2019 marks year #6 for the Speak Life Tour
Join the movement! www.speaklifetour.org
The Spring EdiTioN
Founder/Editor in Chief .............................. Sheneè Woodson Content Editor/Writer .................................Anissa Stewart Fashion Editor .............................................Keenya Kersey Cover/Graphic Contributer .........................Sarah Grace Marketing/Social Media Manager .............Aikyna Finch Advertising Manager/Writer........................ Jessica Foster Media Partners..............................................Chad & James Hampton Field Correspondent/Writer........................Kyonna T Fields Brown .......................................................................................................................
Contributing Writers ....................Shianne Taylor ...............................Gabriella E. ...............................Haylee Fishburn ...............................Melissa Jackson ...............................Andre Ferrell Photographer Credit Corey D. Taylor Andrè Dunston
PHONE NUMBER 410-645-0629 WEBSITE www.hisfavormagazine.com/teen © 2018 by His Favor Teen Magazine, Inc. All Rights Reserved Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Magazine Name is a registered trademark under His Favor Ministries Printed in the United States of America. #
From The Editor's Pen Hello, His Favor Teen Readers! It Is Spring!
We are already halfway into the year of 2019! By the time I write to you again, some of you will have graduated, planning your summer vacations or even working. Whatever it may be, make sure you prepare for what's next!
Spring brings on rain, sun, flowers, and the way the weather is these days a mixture of other things. We have to ensure that we are prepared for whatever comes our way. Dressing appropriately is essential! Just like the weather, we have to dress appropriately in the spiritual realm. We have to be prepared for setbacks, triumphs, attacks, and victories. God has given us a full armor! Every piece of that armor is for our protection. From the top of our heads to even our feet, we are to use the armor that God gave us! However, he also gave us a sword. That sword is used to fight! That sword is the Word of God!
I encourage you today, to not only protect yourselves from spiritual attacks but use that sword! Get into your word! Read! Read! Read! Study! Study! Study! You are the generation that has felt the effects of those before you mistakes. Yet, you are also the generation that has a lot more boldness. Don't let the media constantly show you as individuals that do not care for others or life. Show them you are the children of God that will not just sit back and allow the devil to wreak havoc in the earth. I receive many submissions of youth and young adults that are on FIRE for God! It's time that you show up and show out! So Are You Dressed Appropriately? Are You Ready To Use That Sword?
~Sheneè Woodson, Visionary/Editor In Chief
F A V O R A B L E FEATURES 6...Maya Jai Pinson "Keeping In Mind What's Important" 8...Shianne Taylor "Identity" "Identity" 9...Admire Khulumo "I Don't Know What God Wants Me To Do"
10...Gabriella E. "When God Sends You A Friend Request" 11...Haylee Fishburn "Heart Talk" 12...David Fitzgerald .......Dakotah West .......Layla Smith "The Impact of Our Story"
14...Melissa Jackson "Hello Spring" 15...Andre "Coach Dre" Ferrell "What Is Your Passion?" 17...Amiya Steed "Tween Spotlight"
18...Tyler Little "Never Count A Person Out"
22...His Story, The Musical "We Want People To Know Jesus"
24...Gabrielle Jordan &Marcella Mollon-Williams "Excel, Business & Mother/Daughter Life"
Love yourself, cherish yourself and celebrate yourself. For you reflect something so much grander and wonderful within yourself.
~Rachael Renovah
Model: @rachaelrenovah Photographer: @Alisonwallisphotography Hair Stylist: @strongcatproductions MUA: @lizziemua #photographer 5
Maya Jai Pinson
"Keeping In Mind What's Important" Tell us as a young person in today's society, how do you remain focused?
There are a lot of distractions amongst are youths today. I always keep in my mind what’s important. I make sure to prioritize, use my calendar and jot down my monthly events on my white board which serves as a daily reminder of what I need to focus on and how much leisure time. Who do you look up to? Why?
