HIPPODROME THEATre THEHIPP.ORG | 352.375.4477 FAHRENHEIT 451 Presented by special arrangement with Dramatic Publishing. Hippodrome programs are funded in part by the National Endowment for the Arts, the Florida Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs and the Florida Council on Arts & Culture; Visit Gainesville, Alachua County, and by the City of Gainesville, Dept. of Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Affairs. Funded in part by Visit Gainesville, Alachua County, FL September2-18directedBYDr.RalfRemshardt

the entrances and exits during the performance. The videotaping or other video or audio recording of this production is strictly prohibited.
The Hippodrome Theatre recognizes and acknowledges that it resides on the historic territories of the Timucua and Seminole peoples who long inhabited this land
Hippodrome programs are sponsored in part by the National Endowment for the Arts, the Florida Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs and the Florida Council on Arts & Culture; Visit Gainesville Alachua County, and by the City of Gainesville, Dept. of Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Affairs. Playbill by Le-Alem Getachew. Director Dr. Ralf Remshardt Original Music Jing Zhao AEA Stage Manager Amber Wilkerson*^ Ciupe Director Tiza Garland Production Manager/ Lighting Designer Robert P. Robins Video Design FIVE OHM Props Designer Elaine Shoaf Technical Director Warren Goodwin
Lead Electrician Bill Boothman Sound Designer Amanda Nipper Costume Designer Amanda Jones Dialect and Voice Coach Susan Schuld
Actors’ Equity Association Actors’ Equity Association (“Equity”), founded in 1913, is the U.S. labor union that represents more than 50,000 actors and stage managers. Equity seeks to foster the art of live theatre as an essential component of society and advances the careers of its members by negotiating wages, working conditions and providing a wide range of benefits, including health and pension plans. Actors’ Equity is a member of the AFL-CIO and is affiliated with FIA, an international organization of performing arts unions.
Scenic Designer Mihai

Clarisse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alexandra Rose Horton Faber. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .David Carey Foster* Beatty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David Patrick Ford*^ Alice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacqueline St. Pierre Black/First Paramedic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jay Nixon Holden/Second Paramedic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jack McKinney Montag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Niall McGinty*^ Mildred. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Katelyn Crall Mrs. Hudson/Helen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Roxanne Fay
By Ray Bradbury directed BY Dr. Ralf Remshardt Time: The Future Place: A city THE SETTING
*Appearing through an Agreement between the Hippodrome Theatre and Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States. ^ Member of The Hippodrome Theatre’s company of actors
Produced by special arrangement with DRAMATIC PUBLISHING, Woodstock, Illinois
There will be one 15-minute intermission The videotaping or other video or audio recording of this performance is strictly prohibited.

When Ray Bradbury wrote what would become a classic dystopian novel in 1953, the country was in the grip of a delusional hunt on “deviants,” political and otherwise, fronted by Senator Joseph McCarthy. And he was seeing the disturbing symptoms of what Richard Hofstadter would 10 years later call “anti-intellectualism in American life” – the willing embrace of ignorance and the rejection of reading, discussion, and complex thought. Bradbury warned of a society to come in which censorship and an excess of diversions would produce perfectly compliant personalities, politically disengaged and docile, engulfed by media that flatter their egos, unable to tell truth from fiction. Is that who we have become? Whatever your answer, 70 years after it was written Bradbury’s novel is no musty book dutifully read in high schools. In the bracing adaptation by Tobias Andersen which you will see tonight it still burns to the soul of the present. Like any good play it entertains, but it also issues a challenge: could you put yourself into the boots of our hero, fireman Guy Montag? Could you wake up, shake off the stupor of convention and convenience, go into open rebellion against an oppressive society? Because it will take many Montags to set things right.
-Dr. Ralf Remshardt (Director)
Everywhere in the United States school boards and parents’ organizations are snatching books off the shelves, producing blacklists of literature. From Mark Twain to Toni Morrison, none are sacred, none beyond reach or reproach, including (in a bit of lacerating irony) Fahrenheit 451 itself. This should alarm you greatly, even if you’re not a student or if you think no one will come for your treasured library. The recent attack on writer Salman Rushdie reminded us how intolerable ideas are to some. The autocratic mindset and the censorious imagination that are advancing everywhere see little difference between banning books and burning them. And as German-Jewish writer Heinrich Heine remarked almost exactly 200 years ago with startling prescience, “where they burn books, they’ll finally burn people, too.”
