Vivid Brand Book

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Vivid Magazine Brand Identity Guidelines

Letter from t h e E d i t o r s We are a vibrant magazine dedicated to finding and sharing the hottest and up-to-date art, fashion and music worldwide, one city at a time. Our goal is to excite our readers and inspire them to explore the creative world. Our brand is truly unique and easily stands out with our colorful persona. It is extremely important for our brand to communicate our passion without losing who we are.

This is a guide with the correct usage of our brand elements. Because Vivid is a print publication, the way we look is key to our brand image. We take great care when using our logo, layouts and typography.

We are thrilled to invite you into the Vivid brand. After following our guide to set the ground work, we encourage you to play with and inject creativity wherever possible. And remember to have fun!



Table of Contents Brand Philosophy...................................................................06 Positioning.................................................................. 08 Attributes.................................................................... 10 Target Audience............................................................12 Our Words Tagline.........................................................................14 Tone of Voice................................................................16 Copy Guidelines........................................................... 18 Color Color Palette................................................................20 Logo Vivid Logos..................................................................22 Clear Space................................................................. 24 Minimum Size.............................................................. 26 Primary Colors............................................................. 28 Alternative Colors........................................................ 30 Background Colors.......................................................32 Vivid Cloud Colors........................................................34 Logo on Photography....................................................36 Logo Don’ts................................................................. 38


Typeface Primary......................................................................40 Secondary.................................................................. 41 Layouts Cover.........................................................................42 Content..................................................................... 48 Imagery..................................................................... 50 Communications Business Cards...........................................................52 Stationery..................................................................54 Internet Website..................................................................... 56 iPhone Application..................................................... 58 Web Banners............................................................. 60 Advertising Print..........................................................................62 Outdoor.....................................................................64 Shelf Space................................................................66 Vivid Lounge..............................................................68 Events.......................................................................70 Vivid Coasters........................................................... 72 T-shirts......................................................................74


08 08

Bran d P h i l o s o p h y Vivid has its finger on the pulse of art , fashion and music in metropolitan areas around the world. Our style is fashionable yet quirky, aiming to make life more colorful. We are the friend that you turn to for updates on the hottest new bar, boutique or artist in town. Vivid brings out the true colors of those around us, helping our readers to not only discover the world around them, but themselves as well.


Lo w B r o w J uxtapose

Music Fashion Art




Polish W

W allpaper


Brand P o s i t i o n i n g Vivid covers an uncharted market. We are a higher-priced magazine with an intellectual twist that is often missed by our counterparts. Vivid offers a unique international perspective on cities and their hidden treasures of art, fashion and music. We share experiences from a point of view that is enticing to a youthful and inquisitive target audience who thrive on creative culture.


Brand Attributes creative cultured vibrant energetic modern witty chic current




Target Audience Vi v i d r e a d e r s a re e a r l y a d a p t e r s w h o

2 4 - 3 2 y r o l ds

set trends then break them. They value experiences and what an object represents. They are eager to explore the world around them from a point of view that is as curious

Lives an urban lifestyle

as their own. This independent and resourceful group use Vivid as a go-to for their city adventures.

M A C user

Values what an object represents

S p e nds $150 on a night out

S pends $150-$160 on jeans



T a gl i n e Vivid is very passionate about the creative world. Our dedication and curiosity drives us to comb through major metropolitan areas around the world in search of the latest and greatest. We exist to encourage and inspire exploration. It is only natural for our tagline to be:

“Explore Creative Culture.�


Tone of V o i c e Our t o n e o f vo i c e i s : p l a y f u l , e n g a g i n g , u p b e at and honest.

Playful: The world is our creative playground. We can’t wait to let you in on all of its secrets. Engaging: We speak with a vibrant charm that’s pleasing to your creative palette, bringing you the latest trends to hit the art, fashion and music scene.


Upbeat: Our vivid colors exude a cheerful, bright and optimistic feel, so it’s only natural to sound as energetic and colorful as we look.