I look up to my parents. My parents have instilled great values in me. They are both great, responsible, supportive, loving, and role models to not just myself but to a all of my friends who calls them Mama & Papa Pinson. Do you feel the media tends to focus on the negative more than the positive when it comes to individuals around your age? Yes, I feel like the media focuses more on the negative issues than positive & inspiring youth topics. Although more teens are being recognized in a positive manner across the social media platforms, however, it would be nice to see the media shine more lights on the positive attributes of what teens are doing. What advice would you give an adult when it comes to supporting a young person that has big dreams?
My suggestion to an adult would be to have faith in that young person, be very transparent and to lead by example. Try to be mindful of how you’re saying certain things because it might seem harmless to you of how you’re speaking but to that young person looking up to you may process it in a different manner. It’s important to tell that young person how much you’re proud of them and how they can go to God for everything. If they are constantly hearing negativity, being criticized or have no support they will get discouraged and not put forward their best effort.
Favor is the blessings that God has bestowed on someone’s life, talent’s or projects.
14 year old actress, motivational speaker, children's book author, 4.00 GPA, former radio talk show co-host, captain of the basketball & volleyball teams, 1st chair cellist #
I heard a message on identity. That message stayed with me because in college knowing who I am is important. Not only for me, but for others it is also important. In the message the pastor quoted someone else and said, "If you don't stand for something then you'll fall for anything." While being a college student I learned that this message applied to many different situations. Before many people go to college they hear stories of people who have been in college or know stories of people that are in college. These stories may be happy, sad, anger filling, true or even heart wrenching, but do these high school students actually listen. One person’s path is not someone else’s, but what we can do with those stories is take the truths and the moments that apply to us and learn. It is easy for people to say they won’t do this or they won’t do that, but until they are facing that situation at hand they do not know what they are truly going to do. That is why I say it is of value for people to know who they are and work on themselves or at least know who they want to become and work towards that. Being a Christian does not mean that one is perfect because no one is, but it is striving to be the best that one can be under the guidance/ instructions that we have so that we can work on who we were called to be. At times I think to myself I am only a teenager the things that I do now, the good, but especially the bad won’t matter later on, the fact is they will. Every decision I make is thought out, when I was younger and even until this day my dad always says, “know the details”, whether that was with an assignment or going to hangout with friends especially. It was so that I never found myself in a situation I did not want to be in. When I lived at home I was never tempted to do bad things because my parents were there watching over me as it probably was for many. Though it is up to us to take what was instilled in us and put that to fruition-- sticking to our values, having standards, and know what lines we won’t cross. Peer pressure comes in many forms, but by knowing who we are and displaying who we are I have found that many times others will not continue to pressure you once you stand strong and say no or disagree with something.
~Shianne Taylor @shi.tay_7
Admire Khulumo
~God's Youth Christian Blogger
"An average teen with a more than average God! 1 Timothy 4:12 is my anchor scripture!
I’m 19, poor at sports and really geeky but often funny (I hope)!
~born in Zimbabwe & raised in Botswana~
I Don’t Know What God Wants Me To Do!
Have you ever not known what God wants you to do? What decision to take? Where to go? How to do it? To be honest, even this very blog started this way: I wasn’t 100% sure if it was how God wanted me to share His Word and what He was teaching me. Sometimes God will explicitly reveal to you what He wants you to do and that’s great! Truth be told though, sometimes He doesn’t, despite you genuinely wanting to do His will. This could range from smaller decisions like which group to sit with at school, to bigger ones like which church to go to or even which university to choose. It can be really frustrating when you’re stuck in indecision like that because you really want God to clearly tell you what to do so you can be sure that you’re doing His will.
“know that your step is directed” Dare I say, the decision itself doesn’t matter much. Now before you misunderstand me, what I mean is that as a believer, God is always directing your steps (Proverbs 16:9). This is to say that whatever step you take is directed one way or another. It may not be directed towards what He ultimately wants you to do, but it could be something that leads to another thing that then leads to what He ultimately wants you to do. It really doesn’t matter much, just know that your step is directed. The prerequisite to this though is that you take that step with God, it has to abide with His Word. I don’t want you to sin and say that the step is directed by God, nope!
