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Fine Printed Books & Manuscripts

Lots 1-191, Including:

Incunabula, Renaissance Printing and Early English Literature from the Collection of Edward Quattrocchi The Robert Frost Collection of Robert and Norma Cotner


AMIOT, Joseph Marie (1718-1793), and others. Memoires concernant l’histoire, les sciences, les arts, les mœurs, les usages, &c. des chinois: par les missionaires de Pekin. Paris: Chez Nyon, 1776-1791.

15 volumes, 4to (250 x 195 mm). Half-titles to vols.III and IX-XV, 2 engraved frontispiece portraits of the Qianlong Emperor and Amiot, 193 engraved plates (5 folding, plate 1, a portrait of Confucius, bound as the frontispiece to vol.XII). (Occasional light spotting and toning.) Contemporary French mottled calf, edges stained red (a few joints starting, some wear to spines, extremities, and a few lettering-pieces). Provenance: Lord Clifford Ugbrooke (Ugbrooke Library stamps).

FIRST EDITION of this survey by Jesuit missionaries containing translations of classic Chinese works of law, essays on Chinese linguistics, philosophy, science, cultural life, and politics. Vol.VII is a reprint of Amiot’s Art militaire des Chinois (Paris, 1772), considered the first translation of ancient Chinese military strategy into a European language. Missionaries who contributed to this work include Amiot, Cibot, Bourgeois, Poirot, Ko and Yang. The complete series comprises 17 volumes with vols.XVI and XVII published a few decades later in 1814 under a different imprint; complete 17 volume sets are infrequently found on the market. Brunet 3, 1596; Cordier, Sinica I, 54-55; Lust 96.

Property from a Prominent Chicago Collection



ARIOSTO, Ludovico (1474-1533). Orlando furioso. Venice: Felice Valgrisi, 1587.

4to (267 x 186 mm). Title within architectural woodcut border, full-page woodcut illustrations, woodcut initials and ornaments. (Some minor soiling or spotting, a few small marginal tears.) Later boards, handlettered labels on spine (joints repaired, some minor soiling). Provenance: Robert Lifford Harries (signature).

Later edition, a reprint of Valgrisi’s 1580 edition, the first quarto edition, completed at the expense of Valerio Bonelli and with plates after Dosso Dossi. See Adams A-1676 (the 1580 edition).

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



ARIOSTO, Ludovico (1474-1533). Orlando Furioso. Venice: Zatta, 1772-1773.

4 volumes, 4to (277 x 203 mm). Engraved frontispiece, engraved portrait, 56 engraved plates, 4 engraved title-pages, engraved vignette head-pieces, engraved initials. (A few minor mostly marginal stains, otherwise fine.) Contemporary half calf, marbled boards, smooth spine gilt, olive morocco letteringpieces gilt, edges stained blue (some light wear primarily to edges). Provenance: Giuseppe Maganzi da Lorenzo Lapi (18th century letterpress bookplate).

THE FINE ZATTA ILLUSTRATED EDITION, with allegorical frontispiece designed and engraved by Pietro Antonio Novelli, four engraved title-pages with elaborate ornamental borders of weapons, shields and armor engraved by Giuliano Zuliani after Novelli, an oval portrait of Ariosto engraved by G. Daniotto, and numerous plates after Passega and Carri engraved by Baratti, Daniotto, Leonardis and others. Morazzoni 213.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



ARISTOTLE (384-322 B.C.). De Animalium generatione libri quinque cum Philiponi Commentariis. Venice: Joannes Antonius and Fratres de Sabio, February 1526.

Folio (303 x 207 mm). Text opening printed in red and black, text printed in Greek with commentary surround. (Several leaves with lower outer margin slightly gnawed, a few with old repairs, some dampstaining and wrinkling.) Old vellum (endpapers renewed, some minor losses to joints, hinges starting, some soiling). Provenance: A few marginal notes in an early hand; John S. Eells, Jr. (blindstamp).

A humanist edition, with commentary by John Philiponus, known as John the Grammarian or John of Alexandria. Adams A-1789; Wellcome p.190.

[Bound with:]

PHILIPONUS, John (ca 590 - ca 570). Contra Proclum de Mundi Aeternitate. Venice: Bartholomaei Casterzagensis [Bartolomeo Zanetti] and John Francis Trincavelli, 1535.

Folio. Text printed in Greek; woodcut initials and head-pieces. (A few leaves with repairs to upper margin affecting a few letters, a few repairs to lower corners.)

THE RARE EDITIO PRINCEPS of Philoiponus’ influential scientific work in which he criticizes Proclus’ belief in an external world. The work is one of the first published in Venice by Bartolomeo Zanetti from Casterzago, with his device on the title-page reportedly after Titian. Adams P-1060.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi


ASHMEAD, Henry B. The Illustrated Book of Natural History. Philadelphia: Ashmead & Evans, 1859.

4to (318 x 255 mm). 17 (of 32) colored plates. (Some off-setting from plates to text, damp-stain to bottom margins, some spotting.) Modern cloth (slight sunning and wear to extremities).

Early edition. Editions of this work to any degree of completeness are very rare on the market.

Property from the Collection of Michael and Kay Melet



[ARCHITECTURE]. The Builder’s Dictionary: or, Gentleman and Architect’s Companion. London: A. Bettesworth, C. Hitch, and S. Austen, 1734.

2 volumes, 8vo (200 x 107 mm). Engraved frontispiece, 34 folding engraved plates on 33 leaves, several full-page woodcut illustrations. With the approbation leaf in vol.II (not mentioned in RIBA), and with the two supplements and the errata leaf. Contemporary calf gilt, red morocco lettering-pieces gilt (neatly rebacked preserving original spine, slight chipping to one lettering-piece, some minor rubbing). Provenance: George Armstrong (signature dated 1735).

FIRST EDITION of the most substantial English architectural dictionary published to date, notable for its inclusion of Hubert Gautier’s Traité des ponts, likely the only English translation. A FINE COPY. RIBA 480.


[ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN]. BAILEY, Vernon Howe (1874-1953). Empire State. A Pictorial Record of Its Construction. New York: William Edwin Rudge, 1931.

Large folio. Color frontispiece, 25 plates after drawings by Bailey. Original half white and blue paper boards, embossed image of the Empire State Building on upper board (tear at base of spine, soiling, slight rubbing to extremities).

FIRST EDITION, LIMITED ISSUE number 584 of an unspecified limitation printed to commemorate the construction of the Empire State Building.



[ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN]. Dekorative Vorbilder. Eine Sammlung von figürlichen Darstellungen, kunstgewerblichen Verzierungen… Volume 19. Stuttgart, Germany: Julius Hoffmann, 1908.

Folio. 60 color plates including chromolithographs. (A few tears affecting title-page and text leaf.) Loose as issued in original printed boards, cloth ties (minor soiling and very slight wear to spine ends).

FIRST EDITION, volume 19 only, this German decorative arts periodical published annually from 1889 to 1928.


(part lot)

[ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN]. RAPIN, Henri (1873-1939). La Sculpture Décorative Moderne, Series I-III. Paris: Editions Charles Moreau, [1925]1929.

3 volumes, folio. 96 heliogravure plates. Loose as issued in original cloth-backed printed boards, cloth ties (light rubbing and toning to boards; upper joint of vol.III separating, one tie detached from vol.II but present). Provenance: G. Broes Van Dort Co., Chicago, IL (bookseller’s label to vol.I).

FIRST EDITION of this 3-part series featuring Art Deco design and decorative sculpture by French artists including Binquet, Bouchard, Bourdelle, Lalique, Jallot, Follot and Süe et Mare. 8A

DUFRENE, Maurice. Ensembles Mobiliers. Exposition Internationale 1925. Paris: Editions Charles Moreau, 1926.

3 volumes comprising Series I-III, folio. 96 photographic plates. (Very occasional soiling to plate margins, not affecting images.) Loose as issued in original cloth-backed printed boards, cloth ties (soiling, light wear to extremities).

FIRST EDITION of this set of plates documenting Art Deco interiors and furnishings on display at the 1925 International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts.



[ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN]. -- SOCIETY OF BEAUX-ARTS ARCHITECTS. Winning Designs 1904-1927. Paris Prize in Architecture. New York: Pencil Points Press, 1928.

Folio. 35 plates. Loose as issued in original red gilt-lettered cloth-backed boards, cloth ties (slight soiling, minor wear to extremities).

FIRST EDITION featuring the award-winning designs for buildings and public monuments selected by the Society of Beaux Arts Architects.


BACON, Francis, Sir (1561-1626). Certaine Miscellany Works. London: John Haviland for Humphrey Robinson, 1629.

Small 4to (185 x 163 mm). Title-pages for each tract printed within double rule border, text printed within single rule border. (Lacking A quire, comprising: A1 blank, A2, general title, A3-4, “To the Reader.” Some minor browning.) Contemporary calf gilt (rebacked, some light wear). Provenance: Evelyn Philip Shirley (1812-1882), British politician (armorial bookplate).

FIRST EDITION, and the first appearance of three of the four tracts included herein: “An advertisement touching an holy warre,” “An offer to our late soveraigne King James...”, and “The history of the raigne of King Henry the Eighth.” “Considerations touching a warre with Spaine” is a “corrupt and surreptitious edition” (editor’s preface, not present in this copy). ESTC S100333; STC 1124.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi


13 Prose e Rime di M. Pietro Bembo. Venice: Gregorio de Gregori, 1525. (Not in Adams). -- Gliasolani de Messer Pietro Bembo... Venice: Gregorio de Gregori, 1525. (Not in Adams.) -- Rime di Monsignor P. Bembo. Venice: Francesco Bindoni and di Mapheo Pasini, 1548. Adams A-608.

Together, 3 works in one volume, 8vo (149 x 91 mm). Woodcut device on title-page of the 1548 Rime. (Some minor internal spotting.) 17th-century mottled calf, smooth spine gilt, edges stained red (wormholes to spine ends, head of spine tearing away, lacking lettering-piece, old label to foot of spine).

A sammelband of three early Venice printings of Bembo’s works, each RARE ON THE MARKET AT AUCTION.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi


BEROALDUS, Philippus (1453-1505). Declamatio ebriosi, scortatoris et aleatoris. Bologna: Benedictus Hectoris, 1499.

Small 4to (197 x 145 mm). Collation: a-b8, c4. 20 leaves. 27 lines. Roman and Greek types. Woodcut printer’s device at end, initial spaces with guideletters. (Title slightly soiled with short marginal tears, single worm-hole touching letters throughout, minor worm-hole to lower margin of a few leaves.) 20th-century half calf gilt (some light rubbing, minor losses to spine ends). Provenance: Old ownership inscriptions crossed out on title-page.

FIRST EDITION with the first word on ff.3 as “Argumentum”, and with the colophon as described in Hain. A second edition of the same year has the first word on ff.3 in majuscules and the colophon as described in BMC. Beroaldus’ well-known satire against drunkenness, whoring and gambling is written in the form of a dialogue between the three vices. BMC VI, 845 (see note); BSB-Ink B-370; GW 4130; Goff B-471; Hain 2965.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi

$2,500-3,500 12

BEMBO, Pietro (1470-1547). A sammelband of rare early Venice editions of Bembo’s works, comprising:

[BIBLE, in English]. The Holy Bible Containing the Old Testament and the New. -- Index Biblicus: or an Exact Concordance to the Holy Bible. -- The Whole Book of Psalms. Cambridge: John Field, 1668, 1666.

3 works bound in one, 4to (234 x 174 mm). Engraved architectural title by John Chantry. (Lacking dedication leaf, some minor browning or spotting, a few tiny rust-holes affecting letters). Contemporary blind-panelled calf (lacking clasps, sticker affixed to upper cover, some light wear, hinges starting with a few gatherings becoming loose). Provenance: Dorothy Gerrard Thurwall (gift inscription).

This edition, printed in small type, is widely known as the “Preaching Bible,” owing to its supposed suitability for use from the pulpit. Old and New Testament: ESTC R18074 (with the title-page for the New Testament dated 1666 as here); Wing B-2277. Concordance: ESTC R25717. Psalms: ESTC 17943; Wing B-2490.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi

15 $500-700

BIBLE, in German. Biblia, Das ist: Die gantze Heilige Schrift altes und neues Testaments verteutschet durch D. Mart. Luth. Lüneburg: Johann Stern, 1707.

8vo (214 x 138 mm). Engraved frontispiece, title and 24 engraved plates. Contemporary German red morocco gilt, covers decorated in a baroque style with gilt foliate and floral borders incorporating an interlacing strapwork arabesque design forming a large central panel and four corner panels, each containing an elaborate gilt urn holding a large blooming floral motif; edges gilt and gauffered (some rubbing and minor wear to spine bands and board extremities).



BOCCACCIO, Giovanni (1313-1375). [Filocolo]. Inamoramẽto di Florio & di Biãzafiore chiamato Philocolo. Venice: Bernardino de Lissona Vercellense, 22 May 1520.

Small 4to (206 x 150 mm). Title printed in Gothic within architectural woodcut border, text printed double-column in Roman type, woodcut initials. (Slight soiling to title-page, some minor spotting.) 18th-century sheep gilt, brown morocco lettering-piece gilt, edges sprinkled red and blue (foot of spine separating, worn). Provenance: Edward Davenport (armorial bookplate); John S. Eells, Jr. (blindstamp).

Rare Venitian edition of Boccaccio’s Filocolo, inspired by the poem Florio e Biancifiore, which dates to ca 1160. The Filocolo is considered to be the first Italian literature written in prose, and was a source for Chaucer’s “The Franklin’s Tale.” RARE: according to online records, only two copies of this edition have appeared on the market at auction; OCLC locates only 8 copies. Essling 2074; STC Italian 111.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi


BOCCACCIO, Giovanni (1313-1375). Il Decamerone novissimamente alla sua vera e sana lettione ridotto. Edited by Lodovico Dolce. Venice: Francesco Bindoni & Mapheo Pasini, March 1541.

4to (208 x 150 mm). Woodcut printer’s device on title-page, woodcut ornament on A8, 3-line initial spaces with guide letters. (F quire misbound, a few minor marginal tears.) Contemporary vellum, yapp edges, edges stained red (wrinkled, lacking ties, some minor soiling). Provenance: a few early marginal annotations; signature on title-page (partially removed).

FIRST EDITION of Dolce’s text. VERY RARE: according to online records, only two copies of this edition have appeared on the market at auction in the last 45 years. Not in Adams; BMC (Italy) 110; Graesse I, 450.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



BOCCACCIO, Giovanni (1313-1375). Il Decameron. Amsterdam: [Elzevir], 1665.

12mo. Title-page printed in red and black and with woodcut globe device. (Minor spotting or browning to a few leaves.) 20th century tan morocco gilt, edges gilt, stamp-signed by Hardy (upper cover detached, some light rubbing or wear). Provenance: Unidentified armorial bookplate (motto: “Deo et Regi”); unidentified stamp to title verso (“La Scientia, Alere Flaman”); Charles Walker Andrews (1861-1946), American Lawyer (bookplate).

FIRST EDITION, second issue, with the first line of the preface reading “Gl’amatori della lingua Toscana.” A reprint of the Giunta edition of 1527, the work of several humanists who collated Delfino’s 1516 edition against important manuscript copies, including the important Mannelli copy made in 1382, and which superseded all previous editions. Brunet I:1002; Willems 1349.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



BOETHIUS, Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus (480?-524?). Consolationis Philosophiae Libri V. Leiden: Ex Officina Hackiana, 1671.

8vo (197 x 120 mm). Engraved title-page, engraved portrait, woodcut initials. Contemporary vellum (covers slightly bowed, some minor soiling).

Later edition including the commentaries of Bernartius, Sitzmanus and Vallini. Few works were as influential or widely read during the Middle Ages as The Consolation of Philosophy. Brunet I:390.


[BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS]. ADLER, Elmer (1884-1962) and WINTERICH, John T. (1891-1970), editors. The Colophon. A Book Collectors’ Quarterly. Vols. 1-18, 20. New York: The Colophon Ltd., Pynson Printers, 1930-1935. 19 volumes, including duplicate numbers of Vols. 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 and 15. Together 27 volumes, 4to. Original printed boards (slight toning and soiling, light rubbing to extremities); several vols. with original glassines (some tearing with loss). Publisher’s ephemera laid in. FIRST EDITIONS, a nearly complete run of the periodical lacking only vol.19, including the often lacking color drypoint etching entitled “Hilltop” SIGNED BY DAVID B. MILNE in pencil lower margin in vol.V and the color woodcut print “An Eagle Ceremony at Tesuque Pueblo” by Gustave Baumann in vol.XII.

[With:] The Colophon. New Series. Vol.I Nos.1-4, Vol.III no.2. New York: Pynson Printers, 1935-1936, 1938. 5 volumes, including duplicate numbers of Vol.I nos. 3-4 and Vol.III no. 2. Together 8 volumes, 8vo. Original publisher’s printed boards or cloth; original glassine to one vol. (tearing with loss). FIRST EDITIONS. -- The Annual of Bookmaking 1927-1937. New York: Pynson Printers, 1938. 4to. Original publisher’s cloth stamped in silver and black (slight darkening to spine). FIRST EDITION. -- The Colophon. New Graphic Series. New York: Pynson Printers, 1940. Vol.I No.4. 4to. Original publisher’s cloth (slight toning to extremities). FIRST EDITIONS.


[BOOK ILLUSTRATION -- WOODCUTS]. -- [VERGILIUS MARO, Publius. Opera. Strassburg: Johannes Grüninger, 1502.]

Folio (300 x 212 mm). 12 leaves of Virgil’s Opera, with 13 woodcut illustrations and one woodcut initial with hand-coloring, comprising: ff. I, VIII, XX, LXX, XCVI, CLXII, CLXXXI, CLXXXVII, CCIII,CCIIII, CCVII, CCXVIII. (A few small mostly marginal wormtracks). Loose in board portfolios.

Edited by Sebastian Brant, this edition is considered one of the great German woodcut books of the Renaissance including woodcuts by the artist known as the Late Master of the Grüninger Workshop.

Property of a Midwestern Museum

$500-700 21

[BOOK ILLUSTRATION -- WOODCUT]. -- [BIBLE, in German. Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 17 February 1483.]

Folio (381 x 261 mm). 4 leaves of the Koberger Bible, with 5 woodcut illustrations with hand-coloring, comprising: ff. XLVIII, CXLVI, CLXII, CCXXXXV. Loose in board portfolios.

The only Bible in German printed by Koberger. The woodcuts, attributed to the Master of Cologne Bibles, were first used in Heinrich Quentell’s two Low German Bibles of ca 1478. The cuts became the prototype for later German Bible illustration. The woodcuts here represent: The golden calf; David and Bathsheba; Solomon and the Queen of Saba; and Tobias healing his blind father.

Property of a Midwestern Museum



BOSWELL, James (1740-1795). The Life of Samuel Johnson. London: Henry Baldwin for Charles Dilly, 1791. [With:] The Principal Corrections and Additions to the First Edition of Mr. Boswell’s Life of Dr. Johnson. London: 1793.

2 volumes, 4to (271 x 205 mm). Frontispiece portrait, 2 engraved plates with facsimiles of signatures. (Occasional spotting). 20th-century dark blue levant gilt, spine in 6 compartments with 5 raised bands, gilt-lettered in 2, the rest gilt-decorated, edges gilt, STAMP SIGNED BY BIRDSALL (slightly rubbed); blue morocco-backed slipcase and chemise gilt.

FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE with the expected “give” reading on vol. 1, p.135, l.10, all 7 cancels, and imprint intact below the portrait. Boswell’s biography, published 16 May 1791, achieved immediate acclaim; it has never been out of print. The Corrections were published concurrently with the second edition of the Life. ESTC T064481; Grolier English 65; Rothschild 463, 466.

BOXHORN, Marcus Zuerius (1612-1653). Monumenta Illustrium Virorum et Elogia. Amsterdam: Joannem Janssonium, 1638.

4to (302 x 194 mm). Engraved title-page. 125 engraved plates. (Toning and dampstaining, 75 mm tear to plate 114.) Modern brown cloth (rebound). Provenance: Newberry Library (library deaccession stamp).

FIRST EDITION of Boxhorn’s collection of engraved funerary epitaphs of notable historical figures and scholars including Virgil, Erasmus, Dante, Petrarch. and Alciati. Watt I.142w.


BAYARDI, Ottavio Antonio (1690-1765). Catalogo degli Antichi Monumenti Dissotterrati dalla discoperta citta di Ercolano. Naples: Regia Stamperia di S.M., 1755. Folio (460 x 360 mm). Half-title, Engraved title vignette. (Toning and scattered spotting.) Modern green cloth, edges stained red (rebound, slight rubbing to spine). Provenance: John M. Wing (1845-1917), American printer, publisher and collector, (Old Corner Library bookplate), benefactor to; Newberry Library (library deaccession stamp). Second edition of Bayardi’s catalogue of the archaeological findings from the first excavation of the ancient city of Herculaneum. Text volume only, not including 8 volumes of plates published 1757-1792 commonly found with this work.

