4 minute read
New Works Festival 2022 - Florida Voices Electronic Version
The Hippodrome Theatre is proud to present
New Works Festival 2022 - Florida Voices
Playwright - Monica Cross
Director - Laura Shatkus
In this magical tale, a mother wanders the forest, yearning for her child, but can she accept what she finds? Love is not always what we expect and imagine.
Starring: Kyle Brumley ✤ Nell Page
Playwrights - Terrence Jackson & Jane Arrowsmith Edwards
Director - Ryan Hope Travis
Twelve-year-old Terrence dreams of college, playing pro ball like his cousin, and being a detective. But after his abusive stepdad kicks him out of the house, Terrence must find his own way. This rap drama explores the trap of survival.
Starring: Jay Nixon ✤ Mimi Paul ✤ Teroy Roberts ✤ Elaina Walton
Ghost of Romeo
Playwright - Bobby McAfee
Director - Steven H. Butler
In this theatrically comedic exploration of what happens AFTER Romeo and Juliet die, the Apothecary who sold Romeo the poison must battle for his life against a myriad of Shakespearean characters not to mention the ghost of Romeo.
Starring: Kyle Brumley ✤ Steven H. Butler ✤ Emily Jacobs ✤ Niall McGinty ✤ Jay Nixon
Buckets of Rain
Playwright - Douglas Gearhart
Director - Clint Thornton
This play explores a couple finding ways to weather tragedy as Kyra and Nick struggle to connect, to support, and to survive each other.
Starring: David Patrick Ford ✤ Laura Shatkus
Yes No Maybe Ommm
Playwright - Ken Pedersen
Musical Director - Tony Offerle
Director - Laura Shatkus
Yes No Maybe Ommm is a musical experiment. An etude exploring the universal story of discovery, conflict, war, peace, heart, and family; all told in five words.
Starring: Kelly Atkins ✤ David Patrick Ford ✤ Evan Gunter ✤ Lilly Mancini ✤ Tony Offerle

Jane Arrowsmith Edwards writes plays, screenplays, fiction, and poetry. She was grateful to be invited to hear Terrence Jackson's 2019 presentation at the Hippodr ome for a social justice project introducing the community to survivors and victims. She adapted Terrence's memoir essay and many remarkable anecdotes to the stage.
Monica Cross is a playwright and director in Gainesville, FL. She is the winner of the 2018 New Play Festival at the Players Centre, and the John Ringling Towers Individual Artists Award in Performance. She is an O’Neill Semifinalist and a Semifinalist for Shakespeare’s New Contemporaries in 2021. Her works can be found on the New Play Exchange and she is a Proud Member of the Dramatist Guild of America.
Douglas Gearhart’s plays include The Manager, Just Like Stealing, Squandered Blood, The Fat Sergeant, GWOT, and Bottom Lip. His work has been seen at the New Play Festival at The Players Centre for Performing Arts and The Greenhouse Theatre program at Florida International University. He was a finalist for the 2019 Blue Ink Playwriting award. He currently resides in the Tampa, FL area.
Terrence Jackson was a shy, rural 12 year old devastated by his dad's death from cancer when he was terrorized by his crack-addicted stepdad and forced from his home. He gained wealth and notoriety as an international dealer by 16, began serving eight years in a fed pen at 18, and was "released" at 26 to be a felon for life. He survives with grace.
Bobby McAfee is an actor and filmmaker who has performed in Gainesville since 1996. Starting with numerous performances of Shakespeare's works at the Acrosstown Repertory Theater, he's also enjoyed roles at the Gainesville Community Playhouse and Hippodrome Theater. Ghost of Romeo is Bobby's first play, and his short film based on the play is available at www.ghostofromeo.com.
Ken Pedersen’s theatre background is as a composer. Ken was a winner of the ‘New Voices’ program at Players by the Sea and co-wrote the full-length musical ‘Rock That Town’ (Stages 1996 festival) and the short musical ‘Yes, No, Maybe, Ommm,’ (Chicago’s ‘Stages 2000.’). He has released two piano CDs. His music is available on iTunes and Spotify. Ken Pedersen is a native of the Chicago area and now resides in Saint Augustine, FL.

Stage Manager - Katie Grayson
Artistic Director - Stephanie Lynge
NWF Producer - Michelle Bellaver
Artistic Assistant - Isabella Aguilar Irias
Lighting Design - Bill Boothman
Sound Design - Amanda Nipper
Costume Design - Rebekah Leppert