way with words
RUNNING UP THAT HILL Emu encounters and personal journeys in Nambour
SPRINGTIME IN PALMWOODS A feast for the senses awaits!
Three days of something for everyone
13 & 26 23
about us
from the editor – august 2019 Published first Wednesday of the month
EDITORIAL Victoria McGuin – 07 54 999 049 editor@hinterlandtimes.com.au Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9am-4pm deadline for editorial 25th of the month (news items, what’s on, creative cuts)
ADVERTISING Karen Muir – 0414 432 423 (b/hrs) advertising@hinterlandtimes.com.au deadline for ad bookings 21st of the month, ad copy 25th of the month
ACCOUNTS accounts@hinterlandtimes.com.au Please note: We are often out, writing stories and talking to local businesses – please leave us a message. www.hinterlandtimes.com.au Website: Social Media: www.facebook.com/Hinterlandtimes instagram.com/hinterlandtimes Address: Po Box 818 MALeNY QLd 4552 Owners: Neil and emily Coningham manager@hinterlandtimes.com.au Printed by: Fairfax Media FEATURE WRITERS
Gay Liddington
Angela Reedman-Polinski
The write stuff
N A WoRLd that seems currently focussed on fragmentation, polarisation and fear, i am forever thankful for those who celebrate beauty, expression, inclusiveness and empathy, those who spread joy and those who make us think, question and expand our outlook. singers, scientists, artists, poets, filmmakers, performers and environmentalists are just some of those who lift me from the gloom of most mainstream media. i am, therefore, incredibly happy with this month’s Ht, as it is FULL of creativity and warmth. the Horizon Festival comes to the hinterland, with documentaries, art exhibitions, live music and much more in late August (see our Creative Cuts for local events). the Maleny Music Festival, the Bunker spoken Word series and sculpture on the edge are also heading this way, and we have the results of our very own Hinterland times Young Writer of the Year Awards 2019! it was such a pleasure to share the positive feedback from the judges - we have many inspiring young people across the Range. our feature stories cover sport, nature, drama and volunteering, and taking centre stage this month is the Palmwoods spring Harvest – food, entertainment and community – what more do you need?! (Well, maybe a cute bookshop in the heart of things, which has just arrived, see page 37.)
Leanne Collett
Rebecca Mugridge
Judy Fredriksen
darren Baker
100% independently owned While great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy and contents of the publication, the Ht accepts no responsibility for inaccuracies. the views expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent the views held by the Ht. All content is copyright and may not be reproduced without permission. the production of this FRee newspaper is only made possible by you continuing to support our advertisers.
14, 000 papers home delivered and bulk dropped to Maleny, Montville, Mapleton, Flaxton, Nambour, Palmwoods, Woombye, Hunchy, eudlo, Reeseville, Mooloolah, Glasshouse, Beerwah, Landsborough, Conondale, Kenilworth and Witta.
The “best ever” market Here’s what advertisers are saying about the Hinterland Times and our July 2019 edition. 2
HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
Victoria McGuin editoR
this month
Playwrights pick the hinterland
Jharna – the HT winning story by Aliea Cattley
Curious connections with cuckoos and caterpillars
A Village Wedding Expo Montville
A super selection for Seniors Week
22 & 27
Release your worries at Mary Cairncross Scenic Reserve
Horizon Festival: inspiring with the arts
NDIS brings independence to Erin Cameron
6-7 Jacqui Hensel
Jamie Walker’s informative piece has enlightened me about the crafty cuckoo, and spencer shaw and Barung Landcare talk about the importance of what you are planting in this time of climate change. And don’t forget Marisa and Wendy’s regular advice on how to nurture yourself, whatever the weather, in our Health and Wellbeing pages! August also celebrates seniors Week, with things to do across the hinterland and coast, from ballet to genealogy to ‘sconetime’ (i was lucky enough to attend the inaugural Montville soirée!) - a wonderful way for people to regularly connect with tea, scones, music and good company. (Page 36 has more details.) And for those thinking of an overseas trip, how about checking out some mysterious, giant stone heads on a remote island in south America? sounds like the start of a scooby doo adventure to me, but Maleny’s Brenda Bolton did just that in Travels With… time to sign off and let you enjoy this month’s edition. don’t forget to send in your letters and poetry, we love hearing from you. And thank you, as always, for supporting your Ht.
Making the most of the Maleny Community Centre
For a list of what’s on for August and annual hinterland events, turn to page 46
COVER STORY Ht Young Writer of the Year Winner 2019, Aliea Cattley (left), with Runners Up, Caitie davis, Lucy Macdonald and Lydia Keet Image: Victoria McGuin
Thank you ... The Montville Village Association would like to thank the Hinterland Times so much for your recent article on our monthly community market's tenth birthday. It was the “best ever” market with record numbers both in our bustling breakfast kitchen and out amongst the many stalls. The glorious winter weather helped but your article encouraged the throngs to get out and experience some local hospitality and produce. “Thank you for your consistent support over the years!” Deb Davis – MVA president
Talk to Karen about promoting your business: 0414 432 423 karen@hinterlandtimes.com.au #hinterlandtimes #ht www.facebook.com/Hinterlandtimes
making news
T h e H i n t e r l a n d Ti m e s
Young Writer of the Year Award Message from HT Editor, Victoria McGuin
eLL, tHe ResULts are in and it was incredibly difficult to choose the top six…in fact, it is now the top nine, thanks to exceptional writing and some tied entries. We have added one more ‘Runner Up’, and the ‘Highly Commended’ has changed to five entries.
The top nine, whose work will be printed in subsequent editions of the Hinterland Times, are: WINNER: Jharna, by Aliea Cattley (whose story is in this August edition on page 12) THREE RUNNERS UP: All in Your Head, by Lydia Keet; Life as a Tree, by Lucy Macdonald, and The Frost, by Caitie davis FIVE HIGHLY COMMENDED: Broken, by Cora Lawrence; Shadow Wolves, by Akemi evans; A Day in the Life of a Turtle, by Jade sullivan; The Anecdote of Ryan Sharkey, by Gudrun Rosenfeldt and When the Flood Came, by darcy Brown COMMENDED: A Day in the Life of a Heart Transplant Recipient, by scarlett eathorne; Eloise-Rose, by Bayli Robinson; The Castle of Screams, by Caroline Rogers; I Bleed Black, by sienna Cass; A Day in the Life of a Black Cat, by Zarah smolders, A Day in the Life of Death, by Hannah Leach, A Day in the Life of the Apocalypse, by teneisha Collier; A Day in the Life of a Lost Dog, by Nethika Kumarapperuma, A Day in the Life of a Whiteboard, by Madeleine Cockroft, Hungry Little Henry, by Phoenix Antonacci and A Day in the Life of an Alien, by Riley Williams
We also created another category, ‘Commended’, for writers who received votes or a special comment from the judges. their names are in the announcement printed to the left. How did we reach our decision? Apart from myself, entries were sent to the five Ht writers (with no names attached to avoid any bias) and they chose their favourites in order of preference. We made the final decision based on the number of votes for each chosen piece. interestingly, most of us had a different number one favourite.
HT Editor Victoria McGuin congratulates the winner and runners up of the HT Young Writers’ Award 2019
We had a great response from writers across the age range and so we made sure our overriding criteria was how imaginative, descriptive and evocative a story was - how a piece made us feel. the grammar and punctuation were not deciding factors.
Finally, we believe awards can be helpful to galvanise and encourage people to step outside of their comfort zone and to put their work ‘out there’ – but please don’t ever think they label your worth as a writer if you don’t ‘win’.
We also agreed that next year we will include tenyear-olds (a few have let me know they wanted to take part) and change the categories to 10-13-year-olds and 14-17-year-olds, with a winner in both categories.
Creativity is personal and subjective, and another set of judges may have chosen completely different stories.
entries came from homes and schools all across the hinterland, from Nambour to Woodford – a special thank you to Mapleton state school who embraced the award wholeheartedly.
thank you to everyone who entered, and we look forward to next year, when we can enjoy your writing once again. in the meantime, remember, you’re welcome to submit your poetry to our Poets’ Corner each month!
As Ht writer, Gay Liddington, said, “i was blown away by the subjects tackled and insights. Wow! these young people are our hope for the future.”
If you are a hinterland business or individual who would like to sponsor the HT Young Writers’ Award in 2020, please contact Karen Muir on 0414 432 423.
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HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
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HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
Margery (3rd from the left) meets the Queen at QTC’s first performance
A good story can simultaneously astound, inspire and enlighten us, and all the while be tugging at our heartstrings and preserving history. Masters of the art – Michael and Margery Forde – have recently settled in Maleny, bringing with them their extensive talents at bringing true stories to life on the stage.
by Judy Fredriksen
s A YoUNG CHiLd, Margery Forde would pester her mother to take her dancing.
“We lived across the road from a dance hall at east Brisbane and i used to beg Mum to take me over there because i could hear the music. i started going over at age two and going in concerts at the age of four. “i learnt ballet and tap dancing from when i was four, then i was a cabaret singer from when i was 17, singing
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around the pubs and clubs. there was so much work before television.” When at the age of 19 she took on a job as the resident singer in the Palm Lounge at the Hotel Grande, Coolangatta, Margery replaced three young male singers who went on to become the Bee Gees. Margery had done some theatre restaurant and television work in Brisbane when she heard that the newly formed Queensland theatre Company (QtC) was auditioning. she auditioned and was accepted. “i was totally untrained as far as theatre went and it was a real learning curve for me. “i didn’t know prompt side, op side, up stage, down stage. You learnt incredible theatre discipline, particularly from Alan edwards (founding member of QtC). You didn’t go into a rehearsal room and yawn – you just did not do that!”
Steve Robinson, 20 years experience. !"#$%%&"'()*+$#,-&$'.+('/+ #!&$'/)0+1$2()+3$(45 S u i t e 7 , 4 3 M a p l e S t. M A L E N Y 5494 2665 | m . a u | m a l e ny @ b r l a w y e r s . c o m . a o c . s er u www.brlaw y
“You sat around the wall and you watched. You said nothing,” adds Michael. Margery’s first performance with QtC was highly memorable. “i was in the very first production of QtC called A Rum Do and that was a Royal Command Performance where i got to meet the Queen, the duke of edinburgh and Princess Anne, who were in Australia for the celebration of the bicentenary of Captain Cook’s discovery of Australia.” According to Margery, when the Royals were asked if they had good seats, Princess Anne quipped: “they always stick us up in the Royal Box where we can’t see a thing!” Coincidentally, Peter Lavery – currently the president of the Maleny Arts Council – was also in A Rum Do with Margery. Meanwhile, Michael had been a school teacher and left teaching to become an actor. He was in QtC’s second production. in 1971, he met Margery, with the pair going on to become partners in both theatre and life. “We actually met through the Arts Council. After Rum Do and Philadelphia, Mike and i were asked to go down to sydney to develop a show for touring schools,” says Margery. From there, they slowly progressed from being performers to becoming writers. Michael explains: “through the ‘80s, i was involved very much in what was called ‘theatre in education’. Marge was doing lots of musicals and shows with QtC and then in 1990 we decided to just start out on our own. “so the first thing you need to do is to write something you can perform. We started touring high schools with the Arts Council, so we wrote shows for ourselves. And then we just started writing other stuff.” “We’ve always been keen on true stories and everything comes out of research,” says Margery. But the process is not always smooth sailing, according to Michael. “When we’re writing, it can be a bit fraught because we don’t always agree on everything. But there is
Margery and Michael Forde are both award-winning playwrights as well as talented actors and directors
a very simple rule – Marge is always right!” With both Michael and Marge having a long list of impressive acting, directing and writing credits, their work has even been the subject of a doctoral thesis by dr Brent downes: From life, to page, to stage: Exploring theatrical artistry, community and storytelling with Margery and Michael Forde. However, the highlight of their career has been winning the New south Wales Premier’s Literary Award in 2001 for Milo’s Wake – a production based around Michael’s irish family history. Much to the Forde’s delight, the play was done in Japan in Japanese language and with Japanese actors. since settling in Maleny, the have become Fordes committee members on the Maleny Arts Council and are looking forward to the 2019 Winter Festival which will see three professional shows, including Australia’s best choir – the Australian Voices – come to Maleny. “there’s also an amazing jazz duo from New York; the pianist is reputed to be one of the best jazz pianists in the world,” says Michael. “Maleny Arts Council is nonprofit and Peter (Lavery) is really good at liaising with the performers because they like to come to Maleny. You get stuff up here at half the price that you would pay in Brisbane. “the performers make a day of it – it’s a great destination. they can come and have lunch, go to the book shops, stay overnight if they want to.” Retirement is not an option for these two energetic playwrights. the idea for the next true life story has been sown and will be massaged into life over the next 12 months. And when it does, they can be sure that this theatre lover will be there on opening night!
Michael (right) and Margery (centre) on stage performing Ghosts of Something Irish
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8th Margery aged five in her ballet costume
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eastonlawyers your local lawyers
Tove Easton
Maleny Community Centre (MCC) sits comfortably nestled in the centre of the busy main street, hosting classes, concerts, workshops and performances of many kinds. This precious resource stays in operation from the hard work of many giving hands to benefit and grow the community. MCC Secretary, Ann Koenig, shares the community involvement of this resilient icon and what hides behind those beautifully carved doors.
WHAT IS DEFAMATION? Defamation concerns the public communication of words, gestures, images or acts that are likely to lower the esteem of the person to whom such communication is targeted. The Queensland Defamation Act of 2005 applies to defamatory information published on or after 1 January 2006. For a message to be defamatory it must be communicated in some way and the Act has defined such methods of communicating as: • an article, report, advertisement etc. communicated by a newspaper, magazine or other periodical; • a program, report, advertisement etc. communicated by television, radio, internet or other forms of electronic communication; • a letter, note or other writing; • a picture, gesture or verbal utterance; and • any other material or means by which something may be communicated to a person. The message is deemed to be defamatory if it: • • • •
lowers the concerned person’s reputation; leads others to think less of that person; makes others shun or avoid that person; and cause others to ridicule, hate or despise them.
There are several distinct defences to an action for defamation which are all noted in the Act and some of these are: • JUSTIFICATION - the truth alone is the defence here; • ABSOLUTE PRIVILEGE - this defence is available when one can prove that the document was published on an occasion of absolute privilege such as parliamentary matters and publications; • PUBLIC DOCUMENTS - this defence is available if the publication is from a public document and the information was published honestly for the advancement of education or for informing the public ; • QUALIFIED PRIVILEGE - if the recipient of the defamatory matter has an interest in the information contained in the publication such as a scenario where the information was published in the course of giving that information to that person; • HONEST OPINION - if the publication expresses an opinion that is honestly held by the author as opposed to a statement of fact and the opinion was based on proper material that is substantially true; • TRIVIALITY - where the aggrieved person is unlikely to suffer any harm. It is also worth noting that an apology made to an aggrieved person will not constitute an admission of fault or liability.
Tove is Easton Lawyers’ full time principal lawyer and also the Hinterland’s longest serving principal lawyer serving since January 2004. She specializes in all commercial law matters as well as wills and estates, leases, partnership and company matters. She has always had a policy of providing the first consultation free of charge. That gives clients peace of mind that they are not up for legal fees before they have even had advice on their questions.
HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
by Angela Reedman-Polinski
He MALeNY CoMMUNitY Centre is a busy and vibrant facility fully owned by the community of Maleny and administered by an active volunteer management committee. Current secretary, Ann Koenig, has lived locally since 1989, moving to Maleny when taking up a nursing role on the sunshine Coast. “My husband Frank died in 2007, the Blackall Range Care Group were an enormous help in caring for him and over the years i had received a lot of support from our local community. “i joined the MCC in 2009 and then was invited to take the meeting minutes. soon i took over the role as Maleny Community Centre secretary and have been there ever since. “i enjoy that this role provides me with a strong, active community purpose to give back.” With a broad background in nursing and community services, it has been a great fit. “We have two staff now and my management skills in developing a new community health service centre have helped my work in this role. “i get a lot more out of it than i’ve put in and that is what i would like people to know who are considering volunteering with us, that you receive so much value in your role. “You transfer the skills you have in your working life to what you offer in your voluntary role. it’s a good feeling and you strengthen our community!”
Volunteering at the bar on the deck 2016 - Ann Koenig Secretary, Denis Costello - Treasurer and Pauline Robinson - Vice President Photo contributed
the centre is holding an open day on saturday August 17 from 9.30am to 2pm. there will be refreshments and entertainment throughout the day and tours of the venues. if you are looking at volunteering, this is a great time to explore what the centre offers and how you could share your gifts, skills and knowledge to support this long-
Above: Old Maleny 1958 – Photo contributed Left: The new building in March 2013 – Photo contributed
standing community organisation. “it is one of our strengths that we are run primarily by volunteers, with additional paid support in our management and administration processes. “However, we rely on those dedicated volunteers to continue investing their time and energy into our monthly meetings, planning and events. “We would love more people to get involved, know our history and our future visions, so people can see what we have on offer.� the open day is also the perfect time for interested locals and visitors to learn more about the centre’s history. did you know it was once was called the school of Arts before it burned to the ground in 1951? in 1955, the QCWA donated the proceeds from the sale of a property that they owned and this provided a massive boost to the centre being rebuilt. in 2009, the back section of the building was renovated where the Verandah Room is now situated. “A generous benefactor, Jenny Howlett, gifted $185,000 to the centre, which enabled a building fund to be established and continued funds to be raised from the local community for the renovation.� in december 2011, the Maleny Community Centre received a generous grant from the Regional development Australia fund to re-develop the front of the main building. the re-development commenced in the following year with the builder, Ross Meneely and architect, Norm Richards. Four shops were also built with a large deck on the top storey and a digital technical system installed for plays, musicals, opera and musical performances. “the main hall re-opened in March 2013 and has been a great asset to the community. “it is the popular choice for bigger events such as weddings, parties, performances, cabarets, book launches
and author events.� it is clear that the MCC offers so much for locals, visitors and guests to the area and helps bring the community together. You probably have visited their range of venues for a function or enjoyed a performance from local talented actors. But did you know about the option to hire their commercial kitchen? this service is often booked for bulk cooking for market stalls and food trucks to prepare their hand-baked goods. “it is an opportunity to turn a small business into a larger enterprise using commercial kitchen premises at a competitive rate, right here on the range. “Local business matters to us. the downstairs retail store continues to be made available to the Visitor information Centre at a reduced commercial rate and the Maleny Kiosk is always a popular choice for locals needing a space to sell goods or share information.� the many rooms and hall are regularly enjoyed by the Maleny Film society, Maleny singers, the Arts Council, the Arts and Crafts society, local seniors groups and the Country Women’s Association, bringing groups together regularly. “the centre management values community growth, we make sure we support local businesses for our purchasing and hire supplies, technology support and administration expenses. “We get a lot of positive feedback, comments and social media mentions on the beautifully designed and crafted wooden front doors. A big thank you to the Blackall Range Woodcrafters Guild for their hard work and craftsmanship.� Ready to get involved? support this important and precious community centre by being a financial member for just $15 per year. “You get to have your say in how the centre is run and we gain from your skills. it’s a win-win!�
Sat 1 Aug QN QN
Sat Aug QN
Members $8/Students $8/Public $13 Maleny Community Centre, 23 Maple St
WORKSHOPS FEATURE ARTIStS N O TI TI E P M O C s ie r e S Spoken WFesotirvadl 2019
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HiNteRLANd tiMes â&#x20AC;&#x201C; AUGUst 2019
The hinterland is home to the Blackall Range National Park of which Mary Cairncross Scenic Reserve is a small example of rainforest. Thanks to special people like Mary Annand, a volunteer guide, our understanding of this truly magical piece of the Sunshine Coast deepens through their knowledge.