-Stephanie Lynge (Hippodrome’s Artistic Director)
The Hippodrome Theatre’s 50th season Beyond Limits continues storytelling outside the norm, producing stories that challenge our assumptions, and reminding all of us that there are no limits to what we can do and who we can be. The Hippodrome also continues to explore new ways of bringing storytelling and the community together. By pushing the limits through its New Works Festival celebrating Floridian voices and stories, our educational Summer Spectacular and outreach programs creating the artists of tomorrow, and the Hipp Unplugged series that fosters new playwrights, new directors, and helps us grow the talent right here in our community. Our founding history and energetic present will continue to launch us beyond all limits as we move into the future. Come take this journey with us as we leap joyfully into our next 50 years.
The Hippodrome is thrilled to have you here with us for our season Beyond Limits as we celebrate the spirit that founded the artistic heart of our community, beating right here in downtown. From its inception in 1973, the Hippodrome Theatre has brought stories to the stage that explore and celebrate the human condition. 50 years ago six determined individuals, (Marilyn Wall, Bruce Cornwell, Greg Von Hausch, Kerry (McKinney) Oliver-Smith, Mary Hausch , Owen Wechsberg) took a leap into the unknown, creating a theater that challenged expectations. Throughout its history, The Hippodrome has pushed the limits of storytelling, creating memorable productions like Equus, The Elephant Man, Amadeus, The Royal, and The Mountaintop. The Hippodrome Improvisational Teen Theatre (HITT), Open Stages and TYA (Theater for Young Audiences) brought innovative works beyond the walls of the theater and into the Gainesville schools and community, proving that theater is an important tool that can be used to explore deep issues, educate, and spark discussion.
WHO’S WHO IN FAHRENHEIT 451 Ray Bradbury Ray Bradbury was born on Aug. 22, 1920, and grew up in Waukegan, Ill., where— entranced with magicians, comic strips and science fiction magazine covers—he began to write at the age of 12. He supported himself by selling newspapers on a street corner from 1939 until 1942. He made approximately ten dollars a week. When he made eleven dollars a week at writing, he stopped selling newspapers. His plays, novels and stories are studied and appreciated by readers, schools and audiences everywhere. Many consider him the greatest creator of modern science fiction. In 2007, the Pulitzer Prize Board presented him with a special citation for his distinguished, prolific and deeply influential career as an unmatched author of science fiction and fantasy.

Alexandra Rose Horton (Clarisse)
Peter and the Starcatcher (Blackstache), The Snow Queen (Karl/ Bey), Stage Kiss (He). David is a member of the Hippodrome acting company. www.DavidPatrickFord.com
David Patrick Ford*^ (Beatty)
Broadway National Tours: The Full Monty (Keno, Ethan U/S, DC); Footloose (Lyle, Chuck U/S) Off-Broadway: Sessions (Dylan) Off-Off
Alexandra Rose Horton is a fourth year BFA Acting student at the University of Florida. She is incredibly excited to work with The Hippodrome for the first time!
Some, of her previous credits include: May in Last Train to Nibroc at Madcow Theatre & Molly Aster in Peter and the Starcatcher at Theatre Winter Haven. She grew up going to libraries and falling in love with books as her mother would frequently take her there. They were some of the first friends she ever made. She can’t wait to share this story with you all. She would like to thank her family, friends, & her partner Ronnie for all the love and light in the world. Follow her at Alexandra_rose_h on Instagram for all her adventures!(D’Artagnan),
Broadway: Macbeth (Macbeth), Othello (Iago), Merchant (Antonio) Gallery Players; Year One… Empire (Beveridge) Metropolitan Playh. & NY Th.
Workshop Regional: Pitts. CLO, Sac. LOA, Walnut St. Th., NC Th., North Shore, Alliance, Playh. on the Sq., Westchester B’way, KC Starlight, MUNY StL, Struthers Library. At the Hipp: The Two Musketeers

Jack McKinney is an actor, musician, and stand-up from Jacksonville Beach, FL. He is going into his junior year at the University of Florida where he is pursuing a double major in Acting and Journalism. You probably don’t recognize him as this is his first show in Gainesville. If you do recognize him, it’s probably from his work on campus, such as his time with Florida Not One More, UF Student Government, or as the Kappa Sigma Fraternity President. He is excited to be back on stage to work with the talented cast and crew of Fahrenheit 451.
Jack McKinney (Holden/Second Paramedic)
David Carey Foster* (Faber)

Jay Nixon (Black/First Paramedic)
Jay Nixon is extremely excited to be in Fahrenheit 451 as his Hippodrome debut! By day, he is a middle school theatre teacher, and by night, he does even more theatre.
