 page, folio, on a bifolium, docketed verso, with paper and blind seals, some soiling, a few tears or separations to folds. Granting William Strachan Royal passage of three vessels of “wine and such goods” to proceed from Cadiz to the Port of Plymouth. Lord Hawkesworth, Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of Liverpool, George III’s trusted advisor, served as Prime Minister from 1812-1827. Property from the Collection of Blake Petersen $600 - 800 171
176 GODWIN, Francis, Bishop (1562-1633). Annales of England. Containing the Annales of England. Containing the Reignes of Henry the Eighth. Edward the Sixt. Queene Mary. Morgan Godwyn, . Morgan Godwyn, translator. London: printed by A. Islip and W. Stansby, 1630.
Folio (278 x 174 mm). 3 engraved portraits, ornamental woodcut borders on title and 2 sectional titles, numerous woodcut decorations and initials. (Marginal wormholing in top gutter, some minor staining or spotting, a few tiny holes from the deckle, some minor creasing, corner on Nn2 folded and uncut.) Contemporary blind-ruled calf gilt, covers with central gilt design, edges sprinkled red (rebacked preserving original spine and endleaves, an old repair and some contemporary annotations to front fl yleaf, some light wear). Provenance: S.G. Lansford? (early signature, 4 August 1687).
FIRST ENGLISH EDITION, originally published in 1616 in Latin, and translated into English by Bishop Godwin’s son, Morgan Godwyn. Bishop Godwin also wrote The Man in the Moone which was posthumously published in 1638, considered to be among the first works of science fiction. ESTC S106901.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $200 - 300
178 GRAY, Thomas (1716-1771). Odes. Strawberry-Hill, for R. and J. Dodsley, 1757.
4to (250 x 202 mm). Half-title; engraved device on title-page. (Discreet repair to inner blank margin of the fi rst few leaves). 19th-century calf gilt, spine gilt, brown morocco lettering-piece gilt, edges gilt, stamp-signed by Riviere; morocco-backed slipcase.
FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE, with “Ilissus” on p.8 and the comma after “Swarm” on p.16. The fi rst book printed at Horace Walpole’s Strawberry-Hill Press. Hayward 174; Hazen, Strawberry Hill, 1; Rothschild 1067.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $600 - 800 177 GRAVES, Robert (1895-1985). Good-Bye To All That. London: Jonathan Cape, [1929].
8vo. Pictorial portrait frontispiece, illustrations. Publisher’s salmon cloth (a few faint stains, spine slightly leaned, spotting to fore-edge); original pictorial dust jacket (some minor chipping, some minor soiling, spine panel browned, price-clipped).
FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE, including passages on p.290 and pp.341-343 that were suppressed at Siegfried Sassoon’s insistence in later issues. The unexpurgated text includes a description of Sassoon’s mother’s attempts to communicate with her dead son Hamo, and the text of a verse letter from Sassoon to Graves, published without his permission. Higginson & Williams A32a.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $800 - 1,200
179 179 [HISTORY]. A group of 11 works, including: [HISTORY]. A group of 11 works, including: WRIGHT, Robert M. Dodge City the Cowboy Capital. [Wichita]: Wichita Eagle Press, 1913. Publisher’s green cloth. FIRST ISSUE with printer’s imprint on
WRIGHT, Robert M. Dodge City the Cowboy Capital. [Wichita]: Wichita Eagle Press, 1913. Publisher’s green cloth. FIRST ISSUE with printer’s imprint on recto of frontispiece. Graff 4756; Howes W705. -- COBBETT, William. Life of Andrew Jackson. London: Printed by Mills, Jowett, and Mills, 1834. Later half blue morocco. -- [DELANY, Patrick.] Observations Upon Lord Orrery’s Remarks on the Life and Writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift. London: W. Reeve, 1754. Contemporary calf gilt. -- PORTER, Jane. The Scottish Chiefs, a Romance. London: Longman et al., 1810. 5 volumes. Contemporary calf. -- And 7 others. Together, 11 works in 18 volumes, various 8vo and 12mo sizes, most FIRST EDITIONS, condition generally good.
180 HOLMES, Oliver Wendell (1809-1894). The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table. Boston: Phillips, Sampson and Company, 1858.
8vo. Half-title, engraved title, additional letterpress title printed in red and black, 8 engraved plates. (Some minor staining or offsetting.) Original brown pebble blind-stamped cloth (some light rubbing, front hinge starting, a few corners bumped); folding case. Provenance: Benjamin Franklin Taylor (18191887) (stamp).
FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE. In BAL Binding Aa (no priority) with 5-ring decoration, the period after the word “Company” in the imprint, BAL 8781; Tilton P.69ff.
[Laid in:] Autograph letter signed (“O.W. Holmes”), to Professor Rogers. [London], 29 May 1868. One page with integral blank, 8vo, folded, a few spots. Regarding a sketch of the life and work of Dr. Mason Warner and encouraging revision if needed.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $300 - 400 181 IRVING, Washington (1783-1859). The Alhambra. Philadelphia: Carey & Lea, 1832.
2 volumes, 8vo (198 x 116 mm). ORIGINAL PURPLE MUSLIN-BACKED TAN BOARDS, printed paper label on spine, uncut [BAL variant B, no priority] (some staining or soiling, labels chipping with minor losses, some minor rubbing); folding case. Provenance: D.F. Chadceyne? (gift inscription from H. Manning).
FIRST AMERICAN EDITION, with “Philadelphla” in imprint on title-page Vol. II. BAL 10136.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $300 - 400
182 JAMES, Grace (1882-1965). Green Willow and Other Japanese Fairy Tales. Warwick Goble, illustrator. London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1910. The Alhambra. Philadelphia: Carey & Lea,
183 JOHNSON, Samuel (1709-1784). A Journey to The Western Islands of JOHNSON, Samuel (1709-1784). A Journey to The Western Islands of Scotland. London: W. Strahan and T. Cadell, 1775.
4to. Half-title, title printed in red and black, 40 mounted color plates (including frontispiece). Publisher’s original vellum gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut (front hinge starting, some light wear, some staining). Provenance: William Gundry (bookplate).
“EDITION DE LUXE”, one of 500 copies. $300 - 400 8vo (207 x 126 mm). (Light spotting and mostly marginal toning heaviest at the end.) Contemporary calf (rebacked, top edge darkened, some minor chipping). Provenance: Samuel Oldnall (signature, a few annotations); Mary Russell Oldnall (signature).
FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE (Todd’s edition A), with the 12-line errata, and with “afford’’ on p.199, line 13, which has been corrected in the previous owner’s hand in this copy. Johnson’s journey, though contemplated far earlier, took place in 1773 when he was sixty-four. He sent the fi rst sheets of his account to press on 20 June 1774, and before the year ended it had been published at 5 shillings. ESTC T84319; Rothschild 1257 (with page 296 correctly numbered); Tinker 1357.
