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Guns / Hand Weapons

.22-Caliber Derringer

The Derringer was a favorite among Shipping restrictions apply. Call for details. outlaws and gamblers for its hideaway size. This double-barreled, blankThis double-barreled, blank ring reproduction features ring reproduction features a working action, swing locking lever, and the barrel locking lever, and the barrel swings up for easy loading. swings up for easy loading. 4¾" long. #111439 $129.95 100-Pack of Blanks #109054 $19.95
ASI FrontFiring Blank Gun
Great for training or reenactments, this reenactments, this ASI front- ring blank gun is stunningly ASI front- ring blank gun is stunningly Shipping restrictions apply. Call for details. realistic. Equipped to realistic. Equipped to re in either the automatic or semi-automatic re in either the automatic or semi-automatic mode, it also features a black matte nish, mode, it also features a black matte nish, authentic-style grips, working-action, and trigger and standard 15-round and extended 25-round magazines. 14" long. #M652608magazines. 14" long. $249.95 50-Pack of Blanks #M651886
1873 Fast-Draw
This stylish, nickel- nished gun – a reproduction of an 1873 fast-draw revolver – comes with a spinning cylinder (that holds six blanks), cylinder (that holds six blanks), a cock-and-pull mechanism, a cock-and-pull mechanism, and black composite grips. and black composite grips. 10½" long. #109053 $199.95 100-Pack of Blanks #109054 $19.95 #109054
Hand Sometimes you run out of ammo. Make sure it’s not life threatening with something from this assorted hand weapon collection!

Special Forces Combat Knife – Includes scabbard and belt support. 6½" blade length, 12" total length. #111441 $59.95 Classic Bowie Knife w/Sheath
Includes a bone handle and leather sheath. 15" long. #101394 $34.95sheath. 15" long.

Spiked Mace Club – Wood handle with black metal spikes. handle with black metal spikes. 23" long. #111442 $39.95
Scimitar Sword with Scabbard – Wood handle, leather Scabbard – scabbard. 31" long. #106626 $39.95 scabbard. 31" long.
Military Serrated Boot Knife – Includes nylon sheath. 4½" blade, 8¾" total length. #111443 $24.95 24.95

Extreme Axe with Handle Sword – Axe with small sword removable from handle. 29½" long. #111444 $49.95 Pocket Knife Multi-Tool – Includes 3" half-serrated blade, pliers, wire cutters, bottle opener, screwdrivers, and sheath. 3½" long when closed. #M404337 $19.95

M1905 Bayonet with Sheath – Replicates WWII bayonet, includes hard military sheath. 20" long. includes hard military sheath. 20" long. #M650657 $59.95