Property from the Newberry Library, Chicago, Illinois



[BRITISH HISTORY]. A group of 3 works, comprising:

RYMER, Thomas. Acta Regia; being the account which Mr. Rapin de Thoyras published of the History of England... London: Printed for James, John and Paul Knapton, D. Midwinter, and others, [1734?]. Folio (385 x 240 mm). Contemporary half calf (rebacked, upper board detached, wear). Later edition. ESTC T110722. -- CAMPBELL, John. A Political Survey of Britain. London: Printed for the author, 1774. 2 volumes, 4to (385 x 240 mm). Contemporary calf (upper boards detached, wear). FIRST EDITION. ESTC T90453; Sabin 10239. -- TOPHAM, John. Some Account of the Collegiate Chapel of Saint Stephen. [London: published for the Society of Antiquaries, 1795]. Large folio (628 x 460 mm). 14 engraved plates (damp-staining and spotting affecting a few plates). Half blue morocco gilt (wear to extremities). Provenance: Frederick Roach? (signature, 1855). FIRST EDITION. ESTC T105074. -- Together, 3 works in 4 volumes, folios, FIRST EDITIONS except where noted. Provenance: John M. Wing (1845-1917), American printer, publisher and collector, (Old Corner Library bookplate), benefactor to; Newberry Library (library deaccession stamps). Bindings as described, condition as described.

Property from the Newberry Library, Chicago, Illinois


BUONAMICI, Francesco (1533-1603). Discorsi Poetici Nella Accademia Fiorentina In Difesa d’ Aristotile. Florence: Giorgio Marescotti, 1597.

4to (197 x 134 mm). Title-page printed within architectural woodcut border, woodcut initials. (Title trimmed short, a few quires browned.) Contemporary vellum (endpapers renewed). Provenance: Sticker with shelfmark on title verso.

FIRST EDITION of Buonamici’s response to Ludovico Castelvetro’s 1570 commentary on Aristotle, which was widely known for its inaccuracy. Adams B-3278.


CAESAR, Caius Julius (100-44 B.C.). [The Commentaries]. Commentarii. Milan: Philippus Lavagna, 1478.

Folio (311 x 224 mm). Collation: a–p8qr6. 132 leaves with fol 132, blank (of 152, lacking 20 leaf index, comprising A-B8 C4). 42 lines, headlines in manuscript throughout. Type: 112R. Capital spaces with guide letters. 19th century calf gilt (joints starting, some light wear). Provenance: early manuscript headlines, foliation and marginal annotations (marginal annotations occasionally trimmed); John Shepard Eells, Jr. (armorial bookplate).

Reprinted from Zarotus’ 1476 edition, omitting P. J. Philelphus’ dedication. RARE: according to online records, only one copy of this edition has sold at auction in the last 40 years (sold Lawrence, 17 January 2006, lot 228). BMC VI, 706; BSB-Ink C-26; Goff C-20; GW 5867; Hain 4216; ISTC ic00020000 (citing only 24 institutional holdings).

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi 24 (part lot)



CASTIGLIONE, Baldassare (1478-1529). [The Courtier.] Il Libro del Cortegiano. Florence: Benedetto Giunta, 1537.

Small 8vo (154 x 102 mm). Woodcut device on title-page, 5-7 line initial spaces with guide letters. (Title laid down, lacking a portion of upper margin and soiled, A2 with repair recto, some spotting, lacking B8, blank.) Contemporary vellum, hand-lettered on spine and edges. Provenance: Arthur Mullin (bookplate).

FIRST BENEDETTO GIUNTA EDITION of the first book to appear with his imprint. The first Giunta family press was established in Venice by Lucantonio Giunta in 1489; some thirty members of the family became printers or booksellers. RARE: according to online records, only three copies of this edition have sold at auction in the last 40 years.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi

$400-500 29


[CAXTON CLUB]. WILKINS, Ernest Hatch. The Trees of the Genealogia Deorum of Boccaccio. Chicago: The Caxton Club, 1923.

4to. 24 plates, some printed in color. Original half vellum gilt, uncut, top edge gilt (some minor soiling).

LIMITED EDITION, one of 160 unnumbered copies printed on paper made by hand in Fabriano, Italy, and printed by R. R. Donnelley and Sons at the Lakeside Press.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi

$100-200 31

[CAVENDISH, George (1500?-1562)]. The Negotiations of Thomas Woolsey, the Great Cardinall of England... London: for William Sheeres, 1641.

Small 4to (185 x 142 mm). Engraved portrait frontispiece, woodcut ornament on title-page; with final blank. (Some spotting or soiling.) Contemporary mottled calf, later red morocco letteringpiece gilt (cover slightly bowed, some light wear). Provenance: Bent Juel-Jensen (1922-2006), physician and book collector (bookplate).

FIRST EDITION, previously attributed to George Cavendish’s older brother, Sir William Cavendish. George Cavendish entered into service for Cardinal Wolsey in 1522, and remained a close member of the household until Wolsey’s death in 1530. ESTC R19386; STC C1619A (a variant with “Sheeres” instead of “Sheares” in the imprint; the text setting is the same).

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi


CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, Miguel de (1547-1616). [Don Quixote]. The History and Adventures of the Renowned Don Quixote. Tobias Smollett, translator. London: for A. Millar and others, 1755.

2 volumes, 4to (285 x 221 mm). 28 engraved plates. (Some minor browning or spotting.) Contemporary sprinkled calf, contemporary brown morocco lettering-pieces gilt, later tan morocco letteringpieces gilt (some light wear, joints starting). Provenance: Arthur Mullin (bookplate).

Illustrated edition with engraved plates after Hayman. “Hayman was the most proficient English illustrator of his time, and this is his best book” (Gordon N. Ray, The Illustrator and the Book in England, p.5).

CHAUCER, Geoffrey (1340?-1400). [The Woorkes of Geffrey Chaucer, Newly Printed, with divers addicions...] London: Jhon Kyngston for Jhon Wight, 1561.

Folio (314 x 213 mm). Black letter, text double column. Woodcut illustration for The Knight’s Tale (leaf B1, first used in the 1550 edition), woodcut initials. (Lacking [fleuron]1-4, A1 and A6, A2-5 and 3U gatherings soiled and frayed with repairs, tiny wormholes to several leaves affecting letters, a few leaves with marginal repairs occasionally affecting letters, 2G1 with small hole just affecting letters.) Modern half brown calf stamp-signed by J. P. Gray & Son (some light wear or staining). Provenance: Anthony Standen (ca 1548 - ?), English intelligencer (early signatures on final leaf); Willi Drewe (ex-dono inscription).


Fifth edition of the Collected Works, one of two recorded issues with this date: as here, with the preliminaries collating A6, and another with preliminary woodcuts and with preliminaries collating A4. Traditionally, it has been believed that the illustrated issue was printed first, with the cuts omitted in the second issue. More recent scholarship suggests that the printer came into possession of the woodcuts belatedly, and that the unillustrated issue was first (see David R. Carlson, “The Woodcut Illustrations in Early Printed Editions of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales”, in Chaucer Illustrated: Five Hundred Years of the Canterbury Tales in Pictures, British Library, 2003). The text, edited by John Stowe, is based on William Thynne’s translation, which was the first serious attempt at a critical edition; the majority of the works added to here to the Chaucer canon for the first time are spurious. ESTC S107207; Grolier Langland to Prior 42; Pforzheimer 176; STC 5076.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



[CHILDREN’S BOOKS]. A group of 4 works, comprising:

GOREY, Edward. The Vinegar Works. The Gashlycrumb Tinies; The Insect God; The West Wing. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1963. 3 volumes. Provenance: Joan Hilda Baum (bookplate). FIRST EDITION. -- GRAHAME, Kenneth. The Reluctant Dragon. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1983. FIRST EDITION. -- GREENAWAY, Kate, illustrator. A Day in a Child’s Life. London: George Routledge and Sons, n.d. Music by Myles B. Foster. FIRST EDITION. --RACKHAM, Arthur, illustrator. MILTON, John. Comus. London and New York: William Heinemann and Doubleday Page & Co., n.d. -- Together, 4 works in 6 volumes, 4to or smaller, first editions where indicated, all as issued in original publisher’s bindings, condition generally fine.

Property from the Collection of Michael and Kay Melet


[CHINA -- TRAVEL & EXPLORATION]. ALLOM, Thomas (1804-1872), illustrator. -- WRIGHT, George Newenham (1794-1877). China in a Series of Views, Displaying the Scenery, Architecture, and Social Habits, of that Ancient Empire. London: Fisher, Son & Co., preface dated 1843.

4to (268 x 210 mm). 4 volumes in 2. 128 steel-engraved plates (including 4 engraved titles). (Some spotting to a few plates.) Contemporary red gilt-stamped morocco, edges gilt (rubbing to spine and extremities). Provenance: Blumenthal (bookplate). Later edition, with numerous plates after Allom illustrating. [With:] ALLOM. -- WRIGHT. Chinese Empire Illustrated. London: Printing and Publishing Company, [ca 1860]. 2 volumes (of 7), comprising vols. 3 and 4, 4to (267 x 214 mm). 48 steel-engraved plates. Original publisher’s giltstamped pictorial red cloth (spines defective, boards detached vol.4 and separating vol.3, wear). Provenance: Shirley Baker (signatures). Later edition. Property from a Prominent Chicago Collection



[CHINA -- TRAVEL & EXPLORATION]. A group of 13 works in 18 volumes, including: 38

COSSIGNY, Joseph Francois Charpentier de. Voyage a Canton. Paris: [1799]. -- DAVIS, John Francis. The Chinese: A General Description of the Empire of China and its Inhabitants. London: Charles Knight, 1836. 2 volumes. -- TIFFANY, Osmond. The Canton Chinese, or the American’s Sojourn in the Celestial Empire. Boston and Cambridge: James Munroe and Company, 1849. -- HUC, M. A Journey Through the Chinese Empire. New York: Harper & Brothers, Publishers, 1855. 2 volumes. -- GRAY, John Henry. China. A History of the Laws, Manners, and Customs of the People. London: Macmillan and Co., 1878. 2 volumes. -- And 8 others. Together, 13 works in 18 volumes, 8vo, most first editions, all in 19th and 20th-century half leather, cloth or printed boards, condition generally good, complete list available on request.

Property from a Prominent Chicago Collection


[CHINA -- TRAVEL & EXPLORATION]. A group of 13 works in 15 volumes, including:

STAUNTON, George. An Historical Account of the Embassy to the Emperor of China…London: Printed for John Stockdale, 1797. -- MEADOWS, Thomas Taylor. Desultory Notes on the Government and People of China… London: Wm. H. Allen and Co., 1847. -- ESCAYRAC DE LAUTURE, Comte d’. Memoires Sur La Chine. Paris: Librairie du Magasin Pittoresque, 1865. -- BUSHELL, Stephen W. Chinese Art. London: Victoria and Albert Museum, 1919. 2 volumes. -- BALLER, F.W. The Sacred Edict. Shanghai: The China Inland Mission, 1921. --And 8 others. Together, 13 works in 15 volumes, 4to or 8vo, most first editions, all in 19th and 20th-century half leather, cloth, printed boards or wrappers, condition generally good (a few rebacked), complete list available on request.

Property from a Prominent Chicago Collection


[CHINESE ART]. JONES, Owen (1809-1874). Examples of Chinese Ornament Selected from Objects in the South Kensington Museum and Other Collections. London: S. & T. Gilbert, 1867.

4to (334 x 225 mm). Chromolithographed title, title printed in red and black, 99 chromolithographed plates. (Occasional light spotting to text pages.) Original red gilt and blind-stamped cloth, edges gilt (rebacked preserving original spine, light soiling). Provenance: Blumenthal (bookplate).

FIRST EDITION of Jones’s study of Chinese design and motifs found on ceramics, textiles and enamels. Many of the pattern motifs were sourced from South Kensington Museum’s early holdings (the museum was later renamed the Victoria and Albert Museum), or from a circle of collectors including Alfred Morrison, Louis Huth, Matthew Digby Wyatt, and Thomas Chappell.

Property from a Prominent Chicago Collection


[CHINESE ART & OPERA]. STOWITTS, Hubert Julian (1892-1953). The Work of Stowitts for the Fox-God. Lyric Ballet in 3 Acts. Hollywood, CA: George Palmer Putnam, Inc., 1939.

Folio. 59 mounted color plates after paintings by Hubert Stowitts, in-text illustrations and ornamentation printed in red, gold, and brown throughout. Original redstamped buckram, edges uncut (light soiling).

FIRST AMERICAN EDITION, LIMITED ISSUE, number 49 of 400 copies SIGNED BY STOCKTON featuring his illustrations for designs, costumes, and décor for the classic Chinese Opera Fay-Yen-Fah along with a poem by Templeton Crocker and music by Joseph Redding.

Property from a Prominent Chicago Collection


[CHINESE LAW]. STAUNTON, George Thomas (1781-1859), translator. Ta Tsing Leu Lee; Being the Fundamental Laws, and a Selection from the Supplementary Statutes, of the Penal Code of China. London: Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1810.

4to. (284 x 222 mm). Engraved calligraphic title-page (a facsimile of the title-page of the 1810 Chinese edition), advertisement leaf at end. (Spotting to a few leaves.) Later black cloth gilt. Provenance: E.A. Hitchcock (signature); unidentified stamp on title-page.

FIRST ENGLISH EDITION of Staunton’s translation of the Qing Legal Code. Staunton’s translation, the first translation of the Qing Code into a European language, gave Europeans important insights into the Chinese legal system during the 19th century.

Property from a Prominent Chicago Collection


CICERO, Marcus Tullius (106-43 B.C.). Tusculanae disputationes, with anonymous commentary. Venice: Joannes Tacuinus, de Tridino, 3 February 1494/5.

Chancery folio (306 x 205 mm). Collation: a-i6 k4 (a1r title, a1v blank, a2r text and with commentary surround, k4r colophon, quire register, k4v blank). 58 leaves. 44 lines and headline. Type: 1:80R, 3:108R. Woodcut white-on-black and outline historiated initials. (Some minor spotting, light mostly marginal dampstain to several leaves.) Later vellum. Provenance: a few marginal annotations in an early hand; Marchese Maurizio Burlamacchi (1930-2016), Italian bibliophile (bookplate).

Fourth edition with this commentary. RARE: according to online records, only one copy of this work has appeared on the market at auction since the 1940s (the Foyle copy, Christie’s New York, 11 July 2000, lot 151, that copy sold again Sotheby’s, 3 October 2002, lot 71). Not in BMC; Goff C-639; GW 6898; ISTC ic00639000 (recording only three copies in the United States).

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi


CLEMENS, Samuel Langhorne (“Mark Twain”) (1835-1910). Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Tom Sawyer’s Comrade). New York: Charles L. Webster and Company, 1885.

8vo (215 x 161 mm). Lithographic frontispiece by E. W. Kemble, photographic portrait frontispiece of the bust of Mark Twain by Karl Gerhardt (BAL state 2), illustrations in text. (Some spotting or staining throughout.) Original publisher’s half morocco, marbled boards, marbled edges (rebacked, preserving most of original spine); half morocco folding case.

FIRST AMERICAN EDITION, mixed state, with the following issue points: the frontispiece is in the second state; the title leaf in the third state; first state of p. 13 with “Him and Another Man” plate listed as being on p. 88; first state of p. 57 with “was”; first state of pagination on p. 155; with final blank 23/8. BAL 3415; Johnson, p. 43-50.

$600-800 *42

[CLUB BINDERY] -- [GROLIER CLUB]. Effigies of the Most Famous English Writers from Chaucer to Johnson. New York: The De Vinne Press for the Grolier Club, 1891.

8vo (228 x 150 mm). Engraved portrait frontispiece, title printed in red and black. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the addition of 80 engraved portraits. (Some minor offsetting of plates to text.) Contemporary red crushed levant gilt, spine in 6 compartments with 5 raised bands, gilt-lettered in three, the rest gilt-decorated, turn-ins gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut, STAMP-SIGNED BY THE CLUB BINDERY (tiny bump and scuff to top edge, some light rubbing to corners). Provenance: Edwin B. Holden (1861-1906), President of the Grolier Club (bookplate, sold his sale, American Art Association, 28 April 1920, lot 741).

LIMITED EDITION, one of 200 copies of the LARGE-PAPER EDITION of the Grolier catalogue for their exhibit of effigies of English writers, EXTRA ILLUSTRATED by the addition of engraved portraits of English writers and BOUND BY THE CLUB BINDERY. Edwin B. Holden, an early member of the Grolier club, served as President of the organization in 1906. A FINE ASSOCATION.

Property from a Private Collection, Chicago, Illinois 44

CLEMENS, Samuel (“Mark Twain”). Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Tom Sawyer’s Comrade). New York: Charles L. Webster and Company, 1885.

Square 8vo. Lithographic frontispiece by E.W. Kemble, photographic portrait frontispiece of the bust of Mark Twain by Karl Gerhardt (BAL state 1), illustrations in text. Original pictorial blue cloth stamped in gold and black (tearing to head of spine with minor losses, wear with minor losses to foot of spine, spine darkened, joints starting, some light staining).

FIRST AMERICAN EDITION, EARLY STATE, with early issue points: second state of p. 57 with “saw” in the eleventh line from the bottom; first state of the list of illustrations with “Him and Another Man” plate listed as being on p. 88; third state of pagination on folio 155); the title leaf is a cancel with 1884 copyright date; third state of p. 283 (a cancel); the portrait frontispiece is in first state. BAL 3415; Grolier American 87; Johnson, pp. 43-50.

Property from the Estate of Peter Bergh, Edwards, Colorado


[CRANBROOK PRESS]. CAXTON, William (1422?-1491). The Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers: A Facsimile. Detroit: Cranbrook Press, 1901.

4to. Printed in black-letter throughout. Title and final text leaves printed within elaborate double-page woodcut border, woodcut initials, head- and tail-pieces. Original half vellum, morocco lettering-piece gilt, unopened (some minor chipping and rubbing to lettering-piece, tear with loss to spine).

LIMITED EDITION, number 142 of 244 copies, printed in the manner of Caxton’s 1477 edition, one of the earliest books printed in England.

Property from the Collection of Michael and Kay Melet


CRANMER, Thomas (1489-1556). An Aunswer by the Reverend Father in God Thomas Archbyshop of Canterbury...Unto a craftie and Sophisticall cavillation, devised by Stephen Gardner...agaynst the true and godly doctrine of the most holy Sacrament of the body and bloud of our Savior Jesu Christ. London: John Daye, 1580.

Folio (262 x 180 mm). 2 woodcuts on smaller sheets trimmed to borders (one with small portion of lower corner and outer margin torn away), woodcut initials and decorations, woodcut device on colophon. (A few repairs to final leaf, several leaves starting in quire U bound in on old stubs, some minor browning or spotting.) 20th-century morocco, preserving old lettering-piece gilt.

Second edition of Cranmer’s work repudiating the doctrines of transubstantiation, reprinted with a life of Cranmer. The plates depict his condemnation and death. The rectos of 2 leaves (N3 and Ff2) with portion of a headline in Latin present upside down in the lower margin: “The Latin headlines in rules appearing upside down at the foot of several versos in some copies indicate unused sheets of STC 11239 were employed in the printing” (STC 5992). ESTC S107277.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



DANIEL, Samuel (1562-1619). The Civile Wares betweene the Howses of Lancaster and Yorke. London: Simon Waterson, 1609.

Small 4to (180 x 134 mm). Engraved title-page, woodcut head-pieces. (Lacking A4, blank, title soiled and with marginal repairs). 19th-century calf gilt, red lettering-piece gilt, edges stained red (some light wear to extremities). Provenance: Corbyn Barrow (signature, 1854).

Second edition, with cancel E4 reading “shire that” (ESTC’s Variant 1). Revising the text of the first edition, published in 1595, Daniel includes for the first time the seventh and eighth books, bringing the narrative to the marriage of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville. Coleridge, who praised Daniel’s purity of style, compared him to Wordsworth. STC S109257; STC 6245.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi


DANTE Alighieri (1265-1321). Dante col sito, et forma dell’inferno tratta dalla istessa descrittione del poeta. [Toscolano:] Alessandro Paganino Benacenses, [ca 1525].

8vo (154 x 92 mm). Double-page woodcut depicting Jerusalem and the descent through purgatory and hell, double-page woodcut diagram of hell, full page woodcut diagram of purgatory. 3-line initial spaces with guide-letters, Roman and Italic types, with blanks I2 and H7. 19th-century morocco gilt, edges gilt. Provenance: Broughton (book label).

Second edition, using the same text and woodcuts as the 24mo edition published in 1515. Paganini, inspired by the Aldines, published a series of works in octavo format. Adams D-91; Brunet II 502.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi


48 48

DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265-1321). [Opere]. La Divina Commedia... con varie annotazioni, e copiosi rami adornata (Prose, e Rime Liriche Edite, ed Inedite) Venice: Antonio Zatta, 1757-1758.

4 volumes, 4to (277 x 205). Half-titles, title-page to vol. I printed in red and black, engraved portraits of Elisabetta Patrowna and Dante Alighieri, engraved dedication leaf, 109 engraved plates, engraved illustrations at the end of each Canto, letterpress folding table. (Vol. III with repairs to lower corners of leaves 1 and 2 of gatherings 2O-2Z occasionally affecting a few letters on 3 leaves, occasional minor mostly marginal dampstain, without: list of subscribers Eee3-4 vol. I, list of subscribers Fff4 vol. II, .) Contemporary mottled calf gilt, smooth spines gilt, red morocco lettering-pieces gilt, edges sprinkled green (a few joints separating, chipping to spines and lettering-pieces).

