6 minute read


American Birds of Dorothy Doughty | Lots 873 – 922

Tuesday 14 February 2012





873 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, American Redstarts, perched on hemlock branches. Height of taller 9 1/4 inches. $1,500-2,500

874 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, American Goldfinches, perched on purple thistle. Height 7 1/2 inches. $1,500-2,500 875 A Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Bird, Bluebirds, perched on apple blossoms. Height 9 inches. $1,500-2,500

876 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Apple Blossom Sprays, with honey bees and butterflies. Height 7 1/2 inches. $300-500 877 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Red Cardinals, perched on orange blossoms. Height 12 1/2 inches. $400-600

878 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Orange Blossom Sprays, with butterflies. Height 5 1/2 inches. $150-250

879 A Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Bird, Indigo Bunting, perched on a plum twig. Height 9 inches. $1,000-2,000

880 A Group of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Indigo Buntings, perched on blackberry branches. Height 9 inches. $800-1,200

881 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Baltimore Orioles, perched on tulip tree branches. Height 10 inches. $300-500

882 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Chickadees, perched on larch branches. Height 10 inches. $300-500

883 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Crab Apple Sprays, with butterflies. Height 9 1/2 inches. $500-700 884 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Mocking Birds, perched on peach blossom branches. Height 10 1/2 inches. $1,500-2,500

885 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Bob White Quail, with chicks. Height 7 inches. $5,000-7,000

886 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds, one in flight, the other perched on fuchsia. Height 10 1/4 inches. $500-700

887 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Mexican Feijoa Blossoms, with ladybugs. Height 11 1/2 inches. $400-600

888 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Magnolia Warblers, perched on magnolia. Height 13 1/2 inches. $1,500-2,500 889 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Golden Crowned Kinglets, perched on noble pine branches. Height 7 1/2 inches. $500-700

890 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Red Eyed Vereos, perched on a swamp azalea. Height 8 1/4 inches. $800-1,200

891 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Yellow Headed Blackbirds, perched on spiderwart flowers. Height 10 1/2 inches. $800-1,200

892 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Myrtle Warblers, perched on cherry blossoms. Height 9 1/4 inches. $600-800

893 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Blue-Grey Gnatcatchers, on in flight, two others perched on dogwood. Height 11 1/2 inches. $800-1,200

893 886

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894 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Bewick’s Wrens, one in flight, the other perched on yellow jasmine. Height 10 inches. $500-700

895 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Scarlet Tanagers, perched on white oak branches. Height 11 inches. $1,000-2,000

896 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Oven Birds, perched on crested iris and lady’s slipper. Height 10 inches $1,000-2,000 897 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Parula Warblers, perched on sweet bay. Height 8 1/2 inches. $500-700

898 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Yellow-Throats, perched on water hyacinth. Height 12 inches. $1,500-2,500

899 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Phoebes, perched on flame vine. height 10 1/4 inches. $800-1,200 900 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Downy Woodpeckers, perched on pecan branches. Height 12 inches. $500-700

901 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Hooded Warbler, perched on cherokee rose. Height 12 1/2 inches. $700-900

902 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Cerulian Warblers, perched on maple branches. Height 10 1/2 inches. $600-800


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903 A Group of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher, the wall mount depicting a courting couple. Length 24 inches. $300-500

904 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Vermilion Flycatchers, perched on pussy willow. Height 11 inches. $800-1,200

905 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Audubon’s Warblers, perched on palo verdi. Height 8 inches. $800-1,200 906 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Canyon Wrens, perched on wild lupin. Height 8 inches. $800-1,200

907 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Cactus Wrens, perched on prickly pear. Height 11 inches. $800-1,200

908 A Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Bird, Lark Sparrow, perched on volcanic ash with red gild and twinpod blossoms. Height 5 1/2 inches. $200-400 909 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Mountain Bluebirds, perched on naturalistic rock form bases with spleenwort niger. Height 9 1/2 inches. $300-500

910 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Lazuli Bunting, perched on choke cherry. Height 10 1/2 inches. $800-1,200

911 A Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Bird, Elf Owl, perched on a squaro cactus. Height 11 1/2 inches. $500-700



912 A Group of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Extinct Carolina Paroquets, the wall mount depicting a courting couple. Length 18 inches. $500-700

913 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Lesser Whitethroats, perched on wild rose. Height 10 inches. $600-800

914 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Bullfinch, perched on blackthorn. Height 8 1/2 inches. $300-500


915 A Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Bird, Chiff Chaff, perched on hogweed. Height 17 inches. $400-600

916 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Redstarts, one in flight, the other perched on gorse. Height 8 inches. $500-700

917 A Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Bird, Kingfisher, depicted in flight near an autumn beech. Height 11 1/2 inches. $400-600

918 A Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Bird, Moorhen Chick, standing on water lily. Width 12 1/2 inches. $200-400

919 A Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Bird, Nightingale, perched on honeysuckle. Height 10 1/2 inches. $400-600

920 A Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Bird, Blue Tits, perched on pussy willow. Height 8 inches. $400-600

921 A Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Bird, Grey Wagtail, perched on celandine. Height 5 3/4 inches. $300-500

922 A Pair of Royal Worcester Dorothy Doughty Birds, Burnette Wren, perched on a naturalistic rocky base with wild rose. Height 5 1/2 inches. $200-400

913 919



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