$W +DPPRQG 2SWRPHWU\ ZH KDYH \RXU (\HV &RYHUHG Mary Annand at Mary Cairncross Scenic Reserve, with the stunning Glasshouse Mountains as a backdrop Image Jacqui Hensel
A rainforest guide ŽŽŏ ŽŜůĹ?ĹśÄ&#x17E; Ć&#x161;Ĺ˝Ä&#x161;Ä&#x201A;Ç&#x2021; Ç Ç Ç Í&#x2DC;Ĺ&#x161;Ä&#x201A;žžŽŜÄ&#x161;Ĺ˝Ć&#x2030;Ć&#x161;ŽžÄ&#x17E;Ć&#x161;Ć&#x152;Ç&#x2021;Í&#x2DC;Ä?ŽžÍ&#x2DC;Ä&#x201A;Ćľ
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HiNteRLANd tiMes â&#x20AC;&#x201C; AUGUst 2019
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Walking all day and then sleeping in the forest is just bliss. it puts you in tune with the environment,â&#x20AC;? Mary said with contentment. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mary Cairncross is a significant place because it is a by Jacqui Hensel healthy functioning sub-tropical rainforest. it is a remnant of what would have been around many years ago. itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s large enough to be healthy, even though it is surrounded by ARY ANNANd HAs always been drawn to the farming and development. rainforest. â&#x20AC;&#x153;i get a great sense of wellbeing in a â&#x20AC;&#x153;it makes you appreciate how precious all the rainforest rainforest. i have a sense of the energy of the remnants are. they do need a critical mass to be functional ecosystem around me. and here we have 55 hectares. â&#x20AC;&#x153;What has deepened my natural instinct and â&#x20AC;&#x153;this piece of rainforest is very accessible. You donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need appreciation of the rainforest has been becoming a guide hiking boots, people can just come here and be in the and doing the continuing education provided by the rainforest. sunshine Coast Council,â&#x20AC;? Mary shared. â&#x20AC;&#x153;i do like the part at the back of the forest where there â&#x20AC;&#x153;Learning more about how the ecosystem works, you are a whole lot of cedar trees. they are very old, 500 to 600 then understand why you like it. there is such a connection years old. it's the part of the forest iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m drawn to, though i between the smallest living thing and the biggest living really do love all of it,â&#x20AC;? Mary smiled. thing. the interconnectedness is what you pick up.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;i believe it is of enormous worth to the community and Growing up next to the bush in Brisbane, Mary had a to the visitors that come from Brisbane, other parts of natural playground to explore, then when she had her own Queensland, interstate and overseas. family, escaping into the bush to hike and camp was how â&#x20AC;&#x153;Just being in a rainforest is good for you. studies have the family holidayed.
shown there are a number of physiological responses to being in a rainforest, for example blood pressure drops, immune systems boost and pulse rate slows. i find that your skin feels different, you feel calmer and more energised,” she enthused. Mary and her husband Peter are both guides. they joined the ranks after taking some overseas visitors through the rainforest. “We started on the front desk welcoming visitors to the rainforest and moved on to being guides after about a year. i started guiding when the new centre was completed. “i enjoy sharing knowledge and my love of the rainforest. if people visit and go home lit up by the rainforest, that is what i call success. i judge each group and communicate to them on their level,” Mary explained. “depending on whether they are primary school kids, high school kids or one of the older groups i talk to them about what they are interested in. in what has caught their attention. it’s never the same trip around. i think it’s important to go with an open mind. “it also depends on what is going on in the forest. in spring there are flowers and birds nesting. After rain you get the most amazing flush of fungi. so beautiful. there is always something each season.” Mary paused for a moment, then said, “i like the high school kids to know that the rainforest is a great place to go to when the world seems to be getting on top of you. it has great benefits for general mental health.” Mary believes volunteering and guiding at Mary Cairncross is a great way to give back and be involved in your community. Guides are trained over three months and then go out with some of the other guides. the more experienced guides mentor the new guides. “We have plenty of helpful workshops and great support from the sunshine Coast Council with continuing
A pademelon in the reserve Image Phil Bender
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HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS F"@.$ "8>.:)$ !"<0$ *!.G:$ #:"#.:*G.)$ 0.?:$ *"$ *!.G:$!.?:*$?)$G*$G)$=)=?<<H$*!.G:$IG;;.)*$J>?>-G?<$ ?>0$ #.:)">?<$ G>K.)*@.>*9$ $ L.$ "M*.>$ KG.8$ "=:$ #:"#.:*H$8G*!$8!?*$G)$N>"8>$?)$*!.$O5>0"8@.>*$ 5P.-*Q9 Afterall, most of us have put our blood, sweat and tears in our homes as well as celebrated many of life’s special events in these places that hold our best memories. Harvard Professor and author of Smart Money Decisions, Dr Max Bazerman explains it this way “The couple who are about to sell the home in !"#!$%!&'$()"*&+$%!&"($,)-".'$-)'$/0+$"%$+"1#2.%$%3$ objectively assess the selling price of something to which they have a strong emotional connection”. A grey-headed flying fox enjoying the rainforest Image Phil Bender
education and monthly volunteer meeting. the other guides are really helpful and it’s great to share our knowledge and experiences with each other. “in the last couple of months, we have had experts present on topics ranging from fungi and spiny mountain crayfish to dung beetles. even the sunshine Coast University are up here doing a dNA coding on trees, uncovering new sub-species. its world ranking research,” she shared with pride. Mary Cairncross scenic Reserve is managed by sunshine Coast Council Natural Areas team, and opens from 7am - 6pm every day, while the discovery Centre is open from 9am 4.30pm everyday. “the Centre features museum quality displays and interactive activities for all ages and children are very welcome to explore and discover the exhibits. Mary Cairncross is a wonderful place,” smiled Mary. Anyone interested in volunteering or guiding at Mary Cairncross can contact the discovery Centre on 5429 3023 or visit the website: mary-cairncross.com.au
How then, can we be objective when it comes to valuing something that is priceless to us? As mentioned previously, a good Real Estate Agent will provide a relevant Comparative Market Analysis (CMA). This analysis includes facts about recent sales in the same location as your property with honest commentary as to whether the properties sold are superior or inferior to yours. The current economic climate is also very !"!#$%&'$(')&'*$%'+$#!'$%'!%, -,.('!/!*&',%'&+!' *,%01!%*!' ,2' 3.4! (5' $(' 6!' +$#!' (!!%' )%' !*!%&' times. We also invest in our homes, some of this is visible and some is not. Road maintenance for example is something that is very costly and necessary, but needs to be viewed as a maintenance expense rather than a value-adding outlay – unless you are able to put a permanent solution in place such as concrete or bitumen. Other upgrades will add value, but may not necessarily translate to the same or higher dollar value to your property i.e. swimming pools and gardens. Often this can relate to the timing of the expenditure in relation to time of sale. The message then is, don’t shoot the messenger! Agents present the facts they can quantify in past sales and their opinion of where the market is headed. Choose an Agent you feel most *,-2, &$7"!'6)&+'$%1',%!'6+,',/! ('%,'($"!'8'%,' fee. If you are uncertain of the estimates provided by the Agents, a registered valuation is a very worthwhile investment.
‘people who care
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HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
Emu running
Hidden in Nambour is a perfect place for a run with an emu… HT writer, Rebecca Mugridge, went to meet ‘Fluffy’ and the runners, who all had a personal story of how they found this special place.
by Rebecca Mugridge
s YoU dRiVe down the crunchy gravel on Radar Hill road, you immediately lift your eyes to the tree-fringed skyline and hear the happy songs of birds. it’s only moments from Nambour and yet you feel like you are deep into the forest. the Parklands Forest Reserve is famous for being Australia’s hardest Parkrun track. it is even said to be in the top three of the hardest parkrun tracks in the world. Runner edward Langley says, “this Parkrun is special because it is off-road, and you get to chat with everybody while being out in nature; being the hardest one in Australia, it is just really good.” it’s early in the morning and the air is crisp with a chill, but it doesn’t deter the group gathering ready for their run. A mixture of ages and abilities, many with individual inspirational stories, all assisted by a dedicated volunteer team. they are smiling with a team spirit that shows what a community the club is. they greet each warmly by name and are quick to welcome newcomers to come and have a go. Michael Lassman says Parkruns are for everybody and the Nambour one might just be the outing or community group you are looking for. “Parkrun is great, it is really inclusive, and you don’t need to be an athlete to get amongst it. “You can get out and just walk 5kms or even if you can’t walk 5kms you can still volunteer, that’s what so good about it. “We recently had a group of around ten people do the sunshine Coast cross country series, and some of those people started at Parkrun only about two years ago and they were the ones at the back of the pack, walking. Now they are out doing cross country runs,” Michael shares. it isn’t just about fitness either, for many, it’s their happy time. “it isn’t just about the running,” continues Michael,
Nambour Parkrun organiser, Mel Taylor All images, Rebecca Mugridge
“it is being a part of a group, getting out of the house on a saturday morning. it’s the best way to start the weekend.” While some clubs on the coast have 300 attendees each week, Nambour has a more personal and intimate 50-70, giving it a real family feel. But that isn’t the only thing that makes Nambour Parkrun extremely special… they have their own resident wild emu named Fluffy that comes and joins in the run! “she was hand-raised as a chick on somebody’s farm but escaped and lives wild here now,” explains Michael. “she mainly only does sprints.” Michael laughs when asked if Fluffy is one of the best runners, “she sprints for about 50 metres and then stops for some photos. everybody loves her and loves getting in amongst it with Fluffy. “We have one parkrunner here, who has done over 100 different Parkruns around the world and he said last weekend, of all those Parkruns, getting photos with Fluffy was probably the highlight!” they even once had a koala run across the finish line, he tells me.
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HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
Edward Langley, Violet Teubler and Fluffy the emu all completed the Nambour Parkrun
“it is a hidden treasure here.” Having never seen a wild emu right up close i was amazed. standing regally, with a confident air and a friendly nature, Fluffy happily trots alongside runners, even looks me inquisitively in the eye as she passes and seems to enjoy posing for selfies, stopping of her own accord. “it’s a bit of fun and excitement,” says Kim White, about having Fluffy at Parkrun. Kim has been doing Parkrun for around two and a half months and is a local inspiration, having lost 30kg in her own health journey. Kim really enjoys the atmosphere of the Parkrun, “it’s nice to get out rather than run inside on the treadmill. everyone is really lovely and welcoming and encouraging. it’s hard
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work, all the hills, but it’s lots of fun,” she laughs. tony Jennings who is an inspirational runner and athlete, as well as a heart attack survivor (and is proudly wearing his cardiac runner shirt), has completed 293 Parkruns, but Nambour is his favourite. “this year i have even done the most northern one when i travelled the scandinavian countries, and the most southern in New Zealand. this is the hardest one i have done and it’s my favourite, because it’s rugged and scenic and i have done it about 70 times. this is one of the best in the world and definitely the toughest in Australia.” “We’ve got so many people from all walks of life here. it’s just wonderful,” smiles the Parkrun organiser, Mel taylor. Violet, eight, who wants to be a vet when she grows up and loves the course says, “i can’t believe i met an emu!” Coming up to their fourth year, it all came about after Mel, who was a Kawana run director at the time, was approached by darren from Anytime Fitness about a Nambour Parkrun. “i checked all the local parks and couldn’t find anything that was suitable for Parkrun, i even went as far as Bli Bli, but again, nothing was suitable. “it was when we were driving from back from there that i said to darren, there is one more place i know that has a 5km loop but there is no way Parkrun will let us have it there, he said, ’show me anyway’. “He thought it was amazing and said it would be so different from anywhere else.” From that moment, a determined Mel and darren secured the funding, sponsorship and required permits and Australia’s hardest course, with its own emu mascot, began! Nambour Parkrun has a warm welcome for anyone, whatever your fitness level. You can find them on Saturdays at Radar Hill Rd, Kallangoor where they meet and check in from around 6.30am for a 7am start. You can also find them on ‘Nambour Parkrun’ on Facebook.
Inspirational Nambour mum, Kim White, who has been doing Parkrun for three months and has lost 30kgs!
If you are looking to sell your property & want results
EXCELLENT AGENT & TEAM “We were extremely fortunate to have met Roger Loughnan and his team many years ago and have not regretted sticking to them through thick and thin. Honesty and integrity are without doubt something to be applauded in this business and my husband and I can both attest to that. Valuations have been spot on and justified when others have not always been on the mark. Monica has been outstanding in her diplomacy and in-depth understanding of the business of buying and selling property and her expertise in dealing with other people, super!” Jenny Campbell & Leif Nordbo 195 Dulong Rd. Dulong. ‘people who care
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HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
HT Young Writer of the Year 2019 Winner â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Aliea Cattley, age 11
suddenly the cafĂŠ door swings open. â&#x20AC;&#x153;oi kid, get off the cafĂŠ chair, customers oNLY!â&#x20AC;? yells the beefy cafĂŠ owner with the black curly moustache who has his head out of the door and is yelling at me. â&#x20AC;&#x153;iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m sorr-.â&#x20AC;?
GiGANtiC tRUCK thunders past. i wake up covered in a cold sweat. suddenly a wave of hunger washes over me. the piece of bread i had for dinner last night has not sustained me and who knows when my next meal will be. i untuck myself from my damp blanket, it had not dried properly the night before. My eyes are heavy with tiredness, but the sun is up, so i have to go. during the day i usually sit on one of the park benches. so, i head towards the park. i pick the seat thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hidden by a bush. the metal is cold and smooth. i hug my knees to my chest. My head is resting on my knees as i watch women laugh and drink coffee. there are kids that are too young for school playing on the playground. i wish i could play too but who would i play with? i lower my head and shut my eyes until i feel something cold and wet on my bare foot. i look up to see Red, a stray red heeler, and my only friend. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hey boy,â&#x20AC;? i whisper. Redâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tail starts wagging violently. i scratch him under his chin. Red looks at
â&#x20AC;&#x153;i said sCRAM!â&#x20AC;? he exclaims. People start to stare. i get up out of the chair and run. i run and run until i canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t run any further. me with longing eyes, then runs off. i sigh, not even my best friend wants to hang out with me. But just moments later he comes running back with a huge slobbery stick in his mouth. of course, Red loves sticks. i throw the stick for Red until weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re both exhausted. We slump down in a tired heap on the soft grass. BiNG, BiNG! the town clock sounds midday. â&#x20AC;&#x153;sorry Red, i need to leave now, the park will get busy real soon,â&#x20AC;? i sigh. i start to head off in the direction of town, Red follows. We walk through the crowded streets of town. i sit down at a small cafĂŠ table and reach into my backpack and grab out my last piece of bread. Red looks at me with large sulky eyes and whines. Poor guy, who knows when he ate last? i sigh and give him the bread. My stomach rumbles with hunger.
When i finally stop, i have no idea where i am. iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m nowhere near town. At least Redâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s still with me. Why did I run away? Why didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t I just go back to the park? A tear slides down my cheek, more start to fall. Red whimpers. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Come on buddy,â&#x20AC;? i say, wiping my tears. i lead us towards an abandoned bridge running over a creek. once we reach the bridge, we walk under and there is a little bank of grass before it runs off into the water. i sit down between two large rocks and Red sits down next to me. i bury my face into his thick furry neck and start to cry, big loud sobs. suddenly i feel a hand on my shoulder. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Jharna?â&#x20AC;? i look up. And there i see her. the woman i thought i lost years ago. the loss that meant i had to live on the streets. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mum?â&#x20AC;? i sob. And right then and there i knew everything was going to be okay.
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HiNteRLANd tiMes â&#x20AC;&#x201C; AUGUst 2019
Palmwoods has a
spring in its step! ALMWoods sPRiNG HARVest is a festival that celebrates good food, culture and community.
From september 1 and running over two weeks, the Palmwoods Community and Business Association are bringing the village of Palmwoods alive with events to celebrate the best of what the season has to offer. the festival kicks off on the first day of spring with a Country Market featuring local producers, crafts people and musicians. it will be held in and around the recently completed Piccabeen Green on Little Main street. Many of the businesses in town will be open with Father’s day specials and afterwards the soil & soul community garden are hosting a Pasifika shared lunch and lovo. during the next two weeks, businesses and community groups will be hosting a variety of interactive workshops and activities including gardening, cooking and healthy lifestyle demonstrations. the town will be decorated with a spring theme, featuring a number of art exhibitions and installations. on each saturday morning children’s activities, including pottery and storytelling, will take place in the garden behind Homegrown and at the Little Book Nook in the Lane on Little Main street. on Friday september 6, grab a bite to eat along Margaret street or in the Lane where there will be a variety of local food stallholders and live music by performers, Bungarribee. on the evening of september 7, in the beautiful setting of the Village Green, seasonal and local produce will be featured in the Collaborative Long table dinner. Local food
businesses will each be presenting a dish on the threecourse menu. entertainment will be by the local band, Gypsyrumble, with special guest performers. saturday september 14 will feature a number of activities in and around the green and at the community garden focusing on sustainability, and in the evening Homegrown Café will be hosting Bek-Jean stewart and her band in their garden. Bek-Jean will be launching her new album and feature guest spoken word artist, Holly Zwalf. Alternatively, chill out at the Ayurvedic shed with the spring soul Food evening under the stars. For more information go to the Palmwoods spring Harvest facebook page or contact sarah Wright on 0458 270 368 or Val Jackson on 0403 511 955. For details on the arts events / performers, turn to Ht’s Creative Cuts on pages 26 and 27.
Above: The Lane on Little Main, Palmwoods, lit up for entertaining Right: Palmwoods Spring Harvest brings divine dishes! Anita Elliston Photography
HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
Sunshine Coast Hinterland
Indulge Your Senses
To Imbil & Gympie To Eumundi & Noosa
A Comprehensive guide to eating out
Regardless of whether it is fine dining or a casual café you can be sure that unique culinary experience awaits. The Hinterland Times Food, Drink and Dine Guide introduces visitors and reminds locals about the delicious dining options on the range.
To Nambour
8 9
Woombye 14 13 11 15 12 10
Spoilt with local fresh produce, stunning views and village atmospheres, be tempted to explore our food haven. Bon Appetit.
From the award-winning modern Asian menu at The Tamarind restaurant, to the revitalising treatments of Spa Anise day spa, Spicers Tamarind Retreat is a place to nourish both body and soul.
Join us for breakfast, lunch or dinner and try The Tamarind’s brand new menu. Call 5420 5420 to book. spicerstamarindretreat.com
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escaping the everyday in the hinterland
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7 To Landsborough and Beerwah
1 Daawat Indian Restaurant
Hotel Maleny
Address Phone Web OPEN
Address 6 Bunya Street MALENY Phone 07 5494 2013 Web malenyhotel.com.au OPEN Lunch: Mon - Thu 11.30am – 2.30pm Dinner: Mon - Thu from 5.30pm Fri, Sat & Sun: All day dining.
4/45 Maple Street MALENY 07 5435 2461 dawaatindianmaleny.com.au 7 days: 11.00am – 2.00pm 4.00pm – 9.00pm
Indulgent Flavours of India. Dine In & Takeaway. BYO. Air-conditioned. Birthday Parties, Corporate Bookings & Catering for your functions. Best Butter Chicken around!
Quality dining in a relaxed atmosphere. Daily specials. Bar, Bistro, Functions & Accom. Liquour Legends. Member discounts. Courtesy bus available.
The Terrace Seafood Restaurant Address Cnr Maleny-Landsborough Rd & Mountain View Rd MALENY Phone 07 5494 3700 Web terraceofmaleny.com.au OPEN Tue - Sun. Lunch: from 12pm, Dinner options from 5.30pm An award winning restaurant with expansive coastal views, specialising in seafood platters using ocean fresh Mooloolaba seafood & locally sourced produce. A special occasion’s destination offering a la carte, fine dining, functions & Christmas parties.
