The Green Issue

Page 1

July 2010/Issue 34


think. what you can be


Before they disappear p24


Cool uses for old stuff p12 SMART STYLE

gear p28 Great green gadgets &



• Join the HIP2B2 iTHINK Challenge • Get paid to save the world • Calculate your Carbon footprint

CoverJULYfinal.indd 1

2010/07/01 3:29 PM

means BIG NEWS! completely open source, which used for


ed’s letter right? another colour, Green. It’s just much more so s it’ all know Yeah right … we all need to be if n is the way we than that. Gree keep living in it. rld and want to we love our wo as you think. – it isn’t as hard And don’t worry P2B2 is here to of is eco-issue HI th e us ca Be iz on ? hy W art, take our qu fy your life. To st ni ee Then gr u g. in yo do lp he e already t how well you’r ou nd rhero. fi d pe su an ’s 8 pg me Earth out how to beco d stuff ol ur yo rn read on and find – you can tu ys wa of s ad lo e There ar can get an ecouff (pg 12), you calculate into cool new st 20) and you can friendly job (pg 26). g (p t in pr your carbon foot in is rld wo ul This beautif le nd ha t’s Le our hands. it with care.

e is ared and re This magazin be copied, sh n as ca it de si you name it – all the stuff in ects, posters, oj pr 2 and don’t – t an w ) 2B anything you al source (HIP . edit the origin cr u for more info yo m as co 2. ng lo www.hip2b it H it. om fr make money

Science, technology, entrepreneurial skills and maths (STEM) – what do they have to do with green? Actually, a lot! Basically, the way many of us humans live puts huge stress on the Earth, so we need to be smart and figure out ways of doing things differently. Simple solutions of all shapes and sizes come from applying what you know and continue to learn about STEM. YOU, as an individual, have the potential to change things on a massive scale, so we’re inspiring you to unleash that brilliance! We want to see your name in lights one day … so read on! - CATHRYN


HIP2B², pioneered owned by BSquar by Mark Shuttleworth, is a trade e Communicatio mark ns (Pty) Ltd. under the Creative magazine is licensed vecommons. d, the content of the Unless otherwise note view a copy of this license, visit http://creati your name 0.• 201 Ltd ) (Pty ca 2.5. To er to include Communications Alike License, South Afri • SMS RULES: Rememb munications (Pty) Ltd © copyright BSquare re • Sha ONS cial DITI mer CON Com & Non TERMS tion on this license, visit rmation on competition rules, BSquare Com to us, the following rules Commons Attribution k za/. For further informa info submission of your wor org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/ – free minutes don’t apply. • For further nt or R1 .com. CONTENT: On the at permission of your pare oses rged cha are s please visit www.hip2b2 you are representing that you have the ys, SMS. All SMS for purp r awa you give in and ame ews surn and mission nse to use your work s on revi sub lice a rule ree ing the lty-f mak and r roya by you tent able then se con • If you are under 18 uare Communications (Pty) Ltd an irrevoc purpose, and which allows us to re-licen or trademarks, paid-for k this sions will be published. BSq apply: • Not all submis mission. • You grant to the publisher and t to adapt the work for license. • You shall not submit the same wor all righ the ude incl ll e a sub h sha guardian to make the azine and for digital communication, whic that you still own the copyright but give us the publication of your work. • You will mak re whe r is of publication in the mag ative Commons license. What this means web-based, for a period of 12 months afte not copied from other sources, except that or Cre and ted any er own prin r und ther you ed. be sion whe tion, mention ed will submis be lica t mitt pub sub mus k ther wor rces ano All sou to • k . all wor ects law, a substantially similar k submitted by you is accurate in all resp other sources as permitted by copyright wor efforts to ensure that n from or is based on information taken from take n bee has k wor r you

01_Masthead+LetterNEW.indd 3

Jane Eagar | | | Group art director Editor Janna Joseph era | Educational consultants WordwiseLtd by Publisher Helena Gav behalf of BSquare Communications (Pty) Magazine published on (Pty) Ltd New Media House, 2 1111; Fax 021 417 111 New Media Publishing Town, 8001; Tel 021 417 19 Bree Street, Cape ce – Cape Town 021 417 1111 | ADVERTISING Head offi ctor Aileen O’Brien 021 417 1228; National advertising dire aileen.obrien@newmero | Digital publisher Natalie Dixon | Digital editor Jill Cic TIONS (PTY) LTD BSQUARE COMMUNICA er Cathryn Treasure 2 nag ma l era HIP2B Gen ABC 98 542 LATION PRODUCTION & CIRCUShirley Quinlan | er nag ma | 1214 Production Neilton Adams 021 417 Circulation manager dia Repro Printing Paarl Media, Paarl | Me New ion uct ou 021 417 1276 Reprod wn | pment Martha Dimitri New business develo rk Oaten | Creative director Crispian Bro Finance manager MaLucrezia Wolfaardt Production director S EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR director Irna van Zyl | Editorial development director John Psillos | ent Business developm dget McCarney Managing director Bri the e been taken to ensure While precautions hav , neither the editor, publisher accuracy of informationing can be held liable for any nor New Media Publish damages that may arise. inaccuracies, injury or

2010/07/01 2:10 PM


Everybody thinks ... so we decided to create a cool competition that will challenge your brilliant brain. It’s called iTHINK, and it’s happening this month, so turn to page 15 and get involved!

WHAT’S INSIDE: An energy-saving light bulb ...... 6 HOW GREEN ARE YOU? Do this quiz to find out ................... 8

LITTLE GREEN NUMBERS: Calculate your carbon footprint .. 26 SMART STYLE: The coolest green stuff in town ........ 28

st We answer the motio ns. es qu oec n mo com

ge the same as Is climate chan Nope … Global global warming? e world’s

s when th warming happen Climate rature goes up. average tempe itions in s when the cond change happen re, wind, (like temperatu a particular area . d so on) change rain, humidity an

POP CULTURE: Movies, music and more ....... 30

What’s the difference between organic and free-range?

Organic stuff – plants or animal products – is grown without the use of chemicals like pesticides and hormones. ‘Free-range’ applies only to animals, and means they’re allowed access to the outside rather than being kept in cages all day.

Does planting a tree really help?

Trees take in carbon dioxide. Carbon causes global warming, so every tree helps ensure the Earth’s still a comfy place to live. But don’t go planting any tree … an alien tree will overcrowd homegrown plants, so remember: local is lekker. Also, trees release carbon when they die – another good reason to keep our forests alive and well …

Write to HIP2B2, PO Box 440, Green Point, Cape Town, 8051

SUPERHERO MINDWARP: Puzzles and riddles .......... 32

contents 2

bad? Coal is a ‘nonWhy is coal-power which means there’s

source’, renewable energy This nt of it lying around. only a certain amou have u yo real problem is is a problem, but the ses ea rel s energy, and thi to burn coal to make we y wh osphere. That’s carbon into the atm ible. little energy as poss as should try to use

Email us on

SMS ‘HIP’ followed by your thoughts to 32976 R1/SMS. Terms and conditions on pg 1.


NOW YOU KNOW: Your questions answered .. 22

s. T Septem Don’t stres loses on 15 c ly n o e u s fo. our May is for more in m o .c 2 b 2 Hit www.hip


COOL USES FOR OLD STUFF: From trashable to trendy ................. 12 CAREERS: Save the world – and get paid for it! ....................... 20

MAG YETe?d in N W O R U MADE YO he competition that start ber.

FIND THE COOLEST, CRAZIEST FACTS RIGHT HERE AT THE BOTTOM OF EVERY PAGE. First fact: there are no muscles in your fingers.

