3 minute read
Steam Locomotives
Now, you can view The Evolution of the Steam Locomotive, which was originally published in 1898, on your computer screen! An invaluable resource, this CD-based book includes more than 350 pages with high-resolution photos, drawings and diagrams as well as searchable text detailing every aspect of 19th century locomotives, from the earliest types onward. #R01740 $14.95
engines between 1900 and 1950. However,

Stephenson’s Rocket In 1829, the Liverpool Locomotive & Manchester Railway held the Rainhill Trials A to nd the best locomotive for its line. The winner was Robert Stephenson's Rocket, an innovative 0-2-2 locomotive
Limited Quantity! that, capable of reaching speeds of up to 25 miles per hour, launched a new age in the history of transportation. It is currently on display at the Science Museum in London. A: Kit – This museum quality, 1/24 scale kit features laser-cut wooden parts for the locomotive body, tender and boiler, and cast metal parts that provide realistic detail. Can be motor ized for use with G-scale model railroads (motor not included). Assembly required, 11¼" long. #R96997

B B: Model Handcrafted from iron and hand painted, this model features a detachable carriage with barrel, and rolling spoke wheels. 18" long. #406227 $149.95

The Best of Steam – Volume 2

Taken from a number of Gulash’s previous video releases, this program covers steam from the 1950s on railroads such as New York Central, Union Paci c, and East Broad Top. It also follows famous steamers throughout the Midwest and West, along with actual operation in the ‘50s and early ‘60s. 1 hour. #405459 Reg: $24.95 $14.95 SAVE

The American Steam Locomotive in the Twentieth Century
Morrison. The U.S. produced the most powerful steam locomotives with massive engines between 1900 and 1950. However, despite sustained engineering e orts, steam locomotives were highly ine cient due to their costly fuel and labor. This illustrated history details the obstacles, victories and failures of American steam locomotive development and operation. 636 pages, 582 photos, 8½"x11", softcover. #402637 $59.95

0-6-0 Steam Locomotives
These HO scale A models of USRA 0-6-0 steam switchers feature a Vanderbilt tank style tender and include a workB ing valve gear, an operating headlight, an operating smoke unit, and E-Z Mate®couplers for HO SCALEA: Union Pacific #409636 B: Great Northern #409637 reliable operation on your standard DC railroad. 9" long. $149.95 each
A: Rock Island #410212 B: Union Pacific #410213 C: Alton #410211 D: Seaboard #410214
2-8-2 Light Mikado Steam Locomotives
The 2-8-2 Light Mikado was a successful locomotive that lasted until the end of the steam era. These HO scale replicas of the sturdy engine feature Paragon3 Sound and Operation system for both DC and DCC, a die cast chas sis, traction tires, and au thentic mark ings and paint schemes. Performs best on 18" radius curves or greater. 12" long.
J3a 4-8-4 Steam Locomotive
As one of the last commercially built steam HO SCALE locomotives in the United States, the J3a #614 was built with the primary purpose of hauling long, heavy, high-speed express passenger trains for the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway such as the George Washington and the Fast Flying Virginian. This model replicates the #614 and features Paragon3 Sound and Operation system for both DC and DCC, factory installed engineer and reman gures, synchronized pu ng smoke with each chu , variable pu ng smoke intensity and timing, a brass body and die cast chassis, and traction tires. Performs best on 22" radius curves or greater. 15½" long. #410215 $799.95 Order Today at 800-261-5922 or www.HistoricRail.com