Katelyn Crall (Mildred) Katelyn Crall is incredibly grateful to be joining this company! She is originally from Saratoga, New York and a graduate of SUNY Fredonia. Some of her favorite recent credits include: The Hunchback of Notre Dame, I Love You, You’re Perfect…, Bright Star, Picasso at The Lapine Agile, Black Pearl Sings! and Cabaret. Always love to the Crall family. You can find her: @katecrall or katelynmcrall.com
Jay has been in many community theatre productions here in Gainesville. Some shows include: Spamalot (Sir Lancelot), Oliver! (Fagin), The Odd Couple (Speed), and the New Works Festival 2022 here at the Hippodrome (Terrence & Ghost of Romeo). Jay would like to thank the production staff for this opportunity, Gabby Byam for always believing in his artistic abilities, and his friends and family for supporting him throughout this process.
Jacqueline St. Pierre (Alice)
Jacqueline St. Pierre is a third year BA Theatre and Master’s in Management student and is delighted to be a part of her first Hippodrome and UF SoTD production! She would like to thank her parents, friends, and professors for their endless support. She is honored to share the stage with this dynamite company and hopes you enjoy the show!

Niall McGinty*^ (Montag)
Niall is a proud ensemble member of the Hippodrome. Hippodrome credits include: As You Like It (Touchstone), Lone Star Spirits (Ben), Miracle on South Division Street (Jimmy), Ripcord (Derek), 1984 (Winston), Hamlet (Laertes), Peter & the Starcatcher (Peter), Eurydice (Orpheus), The Glass Menagerie (Tom), Romeo and Juliet (Romeo), The Diary of Anne Frank (Peter), The Play About the Baby (Boy), Proof (Hal), Macbeth (Ross). He has also, in various ways (acting, directing, & adapting), been involved in A Christmas Carol at the Hippodrome for 9 years. Chicago credits include work at Chicago Shakespeare Theatre, Victory Gardens, TimeLine Theatre, Griffin Theatre, Eclipse Theatre, Lifeline Theatre, & 16th St Theatre. Niall also owns a Gainesville themed business (gnvee.com) and photography business (felixphoto.us).
Roxanne Fay (Mrs. Hudson/Helen) Roxanne Fay is an actor, playwright, Artistic Director of Circle in The Water. As playwright, Roxanne has been awarded residency by the Hosking House Trust, Stratford Upon Avon, UK, to complete work on her Shakespeare inspired play, The Deeds Of Mercy. Roxanne was named a 2016 Hawthornden Writers’ Fellow (in residence, Hawthornden Castle, Scotland). Her play, Thrice To Mine (created at Hawthornden) premiered at Bridge Street Theatre (New York) in 2019. She regularly creates new works for the Dali Museum in St. Petersburg. Roxanne’s first film, Breton And The Muse: A Midnight In Paris, was a focal point of the Dali’s acclaimed exhibition coordinated with Le Centre Pompidou (Paris) and went on to be selected bymultiple film festivals. As an actor, Roxanne just returned from a summer with Prague Shakespeare Company. She has received notices for her work with Bridge Street Theatre as Mary Tyrone in Long Day’s Journey Into Night, Leni Riefenstahl in Leni, and for her original works Thrice To Mine, Upon This Rock,Dream Child: The Trial Of Alice In Wonderland, and Home Fires Burning. Roxanne is an Artistic Associate at Jobsite Theater, appearing in their productions of in Doubt, The Tempest, Twelfth Night, As You Like It, Much Ado About Nothing, and HIR (named one of the best performances of the decade by Broadway World in 2019). Other roles include Dr. Emma Brookner in The Normal Heart and Nurse Ratched in One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, (freeFall Theatre, FL), and the dual roles of Lear’s Fool and Cordelia in King Lear (Tampa Repertory Theatre). Website: www.roxannefay.com

Amanda Nipper (Sound Designer) Amanda is thrilled to be in her tenth season at the Hippodrome. Other regional credits include Cape Fear Regional Theatre: Jesus Christ Superstar, Legally Blonde: The Musical, and The Parchman Hour: Songs and Stories of the ’61 Freedom Riders, and as the mix engineer in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Dorset Theatre Festival: . Keep moving forward.
Amanda Jones (Costume Designer) Amanda is a third year Costume Design MFA student at University of Florida. Some previous designs include A Little Night Music at UF and Putnam County Spelling Bee at Murray State University. She wants to celebrate her fellow designers, technicians, and performers who have brought so much creative energy to the table. It was an honor to build this world with you all.