“it matters less the step you take, versus with whom you take it” I’m not trying to undermine the decision-making process or anything, definitely take your time to think about your decisions. What I’m saying is that if you take too long trying to discern the will of God in a certain decision then you create room in your mind for the devil. He’ll plant anxiety and worries in your mind and you’ll take so long that you miss the opportunity to do what God wanted you to do. It matters less the step you take, versus with whom you take it. If you take it with God then you can always be sure that whatever happens will work in your favor somehow (Romans 8:28). If you’ve made a step without God and you’re worried now, well don’t be. See the beauty of God is that he foreknew that you would make that “mistake.” He created a provision for you to seek and find Him within that situation because He still loves you. Just turn back to Him, repent and seek His guidance (Joel 2:12). I promise that He will always be there for you.
Here’s What You Can Do To Make sure that you’re taking your step with God:
1. Pray and submit your plan to God Just talk to God: have an honest conversation with Him. Tell Him what you want to do and the decision you have to make. Basically, submit your plan to Him as in Proverbs 16:3. Remember that prayer is a way of inviting Him into the decision or situation you’re facing. 2. Fast and seek spiritual guidance Fasting will help you efficiently feed the Holy Spirit that God has put within you, and the Holy Spirit will guide you in your decisions. It also prevents you from following the leadership of your flesh and the world. Instead it prepares you for the work God has ordained you to do. 3. Just do it! It’s that simple. Now you’re sure that you’re taking it with God, and even if it turns out to be the “wrong” step (and I don’t believe there can be such a thing when walking with God) you’re sure that God is and will be with you, and He will work that in your favor.
“Don’t let your doubt stop you from acting on your faith” To be honest, even I am not 100% sure if God wants me to go to Oral Roberts University, even though I believe I’ve caught onto some hints of course. However, I continue to take steps of faith and submit to Him everything I do about it. He continues to give me faith and hope through His Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13) every single day. Don’t let your doubt stop you from acting on your faith, and remember that it matters less the step you take versus with whom you take it. Stay blessed.
“You may make your plans, but God directs your actions.”
Proverbs 16:9 GNT ***
PRAYER Dear God, please give me wisdom to timely make the right decisions, and prevent me from missing opportunities to do Your will. May Your Holy Spirit dwell within me and guide me on every turn. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen. 9
When You Get a Friend Request From GOD… By: Gabriella E. @Gabipalooza
“The great thing about social media is it gave a voice to voiceless people.”~Jon Ronson Social media receives a lot of negative attention for its abuse these days. I thought I’d tell you how social media and God came together to help me find my voice. I am Gabi, your typical teen. Or at least that’s what most would have assumed a year ago. You see I have an autoimmune disease called Crohn’s Disease. For those of you who aren’t familiar, basically, my body can't differentiate between good cells and bad cells in my digestive track. So it just attacks everything, causing pain. But up until a year ago, no one would have ever known unless I told them. A year ago after a week in the hospital with no real resolution in the near future, I got my NG tube. The easiest way to describe it is its a straw that looks like a spaghetti noodle that travels from my nose all the way to my stomach. It's attached to a machine that feeds me formula 24/7. It became my lifeline. My only source of nutrition until my body could heal enough to digest regular food. This was the first time I “wore” my disease on the outside. It was difficult at first. I was very scared of what others thought. But mostly I was angry at God, I lost him. How could he do this to me? The physical pain was rough but emotionally I was in pieces. I was going to church every week but I was so disconnected. I wasn't really listening to what they were saying. I talked to my pastor at church and she had said that if I was going through a rough time that I should pray. I should speak to God directly. I was reminded of Jeremiah 29:11 “ For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” So I started to talk to God. At first, I asked God constantly why he did this to me and told him that I couldn't take this. After months of prayer, my heart started to change. I started to believe what everyone had told me all along, God never puts you through something that you can't handle, and this made me a stronger person. Something changed me... God changed me. I started listening to what was going on in the church and I started really taking in what they were saying. I brought a journal to church so that I could write down everything. I wanted to hear God and I wanted him to hear me! Although I was still going through a rough time, I found that it was so much easier to walk with God and know that although you can't see him, he's always there. It was around this time that one of my counselors at the hospital and my mom supported me in starting my own Instagram. You see for months everyone was seeing me as sick when I just wanted them to see ME. I started my Instagram “Gabipalooza”, as a way to show myself to the world. I love fashion and style and have always wanted to model. I felt like I wanted to show the world that this disease and NG tube wasn’t going to define me. I was still going to be all that GOD intended me to be. To my surprise, it took off in a million directions. I started receiving messages from kids, adults, and teens like me who were all in similar situations. Somehow my images of strength gave them hope and belief in themselves. I was determined to be there for them. God gave me the opportunity to show the world myself and by his grace in my life, they saw me for ME. My prayer is to always walk God’s intended path and to remember that in my darkest of times, he is always there and always has a plan for me. My advice to anybody is going through something that is difficult, look to God and don't push him away. He would never put you through something that you can’t handle. You are stronger than you know and he has a plan for you too! #