A LARGE COPY OF THE FINE ZATTA EDITION, with plates after G. Zompini, M. Schiavone, F. Fontebaso, G. F. Marcaggi, M. Schiavone, G. Diziani, G. Magnini, G. Scaggiari, and J. Guarana. Zatta’s edition, the first substantial critical edition since the mid-sixteenth century, was the first to contain Giuseppe Pelli’s Memorie per servire alla vita di Dante e alla storia della sua famiglia, considered to be the most substantial biographical essay about Dante of the eighteenth century. Morazzoni 225.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi


49 (part lot) 49

[DERRYDALE PRESS] -- PALMEDO, Roland (1895-1977), editor. Skiing: The International Sport. New York: The Derrydale Press, 1937.

4to. Etched frontispiece signed by Frederick B. Taylor in pencil lower margin, numerous photographic plates and illustrations by Jacques Charmoz, Wayne Davis, Carl von Diebitsch, W. Russell Flint, Edwin Henel, Max Martens, A. Sheldon Pennoyer, Toni Shoenecker, Dwight Shepler and Frederick B. Taylor. Red gilt-stamped morocco, top edge gilt others uncut, stamp-signed Jas. MacDonald Co., N.Y. (rubbing to extremities and wear to head of spine, hinges separating). Provenance: A. P. Sauer (signature, 1937). LIMITED EDITION, number 39 of 60 copies of the “Deluxe Edition.”

[With:] PALMEDO, Roland, editor. Skiing: The International Sport. New York: The Derrydale Press, 1937. 4to. Numerous photographic plates and illustrations. Original publisher’s blue cloth gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut (slight soiling, some wear to extremities). Provenance: A. P. Sauer (signature, 1938). LIMITED EDITION, one of 950 copies of the “Regular Edition.”


50 DE STAËL-HOLSTEIN, Anne Louise Germaine, Madame (1766-1817). Autograph letter signed “Mme de Staël”. [1813]. To Giovanni Battista Viotti.

1 page, 8vo, on a bifolium. In French. Inviting him for dinner and mentioning returning his violin (his Stradivarius?). (Browned, creased at folds); matted and framed. Unexamined out of frame.

Viotti renewed his acquaintance with Madame de Staël in June 1813, shortly after she had arrived in London, and that fall, he began giving violin lessons to de Staël’s daughter Albertine. “A note from Madame de Staël, probably written in 1814, inviting ‘caro Viotti’ to dinner, assures him that ‘we shall give back the violin which I am keeping as a pledge that you come.’ Would Viotti have left the Buttero in the hands of his imperious friend?” (Warwick Lister, Amico, 2009, p. 283, quoting a similar letter from this same period from the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts collection).

DICKENS, Charles (1812-1870). The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. London: Chapman and Hall, 1837. [Bound with:] PAILTHORPE, Frederick W. 24 Illustrations to the “Pickwick Club.” London: Robson and Kerslake, 1882.

8vo (206 x 128 mm). 43 engraved plates (including engraved title) by R. Seymour (6), R.W. Buss (2), and Hablot K. Browne [“Phiz”] (35). EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the addition of 24 plates (some toning as usual, expert repair to lower corner of plate facing p.484.) 20th-century royal blue levant gilt, upper cover with gilt-stamped portrait of Dickens giltstamped, facsimile signature gilt on rear board, spine in 6 compartments with 5 raised bands, gilt-lettered in 2, the rest gilt-decorated, turn-ins gilt, edges gilt, STAMP SIGNED BY BAYNTUN; original front wrapper of Pailthorpe’s Illustrations bound in: “with the publisher’s compliments.”

FIRST ENGLISH EDITION IN BOOK FORM, PUBLISHER’S PRESENTATION COPY inscribed on verso of original wrapper. An EXTRA ILLUSTRATED copy of Dicken’s first novel. With all Smith’s first issue points present except signature E is present on p.25. Gimbel A16 and H1137; Hatton & Cleaver 3-88; Smith 3

Property from a Private Collection, Chicago, Illinois



DICKENS, Charles (1812-1870). Master Humphrey’s Clock. London: Chapman and Hall, 1840-1841.

3 volumes, 8vo (252 x 170 mm). Engraved frontispieces and numerous in-text illustrations by George Cattermole and Hablot K. Browne [‘Phiz’]. Original dark grayish-brown cloth stamped in gilt and blind, marbled edges (spines faded, a few separations along joints, tear crossing spine panel vol.II, chipping with minor losses to spine ends, some light rubbing).

FIRST EDITION IN BOOK FORM, first appearing as a weekly serial from 4 April 1840 to 4 December 1841, including short stories and two novels, The Old Curiosity Shop and Barnaby Rudge. Gimbel A51; Smith I:6

Property from a Private Collection, Chicago, Illinois



DICKENS, Charles (1812-1870). American Notes For General Circulation. London: Chapman and Hall, 1842.

2 volumes, 8vo (197 x 120 mm). Half-titles. (Very minor spotting primarily affecting preliminaries.) Original grayish brown horizontally-ribbed blind-stamped cloth, spines giltlettered (slight fading to extremities and spine, tiny split to head of spine vol.I, corners bumped). Provenance: Edward A. Jones (signatures, 1842).

FIRST EDITION, FIRST STATE, with the second page of the vol.I table of contents misnumbered as page xvi and 6pp. of advertisements at the end of vol.II. Dicken’s preface to American Notes was removed from the preliminary pages and the original pagination was not immediately altered, as here, in the first state, with p. x incorrectly numbered xvi. In the second state, the preliminaries were reprinted with the correct pagination. The preface was not published during Dickens’ lifetime, and first appeared in Forster’s biography of Dickens. Eckel, p 108; Gimbel A66; Smith 2:3

Property from a Private Collection, Chicago, Illinois


DICKENS, Charles (1812-1870). Pictures From Italy. London: Bradbury & Evans for the Author, 1846.

8vo (172 x 110 mm). 2-page publisher’s advertisements at beginning and end; half-title. Woodengraved vignette title and three wood-engravings in text by Samuel Palmer. (Some pale browning or spotting.) Original publisher’s blue blind-stamped cloth, spine gilt (minor wear to spine ends, spine slightly darkened, corners slightly bumped, a few very light stains). Provenance: Lucy Hampey (signature).

FIRST EDITION. Dickens’s account was first published in The Daily News entitled “Traveling Sketches - Written on the Road”; he reproduced the work in book form as Pictures from Italy, retaining only two of the original twelve chapter titles, and incorporating a number of textual changes, as outlined in Smith. Eckel, p. 126; Gimbel A98; Smith II:7.

Property from a Private Collection, Chicago, Illinois



DICKENS, Charles (1812-1870). Dombey and Son. London: Bradbury and Evans, 1848.

8vo (210 x 135 mm). Engraved frontispiece, engraved title, 36 (of 38) engraved plates after Hablot K. Browne [“Phiz”]. (Lacking plates facing p.113 and p.117. (Plates with browning and spotting as usual, damp-stain lower margin, some light spotting.) Later half dark green morocco gilt, spine gilt, edges marbled (upper hinge reinforced, lower hinge separated, some rubbing). Provenance: Thomas William Oliver (signature); Ed Woakes (signature); The University of Chicago Library (bookplate, deaccession stamp).

FIRST EDITION IN BOOK FORM, including the first example of a so-called “dark plate,” facing p. 547. Eckel pp.82-85; Gimbel A103; Sadleir 691; Smith I:8

Property from the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois



DICKENS, Charles (1812-1870). The Personal History...of David Copperfield. London: Bradbury and Evans, 1849-1850.

20 parts in 19, 8vo. Engraved frontispiece, title and 38 plates after Hablot K. Browne [“Phiz”]. (Some minor browning.) Original printed blue-green pictorial wrappers (chipping with minor losses, soiling to a few wrappers, a few short tears); maroon morocco pull-off case gilt, chemise. Provenance: Thomas Latchwitt? (signatures).

FIRST EDITION IN ORIGINAL MONTHLY PARTS, VIRTUALLY COMPLETE WITH ADVERTISEMENTS AND INSERTED SLIPS, with the “Copperfield Advertiser” in each part and all ads listed by Hatton & Cleaver except with slight variations to front ads in parts 2 and 6, and with an additional 8pp. slip “The Architectural Antiquities of Athens” inserted before the Copperfield Advertiser in part 19/20 not called for in Hatton & Cleaver.

David Copperfield, written at the midpoint of Dickens’ career, draws from the author’s own life. The novel is scarce in parts. As Eckel notes, the printing was comparatively small, the parts were “much read and roughly handled,” and “fine, clean and unrepaired copies [were] difficult to procure” even in 1932. Gimbel A121; Hatton & Cleaver pp.253-272; Sadleir 686.


DICKENS, Charles (1812-1870). The Personal History of David Copperfield. London: Bradbury & Evans, 1850.

8vo. (206 x 130 mm). Half-title, engraved frontispiece, title and 38 plates after Hablot K. Browne [‘Phiz’]. (Occasional spotting, some browning to plates, one plate trimmed close just affecting title.) 20th-century dark red crushed levant gilt, spine in 6 compartments with 5 raised bands, gilt-lettered in 2, the rest gilt-decorated, turn-ins gilt, red watered silk doublures, top edge gilt, stamp-signed by Root; red cloth slipcase.

FIRST EDITION IN BOOK FORM published on 14 November 1850, is considered Dickens’s most autobiographical novel. In his preface to the 1869 edition, Dickens writes: “Of all my books, I like this the best. It will be easily believed that I am a fond parent to every child of my fancy, and that no one can ever love that family as dearly as I love them. But, like many fond parents, I have in my heart of hearts a favourite child. And his name is David Copperfield.” Gimbel A122; Eckel, p.77; Sadleir 686; Smith I:9.

Property from a Private Collection, Chicago, Illinois



DICKENS, Charles (1812-1870). [The Christmas Numbers from Household Words and All the Year Round]. Household Words. London: Bradbury & Evans, 18501858. -- All the Year Round. London: C. Whiting & Chapman and Hall, 1859-1867.

18 parts, 8vo (242 x 160mm), comprising 9 issues from Household Words and 9 issues from All the Year Round. (Minor damp stain to issue no.II, some light soiling to a few issues.) The Household Words issues without wrappers, as issued, 4 issues of All the Year Round (1859-1862) without wrappers, as issued, and 5 issues (1863-1867) in original blue printed wrappers (some slight soiling or minor staining, occasional creases or minor tears to wrappers); red cloth chemise; red cloth pull-off case and chemise.

FIRST EDITIONS of the Christmas numbers from Household Words and All the Year Round including the stories ‘A Christmas Tree,’ ‘What Christmas Is, As We Grow Older,’ ‘The Holly-Tree Inn,’ ‘Somebody’s Luggage,’ ‘A Message from the Sea,’ ‘Mrs. Lirriper’s Lodgings,’ and several others. Gimbel E9-E20, E113-E118.

Property from a Private Collection, Chicago, Illinois


DICKENS, Charles (1812-1870). A Child’s History of England. London: Bradbury & Evans, 18521854.

3 volumes, 8vo (151 x 118 mm). Wood-engraved frontispiece to each volume after Francis W. Topham, first state of advertisements at end of each volume. Original publisher’s reddish-brown blind-stamped cloth, upper covers with gilt vignette after Topham, marbled edges (slight wear to spines, light chipping to head of spines with a few minor losses, a few minor stains, a few hinges tightened).

FIRST EDITION IN BOOK FORM, first serialized in Household Words between 25 January 1851 and 10 December 1853. Each of the three volumes in the book edition was published separately around Christmas (in 1851, 1852 and 1853) but postdated the following year. The Child’s History expresses an anti-aristocratic and anti-monarchical view of English history and society. Eckel 128-130; Gimbel A128; Smith II, 10.

Property from a Private Collection, Chicago, Illinois


DICKENS, Charles (1812-1870). Hard Times. For These Times. London: Bradbury & Evans, 1854.

8vo (188 x 124 mm). Original publisher’s green moiré horizontally ribbed blind-stamped cloth, spine lettered in gilt (spine sunned, a few splits to lower joint, light chipping to spine ends with minor losses, corneres bumped). Provenance: W. H. Luke (bookseller’s label).

FIRST EDITION IN BOOK FORM, IN THE FIRST BINDING. Hard Times, Dickens’s tenth novel, was first serialized in Household Words in 1854. One of two novels by Dickens without illustrations, the other being Great Expectations. Gimbel A136; Sadleir 689; Smith I:11.

Property from a Private Collection, Chicago, Illinois



DICKENS, Charles (1812-1870). The Poor Traveller: Boots at the Holly-Tree Inn: And Mrs. Gamp. London: Bradbury & Evans, 1858.

16mo (170 x 108 mm). 1pp. advertisement at end. Original green printed wrapper (short separation to upper joint at foot of spine, some very minor peeling to head of spine); half green morocco slipcase, chemise.

FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE. “In 1858, Bradbury and Evans printed special reading editions arranged by Dickens that were uniformly bound in green printed pictorial paper wrappers, including the three works in the present volume. Additional titles similarly issued include A Christmas Carol, The Chimes, The Cricket On the Hearth, and The Story of Little Dombey. Eckel, p. 215; Gimbel D31.

Property from a Private Collection, Chicago, Illinois



DICKENS, Charles (1812-1870). The Uncommercial Traveller. London: Chapman and Hall, 1861 [i.e. 1860].

8vo (187 x 120 mm). Half-title; 32pp. publisher’s advertisement at end dated December 1860. Original publisher’s purple cloth, ruled in blind, gilt-lettered on spine, top edge gilt (discrete repairs to hinges preserving original endpapers, spine sunned, otherwise bright).

FIRST EDITION IN BOOK FORM, published on 15 December 1860. Dickens initially published this series of seventeen sketches in All the Year Round earlier in 1860. Eckel, p 132; Gimbel A145; Smith 2:11.


The Uncommercial Traveller. London: Chapman and Hall, 1861. 8vo (188 x 122 mm). Original publisher’s purple cloth, ruled in blind, gilt-lettered on spine (lower cover becoming detached, some fading). Second edition.

Property from a Private Collection, Chicago, Illinois


[DICKENS, Charles]. FORSTER, John. The Life of Charles Dickens. London: Chapman and Hall, 1872-1874. -- Letters of Charles Dickens. London: Chapman and Hall, 1880-1882.

Together, 6 volumes expanded to 12, 8vo (214 x 135 mm). Half-titles in first volume of each part, titles printed in red and black. EXTRA ILLUSTRATED by the addition of 500 engraved plates. 20th-century green morocco gilt, sides with gilt-stamped portraits of Dickens, with gilt-stamped variations of his signature, spines gilt, wide turn-ins gilt, top edges gilt, others uncut, STAMP SIGNED BY RIVIERE AND SON (minor sunning to a few volumes, very occasional scuff, otherwise fine and bright).

[Tipped in:]: AN ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH DOCUMENT SIGNED BY DICKENS (“Charles Dickens”), an envelope addressed to English judge, author, and Radical politician Thomas Noon Talfourd (17951854) (“The Hon: / Mr Justice Talfourd / Dundee? Square”). With Dickens’ blue stamp to envelope closure.

Property from a Private Collection, Chicago, Illinois



[DICKENS, Charles (1812-1870)]. A group of 3 works about Dickens, comprising:

RIMMER, Alfred. About England With Dickens. London: Chatto and Windus, 1883. 8vo. -- LANGTON, Robert. The Childhood and Youth of Charles Dickens. London: Hutchinson & Co., 1891. 8vo. -- STONEHOUSE, John Harrison. Green Leaves: New Chapters in the Life of Charles Dickens. London: Henry Sotheran, 1931. 5 volumes, 8vo. Original printed wrappers.

Together, 3 works in 7 volumes, 8vo, all FIRST EDITIONS, contemporary half morocco gilt except where indicated, condition generally fine.

Property from a Private Collection, Chicago, Illinois 64

[DICKENS, Charles]. Autograph document, signed (“Charles Dickens”), a check, drawn on Coutts Bank, payable to “House, £6.00.” London, 7 June 1864.

Property from a Private Collection, Chicago, Illinois


(part lot)


DODWELL, Edward (1767-1832). Views and Descriptions of Cyclopian, or, Pelasgic Remains, in Greece and Italy. London: Adolphus Richter and Co., 1834.

Folio (480 x 335 mm). 131 lithographic plates after Dodwell and others. (Slight spotting, a few plates trimmed close affecting titles.) Modern green cloth (rebound, very minor toning, a few scuffs). Provenance: John M. Wing (1845-1917), American printer, publisher and collector, (Old Corner Library bookplate), benefactor to; Newberry Library (library deaccession stamp).

FIRST EDITION, which Dodwell had intended as a supplement to his 1819 work, A Classical and Topographical Tour through Greece, During the Years 1801, 1806, and 1806, and which was published posthumously. Blackmer 494.

Property from the Newberry Library, Chicago, Illinois



DRAYTON, Michael (1563-1631). Poems. London: W. Stansby for John Smethwicke, 1613.

8vo Woodcut headpieces and initials. (Repair to title-page, lacks extra leaf of commendatory sonnets Ii8=A5, lacking final blank, Gg3 upper corner repaired affecting a few letters, few headlines shaved, some minor soiling.) 20th century half brown morocco gilt, edges stained red.

Fifth edition. ESTC S412; Pforzheimer 305; STC 7221.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi

$500-600 67

DONNE, John (1573-1631). Biathanatos: A Declaration of that Paradox, or Thesis, that Self-Homicide is not so Naturally Sin. London: n.p., 1700.

8vo (192 x 116 mm). Title-page printed within double rule border. (A few minor marginal repairs, some browning or spotting.) Modern quarter tan calf. Provenance: Collegii Sti Augustini apud Cantuarienses Liber (armorial bookplate with pencil note indicating the book’s sale); Hamilton Tyler (bookplate and signature).

Second edition of Donne’s controversial justification of suicide, first published by his son in 1644. ESTC R32816; Wing D-1860.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



DREISER, Theodore (1871-1945). An American Tragedy. New York: Boni & Liveright, 1925.

2 volumes, 8vo. Title printed in blue and black. Original publisher’s cloth-backed blue boards, gilt-lettered spine, edges uncut (corners slightly rubbed, some soiling to spines and top edge).

LIMITED EDITION, number 576 of 795 copies SIGNED BY DREISER. [Laid in:] 8pp. publisher’s advertising pamphlet for Fall 1925 mentioning this work.

Property from a Private Collection, Chicago, Illinois

EDWARDS, Ernest (1837-1903)], photographer. Portraits of Men of Eminence in Literature, Science, and Art, with Biographical Memoirs. Lovell Reeve, editor. Vol.I-II: London: Lovell Reeve & Co., 1863, 1864; Vol.III-V: London: Alfred William Bennett, 1865, 1866.

5 (of 6, lacking volume VI) volumes, 8vo (225 x 172 mm). Numerous tipped-in albumen prints including portraits of Thackery, Burton, Dickens, and Darwin. (Slight spotting to a few prints, vol.III partially disbound.) Publisher’s red cloth gilt, top edge gilt (chipping to endpapers, a few hinges starting or loose to a few volumes, slight rubbing to spine ends). Provenance: Mercantile Library of New York (library stamps).

FIRST EDITION of Edwards’ portraits of notable Victorian figures with accompanying biographical sketches.

$400-600 71

EMERSON, Ralph Waldo (1803-1882). Essays. Boston: James Munroe and Company, 1841.

8vo. Half-title. Original brown ribbed cloth gilt, yellow coated endpapers [BAL Binding C, no priority] (a few separations to joints, corners slightly bumped); red morocco slipcase gilt. Provenance: Foreman M. Lebold (1895-1953), collector of Lincolniana (bookplate).

FIRST EDITION, including the first appearance of “Self Reliance.” BAL 5189; Grolier American 47.

[ENGELBACH, Lewis]. -- ROWLANDSON, Thomas, illustrator. Naples and the Campagna Felice. London: R. Ackermann, 1815.

8vo (238 x 148 mm). 16 hand-colored etchings with aquatint (including frontispiece engraved title vignette and plan), 2 hand-colored engraved maps (one folding). (One plate disbound, slight off-setting from plates to text.) Contemporary blind-tooled tan calf gilt, green morocco lettering-piece gilt, marbled edges (joints starting, minor rubbing or scuffing). Provenance: HCB (engraved bookplate); Coningsby Disraeli (1867-1936), British Conservative politician (bookplate); Jean Warriston Johnston (bookplate).

FIRST EDITION IN BOOK FORM with p.212 mis-numbered 112 and numerous illustrations by Thomas Rowlandson. First published serially between 1809 and 1813. Abbey Travel 166; Tooley 419.