02_Contents_Etc.indd 2

2010/07/01 6:25 PM

SO, YOU DREAM OF BECOMING... a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher... land surveyor... mining engineer... food technologist... horticulturist... economist... mineralogist... organisation and work study officer... theatre stage manager... financial accountant... IT manager... editor... parasitologist... political scientist... graphic designer....

THE LIST OF POSSIBLE CAREERS IS ENDLESS! And you CAN become whatever you dream! Join the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) on the journey to follow your dream career. We provide loans and bursaries for studies at public universities, universities of technology and Further Education & Training (FET) Colleges. Loans are available for qualifying students for undergraduate degrees. Bursaries are also offered to qualifying students for study in various scarce skills areas such as teaching, social work, accounting and actuarial science, IT, engineering, etc., as well as for the National Certificate (Vocational) at FET Colleges. For more information about the funding available, please contact NSFAS:

CALL 021 763 3232 SMS your question to 32261 [mark it “Hip2B2”] STANDARD SMS RATES APPLY EMAIL VISIT


Picking your brains So you’ve got a beautiful mind, and you just know scientists will want to study it someday. Well, why wait? Visit and register for some simple, safe, and fun (really!) online tests and experiments. You might even have a few experiments of your own to suggest … don’t keep them to yourself. Science needs to know! You can also find out what your name predicts about your future, what the sexiest sport of them all is, and what’s so strange about the Santa Effect (nothing to do with presents, unfortunately). And before you log off, you can analyse yourself and discover a few things you didn’t know about … well, you. It’ll blow your mind – and just maybe put it back together again even better than before.


d. And nds of years ol ings are thousa ild bu y an m l a, In Chin shape, given al ill in amazing st e ar e ar em ell, some of th last so long? W t how did they Bu h. ug ro th they’ve been might be the rice, and this is also loads of e er th a in Ch in around. ildings are still eir reason those bu rice soup to th d adding sticky te ar st e es in The Ch years ago, e about 1 500 e mortar mixtur ies have traditional lim ud ure. Recent st h stronger mixt uc m a g pectin, a in rm fo ssible by amylo ngth is made po re st is th at th shown e rice. at’s found in th g and strong type of sugar th want to grow bi at th gs in ild bu s, rd In other wo like you. their rice – just need to eat all ebuildings


HEAL THE WORLD There are loads of super-smart organisations dedicated to helping our planet survive. Here are three great websites to check out: 1. Click to to get the latest environmental news, as well as a list of organisations that could use your help. You can even sign up for WWF’s International Youth Volunteer Programme. 2. Click to to find out how to recycle everything from paper and plastic to cans, glass and electronic waste (like old computers). 3. For other great volunteer opportunities, register yourself on There’s everything from hanging out at old age homes to planting vegetable gardens to caring for endangered animals! Go ahead – make someone’s day.

nati Smar t kids go inter

o na l

Two months ago, the winners of last year’s Eskom Expo for Young Scientists travelled to San Jose, California, for the Intel Science and Engineering Fair. Danielle Taljaard (from Bethlehem), Keegan Moore (Jo’burg), and Christiaan Kruger and Werner van Zyl (both from Upington) competed against 50 countries for $4 million worth of awards and scholarships. The boys from Upington did especially well, placing 4th in the computer sciences category for teams. Look out for the regionals of this year’s Eskom Expo (ending on 27 August), and the nationals in October.


FACT FILE: Frowning uses 11 muscles, while smiling uses 12. So get happy and give your face a workout.

04_Smart NEWS.indd 2



smart news

The car that super-spy James Bond 2010/07/01 11:08 AM

Just recycle it

The World Cup is over, but you might not have heard about our second champion of the tournament: Nike. This sportswear company sponsored nine teams, including Brazil and the Netherlands. And all their teams were kitted out with shirts made from used plastic bottles. Each shirt used as many as eight plastic bottles, and all in all over 13 million plastic bottles were used – enough to fill 29 football fields! The shirts required 30% less energy to make, and kept players drier and cooler than previous outfits. So everybody won! Well, everyone as far as fashion is concerned …

ROACH RECOMMENDATIONS So you’re thinking of trying a new restaurant for your birthday, so you ask some friends which places they like. Well, congratulations – you’re a bit like a cockroach. New research hints that roaches rely on recommendations from their buddies for their dining choices. In the experiment, hungry cockroaches were released into an area with two essentially identical piles of food. Instead of splitting up into more or less equal groups, most of the roaches fed entirely on one piece of food until it was gone. And the more bugs there were on one piece of food, the longer they’d stay. Okay, so they’re not the coolest creatures to be compared to, but at least they know how to make friends.

Well, school’s in again, which probably means you’ll be doing a lot of reading – whether it’s a setwork book or just a nice novel to chill out with at the end of the day. Unfortunately, many novels are really heavy, and you don’t always want to drag them around. That’s where DailyLit comes in. Registering at this site allows you to get bits of novels emailed directly to you, on days and at times of your choice. You get to choose the font and the length of the bits, and you can read them on your PC, your phone, or any other handy device. And of course, you’re saving paper …




Ever heard of wearable technology? No? Well, you’ve probably got some on you right now (if you’re wearing a watch). But technology and fashion are starting to mix in even more exciting ways. Take the designers at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, who’ve developed jeans that measure your leg movements using embedded sensors. The jeans can tell you exactly how you move and what kind of clothes you should wear. They can also be used by doctors to find out how patients move in day-to-day life so they can give better medical recommendations and exercise programmes. Even more exciting (in a crazy kinda way) is the air guitar shirt developed by CSIRO. It’s embedded with infrared sensors, which can detect the movements of your arms and convert them into actual music. It’s like playing on invisible strings – and don’t stress, the shirt fixes up any lack of talent, so you’re guaranteed to make at least okay music (which is seriously good news for some of us HIP folks). Even celebs are using wearable tech: Rihanna wore an LED gown for her Last Girl on Earth tour in April. We can’t comment on the fashion, but you’ve got to admire her dedication to smartness … Want to find out more about cool wearable tech? Click to

James Bond drove in Goldfinger – a ’64 Aston Martin DB5 – is being auctioned off in October ... and it’s expected to fetch over $5 million! 04_Smart NEWS.indd 3


2010/07/02 2:05 PM

They’re all over your house (we hope!), but do you know how smart energy-saving light bulbs really are? Also known as compact fluorescent lamps (CFL), these brainy bulbs last up to 10 times longer than any other light bulbs and use about a third of the power. This type of bulb creates light without heat. There are four main parts: the base (1), the ballast housing (2), the electronic ballast (3) (basically an electrical circuit) and the glass lamp (4). The base connects to the power socket so electricity can travel into the electronic ballast. The electricity flows into the glass tube via electrodes (5). From here, electrons (6) fire into the glass tube and crash into the atoms of mercury gas (7). This gives the mercury atoms energy, and as they return to less energetic state, the mercury atoms give off invisible ultraviolet (UV) light (8). This UV light collides with the tube’s phosphor coating (9), exciting the phosphor atoms so they give off the white light you see.

DID YOU KNOW? The spiral tube CFL was invented in 1976 by an engineer named Edward E. Hammer. He made it because there was an oil crisis and lamp companies needed to save energy, but it was too expensive to mass-produce. The design eventually leaked out and was made in China to be released commercially in 1995.

Mercury gas (7) Phosphor coating (9) Ultraviolet light (8)

Electrodes (5)

Electrons (6)

Ballast housing (2)

Electronic ballast (3)

an energy-saving light bulb? WARNING! The gas inside the bulb is toxic. If a bulb breaks at home, open the windows to let the gas out before cleaning it up (and don’t touch the pieces). If a bulb just burns out, take it to a recycling station so they can throw it away. Visit to find your local recycling stations.



