4 minute read
Great Lakes / Maritime
Great Lakes Freighter Kit

Patterned after the MV HO SCALE $89.95 White Swan – built in 1922 and wrecked in 1956 – this HO scale plastic kit includes a fully detailed wheelhouse interior, one-piece castings, bollards, etched brass stanchions, and much more! Assembly required. 11" long.
Know Your Ships
Field Guide to Boats and Boatwatching Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway – 2021 Marine Publishing. This title contains everything you need to know about the nearly 1,000 U.S., Canadian, and international- ag vessels that sail the inland seas, including owner and port of registry, vital statistics, and former names. It also includes information about locks, canals, cargos, museums, and more. 200 pages, photos throughout, 5½"x 8", softcover. #410226 $19.95
Railroad Tugboat Kit
Over 3-Feet Long!
Tugboats Illustrated
History, Technology, Seamanship Farrell. Bursting with diagrams and photos, this illustrated pro le on tugboats follows their entire lifespan from the rst steam-powered vessels to today’s hyper-specialized workhorses. Learn how the fascinating ships maneuver between tight harbor piers, push rafts of forty up the Mississippi, tow enormous oil rigs, and deliver huge piles of gravel mous oil rigs, and deliver huge piles of gravel to local river ports. 192 pages, 300 color to local river ports. 192 pages, 300 color photos, 12"x photos, 12"x11", hardcover. 11", hardcover. #402302 $49.95
SAVE $50
1/32 SCALE
This 1/32 scale plastic kit recreates the Brooklyn – a steam-powered tugboat built in 1910 designed to transfer rail cars across New York harbor – in great detail, and features a vacuum-formed hull, brass railings, lots of castings, laser-cut parts, and more!
Assembly required, skill level 3. 110 pieces, 39½" long. #407431 Reg: $449 $399

Learn about some of the most shocking natural disasters and shipwrecks in history. These thrilling stories explore, in accurate detail, the impact and tragedies that stemmed from these incidents. $19.95 each Safe Ashore: The 1940 Armistice Day Storm In 1940, Lake Michigan experienced an awful winter storm, and this lm explores its impact, including winds that ripped the freighter SS Anna C. Minch in half; ipped the SS William Davock, killing all of its crew; and pushed the smaller SS Novadoc onto a sandbar. 1 hour. #RV5909 Deep Six: Titanics of the Great Lakes This thrilling lm explores the six largest shipwrecks on North America's Great Lakes. shipwrecks on North America's Great Lakes. You'll learn about the SS James Carruthers, You'll learn about the SS James Carruthers, the William Moreland, and the Edmund Fitzgerald. 1 hour. #RV5912 Final Run: Storms of the Century – Explore the worst storms to ever hit lakes Superior, Huron, Michigan, and Erie. You'll hear from survivors of the 1913 and 1940 gales, and the Daniel J. Morrell shipwreck; sail aboard a vintage whaleback freighter during a lake gale; watch the nal moments of the Marshall F. Butters before it sank; and learn the history of the whaleback freighters. 1 hour. #RV5910 The Edmund Fitzgerald Investigations From construction footage of the Fitz to interviews from every expedition to visit the wreck site, this program explores the wreck (CURV III, Delta, Searover, Pisces and SDL1, Newt Suit, Clelia, and Cousteau's diving saucer) to unlock the mystery of what happened to the 29 men. 1 hour. #RV5911

Christian Oldham. This stunning limited edition print captures a vintage New York Central tugboat maneuvering rail barges on the Hudson River on a clear New York day. Print is signed by the artist. 20"x15". #410227 $149.95
Made in the USA.
“Night on the River” Jigsaw Puzzle
Roberta Wesley. Depicting a steamboat paddling down the Mississippi River near New Orleans on a peaceful, moonlit night, this 1,000-piece puzzle measures 27"x 20" when assembled. 27"x 20" when assembled. #R67206 $18.95
Southern Belle PaddleWheel Steamship Kit
This 1/64 scale plastic kit – a reproduction 25% of a Southern Belle-style steamship – features a rear paddle wheel, detailed decks, realistic accessories, authentic decals, and a display stand. Assembly required. 186 pieces. Skill level 3. 8" long. #104167 Reg: $34.95 $25.95 Order Today at 800-261-5922 or www.HistoricRail.com