$1,000-1,500 73

[ENGLISH LITERATURE & HISTORY]. A group of 5 works, comprising:

LYLY, John (1554?-1606). Euphues the anatomie of Wit. [London: J. Haviland for James Boler, 1631.] 2 parts in one volume, small 4to (163 x 115 mm). (Title trimmed.) Modern half morocco. Third edition. -- CAREW, Thomas (1595?-1645?). Poems. London: I. D. for Thomas Walkley, 1642. 12mo. Later half vellum. -- CRASHAW, Richard (1613?-1649). Steps to the Temple. London: For Humphrey Moseley, 1648. Engraved title-page. 20th century polished calf gilt. -- BACON, Francis (1561-1626). The Historie of the Raigne of King Henry the Seventh. London: R. T. and R. H., 1561. Folio. Later calf, upper cover with the monogram of Sir William Sterling Maxwell. Provenance: Sir William Stirling Maxwell (armorial bookplate, binding). -- BURNET, Gilbert (1643-1715). Some Passages of the Life and Death of...John, Earl of Rochester. London: for Richard Chiswel, 1680. 8vo. Engraved portrait frontispiece. Contemporary calf (neatly rebacked). -- Together, 5 works in 5 volumes, condition generally good.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi

[Laid in:] Autograph letter signed (“R. W. Emerson”) to E. A. Perkins. Concord, MA, 6 September 1864. 2 pages, 8vo, separations to fold affecting text and signature. Responding to an invitation: “It will give me pleasure to come to Cleveland this season, if I can...”

Property from the Collection of Sandra L. Bohannan


[ENGLISH LITERATURE & HISTORY]. A group of 6 works, comprising:

FOXE, John (1516-1587). [Book of Martyrs]. “An Abridgement of the Booke of Acts and Monuments....” London: I. Windet, 1589. 8vo. Woodcut device on title, woodcut headpieces and in initial borders. Contemporary reversed calf (rebacked). -- HUME, David. History of the Houses of Douglas and Angus. London: Evan Tyler, 1648. Later half calf. -- BROWNE, Thomas, Sir (1605-1682). Religio Medici. London: Tho. Milbourn for Andrew Crook, 1659. 12mo. Engraved frontispiece. Later half calf. -- DRYDEN, John (16311700). Religio Laici, or a Laymans Faith. London: for Jacob Tonson, 1682. Small 4to. Modern half green calf. Provenance: Edward Hale Bierstadt (engraved bookplate by E. D. French dated 1894); William Harris Arnold (1854-1823), American collector (bookplate). First edition, the issue with second line of imprint ending “in”. -BLOUNT, Thomas Pope, Sir (1649-1697). De re Poetica: or, Remarks upon Poetry... London: Ric. Everingham for R. Bently, 1694. 4to. Modern morocco gilt. -- WYCHERLEY, William (1640?-1716). The Plain-Dealer. A Comedy. “The Plain-Dealer. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal.” London: for R. Wellington and E. Rumbal, 1700. 4to. Modern half calf. Seventh edition. -- Together, 6 works in 6 volumes, condition generally good.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi


[ENGLISH LITERATURE & HISTORY]. A group of 6 works, comprising:

COWLEY, Abraham (1618-1667). Works. London: Henry Herringman, 167271. Folio. Engraved portrait frontispiece. Contemporary calf. Provenance: two pp. manuscript poem. Third edition. -- BACON, Francis (15611626). Sylva Sylvarum. London, 1676. Folio. Engraved frontispiece portrait, engraved title. Contemporary calf (rebacked). Tenth edition. -- BROWN, Thomas (1663-1704). Works. London: for Tho. Basset and others, 1686. Folio. Engraved portrait frontispiece, title printed in red and black. Contemporary calf (rebacked). -- BROWNE, Thomas, Sir (16051682). Works. London: for Tho. Basset and others, 1686. 4 works in 1 volume, 4to. Title printed in red and black. Later half calf (hinges repaired). -- MILTON, John (1608-1674). Paradise Lost. London: For Richard Bently and Jacob Tonson, 1691. Folio. Title-page printed within double rule border; 12 engraved plates (Lacking portrait frontispiece.) Contemporary blind-panelled mottled calf (rebacked). Fifth edition. -- DRYDEN, John (1631-1700). Fables Ancient and Modern... London: for Jacob Tonson, 1700. Folio. Half-title. Contemporary speckled calf (repaired). FIRST EDITION. -- Together, 6 works in 6 volumes, condition generally good. 75

[ENGLISH LITERATURE & HISTORY]. A group of 6 works, comprising:

WYCHERLEY, William (1640?-1716). Works. London: for Richard Wellington, 1713. 8vo. 1p. publisher’s advertisements. Contemporary calf. -- BUTLER, Samuel (1612-1680). Hudibras. London: T.W. for D. Browne, 1726. Illustrated by William Hogarth. 12mo. Contemporary panelled calf. Provenance: W. K. Scudamore (bookplate). -- MILTON, John (16081674). Paradise Lost -- Paradise Regain’d. London: for J. and R. Tonson and others, 1750-1753. 4 volumes in 2, 8vo. Engraved portrait frontispiece to vol. I. Contemporary calf (covers detaching). -- [JOHNSON, Samuel (17091784)]. Rasselas. The Prince of Abissinia. A Tale. London: W. Strahan, et al, 1775. 12mo. contemporary calf (rebacked). Fifth edition. -- JOHNSON, Samuel (1709-1784). The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets. London: for C. Bathhurst and others, 1781. 3 volumes (of 4, lacking vol. IV), 8vo. Engraved portrait frontispiece. Contemporary calf (covers detaching). -- BYRON, George Gordon Noel, Lord (1788-1824). Poems on Domestic Circumstances. London: for J. Bumpus, 1816. 8vo. Stab-sewn; cloth folding case. Provenance: Esher (bookplate). -- Together, 6 works in 9 volumes, condition generally good.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



FAULKNER, William (1897-1962). A group of 4 works, comprising:

Absalom, Absalom! 1936. -- The Hamlet. 1940. -- Intruder in the Dust. 1948. -- Big Woods. 1955.

Together, 4 works in 4 volumes, all 8vo. ALL FIRST EDITIONS, FIRST PRINTINGS published by Random House in New York, in original publisher’s cloth and original dust jackets (price-clipped or corners clipped retaining price except Intruder in the Dust), condition generally fine.


FIELDING, Henry (1707-1754). Amelia. London: Printed for A. Millar, 1752.

4 volumes, 12mo (186 x 99 mm). (Some very light spotting or staining.) Contemporary calf-backed boards (overall wear, joints broken, old repairs, lacking lettering-pieces); modern cloth slipcase.

FIRST EDITION of Fielding’s last novel. Though two impressions of the first edition were printed a month apart, there are no recorded distinguishing characteristics between them. Samuel Johnson remarked on the publication of Fielding’s last novel that it was “perhaps the only book, which being printed off betimes one morning, a new edition was called for before night.” Cross III, p. 321; ESTC T89846; Rothschild 853.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi

$400-600 79

[FINE PRESS]. -- [GRABHORN PRINTING]. A group of 11 works, including:

Hymns to Aphrodite. 1927. 4to. Original half vellum. One of 200 unnumbered copies. -- GREEN, Floride. Some Personal Recollections of Lillie Hitchcock Coit. 1935. 4to. Original cloth-backed boards. One of 450 unnumbered copies. -- BARNES, R. G., translator. An Anglo-Saxon Gnomic Poem. 1968. Oblong 8vo. Original morocco-backed boards. One of 400 unnumbered copies SIGNED BY BARNES. -- 40 Years. A Chronology of Announcements & Keepsakes. The Roxburghe Club of San Francisco 19281967. Folio. Original cloth-backed boards. One of 150 unnumbered copies. Grabhorn-Hoyem Bibliography 15. -- Mother Goose: Twenty Nursery Rhymes. 1970. 4to. Original linen. One of 300 unnumbered copies. -- And 6 others. Together, 11 works in 11 volumes, most limited editions, most published San Francisco by the Grabhorn Press or Grabhorn-Hoyem, condition generally fine, complete list available on request.

Property from the Estate of Lucia von Borisini Batten, Sold to Benefit the Albuquerque Museum Foundation


[FINE PRESS] -- [WARD RITCHIE PRESS & WARD RITCHIE’S COPIES]. A group of 14 works in 16 volumes, including:

The Book as a Work of Art. An Exhibition of Books and Manuscripts from the Library of Mrs. Edward Laurene Doheny. Los Angeles: Ward Ritchie Press, 1935. 8vo. Original printed wrappers. One of 650 copies SIGNED BY ESTELLE DOHENY, WARD RITCHIE and 3 others. -- COWAN, Robert Ernest. Forgotten Characters of Old San Francisco. Los Angeles: Ward Ritchie Press, 1938. 8vo. Original printed boards; original dust jacket. One of 500 copies. -- Ballads of Eldorado. San Francisco: The Ward Ritchie Press for the Book Club of California, 1940. 8vo. Original boards. One of 300 copies. -- CHENEY, William M. Edwin H. CARPENTER, compiler. A Natural History of the Typestickers of Los Angeles. Los Angeles: The Rounce & Coffin Club, 1960. 8vo. Original cloth-backed boards; dust jacket. Provenance: Ward Ritchie (bookplate). -- HYLEN, Arnold. Los Angeles Before the Freeways 1850-1950. Images of an Era. Los Angeles: Castle Press for Dawson’s Book Shop, 1981. 8vo. Original cloth-backed boards. Provenance: Ward Ritchie (bookplate). One of 600 copies. -- And 9 others. Together, 14 works in 16 volumes, LIMITED EDITIONS where indicated, condition generally fine, complete list available on request.

Property from the Estate of Lucia von Borisini Batten, Sold to Benefit the Albuquerque Museum Foundation 81

[FINE PRESS]. A group of 5 works relating to English printing and England, comprising:

MOORE, George. Ulick and Soracha. London: The Nonesuch Press, 1926. 8vo. Original cloth; printed parchment dust jacket. Number 259 of 1250 copies. -- COLERIDGE, Samuel Taylor. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1930. 8vo. Original cloth-backed board; original plain dust jacket. One of 750 copies. -- DONNE, John. The Love Poems of John Donne. New Rochelle: The Peter Pauper Press, n.d. 8vo. Original cloth-backed boards. One of 1000 copies. -- Victoria R. I. San Francisco: Press of Robert Grabhorn and Andrew Hoyem for David Magee, 1970. 3 volumes, 4to. Original cloth-backed boards. One of 625 copies. -- [With:] THOMPSON, Virginia. French Riviera Villages. New York: Mitchell Kennerley, 1938. 4to. Original cloth. One of 1000 copies. Together, 5 works in 7 volumes, ALL LIMITED EDITIONS. Property from the Estate of Lucia von Borisini Batten, Sold to Benefit the Albuquerque Museum Foundation


[ROYCROFTERS]. HUBBARD, Elbert. A Message to Garcia. East Aurora, New York: The Roycrofters, 1914. Original green suede binding (some toning); green silk doublures. FIRST EDITION. -- FURST, Herbert, editor. The Woodcut: An Annual. London: The Fleuron Limited, 1927-1929. Nos. I-III. 3 volumes, 4to. Later cloth. LIMITED EDITIONS of the “Special Edition”: no.I number 73 of 70 copies of a total edition of 75 copies; no.II and III number 10 and 69, respectively, of 75 copies of a total edition of 80 copies. -- FRASCONI, Antonio. The Face of Edgar Allan Poe. South Norwalk, CT: N.p., 1959. 11 original woodcuts. Original printed boards. LIMITED EDITION, number 237 of 250 copies SIGNED AND INSCRIBED BY FRASCONI. -- KINDERSLEY, David. Graphic Sayings. Cambridge: N.p., 1972. Oblong 4to. Title and sixteen designs of sayings or proverbs on different coloured papers by Kindersley, additional suite of 16 plates on Japanese paper loosely inserted in pocket at end. Original morocco-backed cloth gilt; glassine, printed board slipcase. LIMITED EDITION, number 8 of 130 copies SIGNED BY KINDERSLEY AND the printer Christopher Skelton. -- Together, 4 works in 6 volumes, 4to or smaller, ALL FIRST OR LIMITED EDITIONS, most original publisher’s bindings where indicated, condition generally fine.

Property from the Collection of Michael and Kay Melet



[FINE PRESS]. A group of 8 works, including:

[TIPOGRAFIA GIUNTINA]. DOUGLAS, Norman. In the Beginning. [Florence: Tipografia Giuntina, directed by L. Franceschini], “Privately Printed 1927.” 8vo. Original decorated paper-covered boards. Number 624 of 700 copies SIGNED BY DOUGLAS. -- [STANBROOK ABBEY PRESS]. MARITAIN, Raïssa Oumansoff. Patriarch Tree. Worcester: Stanbrook Abbey Press, 1965. 4to. Original quarter black morocco, decorated paper-covered boards. Number 149 of 500 copies. -- [BIRD AND BULL PRESS]. SHAW, Bernard. Flyleaves. Austin: Bird & Bull Press for W. Thomas Taylor, 1977. 4to. Original cloth. Errata slip laid in. One of 350 copies. -- [BIRD AND BULL PRESS]. STONEBACK, H. R. Cartographers of the Deus Loci: The Mill House. 1982. 8vo. Original vellum-backed boards; original plain dust jacket. Number 188 of 240 copies. Prospectus laid in. -- And 4 others. Together, 8 works in 8 volumes, most limited editions, condition generally fine, complete list available on request.

Property from the Estate of Lucia von Borisini Batten, Sold to Benefit the Albuquerque Museum Foundation



[FINE PRESS]. A group of 9 works, including:

[CUALA PRESS]. YEATS, William Butler (1865-1939). The Death of Synge and Other Passages from an Old Diary. Dublin: The Cuala Press, 1928. 8vo. Original linen-backed boards. One of 400 unnumbered copies. -- [WATCH HILL PRESS]. SIMON, André L. Star Chamber Revels. Peekskill, New York: Watch Hill Press, 1937. 8vo. Original cloth-backed boards; original glassine. One of 275 copies. -- [ROGERS, Bruce, his copy]. DUSCHNES, Philip C. Bruce Rogers A Gentle Man From Indiana. N.p.: The Stinehour Press, 1965. 8vo. Original printed stiff paper wrappers cordtied. One of 750 unnumbered copies. BRUCE ROGERS’ COPY. -- [BLACK SUN PRESS]. MINKOFF, George Robert. A Bibliography of the Black Sun Press. Great Neck, NY: G. R. Minkoff, 1970. 4to. Original cloth. One of 1250 unnumbered copies. -- [LIME KILN PRESS]. EVERSON, William. Blame it on the Jet Stream! [Santa Cruz, CA]: Lime Kiln Press, 1978. Oblong 8vo. Original quarter blue morocco gilt. Number 131 of 150 copies. -- And 4 others. Together, 9 works in 9 volumes, ALL LIMITED EDITIONS, condition generally fine, complete list available on request.

Property from the Estate of Lucia von Borisini Batten, Sold to Benefit the Albuquerque Museum Foundation


[FORE-EDGE PAINTINGS]. COWPER, William (1731-1800). Poems, By William Cowper. London: J. Johnson, 1806.

2 volumes, 8vo (157 x 94 mm). Half-title in vol.II. (Very occasional spotting.) Contemporary dark green straight-grained morocco gilt, edges gilt concealing FORE-EDGE PAINTINGS of arched stone bridges with country towns (slight creasing to spines, some rubbing).

Property from a Private Collection, Chicago, Illinois

$400-600 86

[FORE-EDGE PAINTING]. - [CURRIE, Miss C. B. (1849-1940)]. BOWDLER, Thomas. Letters Written in Holland. London: J. Robson and W. Clark, J. Debrett, and C. Dilly, 1788.

8vo (195 x 221 mm). Folding map frontispiece and an additional folding map. (Mild, even toning.) 19th-century dark red straight-grained morocco elaborately gilt, edges gilt concealing a FORE-EDGE PAINTING of a watermill by Miss C. B. Currie (very minor wear to extremities and joints).


Property from a Private Collection, Chicago, Illinois


(part lot)

[FORE-EDGE PAINTINGS]. BAYNES, R. H. Lyra Anglicana: Hymns and Sacred Songs. London: Houlston & Wright, 1864.

16mo (164 x 104 mm). Title-page printed in red and black. Contemporary blind-stamped brown morocco, edges gilt, concealing a FORE-EDGE PAINTING of Runcorn Bridge, Cheshire (rubbing to extremities).

[With:] Liturgia; Seu Liber Precum Communium... London: Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, & Longmans, 1840. 32mo (118 x 75 mm). Contemporary red morocco gilt, edges gilt, concealing a FORE-EDGE PAINTING of Rugby Road Bridge (rebacked preserving original spine, slight soiling, minor rubbing to extremities). Provenance: Francis Maofachen? (signature, 1802); Sophia Dolson (signature, 1848); unidentified signature partially erased. Eighth edition.

Property from the Collection of Michael and Kay Melet

$300-400 88 (part lot)

[FORE-EDGE PAINTINGS]. A group of 3 works containing fore-edge paintings, comprising:

MOORE, Thomas. Songs, Ballads and Sacred Songs. London, 1849. Contemporary brown morocco gilt, edges gilt, concealing a FORE-EDGE PAINTING of a view of Stockholm (rubbing to extremities). Provenance: Edm. Faunce Hardwick (signature, 1871); C. H. Wright (signature); Binns & Goodwin Booksellers, Bath (bookseller’s label). -- TENNYSON, Alfred. Maud and Other Poems. London, 1870. Contemporary red morocco gilt, edges gilt, concealing a FORE-EDGE PAINTING of a fishing scene. -- GOLDSMITH, Oliver. The Poetical and Prose Works. Edinburgh and London: Gall & Inglis, n.d. Contemporary giltstamped morocco, edges gilt, concealing a FORE-EDGE PAINTING of a north view of the city of Westminster from the roof of the Banqueting House White Hall (rubbing to extremities). Provenance: Arthur Kenneth I. Bruce (signature 1881). -- Together, 3 works in 3 volumes, all contemporary morocco gilt, edges gilt, all concealing fore-edge paintings, condition generally fine.

Property from the Collection of Michael and Kay Melet


[THE FRENCH REVOLUTION]. A sammelband of Dublin editions of works by Edmund Burke, Joseph Priestley, Rev. R. Nares, William Eden, and Charles-Francois Dumouriez, comprising:

BURKE. Reflections on the Revolution in France, and on the Proceedings in Certain Societies in London Relative to that Event. Dublin: for W. Watson and others, 1790. First or second Dublin edition. Todd 53aa. -- PRIESTLEY. Letters to the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, occasioned by his Reflections on the Revolution in France. Dublin: for J. Sheppard and others, 1791. First Dublin edition. -- BURKE. A letter from Mr. Burke to a Member of the National Assembly; in answer to some objection to his book no French affairs. Dublin: for G. Burnet and others, 1791. First Dublin edition. Todd 54i. -- NARES. Principles of Government deduces from Reason, supported by English Experience, and opposed to French Errors. Dublin: for B. Dornin, 1793. First Dublin Edition. -- [EDEN]. Some Remarks on the Apparent Circumstances of the War in the fourth week of October, 1795. Dublin: J. Chambers, 1795. First Dublin Edition. -- DUMOURIEZ. A Speculative Sketch of Europe. Dublin: for J. Moore and J. Milliken, 1798.

Together 6 works in one volume, 8vo (206 x 199 mm). 19th-century half calf gilt, red morocco lettering-piece gilt. Provenance: John Ball (signatures with contemporary dates on the title-pages of the second, third and fourth works); Mary and James Donahoe (signatures on final leaf).

Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France, an intellectual attack against the French Revolution, in which he argues that the Revolution will fail, due to its abstract foundation, drew several notable responses. In addition to the responses of Priestley, Nares, and Dumouriez, bound here, Burke’s work drew replies from Thomas Paine (The Rights of Man, 1791) and Mary Wollstonecraft (Vindication of the Rights of Man, 1790).


FROST, Robert (1874-1963). A Boy’s Will. London: David Nutt, 1913.

8vo. Half-title. Original brown bronze pebbled cloth lettered in gilt, edges uncut, top edge unopened (spine slightly sunned, slight rubbing to spine ends, lower hinge starting).

FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE, SIGNED BY FROST on half-title, in Crane’s “Binding A.” Of the 1,000 copies printed, no more than 350 were bound in this first binding. Crane A2.

Property from the Collection of Robert and Norma Cotner



FROST, Robert (1874-1963). North of Boston. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1924.

8vo. Original publisher’s green cloth-backed gilt-lettered boards (slight rubbing). Provenance: Richard Hatch (signature; bookplate).

Later reprint SIGNED BY FROST on flyleaf (Deerfield, 10 March 1927).


North of Boston. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1915. Original publisher’s green cloth gilt (slight wear to spine ends, fading to extremities). Provenance: Note in an early owner’s hand describing a visit with Edwin Markham (1917). Third edition. -- North of Boston. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1915. Original publisher’s green cloth gilt; original printed dust jacket (separations to folds, old tape repairs verso, front flap and spine panel separated). Provenance: R. Kearn (signature). Third edition.

Property from the Collection of Robert and Norma Cotner


(part lot)

FROST, Robert (1874-1963). Mountain Interval. New York: Henry Holt and Company, November 1916.

8vo. Half-title; frontispiece. Original publisher’s gilt-lettered blue cloth. Provenance: Whitney W. Stark (presentation inscription, bookplate).

FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE, PRESENTATION COPY, SIGNED BY FROST, “For W.W. Stark by Robert Frost both of English 18 Amherst 1917.” With lines 6 and 7 repeating on p.88, and “Come” (later changed to “Gone”) on p.93. Mountain Interval includes the first appearance of “The Road Not Taken” in a Frost book. Crane A4.

Property from the Collection of Robert and Norma Cotner


FROST, Robert (1874-1963). Mountain Interval. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1924.

