1 minute read
mind to all of the possibilities and don’t limit yourself. Give yourself the freedom to dream. Then begin to create your vision board by gathering your “dream” materials (magazines, glue, scissors, photo’s, a board, pins etc) and use them to start creating your unique collage. Now imagine and dream, and find the images to accompany them. And remember these can be created anytime of the year.
There’s a beautiful activity that I do regularly that helps bring about my dreams. It’s creating a vision board that helps you zoom out and imagine your life from a bigger picture. It allows you to dream big, bigger than you ever have before because of the power of envisioning that creates a visual realisation of what you want to achieve.
I love creating vision boards because they keep my focus on what I desire and it opens the door to dreaming. I encourage you to try it, and I believe once you have you’ll love it and look forward to doing it as much as I do - and you’ll be amazed at the results.
When you’re ready, open your