Dr. Ralf Remshardt (Director) Ralf Remshardt is emeritus professor of theatre at the University of Florida. A native of Germany, Remshardt received an MA from the Freie Universität Berlin and a PhD in Dramatic Art from the University of California at Santa Barbara. Remshardt is an experienced director, translator, scholar, and dramaturg who has published extensively and lectured nationally and internationally. His latest book project is The Routledge Companion to Contemporary European Theatre and Performance (Routledge 2023) which he co-edited. He has directed at university and professional theatres, including plays by Euripides, Shakespeare, Brecht, Beckett, Stoppard, and others. In 2009, he was invited to stage his adaptation of Einstein’s Dreams in Beijing (China). At the Hippodrome Theatre, he last directed The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. Five OHM Productions (Video Design) Five OHM Productions is a full-service production company and premium theatrical/event staffing agency based in New York City. Five OHM is comprised of creative professionals who bring skills and expertise that span every facet of the live event and entertainment industry. Graham Johnson, owner, is a University of Florida graduate and once a proud member of the creative team at the Hippodrome. He is thrilled to bring a team of extremely talented video designers to the Hippodrome for Fahrenheit 451. Design team includes Scott James, Benjamin Moll, Cameron Schmelkin, Anja Powell, Don Cieslik, and Ryan Hall. You can find out more of what we’re up to at fiveohm.com.
Robert P. Robins (Production Manager/Lighting Designer) Robert P. Robins (Lighting Designer, Production and Facility Manager) Bob is enjoying his 38 nd season here at the Hippodrome, where he has designed lighting for over 700 Hippodrome productions and events. He has worn many Hipp hats throughout the decades: Lighting Designer, Production Manager, Facility Manger, IT Manager, AEA Stage Manager, TYA Tour Stage Manager, Safety Officer, Intern Recruiter, Light Board Operator, Sound Mixer, Mainstage State Tour Technical Director, and Bartender, just to name a few. Bob also continues to provide lighting designs throughout the country, working with clients that include architects, theatres, dance companies, industrial events, schools, colleges and universities, municipalities, various types of small and large companies, and homeowners. He proudly holds a BFA in Theatre Production from the University of Florida.
Bill Boothman (Lead Electrician) Prior to joining the Hipp Bill worked with the stagehand’s union IATSE local 115 in Jacksonville, FL. Bill is a synthesizer hobbyist. Warren Goodwin (Technical Director) Warren joined the Hippodrome in 2004 as a carpenter in the scene shop, and assumed the role of Master Carpenter in 2006. In addition to helping build over a hundred of Hippodrome sets, Warren served as co-scenic designer on The Christians and The Wolves. He is thrilled to be currently serving as Technical Director. In his free time, Warren enjoys painting, and is an accomplished local artist. You can often find his work on display next door at Maude’s Cafe.
Amber Wilkerson* (Stage Manager) Amber is a professional Stage & Event Manager. She has been affiliated with the Hippodrome Theatre since 2003, first as Properties Intern, then as Assistant Stage Manager before moving to New York City to pursue a career in theatre. She returned to the Hipp as the AEA Stage Manager of A Christmas Carol in 2005 & 2006. She has worked professionally for The Metropolitan Opera (NYC), The Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey (Madison, NJ), North Shore Music Theatre (Beverly, MA), and Times Square New Year’s Eve 20062010 (NYC). In 2006, Amber served as a Production Assistant on the Broadway musical, Grey Gardens. Amber spent five years working with Manhattan Theatre Club as a Subscriber Services Representative and two years as a House Manager at Playwrights Horizons, both in New York City. Originally from Maryland, she holds a B.A. in Theatre Arts from Salisbury University. Amber is a proud member of the Hippodrome Company and the Actors’ Equity Association.
Jing Zhao (Original Music) Jing is a composer, musician, sound designer, engineer, and music producer. He received his Master of Fine Arts in Theatre Sound Design and Composition at Purdue University and Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. He has worked both as an audio research engineer as well as sound designer and composer for theatre, television and film. Jing has traveled to many parts of the world and his work is heard in countries such as the United States, Singapore, China, Malaysia, India, Turkey, Ireland, etc. He recently received the Robert E. Cohen Sound Achievement Award from the United States Institute for Theatre Technology (USITT). Jing is absolutely thrilled towork with the wonderful people at the Hippodrome Theatre.