184 JOHNSON, Samuel (1709-1784) and Hill BOOTHBY (1708-1756). An Account of the Life of Dr. Samuel Johnson, from His Birth to His Eleventh year, Written by Himself…to which are added original letters... by Miss Hill Boothby. London: Richard Phillips, 1805.
8vo (172 x 103 mm). (A few small annotations, some soiling and spotting, marginal rust-hole on A4.) Original blue boards, uncut (modern rebacking and a few repairs, some minor soiling); cloth folding case. Provenance: Edward Sage? (early signature, 1873); Stoke Newington Public Libraries (stamps on a few leaves).
FIRST EDITION IN ORIGINAL BOARDS. Johnson ordered all of his papers destroyed after his death, but this fragment was saved by his servant Francis Barber, and was subsequently sold by Barber’s widow to the publisher Richard Phillips. Rothschild 1272.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $300 - 400 185 KINGSLEY, Charles (1819-1875). Autograph manuscript signed upper right corner pp. [1] (“CK”), as a broach church priest of the Church of England. N.p., 1853.
186 KIPLING, Joseph Rudyard (1865-1936). Debits and Credits. London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1926.
8vo. (Some offsetting from old laid-in clippings.) Original red cloth gilt, added rear pocket (some toning to edges); folding case. Provenance: K.N.K, 17 September 1926).
FIRST EDITION of Kipling’s collection of stories and poems.
[Laid in:] KIPLING. Typed letter signed, with holograph corrections (“Rudyard Kipling”), to Sir Kenneth D. Mackenzie. Sussex, 20 January 1927. 2 pages on a bifolium, 8vo, on Bateman’s Burwash stationary with original addressed and stamped envelope, some toning and creasing. Marked “private” and regarding science, the occult, and the Church: “The whole question raised by you in your thesis is too great an [sic] one to be decided on general rules, it seems to me. The Church used to take one view of it some time ago, and Science now takes the other. It is very diffi cult to come to any conclusion, on the relative balance of good and evil… Thank you again for your interesting handling of the thorny subject.” 8 pages, oblong 8vo, on blue paper, stab-sewn, some light chipping and soiling, a few creases.
An incomplete sermon entitled “Monday in Passion Week,” which includes an analysis of Isaiah. Reverend Kingsley published many volumes of his sermons. In addition to being associated with Christian Socialism and labor reforms Kingsley was a close friend of Charles Darwin.
Property from the Collection of Mr. Tyler Hansen $400 - 600
187 KIPLING, Joseph Rudyard (1865-1936). A group of 3 works, comprising: KIPLING, Joseph Rudyard (1865-1936). A group of 3 works, comprising:
Captains Courageous. London & NY: Macmillan and Co. Limited, 1897. Publisher’s gilt stamped blue cloth, edges gilt. FIRST EDITION. Livingston 137. -- Collected Verse. London: T. and A. Constable for Hodder & Stoughton, 1912. Contemporary limp vellum gilt, (lacking ribbon ties). DE LUXE LIMITED EDITION, number 466 of 500, SIGNED BY THE PUBLISHER AND PRINTER. -- Kim. London: Macmillan and Co. Limited, 1901. 20th-century red morocco gilt, original cloth bound in FIRST EDITION. Livingston 250. -- Together, 3 works in 3 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, condition generally fi ne.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $400 - 600
188 [LEAF BOOK]. An Original Leaf from the Polycronicon Printed by William Caxton at Westminster in the Year 1482. San Francisco: The Grabhorn Press for The Book Club of California, 1938. 189 [LEECH, John (1817-1864)]. KITTON, Frederick George (1856-1904). John Leech, Artist and Humourist: A Biographical Sketch. London: George Redway, 1883.
4to. Printed in red and black in Franciscan type throughout. [Tipped in:] Original leaf from Caxton’s Polycronicon, Liber quartus, CLxxxv. Original publisher’s linen-backed boards, printed paper label on spine.
LIMITED EDITION, one of 297 unnumbered copies.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $600 - 800
190 [LEECH, John (1817-1864)]. FRITH, William Powell (1819-1909). John Leech, [LEECH, John (1817-1864)]. FRITH, William Powell (1819-1909). John Leech, His Life and Work. London: Richard Bentley and Son, 1891. 8vo (219 x 139 mm). Half-title, 10 plates, numerous in-text illustrations, EXTRA ILLUSTRATED by the addition of approximately 75 portraits and plates. (Some occasional spotting or minor chipping.) Contemporary red crushed levant gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut, stamp-signed by Bayntun (some minor spotting, a few small chips, front hinge starting).
FIRST EDITION of Kitton’s biography of John Leech (1817-1864), the fi rst illustrator of Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, and caricaturist for Punch. Kitton also served as an illustrator for many of Dickens’ works, and went on to publish many works related to Dickens’ life and works, as well as a work on another prominent Dickensian illustrator, Hablot Knight Brown (“Phiz.”) $300 - 400
191 LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth (1807-1892). The Song of Hiawatha. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1855.
2 volumes, 8vo (217 x 136 mm). Half-titles, frontispieces , numerous illustrations, EXTRA ILLUSTRATED by the addition of approximately 100 portraits and plates, a few with hand coloring. (Some light spotting, tear crossing text on one leaf, some light offsetting.) 20th-century red polished calf gilt, green morocco letting-pieces gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut, stampsigned by Sangorski & Sutcliffe (spine sunned, a few minor scuffs).
Second edition of Frith’s biography of John Leech, written using letters written between Leech and his lifelong friend Charles F. Adams.
[With:] John LEECH (1817-1864), illustrator. Gilbert Abbott A ‘BECKETT (1811-1856). The Comic History of England. N.p.: The Punch Office, 1864. 2 volumes (210 x 133 mm). Half-title, 20 plates, numerous in-text woodcuts. (Some minor spotting.) Early 20th-century calf gilt, with brown and green morocco lettering-pieces gilt, edges gilt, stamp-signed by Root & Son (some chipping, a few minor stains, some sunning). Later edition. A’Beckett was one of the original Punch staff members, where Leech was a long-time caricaturist from 1841 until his death. 8vo. Advertisements dated November 1855. Original publisher’s blindstamped brown cloth gilt-lettered on spine (spine slightly leaned, a touch of wear with discreet repairs to spine ends); folding-case.