My name is Haylee Fishburn! I’m 17 years old and have a passion for writing. My writings consist of everyday things teens face as young Christians. I know the struggle being a teen myself. Each of us have a heart. Now, I’m not talking about the big cardiovascular muscle that circulates our blood. I’m talking about the heart that controls our emotions. The one that we love, cry, get angry with. Upon this heart that we have, there’s a throne and there are many things that could be sitting on that thrown. But what is it? Who is it? Matthew 6:21 says “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21 says ” Where is your treasure at? Is your treasure Fortune? Fame? Jesus? As Christians, the king of our heart should be Jesus. But sometimes, it can end up being ourselves on that throne. We can get so caught up in what's best for us and what we want. We lose sight of what Jesus would want us to do. Then, when we realize that we are sitting on top of that thrown, we are scared to let God see that. We try to hide it. However, Psalm 26:2 says “Test me, Lord,
and try me, examine my heart and my mind.” Do we allow him to be king of our
heart to rule our lives?
As you go about, take some time to “Check your heart” as quoted by Christian Comedian John Crist. Take the time to see who is sitting on the throne of your heart.
D a v i d F i t z g e r a l d
God's favor has impacted my life positively in 2019. He doesn't let me go astray by guiding my steps and keeping my mind at peace. By sacrificing my worldly desires, I have seen how God has blessed me and will continue to mold me into someone who will advance his heavenly handiwork here on Earth. All you have to do is listen. ~17 years old, 12th grader, Maryland
Dakotah West
I knew I was called to ministry on December 12,2016 at 2:02 or 2:20am when the Lord had saved my soul. As of now, I am starting a second ministry for young girls called "The Right To Girl" where we are uplifting and edifying young women to be everything that God wants them to be. I believe that local churches are not doing what is necessary to reach teens, because most of the time, they refuse to talk about issues that teens go through. Maybe they believe the topics are too heavy but they still need to be discussed and addressed with the power and knowledge of God. I am blessed as a young adult because I have allowed God to choose my friends. ~ 16 years old, Faith United Ministries, Washington D.C
Layla Smith
My parents are separating, and I felt abandoned and forgotten by God. One morning tensions were at an all time high, but amongst the chaos I heard a tune in my head and I started humming. I walked to the bedroom and started recording. I had heard God’s voice amidst the chaos, and I felt comforted because I knew He was with me. ~16 years old
The Impact of Our Story "Teenagers & Praise Reports"
Hello Spring! Are you excited about Spring finally being here? Spring is one of the best
seasons because it is colorful, and it's the time when the weather transitions. Flowers blossom, birds chirp, the weather is moderate, and the sunlight lasts a little longer. Who wouldn't love Spring? It's common to establish new year's resolutions, aspirations, and #squadgoals, but the question is, have you stuck to them? It can get a little challenging at times to remember what you set your mind to accomplish at the beginning of the year. If you have found yourself falling off along the journey, don't worry, just get back up and keep going. Take some time to do some Spring cleaning inside and outside of your house. Reflect on the areas of your heart that need to be dusted off through prayer. What do you want God to purge in this season of your life? Observe what is around you. Are there relationships and circumstances that are becoming a hindrance with your walk with Christ? If so, it's time for you to get out your garden shears and start clipping the strangling and dead branches. Even though Spring cleaning can be exhausting, once you're finished you can look around and see how necessary it was, and you feel much better. You can breath better, and you are prepared for the next season when it comes. Allow the elements of God's beauty to inspire you to clean up your house naturally and spiritually. We all have areas that we have allowed to get cluttered and dusty. No matter where you are in your walk with God, know that He is the best cleaning agent. Do not condemn yourself for how you have kept your house, but know that this is an opportunity for God to do His best work in you. As God cleans us up, He will begin to uncover the things that we forgot that we even had in our houses. Do you remember a gift that you wanted so bad that you thought about it and maybe even prayed for? Once you got the gift, you were so happy and you used it every day; you took great care of it, and you made sure that it was utilized. Over time, you placed it somewhere and you let it sit month after month to the point that it collected dust. Now, junk mail sits on top of it, and you walk past it every day and you no longer notice it. We are all guilty of mishandling or forgetting the gifts that God has placed within us, and the goals that we have set to become better people. It's time to put on our rubber gloves so that we can clean our houses with the best cleaning agent, God. As we clean, He will spring us closer to Him. Rejoice! We are making room for our harvests!
