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Entertainment News
from His Grace Magazine
by His Grace
February 2022 His Grace Magazine! Page 13
Nathaniel Buzolic
A star of the movie 'Hacksaw Ridge' fearlessly shared the Gospel of Jesus: He came to Save

The star of the movie, "Hacksaw Ridge," Nathaniel Buzolic has publicly shared the Gospel recently in his Instagram post: Seeking Jesus, the healings of the Bible and how important it is to be "transformed on the inside by the Word of God."
Nathaniel posted a picture of the Sea of Galilee and added a question about the book of Mark, why Jesus had instructed the people He healed not to tell anyone that He had healed them. Nathaniel said, "Jesus didn't want people to proclaim Him as the healer, simply because this wasn't Jesus' primary purpose for His visitation among men." Nathaniel pointed out that Jesus had told us that He came to spread the Truth and to Save. He said, "The more famous Jesus became for healing, the less people wanted to hear about the actual Good News of the Kingdom of God that Jesus had come to
Nathaniel continued saying that God loves to heal and said that of all the examples of healing that Jesus did, he prayed that fans would remember that Jesus came for the "renewal of the mind, to be transformed on the inside by the Word
of God so that His people would trust Him, despite our current circumstances, trials or tribulations. This world has many illnesses, but the greatest of these is a sickness of the heart to be hardened towards the one true God."
Nathaniel continued with the Gospel message by saying that the truth will set people free.
He highlighted the significance of believing in the true oneness of
Jesus as God, and that when people fail to realize this, then they will "die in their sins." Nathaniel said, "Jesus came into this world to save sinners. We have set our hope on
Him." Nathaniel's
Twitter profile is loaded with biblical content, proclamations and material to get people thinking in the right direction. This is a great way to use your social media, whether it's Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Tik Tok. Start sharing the Gospel today to help engage people's minds towards God.