FIRST AMERICAN EDITION, FIRST ISSUE, with “In the Moon” on p. 32, “Wahonomin” on p. 39, “Dove” on p. 96 “Cooed the Omemee” on p. 278; with the “n” in “one” on p. 279 present (no priority in BAL). BAL 12111; Grolier American 66.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $400 - 600
192 LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth (1807-1882). The Masque of Pandora. Boston: James R. Osgood, 1875. The Masque of Pandora
8vo. (Some offsetting to a few pages.) Original publisher’s gilt-stamped green cloth, beveled boards (some minor rubbing, some light wear to spine ends and corners); custom green and tan drop-spine box with green morocco lettering-piece gilt. Provenance: Dr. T. M. Dalooska (presentation inscription from the author); Mildred Greenhill (bookplate); H. Bradley Martin (bookplate; sold his sale, Sotheby’s New York, 30 January 1990, lot 2128).
FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE, PRESENTATION COPY, INSCRIBED BY LONGFELLOW: “Dr. T. M. Dalooska with compliments and kind regards of the Author. May 23, 1876.” One of 3030 copies in the fi rst edition, with fi rst issue points: imprint and copyright notice dated 1875, “Cadenabria” on p. [iii], “Heard in” on p. 32, and “Sea-Tides” as running headline on p. 141. THE H. BRADLEY MARTIN COPY. BAL 12170.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $400 - 600 193 LOUIS XVI, King of France (1754-1793). Document signed (“Louis”), 17 December 1776. Countersigned by several ministers.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust
194 LOUIS XVI, King of France (1754-1793). Document signed (“Louis”), 23 LOUIS XVI, King of France (1754-1793). Document signed (“Louis”), 23 December 1783. Countersigned by several ministers.
3 pages, folio, with seal of the region of Chalons, on a bifolium, some toning.
Financial document relating taxes owed by the region of Chalons for the year 1780. Countersigned by Controller-General of Finances Charles Alexandre de Calonne (1734-1802), Chief Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Charles Gravier de Vergennes (1719-1787), Indendant des Finances Jean Louis Moreau de Beaumont, and Councilor of State and Royal Councilor of Finance Claude Henry Feydeau de Marville, and one other. 195 LOUIS XVI, King of France (1754-1793). Partial document signed (“Louis”), December 11, 1787. Countersigned by several ministers.
1 page, folio, creased and spotted with some smudged ink.
A document regarding unpaid taxes for the year 1773. Countersigned by Finance Counselor Claude Henry Feydeau de Marville (1705-1785), State Counselor Jean Louis Moreau de Beaumont (1715-1785) and 4 others. Louis XVI’s reign was affected by France’s grave economic situation, which was worsened by his support of the American Revolution. He closely followed the advice of his counselors which aggravated the economic crisis, leading to his fall from power and his ultimate execution.
Property from the Collection of Blake Petersen $600 - 800
LOUIS XVI, King of France (1754-1793). Partial document signed
1 page, folio, creased, matted and framed (unexamined out of frame).
Relating to fi nancial transactions from the Conseil des Finances. Countersigned by Minister of Finance Henry Lefevre d’Ormesson (17511808), Claude Guillaume Lambert (1726-1794), Pierre Charles Laurent de Villedeuil (1742-1828), and 2 others.
Property from the Collection of Blake Petersen $600 - 800
196 LOUIS XVI, King of France (1754-1793). Partly printed document signed (“Louis”), 19 April 1791. Countersigned by an unidentifi ed administrator.
1 page, folio, creased with short tear, some soiling. 1 page, folio, some minor staining and a few tiny holes.
An order to the Treasurer of his Civil List to pay 1,000 livres to dentist S. Dubois, “Dubois Dentiste de la Reine, la somme de Mille livres,” as his half-yearly stipend. Jean-Joseph Dubois-Foucou (1748-1840), succeeded Etienne Bourdet as dentist to the royal family after Bourdet’s death in 1789, although he did not appear in the Royal Almanac until 1791. On August 1, 1790, he was called to the bedside of Louis XVI for a dental abscess.
Property from the Collection of Blake Petersen $1,500 - 2,500 197 LOUIS XVI, King of France (1754-1793). Partly printed document signed (“Louis”), July 16, 1791. Countersigned by Arnaud de Laporte.
An order to the Treasurer of his Civil List to pay 30,000 livres for “Menus Plaisirs” (“lesser pleasures”) for expenses for ceremonies, festivals, theater, clothes, carriages, and other expenses. Countersigned by Arnaud de Laporte (1737-1792), trusted loyalist to the King who was beheaded in 1792. Issued just one month after Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette’s return to Paris, and illustrative of Louis XVI’s outrageous spending.
198 LOUIS XVI, King of France (1754-1793). Partly printed document signed (“Louis”), 29 September 1791. Countersigned by Arnaud de Laporte, and with an autograph note signed verso (“Laporte”).
1 page, folio, a few tiny holes and short tear, matted and framed (unexamined out of frame).
Requesting payments and reimbursements including Library costs for Minister of the Marine Arnaud de Laporte (1737-1792). Laporte was born at Versaille, and was named Intendant of the King’s Civil List by Louis XVI in 1790. On 10 August 1792, he was arrested for having distributed secret funds and convicted of treason against the Revolution, and on 23 August 1792, he became the second political victim of the guillotine. 199 [LOUIS XVI]. A group of 2 documents with secretarial signatures, comprising:
Property from the Collection of Blake Petersen $800 - 1,200
Partially printed document secretarially signed (“Louis”). 1777. Countersigned by Mathieu de Montmorency. 1 page, folio, matted and framed, unexamined out of frame. A passport for a woman, “Renaud,” who is traveling. With an extensive hand-written note in Russian verso. -- Partially printed document secretarially signed (“Louis”). N.d. Countersigned by an unknown administrator. 1 page, oblong 4to, on vellum, creased with a few stains. A military appointment for Lieutenant Colonel Duras to the rank of Brigadier General.
Property from the Collection of Blake Petersen $600 - 800
200 [MINIATURE BOOKS] -- [ACHILLE J. ST. ONGE]. A group of 18 works, including:
CHURCHILL, Winston. King George VI: The Prime Minister’s Broadcast February 7, 1952. 1952. -- CHURCHILL. The Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. 1953. -- BROOKS, Van Wyck. From a Writer’s Notebook. 1955. -- THOREAU, Henry David. Wild Apples: History of the Apple Tree. 1956. -- KENNEDY, John Fitzgerald. The Inaugural Address of John Fitzgerald Kennedy… January 20, 1961. 1961. 2 volumes. GRAY, Thomas. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard. 1960. -- JACOBS, Louis. The Jewish Festivals. 1961. -- ADAMS, John Quincy. The Wants of Man, a Poem. 1962. -- JEFFERSON, Thomas. Thomas Jefferson on Science and Freedom. 1964. -- SWANN, Thomas Burnett. Alas, in Lilliput. 1964. -- GODDARD, Robert H. Autobiography. 1966. -- And 7 others. Together, 18 works in 21 volumes, all published in Worcester by Achille J. St. Onge, various 48mo and 64mo sizes or smaller, all in original calf or morocco gilt, condition generally fi ne. Complete list available upon request. $400 - 600 $400 - 600
202 [MINIATURE BOOKS] -- [ALMANACS]. London Almanack for the Year of Our Lord, 1734. London: Company of Stationers, [1733].