Glass lamp (4)

To download a digital version of this page, go to Base (1)


FACT FILE: The MetalCell is a portable battery that can make energy from salt water. It can also use your own urine instead of water.

6_Deconstruction.indd 2

2010/07/01 11:35 AM








Do you know the difference between a solar panel and a sunroof? It’s time to find out if you’re an ecohero or an enviro-villain . . .

Which of these cars would you choose to own? a. Something light and zippy that’s low on fuel. b. A hybrid car like a Prius. c. A powerful 4x4.

When you go shopping, how do you carry your loot? a. I try squeeze as much as I can into one bag. b. I take canvas bags with me whenever I go to the mall. c. I get new bags from every store. I love the cool logos.

What do you do with your scrap paper? a. I throw it in the bin. b. I re-use it by writing on the other side, or for my arts and crafts. c.I recycle it, of course. For more tips on how to make your community more green-conscious, hit!


How often do you eat red meat? a. Never. b. Once a week. c. More than three times a week.


How long does your average shower last? a. 10 minutes b. Three minutes – I time myself. c. As long as I want – I love relaxing under the water.

FACT FILE: Red meat and dairy account for five to 10 times more carbon emissions than nuts and grain foods with the same nutritional value.

08_HowGreenAreYouNEW.indd 2

2010/07/01 3:03 PM

24 to 30 points:

ECO-WARRIOR What do you do with your old clothes? a. I throw them away. b. I give them to someone else. c. I store them in the garage.

Where do you get most of your music? a. I buy CDs. b. I download tracks for free from illegal websites. c. I download my music but pay for each track on a legitimate website.


What types of batteries do you use? a. There’s more than one type? b. Rechargeable batteries. c. I try to buy gadgets that can be charged via the USB port on a computer.

Which item of clothing would you rather own? a. A natural cotton or hemp shirt. b. Plastic boots. c. A leather jacket.

When you buy a cooldrink, what type of container do you choose? a. A glass bottle that I’ll return for a deposit. b. A can. c. A plastic bottle (I promise to recycle!)

itional value.

1. a= 2 2. a=2 3. a=2 4. a=1 5. a= 3 6. a= 1 7. a=1 8. a=1 9. a=3 10. a=3

b=3 b=3 b=3 b= 2 b= 2 b=3 b=2 b=2 b=2 b=1


c=1 c=1 c=1 c=3 c=1 c=2 c=3 c=3 c=1 c=2

If you took all the aluminium cans recycled since 1972 — an estimated 1 099 billion — and laid them end to end in a giant can-chain, they’d stretch all the way to the moon and back 174 times.

You’re the planet’s Peter Parker, and the Superman of the solar system. You probably always turn the lights off before you leave home and there’s no doubt you care about animals and nature. You are just the kind of person our planet needs to survive. Don’t be afraid to teach others what you know!

18 to 23 points:

ECO-WANNABE You know quite a lot about being green and have started simple things like recycling. So why not step it up a notch? Use energysaving light bulbs in your bedroom, turn off the TV when you aren’t watching and buy recycled paper for your notes. If we all make these small changes, the effects on the earth will be huge.

17 or less:

ECO-WEASEL Uh-oh. It seems you’ve got a lot to learn about how to care for your environment. The best way to help is to get smart and know why these issues are important, and then to start taking the steps to make a difference. If you want to learn more, keep reading HIP2B2 … or email us for advice!

Paper represents the largest and fastest-growing material in landfills. Those mounds and mounds of rubbish are 55% paper.

08_HowGreenAreYouNEW.indd 3


2010/07/01 11:44 AM


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• Na-mfriendly celemeron Diaz e(co-gadgets Like this onaere


FACT FILE: 19 billion litres of water are used to flush toilets each day.

10_GreenDPSNEW.indd 2

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A glass bottle takes about 4 000 years to decompose. 2010/07/01 12:34 PM


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d on.



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Zac Efron recently arrived at the Teen Choice awards in an eco-limo. These cars reduce your carbon footprint by over 80%. 10_GreenDPSNEW.indd 3


2010/07/01 12:35 PM

Leather wrist-belt What you’ll need:

• An old leather belt • Pair of scissors or utility knife • Heavy-duty press stud(s) • Hammer

What to do:

• Cut a strip that’s as long as the circumference of your wrist plus an extra 4 cm overlap. • Wrap it around your wrist to fit snugly, but comfortably. • Mark the position for the stud and punch a hole at each edge.

CFORoOLDolSTUFFuses Bottle-bottom purse You’ve heard the saying ‘Waste not, want not’, right? So rather than tossing worthless coins aside, drop them in this nifty purse and you’ll soon see how far a few coins can go.

2 d The HIP2B Bran . en re g go to y a is a cool w turn. Reusing old stuff e ... Now it’s your on d ’s it ow h s u ow Ambassadors sh

What you’ll need:

• Two empty plastic cooldrink bottles • Pair of scissors or utility knife • Zipper (the length of the

circumference of the bottle bottoms) • Thick, sharp needle • Thick, strong thread

What to do:

• Cut off the bottoms of

B IS FOR BRACELET Follow these instructions to the letter

Well done to Brand (really!) for a funky keyboard bracelet. Ambassador Chantél Schoeman, What you’ll need: who made An old computer keyboard this funky Flat-tip screwdriver purse. Have you made something

the two bottles and make sure they’re clean and dry. • Poke small holes along the edge of each plastic “cup” using the needle. • Hand stitch the zipper along the edge of the cup, first securing the one side and then the other. • Zip open and let the pennies drop.



cool out of something old? Join the THINK.crew on and tell us about it and you could win a HIP2B2 Bass on Tap.

FACT FILE: Check out what people can do with trash at

12_Cool Uses for old stuffNEW.indd 2

Big up to Brand Ambassador Jan-Cor Wolfaardt, who made these cool wristbands.

• • • A long nail • Pair of pliers • Candle or Bunsen burner • Ribbon • Beads (optional)

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch – a swirling mass of 2010/07/01 12:43 PM



What once went around your waist can now be on your wrist. Here’s how to make a wristband from an old belt.




Old food tins are handy for planting decorative potplants or to give small seedlings a temporary home before they’re planted in the garden.

d sador

ass of

What you’ll need:

• An old pair of jeans • An old belt or neck scarf • A pair of scissors • Measuring tape • Pins, needle and thread • Sewing machine (optional) • Velcro and crafter’s glue

What you’ll need:

• An empty food tin • Enamel paint and

dt, ade ool nds.

brush (optional)



If your jeans are so last year, don’t dump them just yet: you can turn them into a funky handbag.

• Fine gravel • Hand drill • Potting soil • A seedling or seeds What to do:

• Remove the wrapper

What to do:

• Lay the pants flat, with the back

Who’s got green fingers? Must be Brand Ambassador Elisheva Sacks, who made this.

and ensure the tin’s clean and dry. • Paint or decorate the tin and let the paint dry. • Drill a few holes in the base of the tin (for drainage). • Add a layer of gravel and then fill the tin with potting soil. • Plant the seedling or sow the seeds. • Water lightly and place in a spot well lit by natural light. • Marvel at your gift from Nature.


Why just make cool things for yourself when you could take it further and even sell them at your school’s next market day? Hit to find out more.

What to do:

• Remove the key(s) from the

keyboard using the screwdriver. • Clasp the nail with the pliers and heat the sharp tip in the flame for about 30 seconds. Quickly press through each side of the key. • Lace the ribbon through the holes, string some beads on each side and tie to fit around your wrist.

facing you. Cut off the legs, just slightly above the crotch so that you have a straight bottom edge. • Turn inside out and stitch the bottom edges together. • Lace the belt (or scarf) through the belt loops. Buckle the belt as usual (or tie the ends of the scarf into a knot in front). • Measure the desired length of the strap and cut a 5 cm wide strap from the discarded legs. • Tie the strap onto the belt on either side of the bag. • Glue or sew velcro strips along the inside of the top edge. • Sling over your shoulder and hit the town.

