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After the Rapture

An End Times Guide to Survival


Book by: Dr. David Jeremiah

Written by: Lynne Wood

After the Rapture

is an eye opening book written by Dr. David Jeremiah. When I was reading this book, I felt like I was living life on earth after the rapture had taken place. It was very hard reading about what will happen to all the people left behind. However, this book is not meant to scar you but to open your eyes, to know and to prepare you for what life will be like after the rapture takes place.

He wrote this book for two things, really, in the hope that people would give their life to Jesus and accept Him as their Lord and Saviour before the rapture takes place, and secondly, he wrote this book for those who will ultimately be left behind as a guide to let them know what to expect in the years after the rapture takes place.

Can you imagine for a moment on that day when millions of people will suddenly, in the blink of an eye, be taken up to meet Jesus in the air. What a glorious day that will be for those of us that will be taken up to meet Jesus! However, for the people left behind, it will be absolutely devastating. Think about it... airplanes will fall from the sky without pilots. There will be carnage on the highways; people that are left behind will be shocked and saddened at the devastation that just took place.

After the Rapture, there will be seven years which is the tribulation period. It will be filled with natural disasters, persecutions and massive death toll. God will be sending His judgement on the rebellious humanity. With all believers suddenly removed, evil will now take over. Three and a half years into the tribulation, the Anti Christ will appear and things will get much worse. You will have to get a mark on your hand or forehead or you won't be able to buy or sell anything. Also, Dr. David Jeremiah explains in his book to not get that mark; if you do, you will be his and suffer eternity in hell. If you are someone left behind, God is merciful. He is giving you one more chance to accept

His Son as your Lord and

Saviour. That's all you have to do to be saved and spend eternity with Jesus. Jesus has made the ultimate sacrifice so you could be saved; all you have to do is confess your sins. We've all sinned, and trust in Him knowing He is the son of God and you will be saved. The future of what is to come is in the book of Revelation in the Bible; if you're not sure or don't understand it, read this book. He makes it very clear of what will take place in the near future. After the Rapture is an end times' guide to survival; it will definitely make you think and open your eyes to what is coming. "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the sea." Psalm 46:1-2.

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