Secrets Dining on the Deck and Gallery Address Phone Web OPEN
207 Narrows Rd MONTVILLE 07 5478 5888 diningonthedeck.com.au Tue to Sun: 8.30am – 4.00pm
Enjoy breakfast, lazy lunches, great coffee & homemade cakes on Secrets Deck with stunning views over Lake Baroon. Groups welcome, why not spoil yourself & book for a gorgeous High Tea. Gallery and accomodation on site.
Cappriccio’s Italian Restaurant
Spicers Tamarind
Flaxton Gardens
Mayfield Patisserie & Chocolates
Address Phone Web OPEN
Address Phone Web OPEN
Address 313-327 Flaxton Drive FLAXTON Phone 07 5445 7450 Web flaxtongardens.com.au OPEN Wed to Sun: 10am-3pm (Morning/High
Address 127 Main Street MONTVILLE
Licensed & B.Y.O. Live entertainment every friday! Delicious traditional Italian food. Dine in, takeaway or home delivery. Prices to please. Huge menu. Overlooking the Obi Obi River.
88 Obi Lane South MALENY 07 5420 5420 spicerstamarindretreat.com Breakfast: 7 days 7.30am - 10am Lunch: Fri to Sun from 12pm Dinner: Tue to Sun from 5pm Gourmet Breakfast, A la Carte modern Thai & Asian Cuisine, Jazz in the Forest 1st & 3rd Sunday of each month. Cooking Classes available Saturdays. Be inspired with a choice of Italian, French or Thai. Bookings essential.
Concept Coffee
The Orangery Maleny
Address Shop 6 Riverside Centre 2 Maple St MALENY Phone 07 5370 2906 Web facebook.com/ConceptCoffeeMaleny OPEN Mon - Fri: 7.00am - 4.00pm Sat - 7.00am - 12.00pm, Closed: Sun Internet Café. Healthy breakfast options, gf & refined sugar free cakes, wholesome snacks and raw treats. Locally roasted vintage coffee & a variety of beverages on offer. Relax over looking the Obi Obi creek or grab something on the run.
Address Crn Mountain View Road & Maleny Landsborough Rd. Cairncross Corner MALENY Phone 07 5435 2545 Web theorangerymaleny.com.au OPEN Mon - Fri from 9am, Sat/Sun from 8am.
Imagine sipping champagne with a leisurely meal, or afternoon tea on our long verandahs with glorious views to the sunshine coastline. Breakfast, light meals to a la carte, tapas, weddings, groups, functions,High teas. A wide range of freshly baked gluten free goodies available.
Tea & Lunch). Frid to Sat: 5.00pm-8:30pm (Dinner bookings).
Experience excellence in food at prices that won’t send you broke. Whether you choose a relaxed breakfast, al fresco lunch on the terrace, a High Tea on the veranda or dine within our restaurant we can ensure you quality throughout.
07 5478 5999
Daily: 9.30am – 4.00pm
Quality handmade Chocolates & Patisseries, great Coffee & one of the best views around. Celebration cakes made to order.
Le Relais Bressan
Montville Gourmet Pizzeria
Address 344 Flaxton Drive FLAXTON Phone 07 5445 7157 OPEN
Address Phone Web OPEN
Lunch & Dinner: Wed to Sun Closed: Mon & Tue Café: Thurs to Sun 8am-4pm
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202 Main Street MONTVILLE 07 5442 9505 montvillegourmetpizzeria.com Sun - Thurs: 10.00am – 8.00pm Fri & Sat: 10.00am – 10.00pm
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Riverside Centre MALENY 07 5499 9444 cappricciospizzas.com.au Tue to Sun: 4.00pm – 10.00pm Lunch Sat & Sun: from 11.30am
see our web page for details www.theorangerymaleny.com.au
Corner Landsborough - Maleny Road & Mountain View R
Bookings & Enquiries 07 5435 25
The Edge Restaurant
Altitude on Montville
Little May Espresso
Flowerpot Coffee Shop
Address Phone Web OPEN
Address Phone Web OPEN
Address Phone Web OPEN
Address Crystal Waters CONONDALE 65 Kilkoy Lane, off Aherns Rd. Phone 07 5494 4620 Web FB: “Flowerpot Coffee Shop” OPEN Tue & Fri: 9:30am-2:30pm Sat & Sun: 10:00am-2:30pm Flowerpot Coffee Shop offers a full breakfast menu, great coffee, baked goods, playground, and relaxed atmosphere. Welcoming Conondale and Crystal Waters residents, and anyone who pops in - you won’t be disappointed!
127-133 Main St MONTVILLE 07 5442 9344 mayfieldonmontville.com.au Mon to Sun: 8.30am – 4.00pm
Savour our delicious modern cuisine on the deck overlooking stunning views. The perfect location to enjoy a champagne breakfast, leisurely lunch, or coffee & cake. Licensed.
94 Main Street MONTVILLE 07 5478 5889 altitudeonmontville.com.au 7 Days: Open from 8:00am Breakfast, lunch (2 & 3 course set specials) & dinner. Experience a refreshed & beautifully relaxed restaurant as our acclaimed new head chef, Nick Stapleton, serves up some of the most sophisticated, tasty & exciting food on the Sunshine coast. 10% OFF MEALS for local bookings plus a free courtesy bus.
1/174 Main Street MONTVILLE 07 5478 5015 littlemayespresso.com.au 7 Days: 7.30am – 3.00pm
Situated on Montville’s Main St, Little May sources local and organic produce to give you flavourful food at its best. Enjoy tasty food and specialty coffee while soaking up the village atmosphere, welcoming group bookings for breakfast and lunch for up to 25 people. Open for breakfast, lunch, coffee and cake.
Take in The Terrace
Husk and Honey Address 16/18 Queen St NAMBOUR Phone 07 5441 3510 OPEN Mon to Fri: 8.00am – 3.30pm Sat: 8.00am – 2.00pm
Entirely Gluten free & Grain free Café offering all day breakfast & seasonal lunch menu. Cakes & other treats all baked on site daily. Tim Adams Coffee.
A beautiful view while you enjoy
HE TERRACE OF MALENY is one of the longest serving restaurants in the hinterland, welcoming locals and visitors since 1992. Situated at Cairncross Corner, they offer a spacious and light-filled dining environment with magnificent views over the Sunshine Coast for lunch service, while diners in the evening can enjoy an intimate and romantic setting watching the beautiful changing colours of the early evening sky. Manager and part-owner, Danny Griffiths, shared with us, “The Terrace is renowned for fabulous seafood, but we also offer a full a la carte menu to cater to every taste.” They also do their best to accommodate all dietary requirements. Whether you require an intimate setting for two, a group get-together or if you are looking for the perfect space for your function, this is the venue to choose. “We can cater for groups of up to 65 to host special occasions such as wedding dinners,
your meal
anniversaries or birthdays,” explained Danny. “If you are celebrating something special, we decorate your table and enjoy making your occasion as memorable as we can.” The Terrace has recently launched a new drinks menu and is offering a huge variety of options which they are excited for you to try. “We are aiming to use more local produce in our restaurant and are especially pleased to offer several craft beers from the local Brouhaha Brewery,” said Danny. “Our Christmas menus for 2019 have also been released, with a special set menu of two or three courses for large group bookings
leading up until Christmas, and then our wonderful set menu for the day itself.” (Please call the restaurant with any enquiries.) “We pride ourselves on our level of service and take great pleasure in looking after you,” Danny smiled. Bookings are always advisable, please call The Terrace on (07) 5494 7300.
Harvest Palmwoods Spring
Celebrate good food, culture and community this spring.
• Country market • Pasifika shared lunch & lovo • Gardening & cooking demonstrations • Art exhibitions & installations • Live music • Outdoor movie night • Long table dinner • Food stalls
1st - 15th September • Full program at facebook.com/palmwoodsvillageharvest/ 16
The team at The Terrace, Maleny
food drink and dine
• Full tanks cleaned, minimal water loss • Potable water treatment and correction, bacteria control, filtration, supply and service
Free appraisals phone Allen: 0404 302 723
Secrets on the Lake A magical world of romance and creativity on your doorstep...
A magical world of romance and creativity on your doorstep...
Dining on the Deck restaurant...
Book now for Fathers Day
Tucked away on Lake Baroon’s shores, we offer mouth-watering food, & panoramic views of the water, mountains & rainforest. Book a famous high tea, intimate meal, or special occasion for up to 80 people. Winner of the AGFG People’s Choice Award 2019.
World-class luxury treehouses...
A great atmosphere at a recent Lions Welcome Dinner Image Màrshâ Fotogrâfie
A delectable welcome A
N iMPRessiVe 1292 newcomers to Maleny have experienced the Maleny Blackall Range Lions annual Welcome dinner in the last 13 years. this will be their 14th year and it promises to be another fun and informative night. Newcomers, Katrina and Alex Freeman, told us, “At the 2017 Lions welcome dinner we found many kindred spirits. We found families, couples and singles, who like us, felt they bought in paradise.” Jeff Kruse, a newcomer the previous year said, “Along with the hospitality, meeting and listening to a good cross section of the local community, the dinner was a great introduction to the town, which confirmed our earlier decision to settle in Maleny.” every year we write about how wonderful it is for newcomers to attend this event and if you look back over the last 13 years there are some wonderful connections made on this night. People form new friendships and, as Jeff mentioned
above, they get to hear from several community organisations and learn about their services. the room is abuzz with chatter and laughter. When Lions are asked why do you think this event is such as success year after year? they tell us it’s because everyone is really excited to be there on the night, which creates a positive, happy vibe, teamed up with a lovely meal and good conversation. it all makes for a successful evening. this is a real community service event that Lions are providing. Hosted by the Maleny Blackall Range Lions, the 14th annual Welcome dinner is on Wednesday september 18 at the Maleny showground Pavilion, catered for by the orangery. supported by major sponsors Maleny iGA and sunshine Coast Council. tickets are $30 and can be purchased from Maleny optical, shop 8, Riverside Centre, 8 Maple street, Maleny and MAd (Maleny Art direct), 21 Maple street, Maleny. For further information call Clarke Alexander on 5494 4981.
Featured on national TV as the ‘ultimate romantic escape’. Perfect for relaxation & intimate accommodation! Our treehouses have stunning lake views,
Secrets Wedding Garden... Secrets Garden has a stunning lake backdrop. Private jetty, lush gardens, !"#$%&'#()*+$,"'-).)+!$#/0+'-()*0!+,walks, decks, rockpools & waterfalls... the perfect location for your vows! Rustic, waterfront, & rainforest settings. Choose the charmingly Lakehouse venue as your chapel & daytime reception.
07 5478 5888
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Check out the Hinterland Times on Facebook: www.facebook.com/Hinterlandtimes
Flaxton will be open for Christmas Lunch this year. Limited spaces and prepaid bookings.
HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
your market guide
Something for everyone Maleny Sunday
HANKs to tHe Gympie Gold Rush of 1867, Maleny was established. some say the first thing the settlers did was set up a market stall under a fig tree. More reliable information says the sunday Maleny Market has been in operation for over 30 years, every sunday - rain, wind or sunshine. the market still has a few of the original stallholders and many new members, who have introduced fresh stalls and ideas to make it exciting and upto-date. With over 30 different stalls on average, the newly elected market committee is working to consistently improve the market. Maleny is well known for the quality and quantity of musicians who call this place home and music coordinator, Cheryl Laizans, has a roster of locals who play from 10am till 1pm every sunday. Maleny Sunday Market
Maleny Sunday Market LIVE MUSIC EVERY SUNDAY 10am -1pm
What’s on in AUGUST?
Homesteading by Angela is proving popular at the market
if you just come in for Jenny's barista coffee or tea and music, your sunday is off to a great start. A weekly raffle offers visitors a chance to win $100. Malaysian street food, fruit and veg with homegrown, spray-free strawberries, avocados, macadamias and often giant daikon radishes are just some of the fresh produce on offer. You can also find sweet local honey and jams, jewellery and a range of handmade items, plus wonderful healthcare products. there are two crystal stalls for health, wealth and fun, plus check out the locally made orgonite, which is
Maleny Lane Fri, Sat, Sun 9am- 3pm this rustic eco friendly eat street hub in the middle of Main street Maleny offers authentic street Food from diverse cultures and supports live local musicians every weekend. Monthly night market. Contact 0406 069 798
Kit Cotter Guitar & vocals 11 Jem Dunlop & his dad !"#$%&'$$()%&*+#,!18 Andy Copeman - medicine
man voice & many instruments
25 Paul Balanyi, guitar – jazz & beyond
Your local Sunday Market open rain, hail or shine
Spend $2 for the chance to win $100
Montville Growers and Makers Market 7:30am to 1:00pm, Piping hot pancakes, buskers, genuine locally grown food, handmade craft, barista made coffee, under historic fig trees, profits maintain our Village Hall. Charlotte: 0412 521 109
tHiRd sAtURdAY oF tHe MoNtH
sUNdAY Maleny Sunday Market 8am-2pm, Maleny RsL Hall, open rain, hail or shine - quality second hand books, vintage, antiques, art, handmade gifts and more. Ph: 0448 423 919
Witta Growers Market: 7.30 - 12.00 7.30am-12.00 50+ stalls, this vibrant market has everything from fresh local produce to gourmet food, quality art and craft, live music, hot food and coffee. Ph: 0408 034 570
New Stallholders Welcome 0448 423 919
seCoNd sAtURdAY oF tHe MoNtH
believed to assist in removing electro-magnetic fields. Maleny Green Witch teas are very popular, as are the local beeswax wraps. Miniature art and instant portraits are an addition to the healing section, which has Japanese sound gong healing, a clairvoyant who also does readings and an emmett practitioner. the Maleny sunday Market opens every sunday from 8am - 2pm in the RsL Hall Bunya street, Maleny (opposite the Maleny Hotel), and is undercover; so is open rain, hail or shine. New stallholders call Chrissy, the coordinator, on 0448 423 919. You'll receive a warm welcome!
Like us
HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
FiRst sAtURdAY oF tHe MoNtH Crystal Waters Market community-run, upcycled items, jewelry, organic veges, cakes, plants, honey, seedlings, hearty food, sourdough bakery, great coffee, live music and a warm welcome. 5494 4530
FoURtH sAtURdAY oF tHe MoNtH Mapleton Country Markets 8am-12pm. Local Produce, Handmade Gifts, Bric-a brac, Fashions, Plants, Wood, Jewellery, olives, Food stalls, Coffee Van, Live Music, inside & outside Mapleton Hall. Free onsite parking. Ph 0419 726 603
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HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
HiNteRLANd tiMes â&#x20AC;&#x201C; AUGUst 2019
A n E xQuisiTE E xpo
Three of Queensland’s most exclusive venues will bring to life their boutique offerings at this year’s A Village Wedding Expo Montville
et iN MoNtViLLe's two heritage halls, on the Village Green and under the magnificent Moreton Bay Figs, A Village Wedding expo is set for August 25, 9.30am - 3.30pm. (the gorgeous Kitty Kats will be performing on stage at 9:45am!)
Australian Bridal industry Academy Awards with a 98.8% score. For those seeking a slice of serenity, the Falls Montville welcomes guests to its majestic manor or within the haven of their secluded rainforest spa cottages. Voted Queensland’s Number 1 small Hotel on tripAdvisor, the Falls exudes character and charm.
spicers Clovelly estate, Flaxton Gardens and the Falls Montville are among 50 exhibitors who represent the sunshine Coast’s leading wedding professionals, delivering services across the region’s favourite romantic destination. “Blessed with diverse venues who can curate unique wedding experiences, Montville is at the heart of our wedding destination,” Montville Chamber of Commerce President shiralee Cooper said. “With our selected wedding professionals, we ensure our expo truly epitomises an unforgettable wedding experience.” the secret to the success of the sunshine Coast Hinterland as a wedding destination is the stunning settings, the epic vistas and of course the outstanding venues and romantic accommodation. Central to the offering of spicers Clovelly is the Long Apron - a five-star hatted restaurant offering a decadent selection of dining and celebratory experiences. Awarded the accolade of ‘Best Restaurant’
A beautiful setting for a wedding at Spicers Clovelly Image Ben Connolly
by the Queensland Hotels Association in 2018, the Long Apron’s menu reflects and embraces the best of the region, sourcing produce from local growers, catchers, farmers and makers. Welcoming more than 16,000 wedding guests to celebrate before a stunning vista each year, Flaxton Gardens was recently named a top 10 venue with the
the Falls delivers an immersive experience and a concierge service from the time of guest arrival. Locally sourced produce, gourmet breakfast provisions and pastries mean guests can truly relax and enjoy every aspect of their special getaway - whether it be a honeymoon, babymoon, anniversary or simply valued time with loved ones. Register at: avillagewedding.com.au to visit the expo on August 25 and be in the draw for one of the wonderful prize collections, including a two night stay at the Falls Montville, a three-night midweek at Mapleton Falls Accommodation and a two-night midweek stay at Montville Mountain inn Resort. other prizes include a five-course dining experience with matched wines for two at the Long Apron, spicers Clovelly, $500 to spend with an exhibitor, and vouchers from illume Creations and Flaxton Gardens.
HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
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Spoken word on the horizon
Talk to us about your dream wedding day at the
Village Wedding Expo
See you there
MONTVILLE August )25th
) )
Photo ~ Jennifer Oliphant
07 5478 5888
info@secretsonthelake.com.au www.secretsonthelake.com.au
%PP %FSEVH 0 < 6 7 , & 0 2 8 1 7 $ , 1 7 2 8 5 6 0 < 6 7 , & 0 2 8 1 7 $ , 1 7 2 8 5 6
He BUNKeR sPoKeN WoRd series comes to Maleny for the first time as part of the 2019 Horizon Festival program and you could win a $500 grand prize! For the past year, the Bunker spoken Word has been showcasing the sunshine Coast’s poets and storytellers in regular events across the Coast. in the quarterly open mic events, locals take the stage alongside established national and international performers. this August, the collective will host its annual spoken word competition with a $500 cash prize. Competitors will register on the night in one of two heats, either at the solbar in Maroochydore (Monday 26) or at sarah’s Unplugged in Maleny (Wednesday 28). top five in each heat earn a spot in the grand final in eumundi for the cash prizes. Local storytellers and poets are encouraged to enter. At the Maleny heat, the incredible Huda Fadlemawla, the 2018 Bunker Winner, will feature as guest performer. Huda’s poetry speaks powerfully to her experience as a black woman and her transition of being a black child living in sudan and Cairo to a young woman living in Australia. For tickets and details of all the events and terms and conditions of the competition, visit horizonfestival.com.au/thebunker
HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
Spoken Word beginners workshop Saturday August 17, 2-4pm UsC: tutorial Room C1.40, featuring Robin Archbold and dr Nycole Prowse
Heat 1 - Solbar Monday August 26, 6pm 10 oceans st, Maroochydore, Loki Liddle LiVe,
Heat 2 - Sarah’s Unplugged Wednesday August 28, 6pm 31 Maple street, Maleny, Huda Fadlelmawla LiVe
Spoken Word Masterclass - Suncentral Thursday August 29, 6pm 9 Golf street, Maroochydore, featuring Melanie Mununggurr-Williams
Grand Final - Imperial Hotel – The Brewery Saturday August 31, 2pm 1 etheridge street, eumundi, Melanie MununggurrWilliams LiVe
Maleny Music Festival
He 2019 MALeNY MUsiC Festival features a stellar line up of international artists this year to compliment the interstate and local performers showcasing many genres of music and the performing arts. From sorong samarai Band (from P.N.G and West Papua), eight-piece Melbourne dance Band, Hello tut tut, and Nashville-based guitarist Van Larkins, to recent UK resident emily Maguire and Alon shemesh, a didgeridoo performer from israel. this will be the first time sorong samarai Band have performed in Queensland. they have played at
Mal Webb and Kylie Morigan
Sorong Samarai Band
Womadelaide, Byron Bay Blues Festival, as well as the sydney opera House and will soon showcase at the darwin Festival. Australian acts of note are Mal Webb and Kylie Morrigan, Joe Geia Band, deline Briscoe, Cloudstreet, Gone Molly, Zumpa, Red Crow, Linsey Pollak, Rob Longstaff, 11-year-old Allegra dunning from Katoomba, Hayden Hack, Victoria Vigenser and Linsay Martin, Khristian Mizzi, Hayley Calvert, out of Range, Rimfire, Barry Charles, the Magnificence, Piano Wizard Andrew Farrell, Funklava, Highlife and many more. this family-friendly festival, now in its eighth year, features over 100 concerts and performances over the three days. With on-site camping, food and market stalls, licensed bars, workshops, children’s festival sessions, street performers and open mic, there is plenty of something for everyone. the children’s festival has workshops for the kids, as well as some great entertainment, and culminates in a Bushdance on sunday september 1 to celebrate Father’s day and the last day. the festival runs from August 30 - september 1 at the Maleny showgrounds, for more information and to purchase tickets go online to malenymusicfestival.com or call 5494 2121.
HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
Letters Mungo honoured in “The Monthly”
Maybe this quote in The Monthly, will reassure your readers who question the worth of Mungo's monthly articles in the Hinterland Times. the piece, written by journalist Kerry o’Brien, is entitled Celebrating the contribution of an Australian media legend.
“in the last half-dozen years Mungo has had two significant brushes with melanoma, a heart attack, throat cancer, and now prostate cancer and advanced emphysema. through all of it ... he has continued, with very rare lapses, to write his weekly political column in a genuinely independent and nicely idiosyncratic Byron newspaper called The Echo. “the quality of his work is as good as anything he’s churned out in 50 years, and his well of political history – a rare commodity these days – is deeper than any other commentator’s i know.” Pam Maegdefrau, Montville
A tree-mendous thank you Montville state school National tree Planting event was held on the 26th July. We took the opportunity to embrace our local indigenous culture by planting 70 bush tucker
LIGHT RELIEF & LEUNIG Relax, read a few letters, enjoy a crossword and cartoon, and maybe put pen to paper (finger to keyboard) yourself! We would love you to share your thoughts and experiences with us and Ht readers. email: editor@hinterlandtimes.com.au or write to Po Box 818, Maleny, Qld, 4552. Please include your name, email/address and location. Word limit is 200 and letters may be edited. As we are a monthly, please be aware we are unable to print date-sensitive letters.
trees for our birds, bees and butterflies. We would like to say a big thank you to eric Anderson, diana o’Connor and Pollyanna darling for your energy and support. thanks also to all who attended our preparation working bee the weekend before, lugging wheelbarrows of mulch up the slope! We are proud of our students as well, for working so hard on the day, to help our environment. Sally Allen, Business Manager, Montville State School
Obi Obi overhaul! When, oh when, is something going to be done about the obi obi Road heading down from Mapleton to Kenilworth? that road is ridiculous as soon as there is any inclement weather, or a few weeks of traffic. i have friends who will not come to Kenilworth frequently (if at all) because of that stretch of unsealed road. if you have a 4Wd, great! if not, take the risk with your kids in the car… A friend of mine almost came off the road recently, and he wasn’t going fast. Will it take a death before something is done?! it is disgraceful that this is a major road leading between towns, which could massively improve connection
Crossword No. 310 1
Across 1 e.g. a ketch (3-6) 6 Copper and zinc alloy (5) 9 item (7) 10 Not friendly (7) 11 Nail-like fastener (5) 12 Carry (9) 13 Bony structures (9) 15 Burning gas (5) 16 Forbiddingly (5) 18 environmental fouling agent (9) 20 deadlock (9) 23 Lukewarm (5) 25 Arabian Nights hero (3,4) 26 Mythical creature (7) 27 expel (5) 28 Northern Canadian island (9)
Down 1 Melts (5) 2 exterior (7) 3 satan (9) 4 Larceny (5) 5 Practice session (9) 6 defeats (5) 7 Grand Canyon state (7) 8 Confection (9) 13 in good order (9) 14 Home for abandoned children (9) 15 ornamental water jets (9) 17 Conceive (7) 19 sanction (7) 21 Make law (5) 22 Peer (5) 24 Move rhythmically (5)
For crossword solutions, visit: www.hinterlandtimes.com.au 24
HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
between communities and bring more revenue to Kenilworth, and yet it is unsafe and unreliable. Julie Bird, Kenilworth
Service with a smile As a Palmwoods local, i would like to say a big thanks to the staff at the Palmwoods Bakery for always going the extra mile. they are consistently friendly, helpful and polite. they seem to know many customers by name, and often enjoy a cheerful chat with people who come in. Nothing is too much trouble – they are a great bunch. in contrast, i had a recent shopping experience elsewhere up on the Range, where the manager was cold, indifferent and couldn’t crack a smile, and the staff looked miserable and micro-managed. i did visit another time, in case it was a one-off, but the situation was the same. Needless to say, i won’t be going there again. Never underestimate good personal service and word-of-mouth – it can make or break a business.. Simon Puzelet, Palmwoods
Ode to Memory Foam
Bambillo, New Pillow, Great high mound of foam you've such marvellous memory it seems petty to moan. You mould to my head shape caressing my neck nape but you give me such headache ‘cus I'm sleeping on stone. Tho’ you may be quite charming you're frankly disarming you may remember my shoulders, my head and my neck, But I pummel you senseless to make you forget!! © Kath Fisher
Poetry is an arrangement of language, artistic word pictures that attempt to inspire imagination, evoke emotion and provoke humour. Poets are illustrators of words that create beauty and intensity, and the HT is proud to give them a platform.
CORNER Mountain View Sunrise
Matters of the heart For some perhaps never questioned, others, a curious state Over-thinking, life experience, rigid beliefs, fear... Oh yes, fear, you insidious saboteur I know you.
Gentle, cool autumn breezes Terrine layers of colour on the horizon Pale orange, pink and baby blue Herald the day a new Magpies sing their morning song
Encouraging the daylight along
He brushes her crinkly grey hair Because she forgets to Because he wants to When it springs back he smiles It always did that The bane of her life And he touches it gently And looks into her quiet eyes Once sparkling with passion And trust Her lips now thin and set And the soft voice that once Responded immediately to his Is silent And he tells her his name For the fourteenth time today The with wet eyes Desolated to his very core He leaves her again Hurt that she forgets him again At home he sits in his ‘Laz e Boy’ Looks around At the blue Op Shop vase And the papered walls And dated furniture Into which her deserting Memory has soaked And his despair Is an indescribable emptiness Because he loves her As he always did. © Martin Keylar
The Glasshouse Mountains emerge from the dark Majestic peaks brightened by sunlight's spark Of golden light
You lurk, weaving your power like water flowing over rocks Unless there's been an event, to rise your level, you appear harmless enough Your ever presence, precisely the reason we accept you Your continuum, shaping us, smoothing our edges
So what then, is love? A raft? The lightness of being to move with the fear To trust where the fear may take us To jump, splashing, frolicking, thrilling...
No longer night A new day begins. © Nikki Veriga
© Sarah Carrington
The Silence of Being Silence can be an eerie sound. Between the ears it makes its presence known, by its contrast to its surrounds. When focusing on noise the environment makes, it gives comfort to the thinking brain that has been silenced through restraint. If we had no affinity with the clock, this moment of solace could go for eternity, falling short through sitting sores, that would distract us more and more. Yes silence can be an eerie sound, but its impact on the brain is quite profound. As it lets the thinking muscle drop its function, it is replaced by the heart, whose resumption of transmitting 'feeling' waves, rewards the brain for remaining in its silent phase. So let your heart provide the signs, which our brain has always tried to find, but for no avail, .......for it is blind. © Otto Lechner
Keep sending us your poems - we love receiving your creative work! To submit your work for possible publication, email editor@hinterlandtimes.com.au or post: PO Box 818, Maleny 4552 Word limit per poem (due to space) is 300 words.
HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
creative cuts
Bungarribee is a quartet specialising in a unique blend of jazz, folk and classical music, performing original compositions alongside fresh improvisations of music by iconic composers such as Bartok, Ligeti and Bach. Bungarribee is led by highly respected pianist, accordionist and composer, Gary daley, best known for performing with elite Australian jazz bands such as the Catholics. other members are Paul Cutlan, reeds, ollie Miller, cello and electronics, and internationally regarded percussionist, tunji Beier. Part of the Palmwoods spring Harvest - see them in the garden at Homegrown Cafe, Friday september 6 from 6pm. entry $10 at the gate, street food and refreshments on sale by local food vendors. Bookings/details via Facebook, Homegrown Cafe Palmwoods.
Glorious voices
Palmwoods movie night
A themed movie night is happening on saturday september 14, as a free community event, to celebrate Palmwoods spring Harvest. the film is the fantasy comedy/horror Hotel Transylvania, dracula's lavish five-stake resort, where monsters and their families can live it up, and kids and adults can dress-up in their favourite scary costumes! the film will be held on the Piccabeen Green in Palmwoods, with hot food, drinks and movie snacks available. there will also be a raffle and a giveaway held for all attendees. Bring your picnic blanket and cushions, from 6pm for a 6.30pm start.
Bek-Jean Stewart Celebrating the Palmwoods spring Harvest, Lara Cooper’s art exhibition, Limited/Abundant, opens in the tin shed (behind Homegrown Cafe) on Friday september 6 at 5.30pm, running until saturday september 14, 6.30am to 4pm daily. Lara Cooper is a dynamic watercolourist and this will be a collection of paintings celebrating the abundance of harvest, and all the hope of renewal that springtime offers, but contrasted with a sense of limited resource. As our planet groans under the weight of exploitation, Lara thinks this is a way of helping people grapple with a balanced sense of celebration and hope, along with respect and responsibility for our use of the abundant but limited resources we have.
Fantastic Finbars
the Maleny Arts Council Winter Festival continues with more superb music. Australia’s foremost vocal ensemble, the Australian Voices, performs on sunday August 18 at 2pm. "the finest choral singing that i have ever heard in Australia." – Limelight Magazine Follow this with timeless - tenori on sunday August 25 at 2pm, when the brilliant trio, tenori, return by popular demand. “tenori have perfected an entertaining mashup of opera, music theatre and jazz.” - The Australian shows are at the Maleny Community Centre, with time on the deck afterwards to meet the artists! tickets at the Maleny information Centre or John Marsden, ph: 5494 2584 for group bookings, or via malenyartscouncil.com
every month this is the venue which encourages new artists with open mic sessions (Lulu’s Amateur Blackboard), and supports established musicians who bring their talent to Maleny for all to enjoy. August sees Andrea Kirwin (pictured), Craig Nankervis, sam shepherd and smooth Vibes, plus many more, take the stage. Wood-fired pizza, a well-stocked bar and a warm atmosphere make this a consistently popular spot to enjoy live music, and support those who are taking to the stage for the first time! Artists usually perform from 6/6.30pm, except sundays irish Music session, which starts at 2pm. Check out page 47 or the Finbars facebook page for more details. 26
HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
this award-winning Lebanese film tells the heartwrenching story of Zain, a 12-year-old refugee boy who leaves his negligent parents and faces the daunting challenge of surviving by his wits on the streets of Beirut. Featuring outstanding performances by its nonprofessional actors, this emotionally powerful and confronting film highlights the harsh realities faced by so many dispossessed and displaced refugees trapped in poverty with scant opportunity to escape to a better life, facing an indifferent social system and vulnerable to those wanting to take advantage of them. saturday August 31, 7.15pm, Maleny Film society, Maleny Community Centre, doors open 6pm for optional sit-down dinner, tickets at the door or via tix.malenyfilmsociety.info
Bek-Jean stewart and the society for the Lost will be performing live at the Lane in Little Main, Palmwoods saturday september 14 (doors open 6.30pm), as part of the Palmwoods spring Harvest. stewart will be releasing her fifth solo album, songs from the North, which showcases the powerful poetry of her lyrics as well as the vibrancy of her composing and arranging. she will be joined by Lawrence Pastro on drums, scot Aird on bass and Jason Lowe on lap steel. Bek-Jean uses vivid, haunting melodies to tell stories of loss, love and redemption; her songwriting style is usually described as Americana, although her music also has elements of country, folk, and rock.
visual arts • entertainment • performance
Horizon Festival
comes to town Horizon Festival director Zohar Spatz, who joined the team only months before the 2018 Festival, said the opportunity and privilege to lead such an exciting and important chapter of the Horizon Festival’s short life was an incredible one. “The Festival in 2019 steps into a curated phase of life,” Ms Spatz said. “We are bringing the local arts sector to the forefront alongside our national and international collaborators. “It was important for Horizon Festival to celebrate and revel in our sense of place, our Sunshine Coast’s incredible community and its diversity. “By using art to connect and inspire, the region is showcased across ten days with a range of ticketed and free events from the hinterland to the headland.” We have cherry-picked some local events for you, but for more details visit: horizonfestival.com.au
Our People, Our Place
Story and song
The Soul Movers
Join traditional Kabi Kabi artist, educator and performer, Lyndon davis, to hear stories of the Canoe song - Gom'bar Yau’ar. see a traditional Bark Gom'bar (canoe), and hear about the amazing cultural revitalisation project of building traditional Kabi Kabi Bark Canoes. Celebrating international Year of indigenous Languages, Lyndon will also share an ancient Kabi Kabi Canoe song, which has been rediscovered by Kabi Kabi people during the project. this is a free event on Friday August 23, 11 - 11.30am, Maroochy Regional Bushland Botanic Gardens, Arts and ecology Centre. Contact number: 5475 7272
Inventing Tomorrow Inventing Tomorrow follows six young scientists from indonesia, Hawaii, india and Mexico as they tackle some of the most complex environmental issues facing humanity today – right in their own backyards. each student is preparing original scientific research that he or she will defend at iseF, the intel international science and engineering Fair. Framed against the backdrop of severe environmental threats we now face, the audience is immersed in a global view of the planetary crisis, through the eyes of the generation that will be affected by it the most. thursday August 29, 7pm, Majestic Cinemas, C-square, Nambour. tickets: adult $18, concession $16, child $14
Fronted by Lizzie Mack and her brother in soul, muchloved ex-Red Wiggle Murray Cook, the soul Movers rockin' soul and groovy blues section includes Andy Newman (the Visitors) and Marko simec (Waiting For Guinness) with stuart Wilson (Loose Pills) on drums. Consummate musicians with a passion for all things soul, their live show delivers in spades with fans right across the musical age spectrum, and they are back with a brand-new album, Bona Fide. Hear them at the Bison Bar, C-square Courtyard, 52-64 Currie street, Nambour, 3pm on saturday August 24, tickets $23. Visit: thebisonbar.com/live-entertainment
No Dress Code Required
Composer’s Voice
this large-scale photographic projection work showcases and celebrates the rich diversity of our region. Combining portraiture, projection and sound, Our People, Our Place tells the story of 32 people from across the sunshine Coast, of all ages, backgrounds, genders and abilities with a refreshing honesty and intimacy. Join the official opening of Our People, Our Place on saturday August 24, 6pm at the old Ambo, 80 Howard street, Nambour. this is a free event for which you do not need a ticket. For more details visit Facebook/oldAmbulancestation
Jazz vocalist elly Hoyt returns to Australia to launch her latest album, the Composer’s Voice, comprised entirely of original compositions by Australian women composers. the album explores personal stories of women in music from discovery, obstacles and overcoming. it is a diverse and powerhouse group of Australian composers involved including Andrea Keller, Georgia Weber, Gian slater, Louise denson, shannon Barnett, sonya Horbelt and tamara Murphy. see elly perform on Friday August 30, 7.45 - 9.45pm, Bison Bar, C-square Courtyard, 52-64 Currie st, Nambour.
Part of the Horizon Hot docs program, this Mexican film, directed by Cristina Herrera Bórquez, is the story of Victor and Fernando, beauty professionals in Baja California, Mexico. For many of their customers they were a lovely couple, until they decided to marry and become the first gay couple in the state to fight for their rights in a place filled with homophobia and inequality. Facing a wave of criticism and outrage from the city council, through their struggle, they managed to open the eyes of the members of Baja Californian society. in spanish, with english subtitles on Wednesday August 28, 7pm at Majestic Cinema, C-square, Nambour. tickets adult $18, concession $16, child $14.
HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
If gas came to your community, would you rise?
Image: Lucy Parrakhina.
dRAMAtiC NeW FiLM, Pilliga Rising, produced by the Wilderness society and sunshine Coast Hinterland production company, Balangara Films, will screen at the Maleny Community Centre on thursday August 22 at 6pm, hosted by Lock the Gate Alliance. Mark Pearce, Director the 40-minute film highlights the human impacts of coal seam gas, with a focus on the activities of oil and gas giant santos in northwest New south Wales. Pilliga Rising follows a salt-of-the-earth farmer, a German
potter, a young indigenous multimedia artist, and an experienced citizen scientist who, along with their communities, are rising against santos. director, Mark Pearce, who lives in the Maleny region, produced the film with the Wilderness society over a 12month period. He also toured the film across New south Wales country towns when it was released earlier this year. “this is a film about the true values of rural Australia,” Mr Pearce said. "it's relatable to all regional townships across the country and hits the heart of the matter in relation to industrialising not only nature, but the place we call home. “the characters in Pilliga Rising are driven by spiritual obligation - a commitment within to 'do the right thing' and to lead and enlighten their community. it's their unique Australian outback lifestyle that reminds me of humanity's best qualities.”
the film event will include a Q and A session after the film to learn more about Mark Pearce's involvement with the community around the Pilliga forest and also update on how local communities in Queensland are coming together to protect our most precious and productive regions, including the northern sunshine Coast hinterland where coal exploration permits still exist. With welcome drinks and nibbles accompanied by music from Pantastic steel Band, the Maleny Community Centre will run a cash bar between 6 and 6.30pm before the film starts. tickets: $10 single ticket donation. $80 Group of 10 – donation of $8 each, or book your ticket via: lockthegate.org.au/pilliga_rising_maleny All donations to Lock the Gate will help cover the cost of the event.
BOOK NOW horizonfestival.com.au
HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
community news
From bridge to bingo
Ready for Recyclerama
s PARt oF MALeNY Lane’s evolving activities, Maleny Lane Community tribe facilitator, Rovielle Yamaki, has organised a laughter yoga session for adults on August 28, starting at 10am. Laughter yoga is a unique exercise, accessible to all abilities and ages, that harnesses laughter as a physical action, rather than a response to humour. “it’s called laughter yoga because it’s a combination of gentle stretches, playful simulated laughter exercises and slow deep yoga breaths,” Rovielle says. Rovielle has engaged Queensland’s leading laughter yoga facilitator, Heather Joy Campbell, to run the onehour outdoor session. Ms Campbell, who is a global ambassador for laughter yoga, was trained by the movement’s founder, indian physician dr Madan Kataria. “if you can breathe and you can smile, you can do laughter yoga,” she maintains. “Willingly engaging in the activities will enable your body to reap the physical and psychological benefits.” Bookings are recommended for the August laughter yoga session at Maleny Lane: call Ms Yamaki on 0447 220 645. Participants will be encouraged to make a $5 donation for their laugh-out. Pictured above is Heather Joy Campbell (centre) with locals Rovielle Yamaki and emily Rose (and daughters).
s AN eNtRANt in the Bridge to Brisbane Fun Run for Charity on August 25, well-known Maleny local, Jared Ashcroft, is overwhelmed by the support he’s received, almost reaching his target of $5,000. so, he’s decided to boost the funds he’s raising for Motor Neurone disease Queensland with a night of outrageous bingo, adult style. Proving that fundraising is about having a good night out too, it’ll be eyes down at Melony Brest’s drag Queen Bingo Act at the showgrounds Pavilion 6.30pm on saturday August 17 (Melony Brest pictured here with sall Monalla). see facebook.com/events/872803579751613/ for info and to buy tickets, $20. BYo snack plates and the bar will be open. Book your tables by contacting Jared on 0448 943 481. Jared has also put together two great raffle prizes to be drawn at the bingo, and at just $2 a ticket, you could win a wheelbarrow crammed full of goodies or a one-night luxury accommodation package with hamper and bubbles. After losing his good friend Joyce Newton to Motor Neurone disease, an emotional Jared said, “this one’s for you Joyce”.
xCiteMeNt is BUiLdiNG as Recyclerama is now one big annual event being held at the Maleny showgrounds on August 10. From the early morning, the space becomes a hive of frantic treasure hunting, with thousands turning out to look through the antique stalls in the pavilion and car boot stalls around the grounds.
