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Between the Wars
Quite a Pair
Stan Stokes. In 1928, this Boeing F4B has a LIMITED EDITION bird’s eye view of the U.S. Navy’s new, big carriers: the USS Saratoga (CV-3) and the USS Lexington (CV-2). 16"x11½". Signed and numbered by the artist! #7285 Reg: $39.95 $19.95 Aircraft Carriers These 1/350 scale plastic kits include accurate armament, authentic markings, detailed ight decks, decals include accurate armament, authentic markings, detailed ight decks, decals and emblems, and much more! Assembly required, skill level 3-4.
USS Lexington (CV-2) Kit Known as the "Gray Lady," this kit replicates the USS Lexington as she was tted when she was sunk by the Japanese on May 8, 1942, during the Battle of the Coral Sea. 30½" long and includes a display stand with a nameplate; 583 pieces. #92207 $139.95
J2F-5 Duck Model
Used for utility and air-sea SAVE $10 rescue duties, the Grumman rescue duties, the Grumman J2F Duck was an American J2F Duck was an American amphibious biplane that amphibious biplane that served each major branch served each major branch of the U.S. armed forces of the U.S. armed forces from the mid-1930s from the mid-1930s until just after the 1/48 SCALE Second World War. This 1/48 scale model This 1/48 scale model of the J2F-5 features landing gear, a rotating propeller, of the J2F-5 features landing gear, a rotating propeller, and authentic USN markings. 9¾" wingspan. #706293 Reg: $64.95 $54.95 F2A-3 Bu alo Balsa Kit
This high-quality laser-cut balsa wood kit includes hand-selected balsa, concise hand-selected balsa, concise full-sized plans, 9" plastic propeller, vacuum-molded propeller, vacuum-molded parts, colored tissue and full-color decals. parts, colored tissue and full-color decals. Beginners and experienced modelers will be Beginners and experienced modelers will be delighted with the quality and attention to detail put into this kit. Over 80 laser-cut pieces, 30" wingspan when complete. For display or rubberpowered ight. #8976 $69.95
USS Saratoga (CV-3) Kit The USS Saratoga was the U.S. was the U.S. Navy's third Navy's third aircraft carrier, being commissioned in November 1927. And though she suraircraft carrier, being commissioned in November 1927. And though she survived WWII only to serve as a guinea pig anchored with other ships for post-war vived WWII only to serve as a guinea pig anchored with other ships for post-war testing of the atomic bomb, now you can bring her back to life again! 30½" long and includes a display stand; 566 pieces. #92201 $139.95
1930s Luxury Car Models
Replicating two of the most elegant and sought-after cars of the 1930s, these 1/18 scale, die cast A models feature brilliant paint schemes, opening hoods to reveal large, detailed engines, steerable front wheels feature rolling rubber with treaded real rubber tires, authentic tires, plush and detailed interiors, tires, plush and detailed interiors, badging, opening chrome detailing, authentic badging, chrome detailing, authentic badging, doors and hood, and removable display bases. and removable display bases. detailed engines and interiors, and chrome detailing. 7½" long.
$109.95 each
1/18 SCALE
A: 1932 Cadillac V16 Sports Phaeton 11½" long. #409685 B
B: 1935 Duesenberg SSJ 9½" long. #409700
U.S.Army Air Corps Insignia Shirt
Show o your love of historic military aviation with this 100% cotton t-shirt featuring the classic U.S. Army Air Corps insignia. #701214 M, L, XL: $21.95 2XL, 3XL: $23.95
Popular 1930s Automobile Models
Replicating a pair of popular 1930s automobiles, these 1/24 scale, die cast models feature rolling rubber tires, authentic badging, opening B doors and hood, detailed engines and interiors, and chrome detailing. 7½" long. $24.95 each A: 1937 Ford Pickup #405743
1/24 SCALE
B: 1939 Chevy Coupe #410012