Honest: Like a friend, we are real, honest and give it to you straight. We only share things that are worth t alking about and know that you would appreciate.


Copy Guid e l i n e s Vivid speaks with a conversational voice. We are talking to intelligent and cultured people. We never want to offend them by sounding patronizing or lecturing.

We use everyday language as if we are talking to a friend. We like to evoke excitement and passion without overwhelming our readers with big and confusing words. Our brand attributes should always be ingrained in our minds so we never lose sight of who we are when communicating to others.

Quick Reference Guide: • Use a conversational tone • Avoid using big and ambiguous words • Use ‘current’ language • Always refer to our brand attributes




Col o r P a l e t t e Our signature Vivid colors are inspired by the vibrant energy of city life. The playful names reflect different elements found in metropolitan areas.

Taxi CMYK 0/10/88/0 RGB 255/200/54 Pantone 7404c Skyscraper CMYK 60/10/0/0 RGB 83/183/232 Pantone 298c Cosmopolitan CMYK 0/87/12/0 RGB 238/70/138 Pantone 205c V.I.P. CMYK 70/93/0/0 RGB 109/58/150 Pantone 526c Asphalt CMYK 0/0/0/75 RGB 99/100/102 Pantone cool gray 11c


Vivid Logo The Vivid logo is depicted in two ways: T h e Vi v i d Ty p e Lo g o a n d t h e Vi v i d Cloud Logo.

The Vivid Cloud Logo combines the Vivid Type Logo with an illustrated graphic that portrays each city skyline that we feature (e.g. The SF issue will have the SF skyline).


Vivid Type Logo

Vivid Cloud Logo













Clear S p a c e The Vivid Type Logo should be kept clear of competing text, images and graphics. It must be surrounded on all sides by an adequate clear space —a space equal to 1/4 times the perimeter of the logo.

The Vivid Cloud Logo must also be surrounded on all sides by an adequate clear space—a space equal to 1/4 times the perimeter of the logo.


Minimum Size The Vivid Type Logo can be sized down to a minimum of 1.25”.

The Vivid Cloud Logo can be sized down to a minimum of 2”.


1.25 ”

1.25 ”



Taxi CMYK 0/10/88/0 RGB 255/200/54 Pantone 7404c

Skyscraper CMYK 60/10/0/0 RGB 83/183/232 Pantone 298c

Cosmopolitan CMYK 0/87/12/0 RGB 238/70/138 Pantone 205c

V.I.P. CMYK 70/93/0/0 RGB 109/58/150 Pantone 526c


Primary Colors The primary colors for the Vivid logos are: Taxi, Skyscraper, Cosmopolitan and V.I.P.



Alternative Colors When the primary colors cannot be used, the Vivid logos can be substituted by black, Asphalt (gray) or white.

Black CMYK 0/0/0/100 RGB 35/31/32 Pantone Hexachrome Black C Asphalt CMYK 0/0/0/75 RGB 99/100/102 Pantone Cool Gray 11C


Ba c k g r o u n d C o l o r s The preferred background colors for the Vivid Type Logo are Taxi, Skyscraper, Cosmopolitan and V.I.P. The Vivid logo should always be black when used on these backgrounds. Alternately, a black background can be used when the Vivid logos are in their primary colors.






Vivid C l o u d C o l o r s The preferred colors for the Vivid cloud are Taxi, Skyscraper, Cosmopolitan and V.I.P. The city name should always be the same color as the Vivid cloud and within the letter “D� of the Vivid Type Logo.



Logo o n P h o t o g r a p h y The Vivid logos can be in the primary colors, as well as black or white when used on a photographic background. Because images vary in color, the Vivid logos must contrast strongly against the background.


Logo Do n ’ t s The Vivid logos should always be clear and legible. When using the logos on imagery, they should stand out and not compete with the background.