8vo. Frontispiece. Original cloth-backed green boards gilt (faint damp stain to boards and top edge; original printed dust jacket (a few minor short tears and chipping to edges; slight soiling; clipped).

Later edition, SIGNED BY FROST WITH A 4-LINE QUOTATION from his poem, “A Fountain, a Bottle, a Donkey’s Ears, and Some Books”: “How had the tender verse escaped their outrage?/ By being invisible for what it was,/ Or else by some remoteness that defied them/ To find out what to do to hurt a poem.”

Property from the Collection of Robert and Norma Cotner

$1,000-1,500 94

FROST, Robert (1874-1963). A Witness Tree. New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1942.

8vo. Frontispiece portrait. Original gray-green cloth-backed patterned boards gilt; board slipcase (minor chipping and a few separations to edges). Provenance: Joseph E. McCabe (gift inscription from James L. Bowers, Christmas 1960).

FIRST EDITION, LIMITED ISSUE, number 680 of 735 copies SIGNED BY FROST. Joseph McCabe served as president of Coe College from 1958 to 1970. Crane A25.

Property from the Collection of Robert and Norma Cotner

$400-600 FROST, Robert (1874-1963). A Further Range. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1936.

8vo. Original red cloth stamped in gilt, top edge stained red; original printed dust jacket (edges with a few minor tears) Provenance: Marjorie Howard (presentation inscription, 1939).

FIRST TRADE EDITION, second impression, PRESENTATION COPY, SIGNED BY FROST: “Robert Frost for Marjorie Howard 1939.” Crane A21.1

Property from the Collection of Robert and Norma Cotner



FROST, Robert (1874-1963). In the Clearing. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962.

8vo. Original publisher’s slate-gray cloth stamped in silver (corners very slightly bumped); original printed dust-jacket (creasing and tearing to extremities; slight soiling to rear jacket; very minor spotting to dust jacket flaps). Provenance: Lesley Frost (1899-1983), Robert Frost’s daughter (ownership signature, Taylor Univ, 11 April 1962); Norma and Robert Cotner (presentation inscription).

FIRST TRADE EDITION, LESLEY FROST”S COPY, PRESENTATION COPY, INSCRIBED BY FROST: “Robert Frost to Norma and Robert Cotner. Welcome visitors at Ripton VT June 3 62.” Crane A41.1

Property from the Collection of Robert and Norma Cotner


FROST, Robert (1874-1963). Photographic reproduction signed and inscribed (“Robert Frost”), to R.V. Thornton, 1955.

9 x 7 1/4 in. silver gelatin print photographic portrait by Clara E. Sipprell tipped to mount, SIGNED BY SIPPRELL in pencil lower mount margin (mount tipped to backing board), matted and framed.

SIGNED AND INSCRIBED BY FROST TO R.V. THORNTON in ink lower mount margin: “To R.V Thornton in heartiest western friendship Robert Frost Chicago Nov 1955.”

Property from the Collection of Robert and Norma Cotner


FROST, Robert (1874-1963). A group of 7 signed limited editions, comprising:

West-Running Brook. New York: Henry Holt, 1928. Number 377 of 1000 copies. -- Robert Frost. Collected Poems. New York: Random House, 1930. Number 490 of 1,000 copies. -- A Masque of Reason. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1945. Slipcase. Number 585 of 800 copies. -- A Masque of Mercy. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1947. Slipcase. Number 665 of 751 copies. -- Steeple Bush. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1947. Slipcase. Number 208 of 751 copies. -- Hard not to be King. New York: House of Books, Ltd., 1951. Number 19 of 300 copies. -- In the Clearing. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962. Slipcase. Number 330 of 1500 copies. -- Together, 7 works in 7 volumes, 8vo, ALL FIRST EDITIONS, LIMITED ISSUES, SIGNED BY FROST, all in original publisher’s cloth or cloth-backed boards, slipcases where noted, condition generally fine.

Property from the Collection of Robert and Norma Cotner


(part lot)


FROST, Robert (1874-1963). A group of 5 signed trade editions, comprising:

New Hampshire. New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1936. Dust jacket. Later edition. INSCRIBED BY FROST to Lawrence Polek, Newport, August 1956. Provenance: Lawrence [Polek] (gift inscription, Dec. 1953). -- FROST, Robert. Collected Poems of Robert Frost. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1939. Dust jacket. FIRST EDITION, FIRST PRINTING. INSCRIBED BY FROST: “Robert Frost January 10 GM BP MER”. -- CLYMER, W.B. Shubrick. – GREEN, Charles R. Robert Frost: A Bibliography. Amherst, MA: Jones Library Inc., 1937. INSCRIBED BY FROST to Jack Gilchrist, Boston, November 1940. -- FROST, Robert. Complete Poems of Robert Frost 1949. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1949. Dust jacket. FIRST EDITION, FIRST PRINTING. INSCRIBED BY FROST. -- FROST, Robert. Come In and Other Poems. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1943. Dust jacket. Provenance: Lee? (gift inscription 1943); Harold Corbin (bookplate). FIRST EDITION, FIRST PRINTING. INSCRIBED BY FROST to Harold and Florie Corbin, 18 October 1957. -- Together, 5 works in 5 volumes, 8vo, some first editions where indicated, all in original publisher’s cloth, cloth-backed boards or printed boards, with dust jackets where indicated, condition generally fine. [With:] BLUMENTHAL, Joseph. Robert Frost and his Printers. Austin, TX: W. Thomas Taylor, 1985. Original cloth-backed boards; original slipcase. FIRST EDITION.

Property from the Collection of Robert and Norma Cotner



[FROST, Robert (1874-1963)]. A group of 7 works by or about Frost, comprising:

American & British Verse from The Yale Review. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1920. Original printed boards. FIRST EDITION. -- A Witness Tree. New York: Henry Holt and Company, June 1942. Dust jacket Later edition. -- A Witness Tree. New York: Henry Holt and Company, March 1943. Dust jacket. Later edition. -- A Masque of Reason. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1945. Dust jacket. FIRST EDITION, FIRST PRINTING. -- A Masque of Mercy. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1947. Dust jacket. FIRST EDITION, FIRST PRINTING. -- ADAMS, Frederick B. To Russia with Frost. Boston: The Club of Odd Volumes, 1963. Slipcase. FIRST EDITION. -- LATHEM, Edward Connery and THOMPSON, Lawrance, editors. Robert Frost: Farm-Poultryman. Hanover, NH: Dartmouth Publications, 1963. Original printed dust jacket. Provenance: Lawrance Thompson (signature, Princeton, 23 April 1971). FIRST EDITION. -- Together, 7 works in 7 volumes, 8vo, FIRST EDITIONS where indicated, all in original publisher’s cloth, clothbacked boards or printed boards, most with original dust jackets where indicated, condition generally fine.

Property from the Collection of Robert and Norma Cotner



[FROST, Robert (1874-1963)]. A group of 7 works by or about Frost, comprising:

American & British Verse from The Yale Review. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1920. Provenance: Anne (gift inscription, 1920). FIRST EDITION. -- A Further Range. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1936. FIRST TRADE EDITION, second impression. -- A Masque of Reason. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1945. Dust jacket. FIRST TRADE EDITION. -- A Masque of Reason. London: Jonathan Cape, 1948. FIRST ENGLISH EDITION. -- In the Clearing. New York: Hole, Rinehart and Winston, 1962. Dust jacket. FIRST TRADE EDITION. -- ADAMS, Frederick B. To Russia with Frost. Boston: The Club of Odd Volumes, 1963. Slipcase. Provenance: Bryan S. Reid Jr. (gift inscription, 1969). FIRST EDITION. -- LATHEM, Edward Connery and THOMPSON, Lawrance, editors. Robert Frost: Farm-Poultryman. Hanover, NH: Dartmouth Publications, 1963. Dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. -- Together, 7 works in 7 volumes, all 8vo, ALL FIRST EDITIONS, all in original publisher’s cloth, cloth-backed boards, or printed boards, dust jackets where indicated, condition generally fine.

Property from the Collection of Robert and Norma Cotner



FROST, Robert (1874-1963). A group of 28 Christmas cards, including:

Two Tramps In Mud-Time. 1934. FIRST SEPARATE EDITION, LIMITED ISSUE, one of 175 copies printed for the Melchers of Montclair of a total edition of 775 copies. Crane B2. -- To A Young Wretch. 1937. FIRST SEPARATE EDITION, LIMITED ISSUE, one of 275 copies printed for Elinor and Robert Frost of a total edition of 820 copies. Crane B5. -- Triple Plate. 1939. FIRST EDITION, LIMITED ISSUE, one of 200 copies printed for the Melchers of Montclair / Marguerite and Fred of a total edition of 1,825 copies. Crane B7. -- Our Hold on the Planet. N.p., n.p.: 1940. FIRST EDITION, LIMITED ISSUE, one of 125 copies printed for Marguerite and Fred Melcher of a total edition of 975 copies. Crane B8. -- The Guardeen [Fragment of an Unpublished Play by Robert Frost]. Los Angeles: Privately Printed for Earl J. Bernheimer by the Ward Ritchie Press, 1943. FIRST EDITION, LIMITED ISSUE, number 6 of 96 copies SIGNED BY BERHEIMER. Crane B11. -- An Unstamped Letter in Our Rural Letter Box. 1944. FIRST EDITION, LIMITED ISSUE, one of 1,250 copies printed for Henry Holt and Company of a total edition of 2,050 copies. Crane B13. -- And 22 others. Together, 28 Christmas cards for the years 1934, 1937, 1939, 1940, 1943-1944, 1950, 1952-1954, 1956-1963 and 1965. With duplicate cards for 1956-1958, 1959, 1961, and 1962. ALL FIRST EDITIONS OR FIRST SEPARATE EDITIONS. Printed by The Spiral Press in New York except where indicated. All in original printed wrappers, condition generally fine, complete list available on request.

Property from the Collection of Robert and Norma Cotner



FROST, Robert (1874-1963). A group of approximately 87 works by or about Frost consisting of later editions of his works, collected editions, and reference works, including:

Selected Poems. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1923. Provenance: Elizabeth Blair (signature, 1923). FIRST EDITION. -- Complete Poems of Robert Frost. New York, Chicago, San Francisco: Holt, Rinehart and Winston,1964. Later edition. -- Come In And Other Poems. London: Jonathan Cape, 1944. Later edition. -- Selected Poems. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1944. Third edition. -- LATHEM, Edward Connery, editor. The Poetry of Robert Frost. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1967. FIRST EDITION. -- And approximately 82 others. Published between various dates, in various 4to, 8vo and 12mo formats, most later editions except where indicated, publisher’s cloth, cloth-backed boards, or printed wrappers, many with dust jackets, condition generally fine, complete list available on request.

Property from the Collection of Robert and Norma Cotner

102 (part lot)



107 [FROST, Robert (1874-1963)]. A group of approximately 143 reference works about Frost, including:

COX, Sidney. Robert Frost. Original “Ordinary Man.” New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1929. LIMITED EDITION, number 178 SIGNED BY COX. Provenance: Edmond Garesche Benoist (bookplate). -- THOMPSON, Lawrance, editor. Selected Letters of Robert Frost. New York, Chicago, San Francisco: Holt, Rinehart and Winston,1964. FIRST EDITION, INSCRIBED BY THOMPSON to Norma and Robert Cotner. -- LATHEM, Edward Connery, editor. Interviews with Robert Frost. New York, Chicago, San Francisco: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. FIRST EDITION. INSCRIBED BY LATHEM. -- THOMPSON, Lawrance. The Early Years, 1874-1915. New York, Chicago, San Francisco: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. FIRST EDITION, SIGNED BY THOMPSON. -- GRADE, Arnold, editor. Family Letters of Robert and Elinor Frost. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, 1972. FIRST EDITION. INSCRIBED BY LESLEY FROST to Robert A. Cotner. -- And approximately 138 others. Published between various dates, in various 4to, 8vo and 12mo formats, most later editions except where indicated, publisher’s cloth, cloth-backed boards or printed wrappers, many with dust jackets, condition generally fine, complete list available on request.

Property from the Collection of Robert and Norma Cotner



GUICCIARDINI, Francesco (1483-1540). The Historie of Giucciardin, Containing the Warres of Italie and other partes...reduced into English by Geffray Fenton. London: Thomas Vautrollier, 1579.

Folio (288 x 189 mm). Woodcut device on title-page. (Lacking initial blank and one other preliminary leaf, title browned and slightly frayed, A1 silked, some minor browning or spotting). 19th century half morocco (rebacked and repaired, old calf cover bound in).

FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH of La historia d’Italia, “undoubtedly the greatest historical work that had appeared since the beginning of the modern era. It remains ...the final triumph of the Florentine school of philosophical historians which included Machiavelli, Segni, Pitti, Nardi, Farchi, Francescto Vettori and Donato Giannotti “ (J. A. Symonds). Guicciardini is regarded as the first “universal” historian, placing Italy within the larger context of the European system of states and demonstrating the interdependence of political events across the continent. ESTC S120755; STC 12458a.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



HEMINGWAY, Ernest. Men Without Women. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1927.

8vo, original black cloth, printed front cover and spine labels (slightly shaken, endpapers slightly discolored); dust jacket (spine panel toned with some chipping at ends and with small area skinned near head, slight splitting along rear joint, minor chipping and wear to extremities, some soiling). Provenance: Robert G. Earley (small stamp on front free endpaper).

FIRST EDITION, FIRST PRINTING (weighing 15.7 ounces), in first printing dust jacket with no blurbs in the orange bands on the front panel. Hanneman A7a.



HEMINGWAY, Ernest (1899-1961). To Have and Have Not. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1937.

8vo. Original publisher’s black cloth gilt; original dust jacket (slight chipping at head of spine and corners).

FIRST EDITION, FIRST PRINTING with the Scribner’s seal, and the capital “A” on the copyright page. Hanneman A14a.



HOBBES, Thomas (1588-1679). Leviathan, sive De materia, forma, et potestate civitatis ecclesiasticae et civilis. Amsterdam: J. Blaeu, 1670.

4to (201 x 147 mm). Woodcut device on title-page, woodcut initials. (Marginal wormtrack to first ca 40 leaves.) Contemporary mottled calf, edges sprinkled brown and red (rebacked, endpapers renewed, a few other small repairs).

FIRST SEPARATE EDITION IN LATIN. Hobbes prepared the translation himself, editing the text and including three apologetic dialogues in place of the original “Review and Conclusion.” His translation first appeared in Opera philosophica quae Latine scripsit omnia, published by Blaeu in 1668. “It is the Latin version in which Hobbes really expresses his opinions...in his Latin version he was less concerned with personalities” (MacDonald & Hargreaves 45).

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi

$400-600 110


HOPPIN, Benjamin (1851-1923). A Diary kept while with the Peary Arctic Expedition of 1896. [New Haven?: n.p., 1897].

8vo. Map frontispiece, one plate. Publisher’s blue cloth gilt. Provenance: Edward T. Owen (presentation inscription dated 29 June 1897).

FIRST EDITION, PRESENTATION COPY, INSCRIBED BY HOPPIN: “For Prof. Edward T. Owen ’72 from B. Hoppin ’72 Baddock, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. For June 29th 1897.” Hoppin, Peary’s mineralogist, provides a first-hand account of the voyage of the Hope. RARE. Arctic Bib. 7401.

$600-800 112

HOOKER, Richard (1554?-1600). Of the Lawes of Ecclesiastical Politie. London: Richard Bishop, [1639].

6 parts in one volume, folio (286 x 187 mm). Engraved title-page, section titles printed within woodcut border. (Lacking initial blank, engraved title soiled, some minor soiling or staining.) Contemporary blind calf, edges stained red (some light wear). Provenance: Thomas Case (early signature on title-page); W. H. Spanhake (stamp).

Seventh edition of Hooker’s theory, which served as the basis for Locke’s Treatise of Civil Government. ESTC S119110; STC 13720.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi


HUME, David (1711-1776). Essays and Treatises on Various Subjects...A new edition. London: A. Millar and A. Kincaid & A. Donaldson at Edinburgh, 1758.

4to (260 x 207 mm). (Some very minor spotting or browning.) Contemporary sprinkled calf, brown morocco lettering-piece gilt, edges stained red (Joints starting, some rubbing or wear).

Second collected edition, later issue, with the 4 additional leaves signed *4 including the “Two additional essays.” THE FIRST SINGLE-VOLUME QUARTO EDITION, including Hume’s most important philosophical works, An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding (1748), An Enquiry concerning the Principles of Morals (1751), and The Natural History of Religion (1757), the first collected edition to include the Four Dissertations. Goldsmiths’ 9314; Higgs 1616; Jessop 5; Kress 5712.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



116 113

[INDIAN & SOUTHEAST ASIAN ART]. A group of 8 works in 10 volumes, including:

DOHRING, Karl Von. Buddhistische Templanlagen in Siam. Bangkok, Siam: Asia Publishing House, 1920. -- GROSLIER, George. La Sculpture Khmere Ancienne. Paris: Les Editions G. Cres & Co., 1925. -- INDIA HOUSE. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Marine Collection to be found at India House. New York: The Sign of the Gosden Head 1935. LIMITED EDITION, number 667 of 1,000 copies. --ROWLAND, Benjamin. WallPaintings of India Central Asia & Ceylon. Boston: The Merrymount Press, 1938. Limited Edition, number 405 of 500 copies. -- Broderies Hindoues. Paris: Ernst Henri, editeur, n.d. -- And 3 others. Together, 8 works in 10 volumes, large folio or 4to, most first editions, all in cloth or cloth-backed boards, condition generally good, complete list available on request.

Property from a Prominent Chicago Collection



JOHNSON, Samuel (1709-1784). The Idler. London: printed for J. Newbery, 1761.

2 volumes, 8vo (161 x 94 mm). 3pp. publisher’s advertisements at end. (Some minor browning or spotting.) Contemporary half calf gilt, edges stained yellow (some minor wear, endleaves renewed). Provenance: Nicholas Frederic Brady (bookplate); Brick Row Book Shop, New Haven, CT (morocco book label).

FIRST COLLECTED EDITION of the 104 sketches that appeared between 15 April 1759 and 5 April 1760. All but 12 were written by Johnson; the others were written by Joshua Reynolds and Thomas Warton. Courtney and Smith p. 83; ESTC T153829; Roscoe A-264.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



JOHNSON, Samuel (1709-1784). A Dictionary of the English Language. London: for J. F. and C. Rivington and others, 1785.

2 volumes, 4to (267 x 212 mm). Engraved portrait frontispiece to vol. I dated August 21st 1786. (Lacking half-title to vol. I, light offsetting of frontispiece to title, scant spotting or soiling to a few leaves.) Contemporary reversed calf, blind roll tooling to covers, brown and green morocco lettering-pieces gilt (some rubbing or wear, a few joints just starting).

Sixth edition, FIRST QUARTO EDITION, of Johnson’s “most amazing, enduring and endearing one-man feat in the field of lexicography” (PMM). ESTC T116655.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



JONSON, Benjamin (1572-1637). Seianus, his Fall. [Extracted from:] The Workes of Benjamin Jonson. London: William Stansby, 1616.

Small folio (280 x 174 mm). Comprising pp. 357-438. (Small repairs to text Mm5-6 with a few words supplied in facsimile some light staining or browning). Provenance: Bennett H. Jackson (bookplate).

FIRST COLLECTED EDITION, published in the month of Shakespeare’s death, listing him as a player. The 1616 folio edition of Jonson’s works provided a precedent for Heminges and Condell when they prepared the first folio edition of Shakespeare’s works seven years later, to which Jonson provided verses. See ESTC S111817.; see STC 14751.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



[KELMSCOTT PRESS]. RUSKIN, John (1819-1900). The Nature of Gothic: A Chapter of the Stones of Venice. Hammersmith: The Kelmscott Press for George Allen, 1892.

8vo. Woodcut border and initials, line-block diagrams in-text; original prospectus laid in. (Minor offsetting of Kelmscott device to text opening.) Original stiff vellum, green silk ties (covers very slightly bowed, some very minor soiling).

LIMITED EDITION, one of 500 unnumbered copies on paper (no vellum copies were issued), the fourth book of the Kelmscott Press, printed in Golden type. Peterson A4.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



[KELMSCOTT PRESS]. MORRIS, William (1834-1896). Love is Enough. Hammersmith: The Kelmscott Press, 1897.

4to. Printed in Troy type (stage directions in Chaucer type) in red and black, woodcut initial capitals in blue and black, 2 full-page woodcuts by W. H. Hooper after Sir Edward Burne-Jones, woodcut borders. Original limp vellum, yapp edges, green silk ties (lacking tie ends, one laid in).

LIMITED EDITION, one of 300 copies on paper, one of only two Kelmscott Press books printed in three colors. Peterson A52.

Property from the Collection of David Strauss, New York, New York



KUNZ, George Frederick (1858-1932). The Book of the Pearl. New York: The Century Co., 1908.

4to. Title printed within green decorative border, numerous plates (many printed in color), numerous in-text illustrations. Citron crushed levant gilt, spine in 6 compartments with 5 raised bands, gilt-lettered in two, the rest gilt-decorated, board edges and turn-ins gilt, tan watered silk doublures and endpapers, top edge gilt, others uncut (very slight wear to extremities, otherwise fine).