Tiza Garland (Fight Director) Professor Garland is a Certified Movement Analyst (CMA) of Laban Movement Analysis (LMA). She is a Certified Teacher with the National Michael Chekhov Association and a Certified Teacher with the Society of American Fight Directors (SAFD), a Certified Teacher with the British Academy of Stage and Screen Combat (BASSC), and a Senior Teacher with Dueling Arts International. Professor Garland is a classically trained actor and has trained with the Dah Theatre in Belgrade, Serbia, in Grotowski-based work, she has studied Meyerhold’s Biomechanics with Gennadi Bogdanov, as well as trained with the United Stuntmen’s Association in Seattle, Washington. Her primary teaching responsibilities at UF include teaching the Movement for the Actor courses and Stage Combat. Susan Schuld (Accent/Dialect and Text Coach) has been acting and vocal coaching nationally for over 25 years and is an Associate Professor of Voice and Speech here at the School of Theatre and Dance. M.F.A in Acting from Rutgers University, Designated Linklater Teacher, Certified Teacher of KnightThompson Speechwork, and a National Michael Chekhov Association Teacher.
Susan ThomasJoshuaSchuldTurnerVazquez
Tiza CharlieStepanieReynaMichaelGarlandGoldenJacksonLyngeMitchell
Elaine Shoaf (Props Designer) Alma Elaine Shoaf is a painter, illustrator and book artist based in Gainesville, Florida. She graduated from The Savannah College of Art and Design with a BFA in illustration, and has created illustrations for Radix Media, the Florida Trail Association, Hachette Books, Before the Door Pictures, Keepers of the Springs, Swamp Witch Pedals, and the Tampa Bay Brewing Company. Her second solo show, Ghost Lines, premiered at 621 Gallery in Tallahassee, FL in 2017, and her drawings and paintings have been exhibited across the country. Additionally, she makes and sells handbound journals and sketchbooks under the moniker Inky Cap Books using a combination of repurposed materials and her original prints and drawings/paintings. While she has a background in theater as a scenic artist and actor, this is her first time designing props and her very first time working with the Hippodrome.
Mihai Ciupe (Scenic Designer) Originally from Romania, Mihai Ciupe received a double MFA degree in costume and set design from Carnegie Mellon University and his BFA from Art and Design University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. During his MFA he was awarded the George Kimberly Scene Design Award and the Oren Parker Award in Design and Production. Prior to the United States he was resident scenographer at The National Theatre of Cluj, Romania. During his former years he traveled extensively in Europe in tours with the shows that he designed, getting exposure to the various schools of theatre from England, Scotland, Hungary, France, and Yugoslavia. As a designer he worked with some of the greatest Romanian directors: Gabor Tompa, Alexandru Dabija, Iulian Visa, Mihai Manutiu, Victor Ion Frunza. In 1991 he received a scholarship to attend The London International Festival of Theatre. Since 1995 he is a member of The United Association of the Romanian Fine Artists in the scenography section. In 1999 he joined the theatre and dance faculty at University of Florida, where he was assigned to start the graduate program in Set Design. By 2013 his graduate students won The Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival Award three times: in 2005, 2007 and 2013. During his tenure at UF he has built a strong artistic relationship with The Hippodrome State Theatre, the only professional theatre in North Central Florida, where he has designed the sets for over twenty-five productions. He has continued to work professionally at national and international level.