The two elements: the Vivid Type Logo and the graphic cloud may never be the same primary color. Each element of the Vivid logo must be i n O N E p r i m a r y c o l o r.


Primary Typeface BazoukLightSSi is our primary typeface. It sets a modern, fashionable and well-distinguished tone f o r Vi v i d . Avo i d u s i n g t h i s t y p e f a c e t o build h e a d l i n e s i n s p re a d s b e c a u s e i t w i l l l i mit the creative use of typography in the magazine.

BazoukLightSSi abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

BazoukSSi (Regular) abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

BazoukSSi (Bold)

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv wxyz 1234567890


S e c o n d a ry Typeface MetaPlus sets a confident tone to compliment the sleek and sophisticated primar y typeface. This too should not be used in headlines or spreads.

MetaPlusNormal-Roman abcdefghijklmnopqrstvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890





abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

abcdefghijklmnopqrstvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890





abcdefghijklmnopqrstvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 1234567890



Cover L a y o u t The Vivid Cloud Logo should always appear on the top right area of the page.













Content Layout Each layout is unique and is specifically designed for its a r t i c l e . We encourage artful typography and engaging images that complement the content in a meaningful way.




Ima g e r y Vivid images are characterized by their vibrancy. They tell a unique story in a compelling and unconventional manner. They should compliment the subject and bolster the subject’s creative contributions.


Business Cards Unless an employee is from a specific city that has their own design, all other employees will have the universal skyline.




Stationery The universal skyline design is used on our stationery and comes in our primary Vivid colors.


Website Our website is an extension of our magazine and uses horizontal navigation to set us apart from the norm. We’ve created an interactive space through live feeds, blogs and social media sites. We’re able to show exclusive footage from our events, as well as live interviews with artists, designers and musicians. Our website also serves as a medium for people from all over the world to exchange their creative ideas. We not only welcome this exchange, but encourage it.



iPhone Application

The Vivid iPhone application makes it fun and easy for users to follow our most recent discoveries around the world. Users not only get the latest scoop on our events, but are instantly connected to our live news feeds, blogs and social media sites.



Web Bann e r s Our web banners should capture the attention of internet users and spark their curiosity to explore our website. Because the web is fast-paced and constantly changing, a new web campaign is implemented every six months.

Our web banners are interactive and instantly demonstrate Vivid’s knowledge of creative culture.

Frame 1: The user is invited to explore

Frame 2: The user types in the letter

their city by typing in a letter.

“ P ” . A b ull’s eye appears and the skyline moves out of the scene.


Frame 3: Since the user typed in “P”,

Frame 4: The user can buy the

th e Pe rc y G a l l e r y i n C h i c a g o a p p e a r s .

magazine on newsstands, subscribe, or visit Vivid’s website.



Print A d s In this campaign, our bright Vivid couch symbolizes an open invitation to read our magazine and investigate creativity around the world.



Outdo o r A m b i e n t Vivid is a doorway to a colorful wonderland that is waiting to be explored. In areas where foot traffic is high, building doors are converted into our magazine covers.


Shelf Space To stand out from competing magazines and continue brand recognition, our shelf space includes the distinctive Vivid Type Logo.




Viv i d L o u n g e Every lounge can be spotted at major airports around the world. We invite travelers to kick back and experience our magazine and website. Our lounge offers every issue we’ve published for visitors to read and gain inspiration.



Event s Our events are the best way to get the full Vivid experience. We host events ranging from underground DJ battles to fashion shows. We are everywhere creativity thrives. You can also find us at speakeasies and rooftop parties that light up city skies.



Vivid Coasters Vivid coasters are designed for guests to use at our events. A Vivid map of the cities we feature are printed on the front. These maps highlight the events, places and Vivid recommended sights. The Vivid Cloud Logo and website are on the back. 75


T -shirts Vivid t-shirts are given out at events to generate product and brand recognition. 77

Conclus i o n Be Vivid. Have fun.


w w w . v i v i d m a g a z i n e . com

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