What is Employee Engagement- An Overview | Latest Trends PDF

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What is Employee Engagement- An Overview | Latest Trends hiringpeoples.com/what-is-employee-engagement-latest-treands August 13, 2020

In this article, we will discuss below-mentioned topics: What is Employee Engagement Why is employee engagement important Employee engagement strategies Employee engagement on how to improve Employee engagement example

What is Employee Engagement Employee engagement represents, the level of enthusiasm and connection employees have with the organization. It also a measure, how much people are motivated to work for the organization, and an indication of how determined they are to stay with the same organization. “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.� Steve Jobs

Why is Employee Engagement Important Take a look around your office, do your employees look happy? Are they satisfied with the work environment and do you feel, you can trust them to work under pressure? Over the past few years, employee engagement has become a hot topic. More and more people are realizing the importance of happy and busy company culture. Endorsing employee engagement in an organization is more like driving a car. The employees control the gas pedal, HR handles the brakes, managers shift gears, leadership keeps track of the map and instructs. 1/5

The journey of an entrepreneur or any business depends on working together, aligning one’s efforts. Not only teamwork but timed circulation of duties among employees also carry a heavy impact in on employee engagement. With the career progression of the employees, these calculated shifts in responsibilities don’t let the water settle but keep flourishing the organization and help it to grow branches in all directions.

Employee Engagement- How to Improve – Best Practice Below are some suggestions, by following these we can improve employee’s engagement. Employee Recognition-The Sum and Substance Man is a victim of all kinds of emotional prey because we are only human. The power of identity and its impact on employee engagement and holding cannot be underestimated.

Employee Engagement Example General Motors (GM), a global automotive company, shares its magic ingredient of success to be employee recognition. GM having more than 160,000 employees across six countries. The company wanted to create, manage and enhance a recognition and rewards (R&R) program that would streamline its corporate practices while aligning its global GM team. 2/5

They launched a GM Recognition Program, to 67,000 employees in 26 countries. Their success stories clearly state the vitality of employee recognition in building a global workforce. However, as Andy Groove (former CEO and co-founder of Intel) says: “A given managerial approach is not equally effective under all conditions”. Employee identities should also be strengthened with the former in mind. There is a fine line between them, otherwise, giving a similar identity and giving a physical or monetary reward. Apparently, the underlying motives for these both are the same in terms of boosting the morale of your team. It’s crucial, however, to assess the response of your employees in either case. In some instances, the cash bonus can be a very encouraging factor for someone. Therefore, it is important to take some time and skilful thought, symbolic incentives and hints to make your staff realize that your identity is full of heart.

Employee Engagement Strategies Goal-Oriented Hiring Employee engagement should be kept in mind as a goal while hiring new employees. Newcomers should evaluate the company’s values, qualifications, and culture to see if the newbie’s salary expectations are compliant and in line with the company’s provisions. If the candidate can answer two important questions: Can I work here? And do I want to work here? With both enthusiastic yes, then they are ready to engage with your organization.


Engaging the Onboard Have you ever felt like your brain is on autopilot? Sometimes our monotonous routines are so entrenched, they almost disappear. This feature of human brain forming habits can be one of the really challenging to keep new employees engaged during the onboarding process. First impressions have a massive impact on newcomers. Your newest employees tend to be more observant during the first few weeks towards the organization. If it matches with what you promised during the hiring process, it strengthens the initial good impression from your company paving the way for employee engagement. So, while onboarding works on many different levels, it’s important not to overlook the training and relationship as it sets a pattern of employee engagement from the start. It will be helpful if you: Make a great first day, Assign a mentor and Pace the learning. Employee Development Abraham Maslow developed a hierarchy of needs to explain how human motivation works. Starting with physical needs, the pyramid extends to self-actualization at the top. While the needs at the base take precedence over those at the top-level management, fulfilling the needs at the top is a solid measure of satisfaction. 4/5

Employee development can involve employees even better and longer if team members can see clear plans for success and achieve.


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