OUR GENEROUS DONORS The Hippodrome thanks its many donors for their generous contributions to support our productions and programs! For more information on how your gift supports the Hippodrome, please contact Matt Dibble at (352) 373-5968 ext. 217. Donations listed are from 8-1-21 to 8-19-22 PRODUCER $50000+ Nathan S. Collier DIRECTOR $10,000+ JanetAnne(anonymous)MargoluisH.Silverstein PLAYWRIGHT $5,000+ Bryson(anonymous)Foundation, Ltd Jan Snyder & Steve Wilson Mary Trew & Weaver Gaines DESIGNER $2,500-$5,000 Debbie & Mike Conlon Bradley & Marta Pollitt COMPOSER $1,000-$2,500 WayneJulieTim(anonymous)(anonymous)AltmeyerAnspach&Penny Archer Margaret Bachus Estate Jan Baur Dr. Theresa Beachy Kenneth & Laura Berns Bhavna & Gabu Bhardwaj Roxane Bleiweis David & Linda Bloom Joyce PatriceBonoBoyes, ESQ. Bruce Dr.IraChrisSheilaKatherineForrestCornwellS.CrawfordD’Amato-WeinholdK.Dickison&RustyForsmark&GerriGessnerRichard&CarenGorenberg Bob & Carol Gwin Tashia & Jeff Hale Colin Hines Kim MaureenKazimourKilloran & Peter Hyatt Paul & Leslie Klein Jennifer JosephMelanieLeeLeonardW.&Lucille Little Trevor & Charlene Luke Stephanie B. Lynge Richard Allen & Susan Mastin Ginny Maurer Eileen McCarthy Smith Quinn Family Charitable Foundation Carol Meyer Chris Morris Jon DorothyMorris& Gale Nevill Rob & Carol Oglesby Nell WilliamPage& Betty Petty Galatia Ramphal Richard & Joy Segall Molly Sexton Ilene BillJorgiaMerryKateCynthiaNelFloJustineFarolJohnMidgeSilvermanSmith&DaunSpindlerTomsonVaughenFryTurcotte&DanielWebsterWhiteWilkinsonLynneWilsonWooten&CarolZegel CHOREOGRAPHER $500+ Maria-Elena(anonymous)(anonymous)Augistin
OUR GENEROUS DONORS Joy & Michael Avery Frederick Brenneman Peter Joseph Carpenter Ed & Sheila Crapo Mary Ellen & Maywood Ellifritt Laura MichaelGillmanGorham & Veronika Thiebach Alice Gridley Fred AmyCharlieKarenRichardCarolDavidTheRosemaryRichardMelanieAnnHeatherHardenHarrellHatfieldLeonardJ.HowardHumeJelksFamilyFoundationP.Kienast&SalvadoreLocascio&ValentinaMankinMillerMitchellPazzalia&William“Joe” Stokes Karen RobinMarjorieConnieHalbertAllisonScarborough&JasonShinn&RuthSmith&BobStern&RoyWeinerWest&Kenneth Wald Elaine Young CAST $250+ JaneLindaErika(anonymous)(anonymous)AenlleBoylesBrockmann & Thomas Rider Daniela E Castro Randall Caton Eddie Daniel & Jason Neumann Mai & Cooper Dean Ed & Marcia Ellett Cherie Fine Lauren Groff & Clay Kallman Roberta S. Hager Fund In Memory of Marilyn Wall Gary & Joann Ihas Timothy Leslie From the Estate of Edward E. Mingle in honor of Jason Reeves, a tremendous friend Michael & Sherrilyn Pasternak Jaquie & Michael Resnick Carol & Jim Sarisky Jeff & Diana Shamis David & Loren Smyth Jane HarveySamuelTownsendWelker&Missy Ziegler Donations made from 8-1-21 to 8-19-22
The commitment of the corporate community is critical for the Hippodrome to sustain its highly acclaimed productions and programs. To learn more about corporate partner opportunities, contact The Hipp at development@thehipp.org. SEASON PRODUCERS $50,000+ City of Gainesville The Collier Companies Florida Division of Cultural Affairs Visit Gainesville, Alachua County EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS $20,000+ 98.5 KTK, 97.3 The Sky, Country 103.7 The Gator, AM 850 Arlington Square Apartments CBS4 / ComputerNBC9Network Experts (CNE) James Moore Consulting Michael and Phyllis Warren on Behalf of AMJ Group, Inc UF School of Theatre + Dance PRODUCERS $10,000+ EFN GainesvillePropertiesHealth and Fitness Center Harry’s Seafood Bar and Grille K-Country and Wind FM Lake and Emerald Publications Quality WUFT-FM,PlumbingWUFT-TV PRODUCTION SPONSORS $5,000+ Allison Durham Photography Bevis FloridaDestinationCollectiveChiropractic&Co.FloridaFoodService, Inc Greater Gainesville Chamber “Ken and Linda McGurn Marc McGurnRadioInvestment Company” Renaissance Printing UF Health PRODUCTION CO-SPONSORS $2,500+ Alliance Credit Union Florida Pest Control Gabrielle Redfern Gator Moving and Storage Co. King’s Heating and Air, Inc Marc Radio Group MIni Maid Oak Hammock at the University of PrideFloridaCommunity Center of North Central Florida (PCCNCF) Residence Inn by Marriott Rush and Frisco Law Sherwin Williams CORPORATE SPONSORS
This annual women’s philanthropy group officially launched in 2015 for women who love and support the arts. We thank all of our past supporters. Below is our 2022-2023 list of supporters (so far!). If you’d like to renew your membership to this dynamic group of women or become a new member, please contact development@thehipp.org