51 x 28 mm. Folding engraving, engraved throughout. Contemporary black morocco gilt (some very slight rubbing); matching black morocco gilt slipcase. Containing days of the month and week, saint’s days, high tide table for the London Bridge, monthly moon phases for 1734, tables on the reigns of English Kings and Queens, a list of Lords, Mayors, and Sheriffs, and conversion rates.
[With:] London Almanack for the Year of Christ, 1790. London: Company of Stationers, [1789]. 56 x 32 mm. Red stamp on title-page, engraving of York House across 4 pp., engraving throughout. Contemporary red Venetian-style leather gilt, navy and white onlays gilt, edges gilt (some slight staining). In addition to the above, also including a list of bank holidays, and times of eclipses. Spielmann 316. $500 - 700 203 [MINIATURE BOOKS] – [KINGSPORT & LA PETIT OISEAU PRESSES]. A group of 6 works published by the Kingsport Press or the La Petit Oiseau Press, comprising:
201 [MINIATURE BOOKS]. ALIGHIERI, Dante (ca 1265-1321). La Divina Commedia di Dante. Milan: Ulrico Hoepli, 1878.
51 x 29 mm. Half-title, engraved frontispiece, title printed in red and black. Contemporary brown morocco gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut, watered silk doublures and endleaves, stamp-signed by Richardson (very slight rubbing to extremities); slipcase.
The Hoepli issue of Dante’s Divine Comedy, printed in minuscule 2-point Didot type (so-called “fl ies’ eye” type), “thought to be the smallest ever employed...[and] said to have injured the eyesight of both the compositor and the corrector” (Spielmann). Because only 30 pages could be printed in a month, the work took nearly 5 years to complete. After “1,000 copies were printed and the type was destroyed.”(Welsh 2168). Spielmann 114. $1,000 - 1,500 $1,000 - 1,500
[LINCOLN, Abraham]. Addresses of Abraham Lincoln. Kingsport, TN: The Kingsport Press, 1929. -- COOLIDGE, Calvin. Extracts from the Autobiography of Calvin Coolidge. Kingsport, TN: Kingsport Press, 1930. -- WASHINGTON, George. Washington: The Farewell Address. Kingsport, TN: The Kingsport Press, 1932. -- One Solitary Life. Chicago: La Petit Oiseau Press, 1963. -- King of Indoor Sports. Chicago: Petit Oiseau Press, 1963. -- Follow the Banyan Deer Taken from the Jataka. Chicago: La Petit Oiseau Press, 1963. -- Together, 6 works in 6 volumes, various 48mo and 64mo sizes or smaller, all in publisher’s bindings, condition generally fi ne. $300 - 400
204 [MINIATURE BOOK] -- [BIBLE, in English]. The Bible in Miniature, or a Concise History of the Old and New Testaments. London: E. Newberry, 1780.
41 x 28 mm. Engraved title pages (including second title for the New Testament) and 8 (of 14) engraved plates. (Lacking A1.) Contemporary calf (some wear). FIRST EDITION of “the best-known miniature Bible” (Adomeit). THE EARLIEST ISSUE without an imprint on p.256, without a period after the date on the fi rst title page and with parentheses enclosing the page numbers. Adomeit B26; ESTC T124732.
[With:] [MINIATURE BOOK] -- [BIBLE, in English]. Holy Bible King James Version. Tokyo: Toppan Printing Co., n.d. Square 35 x 35 mm. Red cloth. $300 - 500 205 [MINIATURE BOOKS] -- [BLACK CAT PRESS]. A group of 18 works published by the Black Cat Press, including:
DAVIS, Frank Marshall. Black Man’s Verse. 1935. -- MAUGHAM, W. Somerset. My South Sea Island. 1936. -- FORGUE, Norman W. One Hundred Proverbs Adapted from the Japanese. 1960. -- LA GALLIENNE, Richard. Two Essays: Philosophy of Limited Editions and Anarchy in a Library. 1961. -- BLUMENTHAL, Walter Hart. Book Gluttons and Book Gourmets. 1962. -- TWAIN, Mark. “1601” or Conversation at the Social Fireside as it was in the Time of the Tudors. 1962. -- AVERILL, John. Judge Not a Book by its Cover. 1963. -- FORGUE, Norman W. A Christmas Parable. 1964. -- More Tales for Bibliophiles set, comprising: VON SACHER-MASOCK, L. Bookbinder of Hort; FOCKEN, Hayno. Books Interchanged; VON ZOBELTITZ, Fedor. The Elzevir. [1965.] 3 volumes, housed in slipcase. -- And 7 others. Together, 18 works in 19 volumes, all published in Chicago by The Black Cat Press, various 48mo and 64mo sizes or smaller, all in original bindings gilt, condition generally fi ne. Complete list available upon request. $400 - 600
206 [MINIATURE BOOKS] -- [BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS]. A group of 12 works, including:
ADOMEIT, Ruth E. The Little Cookie Book: Thirty-One Favorite Recipes of a Minibibliophile. Woodstock, VT: The Lilliputter Press, 1960. -- SHERINGHAM, Hugh Tempest. A Library in Miniature. London: The Java Head Bookshop, 1948. -- A Book is Made: The Story of a Display Organised by the British Federation of Master Printers. London: [British Federation of Master Printers], N.d. -- NETHERY, Wallace. Charles Lamb: Bibliophile. Los Angeles: Dawson’s Book Shop, 1965. -- The Smallest English Dictionary in the World. Glasgow: David Bryce and Son, N.d. -- HELLWIG, Gerhard. Junckers Kleines Zitatenbuch. Berlin: Axel Juncker Verlag, 1960. -- And 6 others. Together, 12 works in 13 volumes, various 48mo and 64mo sizes or smaller, most in original or contemporary bindings, condition generally fi ne. Complete list available upon request. 207 [MINIATURE BOOKS] -- [CALIFORNIA PRESSES]. A group of 11 works published by southern California presses, including:
CHURCHILL, Winston Spencer. Speech of June 4th, 1940. LA: Press in the Gatehouse, 1964. -- Fleecestreet’s Improved Pig Latin Grammar. LA: The Press in the Gatehouse, 1963. -- The Ten Commandments. LA: Bela Blau, 1965. -- Another copy. -- LA FONTAINE, Jean de. Trois Fables de La Fontaine. Pasadena: Dawson’s Book Shop, 1965. -- BURGESS, Gelett. The Miniature Purple Cow. Pasadena: Susan Dawson and Karen Dawson, 1966. -- NEAL, Tom. Sixth & Figueroa. LA: Karen Dawson, 1965. -- And 5 others. Together, 11 works in 12 volumes, various 48mo and 64mo sizes or smaller, all in original or contemporary bindings, many bound by Bela Blau, condition generally fi ne. Complete list available upon request. $200 - 300
[With:] [MINIATURE BOOKS] -- [COMIC BOOKS]. Fibs ‘n Squibs. 1965. -- Tiny Tales. 1965. -- Silly Willies. 1965. -- The Amazing Spiderman. 1966. -- Captain America. 1966. --Sgt. Nick Fury. 1966. – Together 6 works in 6 volumes, each published in Chicago by Marvel Mini Books, each 22 mm x 16 mm, all in original wrappers. $200 - 300
208 [MINIATURE BOOK]. CICERO, Marcus Tullius (106-43 B. C. E.). M. Tullii M. Tullii Ciceronis de Offi ciis Libri Tres. [Antwerp]: Platiniana Raphelengi, 1610.