PRESENTATION COPY, INSCRIBED BY KUNZ: “To Miss Julia Halsey Munson, with the compliments of the senior author George F. Kunz New York July 10 1913.” A FINE COPY of “this beautiful example of modern book design, executed in high quality materials...prized not only for the enormous amount of reliable information that it contains, indeed still unmatched in any work since, but also for the large number of high quality illustrations in black and white” (Sinkankis 3690).

Property from the Collection of Erwin Boehning


121 120

LE COMTE, Louis Daniel (1655-1728). Memoirs and Observations Topographical, Physical, Mathematical, Mechanical, Natural, Civil and Ecclesiastical. Made in a Late Journey Through the Empire of China. London: Printed for Benj. Tooke and Sam Buckley, 1697.

8vo (188 x 115 mm). Engraved portrait frontispiece, 3 engraved plates (2 folding), 1 engraved folding table. (Toning and spotting affecting a few leaves.) Contemporary panelled calf gilt (rubbing to extremities).

FIRST ENGLISH EDITION of Le Comte’s experience as a Jesuit missionary in China, with a folding plate depicting the observatory established by the Jesuits in Pekin. ESTC R15898; Wing L831.

Property from a Prominent Chicago Collection



LEO I (ca 360-461, Pope from 400). Sermones et epistolae. Translated from Latin into Italian by Filippo Corsini. Florence: [Antonio di Bartolommeo Miscomini], 21 May 1485.

Chancery folio (277 x 205 mm). Collation: I4; 2-218 2210. 173 leaves (of 174; lacking final blank). 33 lines. Roman type 3:112. Capital spaces with guide letters, illuminated with 2 6-line initials in blue with elaborate red penwork, numerous 2-line initials in blue. (First and last leaves inlaid, repairs to a few lower corner margins occasionally just touching a letter or two). 20th-century blind-stamped blue morocco by Vignal (upper cover detached, lower joint slightly rubbed, minor chipping to spine ends).

FIRST EDITION IN ITALIAN of Leo I’s sermons. The Bishop of Aleria’s epistle, beginning on 1v, shows Corsini worked from the Latin edition of Sweynheym and Pannartz, published in 1470 in Rome, or one of its reprints (the present edition omitting a few miscellaneous pieces at the end). BMC VI, 638; BSB-Ink L-104; HC 10016; Goff L-136.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



LEVER, Charles (1806-1872). Works. Boston: Little Brown and Company, 18941895.

40 volumes, 8vo (213 x 137 mm). Frontispieces, a profusion of plates and in-text illustrations. Original green cloth, red and black printed labels on spines, top edge gilt, others uncut. LIMITED EDITION, number 1181 of 1250 copies printed for sale in America.



LOCKE, John (1632-1704). An Essay concerning Humane Understanding. London: for Albasham, John Churchill, and Samuel Manship, 1694.

Folio. Engraved portrait frontispiece Sylvester Brounower; title-page printed within double rule border. (Some minor soiling or browning.) Modern calf.

Second edition, second issue with the Churchill/Manship imprint. The expanded second edition, the foundation for classical British Empiricism, arose from Locke’s correspondence with Irish scientist William Molyneux. Locke concludes that “though knowledge must necessarily fall short of complete comprehension, it can at least be ‘sufficient’ enough to convince us that we are not at the mercy of pure chance, and can to some extent control our own destiny (PMM 164). Brunet VII: 883; ESTC R21459; Wing L-2740.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi

8vo (190 x 117 mm). Title printed within double rule border. (Worming primarily in outer margins and affecting letters, some browning.) Contemporary blind calf, red morocco lettering-piece (old rebacking, covers detached, some wear). Provenance: Edward Chilton (engraved armorial bookplate on title verso dated 1697); Edward Warner Gude (blindstamp and signature 1960).

Third edition. “The importance of this book in the history of English political thought is sometimes ignored... The constructive doctrines which are elaborated in the second treatise became the basis of social and political philosophy for many generations” (Pforzheimer). ESTC R868; Wing L-2768.

Property from the Collection of Dr. Theo C. Mataxis Jr.



LOCKE, John (1632-1704). Some Familiar Letters between Mr. Locke, and Several of his Friends. London: for A. and J. Churchill, 1708.

8vo (188 x 110 mm). Title-page printed within double rule border, woodcut devices on title-page. Contemporary panelled calf (neatly rebacked to style).

FIRST EDITION of Locke’s correspondence with philosopher and scientist William Molyneux (1656-1698) and Dutch theologian Philip van Limborch (1633-1712). The letters on pp. 297-540 are in Latin. ESTC T117287; Pforzheimer 611.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth (1807-1892). The Song of Hiawatha. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1860.

8vo. Publisher’s advertisements dated November 1855. (Some spotting to a few leaves at beginning and end.) Original publisher’s blind-stamped brown cloth gilt-lettered on spine (some light wear to spine ends, a few minor stains, spine slightly leaned); quarter red morocco slipcase. Provenance: E. A. Beatly? (early faint inscription on front flyleaf); A. H. Armour & Co. (early bookseller’s label).

FIRST AMERICAN EDITION of Longfellow’s epic poem. BAL 12111. A BRIGHT COPY.

Property from the Collection of John S. Leipsic



LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth (1807-1892). 4 works, comprising:

The Golden Legend. Boston: Ticknor, Reed, and Fields, 1851. 4 pp. advertisements dated October 1851. Original brown cloth gilt. BAL 12102 (first printing, title-page dated “M DCCC LI”). -- The New-England Tragedies. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1868. Original purple cloth gilt. BAL 12150 (early printing from unbattered type, binding B, no priority.). -- The Divine Tragedy. Boston: James R. Osgood and Company, 1871. Original publisher’s green cloth gilt. FIRST EDITION, SIGNED BY LONGFELLOW on title-page. BAL’s small paper format, measuring 6 7/8 x 4 1/2”. BAL 12157 (small paper format measuring 6 7/8 x 4 1/2”). -- The Masque of Pandora. Boston: James R. Osgood and Company, 1875. Original purple cloth gilt. BAL 12170 (first printing). -- Together, 3 volumes, ALL FIRST EDITIONS, ONE SIGNED BY LONGFELLOW, condition generally good.

Property from the Collection of John S. Leipsic



LUDOLF, Hiob (1624-1704). Lexicon Aethiopico-Latinum: ex omnibus libris impressis, et multis MSStis contextum... Editio secunda. Frankfurt: John David Zunner, 1699.

Folio (312 x 194 mm). Title-page printed in red and black. (Some browning or spotting.) Contemporary boards (worn, a few leaves becoming loose). Provenance: unidentified paper seal lower margin title-page.

Second edition of Ludolf’s Ethiopic-Latin dictionary, first published in London by Thomas Roycroft in 1661. 124



Property from the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois


MACHIAVELLI, Niccolo (1469-1527). Discorsi...sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio. Venice: Giovanni Antonio and Nicolini da Sabio, Melchior Sessa, 1537.

8vo (160 x 103 mm). Woodcut device on title-page. (Some minor staining.) Later half vellum, upper cover with the gilt arms of the Bridgewater family. Provenance: a few early manuscript annotations verso of last blank leaf; the Bridgewater family library (binding, bookplate and shelfmark, see below).

Early edition of Machiavelli’s Discourses, preceded by Antonio Blado’s 1531 edition published in Rome, and a 1534 edition published by Sessa. In 1540, the first Aldine edition was published. The Bridgewater family library was acquired by Henry Huntington en bloc in 1917 from the fourth Earl of Ellsemere; at the time, it was the oldest family library still in private hands. Small portions of the library were sold in the 19th century; Henry Huntington sold some books from the collection at auction between 1918 and 1924. The rest of the collection comprises the core of the Huntington Library’s early English collections.

VERY RARE: according to American Book Prices Current, no copy this edition has sold at auction in the last 40 years; OCLC traces only two copies (held by the Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève and the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin). Not in Adams; Grasse IV 323; STC (Italy) II 293.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



MACHIAVELLI, Niccolò (1469-1527). Machiavels Discourses upon the First Decade of T. Livius. Translated by Edward Dacres. London: Thomas Paine for William Hills and Daniel Pakeman, 1636.

12mo (144 x 82 mm). Woodcut ornaments and initials. (First gathering disbound, some minor browning or staining, a few rust-holes occasionally affecting letters.) Contemporary blind calf, edges stained red (old rebacking, some minor wear).

FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH, with animadversions in italics on the title-page and [B1] a cancelandum. “Machiavelli founded the science of modern politics on the study of mankind - it should be remembered that a parallel work to The Prince was his historical essay on the first ten books of Livy” (PMM 63, see next lot). ESTC S109049; STC 17160.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



MACHIAVELLI, Niccolò (1469-1527). Nicholas Machiavel’s Prince. Also, The life of Castruccio Castracani of Lucca. And the meanes Duke Valentine us’d to put to death Vitellozzo Vitelli, Oliverotto of Fermo Paul, and the Duke of Gravina. Translated by Edward Dacres. London: R. Bishop for William Hils and Daniel Pakeman, 1640.

12mo (140 x 77 mm). Collation: A6, B-O12. Printed rule borders throughout. (Some borders shaved, a few pale stains.) Modern calf. Provenance: a few old annotations and markings to blank areas and verso of final leaf.

FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH. “’The Prince’ is far more than a book of directions to any one of the many Italian princelings. Machiavelli had profited by his journeys to France and Germany to make the most able analyses (in his reports to his government) of a national government, and he now wrote for the guidance of the ruler by whom alone Italy, desperately divided, could be restored to political health. Hitherto political speculation had tended to be a rhetorical exercise based on the implicit assumption of Church or Empire....Politics was a science to be divorced entirely from ethics, and nothing must stand in the way of its machinery. Many of the remedies he proposed for the rescue of Italy were eventually applied. His concept of the qualities demanded from a ruler and the absolute need of a national militia came to fruition in the monarchies of the seventeenth century and their national armies” (PMM). Bertelli & Innocenti XVII, 38; Gerber III, p. 104, no. 2; PMM 63; STC 17168.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi


132 131

MACHIAVELLI, Niccolo (1469-1527). The Works of the Famous Nicholas Machiavel, Citizen and Secretary of Florence. Written originally in Italian, and from thence newly and faithfully Translated into English... Henry Neville, translator. London: for John Starkey, Charles Harper and John Amery, 1680.

Folio (312 x 193 mm). General title-page and 4 section titles printed within double rule border. (Some dampstaining or browning.) contemporary calf (defective, covers detached). Provenance: Thomas Shillington (signature on title-page); Tiffany Thayer (102-1959) American actor, founder of Fortean Society (bookplate).

Second edition in English of the collected works of Machiavelli, first published in 1675. With section titles for The history of Florence, The Prince, The discourses...upon the first decade of Titus Livius, and The art of war. ESTC R13145; Wing M-129.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi


133 135


[MAGNA CARTA] Magna Charta, cum statutis quae antiqua vocantur, iam recens excusa, & summa fide emendata, iuxta vetusta exemplaria ad Parliamenti rotulos examinata: quibus accesserunt nonnulla nunc primum typis edita... London: Richard Tottell, 12 June 1556.

2 parts in 1 volume, 12mo (134 x 90 mm). Woodcut initials. 20th-century half brown calf, edges stained red (upper cover detached). Provenance: early marginalia; H. H. Hedderwick (gift inscription).

FIRST TOTTELL EDITION, with line 1 of the title-page to the second part reading “SECVN-”. Another Tottell edition, dated 1556 on the titlepage (but actually published ca 1560 according to STC), reads “SECVNDA” in line 1 of the title-page to part II. A revised edition of Thomas Berthelet’s version published in 1531. Beale S15; ESTC S101069; STC 9277.5.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



MANDEVILLE, Bernard de (1670?-1733). An Enquiry into the Origin of Honour and The Usefulness of Christianity in War. London: for John Brotherton, 1732.

8vo (191 x 120 mm). Woodcut device on title-page. Contemporary sprinkled calf (Old rebacking, endpapers renewed, covers detached). Provenance: Lincoln’s Inn Library (withdraw stamp).

FIRST EDITION, a continuation of the dialogues found in Mandeville’s Fable of the Bees. ESTC T59021; Rothschild 1375.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



METHODIUS, Saint, Archbishop of Tyre (827-869). [Revelationes]. Revelationes divinae a sanctis angelis factae de principio mundi. Edited by Sebastian Brant. Basel: Michael Furter, 14 February 1500.

4to (207 x 144 mm). Collation: a-g8 h-i6. 68 leaves. 36 lines and marginalia. Type: 156bG, 6:106G, 1:83G, 4:64G. 61 woodcuts (some repeated), a few with hand-coloring in red, woodcut initials hand-colored in red, red strokes. (Tiny mostly marginal wormholes to a few leaves occasionally touching letters, some minor browning or soiling.) 19th-century calf gilt (rebacked, hinges reinforced, some wear). Provenance: unidentified bookplate, obscured by the bookplate of; Chester Dudley Ward.

Second illustrated edition of the Divine Revelations, first published by Furter in 1498. Furter also printed two later editions in 1504 and 1515. The second edition is often attributed to 1516 as the date in the colophon reads “MCCCCC.XVI.Kal.’ Martii.” “XVI,” however, indicates that the book was printed sixteen days before the Kalends of March, as was the usual manner of recording the date using the Julian Calendar. The original edition of the text was published in 1475; this second illustrated edition is nearly a page-for-page reprint of Furter’s 1498 edition with the same woodcuts. VERY RARE: online records record only 3 complete copies of this edition at auction in the last 40 years. Adams 1369 (dating the work 1516); BMC III, 786; BSB-Ink M-354; Goff M-525; GW M23062; ISTC im00525000.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi


MILTON, John (1608-1674). Paradise Regain’d...to which is added Samson Agonistes. London: for John Starkey, 1680.

8vo (174 x 106 mm). With leaf A1 with license printed verso before title, 4pp. publisher’s catalogue at end. Contemporary mottled calf, later red morocco lettering-piece gilt (some chipping to spine ends, joints starting, some wear). Provenance: “B” (unidentified stamp with crown).

Second edition, which includes a separate dated title-page for Samson Agonistes, all with continuous pagination and register as usual. ESTC R300; Grolier Wither to Prior 614; Wing M02153.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



MILTON, John (1608-1674). The Works. London: n.p., 1697.

Folio (315 x 200 mm). Title-page printed within double rule border and with woodcut device. Contemporary blind-panelled calf (rebacked, some wear, a few leaves at the beginning becoming disbound). Provenance: Harvard University Library (bookplate, duplicate stamp on title verso, blind stamp).

FIRST COLLECTED EDITION of Milton’s prose works. Pforzheimer 728; Wing M-2086.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



MILTON, John (1608-1674). A Complete Collection of the Historical, Political, and Miscellaneous Works. Amsterdam [but London]: n.p., 1698.

3 volumes, folio (324 x 192 mm). Half-title in vol.I with engraved portrait frontispiece by Faithorne on verso, title-pages printed in red and black. (A few tears or rust-holes affecting letters, some toning or browning.) Contemporary blind-panelled calf, later red morocco lettering-piece gilt. Provenance: George Thomas Wyndham (bookplate).

Collected edition, “commonly known as ‘Toland’s’, but he was not the editor. He remarked elsewhere that he would have omitted several of the works” (Coleridge 73). ESTC R19720; Wing M-2087.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi


[MINIATURE BOOK]. ALIGHIERI, Dante (ca 1265-1321). La Divina Commedia di Dante. Milan: Ulrico Hoepli, 1878.

128mo (51 x 29 mm). Half-titles, engraved frontispiece, title in red and black. Contemporary black levant, spine in 5 compartments with 4 raised bands, giltlettered in one compartment, turn-ins and black morocco doublures gilt, blue watered silk endpapers, edges stained red (light rubbing to upper joint).

Originally printed by the Salmin Brothers of Padua, Hoepli purchased a number of copies and issued the identical volume but with a new title page. The printing process was arduous, in part because of the minuscule 2-point Didot type (so-called “flies’ eye” type), according to Spielmann, “thought to be the smallest ever employed,” and “said to have injured the eyesight of both the compositor and the corrector.” Because only 30 pages could be printed in a month, the work took many years to complete. The project was begun in 1850 by Giacomo Gnocchi, but the work was abandoned. Resumed in 1873 by his son Giovanni, the edition was completed at the Printing Works ‘Alla Minerva’ in Padua overseen by Gaetano Gianuzzi and completed on 9 June 1878. After “1,000 copies were printed and the type was destroyed.”(Welsh 2168). Spielmann 114.

Property from a Private Collection, Chicago, Illinois



[MINIATURE BOOK]. -- [BIBLE, in English]. The Bible in Miniuture [sic], or a Concise History of the Old and New Testaments. London: [Elizabeth] Newberry, 1780.

64mo (41 x 28 mm). Engraved title pages (including second title for the New Testament) and 13 (of 14) engraved plates. (Lacking plate facing p.221.) Original olive green morocco gilt, onlaid red calf ovals with cross and JHS overlaid front and back, marbled endpapers, edges gilt (light wear to corners and joints). Provenance: H. Reeve (ownership inscription, 26 May 1790); William Thorowgood (d. 1877), typographer and type founder (inscription) given to his granddaughter; Lucy Ellen Hibberdine (presentation inscription, 22 November 1860).

FIRST EDITION of “the best-known miniature Bible” (Adomeit). THE EARLIEST ISSUE without an imprint on p.256, without a period after the date on the first title page and with parentheses enclosing the page numbers. The binding first appeared on the first edition of Harris’ miniature Bible (published 1771, Adomeit B18), and is known in several colors, most commonly red, here in the rarer olive green. Adomeit B26; ESTC T124732.

Property from a Private Collection, Chicago, Illinois



[MINIATURE BOOK]. CICERO, Marcus Tullius (106-43 B. C. E.). - [BLAEU, Willem Jansz (1608-1639)]. M. Tullii Ciceronis De Officiis Libri III. Amsterdam: Guiljel I. Caesium, 1625.

64mo (61 x 40 mm). Engraved title page. Contemporary red morocco gilt, spine in 4 compartments with 3 raised bands, black morocco lettering-piece gilt in one, the rest gilt-decorated, turn-ins gilt, edges gilt (slight cracking at joints). Provenance: P. Foley (inscription, 1906).

A rare edition of Cicero’s works. Not in Spielmann.

Property from a Private Collection, Chicago, Illinois



[MINIATURE BOOKS]. EPICTETUS. -- CEBES. Epicteti Enchiridion, Et Cebetis Tabula. Lugduni Batavorum: Ioan. Maire, 1646.

48mo (87 x 42 mm). Engraved vignette on title, half-titles. 19thcentury red morocco gilt, spine in 5 compartments with 4 raised bands, gilt-lettered in 2, turn-ins gilt, edges gilt (spine slightly darkened, light rubbing to extremities). Provenance: Sir William Stirling Maxwell (bookplates).

A later revised edition in Greek and Latin of Epictetus’ and Cebes’ philosophical discourses.

Property from a Private Collection, Chicago, Illinois

$200-300 143


[MINIATURE BOOK]. -- [ROOSEVELT, Franklin D. (1882-1945), his copy]. EPICTETUS (ca 50-135). -- SNECANUS, Johannes Daniel (ca 1580-1655). Epicteti Enchiridion, et Cebetis Tabula. Rotterdam: Arnoldi Leers, 1654.

48mo (89 x 43 mm). Engraved title, half-title. (Ink stains on pp.26-27, very minor toning.) Contemporary dark red morocco gilt, smooth spine in 5 compartments gilt, edges gilt (corners bumped, upper joint separated). Provenance: Franklin D. Roosevelt (bookplate on front free endpaper, numbered “M111 No. 1414”); George Abbot James (bookplate).


Property from a Private Collection, Chicago, Illinois

$200-300 [MINIATURE BOOK]. The Psalms of David in Metre. As they are used in the Kirk of Scotland. Edinburgh: P. Williamson, 1779.

64mo (40 x 71 mm). Engraved title (mild even toning.) Contemporary tooled red morocco, smooth spine in 3 compartments gilt thistle tooling. Provenance: Bathia Dunbar (signature, 1785).

First published in 1778, the original letterpress title page was replaced with the present engraved title. ESTC T208367.

Property from a Private Collection, Chicago, Illinois



[MINIATURE BOOKS]. A group of 4 miniature books, comprising:

ROHLFS, Matthias. Hamburgischer nützlicher Schreib Calender aufs 1781 Jahr. Hamburg: Heinrich Christian Grund, 1781. Contemporary olive cloth gilt. -- COLLOT D’HERBOIS, Jean Marie. Almanach du Père Gérard, Pour L’année 1792. Paris: Chez Buisson, 1792. Contemporary marbled calf, spine in 4 compartments with 3 raised bands, gilt decoration in 3 compartments, red leather gilt-lettered spine label. -- BRUTUS, Marcus Junius. Lettre de Brutus a Ciceron. N.p., n.d., [ca 1793]. Contemporary red straight-grained morocco gilt, edges gilt. -- WESLEY, John. A Collection of Hymns, for the Use of the People Called Methodists. London: John Mason, 1838. Contemporary calf gilt. Provenance: Martha Downs (signature, 1841); Eleanor M. Harthew (signature, 1907). -- Together 4 works in 4 volumes, all FIRST EDITIONS except Wesley, 48mo, condition generally fine.