The Hippodrome would like to thank the City of Gainesville and Alachua County for years of generous support. Dr. SheilaPatriceBeachyTheresaBoyesEsq.JanBaurK.DickisonCarenGorenberg Carol Gwin Linda MelanieLucindaKallmanLavelliLeonardJudyLocascioGinnyMaurer Carol F. Meyer Chris M. Morris Nell Page Emily Pritchett Galatia GabrielleRamphalRedfern Ilene JustineFlorenceJanSilvermanSnyderM.TurcotteVaughenHelenWarren Allstate CentralCommunityBrysonAmyAmazonFoundationSmileFoundationE.TarrantFoundationFoundationFoundationofNorthFlorida Dharma Endowment Foundation Jelks Family PaypalFoundationMcKee/CrawfordFoundationK2CharitableGivingFund OPENING NIGHT PERFORMANCE SPONSOR $2,000+ Allstate Agent - Judy Locascio PERFORMANCE SPONSORS $1,750+ Amelia’s Fine Italian Cuisine The Bagel Bakery Nell Page Rainsberger, Realtor Campus to Coast Realty Tonewood Family Music Watchguard Technologies REHEARSAL SPONSORS $1,000+ JohnRussell Salon Sanctuary Massage Therapy
Amy EddieKatieMichaelEdPhylisDianeBruceWesErinDebbieCoenenConlonConnellyCorbettCornwellCraig&JamesCraig&SheilaCrapoCurryD’AmatoDaniel&Jason
Griselda Forbes
Cassandra Farley & Christie Mclaughlin Mark Fenster Mark & Terrie Flaherty
The Friends of Melrose Elementary School Arts & Science Council Paul & Mary Ellen Funderburk
Boyd Sherry & Carter Boydstun Martha Brane & Lewis Sussman Patti Breedlove Jane Brockman Tom Brunson & Debbie Savage Jane & Russell Burman-Holtom Cheryl Calhoun & Ester De Jong Neda Caneva Alan Carlson & Theresa Guecia Peter CharlotteCarpenter&Paul Chadik Candace Clift & Mark Woolett
Christine Aytug Robert Bachus Walter & Pamela Barry Gil & Suzie Baxter Theresa Beachy John & Barbara Bengston Azra Bihorac & Charles Hobson David & Linda Bloom James & Tara Blythe Joyce
Jessie Furman Reisa & Paul George Ira KarenGessner&Danny Gilliland Matt & Rae Gitzendanner Julie & layton Glenn Harvey Goldstein Dick & Caren Gorenberg Jim & Sibet Grantham Aubrey Greene Jess & Barbara Gregory Mary & Joe Haldeman Jeff & Tashia Hale Anne Hastings Cliff BruceHaynes&Elizabeth Hicks
Monroe Newman Fonda Davis & John Eyler Nancy Deren
Jessica Abel Erika RichardAenlleAlllen & Susan Mastin Sherri & Eric Amundson Julie Anspach Lisa Anthony & Isaac Simmons James & Karen Archer
The Dharma Endowment Foundation Sheila Dickison Lee & Barbara Dockery Cheryl & Paul Doering Jeff Dunn & David Etherington Mark JaneRobertElliotEmersonEmmeree&
Erick Smith Jean Epling Guy & Rhea Epstein Skip & Lynda Everitt Tara & Bill Ezzell Carol RebeccaFaasFalmlen
Huey Rosemary Hume Myiah Hutchens & Jay Hmielowski Gary & Joann Ihas Michael Jester Karen & Jodie Johnson Elta GildaJohnstonJosephson & Jeff Weingarten Clay Kallman & Lauren Groff
Colin NoraChadHogtownRobertGuentherHinesHochhaus&LynneHoltBrewersHoodLeeHoover&Amor Villar John SharonHoward(Shea)
The Kaplan-Stein Charitable Fund Kim Kazimour Jim & Melissa Keefer Barbara Keener Loren Keldsen Rev. Maureen Killoran & Peter Hyatt Paul & Leslie Klein Marshal & Laura Knudson Reggie Kramel Jim & Melissa Keefer Barbara Keener Loren Keldsen Rev. Maureen Killoran & Peter Hyatt Paul & Leslie Klein Marshal & Laura Knudson Reggie Kramel Scott & Joanne LaFramenta Sandra Lambert & Pamela Paris Jeremy Lesifko-Bremer
Janet Roberts Gail Robinson & Carol Heymann Arthur & Joyce Rosenblatt Jane & Mike Ryals Betsy & David Sanders Whitney Sanford & Kevin Veach Carol & Jim Sarisky Karen
In an emergency, evacuate through the external exits on either side of the Marc & Kaye Linden
Burrichter Eileen McCarthy Smith Halbert & Ruth Smith Pamela Smith & Carol Barron Madeline Smyth The Smyth’s Jan Snyder & Steve Wilson Caroline H Stanhope Mike Still G. W. Swicord Joe Thigpen & Becky De Marie The Thompson Family Farol TonewoodTomsonFamily Music Inc. Martin & Vibeke Vala PJ van Blokland Kirk van Meter Vasanthi Vanniasingham Gary & Martha Waltman Marta Wayne Tom & Mary Louise Weber Robin West & Ken Wald Roger & Ellen West Tom & Julie Whitney Carol Willis Gene Witmer Dr. Sarah Wittstruck Carole & Bill Zegel
PLEASE NOTE: Infants are not permitted in the theater. Food is not permitted in the theater. Please turn off all cellular phones, watch alarms, and all other noise-making equipment when in the theater. Photographing and/or sound recording any performance or the possession of any device for such photographing or sound recording in this theater is prohibited. Violators may be subject to confiscation of equipment and ejection. Violations may render the offender liable to financial charges. The Hippodrome reserves the right to ask any patron causing a disturbance to leave the premises without refund.
