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Distinguished Businesses

The issue of ethics in business is very important. We read and hear of large companies that have been sued for ethical issues, not to mention the small ones that go out of business because of such things that we don’t hear or read about. It is essential that, as Hispanos Emprendedores, we are ethical individuals who run ethical businesses.

It’s not about price competition, working to be the best, or how to operate more efficiently, it’s about being people who operate businesses, that people say “That’s a good company.” Being ethical is defined as Righteous, in accordance with morality. Morality is a characteristic that is highly valued, even outside of religious or social organizations.

The public wants to do business with ethical people and businesses. According to Gallup Surveys, the public now seeks the work of highly reputable and ethical companies. Ethics is the essence of a business that separates itself from the other. It should not surprise us that the Bible calls us to be ethical. Jesus said in Matthew 5:37, that “our yes shall be yes, and our no shall be no.” As entrepreneurs in this society, it is important that your business is known and respected by people.

Now, what are some of the brands that stick out in the public’s mind?

1. Integrity: What do you do when no one sees you? For the Christian, this is central to life. Integrity in business is critical to building trust between the public and customers.

2. Commitment to excellence. Bad experiences can affect customers more than good ones. So what can you do to distinguish yourself through excellent service?

3. Commitment to your people. The best promotion of your business is the recommendation of your employees. Dealing with your employees is something that goes far beyond what we can say and it becomes evident when the public deals with your employees. However, at the end of the day, your life will be blessed by the way you operate your business, treat your employees, and serve the public. In the Bible, Jesus reminds us to “Treat others as you would have them treat you (Luke 6:31 NIV). This command should cause us to pause and remember our bad experiences, but it should also motivate us to change our experiences.

Ask God to help you see how you can progress in qualities that will help you in every aspect of life.

Desiree Ramos

Journalist and broadcaster with more than 10 years of experience. She is the current coordinator of the advertising department and collaborates with the public relations of our company.

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