65 x 40 mm. Title-page printed within a double-rule border, text printed within rule border. (Some soiling and staining, heaviest on fi rst and last several leaves.) Contemporary blind-ruled calf (some light wear). Provenance: John J. Boswitt (signature dated 1822); Hugh Tempest Sheringham (18761930), English angling author (bookplate).
A rare edition of Cicero’s works. not in Spielmann. A rare edition of Cicero’s works. not in Spielmann. $400 - 600 $400 - 600
210 [MINIATURE BOOKS] -- [LINCOLN, Abraham (1809-1865.)]. A group of 6 works by or about Lincoln, comprising:
Abraham Lincoln 1809-1959. The Address by Carl Sandburg Before the United States Congress Washington D.C. February 12, 1959. Worcester: Achille J. St. Onge, 1959. -- Address of Carl Sandburg Upon the Occasion of Abraham Lincoln’s One Hundredth Inaugural Anniversary. Chicago: Black Cat Press, 1961. -- WHITMAN, Walt. Death of Abraham Lincoln. Chicago: Black Cat Press, 1962. -- The Gettysburg Address. Los Angeles: Bela Blau, 1963. -- Maxims, Observations and Comments. Chicago: Black Cat Press, 1964. -- Address Delivered at the Dedication of the Cemetery at Gettysburg. November 19, 1863. Tokyo, Japan: Toppan Printing Co., N.d. -- Together, 6 works in 6 volumes, various 48mo and 64mo sizes or smaller, all in original bindings, condition generally fine.
[With:] [MINIATURE BOOKS] -- [AMERICANA]. A group 10 works, including: [ROOSEVELT, Theodore]. ANDREWS, Byron. The Facts About the Candidate. Chicago: Sam Stone, 1904. -- [KENNEDY, John Fitzgerald]. Eulogies to the Late President John Fitzgerald Kennedy… November 24, 1963. New Britain, CT: J.L. Kapica, 1964. -- Willie’s Western Visit. NY: American Tract Society, 1874. -- [ALMANACS]. Hazeltine’s Pocketbook Album 1886. --…1887. Warren, PA: E.T. Hazeltine, 1886, 1887. 2 volumes. -- UTLEY, Robert M. Fort Union in Miniature. Santa Fe, NM: Stagecoach Press, 1963. -- And 4 others. Together, 10 works in 10 volumes, various 48mo and 64mo sizes or smaller, all in original bindings, condition generally fi ne. Complete list available upon request. $300 - 400 209 [MINIATURE BOOKS] -- [CLASSICS]. BOETHIUS, Aniciuis Manlius Torquatus Severinus (480?-524?). De consolatione philosophiae. Douai: B. Beller, 1632.
72 x 45 mm. (Some minor soiling.) Late 19th- or early 20th-century morocco gilt, edges gilt (some very light rubbing). Provenance: B. Baraton (signature dated 1788 on title-page, annotations on blank leaf facing title); Henry P. Cameron (signature dated 1875); Hugh Tempest Sheringham (1876-1930), English angling author (bookplate).
[With:] ANACREON (572?-488? B.C.). Odai. Glasgow: R. & A. Foulis, 1751. 74 x 45 mm. Title printed in Greek; text throughout printed in Greek. Contemporary red morocco elaborately gilt (lower hinge starting, some light rubbing). $300 - 500
211 [MINIATURE BOOK]. LIPSIUS, Justus (1547-1606). De Constantia libri duo. Amsterdam: Guilj. Caesium, 1624.
68 x 40 mm. Engraved title-page, text printed within double rule border. (Some minor soiling and staining.) Contemporary blind-stamped calf, paper label on spine (clasps and catches lacking, some wear).
Rare miniature edition of Dutch humanist Lipsius’ monograph on the soul and its relation to reason.
$300 - 400
212 [MINIATURE BOOKS] -- [LITERATURE]. A group of 21 literary works, including:
SHAKESPEARE, William. The Tempest. London: Anthony Treherne & Co, 1904. -- SHAKESPEARE. Pericles. London: Anthony Treherne & Co., 1905. -- In Flanders Fields and Other Poems. NY: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1920. -- MAY, Robert G. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Evanston: The Schori Press, 1939. SIGNED BY MAY. -- Miss Merry and Her Dog, Star. Cincinnati, OH: Merry Mfg. Co., 1950. POPE, Alexander. The Lilliputian Ode. London: F.C. Avis, ca 1961. COX, Palmer. The Brownies. Franklin, NH: The Hillside Press, 1962. -- KOCHAN, Bernice. The Little Book of Hawaiian Flowers. Cleveland, OH: Kinoike Press, 1964. -- BLAKE, William. Prose & Prophecy: Selections. Franklin, NH: The Hillside Press, 1964. -- Tidbit of Yester Series (TOYS) set, comprising: A Costly Binge; The Blasphemous Old Prospector. New Britain, CT: Robert E. Massman, 1966, 1967. 2 volumes. -- Memories: An Anthology. Evanston: The Schori Press, N.d. -- And 9 others. Together, 21 works in 21 volumes, various 48mo and 64mo sizes or smaller, most in original or contemporary bindings, condition generally fi ne. Complete list available upon request. $300 - 400 213 [MINIATURE BOOKS]. My Box of Books. My Box of Books.
12 volumes, 109 x 71 mm. Each chapbook 16pp., with hand-colored title vignette and illustration. Original pictorial wrappers with hand-coloring (a few wrappers torn along fold); laid into original decorative box (cover detached with old tape repair).
The 12 volumes include The Bird’s Nest, Kriss Kringle, The Pet Fawn, The Robin, and The Musicians. RARE: According to American Book Prices Current, no other copies of this set have sold at auction in the last 40 years.