Not sure how to make this cellphone pouch? Ask Brand Ambassador Gabriella Camara how she did it. Brand Ambassador Rosie Lomnitz made this clever little bracelet.

Need funky fashion advice? Ask Brand Ambassador Robin Rex, who made this awesome bag.

Another use for old denim

For a handy cellphone pouch, cut out the back pockets, leaving a 2 cm edge all around. Place the pockets’ front sides together and stitch along all edges except the top. Turn inside out (front sides facing outward). Hand-stitch thin velcro strips inside the pockets, fold the top edges of the pouch in, add ribbon for a strap and top-stitch together.

waste and debris in the Pacific Ocean – is twice the size of North America and holds almost 100 billion kilograms of garbage. 12_Cool Uses for old stuffNEW.indd 3


2010/07/01 12:45 PM


Our web world 2 ’ve been saying You’re a part of HIP2B and you te. And we loved websi some awesome stuff on our publish some of it. to d ide dec we t it so much tha

Why Nemo’s dad should have turned into his mom!

Do you find it hard to walk around with that incompressible bottle? Because I do, I was inspired to come up with a solution: how about creating a bottle that can be inflated? This bottle would be made out of plastic that can withstand 100 degrees centigrade, making it easy to drink hot liquids out of it. With a rubber finish it would make it easier to grab as it does not slip easily and it can be placed in the car’s cup holder. It sure would make life a lot easier don’t you think? – Katlego Diale (AKA Neuron)

Finding Nemo has made us all adore clownfish. But these brightly coloured fish carry a very interesting secret. When clownfish are born they have no gender. It is only once they reach sexual maturity – usually a year or two later – that they either become male or female or remain IME? DID WE SeKeaIPrthqT uake that sexually immature (ie genderless). Remember th What determines the gender they Chile? so long ago in assume? Social stimuli. A sexually immature occurred not that rently believe clownfish left alone will remain sexually Scientists appa by emors caused immature or become a female. If a clownfish due to the major tr y! gl (amazin ) matures with another fish, male or female, it the quake, the Earth axis will change gender depending on the pecking managed to shift on its ch hi w order established as the two mature together. so that the day on as Should something happen to the ke occurred w the earthqua ow H dominant male or female, whoever is next ort. actually cut sh in line will take their place, and the other g is that? in az am ng freaki clownfish will assume a gender based Mpuleleng – Reamogetse on the dominant fish’s gender. That sounds (AKA Rea) pretty crazy right?! With all these facts, you’ve got to wonder if Marlin, Nemo’s dad should have We want to hear even more from turned into his mom perhaps ... you, so if you haven’t yet joined – Wynand van Losenoord (AKA Wynand)


the online THINK.crew, get onto and get typing!


FACT FILE: An aluminium can that’s thrown away will still be a can 500 years from now.

12_Cool Uses for old stuffNEW.indd 4


Brand Ambassador Eshed Cohen made a screen saver of a different kind – a real fish! Head on over to to find out how he did it.


Inflatable bottle anyone?

Calling Twilight fans!

What do Rob Pattinson and Brand Ambassador Jan-Cor Wolfaardt have in common? They both have vampire teeth. Jan-Cor made his out of a plastic fork – find out how on

About 70% of the brain consists of fat. 2010/07/01 12:46 PM

e g n e l l a ch

d Technology – rtment of Science an pa De e th by d ste ho 2 (NSW) – out inspiring you National Science Week ration of Science. Because HIP2B is all ab skills, our annual is a countrywide celeb ths, tech and developing entrepreneurial Ma o vinces just before, to love Science an2d als Challenge, takes place across all nine pro 2B2 iTHINK INK can’t make it to the HIP how. u yo event, the HIP2B iTH if en ev d An . st) find out (2-7 Augu during and after NSW win – turn the page to d an ed olv inv t ge ll Challenge, you can sti

15_iThinkNEW.indd 1

2010/07/01 11:51 AM


CROSSING WORDS Do you have what it takes to conquer this crossword? Use the magazine and your brain to find the answers to these clues.

2 What type of sugar gives Chinese buildings their strength? 4 Your carbon footprint is measured in _______ per year. 5 and 23 down: How many years did the longest hiccup attack last? (first word in 5 down, second word in 23 down.) 6 The ______________ is an environmentally friendly coffin, made from recycled paper. 7 ___________ strings were used to make Lucky Dube’s first guitar. 8 What is the name of the sheet of muscle underneath your ribcage? 9 ‘The yellow kid in ____________ flats’ was the title of the first comic-book magazine ever. 11 See 19 across – the second word goes here. 14 What protein can you thank for your gorgeous tan (or blame if you don’t have one)? 16 What type of gas is used inside an energy-saving light bulb? 18 Rearrange these nine letters to find the chemical compound that makes Tabasco sauce hot? panicisac 21 What is full of holes but still holds water? 23 See 5 down – the second word goes here.




1 and 24 across: What’s the hottest chilli pepper in the world? (First word in 1 across, second in 24 across.) 3 What do you call a male rabbit? 10 If you study the interactions between animals and the environment, you are an _____________ . 12 In what movie did James Bond drive a ’64 Aston Martin DB5? 13 What eco-friendly fabric is made from a Japanese leaf? 15 What allows you to float on top of the Dead Sea? 17 What portable battery can run on your own urine? 19 across and 11 down: Who is Hollywood’s greenest celebrity? (First name in 19 across, second name in 11 down.) 20 Cow poo is a great example of ____________ – an organic material that can be used as fuel to produce power. 22 What element does Re stand for in the periodic table? 24 See 1 across – the second word goes here. 25 A newborn baby panda has the same weight as a tub of __________? 26 What animal’s burps are more harmful to our planet than a car’s CO2 emissions? 27 How many muscles are in your fingers?




To reach the next round, you need a password. To get this, unscramble the letters in the yellow blocks to find out the one thing Earth has too much of. If you’re not at the HIP2B2 iTHINK Challenge, SMS ‘HIP’ followed by the password to 32976 to enter a lucky draw.


FACT FILE: In 2006, the French Center for National Space Studies beamed a TV show for aliens at a star that’s 45 light-years from Earth.

15_iThinkNEW.indd 2

2010/07/01 3:01 PM

It sho





5 6 7


9 10

11 12

















25 27

It should reach them in 2051. 15_iThinkNEW.indd 3

The thorny devil, an Australian lizard, can take in water through any part of its body, including its feet.


2010/07/01 1:16 PM

Brand Ambassador Chelsea Tucker really loves being green. That’s why she won the Green Queen award in last year’s Seventeen Top Teen Awards. We tracked her down for a quick chat … What makes you passionate about being ‘green’? I grew up with a dad who was an engineer and a mom who was a ‘hippie’ environmental journalist. As far as eco-friendly development goes, I was told about it after bedtime stories! But the idea of being ‘green’ isn’t just a lifestyle choice for those passionate about saving the planet; it’s going to become the future. With rising petrol and electrical prices, living ‘green’ is becoming the ‘hip’ way to live. If you could change the world in one way, what would it be? Education wouldn’t only be for those who can afford it. Education is key to everything: environmental matters, social issues and even your own life. The more people we have who truly understand the world around them, the better our chances of creating a better life for all.

Babalwa Qaba

18_BAiThink.indd 2

Shahir Essa

Cassie Lister I plan to look at how wind turbines work, how they are being set up in the country and how it will benefit South Africa.

MJ Rosslee and Reghardt Pretorius We plan to build a solar-powered car. We’ve done the research, now we just need someone to do a design for us.