Melissa "Miss J" Jackson Prayer Warrior/Talk Show Host Instagram: @missyj1088
ndré Ferrell, a resident of Baltimore, MD, has been a youth coach and mentor for over 10 years. Specifically focused on high school students, Andre has volunteered for the Hugh O’Brian Youth Organization (Maryland and Washington, DC Chapters) and worked as a mentor for the Bridge to Life Pre-College Program. In addition, André is an instructor at the Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC). Outside of his youth work, André is active in his local church, New Harvest Ministries where he serves in various roles. André is passionate about helping others reach success and is always to be hearing ear to a person in need. Professionally, André has over 10 years of professional experience in the IT field as a business analyst and change consultant. He has worked for the federal government as well as two leading professional services firms, Deloitte and Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC). He is currently at Allegis Group. André holds a bachelor’s degree from Loyola College in Maryland (now, Loyola University Maryland) and a master’s degree from Trinity University in Washington, DC.
Welcome to the Think Tank with Coach Dre Finding Your Passion
Scenario: Meet Jonas (not his real name). Jonas is 21-years old who works part-time at my company and is a full-time college student. Recently, Jonas shared with me that he didn’t understand why he needed a college degree when he is gaining valuable work experience without one. For him, college wasn’t relevant and it was a big financial cost. His points were understandable. Jonas argued that in a few years, businesses may not find having a degree relevant. While he may be right, that is not today’s reality. What should he do?
Think On This: I encouraged Jonas to stay in school and complete the journey he started. In addition, I suggested that he learn about himself ⏤ find the thing that drives him. NOW, WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? Friends, you have gifts. Your gifts are your skills, interests, and passions. Your gifts are linked to your passions which are linked to your God-given purpose. So let’s talk more about self-discovery and why it’s important. In the world, there are people who work for money. There are people who seek jobs because they are “good” or “skilled” at something. How many people do you know who seek jobs because of their passion? It’s not a crazy question! There are thousands of people wasting years working neither satisfied nor fulfilled because they didn’t learn about themselves. Many people get college degrees and are not working in their degree area. Craziness! Think On This: Some type of postsecondary education will always be required. Jonas chose college. However, the path could have been computer school, trade/vocational school, or Job Corps-like programs. In our chat, I asked Jonas about his passions and he had no answer. No one ever asked him the thing that drives him. So, what are you passionate about? What is the thing that you would want to do if you had all of the time, money and opportunities in the world? If that question is too broad, then narrow the scope to what would I want to do until age 25 or 30. Self-discovery is important. Volunteer with groups based on your interests. Complete career assessments. Do everything possible to learn about your interests and what you could do during the next season of your life (i.e. age 25 or 30). As you are learning yourself, your gifts and talents will become clearer to you. Pray about your interests and seek God about your passions, and He will set you on the correct pathway. Ultimately, your passions are tied to your purpose. You will always have interests but are those interests sufficient for you to make money and be fulfilled? If your answer is no, seek God for your passion and then seek the path to enhance your passion. If the path is college…GREAT. If the path is public service, such as the military...GREAT. If the path is trade/vocational school...GREAT. Remember to trust in the Lord and the passion that you seek will make itself known! Friends, I would love to hear from you. Please contact me, Coach Dre, coachdre@andreantoine.com.