Collection of Richard Naish Collection of Richard Naish
$400 - 600 $400 - 600
214 [MINIATURE BOOKS]. My Pet Box of Books. New York: Appleton, [ca 1850s].My Pet Box of Books. New York: Appleton, [ca 1850s]. 215 [MINIATURE BOOKS] -- [RELIGION]. A group of 26 works, including: [MINIATURE BOOKS] -- [RELIGION]. A group of 26 works, including:
12 volumes, 83 x 54 mm. Each chapbook 8pp., with hand-colored title vignette and illustration. Original pictorial wrappers with hand-coloring; laid into original decorative box (cover detached with old tape repair).
The 12 volumes include Stories of Military Heroes, Stories of Dogs, Child’s Book of Fables, Stories of Wild Beasts, and Child’s Book of Land Birds. RARE: According to American Book Prices Current, only one other such set has sold at auction in the last 40 years (the Doheny Copy, sold Christie’s New York, 2 February 1989, lot 2070).
Collection of Richard Naish
$400 - 600 [BIBLE]. The Bible in Miniature, for Children. Worcester: Dorr, Howland & Co., 1835. -- [THUMB BIBLES]. History of the Bible. Cooperstown: H. & E. Phinney, 1839. -- TAYLOR, Jeremy. The Marriage Ring; or the Mysteriousness and Duties of Marriage. London: Hamilton, Adams, and Co., 1844. -- BUNYAN, John. Edmund Venables, editor. The Pilgrim’s Progress. London: Henry Frowde, 1896. -- NOBIER, Charles. La Filleule du Seigneur. Paris: Pairault & Cie., 1897. -- [BIBLE]. The Four Gospels of New Testament. Rome: Propaganda Fide, 1934. -- [BIBLE]. The Little Bible: Simple Selections. Elgin, IL: David C. Cook Pub. Co., [1950]. -- [MISSAL]. Misal Para los Ninos. Barcelona: Editorial Liberia Religiosa, [1950]. -- Santos Evangelios. Barcelona: Editorial Blames, 1965. -- The Story of Christmas as Told in Scripture, Carols, and Poems. Elgin, IL: David C. Cook, [1967]. -- Small Rain Upon the Tender Herb. London: Religious Tract Society, N.d. Pull-apart case. -- And 15 others. Together, 26 works in 28 volumes, various 48mo and 64mo sizes or smaller, most in original or contemporary bindings, condition generally fi ne. Complete list available upon request. $400 - 600
[MASON, Thomas]. Witty Humorous and Merry Thoughts. Glasgow: Bryce, ca 1898. -- LEOPARDI, Giacomo. Dialoghi. Florence: Liberia del Teatro, 1943. -- [MICRO-MINIATURE]. The Olympic Oath. [Der Olympische Eid]. Munich: Walderman and Preffner, 1964. -- [MICRO-MINIATURE]. Serments d’Amour. [Zurich]: N.p., [1953]. -- [DANCE PROGRAM]. Humanitaver Geseligkeits club Weiner Schwalben. Vienna: Aug. Klein, 15 February 1887. -- [PHOTO ALBUM]. Spain. 6 bullfi ghting images. Metal book-form charm. -- [PHOTO ALBUM]. France. 5 images of Napoleon and Paris. Metal book-form charm. -- And 4 others. Together, 11 works in 11 volumes, various 48mo and 64mo sizes or smaller, most in original or contemporary bindings, condition generally fi ne. Complete list available upon request.
[With:] [MINIATURE BOOKS]. A group of 13 works in 13 volumes published in Geneva by Andre Kundig, comprising: Paroles de La Bible. 1953. -- Idle Thoughts. 1956. -- Pensées Grecques. 1957. -- Pensées Espagnoles. 1958. -- Pensées Russes. 1959. -- Pensées Eindoues. 1960. -- Pensées Italiennes. 1961. -- And 6 others, approximately 135 mm x 24 mm, in original colorful wraps gilt, condition generally fi ne. Complete list available upon request. $300 - 400 $300 - 400
217 PEPYS, Samuel (1633-1703). Memoirs of Samuel Pepys. Comprising His Diary from 1659 to 1669. London: Henry Colburn, 1825.
2 volumes, 4to (299 x 225 mm). Half-titles, 13 engraved portraits and plates including one folding map, in-text illustrations, advertisement leaf in vol. I. (Some offsetting, spotting or staining). Contemporary calf gilt, spine in 6 compartments with 5 raised bands, brown and black lettering-pieces gilt, edges marbled (skillfully re-backed, some minor wear, a few light scuffs to sides); later beige cloth slip-case. Provenance: Hugh Percy, possibly (1785–1847) 3rd Duke of Northumberland (bookplates).
FIRST EDITION of Pepys’ diary, which was in cipher until 1825, when it was deciphered by John Smith. Edited by Lord Braybrooke, the contents depict contemporary everyday life, making this a popular source of information about late 17-century England. Grolier English 75.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $500 - 700
218 POE, Edgar Allan. “The Raven” in: The Literary Emporium; a Compendium of Religious, Literary, and Philosophical Knowledge, Vol. I&II. New York: J. K. Wellman, 1845.
8vo. (Some spotting.) Publisher’s mint green cloth blocked in gilt and blind, edges gilt (some soiling, spine darkened, some wear to extremities).
AN EARLY PRINTING OF POE’S “THE RAVEN,” appearing on pp. 376-378, possibly an unauthorized appearance. According to Jeffrey A. Savoye: “my own research strongly suggests that the appearance of the poem in this rather dubious periodical was entirely unauthorized” (see “Discarding the Literary Emporium: An Unauthorized Reprint of ‘The Raven’” in: The Edgar Allan Poe Review, Vol. 14, No. 1, Spring 2013, pp.101-109). Not in BAL; Heartman & Canny 100-101.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $400 - 600
SCOTT, John. The Poetical Works. London: J. Buckland, 1782. Contemporary mottled calf (rebacked). Keynes 94. -- LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth. Tales of A Wayside Inn. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1863Original green cloth blindstamped. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION, FIRST ISSUE. BAL 12136. -- ELIOT, T.S. The Cocktail Party. London: Faber and Faber Ltd., [1950]. Original green cloth; in unrestored and unclipped dust jacket. Gallup A55a. -- CUMMINGS, E. E. Tulips and Chimneys. NY: Thomas Seltzer, 1923. Original quarter linen. -- And 10 others. Together, 14 works in 16 volumes, various 8vo and 12mo sizes, most FIRST EDITION, condition generally fi ne.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $400 - 600
220 [POLAR/ARCTIC EXPLORATION]. NANSEN, Fridtjof Wedel-Jarlsberg (1861-1930). Farthest North. New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1897.