Carol BrendaDebbieLocascioLouis&Morgan
Lynge Stephanie B. Lynge John RichardMalanchuckMankin&
Valentina Komaniecka Anne ChurchillRalfSandyGabrielleBarbaraGaryTheLisaBradleyEdPeggySusanLizH.AmyDebiRobertKimberleeMadgeDorothyEstherMarniRichardJohnCharlieGeorgiaJeffCatieCarolSueMartinKathleenGaryHelenSarahHilaryHayleyMargoluisMathisMathisMaxwellMcCune&LauraMcGillMcGlone&CarylMcKellar&JackMecholskyF.MeyerMiller&KirstenEngstrom&LaurenMiller&RonMillsMitchellMorgan&JoannaMorrowMostNegrin&GaleNevillNipper&BillOakesK.&CarolAnneOglesbyPais&BobKolbPazzalia&JeffStokesS.&SusannePennypackerPerdue&SallyBethartPeters&NancyPeterson&SandraPettegrew&MartaPollitt&JamesPosteraroPozek’sProweJeanRaskinRedfern&LarryReimerRemshardt&CaronCadle&GayRoberts BrendaBethAllisonBrianDianeSuzanneSuzanneScarboroughScheragaSchiemann&JeffShamis&CindyShea&JasonShinn&JeffSiegelSmith&Ronald

HIPPODROME STAFF Amador Santiago Building Caretaker Amanda Fraser Grants Coordinator Amanda Nipper Sound Designer Amber Wilkerson AEA Stage Manager Amber Law Wardrobe Assistant Intern Anna Verney Box Office Manager & Art Gallery Curator Bill Boothman Lead Electrician Bella Aguilar Irias Office AssistantManager/Artistic Bob Robins Production Manager / Lighting Designer / Building Manager Chad Branin Accounting Associate Clint Thornton Front of ManagerHouse Erin Jester Costume Shop Manager Franziska Raeber Marketing Manager Gabrielle Byam Director of Education Ken Brown Scenic Painter Le-Alem Marketing / Getachew Events Associate Marie House Bookkeeper Mason Baria First Hand Matt Dibble Group Sales Coordinator & Development Associate Matthew Cugini Cinema Program Manager Nell Page Development Rainsberger Consultant Olivia Bradshaw Assistant Stage Manager Patricia Estape Education Graphic Designer Rob Leach Carpenter Selina Stallings Box Office Representative Stephanie Lynge Artistic Director Warren Goodwin Technical Director Front of House Alex Thorsburg Bartender/House Manager Bella Aguilar Irias House Manager Isabella Estrada House Manager/Bartender Jack Claypool House Manager Lindsey Grigsby Bartender Matthew Cugini Bartender Miranda Campos House Manager Nyq Smith Bartender/House Manager Resly Ward House Manager UF STAFF Peter Carpenter School of Theatre and Dance Director Jenny Goelz Production Manager Eben Alguire Technical Director Tony Berry Props Master Manuel Pelegrina Carpenter Todd Bedell Master Electrician Jing Zhao Sound Engineer Megan Szloboda Costume Shop Manager Austin Gresham Company Manager Colleen Davoli Publicist & Archivist/House Manager

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