Property from a Private Collection, Chicago, Illinois

146 147


[MANUSCRIPTS -- ILLUMINATED]. BOOK OF HOURS, use of Rome, in Latin. [Southern Netherlands (Ghent or Bruges), c.1460].

92 x 64mm, 241 leaves, on vellum. 14 lines in black ink written in a gothic bookhand; rubrics in red. One-line initials in burnished gold flourished with black and in blue flourished with red; two-line initials in burnished gold against grounds and infills of pink and blue with white decoration; 13 LARGE HISTORIATED INITIALS set within pink initials patterned with white within a blue and gold frame, with burnished gold inner bar borders connecting upper & lower floral borders of acanthus and flowers in blue, green, red, pink and liquid gold (several historiated with birds); 4 LARGE ILLUMINATED INITIALS in pink patterned with white and foliate infills of blue, pink and white on gold grounds, two with full floral border, the others with burnished gold inner bar borders connecting upper & lower floral borders. (Some pigments rubbed away on one full border, other occasional marginal wear and soiling). Bound in early 18th or 19th-century crimson velvet; felt-lined cloth folding case.


1. The calendar suggests a model from the southern Netherlands, perhaps Bruges, including Amand in red (6 February), Gertrude (16 March), Basil in red (13 June), Eligius in red (25 June and 1 December), Bertin (5 September), Remy and Bavo in red (1 October), Donatian, the patron of Bruges, in red (13 October), Livinus of Ghent (11 November) and Nicaise in red (13 December). Amalberga also appears in the Litany. The texts are all very standard and the book was probably made for the open market at home or abroad. 2. William Henry Jervis Wegg (initialed note on front flyleaf: “Dr. M. R. James considers this a very beautiful example of Franco-Flemish work”, sold Sotheby’s April 29, 1941, lot 430).



[MANUSCRIPTS -- ILLUMINATED]. Leaf from a Book of Hours with historiated initial “S” on recto depicting the Pentecost. [France, c.1450].

One leaf, 155 x 104mm. On Vellum. 16 lines of text in a gothic bookhand in dark brown ink, rubrics in red. With historiated 6-line initial “S” depicting the Pentecost opening the text: “Spiritus Domini replevit orbem terrarum…”. Recto decorated with foliate and floral border in upper and lower margins, with a bar border in burnished gold and blue on inner margin. Eight 1-to 2-line initials in gold on blue or red grounds, on recto and verso. Matted.

Provenance: Gift from Fanny and Philip Duschnes, December 1948 (printed presentation message on mat).

Property of a Midwestern Museum



[MANUSCRIPTS -- ILLUMINATED]. Antiphonal leaf with large historiated initial “D” on verso depicting the Crucifixion with the Virgin Mary, St. John the Evangelist and St. Mary Magdalene at the foot of the Cross. [Italy, 15th century].

One leaf, 555 by 385mm. On vellum. With six lines of music and verse in Latin written in brown ink. The large initial “D” opening the text: “Domini est terra et plenitudo eius orbis terrarum…” from Psalm 23:1 (in the Latin vulgate) for the Vigil of the Nativity service, painted in colors with foliate border extensions in colors and gold. With two other initials in blue with red penwork decorations, one on each side of the leaf, opening text “Hodie scietis…”. (Some damp-wrinkling to leaf, with some rubbing to text, other discolorations and small stains, two tiny holes in sky on painted image.)



[MANUSCRIPTS -- ILLUMINATED]. BIBLE, in Latin. 3 leaves. [France (Paris?), 13th century].

3 leaves, each 290 x 203mm. On vellum. Double column. Text in a small gothic rotunda script in dark brown ink. With running titles and chapter numbers in alternating red and blue letters with penwork decoration. With eight 2- to 3-line initials alternately in red and blue with penwork marginal extensions. (Some minor staining and wrinkling.)



[MANUSCRIPTS -- ILLUMINATED]. Cover title: A Collection of Thoughts. Illuminated manuscript, vellum. N.p., n.d. [20th century].

Small folio. Title-page within decorative gouache and gilt border, 61 illuminated leaves, decorative borders and letters in gouache heightened in gold. 20th century vellum gilt STAMP-SIGNED BY SANGORSKI AND SUTCLIFFE.

Including quotes and aphorisms by Cicero, Seneca, Epictetus, Stevenson, Thoreau, Shakespeare, Bacon, and numerous others, each with an illuminated initial, within wide illuminated borders.



MAUGHAN, William Charles (1836-1914). The Alps of Arabia. Travels in Egypt, Sinai, Arabia and the Holy Land. London: Henry S. King & Co., 1873.

8vo (218 x 140 mm). Half-title, frontispiece map (library stamp affecting image), 36pp. publisher’s advertisements at end. Publisher’s decorated red cloth gilt (hinges starting, binding loose). Provenance: Clinton Hall Association, N.Y. For the Use of the Mercantile Library (library stamps).

FIRST EDITION of Maughan’s narrative account of his travels through the Middle East.

$300-400 152


[MIDDLE EASTERN ART]. SAKISIAN, Arménag Bey (1875-1949). La Miniature Persane du XIIe au XVIIe Siècle. Paris and Brussels: Les Editions G. Van Oest, 1929.

Folio. 106 plates (including 2 in color) of reproductions of 193 Persian miniatures. Half blue morocco gilt, top edge gilt (rubbing to extremities, slight soiling to bottom edge); original wrappers bound in. Provenance: M.L. Hermanos (bookplate).

FIRST EDITION of Sakisian’s academic study of Persian miniatures produced in Iran between the 12th and 17th centuries.


BINYON, Laurence (1869-1943). -- Wilkinson, James Vere Stewart (18851957). -- GRAY, Basil (1904-1989). Persian Miniature Painting. Including a Critical and Descriptive Catalogue of the Miniatures Exhibited at Burlington House January-March, 1931. London: Oxford University Press, Humphrey (continued) [MIDDLE EASTERN ART]. POPE, Arthur U. (1881-1969) and ACKERMANN, Phyllis (1893-1977), editors. A Survey of Persian Art from Prehistoric Times to the Present. London and New York: Oxford University Press, 1938-1939.

6 volumes, large folio. Half-titles, titles printed in blue and black, 1,482 plates, a few in color, numerous in-text illustrations. Original publisher’s blue cloth gilt (sunning to spines, a few scuffs, rubbing to extremities, old adhesive remnants to upper cover of vol.IV).

FIRST EDITION of Pope’s survey of Persian art, architecture, and material culture, published under the auspices of the American Institute for Iranian Art and Archaeology. Pope was a pioneer in the study of Persian art, heritage, and culture, and he was an important collector, curator, and art dealer.

Property from a Prominent Chicago Collection


Milford, 1933. Folio. Frontispiece, 113 plates, a few in color. Original yellow-brown cloth stamped in gilt (very light rubbing to extremities). FIRST EDITION.

Property from a Prominent Chicago Collection



[MIDDLE EASTERN ART]. SARRE, Friedreich (1865-1945). Islamische Bucheinbande. Berlin: Scarabaeus Verlag, preface dated 1923.

4to. 36 full-color mounted reproductions of Islamic book bindings, title in black with multi-colored border, text printed with gilt borders. Later green cloth, green morocco gilt spine label. Provenance: C. T. Loo & Co. (bookseller’s stamp).

LIMITED EDITION, one of 110 copies, including examples of Egyptian, Persian, and Turkish Islamic book bindings from the 14th-19th centuries.

MILNE, Alan Alexander (1882-1956). Winnie-The-Pooh. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd, 1926.

8vo. Half-title; numerous illustrations by Ernest H. Shepard. Publisher’s green gilt-stamped cloth. Quarter burgundy morocco gilt slipcase, chemise.

FIRST TRADE EDITION of Milne’s beloved classic.


MILNE, Alan Alexander. Now We Are Six. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd, 1927. 8vo. Half-title; numerous illustrations by Ernest H. Shepard. Publisher’s burgundy gilt-stamped cloth, top edge gilt, pink pictorial endpapers; quarter burgundy morocco gilt slipcase, chemise (a touch of wear to spine ends). FIRST TRADE EDITION.

MILNE, Alan Alexander. Now We Are Six. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd, 1927. 8vo. Half-title; numerous illustrations by Ernest H. Shepard. Publisher’s gilt decorated red leather, edges gilt, pink pictorial endpapers; quarter morocco gilt slipcase. Provenance: Bobby Harris (bookplate). FIRST EDITION DELUXE ISSUE of the third title of Milne’s adventures of Christopher Robin and Winnie-the-Pooh. From the total deluxe edition of 50,000 copies, the Ship Binding Company bound 5,000 in leather with 2,000 in the present red, and the remaining 3,000 equally divided between blue and green leather.

Property from the Collection of Michael and Kay Melet


157 156

[MONASTERY HILL BINDING]. ARNOLD, Matthew. Essays. London: Arthur L. Humphreys, 1906.

8vo. Title printed in red and black. Brown crushed levant gilt, turn-ins gilt, purple watered silk doublures and endleaves, top edge gilt, others uncut, stamp-signed by the Monastery Hill Bindery (very slight rubbing to joints); original wrappers bound in. Provenance: W. G. M. (pencil note at end, 10 April 1947).

Collected edition, part of the “Belles Lettres Series,” reprinted from the First Series of “Essays in Criticism” by permission from Macmillan and Co.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi


[MONASTERY HILL BINDING]. RUSKIN, John. Sesames and Lilies. London: Arthur L. Humphreys, 1906. Small 4to. Blue morocco gilt by the Monastery Hill Bindery.

8vo. Title printed in red and black. (Small stains to a few leaves.) Navy crushed levant gilt, turn-ins gilt, navy watered silk doublures and endleaves, top edge gilt, others uncut, stamp-signed by the Monastery Hill Bindery; original wrappers bound in.

Collected edition, reprinted by permission of Mr. George Allen.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi


158 159

MONTESQUIEU, Charles de Secondat (1689-1755). De l’Esprit des Loix. Geneva: Barillot, [but Paris: Prault, c.1748]. 160

2 volumes, 4to (242 x 179 mm). Woodcut devices on title-pages, woodcut tail-pieces. (Two leaves with old repairs to lower blank margin just touching a letter, staining to a few leaves.) Contemporary French mottled calf gilt, brown and tan morocco lettering-pieces gilt, edges stained red (some light wear). Provenance: P. A. Verhaeghie? (signature dated 1773).

Second edition, with “Barillot” in the imprint, first issue with the errata leaf at the end of vol. I, published in the same year as the rare first edition. Montesquieu’s theories had a profound influence on Hamilton’s Federalist Papers and Tocqueville’s Democracy in America and influenced the thinking which led to the American and French Revolutions. “The United States Constitution in particular is a lasting tribute to the principles he advocated” (PMM). Tchemerzine VII 460 (a); see PMM 197.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



MORE, Thomas, Sir. (1478-1535). The Workes ... wrytten by him in the Englysh tongue. Edited by William Rastell (1508?-1565). London: John Cawood, John Wally and Richarde Tottell, 1557.

4to (275 x 187 mm). Black letter, double column. Woodcut title border with the Queen’s arms in top compartment and female figures with olive branches at sides [McKerrow and Ferguson 81]. Large and small woodcut initials. With the unsigned leaf after CC5, and the 8 unpaginated leaves of More’s juvenilia. (Worming at beginning through ss6, a few wormholes at the end affecting text, short tears to a few leaves, D3 with a small flaw affecting a few letters, some minor dampstaining.) Contemporary calf (rebacked). Provenance: Thomas, First Viscount Weymouth, Baron Thynne of Warminster (1640-1714), (engraved armorial bookplate dated 1704), by descent to; the Marquess of Bath at Longleat (offered Sotheby’s London, 11 June 1979, lot 110).

FIRST EDITION of the collected works in English. Rastell, living as a Catholic exile in Louvain during the reign of Edward VI, edited his uncle’s English works, arranging them in chronological order and adding the “valuable marginal notes.” The first quire, including the table compiled by Thomas Paynell, was printed by Cawood, but Tottell printed the rest of the book. ESTC S115047; Pforzheimer 743; STC 18076.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



MORGAN, Sylvanus, (1620-1693). The Sphere of Gentry. London: William Leybourn, 1661.

4 parts in 1 volume, folio (305 x 194 mm). Engraved title-page, engraved dedication leaf, folding engraved plate, numerous engraved plates and illustrations. (Title soiled, some minor soiling to a few leaves,) Contemporary calf (old neat rebacking, some wear). Provenance: Unidentified bookplate with cypher; Wilfred Merton (1888-1957), managing director of Emery Walker, Printers and Engravers (bookplate).


Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi


PETRARCA, Francesco (1304-1374). [Opera Latina.] Librorum Francisci Petrarche impressorum annotatio. Venice: Simon Bevilaqua, 15 July 1503.

Folio (296 x 204 mm). 494 leaves. Woodcut architectural border on A1. (Final leaf with tears repaired verso.) Modern calf. Provenance: Bibliotheca Numophylacii Regis Saxoniae (bookplate).

Third edition of the Latin works of Petrarch, without the 30-leaf “Bucolicum carmen” at end. Petrarca, considered to be the “first humanist” established “the vogue and ideology of classical antiquity and humanistic studies... In this sense he was ‘the founder of the Renaissance’” [Wedeck & Schweitzer, Dictionary of the Renaissance.] Adams P-774.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi


PETRARCA, Francesco (1304-1374), Canzonieri. Il Petrarcha colla spositione di Misser Giovanni Andrea Gesualdo. Venice: Giovanni Antonio and Nicolini da Sabio, 1541.

Small 4to (209 x 149 mm). With gloss surrounding single column of text. (Some minor spotting.) Contemporary vellum, yapp edges, handlettered on bottom edge and spine (lacking ties, soiled, small loss to lower corner). Provenance: Paolo Mila (signature on title-page).

Presumed second Gesualdo edition, first published in 1533. An early edition with Gesualdo’s popular commentaries, divided into two parts: I Sonetti e le Canzoni, and I Sonetti e le Canzoni... in Morte di Madonna Lavra. Adams P-807; BMC Italian 504; Graesse V:226.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi


PONTANUS, Johannes Jovianus (1426-1503). Opera. Venice: Aldus, 1513. 12mo. Later calf gilt, edges stained red.

8vo (160 x 95 mm). 6-line initial spaces with guide-letters, woodcut Aldine device on title-page and verso of final leaf. (Lacking ii8, blank, 16th century calf, wide gilt border, windhead, star, wolf and flower cornerpieces, smooth spine elaborately gilt with flower and drawer-handle tooling gilt, brown and olive lettering-pieces gilt, edges stained red, decorative paper pastedowns and endleaves. Provenance: Heinrich Schöningh (Münster booklabel).

The second Aldine edition, closely following the first edition of 1505. Adams P-1858; Renouard 63:7.


PETRARCA, Francesco (1304-1374). Il Petrarca. Venice: House of Aldus and Andrea of Asola, July 1521.

8vo (157 x 96 mm). Woodcut Aldine device on verso final leaf, 3-line initial spaces with guide letters; with leaves s7, z8, and B8, blank except for foliation. 19th century red morocco gilt, upper cover gilt-lettered (some slight wear to joints and corners). Provenance: A few underlinings in text; unidentified stamp on title-page.

Third Aldine edition of the Canzoniere, preceded by the 1501 and 1514 editions. Following the death of Andrea d’Asolano in 1529, a newly-reopened Aldine press issued a fourth edition of Petrarch in 1533. Adams P-794.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi


[Bound with:]

PONTANUS. Amorum Libri II, De amore conjugalis III... Venice: Aldus, 1518.

6-line initial spaces with guide-letters, woodcut Aldine device on title-page and verso of final leaf, with blanks s8 and x5. (Minor marginal worming to a few leaves at end, a few old marginal repairs to final leaf, rust-hole affecting one leaf.)

FIRST (and only) ALDINE EDITION of the second volume of Pontanus’ Latin verse. The first volume was printed in 1505. Adams P-1864; Renouard 85:10.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



POTTER, Beatrix (1866-1943). Original pencil drawing showing the head and shoulders of a rabbit in profile nibbling some greens. [c.1890s]. 177 x 138mm. SIGNED with initials “H.B.P.” at lower right corner. Additionally inscribed in lower margin: “a rabbit for Nicola”. With a later crayon border in green and orange in an unknown hand. (Some light spotting and toning.) Mounted on backing board.

A finely detailed study of a rabbit which likely dates from the 1890s, before publication of her first children’s book, The Tale of Peter Rabbit (1901). From her early childhood Potter was interested in nature, and her parents encouraged her artistic pursuits. She and her younger brother Walter Bertram kept numerous small animals as pets in their schoolroom which they frequently studied and drew. Her highly detailed studies of lizards, snails, bats, mice, rabbits, butterflies and insects display a keen scientific observation and artistic ability. During the family’s long summer holidays to rural areas she also took the opportunity to draw the plants, fungi and animals she encountered in the countryside.

Potter had a succession of two pet rabbits who served as models for some of her earliest published work, and inspired some of her most beloved characters. The first, her favorite, was “Benjamin Bouncer”, who often accompanied her on leash; the second was “Peter Piper,” whom she trained to perform tricks. She often wrote about their antics in her journals.

The present drawing demonstrates both her technical ability and anatomical knowledge, which would provide the groundwork for her later more fluid illustrations in her Peter Rabbit books. The recipient of this drawing has not been identified, and the inscription may have been added later by Potter? at the time of gifting. The V & A has two similar pencil studies of rabbits which seem to date from the same period as this drawing, both acquired in 1973 as part of the extensive Leslie Linder Bequest of Beatrix Potter material [see BP.1014(IV) and BP.377].


(part lot) *166

QUR’AN, Illuminated Arabic manuscript on paper. [Copied in Turkey by Hafez Khalil?, ca A.H. 12th century / ca 17th-18th century A. D.]

12mo (147 x 95 mm). 73 leaves comprising a selection of the Qur’an, within double gold with blue rule borders, in Naskhi script, gold and blue palmettes, gold and polychrome divisions, ff.1v with gold and polychrome headpiece. (Tear to first leaf crossing border, some browning, minor soiling or dampstaining.) Black morocco Islamic binding, central gilt arabesques on sides and flap, brown morocco doublures gilt (some separations to joints, some light rubbing or wear).

[With:] ISLAMIC MANUSCRIPT. Comprising 5 leaves mounted in an accordion fold album. Cloth album, marbled paper sides with floral painting.

Property from the Collection of Curtis Lampi, Ventura, California



[ILLUSTRATED BOOKS]. RACKHAM, Arthur (1867-1939), illustrator. Some British Ballads. London: Constable & Co. Ltd., [1919].

4to. 16 color-printed plates by Rackham tipped to mounts, numerous black and white in-text illustrations, printed tissue guards. (Slight spotting or toning to a few leaves not affecting plates.) Original publisher’s quarter vellum gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut (minor soiling, corners slightly bumped). Provenance: G V Stanley (bookplate).

LIMITED EDITION, number 17 of 575 copies SIGNED BY RACKHAM.

$400-600 168


SANNAZARO, Jacopo (1458-1530). Arcadia. Venice: Niccolo Zoppino, 10 September 1524.

8vo. Title-page printed within woodcut architectural border, fullpage woodcut on title verso, woodcut device on final leaf. (Some soiling or dampstaining.) Later vellum, spine gilt-lettered (covers bowed, some minor soiling). Provenance: Richard Horton Smith (1831-1919) English barrister, Masonic Lodge Officer (armorial bookplate); James V. Rice (bookplate).

Later edition. The first authorized edition of Sannazaro’s work, based on his 1495 manuscript, was published in Naples in 1504. In Italy alone, more than 66 editions of Arcadia were published. RARE: according to online records, only one other copy of this edition has sold at auction in the last 45 years (sold Sotheby’s London, 1975). Not in Adams. [RESPUBLICA]. Respublica, sive Status Regni Poloniae, Lituaniae, Prussiae, Livoniae... Leiden: Elzevir, 1627.

24mo (107 x 54 mm). Engraved title-page. (Some minor browning or spotting.) 17th-century vellum, upper cover blindstamped “H. E. L. 1644,” edges sprinkled red (some soiling or rubbing). Provenance: H. E. L. (binding); Amandus Eckstrom (signature 20 October 1847); Haus Lawan? Sr. (signature 1947).

FIRST EDITION, including extracts from the works of Cromer, Lasicki, De Thou, Botero, Neugebauer, and Krzysztanowicz, and including John Barclay’s “Judicium de Polonia.” Willems 286.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



SARPI, Paolo (1552-1623). Historia del Concilio Tridentino. London: John Bill, 1619.

Folio (287 x 187 mm). Woodcut device of royal arms on title-page, woodcut initials. (Title-page laid down and slightly soiled, some spotting or browning.) Contemporary vellum, yapp edges, title hand-lettered on spine (lacking ties, hinges broken, covers slightly bowed, soiled).

FIRST EDITION of Sarpi’s history of the Council of Trent, published under the pseudonym “Pietro Soave Polano,” and condemned by the Vatican due to its anti-papal stance. The manuscript was smuggled out of Italy with the help of the British Embassy and was translated into Latin, English and French. ESTC S116701; STC 21760.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi


SHAKESPEARE, William (1564-1616). Mr. William Shakespear’s Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Published according to the true Original Copies. Unto which is added, SEVEN PLAYS, Never before Printed in Folio. [London: Printed for H. Herringman, E. Brewster, and R. Bentley, 1685.]

