1 minute read
What is Creative Non-fiction?
Music / History / Memoir / Science / Biography / Food / Essay / Reportage / Sports / Travel / Psychoscape / Autobiography / Journalism / Review
Hinterland Magazine offers an answer to the question ‘what is creative non-fiction?’ by showcasing the best new writing across the fields of memoir, essay, travel and food writing, reportage, psychoscape, biography, flash non-fiction and more.
Our pages bring together work by established, award-winning authors alongside new writers, many of whom we are thrilled to publish for the first time and whose work, we promise, will merit your full attention.
Often, the pieces you’ll find in Hinterland will straddle the boundaries between strands and be difficult to classify: we see this as a strength. Hinterland intends to challenge, move, entertain and, above all, be a fantastic read.
Go to hinterlandnonfiction.com to find out more.