Nicole Bolton I want to focus on the effects of urbanisation on the habitat and population of vervet monkeys.

Keamogetswe Mogosetsi I plan to create a food garden in a less fortunate area around Soweto.


FACT FILE: A whale’s blubber can be up to 50 cm thick.

We’re going to collect as much paper as possible and sell it to recycling centres, so we can donate money to cancer sufferers.

I plan to focus on the state of the Grahamstown water and find ways to fix it. It’s something that needs to be done.

Any advice for green wannabes out there? Chantél Schoeman, Brand The world is a very big place, Ambassador of the Year, 2009 but don’t ever think it’s too I want to raise awareness about big to make a diference. You the importance of protecting don’t have to change the South Africa’s Haernertsburg Grassland, which is home to world today. But you can change the rare Blue Swallow. your world every day! Throw Check out pg 24 for info. away that last bit of litter, switch off the lights, turn For more info on the Brand off dripping taps. It’s the Ambassadors and their projects, simple things that make the get in touch with them on our greatest impact. Facebook fan page.


Zandile Nonabe

Dikeledi Kgomo I want to invent solar-powered robots or a phone for the blind.

I am starting a GOING GREEN initiative, to make learners aware of the environment so we can reduce the factors contributing to global warming sooner rather than later.

Thabang Modiba I wanted to come up with an alternative way of generating electricity, given that the electricity price is rising every day. So I created a salt-water battery.

Carl Coetzee I will be focusing on rhino poaching.

Queen Matsoso I plan to start an Environmental Audit Club.

Nicholas Rawhani I am working on an irrigation system that combines drip irrigation and hydroponics using the capillary action of sand as a pump!


Hail the green queen

Each Brand Ambassador chooses a project for the year – something they’re interested in – to show us how Science Technology, Entrepreneurship and Maths can be used to solve challenges around us. Here’s what some of them are doing …



Ambassadors of GREEN

If you’re in Grade 10 next year and want to be a HIP2B2 Brand Ambassador, email your name, age, school and contact details to

Got a cool fact to share with us? Mail it to us at 2010/07/01 3:06 PM

UNDERSTANDING SCIENCE Do you care about conservation? Are you concerned about global warming? Are you good at mathematics? Would you like to know how to predict future earthquakes and tsunamis? If you have answered yes to all these questions, then a career in science could be an excellent choice for you.

Why Study Science at Wits The Faculty of Science is internationally recognised for its innovative programmes. The study of science opens doors to many exciting careers in diverse fields such as medical research, chemistry, computer science, biotechnology, genetic engineering and environmental sciences. The Faculty of Science is one of the leading faculties in South Africa and has an excellent track record in both teaching and research.

Exciting career opportunities in Earth Sciences Archaeology Impact assessment and rescue archaeology Geography Climatological and oceanographic research, urban planning, geographical information systems (GIS) Geophysics Mineral and hydrocarbon exploration and research, mine safety Geology Mining mineral exploration, geological mapping, environmental earth sciences Palaeontology Industrial research in fuels and biostratigraphy, geological surveying

Exciting career opportunities in Biological & Life Sciences Biochemistry & Cell Biology Environmental and veterinary services, industrial research, manufacture of food stuff, fertilizers, drugs, insecticides, biotechnology Genetics & Developmental Biology Medical diagnosis, Industrial and agricultural research in biotechnology, breeding of plants and animals Microbiology & Biotechnology Industrial research in brewing, wine industry, dairy industry, pharmaceuticals, water purification, petroleum products Plant Sciences, Zoology & Ecology Nature conservation work in national or conservation agencies, private wildlife enterprises

DID YOU KNOW? A team led by Professor Lee Berger, a renowned palaeoanthropologist from Wits recently described and named a new species of hominid, Australopithecus sediba, almost two million years old, which was discovered in the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site. This made worldwide news. Wits gives you the edge

IF YOU LIKE PEOPLE If you worry about what green issues are doing to our health, then you may want to become an environmental health officer. You’ll be doing things like inspecting drinking water in rural areas, controlling the spread of diseases, checking pollution like radioactive waste and pesticides, inspecting industries for problems like asbestos and smog, and making sure the food in restaurants and supermarkets doesn’t make people sick.

What should you study?

You’ll need Science and Maths at school, so you can understand the human body and the stuff that makes it ill. After school you can complete a National Diploma in Environmental Health Science at a university of technology. After that you can also go for a BTech in Environmental Health.

In the future …

As our population grows, we’re going to need specialists who can find eco-friendly ways to treat water, so we all have enough to drink. Companies also need to be watched to ensure they’re not harming the Earth and affecting the jobs of people who live off nature (like fishermen).



save How can



IF YOU LIKE ANIMALS If you’d like to dedicate your life to conserving animals and the earth, then Ecology is a natural choice. Ecologists study the way animals interact with their environment, and look at how humans are affecting the balance. For example, you’ll research how pollution and farming affects animals and their world. Through this research you’ll be able to make sure that animals continue to thrive in their natural environment.

What should you study?

Maths and Science at school are compulsory, as you’ll need them to understand how animals function and to calculate the environment’s effect on populations. After school you can do a BSc majoring in Ecology, Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Soil Science or Geology. You’ll then need to do a BSc Honours degree specialising in Ecology.

In the future …

Conserving our animals and plants is top priority. As cities grow bigger, ecologists will be needed to assess the impact of large-scale constructions … like stadiums for the soccer. As an ecologist you will ensure that your kids’ kids To download will still be able to see wild a digital version of animals and plants in their this page, go to natural environment.

FACT FILE: The world’s smallest dog – called Heaven Sent Brandy – lives in Florida and measures 15,2 cm from nose to tail-tip.

20_Careers.indd 2

2010/07/01 12:04 PM



You don’t have to be Bruce Willis to save the world. And you don’t have to sacrifice your life by hugging a tree just before they chop it down. Just get one of these jobs and you’ll get paid to be a hero!

In 20




ld IF YOU LIKE CARS If you’re crazy about mechanical things, then you will love being an automotive engineer. If you get this job, you’ll design and develop new, advanced cars. You’ll need to love computers because you’ll be using computer-aided design and technology. You’ll also need to be good at finding smart solutions, as that will be a huge part of your job. But the biggest part of your job will be fun – after all, what could be cooler than designing faster, better, greener cars?

What you should study

You’ll need Maths and Science at school, so you can understand and calculate stuff like aerodynamics and acceleration. Technical Drawing is also a

If you’re keen on clothes and drawing and you’re creative, *Sasawashi is a linen-like you’d probably enjoy being an eco-fashion designer. fabric made from a Japanese Fashion designers keep up with all the latest trends and leaf. It contains anti-allergen are often seen in Milan, New York and Paris. Being green and anti-bacterial properties, in fashion comes with extra challenges, though, because so people whose skin itches you’re restricted by the types of fabric you can use. from polyester (so NOT You’ll work with organic cotton and recycled materials eco-friendly) will love to switch (like cotton waste or even used plastic bottles) and you’ll to sasawashi. need to be creative with colour because you can’t use harmful chemicals or bleaches. It certainly isn’t boring though. You’ll get to work with exotic plants like bamboo, sea cell, soya and sasawashi*.

What should you study?

Art at school really helps, and believe it or not so does Maths. You’ll need to measure those fabrics perfectly and have the patterns line up just right. After school, you can study Fashion Design at a university of technology, or you can go to a private college that specialises in Fashion or Textile Design.

In the future …

Eco-fashion isn’t just a passing trend. Furs are out and green is in. New fabrics will continue to be born and more options in colours and weaves are on the brink of your imagination.

