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Star Trek


Celebrate your inner Trekkie with our galactic selection of Star Trek collectibles, ranging from the USS Enterprise to a Klingon Transport! Each die cast model re ects a finely textured surface and recessed panels lines, and a clear-armed textured surface and recessed panels lines, and a clear-armed $2795 Each Enterprise NCC-1701-B presentation stand to display your starship mid- ight. 4"-5½" long. presentation stand to display your starship mid- ight. 4"-5½" long. Launched under the command of Captain Klingon John Harriman, the Bird-of-Prey Enterprise-B – A warship used a 23rd century by the Klingons, the bird-like vessel by the Klingons, the bird-like vessel Excelsior-class could perform multiple mission could perform multiple mission vessel – was roles as a raider, scout, roles as a raider, scout, seen in Star Trek Star Trek patrol and cruiser. #704197patrol and cruiser. Generations. #704204 Romulan Warbird The largest and most powerful mainstays of the Romulan Star Empire during the late 24th century. #704199 All Models Include a Display Stand!

powerful mainstays of

USS Reliant NCC-1864 A Miranda-class vessel hijacked by Khan Noonien Singh. #97311 USS Stargazer NCC-2893 Under the command of Jean-Luc Picard, the USS Stargazer was first seen in Star Trek: The Next Generation. #97327

USS Thunderchild NCC-63549 Activated in 2373, the USS Thunderchild NCC-63549 was an Akira-Class Starfleet vessel. #97312 Nebula-Class Ship Based on a Nebula-class starship from the Star Trek Star Trek universe and featured in numerous Star Trek programs. #97331

Starfleet Delta Flyer Starfleet Delta Flyer A shuttlecraft designed by the Star eet crew in Star Trek: Voyager. #97414

Galileo Shuttlecraft Kit
This 1/32 scale plastic kit replicates the rst shuttlecraft to appear in the original Star Trek series, the Galileo. It features authentic decals for 3 registry options, opening features authentic decals for 3 registry options, opening access panel, realistic landing gear, and full-color paint and building guide. Assembly required, 58 pieces, skill level 2, 11” long. #706449 $49.95 M, L, XL: $27.95 2XL, 3XL: $29.95
Trekkie Shirt
Celebrate your love of Star Trek with this simple and straight-forward black t-shirt. 100% super-soft cotton. #700858 B
Kirk and Spock Busts
“I have been, and always shall be, your friend.” Celebrate the friendship between friend.” Celebrate the friendship between the one and only James T. Kirk and Spock the one and only James T. Kirk and Spock with these beautifully rendered, highwith these beautifully rendered, highquality resin busts! These pieces are hand quality resin busts! These pieces are hand painted and feature remarkably realistic details. 5" tall. $29.95 each A: Kirk #704438 B: Spock #704469