Amiya Steed NJ native Amiya Steed is a tween CEO and entertainer who excels in school and is no stranger to the world on entertainment and entrepreneurship. Amiya appeared in her very first celebrity fashion showcase at age 2, started her very own tutu line by the age of 3, and appeared in her first TV show Nick Jr.’s Team Umizoomi at age 4. Amiya works diligently to perfect her craft.
Amiya can be seen on several commercials, TV sitcoms, short/feature films, theater productions, print campaigns, and live on the runway. Amiya is contracted to release her reality show “Kid Boss” which focuses on her life as a kid CEO via the On Channel soon. Amiya is also a recording artist who released her song and music video for her hit song
“Boss on Em” which can be seen on YouTube. She is currently back in the studio recording more music. Her inspirations includes: Oprah, Tyler Perry, Ellen, and Daymond John. She also enjoys watching shows like Shark Tank. Amiya travels often inspiring girls to “Boss On Em”. She’s your everyday girl manifesting an extraordinary world! www.AmiyaSteed.com Instagram @AmiyaTheCelebKid 17
Ty l e r L i t t l e #
Never Count A Person Out
Tell us as a young black man in today's society, how have you evoked change through your ministry?
I feel I have by staying faithful to my calling and being an encouragement to those coming behind me.
Who do you look up to? Why?
Wow! John P Kee & Donnie Mcclurkin to name a few. That's because they have remained true to their purpose in the Christian arena and their stability is a total encouragement! Do you feel the media tends to focus on the negative more than the positive when it comes to individuals around your age? Why or Why not?
I do. In my opinion, it's because we are the next generation and we are different and people fear change.
What advice would you give an older adult when it comes to supporting a young adult that has big dreams?
To never count that person short because you never know where they are headed. You should grow with them, not show up when they blow up. How has your music ministry grown in the past year?
In a very blessed way. I signed my first recording deal with Dream Label Group/ Capitol Christian and now I'm on the hunt for more great music to complete my album. Follow me on social media at Tylerlittle_sb6 (instagram) Tyler gods child little (Facebook) Booking: 770.765.7775 / Platformagency@consultant.com
In your own words, what is "INTEGRITY" Honesty and the establishment of truth through 19 your actions.
Is Looking Great For
Christian Youth
Have You Checked Your Calendar?
January 2016 I went on a medical mission trip to Kenya. It was a beautiful place, I was on kid duty so I spent most of my days dancing, eating and showing music from my IPhone to very curious children.
I made a friend there that Introduced me to Hamilton, Hamilton is a musical about one of our founding fathers and his life. I heard it and was instantly taken In by the complex lyrics and modern sound. I was soon obsessed, not only with the album but with American history, which is something I had very little interest in before. Then I had a thought! What if someone could do this with the Bible? So I started writing. At first, my songs were kinda awful but as I went along I asked God for strength and ideas and they came and came. (to the point, I was writing very fast). Some of my songs were written in less than 2 hours. But I give all credit to God! It got very hard sometimes but I pushed through as I felt deep inside me that this was something God wanted me to do. When I was stuck, I would ask God for help and He would pull me through. For that reason, His Story has become more incredible than I could ever imagine. Today, I’m blown away! What started with my clunking down random piano keys trying to make something in my basement; while scribbling lyrics in my journal has become a multi-national, talent and spirit-filled masterpiece. This is His Story and my only desire is that it be heard, shared and known. I want people to know my Jesus.
After experiencing this project, my heart for people is to inspire curiosity about the Bible, to clearly and beautifully present the gospel in a way that does not force Jesus onto people; yet show His character so that people will understand who He is and want to know Him personally. Deep in my heart, I feel if someone was to truly see and know Jesus the way I do, there’s no way they would turn Him away.