AREER: C N E E R r EG A FUTUR arbon Trade

The Cg already happens in

adin l soon be Carbon tr n and wil a p a J d … n it works Europe a re’s how e H . e a t id worldw t limited a issions ge ernment Carbon em l by a gov e v le s m u axim Companie certain m nisation. a rg o in l a a rt n tio a ce or interna es to emit bonus. After school you can do an Engineering en licenc iv g e that go s n o e h th T are degree, specialising in Mechanical Engineering. ioxide. d n o rb a c f dits from amount o st buy cre u m it m li over their emit less. finance nies that a p m o c ou’ll help y r There are already many eco-friendly cars, from e d a tr on As a carb ce carbon diesel hybrids to models that run off vegetable can produ t a th , a wind ts c proje r example o F oil. In the future it’s predicted that all . ll e s ositive credits to cars will be electric. This means you’ll produce p a farm can , dits then plug your car in overnight and carbon cre waste s p m u d t tha use that charge to drive the company these y u s has to b next day. Engineers haven’t ing. on landfill rk o w arry on c to yet found a way to build up s it d cre pands trading ex Need more advice on the enough charge to travel very As carbon e world, coolest careers? Head on over e rest of th th far (or very fast) this way. But e th to in w to to and check t could gro maybe you’re the genius who the marke out a day in the life of real 0! 5 0 2 y illion b will find the solution … heroes and heroines. R3 500 b

In the future …


In 2008, an engineer and sailor from New Zealand, Peter Bethune, used his own liposuctioned fat to fuel the world’s fastest eco-boat. 20_Careers.indd 3


2010/07/01 6:09 PM

Not exactly … but it's made of the same stuff. The main ingredient of pepper spray is capsaicin – a chemical compound that's also found in red-hot chilli peppers (the food, not the band). This is the reason your nose runs and your tongue feels like it's about to explode whenever you sink your teeth into a chilli or put too much Tabasco sauce on your Mexican pizza. The Scoville Scale, which measures the 'hotness' of things containing capsaicin, rates Tabasco sauce at about 5 000. Pepper spray, meanwhile, measures an eyewatering 5 000 000 … making it a thousand times more burny The hottest pepper in the than super-hot sauce! Eish. world, the Naga Jolokia


from the spicy forests of India, has a Scoville Rating of 1 000 000!

w o kn

Does holding your breath really stop hiccups? – Anonymous

There’s no scientific proof either way, but – hic! – it’s worth – hic! – a try. Hiccups happen when your diaphragm (the sheet of muscle that runs across the bottom of your ribcage) goes into spasm. Every spasm (or sudden tightening) pushes air into your lungs, forcing your epiglottis (the flap in your throat which makes sure food goes down to your tummy and air goes down to your lungs) to slam shut … which is what makes that hiccup sound. By holding your breath you’re really just controlThe longest hiccup attack, ling how the air gets according to the Guinness into your lungs … and Book of World Records, is that helps your – hic! – 68 years by Charles Osborne epiglottis settle down.

DID YOU KNOW? (1922 to 1990)


Why does the sun lighten my hair, but darken my skin? – Stuart Carmichael-Green, Grade 9

It all has to do with a protein called melanin and the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Melanin is a dark pigment (like a dye) that protects your hair and skin from UV damage … and gives you a tan. UV light destroys the melanin in your cells, and because your hair is dead it can’t replace the proteins. So as the melanin gets broken down, your hair gets lighter. Your skin, on the other hand, is alive, so when the melanin is broken down, your cells just make more to protect your skin from further damage. This causes your skin to darken. Just remember, though: Visit our Facebook page and too much sun exposure can ask your own questions, or even damage your skin, so don't answer other people's. We just might publish your stuff overwork your poor melanin … in a future issue.

Ask or answer a question



– Conrad Brand, Grade 8

Looking for answers to life’s great mysteries? Then you’ve come to the right place.


FACT FILE: Hate mosquitoes? Be glad you weren't around millions of years ago, when they were three times the size they are today.

22_Q&A.indd 2

2010/07/01 2:33 PM


THINGS TO SAVE B r ings disappea s. th e m o s s s e Thank goodn its and braces and hiccup r. ez over time. Lik w that should stay foreve a fe But there are lp they just might . . . he And with your

1 2 3 4 Nemo’s playground is under attack. Almost a fifth of the world’s coral reef has already died and if we don’t get our act together, half of all reefs may be gone by 2050! Coral reefs play an important role in marine ecosystems because they shelter many fish that are food for other fish. Barrier reefs also protect island beaches from the waves. Fishing, pollution, storms and warming sea water all make life on the reef tough. HOW YOU CAN HELP: Coral reefs are right here in SA – in fact, the world’s southernmost coral reefs are found at Sodwana Bay. To keep them safe, watch what you put in your fish tank. Very few tropical sea fish breed in captivity, so most are fished directly from the reefs.



Riverine rabbits

Wild grasses cover almost a third Okay, so it probably won’t be the of South Africa and are home to worst thing ever if there weren’t many animals and plants. They any riverine rabbits left in a couple support rivers and wetlands, help of years. But it will surely be sad, prevent soil erosion and let water because they’re really, really cute. seep into the ground after rains. Riverine rabbits are found only in They also help grow healthy crops, the Karoo and at the last count which keep our tummies full. But only about 250 breeding pairs they’re under attack thanks to were left. These rabbits are urban development, bad farming threatened mostly by habitat loss methods and over-mining. and illegal hunting. HOW YOU CAN HELP: Help Brand HOW YOU CAN HELP: Look out for a Ambassador Chantél Schoeman rabbit with long ears, fluffy brown spread the word. Her HIP2B2 fur, a white ring around the eyes project aims to raise awareness and a cheeky black moustache. about the Haenertsburg If you spot one, call the Grassland. Get in touch Endangered Wildlife FAST FACT with Chantél on the Trust on 011 486 A male riverine Facebook fan page or rabbit is called a 1102 to help buck and a female give the bunnies visit her profile on is called a doe. some space.


Gorillas are, after chimpanzees, our closest ape relatives. But while our family booms, theirs is shrinking. Only about 700 mountain gorillas and 300 cross river gorillas are left in the wild in central Africa. Unfortunately gorillas live in an area with lots of stuff humans want, like big trees, gems and metals. This means their habitat is fast being destroyed so humans can take what they want. As if this weren’t bad enough, many gorillas are also victims of poachers who kill them for food and money. HOW YOU CAN HELP: Look after your cellphone. Coltan, a metal used in electronic products like cellphones, is mined in central Africa. Rising demand has destroyed vast acres of gorilla habitat.


Coral reefs

FACT FILE: Panda cubs weigh about as much as a small tub of yoghurt when they’re born and are 900 times smaller than their moms.

24_8Things.indd 2

2010/07/01 3:13 PM

The D




5 6 7 8 Fynbos

Here’s another thing the Brits can be jealous about. The Cape floral kingdom boasts six times more plant species than the entire British Isles – nogal in an area 3,5 times smaller – and almost 70% of the plant species found here aren’t found anywhere else in the world. Fynbos is more than just pretty flowers: it prevents soil erosion, uses water wisely and creates a home for pollinators like butterflies and bees. Sadly, over 1 700 fynbos species may be on the brink of extinction, largely because of fires, invasion by alien plants and urban development. HOW YOU CAN HELP: Watch where you braai. Uncontrolled fires at the wrong time have destroyed huge areas of precious fynbos.


Albatrosses are majestic seabirds that soar high above the oceans. But their numbers have taken a dive in recent years, and 18 of the 22 species now face extinction Bait on long fishing lines looks like tasty bites to albatrosses, but when diving down the birds often get caught on the hooks, drawn underwater and drowned. Many fishermen are helping to protect them by casting their lines at night, dyeing bait blue or adding alarms that scare the birds away. HOW YOU CAN HELP: Look out for the Marine Stewardship Council logo when your mom buys fish. It’s a sign of environmentally responsible fishing methods.