Folio (354 x 222 mm.). Woodcut initials. (Lacking the first 6 leaves, H1, 2H5, and the final leaf, all supplied in facsimile, a few leaves with mostly marginal repairs occasionally affecting border and a few letters supplied in pen facsimile, tiny wormhole in lower margin of several leaves at end, some minor soiling, a few rust-holes occasionally affecting letters.) Early 20th-century blind-stamped reversed calf, brown morocco lettering-piece gilt, edges gilt (upper cover detached). Provenance: Louis Auchincloss (19172010), American lawyer, novelist and historian (morocco bookplate).

FOURTH FOLIO EDITION, issue unknown. The edition was set from the second issue of the Third Folio. The Fourth Folio is the last edition of Shakespeare’s plays published in the 17th century, and was regarded by 18th-century editors, readers and collectors as textually the best edition, until Samuel Johnson and especially Edward Capell demonstrated the superiority of the First Folio. The most immediately striking aspect of the Fourth Folio is its height. Herringman and his co-publishers decided on a larger paper size to increase the number of lines per page and decrease the bulk of the book; thus, including the added plays, the number of sheets in the Fourth Folio is almost exactly the same as that in the First and Second.

Greg III, 1119-21; Pforzheimer 910; Wing S-2916.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



SHAKESPEARE, William (1564-1616). Much adoe about Nothing. -- Loves Labour’s Lost. [Extracted from the First Folio]. [London: printed by Thomas Cotes, 1632].

Folio (300 x 207 mm). Comprising 44 pages (pp. 101-144) on 22 leaves (I3-M6). (A few rule borders slightly shaved, affecting the signature and catchword on one leaf, some minor staining to a few leaves.) 20th-century brown morocco-backed boards, brown morocco lettering-piece gilt on upper cover. Provenance: Bennett H. Jackson (bookplate).

Second folio printing of these Shakespearean comedies. Much Ado about Nothing was first published in a quarto edition in 1600 which is generally regarded as being accurate and reliable. Loves Labour’s Lost was first published in a quarto edition of 1598. The title-page of that edition states that the play was “Newly corrected and augmented by W. Shakespere,” suggesting it is a revision of an earlier edition. These quarto editions of each play are the basis of the text published in the 1623 First Folio, which was reprinted nearly page-for-page and issued just 9 years later as the Second Folio. See W.B. Todd. “The Issues and States of the Second Folio and Milton’s Epitaph,” in: Studies in Bibliography V (1952-53), pp. 81-108. (for Second Folio).

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



SHAKESPEARE, William (1564-1616). The Dramatic Works ... revised by George Steevens. London: W. Bulmer and Co., Shakespeare Printing-Office, for John and Josiah Boydell, George and W. Nicol, from the types of W. Martin, 1802.

9 volumes, folio (414 x 318 mm). Half-titles to each volume; 97 engraved plates after H. Fuseli, W. Hamilton, J. Northcote, J. Opie, J. Reynolds, G. Romney, R. Smirke, T. Stothard, F. Wheatley, R. Westall and others. (Some intermittent spotting, a few leaves with slight browning, some minor offsetting from a few plates to text.) Contemporary tan diced calf gilt, elaborate blind roll-tooling to sides, spines in 6 compartments with 5 wide raised bands gilt, board edges and turn ins gilt, edges gilt (upper joints to vols. VIII and IX repaired, a few other joints starting, a few minor scuffs, primarily to top edge and spine). Provenance: Thomas Yard (armorial bookplate).

The original paintings, the source for the “sumptuous plates, the production of which swallowed up a fortune,” filled the Shakespeare Gallery in Pall Mall (Jaggard). According the prospectus, issued in 1798, a printing house, type foundry, and ink factory were all opened for the production of Boydell’s edition with plates by the leading English artists of the day. Jaggard 506 and 508; Lowndes VI, 2263.

Property from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Burns

$1,500-2,500 174

SOPHOCLES (ca 496-406 B.C.). Tragoediae Septem. Una cum omnibus Graecis scholiis, in Greek. Commentary by Joachim Camerarius (1500-1574). [Geneva]: Henri Estienne, 1568.

Two parts in one volume, 4to (243 x 144 mm). Estienne’s woodcut device on title-page (Renouard 10); with ggg4 blank (lacking final blank). Greek type, Camerarius’ commentaries mostly in Roman. Contemporary blind-panelled calf, edges stained red (rebacked). Provenance: Early signature on titlepage (rubbed out); Reverend William Bruce (1757-1841), Irish Presbyterian minister (bookplate, Edinburgh).

FIRST ESTIENNE EDITION, “a very excellent and accurate edition, and highly creditable to the editorial talents of [Henri Estienne]; it is formed on the basis of that of Turnebus, on each page of which we have the ancient Scholia of the Roman edition of 1518, and those of Turnebus, corrected by the editor...there is not an Edition in which I read Sophocles with so much pleasure” (Dibdin). The Greek text is followed by the commentary of Joachim Camerarius, and his Latin versions of “Ajax” and “Elektra.” Adams S-1340; Brunet I:356; Renouard I:102; Schreiber, Estiennes 171.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi


STEINBECK, John (1902-1968). Cannery Row. New York: Viking Press, 1945.

8vo. Original publisher’s blue-lettered buff cloth, top edge stained blue; original dust pictorial dust jacket (edges with a few chips or tears occasionally with minor losses). Provenance: Jacob Benjamin (signature, 1947).

First edition, first state of Steinbeck’s novel set in Monterey, California on a street lined with sardine canneries. Goldstone & Payne A22.a

$400-600 176

STERNE, Laurence (1713-1768). A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy. London: T. Becket and P.A. De Hondt, 1768.

2 volumes, 16mo (144 x 90 mm). Half-titles. Contemporary calf gilt, spine in 6 compartments with 5 raised bands, red morocco lettering-pieces gilt in one compartment, the rest gilt-decorated, turn-ins gilt, edges gilt (slight wear to joints and extremities); reddish-brown cloth slipcase.

FIRST EDITION of Sterne’s successful novel which is credited with popularizing travel accounts in the late 18th century. ESTC T14747.

Property from a Private Collection, Chicago, Illinois


SUCKLING, John, Sir (1609-1642). Fragmenta aurea. A Collection of All the Incomparable Peeces... London: for Humphrey Moseley, 1646.

8vo (180 x 104 mm). Engraved portrait frontispiece by William Marshall trimmed and mounted to front leaf. (A few page numbers or headlines shaved, small repair affecting one letter, some dampstaining.) Late 18th-century morocco gilt (rebacked preserving spine, some wear). Provenance: Fairfax Rhodes (1845-1928), English collector (armorial bookplate); W. G. Lacy (armorial bookplate).

FIRST EDITION, third state of the general title-page with the first line set in capital and lower case letters, but with the first state of “Churchyard” with an unbroken “d” and with a rule under the date, with the corresponding second state of page [vi] with “allowred” corrected to “allowed.” ESTC R218856; Grolier Wither to Prior 827; STC S6126B.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



TACITUS, Publius Cornelius. The Annales...The Description of Germanie. -- The End of Nero and Beginning of Galba. Foure Bookes of the Histories of Cornelius Tacitus. The life of Agricola. London: John Legat for Richard Whitaker, 1640.

2 works bound in one, small folio (278 x 175 mm). One engraved plate (Shoulder notes and plate shaved affecting letters, lacking first and last blank leaves, some minor staining.) Later half calf (rebacked preserving portion of original spine, worn). Provenance: William Reeda (bookplate).

Sixth edition (stated on the title-page of the second work), with Richard Greenwey’s translation of The Annales. and Henry Savile’s translation of The end of Nero. ESTC S117601; STC 23648.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



TARKINGTON, Booth (1869-1946). Penrod. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1914.

8vo. Original publisher’s pictorial blue cloth; original dust jacket (a few tears and soiling; price-clipped).

FIRST EDITION, mixed state, with “sence” on p. 19, but with p. viii unnumbered. Parley to Penrod, p.132.



TASSO, Torquato (1544-1595). La Gerusalemme liberata. Genoa: Giuseppe Pavoni, 1617.

3 parts in one volume, small 4to (284 x 197 mm). 2 engraved architectural title-pages, 19 full-page engraved plates (of 20, lacking the plate facing “Canto Secondo”, replaced by a smaller plate depicting Satan mounted to a larger sheet); woodcut headpieces, tail-pieces, and initials; text openings in the first part printed within woodcut architectural borders. (Some worming to gutter margin, some minor soiling.) Later vellum, brown morocco lettering-piece gilt. Provenance: unidentified bookplate, obscured by the bookplate of; Conte di San Martino Valperga.

A FINE ILLUSTRATED EDITION with plates by Camillo Cunigio after Bernardo Castello, and with the text and commentary by Scipio Gentili and Giulio Guastavini found in the first illustrated edition published by Bartoli in 1590 in Genoa. Brunet V: 666.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi

$400-600 181


THACKERAY, William Makepeace (1811-1863). Vanity Fair. London: Bradbury and Evans, 1848.

8vo (207 x 130 mm). 1pp. publisher’s advertisement, engraved frontispiece, title and 38 plates, wood-engraved illustrations. 20th-century navy morocco gilt, spine in 6 compartments with 5 raised bands, gilt-lettered in 2, the rest gilt-decorated, turn-ins gilt, top edge gilt, STAMP-SIGNED BY RIVIERE & SON.

FIRST EDITION IN BOOK FORM FIRST ISSUE with the suppressed woodcut of the “Marquis of Steyne” on p.336, the heading on page one in rustic type, “Mr. Pitt” for “Sir Pitt” on p.45. Grolier English 87; Van Duzer 231.

Property from a Private Collection, Chicago, Illinois TASSO, Torquato (1544-95). Opere di Torquato Tasso. Florence: Tartini e Franchi, 1724.

6 volumes, 4to (297 x 205 mm). Engraved folding portrait frontispiece (browned); title-page printed in red and black, engraved vignettes on titles, Canto openings printed within woodcut borders, woodcut initials. (Some minor browning or spotting.) Contemporary mottled calf gilt, spines in 6 compartments with 5 raised bands, brown and green morocco lettering-pieces gilt in two, the rest gilt-decorated, edges stained yellow (some light wear). Provenance: Leo S. Olschki, GermanItalian publisher (bookplate).

An early critical edition, with the engraved portrait by Franceschini after Ferretti, and with the engraved vignette depicting a printing press on title-pages. Brunet V: 663 (“Edition donnee par Bottari, qui y a joint uno bonne preface”); Gamba 982.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



VERGILIUS MARO, Publius (70-19 B.C.). Opera, quae quidem extant, omnia. Basel: Henricum Petri, 1561.

Small folio (303 x 202 mm). Woodcut device on title-page, text printed in two columns. (Some browning or soiling, marginal wormhole to a few leaves, small repair to blank area of titlepage.) Old half vellum, portion of letterpress label to spine (spine defective, hinges starting, worn). Provenance: a few marginal notes in an early hand; John Michael (signature 1789); George W. Layng (signature, 1826).

Humanist edition, edited Georg Fabricius, and including the commentaries of Donatus and Servius. Adams V-497.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi


VERGILIUS MARO, Publius (70-19 B.C.). Works. John Dryden, translator. London, 1697.

Folio (355 x 216 mm). Title-page printed in red and black within double rule border. Engraved frontispiece by M. Vander Gucht, and 101 engraved plates after F. Cleyn, most by W. Hollar and P. Lombart. (Tears to a few leaves and ca 5 plates with repairs, some browning or spotting.) Contemporary blind-panelled calf (rebacked preserving old lettering-piece gilt, endpapers renewed). Provenance: Hugh Earle of Loudoun Lord Machline (engraved bookplate).

FIRST EDITION OF DRYDEN’S TRANSLATION, an early example of publication by subscription. 101 subscribers at five guineas had their coat-of-arms printed beneath the engravings; there were an additional 252 subscribers at two guineas. The plates in the present edition were first produced for Ogilby’s Virgil of 1654. ESTC R26296; Wing V-616.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi

$400-600 185

[16th CENTURY PRINTING - EUROPE]. A group of 4 works, comprising:


[16th CENTURY PRINTING - LYON]. A group of 3 works, comprising:

VALLA, Laurentius. Laurentii Vallae de Linguae Latinae Elegantia… Lyon: Sebastian Gryphius, 1538. 8vo. Woodcut devices. Contemporary vellum (worming). Not in Adams. -- TERENTIUS AFER, Publius (185-159 B.C.). Comoediae… Lyon: Sebastian Gryphius, 1549. 12mo. Woodcut device. Later marbled paper-backed boards. Provenance: D. Giuseppe Tosi (letterpress bookplate). Not in Adams. -- GALIENUS, Claudius. Cl. Gal. Libellus cui titulum fecit: Quos, quibus et quando purgare oporteat, a Sebastiano Coquillato Scipione in linguam latinam conversus ejusdemque commentariis illustratus. Lyon: Gulielmum Rouillium, 1557. 12mo. Woodcut device. Contemporary vellum (hinges starting). Not in Adams. -- Together, 3 works in 3 volumes, condition generally good.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi

$300-400 187

[16th CENTURY PRINTING - VENICE]. A group of 3 works, comprising:

BEMBO, Pietro (1470-1547). Gli asolani.... Venice: Aldus, 1505. Woodcut devices. (Lacking 4 leaves: c1, i2, n1, and n2 [blank].) Contemporary vellum (a few gatherings becoming disbound). Provenance: Ownership inscription on first leaf (“Coll. Polinani? Soc. Jesu”). FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE, with the dedication to Lucrezia Borgia, dated August 1504, on a1va2r, which was removed for the second issue. -- COLLENUCCIO, Pandolfo (1444-1541). Compendio delle historie del Regno di Napoli. Venice: Michele Tramezino, July 1541. 8vo. Woodcut device. (Upper corner repaired two leaves touching text.) Contemporary vellum gilt. Not in Adams. -- CICERO, Marcus Tullius (106-43 B.C.). Rhetoricorum ad C. Herennium libri IV, and other works. Venice: Ex Bibliotheca Aldina, 1569. Comprising ff. 184 only (lacking 34 leaves). Later vellum. See Adams C-1689. -- Together, 3 works in 3 volumes, condition generally good.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi

CLARAVACEO, Girolamo. Hieronymi Claravacaei Cremonensis ad Paulum III Pont. Max. Fastorum libri XII. Milan: Franciscum & Simonem Moschenios Fratres, 1554. 8vo. Woodcut device on title-page. Contemporary vellum (text block detached).

[With:] JOVIUS, Paulus (1483-1552). Pauli Iovii novocomensis episcopi Nucerini Illustrium vivorum vitae. Florence: Laurentii Torrentini Ducalis Typographi, 1572. Folio. Engraved Contemporary limp vellum (endpapers renewed). Later edition. Not in Adams. -- LEROY, Louis (Regius). De la Vicissitude et variete de choses en l’univers… Paris: L’Huillier, 1579. Folio. Contemporary vellum (endpapers renewed). Later edition. Not in Adams. -- FRIGERIO, Ambrogio (1537-1598). Vita gloriosissima et miracoli ecclesi del Beato Confessore Santo Nicola di Tolentino. Ferrara: Vittorio Baldini, 1588. 4to. (Lacking first leaf: title-page recto/woodcut verso, provided in manuscript facsimile; lacking final 8 leaves comprising index). Contemporary vellum gilt (hinges repaired). Second edition. -- Together, 4 works in 4 volumes, condition generally good.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



[17th CENTURY PRINTING - ENGLAND]. A group of 6 works, comprising

SANDYS, George (1578-1644). A Relation of a Journey... London: for Andrew Crooke, 1637. Folio. Engraved title, engraved vignettes. Modern calf. Fourth edition. -- MILTON, John (1608-1674). Pro populo Anglicano defensio contra Claudii Anonymi, alias Salmasii, defensionem regiam. London [i.e., Utrecht]: Gardianis, 1652. 12mo. Woodcut device and headpieces. Contemporary vellum. Provenance: Alexander Gruntt (armorial bookplate). -- EUSEBIUS OF CAESAREA. The Ancient Ecclesiastical Histories of the First Six Hundred Years after Christ. London: Abraham Miller, 1663. Folio. (First few leaves bound in on stubs.) Modern calf. -- ERASMUS, Desiderius (1466?-1536). Adagiorum Epitome. Editio Novissima, cum triplici indice. Oxford: W. Hall, 1666. 12mo. Title-page printed in red and black (laid down with small losses touching letters). Modern calf. -- BATES, William (1625-1699). Vitae selectorum aliquot virorum... London: A. G. & J. P., 1681. 4to. Contemporary vellum. -- CATULLUS, Caius Valerius (84?-54 B.C.). Observationes. London: Isaacum Littleburii, 1684. 4to. Title printed in red and black. Contemporary English panelled calf, “Newby Hall” gilt-lettered vertically on upper cover along spine (covers detached). Provenance: Newby Hall (binding). -- Together 6 works in 6 volumes, condition generally good.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



[17th CENTURY PRINTING - ITALY]. A group of 5 works, comprising:

TASSO, Torquato (1544-1595). La Gerusalemme liberata. “Il Goffredo....” Padua: Bolzetta, 1616. 2 parts in 1 vol. 4to. Woodcut device and initials. Contemporary limp vellum. Provenance: Bibliotech Rosales Bernate (bookplate). -- DRESSELLIO, Jeremy. Della Retta Intentione ch’e la regola di Tutte l”Attioni Humane. Opera. Rome: Herman Scheus, 1645. 12mo. Engraved title. Contemporary vellum. Provenance: Tosi Laurentii (signature on title). -- TANARA, Vincenzo (d.1667). [L’Economia del Cittadino in Villa Del Signore Vincenzo Tanara. Venice: Michel Angelo Barboni, 1670.] 8vo. (Title-page provided in manuscript facsimile). Contemporary vellumbacked boards. -- LINDA, Lucas de. Le Relationi et Descrittioni Universali et Particolari del Mondo. Bologna: Gioseffo Longhi, 1674. 4to. Woodcut device and initials. Contemporary vellum. -- MATTIOLO, Pietro Andrea (1500-1577). Opera. Parma: Alberto Pazzoni, 1694. 4to. Half-title, woodcut devices. Contemporary vellum. Provenance: early inscription on title. -- Together, 5 works in 5 volumes, condition generally good.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi 189

[17th CENTURY PRINTING - EUROPE]. A group of 8 works, comprising:

OWEN, John (ca 1564-ca 1622/1628). Epigrammatum. Amsterdam: Ioanne Ianssonium, 1634. 16mo. Engraved title. Contemporary vellum. -- LUDOVICUS, John. Passer Solitarius hoc est Vita & functiones Animae contemplativae… Munich: Adam Berg, 1634. [Bound with:] Trihebdomadale Animae per Hujus Vitae Desertum ad Aeternitatem proficiscentis. Munich: Adam Berg, 1634. Engraved title to first work, woodcut devices. (Last leaf of second work supplied in manuscript facsimile.) 2 works in one volume, 12mo. Contemporary pigskin decorated in blind (lacking one clasp). -- PILIUS, Martinus. M. Pilii...de amtitione liber, et alia ejus poemata. The Hague: Theodore Maire, 1641. 12mo. Woodcut device. Contemporary vellum. Provenance: Lycee Louis Le Grand, Paris (stamps). -- SENECA, Lucius Annaeus (ca 3 B.C.-65 A.D.). Opera omnia. Lyon: Elzevir, 1649. Volume one (of 4) only, 12mo. Engraved title-page and plates. Later calf (spine perished). -- PETAU, Denis (1583-1652). Rationarium temporum in partes duas, libras tredecim tributum… Paris: Sebastian Cramoisy, 1652. 12mo. Contemporary vellum (hinges starting). -- MARTINUS DE SANCTA MARIA. Liber Resignatur, seu prima Bibliorum Elementa. Paris: Josse, 1673. 2 volumes in one, 8vo. Engraved headpieces, woodcut initials. Contemporary vellum (upper hinge separated). -- FRONTINUS. Strategematicon sive de solertibus ducum factis & dictis libri IV. S. Tennulius… Lyon and Amsterdam: A. & A. Gaesbeeck, 1675. 12mo. Engraved title; woodcut devices. Contemporary vellum. -- Together, 8 works in 7 volumes, condition generally good.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi



[18th & 19th CENTURY PRINTING - ITALY]. A group of 4 works, comprising:

OVID (43 BC-17? AD). Opera omnia. Amsterdam: Waesbergios, Boom & Goethals, 1702. 3 volumes, 8vo. Engraved frontispiece in vol. I, engraved title-pages. Contemporary vellum. -- CASTIGLIONE, Baldassarre. Opere volgari, e latine. Padova: Giuseppe Comino, 1733. 4to. Engraved portrait frontispiece, engraved vignettes. Contemporary vellum. Provenance: Conte Leonardo Vitetti (armorial bookplate). -- [BIBLE, in Greek]. Novum Testamentum, cum Verisione Latina. John Leusden, editor. Lyon and London: Wetstenios and John Nourse, 1772. 8vo. Engraved title, engraved folding map. Contemporary vellum. Provenance: George H. Culshaw (bookplate). -- ROSCOE, William (1753-1831). The Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth. Liverpool: J. McCreery for T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1805. 4 volumes, 4to. Engraved frontispieces. Modern half calf antique. FIRST EDITION. -- Together 4 works in 9 volumes, condition generally good.

Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi


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