We haven't been able to market the musical outside of social media though. Social media is our main focus now since almost everyone is connected. We are praying God gives us wisdom on how to connect with this new generation and share His love. Amongst everyone involved, there was a time the power of God manifested during one of your rehearsals that still leaves me in awe. God has been in this. In the beginning when I had only 3 songs and I was stuck. I didn’t know if I should continue. The Dream seemed unrealistic and out of my reach (almost a waste of time if no one could hear it).
"Before giving up completely I gave God one last chance to speak"
I stood alone on an empty street holding my bible. “God, if you want me to write this musical, give me strength. I can’t do it alone, I don’t know how.” At that moment a gust of wind blew open my bible to 2 Tim 4:17 “But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me, so that the message might be preached fully through me, and that all the Gentiles might hear.” Nothing could be more clear! I knew He wanted me to finish what we started. Also, there have been many times in the studio where God's hand was so evident. Every day we would pray together for his guidance, His creativity to flow, and it did. Even though English is our producer, Paul’s, second language, God gave him incredible insight into the story in a way that now even just listening to the instrumental tracks will tell the story. The crazy part is we didn’t even know he was a believer when we first chose him. God is moving and nothing will stop Him. "His Story" is a 30 Song Audio Musical premiering for FREE on YouTube on Palm Sunday, April 14th
The Musical www.hisstorythemusical.com
"We Want People To KNOW Jesus" 23
Gabrielle Jordan & Marcella Mollon-Williams
What do you feel is the cause of the "rise" of young entrepreneurs? G: We are living in a world currently where the potential of what a person can do is no longer limited by their age because access to knowledge is no longer limited to age. This has made learning how to start businesses, create products and sell those products, and get support so possible for so many young people. Also, the young trailblazers, like myself and many others who've started thriving business as youth, have inspired so many young people to not wait until they’re adults to tap into their potential.
Do you feel the local churches are doing enough to reach teens and young adults? Why or Why not? M: I believe some are trying to reach teens and young adults but I do not think it is a priority in most churches. There are a number of reasons why many churches are failing our youth but what matters is how do we change that. One of my favorite quotes is “Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work” and Matthew 18:3-5 shows us how we should view young people as an example for all of us adults. My point is when empowering young leaders and teachers is a priority in the church, real progress will be seen in our communities.
Gabrielle is an entrepreneur, bestselling author, awarded by former 1st lady Michelle Obama and owns her own high end jewelry company at only 19 years old
Are there any other ventures you would like to pursue in the near future outside of the program? G: Besides ExCEL, I am currently working to grow my jewelry company Jewelz of Jordan. I’m in school now working on a BFA in jewelry + metals which is exciting.
How has Excel Youth Mentoring Institute helped young people to stay inspired and focused? G: Since the founding of the ExCEL Youth Mentoring Institute in 2014, we have been focused on mentoring young entrepreneurs and leaders through the programs and educational resources we provide. Mixed with the likeminded, peer-to-peer mentoring that happens when many of these young people and their parents have the chance to meet through the community we’ve built, there are opportunities for education, accountability, and support which we believe is the foundation for breeding excellence #
Marcella, is a 5th generation business owner, author and financial strategist that supports her children whole-heartedly
"FAVOR” is the manifestation of God’s Grace. If I receive favor, it is not because of something I have done. Nothing I can do can compare to the grace needed to establish favor and I am grateful for that. ~Marcella Mollon-Williams
ExCel, Business & Mother/Daughter Life
Please share with us the vision behind the ExCel Honors Awards Gala? G: When you look at the amount of incredible young entrepreneurs and young leaders that have “popped up� over the last few years it's hard not to be amazed and inspired. These youth have accomplished some absolutely outstanding things and are actively making a major impact and we believe that that is something worth noting. The ExCEL Honors is all about honoring those who excel beyond the expectation of this world in the pursuit of excellence and inspiring young people especially, to do the same. M: We also want the ExCEL Honors to be a place where community leaders, parents, and mentors can come together to connect with one another and create collaborative efforts to support our youth. This is just the beginning. 25
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