Photo by Jody Gilchrist
image courtesy of Heather Joy Campbell
Maleny’s happy hour
over 100 traders turn up to clear out their cupboards and pass on once loved treasures to new homes. For the avid collector it’s a paradise, with anything from collectable cars, china and glassware, to recycled building materials, furniture and vintage fashion. Gates are open to the public from 7.30am to 3pm. entry is free for kids and $5 for adults, with each paying person receiving a strip of cent auction tickets to win prizes throughout the day. there is an AtM on site, pizzas, toasted sandwiches, pies and cakes in the pavilion, a wonderful crepe stall, a German sausage stall and great coffee around the grounds. For more information, visit recyclerama.com.au or call Lynda on 0410 511 635.
Jared's AUGUST Building Bonanza!
be r ya rd re 10 & th ei r ti m Do n' t go pa st M it s in g ne ed fo r al l yo ur bu ild
Fibro Sheeting | Plaster Board | Wet Area
Large assortment
Internal and entrance doors
Hardwood and pine available
HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
Sunshine Coast Airport Expansion Project
Providing access for our region to the world
domain for nearly five years and remain
More than half our population* will travel by air for business or pleasure at least once this year, but many will commute to Brisbane first because our local airport runway cannot accommodate the larger aircraft for long haul flights.
information and consultative processes along the way. The airspace around the Sunshine Coast is very constrained by safety
5000 by 2040
airspace and flight paths servicing the
HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
Sunshine Coast Airport Master Plan 2007
Environmental Impact Statement Terms of Reference
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014
Additional Environmental Impact Statement
EIS approved
Proposed flight paths
there are very few options in terms of potential viable flight paths for the new runway and that the concept flight paths that have been published since 2014 and subject to community consultation provide a good basis for the detailed design of the new flight paths. The new runway at the Sunshine Coast Airport will benefit the whole community and we look forward to it opening our region to the world. Find out more by searching Sunshine Coast Airport Expansion Project on council’s website.
2,000,000 passengers annually
new full-time jobs by 2040
(direct and indirect)
“I consider that Sunshine Coast Regional Council has taken all reasonable steps to inform the community about the airport expansion, prior to and during the EIS process.” Queensland Coordinator-General, 2016.
Potential to attract over
www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au @councilscc
Maroochy Plan 2000
Airservices Australia has made it clear
* Roy Morgan Research, Sky high: Australians’ air travel habits, 9 December 2016.
paths are close to, and intersect with, the
tourism and local exporters
by 2020
Maroochy Strategic Plan 1985
Brisbane Basin and therefore its flight
Helps boost
Fewer dwellings
considerations, terrain, populated areas and the fact that this region is part of the
Brisbane Airport and Amberley Air Base.
The Sunshine Coast Airport Expansion Project didn’t just happen overnight. It’s been a long time in the making. This project has been the subject of extensive consultation with the community – in both the Sunshine Coast Council and Noosa Shire areas – over many years. It has the approvals required from all levels of government to proceed. Construction of the new runway is underway and is due for completion in 2020.
Maroochydore Airport Master Plan(proposed route) Sunshine Motorway Alignment
been the subject of extensive public
A new runway and better facilities means greater accessibility and more opportunities for work, tourism and exporting businesses.
Fewer dwellings affected by aircraft noise#
so to this day. These flight paths have
We’re doing something about that! Sunshine Coast Council is building a new runway that’s bigger, wider and better aligned with prevailing winds so our community can access the world from the Sunshine Coast.
The proposed flight paths to support the new runway have been in the public
Public consultation
$4.1 billion
2014 2015 2016 2019
contribution to Gross Regional Product (2020-2040)
Potential to
reach new destinations
at home and abroad # Based on five or more events of 70 or more decibels.
New runway operational in 2020. 92 9 294 2 48C 8C 07/1 19.
Whether you are ßying for pleasure or for work, or looking to export, the Sunshine Coast Airport is a crucial piece of infrastructure for our region.
real estate
HINTERLAND Accommodation Directory
Classy, Contemporary Living Close to Town
Montville, Flaxton & Mapleton The Narrows Escape Rainforest Retreat • 5478 5000 National & international award-winning 4.5 star hosted accommodation. Airport transfers. Narrows Road; www.narrowsescape.com.au
Maleny Maleny Terrace Cottages • 5435 2569 Boutique accommodation, beautiful rainforest gardens, pool, wedding gazebo with views. Walk to the terrace seafood Restaurant. Perfect getaway for couples,1 night stays available. www.malenyterracecottages.com.au
Maleny Tropical Retreat B&B • 5435 2113 540 Maleny-Montville Road. offers something different from the traditional Bed & Breakfast accommodation. www.malenytropicalretreat.com
Spicers Tamarind Retreat • 5420 5420 Wake up to the gentle sounds of the rainforest in one of the most romantic and unique places in Australia. www.spicerstamarindretreat.com
Mapleton Information Centre ................................................ 5478 6381 Maleny Information Centre .................................................... 5499 9033 Montville Information Centre ................................................ 5478 5544
● elegant stone kitchen with quality appliances ● Reverse-cycle ducted air-conditioning ● 3017m2 block ● Glorious views over lush green rolling hills ● Approval to build 2nd dwelling ● separate powered 10x6 shed ● 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 5 car accommodation
Address: 102 Tallowwood Street Maleny Offers Over: $697,000 Agent: Chris Smith 0408 005 991 Ray White Maleny Ph: 07 5499 9966 1/5 Maple St, Maleny
115 Acres – Blue Chip Acreage – North Maleny
et oN tHe plateau of Maleny, the beauty of 176 North Maleny Road must be seen to be believed. Glistening dams, 115 acres of green pastures and the farmhouse are just some of the features that this original Maleny dairy farming property has to offer. the property has been held firmly for the last 50 years and is now ready to begin its next chapter. Having been described as a slice of rural paradise within a stone’s throw of the vibrant main street of Maleny, 176 North Maleny Road is the finest rural acreage within Maleny that has been offered in years. the sprawling elevated acreage of the property has been used in the past for cattle and dairy farming, operated by father and son since 1969. the property also boasts ocean views from areas
of the holding, adding an additional element of charm to the land. slightly undulating hills have been home to quietly grazing cattle, dairy cows, and crops in the past. With mostly flat land and spring fed dams offering an abundance of water, the property is all-useable and has a wealth of potential. the entire block is covered by rich, red volcanic soils, perfect for growing crops and providing quality pastures for cattle. 176 North Maleny Road echoes the history of it’s past with the old dairy building and farm sheds still onsite. the current farmhouse resides on the boundary of Burgum Road, and was built between 1940 and 1950 from the old Beech timbers of the original farmhouse. the
farmhouse can be put to good use while creating your dream rural abode and take full advantage of the stunning location and multiple, picturesque building sites across the property. the vibrant hub of Maleny, only two minutes away, is home to a range of boutique shops and cafes along with an iGA, hospital and medical facilities, sports fields and amenities and the popular Brouhaha Brewery. Bustling with life, character, and community, the township of Maleny is like no other with its warm and welcoming quality. A lifestyle of abundance awaits those who are sure to be drawn to the beauty of the land, the picturesque living, and the prestigious location of 176 North Maleny Rd just two minutes from the heart of Maleny.
Address: 176 North Maleny Rd North Maleny Bed: 4 Bath: 1 Car: 2 Land Size: 115 ac Price: Auction Onsite 12:00pm Saturday 10th August 2019 Inspect: Every Saturday prior to Auction from 11am to 12pm Contact: 0447 737 737a RE/MAX Hinterland PH: 07 5408 4220 2/10 Maple St, Maleny 4552
HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
29 McCarthy Road, Maleny Unrivalled Character on 2 Flat Acres - Close to Town! 29 McCarthy Road is ‘picture perfect’ across all aspects. Boasting character, charm, and a significant land holding, the new owner of the property will be certain to value the life that this picturesque setting has to offer.
• Comfortable, sun-drenched, north facing living room and sunroom plus a large outdoor patio perfect for entertaining
minutes from the centre of the charismatic township of Maleny.
• Three large bedrooms enjoying private and parkland outlooks, along with a separate study and library
Graced with old world Norfolk Island Pines and Jacaranda Trees,
• Master bedroom featuring an ensuite and walk-in wardrobe
here you will find a garden that has taken over a century to
• Two expansive acres of level land, fully fenced with double road access & plenty of privacy
The location of 29 McCarthy Road is unrivalled, being just two
create which frames the character filled home. • Restored 1930’s Art Deco Period home, radiating with charm, on what was the home site of an original 600+ acre farm • Soaring ten-foot ornate ceilings along with original timber floors and double hung and casement windows
remaxhinterland.com.au Each office independently owned and operated
• Modern country kitchen showcasing Caesar bench-tops and high-end appliances throughout
HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
Price: Price By Negotiation Land Size: 8815m2 RE/MAX Hinterland M 0447 737 737
• Sealed driveway, 9m x 7m shed & ample mature gardens incl established veggie beds, 1.5km walk from the main street of Maleny.
ADDRESS 2/10 Maple Street, Maleny, QLD 4552 (Main Office) 7/171 Main Street, Montville Qld 4560 (Satellite Office) OFFICE
07 5408 4220
Did you know? Median house prices have changed. The median house price in Maleny is currently $599,484 while the median house price in Montville is $615,950. 32 Lorikeet Lane, Maleny Exciting Opportunity - Views - Walk to town! Tucked away in a quiet cul-de-sac location, Lorikeet Lane is a fantastic location with elevation and great views all the way to Montville towards the North. You’ll feel right at home in this spacious modern home offering privacy, perfect aspect and ticking all the boxes for great liveability! • Elevated 1017m2 block with great views and privacy
Price: Offers Over $749,000
For a personal report of your property, take a step in the right direction and contact the team you can trust!
Land Size: 1017m2 RE/MAX Hinterland M 0447 737 737
• Sought after walk to town location, NBN ready
0447 737 737
• Connected to town services + reverse cycle AC throughout • Spacious rooms with additional study • Covered entertaining area to the North East • Established garden surrounds with extra water tank.
7 Lawrence Place, Maleny
33 Thynne Court, Maleny
remaxhinterland.com.au Each office independently owned and operated
Data Source: Corelogic
348 Reesville Road, Reesville
68 Witta Road, Witta
ADDRESS 2/10 Maple Street, Maleny, QLD 4552 (Main Office) 7/171 Main Street, Montville Qld 4560 (Satellite Office) OFFICE
07 5408 4220
HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
Landscapes with LOORS LANDSCAPING What's in the Spotlight
... landscaping the Range for the past 26 years
Get involved in Seniors Week There’s something for every senior to celebrate on the Sunshine Coast during Seniors Week 2019, Monday August 19 to Sunday August 25. Try ballet for seniors or be inspired and celebrate life and all its possibilities at the ‘I Age Well’ expo. For all event details visit council’s website and search 'seniors week'.
Boardwalks Boardwalks offer a means of transversing uneven terrain with minimal disturbance to the natural ground. They can provide elevated and safe viewing platforms and can also incorporate seating areas.
See the Sunshine Coast Art Prize The prestigious Sunshine Coast Art Prize 2019 exhibition is now on display at Caloundra Regional Gallery. The exhibition features a contemporary mix of work by 40 established, mid-career and emerging !"#$"$%&'()&*+ ,#$"&-.!/$&$),)0")1&2.!&"(#$&3) !4$& exhibition encompass oil and acrylic painting, print, textile, drawing and photography. Winners will be ++.5+0)1& "&"()&.60# ,&)7(#8#"#.+&.9)+#+:&);)+"&.+& August 29.
Construction materials that can be used include concrete, steel, fibreglass, composites and natural timbers. Pictured is a stepped timber boardwalk we constructed on a steep site linking two beautiful areas of a garden that were previously hard to access.
Loors Landscaping
Choose your Horizon events Horizon Festival is taking over the Sunshine Coast from August 23 to September 1 for ten days of visual !"<&=5$#0<&-.!1$&>&#1) $<&*,=<& !"&>&")0(& +1&=.!)%& With a line-up including the Australian premiere of The Cold Record, the stunning aerial theatre performance, there’s an event to inspire all ages. Check out the full program at horizonfestival.com.au
Apply for a grant now Sunshine Coast Council is proud to support local +."?2.!?9!.*"&:!.59$&"(!.5:(&#"$&@! +"$&A!.:! =$%& Major Community Grants, Minor Community Events Grants and Environment Levy Grants are now open, closing Monday August 26. Visit council’s website to learn more and apply today.
Think smart about waste Calling all businesses! Reducing waste, separating your waste streams and recycling more will help your business reduce its waste disposal costs. B.!&(),9&*+1#+:& ,")!+ "#;)&- 3$&".&= + :)&3.5!& business waste, check out the recycling and waste disposal info on council’s website.
Phone: 07 5445 7615
In the Wild
with Spencer Shaw
Climate Change
eLL, WHo KNoWs what the weather will be like when you are reading this, but at the end of July it looks like spring is well and truly upon us. trees and shrubs are covered in new growth, the grass is starting to green up, birds are starting to collect nest material. if this weather keeps up, it looks like spring is off to a very early start - a little too early perhaps. Regardless of your opinion about the climate change debate, if there is one certain thing about climate change, it’s that the climate does change. the weather doesn’t really care whether you do or do not believe in climate change (it’s rather presumptuous that we regard belief as even being a factor – but then again that’s humans for you!). the weather will do, what the weather will do – simple as that. the native ecosystems of the range are a text that can tell us about the variability of our climate, if only we can read them. it’s not just soil type that influences plant growth, climate is a major factor. For example, prolonged dry periods can lead to a drop in soil moisture and the water table. We have rainforest communities on the range, such as Kondalilla Falls National Park, triunia National Park and the Upper Mooloolah Conservation Park that are full of rare and unusual dry rainforest plants that have the ability to survive during dry periods.
Mobile: 0412 680 801
Forest Heart Local Native Plant Nursery 20 Coral st, Maleny Phone: 5435 2193
decade after decade of wet weather could see these forests change to a forest type more reminiscent of Mary Cairncross; however these parks contain species that can tolerate periodic dry spells that might only occur a decade or even century apart. Variation in climate has a direct effect on the dominance of certain individual plants and plant communities. Variation in climate affects the germination of plants and also the growth of both juvenile and mature species. during the last ice age 10,000 years ago the local climate was much drier and cooler. the fossil record suggests that there was less rainforest on the range than there is now and that the area was dominated by windswept grassland and open eucalypt forest. it is suggested that it was only in the more moist, south-facing gullies and slopes that the rainforests held on. What does all of this have to do with me, i hear you ask? Well not much really ... other than give some thought to what you are planting. the rainforests of the Range are not a homogenous entity with the same old trees and shrubs, in every remnant. We should give thought to what we are planting and where. trees (and vegetation cover in general) are our best defence against the extremes of climate change.
!"##$%&"$'(#)*+'",-$ Explore the rich biodiversity of native Sunshine Coast C.-)!$&#+&"()#!&+ "5! ,&( 8#" "%&B.!&"-.&-))/$&$" !"#+:& D5:5$"&EF<&"()&G5+$(#+)&H. $"&I#,1C.-)!&B)$"#; ,& 9!.;#1)$&2!))<&8) 5"#25,&- ,/$&"(!.5:(&;#8! +"&*),1$& +1&2.!)$"$%&J#$0.;)!&.5!&,.0 ,&-#,1C.-)!$4&0.,.5!25,& C.!#$"#0&1#$9, 3$& +1&$"5++#+:&+ "5! ,&8) 5"3%&K#$#"& council’s website to learn more.
Win your rates Rates are now due and if you pay by August 23 you’ll receive the on-time payment discount. Register through MyCouncil to receive future rates notices by email and you’ll go in the running to win LEMMM&.N&3.5!&+)7"&! ")$&8#,,%
Council meetings Ordinary Meeting 9am August 22, Nambour 07 5475 7272 mail@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au
www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au 34
HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
Soil Carbon
LiMAte CHANGe has had a lot of publicity lately, and with good reason. Most of the population does believe it’s real and there’s some urgency to deal with it. Melbourne, Noosa and other municipalities worldwide are stepping up to the mark and that means town planners are taking notice. Many farmers are adjusting their farming practices to cope, and insurance companies are assessing risks. there will always be those who deny scientific evidence and believe it or not there is still a Flat earth society(!) but we’ll leave that aside and get on with the job. Barung members and most of the population up here in the Hinterland are doing their bit by farming carbon. every tree we plant is absorbing carbon dioxide from the air and all that mulch, leaf litter and slowly rotting timber, helped along by various bugs, is returning carbon to the soil. increasing the carbon content of the soil can aid plant growth, increase soil organic matter, improve soil water
retention capacity, and reduce fertiliser use. Given the average size of our landholdings we are not in a position to claim carbon credits from the government but collectively we continue to achieve, a lot! We can also term our efforts biodiverse carbon conservation since we are actively restoring native habitat.
the amount of carbon sequestered, taken out of the atmosphere and used by plants, by various vegetation types and even some species, has been quite accurately quantified, but it would be hard to do that with our efforts given the diversity of our planting. Carbon storage potential can also vary according to soil type and species richness. Nevertheless, if all the carbon dioxide absorbed by the thousands of trees, shrubs and other vegetation planted across our region could be added up, it would be quite significant. one wonders how many vegetation equivalents would take care of using the car for a weekly shopping trip to Maleny. Keep up the good work and if they are not already part of it, encourage your friends/neighbours to become “biodiverse carbon conservers”. the Landcare movement is now 30 years old, as is Barung. We are doing our bit.
Barung native Plant nursery Phone 5494 3151
Porters Lane Nursery opening times: Wednesday - Friday - 9am -3pm, Saturday 9am - 12pm
Cuckoos why do they do it?
by Jamie Walker
UstRALiA is RiCH in cuckoos. At least eight species can be found in the sunshine Coast Region. some are just summer visitors, like the Koel (the ‘Coo-ee’ or ‘Rainbird’) which spends our winter in Papua New Guinea; or the oriental Cuckoo which visits us because it is escaping winter in northern Asia. others, like the Fantailed Cuckoo and the shining Bronze, can be seen all year. With just a few exceptions, cuckoo species are parasites. they lay their eggs in the nests of other birds (known as hosts). their eggs closely resemble those of the host species, which only rarely spot the difference. When the young cuckoo hatches, it manipulates and ejects the other eggs or nestlings and then commands the full care and attention of its foster parents. other birds recognise cuckoos and react to them. i recently watched a Brush Cuckoo hotly pursued by a Yellow Robin until the threat was chased clear of the robin’s territory. Yet that cuckoo would be back to try again. Cuckoos are expert nest-finders. An egg can be laid in seconds and then the game is over. Why do they do it? i believe that nature has a point and a purpose for everything; and we should not be put off that belief because we are currently ignorant of the full plan. Besides, i have a theory. We have in our back yard, a number of eumundi Quandongs. every year, they suffer defoliation by a species
Above: Fantailed Cuckoo (with caterpillar) Right: Shining Bronze Cuckoo Images Paul Fraser
of caterpillar that feeds communally in groups which may total thousands. the way that other birds shun them tells me that these grubs have the defence of being toxic or foultasting. But when Fantailed or Bronze Cuckoos come to the trees, i watch them gorge on the creatures. they don’t just take a few, they eat all they can see, and afterwards sit still as though they feel too fat to move. i remember in Britain and ireland, how Common Cuckoos feasted on the caterpillars we called ‘Hairy Marys’ or ‘Woolly Bears’; and on the orange and black moth larvae, whose bright colours warn that their bodies are loaded with prussic acid. irritating, caustic hairs and poisons like these mean that other birds are warned off, but it seems that cuckoos are immune. so, there you have it. Cuckoos leave it to others to raise their kids, because they are too busy fulfilling a vital role that other birds cannot. And their performance must be good news for gardeners and crop growers. this, of course, is just my theory, based on observation. But if, at some time in the future, someone writes a learned paper on cuckoos, caterpillars and natural pest control, remember you first read it here.
