1 minute read


Attitude is like a pair of glasses.

It’s the lens in which we view the world and a part of the filtering system in which we perceive and decide in the world.

The incurably optimistic people see life through rose-tinted glasses. We all have that “one” friend, don’t we? Everything is fluffy ducks, rainbows and mung beans, yet unfortunately this is a subjective view.

And I’m sure you also know old mate grizzle guts, the pouting pessimist who squints through dark gloomy glasses, and everything “always” happens to him, also what we call a subjective view or a subjective bias - “stinking thinking”!

Both individuals can observe the same event and see it in two very different lights, having an inability to be neutral, objective, see the benefits and opportunities, and the setbacks and drawbacks of any said event.

Our thinking directly influences our feelings and emotions, which immediately determine how we act, talk, respond or react, or for a sportsman or professional, swiftly impacts performance.

Dave Winfield once said, "So many players enter the game with the same skills, the difference is not aptitude but attitude.

“Your attitude more than your aptitude will determine your altitude, how high you go, how far you climb as you scale this valley of mountains we call life.” jamiemilnemindgym.com.au

Here is a short exercise, to establish objectivity in your perception, which will give you more resilience, empathy, energy, and dissolve a lot of resentment and frustrations.

When you encounter a negative event, or a setback, or drawback, hold yourself accountable to find at least 10-30 benefits, opportunities or positives.

Alternatively, if you encounter a positive event, look to find balance for finding the setbacks, drawbacks in that particular opportunity.

So remember the glasses are tinted, take them off and see the true colours of a situation. By doing this, we can become centred and focused, we can remove distraction and see the event objectively for what it truly is.

This way we can see more clearly the best approach, the best resolution or the best outcome as we climb our own mountains.

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