Hinsdale Magazine | Cover Story Anderson in offering “Heroes”, a regular seminar where participants are challenged in improving their leadership skills. In addition, working with the Fox Valley Score group, members have been able to attend seminars and lectures on everything from improving their accounting skills to building better websites.
Continued from the previous page during June-August, the Fine Arts Festival, the Farmer’s Market (JuneOctober) and the Christmas Walk; all run without a hitch. A tweak here and there keeps them fresh as time goes by. The Chamber
has added two Sidewalk Sales. And, in 2019, the Chamber has added a Wine Walk. Eva will be the first to admit that this is not a one-woman show. Besides businesspeople who give of their time expertise, she says, “We get a lot of cooperation and coordination with village officials and the police department.” Naturally, she says, “I have two great team members to help, like Amanda Wagner, Marketing Director and Special Events and Ingrid Wittwer, Membership Director. In addition, I have an excellent board of directors made up of interested business-people…again all volunteer.”
On top of all these activities, she has helped the members improve their personal skills in managing their businesses. She enlisted the support of consultant David
In other words, as the Chamber Mission Statement says, “Connecting business through community leadership, opportunity, and involvement.” Looking at it all, Eva comments, “I truly enjoy working in Hinsdale at the Chamber of Commerce. For the past 18 years, I have had the opportunity to build great relationships with and get to know the businesses, the village, and of course, the community. I love how dedicated the businesses and residents are to their community through their support of the many events that place. Hinsdale…a great place to live and work.” In other words, dear reader, you can take a bow yourself. ■