Leatherback turtles

If you want to make more of a difference, hit for a list of websites that’ll help you help the Earth.

Western leopard toads

Although sea turtles have survived Even slimy characters need on Earth for around 100 million help. Like western leopard toads, years, the tide has turned. Of the which are only found around Cape estimated 2 300 adult leatherback Town and in a small area in the Overberg. Although they can live females left in the Pacific Ocean, 60 nest on beaches along the in your garden, they hop over to nearby vlei areas once KwaZulu-Natal coast. FAST FACT Leatherbacks keep The biggest ever a year to breed. Many leatherback don’t make it to the party jellyfish numbers measured 256 cm though, because they get in check, which and weighed squashed by cars or find prevents too many fish 916 kg. that their breeding sites larvae being eaten by the wobbly blobs. But have been taken over by alien leatherbacks’ appetite may be the plants and fish. reason they’re dying: plastic litter HOW YOU CAN HELP: Listen to the drifting around the sea looks a snore of a western leopard toad lot like jellyfish and many turtles at choke when they try to eat them. If you can hear it near your home, HOW YOU CAN HELP: Dump litter in contact the conservation group the bin, not on the beach. on 082 516 3602.

The Dead Sea is about five times saltier than the ocean. The high salt concentration is the reason you can float on the surface. 24_8Things.indd 3


2010/07/02 2:03 PM



1. Multiply your personal monthly electricity bill by 105. Ask your parents for their monthly electricity bill and divide the total by the number of people in your house to work out your contribution to the bill. Then multiply this number by 105.

2. Multiply your monthly water bill by 105. As in step 1, divide the water account by the number of people in your house, then multiply this by 105.


____________ x 105 = ________

3. Multiply total kilometres you drive (well, get driven) in a year by 0,4 Think about every time you’re in a car – getting to school, and so on. Ask your parents to use their speedometer to measure each distance in kilometres. Add it all up to work out approximately how many kilometres you travel in a month, then multiply it by 12. Finally, multiply this number by 0,4.


_________ x 12 x 0,4 = __________

4. Multiply the number of flights you take in a year: by 1 100 if you fly for four hours or less, or by 4 400 if you fly for more than four hours. If you never fly, this value stays at zero.



t n i r p t o o f n o b car

____________ x 105 = ____________

__________ x 1 100 = ___________ OR __________ x 4 400 = ___________


5. Do you recycle newspaper? If no, add 184. If yes, add 0.


If no, _______ + 184 = ________

6. Do you recycle aluminium and tin? If no, add 166. If yes, add 0.


If no, _______ + 166 = ________





My carbon footprint in pounds.

Now convert it to kilograms by dividing this number by 2,2:


÷ 2,2 = _____________ kg



If we all recycled just one tenth of our newspapers, we would save 25 000 000 trees each year.

Your carbon footprint is the amount of carbon you produce just by living your life. A number below 2 700 kg per year is excellent. Over 10 000? Not so great. Good is anywhere from 2 700 to 7 200, while 7 300 to 10 000 is average. If your number is higher than you expected, there are hundreds of ways to shrink your carbon footprint, and many of them aren't as tough as you might expect. Visit for more ideas.



Are you a carbon-cranking machine? Do the maths and find out . . .

FACT FILE: An average car produces three kilograms of CO2 per day, while the production of one hamburger generates 75 kg of CO2.

26_Footprint2.indd 2

2010/07/01 2:12 PM

What a fun way to clean up your environment. This eco-ball consists of an eco-leather sphere, which comes with a tough inner plastic layer. You fill up the inner plastic with waste plastic bags and when topped full, you have yourself a eco-friendly soccer ball. The best part? It’s only R60! For more info, call Hadley Craig on 021 447 6245.

Note pads

These nifty little note pads are made entirely from recycled materials. From the cool cut-out computer CPU or Coca Cola covers, to the shiny metal screws on the sides. It’s all about turning rubbish into something you can use.


smart style You don’t have to live in a cave or wear scratchy clothing to be green. These funky items are both green and cool . . . use them and you can be too.

Dynamo soccer radio

This clever little wind-up radio converts your muscle-cranking power (kinetic energy) into electricity. It also doubles up as a cellphone charger. One minute of cranking will get you 10 minutes of radio time and three minutes will get you two to eight minutes of talk time on your phone.

This bag is made from recycled license plates and very durable eco-leather. It will be great to hold your schoolbooks and to remind your friends that it’s time to start bagging the trash.

Solar Star Charger

The Solar Star is an eco-friendly mobile charger. Simply flip it open and it will charge automatically using the sun’s energy. It comes in a set that includes multiple mobile phone adapters, so you can recharge the your cellphone, Mp3 player, digital camera or radio, all using sunlight energy. 28

FACT FILE: The sOccket Ball is a soccer ball that takes the energy used to kick it around and converts it into electrical energy. 15 minutes

28_Smart Style.indd 2

2010/07/01 12:13 PM




of pla


Want to catch the sun in a jar? Just put this Sun Jar night light on a sunny windowsill in the daytime, and it’ll glow for you long after the sun’s gone down. You don’t even need to switch it on – the sun jar lights up automatically when it gets dark. Talk about a bright idea.


T-shirts like this one are a trendy way to express your opinions – just let the letters on your chest display what’s in your heart. And now it’s your turn … come up with a green T-shirt slogan, email it to ( together with your name, age, grade and school and if you win, we’ll send you your very own eco-ball. By the way, if you like this T-shirt, you can get it at Gravy (

Comic belt

Water powered clock This cool blue digital clock is powered by water, using the latest long-life H2O technology. You unscrew the lid, pour in some water and enjoy the benefits of free energy. When completely full, this clock can last anything from six to 12 months.


ary legend ar that can it il u o g t of an e firs p th u t e a d th a better u know played was m have gotten Did yo s r uitar is ve ing Dube e gs? Well, th tric oil-can g from Lucky c in tr nd ele rtain s ue sou plug-in and cu a uniq ’s nd this It it a is t. n v n e , e since th at improvem for more info sic f th r– o a m f it f o u o w g r / u p ue a uniq

iny http://t

of play can power an LED light for up to three hours. 28_Smart Style.indd 3


This cool comic-print belt is made of 100% eco-leather. This means it was made from animals that had already died, and that it’s been treated in an eco-friendly way. From waste to waist … brilliant! For more info, click on Gravy at

If you’ve made something smart and stylish, join the THINK.crew on and share it with us. You could win a HIP2B2 Bass on Tap, and we may even publish your creation in a future issue!


e arge t bile he era

Sun Jar night light

The average pencil contains enough graphite to write about 45 000 words.


2010/07/02 2:02 PM

Wailing, wheezing, warbling and wolf-howling Stop-start rhythms

9% 4%

FACT FILE: Twilight stars Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner wear eco-friendly clothes. Kristen loves organic cotton, recycled polyester and

30_PopCulture.indd 2

What to expect from Shakira’s latest album:


BRIAN What a Wonderful World.

5. The world’s going to end in four minutes. What song do you play out with?

BRIAN Calvin Harris, Timbaland, The XX and Tiny Temper. ANDREW Calvin Harris, Ke$ha, our jams and a lot of dubstep.

2010/07/01 1:13 PM

Sharp Sharp, Zulu Dog by Anton Ferreira

Ronnie Miller, a 17-year-old in New York, has her life turned upsidedown when her parents get divorced. When her anger becomes too much to handle, her mother sends her off to visit her dad in Wilmington for the summer in the hopes that she’ll find acceptance. She finds more ... The Last Song is a heartwarming tale about love, growth and family. It’s a compelling novel worth reading if you’re looking for something to get lost in that’ll bring on a tear or two and a smile in the end.