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Platypus Turf Contact us 07 5498 1180 HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
Flaxton ladies, Freda and Margaret, enjoy catching up over scones and tea with Martin Duncan
Queensland Seniors Week, from August 17-25, is a time to promote positive attitudes towards older people and ageing, with events and workshops across the Sunshine Coast enhancing community connections. Here are just a few suggestions, and there are plenty more on the website, qldseniorsweek.org.au, or call (07) 3316 2999.
Where do you come from? Celebrate seniors Week! Join Ann swain from Queensland Family History society inc. as she takes you through the basics of where you come from. • Find out how dNA testing can extend your family history. • Learn how to decipher the test results and jargon. • discover the three main types of genetic genealogy dNA tests. Morning or afternoon tea provided by Community Planning and development. Funded by the Queensland Government and supported by CotA Queensland. Free, registration essential. Beerwah Library, August 21, 1 2.30pm; Maleny Library August 19, 1.30 - 3pm; Nambour Library August 21, 10 - 11.30am; Kenilworth Library August 23, 10.30am - noon.
Wellbeing in the Park on the first Wednesday of the month, Maleny Wellbeing Group is holding an event at the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre, 17 Bicentenary Lane, 10am - noon, to promote You can practise Qigong Shibashi anywhere
community connection and wellbeing. it is an opportunity for members of the community who are alone and isolated to come along and enjoy some music, sausage sizzle and meet members of local organisations. All the activities are free. Local community organisations are invited to participate; it's a great opportunity to provide a community service and pick up new members.
Ballet in Bokarina especially for seniors Week, sunshine Coast Council will present Queensland Ballet at Venue 114, (114 sportsman Pde, Bokarina) on Monday August 19, 12 2pm. Around the world, adults of all ages are discovering what Queensland Ballet has known forever - that dance is a great way to increase fitness, improve stamina and have a whole lot of fun. As we get older, keeping our bodies strong and agile becomes even more important. Queensland Ballet’s seniors Week classes are designed to stimulate the body. to book morning or afternoon sessions, please call Venue 114 on 5413 1400 or visit venue114.com.au, classes cost $8.
Ice-cream fest at Rangecare! RangeCare’s Flaxton Cottage clients will celebrate seniors Week, August 17-25, with a mix of ukuleles, the lively company of local schoolchildren and an ice-cream fest! (though not necessarily all at once!) this important week on our calendar celebrates the wonderful contribution of seniors in our community and encourages connections with people of all ages and backgrounds. in keeping with the theme for 2019, RangeCare looks forward to ‘Celebrating a Queensland for all Ages’ with our valued seniors who have all helped to shape our part of the hinterland! Activities are only open to our registered day respite clients.
Health and harmony Qigong shibashi is 18 flowing movements that harmonise mind, body and breath with gentle movements. sessions begin with a warm up, 18 movements followed by meditation. No experience necessary and suitable for all ages. Join Lynette for a free session of Qigong followed by afternoon tea at the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre, 17 Bicentenary Lane, Maleny, on August 20 from 1-3pm. Phone: 07 5499 9345.
Sconetime in Montville sconetime may be of interest to you, and not just for seniors Week, but on a regular basis! it’s a wonderful opportunity for older people, along with their carers, companions and family to establish a regular monthly social event. the first sconetime for Montville was a great success, with conversations, laughter, delicious food, and lovely music from Adam Bishop. You can buy tickets online for Mum, dad, Aunty, Uncle, Pop, Nan, or a senior neighbour, and you may like to bring a senior along. the next sconetime is at Montville Village Hall with Montville Coffee at 10am on August 26, tickets $10. For bookings visit: trybooking.com/BeiMZ or call Martin to reserve your space on 0473 902 261.
Escape to the romantic setting of Kondalilla Eco Resort Rest - Revive - Recharge in an open plan Villa with fireplace, weber bbq and sunken spa bath
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Included in this Package: · Two night escape to a Villa in the rainforest for $590 · Kondalilla Aromatherapy Wood Wick Candle · Bubble Bath · A bottle of Australian Wine · DVD hire · Late check out of 11am
Book online or contact us directly.
HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
07 5445 7650
61 Kondalilla Falls Road, FLAXTON
in brief
Kay Nixon proudly shares The Little Book Nook is now open! Image by Victoria McGuin
New children’s bookstore! Congratulations and welcome to the Little Book Nook, which has arrived at shop 5, 4-6 Little Main street, Palmwoods. the detail and care are clear indications that this will become a magical spot for kids and parents alike. Flying books, a Narnian lamppost (complete with flickering flame), and even a lion’s head door knocker, halfway down the bright red front door - so people of all ages and sizes can come a-knocking! this friendly, independent bookstore has been lovingly created by Kay and tony Nixon, and opens 8.30am - 4pm, tuesday - saturday, also ‘by appointment’ if needed. Visit Facebook page for more details.
Trainee opportunity Maleny Neighbourhood Centre has been successful in gaining a grant over $200,000 under skilling Queenslanders for Work. the program, MNC Maleny events team, will employ ten people from the hinterland under Certificate 1 Business/Hospitality for a period of six months as trainees. the MNC Maleny events Program will employ a project coordinator and a project support worker and assist the participants to fulfil the educational requirements. it is envisaged that each participant will compete Certificate 1
Business, Barista and Responsible Alcohol service training at the end of six months. All enquiries should be directed to Nooreen Harris (07) 5499 9345 or coordinatordw@malenync.org.au.
Maleny Youth Festival the Maleny Youth Festival is back in 2019! Maleny Flexi school in partnership with Boab dreaming and Maleny Neighbourhood Centre would like to invite your school to participate in our sixth annual event. the Maleny Youth Festival will mark the 20th Anniversary of the Maleny Flexi school on Friday september 13. the theme our students have chosen this year is the Day of the Dead, to celebrate “all that has gone before, all that is and all that will be”. Keep watch on Facebook and instagram #malenyyouthfestival and #malenyspaces for updates and more information.
drawing people in any pose,” says artist Kim Lang. You just need a board to lean on, paper and charcoal or oil pastels, watercolours and ink – whichever you prefer. A few bulldog clips are always handy. Fortnightly with Kim on Mondays starting August 12, 68pm, Maleny Community Centre Verandah Room, with expectation to continue on if there’s sufficient interest. Cost $25 per session or $95 for all four. Find the event on facebook at: lifedrawingmaleny.
Sculpture on the Edge is coming Richard Muldoon, the sculpture on the edge coordinator, is looking forward to this popular upcoming event, so make a note in your diaries for september! “the 2019 sculpture on the edge will be the best year yet, with a very high standard of entries from artists across Queensland. “this year's prize will feature over 35 works set amongst the beautiful natural backdrop of the spicers tamarind Retreat in Maleny. opening september 21, the exhibition runs for three weeks until october 13, and all are invited to attend the awards evening on september 25. Jump online and check out our website for all the visitor information you need. Visit: sculptureontheedge.com.au
Life drawing with Kim Lang “drawing the human form is endlessly challenging, always interesting and simply the best way to get better at
5478 6600 6600 00
Tips for wise watering
Call Em (Emma) Today
for all your beauty needs
t seeMs WitH the changing climate that we are heading for hotter weather for longer - which may mean water restrictions become a regular occurence. Using a hose will not be an option, so how can we preserve our precious plants? the lowly bucket, or watering can is a great way to solve the problem and reduce water wastage, but there are hidden dangers for your body, if you lift or carry them incorrectly… Wrist, shoulder and back pain is more likely when carrying heavy buckets and watering cans, and lifting awkward loads. Warming up with a few stretches can make a difference, and it’s worth stretching a bit more when you’re done. Here are some timely tips to minimise the risk of injury when lugging litres of water around to help keep both your garden and your body really healthy: ● Always think before you lift. ● When lifting, remember to bend your knees and not your back. Never twist your body when your back is bent. ● Choose a bucket or watering can with a wide grip to reduce hand and wrist pain. ● Never overfill your bucket. only carry as much weight as you know you can lift comfortably. Tip: half fill buckets to lighten the load and help avoid wrist and shoulder pain. ● try lifting two lighter buckets rather than one heavy bucket, so the load is distributed equally on each side of the body. Tip: use two-litre milk bottles for watering. ● Always carry buckets and pour water as close to your body as possible. Holding any weight away from your body increases the stress on your upper body and back. ● Place the bucket on a raised platform to fill it so you don’t have to lift it as far. Tip: try a stool or chair. ● Make all movements smooth. Avoid jerking or twisting.
* 1st time - full set of eyelashes ● ensure the pathway where you are carrying the buckets is free of trip hazards and choose the flattest path possible. ● Watch where you place your feet to avoid stumbling. Tip: wear comfortable, supportive shoes with nonslip soles. Listen to your body. if it hurts, stop. if the pain continues, your physio can recommend stretches and exercises to help you get fit for watering and gardening and so avoid injury. For assessment and management of your child’s heel pain, call Maleny Physiotherapy for an appointment with Tim, Mary or Andrew, 5494 3911
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HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
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Kawana Island Meeting Place Parrearra
5 Grand Parade - 3rd Sunday Monthly 9:30-12:30 pm
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health, wellness & beauty
Ayurvedic Health Advice to Suit You
Self Referral
UNiNG iNto oUR self to see what is going on internally is becoming Wendy Rosenfeldt more acceptable, but the majority of people still consult an expert to find out how they are. similarly, people still tend to rely on scientific research to determine the efficacy of a health treatment. While it takes a fairly sensitive physiology to immediately notice the effects of certain foods and techniques for self improvement, it is possible to increase your self awareness. if the awareness is only able to perceive the surface value of life, the influence of things can only be felt if they are dramatic. everyone will stop eating a food if they feel they are getting sick, but few may notice a change in their emotions from the effects of something they eat. When more refined states of awareness develop through meditation, the ability to feel more subtlety also improves. Regular transcending brings the ability to fathom previously imperceptible levels of life in our own human awareness. As the mind settles down to experience more subtle states of thought, the awareness is drawn to areas in the body where the tension is more pronounced. You may not notice how tight your shoulders are or how exhausted you feel as you power through your busy day but as you sit quietly and start to relax these areas become
more apparent. initial experiences of transcending may result in the feeling that we have been away, only to suddenly become aware again, similar to being asleep. As time goes on the conscious mind becomes familiar with these subtler states of awareness and the ability to perceive more clearly from that level remains with us in waking, active life. this results in the ability to pick up the influence of everything around us. You don’t have to wait until you actually get sick from eating something for months; you more immediately feel the effects. it is not to say that we dismiss medical diagnostic tools or ignore the advice of experts, but we need to hear them in conjunction with our own observations. At the basis of Ayurveda is the understanding that we each have a unique constitutional type and therefore will respond differently to food, exercise and lifestyle choices. there is no one size fits all. By tuning into ourselves and listening to the subtle signals we can make better choices that suit us.
The best supplements to keep you healthy
Marisa Kliese is a Clinical Member Aust. Counselling Assoc.; Fellow Holistic Life Coach; Reiki Master; Fellow Aust Natural Therapists Assoc. Contact me on 5494 2627
Wendy Rosenfeldt is a Maharishi Ayurveda practitioner and teacher of Transcendental Meditation Call Wendy ph 5499 9580/ 0438 507 188 or wendy.rosenfeldt@tm.org.au for more information
Tim and Mary Bagshaw
• Physiotherapy for all ages • Specific exercise prescription • Postural assessment and correction • Sporting injuries • Post operative rehabilitation • Workplace rehabilitation • Injury preventions strategies • More services available
Ph: 07 5494 3911
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1/70 Maple Street, Maleny
Deep Breathing – You can’t last long without oxygen, unless of course you’re bacteria in which case you like to thrive in an oxygen-poor environment. if you’re not able to take a walk each day then just relaxing deeply, focusing gently on your breathing will assist your body to naturally breathe deep. of course, the quality of the air you breathe is important especially in winter, so make sure you open a window or two or you’ll just be breathing in stale air plus a few dust particles, some mould and perhaps a germ or two. Water – Clean filtered water. As tempting as it is to drink lovely warm cuppas during winter your body needs water to filter out all the cleansing and processing that takes place behind the scenes. otherwise you might be reabsorbing toxins that are meant to be flushed out and might instead cause mischief. Your Diet – What you eat is one of the first supplements you put into your body. too often we eat what we like regardless of
HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
the effect on our body, then pop a vitamin pill hoping that we will stay healthy and well. that works for a little while but eventually we learn we can’t beat nature at balancing ingredients in just the right ratio to do the many complex jobs of keeping us healthy and balanced. Food is meant to be delicious and prepared from fresh ingredients. Food is meant to include colour (this is actually an antioxidant and a nutrient ), texture (this is meant to add roughage to help cleanse the colon), aroma (this is meant to stimulate the digestive juices in the mouth to begin the process of breaking down the food that you are taking the time to chew properly), and medicinal benefits through the use of added herbs and spices. Vitamin and mineral supplements – these are to support the body in times of need, like when we are stressed either through circumstances or sickness. they work wonderfully well when needed but not instead of proper nutrition and good living habits.
health, wellness & beauty
Erin Cameron serving tea
this dynamic is an important one, Hilary explained, “where erin is very keen i'm not part of her life – her logistical, everyday life – hence all the signs up. "the dream was always that she might live, supported, in Maleny, which is her town - everyone knows her. so that’s becoming something that’s actually really possible with Ndis.” erin is out every day. “she has someone come in four mornings a week, getting her ready. And then she has a gem of a lady coming every tuesday and they do all her cooking for the week, she just has to heat them up,” said Hilary. “erin really wants to be independent and the Ndis is making it possible. it is fantastic." If you would like to find out more about the NDIS call 07 5409 3300 or ndis.gov.au.
Cosmetic Tattooing is now available
Erin proud as punch with the NDIS M
eetiNG eRiN at her home, you are left in no doubt how pleased she is of her new-found independence.
“Look at me, i'm so proud,” said 29-year-old erin, as she carried a tray with two cups of tea over to the table. erin and her mum Hilary worked with Carers Queensland, their National disability insurance scheme (Ndis) Local Area Coordination Partner in the community, to implement erin’s Ndis funding earlier this year and erin's pride shone through as she shared the details of her life.
erin, who has an intellectual disability, has taken a big step toward independence. she lives in a selfcontained flat below her family home and is very sure about how much her mum, Hilary, can be involved in her life. Notes taped to her front door let Hilary know that erin doesn't need her washing up done or clothes put through the machine. While making tea, erin reminded Hilary of the arrangements for the evening. "i will stay here. You’ll be off. You're off at 5.30pm. You get home about 8.30. You ring me on my phone."
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CELESTE SHIELDS COMPLIMENTARY Medical Aesthetician 1 hour skin diagnosis LYN QUADE SEE Lyn Quades work Cosmetic Tattooist on facebook.com/ PMACosmeticTattoo DR CHI-HONG WONG Cosmetic Practitioner
Confidential & by appointment, Tues & Wed.
45 Nimbus Drive, Flaxton
0448 844 935 HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
wellness beauty health, Hinterland Health and&Beauty
COUNSELLING & LIFE COACHING Margarete Koenning Counselling BA Social Work, Gelstalt Therapist, Psychotherapist working with individuals, couples and, families. Training professionals in family constellation 20 yrs practicing in Maleny, Clinal member of Pacfa. Ph: 5494 2778, 0408 416 041
Anthony Brown Acupuncture Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner. Member (fellow) AACMA. Anthony has 35 years clinical experience, 30 of them here on the Sunshine Coast and Hinterland. 26 Coral St, Maleny Ph: 5435 2555
Ruth Donnelly - Holistic Counsellor Heart-centred approach to healing trauma, building emotional wellbeing. Integrating body psychotherapy, mindfulness, artistic therapies, Reiki, Acutonics, Bush Flower Essences, Dru yoga. Ph: 0409 564 276, ruth@ruthdonnelly.com.au, www.heartmindconnections.org
Chirone Shakti – Stargazer Astrology Insight into your relationships, family issues, spiritual purpose, life transitions, and your year ahead. Counselling astrologer with spiritual focus. Astrology courses and workshops. Ph: 0421 814459, www. chironeshakti.com.au
Juliette Kalifa Qualified Counsellor & Arts Therapist 20 years experience combining counselling with arts and sand play as requested. Adults, children, individuals, relationships and groups. Training and supervision of counselling professionals. Ph: 0417 643 592
BEAUTY THERAPISTS Michelle Jarden - Beauty Therapist Electrolysis, facials, massage, make-up, nails, sauna, spray tanning, tinting, waxing, ear-piercing. 66 Curramore Rd, Witta. Ph: 5494 4012 or Mob: 0402 531 500
Meyer Therapeutics Katleen, experienced therapist offering Bowen Therapy, Emmett Technique, and more. Offering Maya Abdominal Therapy® for fertility and pregnancy support, help with abdominal, reproductive, hormonal and digestive issues. Weekend appts available. Ph: 0400 289 090 www.meyertherapeutics.com.au
Practitioners Mark & Chris Pasley, are now offering comprehensive healing services at Flaxton. Visit www.red-spirit-energy-healing.com for information and request a Free Discovery Session. Ph: 3281 6453
FENG SHUI Feng Shui and Astrology: Richard Giles, Qualified Feng Shui practitioner Feng Shui home/business assessments. EM radiation assessments. Astrologer of 27 years. Contact Richard on 5435 0158, Email: ricgiles@powerup.com.au Web: www.richardgiles.info
HAIRDRESSERS AND BARBERS Nellies Creative Hair Design Cut and Colour specialists. Nellie, Annette and Jenny offer you the opportunity to have exceptional hair using great product at fantastic prices. 21 Coral St Maleny – Ph: 0438 785 443
CHIROPRACTORS Maple Chiropractic Maleny Dr. Stephen Lowe, Dr. Samuel Lowe, Dr. Catherine Metcalf, Dr. Rebel Hungerford Concession, family rates & HICAPS available. Gentle, effective care for the whole family. 45 Maple Street, Maleny. Ph. 5494 3322 www.maplechiropractic.com.au Hinterland Chiropractic Dr Josephine Sexton. Using gentle, safe and effective techniques to maintain spinal health and wellbeing. Concession rates, Family discounts and HICAPS available. 21 Bunya Street, Maleny. Ph: 5435 2987 Dr John Pirie Chiropractor & Applied Kinesiologist Gentle hands on chiropractic using applied kinesiology. Over 30 years in private practice. Families welcome. Mon, Tues, Thur 2:00 – 5.30pm; Fri 9:00am -12noon 19 Coral Street Maleny, Ph: 5435 2155 www.siaholistichealth.com.au
Hinterland Hypnotherapy - Psychologist Quantum Consciousness - Expand your Personal Universe. Mindfulness. Increase Good Habits, Remove Bad Habits, Anxiety, Stress. Medicare / Healthfund rebates may apply. Contact Matt Vance 0415 463 976 www.hinterlandhypnotherapy.com.au
Mary (McGrory) CrawfordPowerful Transformations Member of AHA/NRHA – Specialising in Grief, Depression & Anxieties. Also Quit Smoking, Weight Loss and more. Health benefits may apply. Phone Mary 0457 230 952 www.powerfultransformations.com.au E: mary@powerfultransformations8.com
MASSAGE THERAPISTS The Stillpoint - Katie White Massage, Emmett Technique, Reiki. Harmony & Balance for Body & Soul. HF Rebates & Gift Vouchers. Now at 26 Coral Street, Maleny. Ph: 0400 722 786 for appts. www.thestillpoint.com.au
Red Spirit Energy Healing
Bowen Therapy – Bronwyn Huckle Specialising in Bowtech, the original Bowen Therapy technique. Treating health issues in babies, childen & adults. Montville therapy rooms. Monday to Friday by appointment. Ph: 5442 9371 Kathy Blackburn Dip. Bowen Therapy (Bowtech).Gentle effective treatment of Back Pain; Migraine; RSI ; Tennis Elbow; Knee, Ankle & Foot Conditions; Menstrual/ Hormonal irregularities; Chronic Fatigue; Respiratory Conditions and MORE. Health fund rebates. Ph: 5429 6180
HOME CARE RangeCare Offering in-home and respite care services to support independent living. Our tailor-made services are available to everyone in the community. We can deliver your home care package. Ph: 5445 7044 Visit: www.rangecare.com.au
HOMEOPATHY Pauline Ashford - B.H.Sc, Complementary Med & Homeopathy Classical homeopathy; Lymphatic drainage; Dorn spinal, joint and headache therapy; EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques; Reiki 130 Ansell Rd Witta Ph: 5494 4101 e: paulineashford@dodo.com.au
Kathy Blackburn, Adv Dip Applied Science (Remedial Massage). Remedial/Sports Massage; Traditional Chinese Massage; Lymphatic Drainage; Emmett Technique, Trigger Point & Myofacial Release. “Integrated Bodywork” tailored to your special needs. HF rebates. Ph: 5429 6180
Mark Milne Massage Therapist - Remedial, Acupressure, Therapeutic, Relaxation, Energetic Healing, Movement Therapy. Specialising in acute and chronic muscular pain relief. Flaxton - Home Clinic and Sunshine Coast Hinterland. Mobile service - contact 0429 420 046
Maleny Massage Centre Relax and unwind with a beautiful Kahuna massage. Deep tissue, remedial, sports, aromatherapy, and couples massages available. For ease and upliftment in body and mind. Call Linda 0468 323 208
MEDICAL CENTRE Ochre Health Medical Centre Offering onsite Doctors, experienced nursing staff and Allied health services. Appointments available Mon- Fri 8.30am- 5 pm and in Maleny Sat 9am-12pm. Ph Maleny: 5494 2388; Ph Montville: 5442 9144 Book online at www.ochrehealth.com.au
MIND BODY SOUL Healings Arts - Delphina
Provide a soothing massage or motivation to train in winter ? Talk to Karen about listing here: 0414 432 423
Let the crystals illuminate your heart and soul. Spiritual Healing, Crystal Workshop, Massage, Retreats, Crystals Chakra Alignment, Unique Crystals, Gems & Minerals Ph: 0422 759 930 www.delphina.com.au
Saanthi Some 45 years ago, an unfortunate fall triggered precognitive dreams, and communication with a deceased relative. Clairvoyant psychic, empath, medium, author, numerologist, reiki master. Call Saanthi for an appt 5435 0069
HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
When you make an appointment, let them know you found them in the Hinterland Times!