2 volumes, 8vo. Frontispieces, 4 color folding maps, 16 chromolithographic plates after Nansen’s sketches, numerous illustrations. Original black cloth gilt, stamped in red, green, and silver, top edge gilt, others uncut (some staining); modern blue paper-covered slipcase. Provenance: Redfi eld Proctor (1831-1908), 37th Governor of Vermont, Vermont Senator(bookplates).
FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. Nansen’s voyage was the fi rst for the Fram, a ship specially designed to withstand ice pressure; after being frozen in for 3 years, the Fram emerged from the ice undamaged, and went on to carry Roald Amundsen to South Polar waters on his 1910 expedition. Though Nansen didn’t reach the North Pole during his expedition, he reached the highest latitude so far attained by man (85° 14’). Nansen’s account was instantly successful and was translated into numerous languages. Arctic Bibliography 11983; PMM 353 (Norwegian edition, “it remains the classic story of Polar exploration”).
Property from a Private Collection, Evanston, IL $200 - 300
221 [PORTRAITS]. Theatrum honoris in quo nostri Apelles, saeculi seu Pictorum, qui patrum nostrorum memoria vixerunt celebriorum praecipue quos Belgium tulit, verae et ad vivum expressae imagines in aes incisa exhibentur. Amsterdam: Joannes Janssonius, 1618.
4to (277 x 182 mm). Engraved title, 2 engraved allegorical plates, letterpress poem by Hondius, 60 (of 68) engraved portraits. Contemporary green vellum, edges stained red (upper joint separating, covers bowed). Provenance: early annotation on blank leaf facing title-page; Francois Xavier Borluut de Noortdonck (1771-1837), Flemish collector (bookplate); Rodman Chute Pruitt (signature on blank leaf facing title 1952).
Third edition of this suite of artists’ portraits, engraved by Simon frisius, Robert de Baudous, and Andries Stock after Hendrik Hondius. Each portrait is accompanied by Latin verse, and subjects include Jan Van Eyck, Hieronymous Bosch, Pieter Brueghel, Albrecht Durer, Hans Holbein, Johannes Stradanus, Hendrick Goltzius, Hans Vredeman de Vries, Karel Van Mander, and Jacob De Gheyn.
Property from the Estate of Nancy Hagensieker $2,500 - 3,500
222 SAINT-EXUPERY, Antoine de (1900-1944). Wind, Sand and Stars. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1939.
8vo. Original quarter blue calf, blue-and-white patterned cloth, top edge gilt, others uncut (some chipping and minor staining); original board slipcase (some wear).
FIRST AMERICAN EDITION, LIMITED EDITION, number 43 of 500 copies SIGNED BY SAINT-EXUPERY. Saint-Exupery’s memoirs recall his early fl ights, fi rst as a mail carrier pilot in the Sahara and Libya, and later in South America and Spain. Saint-Exupery disappeared on a fl ight over the Mediterranean in 1944.
[With:] SAINT-EXUPERY. Night Flight. Stuart Gilbert, translator. New York & London: The Century Co., 1932.8vo. Publisher’s original blue cloth pictorial stamped in navy and gilt, (some spotting to upper edge, some light rubbing; in original dustjacket (price-clipped, some chipping, some light toning). FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH, FIRST PRINTING of Saint-Exupery’s second novel which won the Prix Femina in 1931.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $400 - 600 223 SCOTT, Walter, Sir (1771-1832). Woodstock: or, The Cavalier. Edinburgh & London: for Archibald Constable and Co.; Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1826.
3 volumes, 8vo (195 x 122 mm). Half-titles. (Small holes on title-pages from erasure, some spotting or staining.) Original boards, printed letteringpieces, uncut (some chipping and soiling, spines slightly darkened, hinges reinforced); slipcase. Provenance: J.L.P. Leith? (signatures); Helen Gordon (signatures, 1846); effaced signatures on titles.
FIRST EDITION IN ORIGINAL BOARDS of one of Scott’s Waverly novels, a historical novel is set just after the English Civil War (1642-1651) which retells the escape of Charles II of England in 1652 and his triumphal entry into London on 29 May 1660. Scott’s Waverly novels were published anonymously prior to 1827.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $300 - 400
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust
224 SHAW, George Bernard (1856-1950). Cashel Byron’s Profession. London: The SHAW, George Bernard (1856-1950). Cashel Byron’s Profession Modern Press, 1886.
8vo. Original wrappers printed in red and black (rebacked, a few minor repairs). Provenance: Mrs. R. G. Hopkins (correspondence from bookseller Frank Hollings, 1929, laid in).
FIRST EDITION of Shaw’s fi rst signifi cant separately published work, preceded only by two Fabian Society leafl ets. Cashel Byron’s Profession first appeared in the periodical To-Day, with this separate edition printed from the stereos of the corrected plates of that printing. Laurence A3a.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $400 - 600 Woodstock: or, The Cavalier. Edinburgh &
225 SHAW, George Bernard (1856-1950). Plays: Pleasant and Unpleasant. London: Grant Richards, 1898.
2 volumes, 8vo. Photogravure portrait frontispiece and 8pp. publisher’s advertisements in Vol.I; 4pp. publisher’s advertisements in Vol.II. (A few stains.) Publisher’s green cloth gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut (some staining, spines darkened and slightly leaned, hinges starting or separating); morocco-backed slipcase. Provenance: Alfred J. Warne Browne (presentation inscription, stamp on paste-down vol.I).
FIRST EDITION, PRESENTATION COPY, INSCRIBED BY SHAW: “From G.B.S. ,painter of humanity, to Warne Browne, painter of the next deepest subject - the sea! Cadgwith Sept. 1899.” Shaw’s “unpleasant” plays were socalled because they forced the spectator to face unpleasant truths; he followed them with “pleasant” plays in an effort to appeal to producers and audiences. [With:] SHAW. The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God. London: Constable & Company Limited, 1932. 8vo. Numerous wood-engraved illustrations by John Farleigh. (Some occasional spotting or soiling.) Publisher’s pictorial black and white boards (some light rubbing). FIRST EDITION of Shaw’s controversial short story collection.
226 STEINBECK, John (1902-1968). East of Eden. New York: The Viking Press, 1952.
8vo. Original publisher’s green cloth stamped in red and dark green (front hinge starting, a few leaves nearly sprung, very slight wear to extremities); original unclipped dust jacket (some slight chipping, a few short tears, spine panel toned).
FIRST TRADE EDITION, FIRST ISSUE, with ‘’bite’’ on p. 281. FIRST ISSUE DUST JACKET without reviews, the with the $4.50 price present. Elia Kazan’s 1955 fi lm of the same title was loosely based on the fourth and fi nal part of Steinbeck’s novel. Goldstone & Payne A32.b. $400 - 600
227 STEINBECK, John (1902-1968). Sweet Thursday. New York: The Viking Press, 1954.
8vo. Original publisher’s beige cloth stamped in blue and red, top edge stained red; unclipped dust jacket (some light chipping and wear to extremities).
FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE, with top edge stained red. FIRST ISSUE DUST JACKET with the $3.50 price present and with no blurbs beneath the photo of Steinbeck on the back panel. Goldstone & Payne A33.b. $300 - 400
228 STEINBECK, John (1902-1968). A group of 3 works, comprising:
227 The Wayward Bus. 1947. -- Sweet Thursday. 1954. -- Journal of a Novel The East of Eden Letters. 1969. -- Together, 3 works in 3 volumes, all published in New York by the Viking Press, various 4to and 8vo sizes, all in original bindings with unrestored and unclipped dust jackets, ALL FIRST EDITIONS, condition generally fi ne. $300 - 500
229 STERNE, Laurence (1713-1768). A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy. London: T. Becket and P.A. De Hondt, 1768.
2 volumes, 16mo (144 mm x 90 mm). Half-titles; 16pp. subscribers’ list in vol. I. Contemporary calf, smooth spine gilt, red morocco lettering-pieces gilt (rebacked preserving original spines and endpapers, neat repairs to corners); cloth folding case. Provenance: C. Marlborough (signatures on titles); Abel E. Berland (bookplate).
FIRST EDITION. Vol. I is Rothschild’s variant 2 with “vous” on p.150; Vol. II is Rothschild’s variant 1 with “who have” on p.133. “The real journey immortalized in the story was made in October, 1765... in December, 1767, two volumes were completed, and on February 27, the work was published... On the eighteenth of March, Sterne died” (Grolier). ESTC T14747; Grolier English 54; Rothschild 1971.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $600 - 800
230 230 STERNE, Laurence (“Mr. Yorick”) (1713-1768). The Works of Laurence Sterne. London: STERNE, Laurence (“Mr. Yorick”) (1713-1768). The Works of Laurence Sterne. London: W. Strahan et al, 1780.
10 volumes, 8vo (176 x 107 mm). 10 engraved plates (including 2 portrait frontispieces), leaf of marbled paper as issued in vol. II. (Some offsetting, light spotting and staining, a few leaves with tears crossing text.) Contemporary calf gilt, smooth spine gilt, brown and black morocco lettering-pieces gilt, edges sprinkled red (some overall wear, lacking 4 lettering-pieces).
Collected edition of Sterne’s works, including The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, and A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy, considered to be one of the most infl uential works in 18th century English literature. ESTC T14823. $300 - 400 $300 - 400
231 TARKINGTON, Booth (1869-1946). The Gentleman from Indiana. New York: Doubleday & McClure Co., 1899.
8vo. Original green cloth stamped in red and tan, spine gilt-lettered, top edge green, others uncut (light rubbing to extremities, spine slightly darkened). Provenance: A.R. Howard? (stamped signature); acquired Hamill & Barker.
FIRST EDITION, FIRST STATE with “eye” and “so pretty” on p.245, and “brain of Zeus” on p. 342. IN EARLIEST BINDING with the ear of corn on the spine pointing up. Tarkington’s fi rst novel.
[Laid in:] TARKINGTON. Autograph letter signed (“Booth Tarkington”), to Mrs. Charles A. Evers. Indianapolis, Indiana, 16 June 1899. 4 pages, 8vo, creasing and light toning. Responding to Evers’ request for an autograph, one of the fi rst he ever received: “Yours is the fi rst and only request of that kind I have received and I confess, without caution, that I am in a state of painful anxiety lest it prove also the last…” -- Selfportrait of Booth Tarkington drawn in pencil, signed (“Booth Tarkington”). Indianapolis, Indiana, 1903. 1 page (one leaf), 8vo, on wove paper, some spotting.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $400 - 600
232 TENNYSON, Alfred, Lord (1809-1892). Poems, Chiefl y Lyrical. London: Effi ngham Wilson, 1830. Poems, Chiefl y Lyrical. London:
12mo (180 x 105 mm). 2pp. publisher’s advertisements. Blue crushed levant gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut, stamp-signed by Riviere (hinges lightly rubbed).
FIRST EDITION, second issue, with “carcanet” on p.72, and with p.91 numbered correctly. Tennyson’s fi rst separately published book. Wise 6.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $600 - 800
234 WOOD, Ellen (“Mrs. Henry Wood”) (1814-1887). East Lynne. London: Richard Bentley, 1861.
3 volumes, 8vo (186 x 112 mm). (Some minor spotting and soiling.) Early 20th-century blue morocco gilt, edges gilt, stamp-signed by Root; together in custom blue cloth slipcase. Provenance: H. Harvey Frost (1863–1969), industrialist and bibliophile (bookplate).
FIRST EDITION of Wood’s Victorian best-selling sensational novel. After fi rst being rejected for publication by Chapman & Hall and Smith & Elder, Bentley published it in a small run, which went on to be published in 15 editions in 5 years, with 110,250 copies sold in its fi rst 25 years. Sadleir 3333.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $600 - 800 233 WALLACE, Lew (1827-1905). Ben-Hur A Tale of the Christ. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1880. Ben-Hur A Tale of the Christ. New York: Harper
8vo. 12 pp. advertisements at rear. (Some staining.) Original blue pictorial cloth stamped in red, blue, green, and black (darkened and some staining, some light wear, front hinge starting, a few leaves becoming loose).
FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE with dated title-page and 2-line dedication, and with covers not beveled. Ben-Hur, one of the best-selling novels of the 19th century. The fi lm adaptation, released in 1959, won 11 Academy Awards. BAL 20798.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $500 - 700 $500 - 700
235 [WORLD LITERATURE]. A group of 9 works of literature, including:
Specimens of German Romance. London: Geo. B. Whittaker, 1826. 3 volumes. Contemporary half brown morocco over marbled boards gilt, edges gilt by Riviere & Son. -- STERNE, Laurence. Original Letters. London: Logographic Press, 1788. Contemporary calf (rebacked). Provenance: George Rooke (bookplate); Edward Liard (signature, 1817). -- STEVENSON, Robert Louis. The Black Arrow: A Tale of the Two Roses. London et al: Cassell & Company, Limited, 1888. Original red cloth. Provenance: Graham Pollard (1903-1976), British bookseller (bookplate). FIRST ENGLISH EDITION. -- DINESEN, Isak. Seven Gothic Tales. NY: Harrison Smith and Robert Haas, 1934. Original half cloth; dust jacket. -- And 5 others. Together, 9 works in 11 volumes, various 8vo and 12mo sizes, most FIRST EDITIONS, condition generally good or fi ne.
Property from the Annette Perlman Trust $500 - 700