With the support of the NSW Department of Education and Communities and businesses around the country, 1000 Jobs in 1000 Hours is the highlyanticipated campaign leading the charge to promote awesome work experiences for Aussie kids in Australia.
HireMeUp came across the Oasis Youth Support Network last year when choosing a charity to run for in the Annual Sydney Running Festival. Wholly impressed by the people and their mission, we want to do more. Most inspired by the Oasis Pathways Program (OPP), we’ve decided to donate a percentage of sponsorship money raised by 1000 Jobs to directly fund this fantastic workplace preparation course specially developed to cater for the needs of socially disadvantaged young people (aged 16-to ‐ 25 years) who are at risk of long ‐ term exclusion from the labour market due to a lack of appropriate education and training. Combining life skills, personal development, social activities and accredited work readiness training, OPP aims to gain momentum in a young person’s life, create opportunities for learning important life skills, building self confidence and necessary work readiness skills in anticipation of being introduced into the workforce. Participants graduate from Pathways with a certificate of completion and a real job offered by business partners such as Woolworths, Australand and Mirvac. In addition, Oasis Employment Coaches provide support for 6 months following the job placement to ensure a successful transition into working life.
“I am 100% committed to assisting the next generation with preparing them for the workforce. As someone who only passed Lunch time at school, I needed all the help I could get but had to work it out myself. That is why I have chosen to support 1000 jobs. If more employers saw the potential influence they also had on the next generation of employees, what a great country we will have. Instead of complaining about the next generation, let’s take a role in shaping them!” Justin Herald, “1000 Jobs in 1000 Hours” Spokesperson
The Goal: Find 1000 employers countrywide prepared to offer 1000 kids a two-week work opportunity to take place sometime before the end of 2012 — within 1000 hours.
Major Sponsor — $50,000 Market Value of Sponsorship: $760,000 Benefits: + Logo/branding exposure on... Home page and all following pages of 1000jobs.com.au (above the fold) All print, outdoor, digital and transit media All promotional materials, media releases and EDM s All 1000jobs Social Media Platforms TV, Radio and press coverage + Database Access for exclusive promotion of your products/services for the run of and after the 1000 Jobs campaign to end 2012 + Promotion to our Sponsors and Supporters + Direct Promotion to Employers and Job seekers through 1000Jobs eUpdates + Invitation to the exclusive 1000 Jobs Sponsors and media launch event + HireMeUp Annual HirePlus Corporate Subscription ($19,900) with Featured Employer Profile + 6 Months of Display Advertising on HireMeUp.com.au
Major Sponsor — $50,000 Market Value of Sponsorship: $760,000 M arketing Value: $460,899 1. Metro Back — 4 weeks, 400 Panels Nationally, $220,900 (Buses terminating in CBD and Greater City)
2. Transit — 10 Panels in Sydney + 10 Panels in Melbourne, $86,000 3. MX M agazine, 6 x National Quarter Page Strips in Syd, Melb & Bris, $63,999 (Combined Daily Reach: 757,000. Primary Reader aged 18-39.)
4. Online: Bigpond Mobile CPC, $30,000 5. Online: SM H Run of News Medium Rectangle, $40,000 6. Online: LinkedIn Ads Targeting Syd, Melb & Bris, $20,000 M edia Value: $273,730 (Calculated assuming a minimum of 30 second spots and 10% pickup)
Segments on Today & Sunrise — $48,000 each TodayTonight — $140,000 Segments on Alan Jones & Ray Hadley — Sydney $3,200; National $8,000 Local Newspapers — $15,330
Sponsor — $25,000 Market Value of Sponsorship: $268,000 Benefits: + Logo/branding exposure on... Home page and your choice of Employer or Job Seeker pages All promotional materials, media releases and EDMs All 1000 Jobs Social Media Platforms Select TV, Radio and press coverage + Database Access for exclusive promotion of your products/services for the run of the 1000 Jobs campaign + Promotion to our Sponsors and Supporters + Direct Promotion to Employers and Job seekers through 1000Jobs eUpdates + Invitation to the exclusive 1000 Jobs Sponsors and media launch event + HireMeUp Annual HirePlus Subscription ($5,900) with Featured Employer Profile + 3 M onths of Display Advertising on HireMeUp.com.au
Supporter — $1,000 Market Value of Sponsorship: $6,000 Benefits: + Logo on 1000Jobs.com.au + Branding, logos and web links on eMarketing materials + Branding, logos, web links and HireM eUp and 1000 Jobs social media platforms + Cross promotion of your business to other sponsors and supporters + Invitation to the exclusive 1000 Jobs launch event + Customisable Media Release to announce involvement in the campaign + Annual HireMore Subscription ($3,900) + 1 month display advertising on HireMeUp.com.au + Annual HireMyServices Listing on HireM eUp.com.au
Prize Sponsor Benefits: + Logo/branding exposure on... Home page 1000jobs.com.au All promotional materials, media releases and EDMs All 1000 Jobs Social Media Platforms Select TV, Radio and press coverage Access to the 1000 Jobs database for run of campaign + Cross promotion of your business to other sponsors and supporters through eUpdates for the run of the campaign + Invitation to the exclusive 1000 Jobs launch event + Annual HireMore Subscription ($3,900) + 1 month display advertising on HireMeUp.com.au
So — why YOU? We all have a responsibility to the future generations to teach them about the working world, instill the values and work ethic that we want to see continued and to help them find a career path that suits their personality and talents. What better way than to take a mere two weeks and impart your knowledge and experience while offering guidance that could leave an indelible mark on a young person’s working life? With a database of thousands of 15-to-25 year old Australians across the country, 1000 Jobs will provide immediate nation-wide exposure and access to your target audience for both our employers and sponsors. With a national media campaign planned across all spaces – TV, press, radio, digital, cross track rail and social media, the 1000 Jobs database could prove a valuable asset to our corporate partners and a great value add to your company’s public profile. Plus it will just feel good to know that you’re supporting Aussie youth! We know it’s been said before but they are our future!
Details Contacts: 1300 972 428 Campaign Co-ordinator: Fiona Anson — 0410 511 933 — fiona@ hiremeup.com.au Media Contact: Alli Baker — 0415 105 528 — alli@ hiremeup.com.au Digital Content: MindArc Digital Agency – Matthew Craig – 0431 985 509 — matt@ mindarc.com.au Key Dates: Campaign Run – 2nd April, 2012 to 31 st July, 2012. Soft Launch: 28 th March, 2012 Media Soft Launch: 2 nd April, 2012 Launch Event: 26 th March, 2012 1000 Hours Job Matchup – 1 st May to 11 th June, 2012 Work Experience Periods commence: 18 th June, 2012