From onlywellness $33.00/month&(minimum six month booking) beauty health,
Hinterland Health and Beauty NATUROPATHS
Contact Karen Muir: 0414 432 423 / Email: karen@hinterlandtimes.com.au
PERSONAL TRAINER, FITNESS, DANCE Get Active!!! Group Fitness & Personal Training
Lyn Thomson B.Psych. M.Counselling. GDip Psych. Relationship counselling, Emotionally focused attachment based work with couples, individuals, families. Depression, anxiety, stress, trauma and PTSD. Flaxton Ph: 0400 202 567 – www.eft-aust.com
Marisa...Naturally Marisa T Kliese offers a complete Natural Therapy Clinic. Services include, Naturopathy, Herbal Medicine, Professional Counselling, Life Coaching, Spiritual Healing. Ph: 5494 2627
Laurel Hefferon Naturopath & Herbalist BHSc Colonic Hydrotherapist & RN. Specialising in detoxification & healthy weight-loss, gut & digestive restoration, stress reduction, fatigue and post-viral syndromes. Comprehensive, individual and in-depth approach to addressing the cause of illness and restoring optimal health, wellness & vitality. Ph: 0401 750 255 www.awakeningcentre.com.au
Sheenah Turnbull – Clinical Psychologist Counselling for depression, anxiety, stress, grief, trauma, relationships, adjustment to life changes, children, youth, adults. Medicare rebates available. Ochre Health Maleny Ph: (07) 5494 2388 or 0417 075 172
Join me for a fun affordable and social way to achieve a fit and healthy body. All fitness levels welcome, fully qualified trainer. ‘Your Goals Are My Goals’. Rachel Ph: 0423 618 945 Email: rachel.lockman@yahoo.com.au
YOGA PILATES AND MEDITATION Melissa's Healing Space - Yoga/ Mindfulness Meditation classes @ Curramore Studio Tues 9.30am-11am (Gentle yoga), Tues 6pm 7.30pm (Gentle yoga), Fri 9.30- 11.15am (General yoga), Fri 11.30 - 12.30pm (Meditation Class), Fri 12.45-1.45pm (Chair/Gentle yoga) Ph: 0417 200 192 e: melissa@melissashealingspace.com www.melissashealingspace.com
Pascale Richy Naturopath BHSc Herbal and Nutritional Medicine, Dietary and Life style Coaching. Optimise health and wellness with an evidence based, holistic and inclusive approach. Hormones, gut, weight, immune and mental health issues. Ph: 0423 615 413 E info@pascalerichynaturopath.com
PHYSIOTHERAPY/OSTEOPATHY Range of Motion Physiotherapy Mapleton - Montville - Maleny - Imbil
Maleny Yoga Centre Shop 3 Rainforest Plaza Maple St Maleny. Fully equipped studio. Certified & Experienced Teachers. Beginners & senior classes available, casuals welcome. Ph: 0448 518 734 www.malenyyogacentre.com
Russ, Barbs, Lauren and Kerrie. Providing the highest quality care to restore & maintain optimal physical function & mobility. Ph: 5478 6600 www.rangeofmotion.com.au
OPTOMETRIST Hammond Optometry Deborah & Stephen Hammond are proud to be local, independent eye healthcare providers servicing the Hinterland since 1999. Focused on quality eyecare and eyewear for you and your family, giving your eye health and vision the best personalised attention it requires and deserves. 44 Lowe St Nambour Ph: 5476 2333
Maleny Physiotherapist
Maleny Optical
Assessing and solving your muscular, joint and spinal pain problems using ‘hands on’ manual therapy. Effective in treating postural strain, neck and back pain, aches, strains, stiffness, and sports injuries. Ph: 5494 2388 www.malenyosteopathy.com.au
Tim & Mary Bagshaw. For all of your Physiotherapy requirements. 1/70 Maple Street, Maleny. Ph: 5494 3911 www.malenyphysiotherapy.com.au
Maleny Osteopathy Providing quality eyecare including visual checks, childrens vision, aged vision, glucoma and cataract screening. In addition, contempary fashion frames to suit all tastes and budgets. We will look after you! Ph: 5435 2733
Just $33.00 for ongoing advertising (6 month minimum) Contact Karen Muir: 0414 432 423 advertising@hinterlandtimes.com.au
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professional ser vices
ACCOUNTING & TAXATION Frederick A Forbes - Accountant & Registered Tax Agent Specialising in small business & individual tax returns. Primary producers, rentals, investors, salary & wages. Personal & professional service. 3/15 Maple St, Maleny. Ph: 0434 996 608 E: forbestax@bigpond.com
GOVERNMENT SERVICES QGAP Maleny - Maleny Police Station Mon, Tue, Thurs 9am – 12noon & 12:30pm – 2pm New Registrations & Housing close 11am & 1pm Transport & Main Roads (NOT Driver Licensing) / Births, Deaths & Marriages, Seniors Card Applications / & more. EFTPOS & Credit cards preferred. Manager Judy Phipps 10 Macadamia Drive Maleny – Ph: 07 5420 5320
Hinterland Times Karen is your advertising contact for the Hinterland Times. Mobile: 0414 432 423 Email: karen@ hinterlandtimes.com.au
COMPUTER / WEB SERVICES/VIDEO Concept IT Systems - reliability & service New computers & repairs. Internet setup & websites. Printers, scanners, ink refills, cameras. Authorised Apple reseller. Onsite service. Drop in to discuss you computer needs. Shop 6 Riverside Centre Maleny 5429 6750 or sales@conceptsystems.com.au
FINANCE Bob Malcolm – CEO Maleny Credit Union We have the experience to provide financial solutions for your everyday life. All loan approvals and other key decisions are made locally by people you can talk to. Give us a try. 5499 8988 Doug Tognolini – iQ Money Management “Growing & Protecting your Wealth” We provide a full range of financial services including; Superannuation (including SMSF’s), Retirement Planning, Wealth Creation & Life Insurance. Ph: 5442 2764 / 0409 594 044 Marcel DeLeon – Q&A Wealth We help people plan their retirement funding so they can have a comfortable future. We have answers to all your questions. Contact Marcel on 0408 845 021 or email marcel@qawealth.com.au
Easton Lawyers Tove Easton Principal Lawyer Your Local Lawyers in Maleny 62 Maple St, Maleny. Ph: 5494 3511 Email: tove@eastonlawyers.com.au Lember and Williams (the LAW team) Carolyn Williams – City Expertise, small town service. Stirling on Bunya, 13 Bunya Street, Maleny. Ph: 5495 1499 Email: carolyn@landw.com.au www.landw.com.au Baker Robinson Lawyers Steve Robinson, 20 years experience. Professional and friendly Legal Team. Suite 7, 43 Maple St Maleny. Ph: 5494 2665 E: maleny@brlawyers.com.au www.brlawyers.com.au
PICTURE FRAMING James Frames & Art Supplies Custom picture framing by creative, friendly professionals. James Frames also offer digital printing services, and stock a huge range of artists materials. Phone: 5494 2100 Email: info@jamesframes.com.au Web: www.jamesframes.com.au
TRAVEL AGENTS Above & Beyond Travel We take pride in our attention to detail and providing you with a unique travel experience. Shop 2 Riverside Centre Maleny. Ph: 07 5499 9015 or nicola@abovebeyondtravel.com.au
TRAVEL AGENTS cont. MTA Travel - Petrina Frankham Mobile Travel Agent Whether you’re a first time traveller, curious traveller, thrill seeker or the escapist, I look forward to bringing your travel dreams to fruition. Ph: 1300 365 688 (ext 258) pfrankham@mtatravel.com.au www.mtatravel.com.au/pfrankham Travel Managers Everyone deserves a personal travel manager. I specialise in Ocean and River cruises, tailored and unique land based journeys for singles, couples and families. Let’s meet and talk travel. Contact Caitlin 0413 147 947 www.travelmanagers.com.au/caitlincoote
REAL ESTATE RE/MAX Hinterland Local Knowledge - Global Reach Ph: 07 5408 4220 - remaxhinterland.com.au Maleny - 2/10 Maple St - 0447 737 737 Montville - 7/171 Main St - 0499 785 111 Ray White Maleny One of the leading real estate agency’s for the Sunshine Coast Hinterland. Unit 1, 5 Maple Street, Maleny Ph: 5499 9966 http://raywhitemaleny.com.au/ We dare to be different! Our results speak for themselves, so if you are looking to sell your property DON’T SIGN ANYTHING .. .Call us. Ph: 07 5478 5288 or check out www.rogerloughnanrealestate.com.au
VETERINARY CARE District Vets Maleny Veterinarian Susan Portas and her team provide professional, compassionate care for your pets. Hours Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri 8am-6pm; Wed 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-12noon 7 Myrtle St Maleny Ph: 5499 9077 Montville Veterinary Clinic Est. in 2004 and operating as a branch of our Sunshine Hinterland Veterinary Clinic in Nambour. We take pride in personalised pet care. 26 Kondalilla Falls Rd Montville Consultation by appointment: 0401 012 884
trades and ser vices AIR CONDITIONING Range Airconditioning Lic. No L016305 Supply and installation of high quality, energy efficient, ducted and wall mounted reverse cycle, split air conditioning systems for cooling, heating and de-humidification. Ph Yelma on 5494 3459 or 0421 488 048 E: rangeaircon@gmail.com
CARPENTRY Patios, decks, renovations, new work All aspects of carpentry from planning to the finished product. All work guaranteed Qld BSA No 103-1105 Ph Steve: 0402 167 355
Montville Clockshop Repairs for Cuckoo, Grandfather, Mantle, Wall Clocks. Antique clock restoration. We can supply quartz movement and parts, and repair quartz clocks. P: 07 5442 9409. www.clockshop.com.au enquiries@clockshop.com.au
Jim's Antennas Digital & problem reception specialists. Locally owned, servicing the hinterland. Call Craig Titheradge today for a free quote. Ph: 131 546 www.jimsantennas.com.au
Centenary Carpentry With almost 20 years experience Scott is highly experienced in all aspects of carpentry including decks, patios, pergolas, termite damage, fit out, renovations and so much more. For a professional job call Scott on 0414 826 266. QBCC 1040187 www.centenarycarpentry.com.au
Master Craftsman clock and watch maker Repairs to clocks or watches from old to new, over 45 yrs experience. Free quotes in your presence when bringing your timepiece, house calls and small repairs on the spot. Peter 0488 423 724.
Merv Schulz Maleny TV Antennas Est business in Maleny and the hinterland for over 30 years. For all your digital TV reception / antenna needs, including satellite installations. Insurance quotes. Friendly reliable service. 0418 774 958, or in the evenings on 5494 2876.
Window Wizard - Timber Window Specialist Restoration, glazing, repairs, modifications, sash cords, spirals, Queenslander homes and more. Call Rommy 0404 757 552 www.window-wizard.com.au
BUILDERS Jenner and Son Builders and Carpenters Witta – QBCC 21848 Old Queenslander? All work to Heritage quality, from roof to stumps. Blog http://andyjenner.com/?p=132/ Contact Andy 0427 424 340
CARPET CLEANING Range Carpet Care Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning & Protection Ph: 5445 7611 or 0418 776 578
BUILDING DESIGN AND DRAFTING Skhemes Design & Drafting As an experienced Interior Design and Residential Drafter, I will create, advise and document your house plans and selections ready for your builder. Call Anna 0412 105 174 E: anna.paroz@gmail.com
HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
Hale Carpet Cleaning Brad Hale, your carpet cleaning professional. Owner Operator since 2005. Carpets, rugs, tile and grout, mattresses, car upholstery, lounge suites. Contact Brad 0457 999 926 clean@halecarpetcleaning.com.au
Custom Curtains and Shade Specialising in custom made Blinds, Awnings, Shutters, Curtains, Security and Umbrellas. Professional advice and installation. Servicing the hinterland since 1989. Call us for a free measure and quote. Ph: 5494 6898
ELECTRICIAN Top Of The Range Electrical Your local licensed electrical contractor. Range based, on time, leaves no mess. Servicing all your electrical requirements. Quality workmanship. Fully insured. Lic: 83000 Call Chris 0416 220 232 Rainbow Vision Energy Saving Solutions Lic 72787 – Installation of new fans, led lights, safety switches. Also renovations, switchboard upgrades, underground power for sheds and cottages. Contact Zak 0413 885 504
trades and ser vices GAS SERVICES
Sunshine Gas Services Sunshine Coast based family business. Domestic and commercial gas appliances. High efficiency hot water systems. Highly trained service team. 8 Daniel St, Caloundra Ph: 07 5491 4199; 0412 116 362
POOL MAINTENANCE SwimSafe Mobile pool maintenance & repairs. Swimming pool safety inspections. FREE QUOTES Proudly servicing the Sunshine Coast Ph: 0448 793 148 – www.swimsafeqld.com.au
City to Surf Painting & Decorating Richard Daveson Owner/Operator QBCC 1117847 range local for over 25 years. All aspects of painting include re-paints, inside and out, reno's, new work, metal roof and anti-mould coatings. From Kureelpa to Maleny. Call 0418 708 620
QBCC #101629
RENDERING GUTTER CLEANING Gutter Sucker Gutter Sucker specialises in cleaning your guttering. a unique portable vacuum system for the efficient and effective removal of leaves and rubbish from all types of gutters and roofs. Ph: 1800 558 745 or 0402 456 391
LANDSCAPING & DESIGN Amber Leaf Landscaping Looking for a landscaper who can deliver? Tohm Hajncl heads the team that offers you guaranteed quality. Choose from landscaping consultations, designs, construction and planting, pre-sale makeovers and specialised maintenance services. Ph: 5445 9801 www.amberleaf.com.au
Handbuilt Stone QBSA1235589 Licensed, range-based professional. Traditional rock walls, pillars, steps, paving, entrance walls and all garden features. Visit our website to see previous work for inspiration. Phone Chris on 0438 811 975 – www.handbuiltstone.com
Stone on the Range Stuck for ideas? Speak to Jim, he’s an effective communicator. All stonework including raised vegie gardens, creek beds, waterfalls, sculptural features, driveway entrances, walls, steps, fire pits, steep site specialist. Ph: 0401 308 824 E: jimrstoneart@gmail.com
Loors Landscaping (est: 1987) From concept to creation all aspects of structural and soft landscaping. Ph: 5445 7615 Mob: 0412 680 801
Green Cicada Landscapes and Garden Design Need a completely new garden or update of your existing garden? Green Cicada delivers thoughtfully designed, nature-inspired solutions to match your budget. Call Jason 0473 524 428 www@greencicada.com.au
Harvey & Hold Painting & Rendering New works, repaints, commercial and residential .Rendering-all facets, maintenance programming. Body Corporate and Resort specialist. Pressure cleaning and roof repaints. Contact Bart for a free quote 0468 546 741
Wrapped in Render Specialising in all types of render, texture, plaster and paint finishes. 25 yrs local experience. Professional attitude and quality workmanship. New homes and renovations, no job too big or small. Contact Steve 0417 706 840
ROCK WALLS Phil Watts Quality Rock Walls Retaining, free standing design and construction. Hand crafted feature stonework specialist. Built by local qualified stonemason, 40 years experience with 23 years here on the range. Ph: 5445 7218 or mobile: 0401 535 476 E: philsrocks@hotmail.com
Forest Heart Your Local Native Plant Nursery. Specialising is the native plants of SE QLD for Revegetation, Gardens, Habitat. 20 Coral Street, Maleny Ph: 07 5435 2193 – www.forestheart.com.au
Barung Landcare Native Plant Nursery Your local community nursery stocks an extensive range of species indigenous to the Blackall Range and surrounds. Open to the public Wed–Fri 9am–3pm, Sat 9am–12pm Ph: 0429 943 152 E: nursery@barunglandcare.org.au
PLASTERING Castle Plaster P/L Fibrous Plaster and Plasterboard-fixing, setting, cornices, steel frames and suspended ceilings. New homes and renovations. No job too big or small. Est 1980 Contact John: 0417 275 241
PLUMBING & WASTEWATER Anderson Plumbing & Roofing QBSA1066328 Plumbing, drainage & roofing. New work, renos, maintenance specialists. Septic systems, blocked drains, high pressure ‘sewer jett’ drain cleaner, drain camera, cable locations, tank installations, roof & guttering. Ph: 5494 3340 or 0409 541 475 Sky Plumbing & Gas Fitting BSA 1078655 Guttering, Water Tanks, Filters and Pump Installation. Septic Trenches, Holding Tanks, Blocked Drains. Heat Pumps & Gas Installation. Landlord water reports. Water Hammer solutions. Ph: 042 11 66 882
Suncoast Liquid Waste Removal Local owner/operator specialising in commercial / domestic waste water pump outs- septics, treatment plants, grey water, holding tanks, pond/pool sludge, drains etc. Avoid costly blockages & system failure with prompt, reliable & expert service. Tank assessments available. EPA licensed and fully insured. Call 0439 646 707
ROOFING Roof & Gutter Maintenance Clean gutters, Blocked downpipes, New & repair downpipes, Roof repairs & leaks, Fix leaking gutters, New gutters & fascias, Install & service whirly birds, Skylights & Water Tanks. Free quotes, local bloke, over 20 yrs experience Phone Brad 0419 712 081
SOLAR Megawatts Solar CEC License A5100260 Megawatts Solar Engineering - Consulting, Design & Service. We design a system to suit your needs, on-grid, off-grid & battery storage. Service on your existing system. Gary Phillips Ph: 0407 760 838 info@Megawatts.com.au
TANK CLEANING Pristine Water Systems Full tanks cleaned, minimal water loss. Potable water treatment and correction, bacteria control, filtration, supply and service. Free appraisals. Phone Allen: 0404 302 723
TREE SERVICES Tony Wootton Tree Surgeon. Dip Hort(Arb) Operating locally since 1996. Tree assessments and advice. Trees and shrubs pruned and detailed. Hazardous trees removed. M: 0403 467 664 Ph: 54 944 917 www.twtreesurgeon.com Skilled Tree Surgeon – Kevin Pampling Born and raised in Maleny, offering reasonable rates for tree work. Insured,with years of wisdom and local knowledge. I climb, you clear = good value. Ph 0407 450 262
Daniel Joyce - Mowing and Gardening Professional lawn and gardening services with pride. Hedge trimming, ride-on & push-mowing, whipper-snipping, pruning, organic weed control. Ph: 0429 999 613 E:dan@joycemowing.com.au Follow us on facebook.