REVIEWER:: Brand Ambassador Siphesihle Marrengane, Durban Girls’ High, KZN

The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks


ANDREW She’s brilliant. And her producer, RedOne is even more brilliant. I love the way she’s made an art out of her a persona. Her beats are really cool to jam to.

2. What do you think of Lady Gaga?

ANDREW The Parlotones, because their brand of pop-rock is so unique – when you hear a song on the radio you always know it’s them, and Goldfish – I like the way they chop up jazz riffs with house beats.

4. Favourite stuff on your iPod?

3. Favourite SA band?

BRIAN We do whatever we can to save the planet. We recycle at home, but when we travel it’s hard. I always turn off unnecessary lights and try to use as little electricity as possible. As soon as an electric car comes onto the market I’ll be the first in the queue. ANDREW We drive as little as possible; I shower rather than bath to save water and I turn off all lights when I leave home.

We’re loving Cape Town twins Brian and se Andrew Chaplin (aka Locnville), who ady alre has et Pock debut album Sun in My e we’r And es. copi 000 15 sold more than an ed sign just ’ve they – ones only not the ic. international record deal with Sony Mus


1. How green are you?



music Lyrics that make any sense (Eg, I’m starting to feel just a little abused, like a coffee machine in an office)

cnvi The Logreat-great lie are s of Char w nepheChaplin.

OU DID YW ? KNO lle twins




and vintage (basically second-hand) clothes.

30_PopCulture.indd 3

Body bending and hip twisting


REVIEWER: Brand Ambassador Jan-Cor Wolfaardt, Paul Roos Gymnasium, Western Cape


Brand Ambassador ia Elisheva Sacks, Herzl e Cap rn ste High, We




Set in KZN in 1995, this book is about an 11-year-old Zulu boy, Vusi. Vusi’s father has lost his job, so his family relies on illegal hunting to survive. Then there’s Shirley, a rich yet open-minded white schoolgirl. Vusi and Shirley To win a copy of Sharp Sharp, Zulu become best friends, but their differences are glaring. Dog, SMS ‘HIP’ followed Although this book was a shocking reminder of by ‘SHARP’ to 32976. apartheid, it will always be one of my favourites. It R1/SMS. Terms and shows how children of a divided nation can unite, and conditions on page 1. how true trust and friendship can overcome all boundaries.

REVIEWER:: Brand Ambassador Ahalya Sewpersadh, Raisethorpe Secondary, KZN

Sharp Sharp, Zulu Dog by Anton Ferreira

It’s a compelling novel worth reading if you’re looking for something to get lost in that’ll bring on a tear or two and a smile in the end.

SA’s most famous prankster, Leon Schuster, is back! movie follows This movie is all about South Africa and the soccer This ip of ance and relationsh rom the World Cup, and guarantees you’ll be laughing your Heigl) and a ne eri ath (K n an uptight woma er), head off. Nobody is untouchable as far as Schuster sassin (Ashton Kutch government-hired as en wh s is concerned – he even catches Western Cape es sin t of the bu who tries to get ou ree premier, Helen Zille, in a very funny scene where in love in France. Th l fal d an they meet y the , he hits a vuvuzela seller and upsets the premier. ed rri ma ppily years later, while ha Schuster and his partner in crime, Shorty, act as e has put a hit on on me so t tha r ve disco tour guides on a bus, answering visitors’ questions to work together ha er. The couple s tch Ku and giving them tips about life in SA. The film is er weapons) from dge bullets (and oth do to ir fast-paced and each scene is funnier than the last. been planted in the assassins who have to ve ha o Schuster is a household name, but more than that this, they als lives. While doing re out … he’s a legend, providing the people of South al problems and figu rit ma ir out the rt so Africa with something to laugh about: themselves. . who ordered the hit acked, n-p tio This is an ac t provides FIFA 2010 PS3 tha dy me enjoyable co REVIEWER: Brand t the most Ambassador Paba many laughs. It’s no llo Ma iph etl ho From the moment I movie and some put the disk into th technically brilliant e slo t an d meant business … saw the graphics, I éd, but it’s great or in this case awes knew that EA parts are very clich ome gaming. And su also delivered. Perso ng light-hearted re enough, game pla nally, I believe that if you want somethi y this is the most appro to South Africa at th your smile. You priate game to come is point and one that that’s sure to make you can play and ke The thing I liked th tch once! Bring wa ep as memorabilia. e most is that wheth won’t check your er you’re a gaming pro to handle a joystick is the perfect is Th or hardly know how , within two to three on the popcorn. ga mes you’ll be on for MY VERDICT: Graph friends on a cold m. ics 9/10 Playabil movie to watch with ity 10/10 Sound night in. 8/10 Response 9/10


Ditsy-diva style

Spanish lyrics

Funk and groove (thanks to Wyclef Jean on ‘Shy’)

6% 8% 5%

Garage rock and postpunk sprinklings

World-music influences

Latin flavour

Flamenco-inspired riffs

Catchy, dancefloor beats


17% 7% 13% 2%


Stop-start rhythms



ester Futuristic synth-pop and disco sounds

Wailing, wheezing, warbling and wolf-howling




Every breath you take contains an atom once breathed out by Marilyn Monroe. 31

2010/07/01 1:14 PM


Do you have what it takes to join the Superhero League? Test your skills with these brainbenders …

Arrange the nu mbe of the three ‘ring rs 1 to 9 in each s’ purple numbers of the web. The show the sum of the three numbers in segment. You ca each triangular n’ number twice in t use the same one segment.

SCRAMsBinLthEe grid SUPERPhtOhiWddER en superpower Find the eig ction, n snake in any dire below. The words ca r will always be one lette but a consecutive s around the re ua sq ht eig e th of the clues to e Us r. te let original answer rst guide you (the fi ): en giv has been

18 15





20 2



The Riddler’s Challenge

Test your brain with a few of the Riddler’s very own riddles. 1. The more you take away, the larger it becomes. What is it? Find the famous 2. How many sides does a circle have? superheroes in these 3. What keeps returning to you, no matter anagrammed names: how many times you throw it away? 4. What is the beginning of eternity 1. Donna W. Mower AND the end of time and space? 2. Dean Prism 5. What is put on a table and cut, 3. Pam Nurse but cannot be eaten?


SUPERPOWER SCRAMBLE: Telekinetic, Telepathic, Strong, Invisible, Indestructible, Magic, Immortal, Superhuman. See full solution at ANNA GRAHAM’S GAME: 1. Wonder Woman; 2. Spiderman; 3. Superman; 4. Wolverine. WHO AM I? Batman. THE JOKER’S RIDDLES: 1. A hole; 2. Two – an inside and an outside; 3. A boomerang; 4. The letter ‘e’; 5. A deck of cards. WEB OF DOOM: Answer at






Who am I?


8 6

1. Physically powerful 2. Can move objects withou t exerting physical strength on the m 3. Can communicate using means other than those provided by the five senses 4. Cannot be seen 5. Cannot be destroyed 6. By using _____, some superheroes use trickery to amaze and dis tract 7. Cannot die 8. Has powers beyond tha t of any person

My first is in black, but not in light. My second is in battle, but not in fight. My third is in justice, and also in knight. My fourth is in money and also in might. My fifth is in malice, but never in spite. My last is in sign, but never in sight. Partly a creature – awake in the night. Completely out to make things right.






4. Olive Wren

FACT FILE: The first comic-book magazine was sold in America in 1897. It was called ‘The Yellow Kid in McFadden’s Flats’.

32_PuzzlesNEW.indd 28

2010/07/01 12:17 PM

Stabilo Swing Cool - Bleeds.pdf 2010/06/30 09:29:59 AM










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