4 minute read
Railpower 1370 Power Pack
Compatible with both HO and N scale models, this power pack features 300-degree extended range speed control – three times that of average power packs! – a main line direction switch for easy reversal, AC terminals for accessories, an LED light, and an 80" cord. #402227 $69.95
Track and Power Pack Set $30

This HO scale set includes an oval of Bachmann E-Z Track with gray roadbed and nickel silver rails, a wire hook-up track, and the Railpower 1370 power pack. 63"x 45" oval (22" radius). #R99968 Reg: $192.95 $162.95

E-Z Track SectionsHO SCALE
Expand your HO scale layout with these sets of four E-Z Track sections! Made of steel alloy or nickel silver rail mounted on realistic roadbed, they snap together in seconds! together in seconds! 9" Straight − Steel alloy rails. #R95182 $14.95 22" Radius Curve − Each measures 8½" long. Steel alloy rails. 8½" long. Steel alloy rails. #R95183 $16.95 9" Straight − Nickel silver rails. #R99386 $17.95 22" Radius Curve − Each measures 8½" long. Nickel silver rails. #R999788½" long. Nickel silver rails. $22.95
Train Storage Cases

Featuring a foam interior, these cardboard cases safely and concardboard cases safely and conveniently hold your HO or N scale veniently hold your HO or N scale locomotives and rolling stock. 28"x12½"x 2½". $44.95 each A: HO Scale – Holds 20 locomotives and cars. #R66710 HO/N SCALE B: N Scale – Holds 36 locomotives and cars. #R66711 B

Models not included.

These handy wheel cleaners will keep your locomotives Roto Wheel Cleaners running in top condition. Simply clip to a powered track or a transformer, set the loco on the electri- Locomotive not included fied pads, and the grime disappears as the wheels spin. Includes two sets of cleaning pads and one set of scrubbing pads. HO Scale – For locomotives up to 12" long. #R04617 $29.95 N Scale – For locomotives up to 6¼" long. #R04618 $24.95 Extra Cleaning Pads – Includes three sets of cleaning pads and one set of scrubbing pads for the HO scale Roto Wheel cleaner, which can be cut in half to create six sets of cleaning pads and two sets of scrubbing pads for the N scale Roto Wheel cleaner. #R04619 $7.95

Build Big and Small Industries for Your Model Railroad
This title features 17 projects, from steam era to present day. Beginners will learn how to build a kit and integrate it to a scene, while experienced modelers will learn how to kitbash and scratchbuild a structure. Industries covered include cement plants, cold storage warehouses, local oil dealer, asphalt transfer terminal, brewery complex, and more. 112 pages, 200 color photos, 8¼"x10¾", softcover. #407013 $21.95
Detailing and Upgrading Steam Locomotives
This book begins with an overview of steam locomotives including types, history, and how they work, then proceeds to upgrading and repowering older plastic and brass models. It also covers adding DCC and sound, weathering, and modifying details to re ect various prototypes. 96 pages, 200 color photos, 8¼"x10¾", softcover. #407014 $21.95
Build 3 Model Railroader Project Layouts
This title includes 3 popular layouts from Model Railroader Magazine: The Beer Line, Red Oak, and Bay Junction. It covers prototype and historical information, and construction techniques like benchwork, wiring, scenery, structures, and more. You’ll also read about a variety of layout types using di erent construction methods to build model railroads in either HO or N scale. 112 pages, 200 color photos, 8¼"x10¾", softcover. #410209 $21.95
45 Years on the Milwaukee, Racine & Troy
You’ve read about the Milwaukee, Racine & Troy, Model Railroader’s HO scale club layout in the magazine for years. Now is your chance to take an exclusive, backstage tour of both the original layout, as started in 1975 in downtown Milwaukee, as well as the newest version of the MR&T, housed at Kalmbach’s suburban corporate o ces since 1989. This program includes never-before seen photos and video footage of both railroads, including a rare look at an operating session on the layout in 1988. 1 hr. 23 min. #410210 $21.95
Hobby Tool Sets
A A: Hobby Tool Set B Enjoy light and heavy-duty knives, a snap knife, pliers, a mitre box, a pin vise, a 6" metal ruler, a saw blade, a sanding stick, a swiss hammer, philips and flathead screwdrivers, two files, three assorted drills and three assorted blades. Wood storage case included. #R09450 $79.95 B: Deluxe 56-Piece Knife Set – These sharp and durable carbon steel blades effortlessly cut through wood, cardboard, cloth, paper, plastic, and thin metal. This impressive set includes eight knife handles with blades, 39 additional specialty blades, and a sharpening stone. Safety caps and a storage case are included. #407891 $24.95