DE Griffiths Plumbing and Gasfitting QBCC 1066038
All domestic and commercial Plumbing, Gasfitting, Pump maintenance, Gas / Solar / Electric Hot Water, Drain Clearing, Backflow and Pool maintenance. Call David on 0408 076 403. No callout fees.
Xavier Maleny Water (Fb) Specialist in tailer-made water filtration systems. Supply, installation & maintenance of: filtration systems, pumps, tanks & irrigation. Domestic and Rural. Contact Xavier on 0402 528 560
Get your business noticed for only $33.00 per edition (Six month minimum) Contact Karen Muir today Mobile: 0414 432 423
Phone: Email:
07 5499 9049 karen@ hinterlandtimes.com.au
HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
travels with ... Brenda Bolton
A mysterious island Maleny resident, Brenda Bolton, and her husband recently visited the mysterious and unique Easter Island, and thought HT readers would like to know more about this special place.
BoUt 3700 KMs off the coast of Chile in south America lies the most remote inhabited island in the world, easter island or Rapa Nui, a UNesCo World Heritage site. this island has belonged to Chile since 1888, but it's believed the first inhabitants arrived from east Polynesia around 400 Ad, though some reports say it was much later. the name, easter island, was given to it by dutch explorers in honour of their arrival at easter, 1722. there are almost 5000 people living here now, 3400 of them in the small 'capital' called Hanga Roa. However, the population is increased by groups of tourists whose number grows year by year. the tourists all come to admire what easter island is famous for: it’s almost 1000 huge stone 'heads' called Moai. they average four metres in height and weigh about 14 tons. Actually, they are not just heads, but have torsos and bodies buried over time in sediment and rocks. Nearly half of them can still be seen in the quarry called Rano Raruku. the Moai stand on megalithic platforms called ‘ahu', of which there are more than 300. they face inland, often near underground water sources. easter island has no rivers or streams and no trees. it's a magical place of bare green hills, surrounded by beautiful bright blue sea. it measures just 24 by 12kms.
Maleny Meals On Wheels
Roster august 2019 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 44
V. & V. Carbery d. Williams, M. Gibney J. Glasscock B. Crozier, J. Holden Y. Richards, M. Closkey M. Foster, M. Marshall C. o’Neill, R. Groves J. Allison, F. stevens C. Waldron, M. Whiteley L. tilley d. somerville, s. Marchant B. Perry, R. Gatehouse M. Foster, A. Gilpin M. & J. Benn L. & P. schaffer R. & e. Robinson B. & B. Richards M. & G. Cross t. Petrie J. & e. Atkinson tBA B. Nixon
HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
Right: A row of Moai makes an impressive sight Below: Moai are said to carry the spirit of the ancestors, especially if their eyes are inserted Below right: There are no rivers, streams or trees on Easter Island
But why are there no trees? theories abound. even back in 1774 James Cook visited the island and commented on the absence of trees and the few canoes. Was the wood all used up for the making of houses, or for fires to burn the dead? Was it slash and burn agriculture, or were all the palm nuts and saplings eaten by a plague of rats? Most controversial of all, were the trees used to roll along the heavy statues, and transport them all over the island? However, it seems more probable that the tall statues were 'walked' along using lots of balancing ropes and many men. our guide told us confidently that the statues walked, as if they had a magic power. indeed, they are said to carry the spirit of the ancestors, especially if their eyes are inserted. Few today have eyes. Many are lying where they fell during transport or where they were toppled by rival groups of natives. internal conflicts amongst the islanders were common, it seems.
o, HeRe’s tHe tHiNG. i have felt for a long time now that our role as humans on this planet is one of stewardship. instead we seem to be recklessly plundering large chunks of nature for the sake of jobs and money. We all seem to need jobs and money, but above and beyond that, we need fresh air, clean water, and non-toxic, nutritious food. there doesn’t seem to be another habitable planet anywhere nearby, so this is basically it. in galactic terms we are a tiny, unique bubble existing in a perfect balance of gases. A flipping miracle right? i read recently that in the next five years another 1 million species of
the population was devastated by famine, disease, cannibalism, and civil war. Peruvian slave raiders abducted about half of the people or more. Many more were killed or died of diseases such as tB and smallpox. When the island was taken over by Chilean sheep farmers, the final few inhabitants were confined to Hanga Roa. the island now enjoys peace and relative prosperity, thanks to tourism, though some people still protest against the heavy hand of Chile. We stayed for four nights in a modest and simple hotel called Lorana, but there are now many more hotels to suit all pockets. We found the island and its stone 'heads' fascinating and mesmerizing. it's a long way to travel, but well worth it. If you have travel stories and photos to share, please email editor@hinterlandtimes.com.au
lifeforms will become extinct. this is getting serious. We need to move beyond labels like hippy, polluter, greenie, fascist, Queenslander, New south Welshman and understand that we are all part of one very influential species and that if we are not careful we could also be slated for extinction within a few generations. A few people seem to read this About that tree article, a fact for which i am humbly grateful, so i thought i would use it to plant this seed of an idea in the hope that someone smarter than me can help my vision of a healthy planet become a reality.
Follow ‘aboutthattree’ on Instagram, & Tony Wootton Tree Surgeon on Facebook
mungo maccullum
Hollow Men N
eWsPoLL HAs eMeRGed from its grotto and scoMo’s troops are cheering. the honeymoon has kicked in, and how. their messiah has given them a convincing cushion, one that should maintain them in comfort for many months, if not years. Forget those constant predictions of doom and gloom that their bible warned of in the past – those were all wrong. this time the truth has been revealed. Break out the bubbly. Well, they may be right – there is little doubt that the election has put the coalition on top, and Morrison at the very summit. Whether the punters are really celebrating, or simply relieved that the whole ghastly business is over for three years (barring, of course, deaths, defections and byelections) may be questioned, but who cares. the point is that their man has assumed an unlikely dominance, an authority to do just about anything he likes. it’s just a pity that he actually does not want to do anything much except gloat, sloganeer, and create wedges for his opponents. A serious politician – dare one suggest a statesman – would use the opportunity for a real agenda of reform. He could transform the tax system rather than simply handing out loot for his mates. He could move on energy, finally merging economics and science in genuine action on both power prices and climate change. He could fix the health system, ending the death spiral of private insurance to provide an effective national system. He could move decisively to end the cruelty Peter dutton inflicts on Nauru and Manus. He could even embrace the Uluru statement from the heart and take a decisive step towards the great goal of reconciliation. And those are just for starters. that would be the approach of a real prime minister with guts and vision – a Gough Whitlam, a Bob Hawke, a Paul Keating, even a John Gorton. But, of course, scoMo won’t, because he is not a real prime minister. He is a failed tourism marketeer who ended up as a political apparatchik as second best, and then schemed and manoeuvred himself to become what even he tacitly admitted was an accidental leader.
He is the apex – or rather the nadir – of a process by which Australian politics has collapsed to its lowest ebb in living memory, a power game devoid of principle and concentrated solely on winning at all costs – what Graham Richardson called “whatever it takes.” it was not always thus. there was a time not all that long ago when the vast majority of candidates for office stood because they really believed they could serve the national interest. Many if not most were genuinely idealists, hoping their high-minded ideas could lead to policies that could enhance the well-being of a country they cherished. inevitably, the hard slog of realpolitik chewed up and spat up a large number; the long climb up the greasy totem poll from branch meetings to cabinet rank turned them world weary and cynical – playing the game became an end in itself. But the survivors were men and women of substance. And they survived at least partly because they had wider horizons than their party rooms. they did not see themselves as cradle to grave politicians – people who had dabbled in other jobs designed primarily to advance their own interests. they worried about policy more than politics. it is worth remembering that the founder of the modern Liberal Party, the sainted Robert Menzies, was acutely aware of the distinction between the elected members of the parliament and the backroom machine men. indeed, he made it a cardinal rule to block pre-selection from those who sought to breach the divide. in the cricketing parlance he loved, there were the gentlemen – the amateurs willing to face the risks and rewards office – and the players, the professionals who staffed the organisational wing. But when he left, the walls were broken down – nowadays a year or two in the backroom is considered the norm, a step towards the leather benches in Canberra rather than an impediment. And so, we have ended up with scott John Morrison, the ultimate hollow man. of course, we can’t go back to the Menzies era, and only the terminally nostalgic and delusional would want to. But political progress needs to be tempered with caution and wisdom if it is not to be swamped by what is now known euphemistically as unforeseen consequences and
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collateral damage. the most obvious of these have been not the internet, the social media that have become a convenient scapegoat for just about everything, but the rise of the leeches and parasites who rode on the back of the changed environment – the pollsters, the spinners, the touts and spivs who thrive on one liners, gotcha moments and gutter-trawling masquerading as research, to offer what they call revelations of character – usually hopelessly out of context and invariably long out of date. this has demeaned not only Australian politics, but the basis of elected government to the extent that a growing section of the population is querying the worth of democracy itself. And as the demands for a strong leader to cut through the checks and balance of the Westminster system increase, mountebank politicians like Morrison and dutton respond with enthusiasm. they revel in the idea that they can bypass the cabinet, the party, the parliament itself. they force through authoritarian measures in the name of the catch all of national security, and assume untrammelled power in their personal fiefdoms. And all of this to a well-orchestrated chorus from the backbench of “on the side of Australians” – a trope so derisory that even The Australian found it risible. And in this case Newspoll is part of the problem. And, of course, it is utterly meaningless. Asking the punters who they would vote for next week when they are still getting over the last election can only elicit the response, come back and ask us in 2022. the only thing that can be elicited from last week’s figures is that most people have not yet had time to get pissed off with Morrison, and either don’t know or don’t care about Anthony Albanese. that is, if the polling is even believable – a highly dubious proposition after the fiasco of May 18. And making it headline news in the national daily only demonstrates what a travesty our democracy has become. Australian politics is no longer a contest of ideas – it is a game show. The views expressed in Mungo's column are his and not necessarily the views of the HT team.
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what’s on
Please email your community events with subject heading What's On to: editor@hinterlandtimes.com.au 17
Maleny Community Centre Open Day, 9.30am - 2pm
Motor Neurone Disease Fundraiser, Melony Brest’s drag Queen Bingo, Maleny showgrounds Pavilion, 6.30pm, facebook.com/events/872803579751613 or call Jared: 0448 943 481
Sconetime with organiser Martin Duncan of Sunshine Coast Foodie, and Libby Dalrymple of Elizabeth & May Cakes in Montville
Aglow Sunshine Coast, 9.30am at Flame tree Baptist Church hall, 27 Coes Creek Road, Burnside, contact Melva 5443 5752 or dorothy 5476 4190 Make your own musical instrument, Mapleton Community Library, 10, children up to 10 years, plus stories and song Recyclerama, Maleny showgrounds, 7.30am - 3pm, $5 adults, free for kids, visit: recyclerama.com.au, or call Lynda: 0410 511 635
Landscape Band, Mooloolah Public Hall, 6pm, details: trybooking.com/eventlist/landscapebandtour
The Curated Plate: dining Under the stars, long table at Flaxton Gardens, 5.30pm, visit: thecuratedplate.com.au/events
Qigong Shibashi, Maleny Neighbourhood Centre, 17 Bicentenary Lane, Maleny, on August 20 from 1 - 3pm, phone: 07 5499 9345
Sound of Soul HU song and spiritual Conversation, tewantin CWA Hall 123 Poinciana Ave, 4 - 5.30pm, contact Jennifer: 0429 957 989
Pilliga Rising, Maleny Community Centre, 6pm, $10 ticket, $80 group of 10 via: lockthegate.org.au/pilliga_rising_maleny
Lyndon Davis shares traditions, 11 - 11.30am, free, Maroochy Regional Bushland Botanic Gardens, Arts and ecology Centre ph: 5475 7272
Our People, Our Place, 6pm, old Ambo, 80 Howard street, Nambour, free, details: Facebook/oldAmbulancestation
The Soul Movers, Bison Bar, C-square Courtyard, 52-64 Currie street, Nambour, 3pm, tickets $23, visit: thebisonbar.com/live-entertainment
A Village Wedding Expo Montville, 9.30am - 3.30pm
Timeless - Tenori, Maleny Arts Council Winter Festival, 2pm, Maleny Community Centre, book via: malenyartscouncil.com or group bookings John Marsden 5494 2584
Spoken Word Masterclass, suncentral, 9 Golf street, Maroochydore, featuring Melanie MumumggurrWilliams, 6pm, ticket details: horizonfestival.com.au/thebunker
Inventing Tomorrow documentary, 7pm, Majestic Cinemas, C-square, Nambour, tickets: adult $18, concession $16, child $14
Elly Hoyt, 7.45 - 9.45pm, Bison Bar, C-square Courtyard, 52-64 Currie street, Nambour
Right to Harm, 7pm at Majestic Cinemas, C-square, Nambour, tickets: adult $18, concession $16, child $14
30-1 Maleny Music Festival, Maleny showgrounds, visit: malenymusicfestival.com or call 54942121 31
Bunker Spoken Word Grand Final, imperial Hotel – the Brewery, 1 etheridge street, eumundi, Melanie Mumumggurr-Williams, 2pm, ticket details: horizonfestival.com.au/thebunker
Capernaum, 7.15pm, Maleny Film society, Maleny Community Centre, tickets at the door or via tix.malenyfilmsociety.info
Father’s Day
Palmwoods Spring Harvest begins, running for two weeks
Enchanted Dawn, a flute and harp recital, 4pm, Montville Village Hall., tickets:trybooking.com/BdsZF
Nambour Garden Club, Uniting Church Hall Nambour, 8.30am coffee, meeting 10am, info Karel: 0490 415 067
Wellbeing in the park, Maleny Neighbourhood Centre, 17 Bicentenary Lane, 10am – noon, free Bungarribee quartet, Homegrown Cafe, 6pm, entry $10, details via Facebook, Homegrown Cafe Palmwoods
Sconetime, Montville Village Hall, 10am, tickets $10, trybooking.com/BeiMZ or call Martin to reserve your space 0473 902 261
7-14 Limited/Abundant exhibition, tin shed (behind Homegrown Café, Palmwoods), 6.30am - 4pm,
Sound of Soul HU song and spiritual Conversation, Maleny Neighbourhood Centre 17 Bicentenary Lane (off Coral st), 6 - 7.30pm, contact Jennifer: 0429 957 989
Lydia Fairhall, 8.30pm Bison Bar, C-square Courtyard, 52-64 Currie street, Nambour, free entry
Spoken Word beginners workshop, UsC, tutorial Room C1.40, 2 - 4pm, ticket details: horizonfestival.com.au/thebunker
Bunker Spoken Word Series, Heat 2, 6pm, sarah’s Unplugged, 31 Maple street, Maleny, Huda Fadlelmawla LiVe, ticket details: horizonfestival.com.au/thebunker
Laughter Yoga, Maleny Lane, 10am, $5 donation, bookings: 0447 220 645
Life Drawing with Kim Lang, 6-8pm, Maleny Community Centre Verandah Room, $25 per session, $95 four sessions
Piano Tuition
Make Your Own Furniture workshop
experienced teacher – all levels experienced accompanist – exams, concerts and rehearsals Dee Steele: 0413 253 193
one-day workshops making funky functional furniture. identify suitable materials and create your own unique piece using simple wood-working tools. Materials and lunch included $175. Gift vouchers. Phone Richard: 5422 9291 www.richardknightwoodworks.com.au
Singing Lessons - Hinterland Singing Studio experienced singing teacher in Maleny, covering all styles and abilities. Relaxed easy going environment. Contact Tobias on: 0451 958 343 for more information www.hinterlandsinging.com
Precision Yoga tues & Fri mornings 6:15-7:45am Begin the day positively with precise Asanas, Pranayama & Meditation, starts 20th & 23rd August Mapleton Community Hall $10 per class Jeffrey: 5445 7994
HiNteRLANd tiMes – AUGUst 2019
Belli Community Hall Country Dance, 7.30pm for an 8pm start, visit: bellihall.com.au
Hinterland Events January: Australia day celebrations; Maleny Film Festival; Yandina Ginger Flower and Food Festival February: Montville: Flame Hill Grape stomp April: ANZAC day services, sunshine Coast Ukulele Festival
tuition and workshops
Bunker Spoken Word Series, Heat 1, solbar, 10 oceans street, Maroochydore, Loki Liddle LiVe, 6pm, ticket details: horizonfestival.com.au/thebunker
‘No Cigar’ Mountain Sessions, Mapleton Bowls Club, 2 - 6pm
The Australian Voices, Maleny Arts Council Winter Festival, 2pm, Maleny Community Centre, book via: malenyartscouncil.com or group bookings John Marsden 5494 2584
No Dress Code Required, 7pm at Majestic Cinema, C-square, Nambour, tickets adult $18, concession $16, child $14
Sound of Soul HU song and spiritual Conversation, Kawana island Meeting Place, Parrearra (off Kawana Way), 9.30am - 12.30pm, contact Jennifer: 0429 957 989
African and Latin Drumming with Natalie @ Upbeat Rhythms. Private lessons /Group workshops. All levels welcome. Adults & Kids. Gift vouchers available. Bookings / inquiries: 0437 603 213 natsdrum@bigpond.net.au www.facebook.com/upbeatrhythmsnat
Make your Workshop a Success From as little as $33 an issue, list your workshop under tuition and Workshops banner. Phone: 5499 9049 or email advertising@hinterlandtimes.com.au
May: Maleny Wood expo; Cross Country: Maleny Community Precinct; Maleny Hospital Auxiliary Fashion and Flowers; Maleny Agricultaral show; the Planting Festival, Woodford June: Gardening on the edge; Kenilworth Quilt & Craft show; sunshine Coast Agricultural show; Kenilworth Food Fest July: Muscle on the Mountain day; QLd Mx Nationals Motorcross: Conondale; Queensland Garden expo; Maleny Wedding Festival and the Mary Valley Art Festival August: Maleny Music Festival; Village Wedding expo Montville September: Mitchell Creek Rock n Blues Fest; Kenilworth ArtFest; Kenilworth show and Rodeo; Lions Welcome dinner: Maleny October: Mountain View Challenge; Heart of Gold Film Fest: Gympie; Blackall 100, Mapleton November: Mary River Festival December: Woodford Folk Festival
HiNteRLANd tiMes â&#x20AC;&#x201C; AUGUst 2019
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