AsiaLink The Magazine | Autumn 2017

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AsiaLink The Magazine AUTUMN 2017

Isis in Marawi Marawi has been transformed into a battleground

The Homeless Millions Flooding in Nepal

A WHole House Saved! Salt & Light women’s shelter

Mongolia The Uncharted Mission Field


ith so much going on across the vast continent of Asia, it’s always tricky deciding what to write about, or perhaps more accurately, what to leave out! As rains and floods hit the subcontinent, conflict continues in various locations. In particular, do look out for our updates on the needs in Nepal and Marawi as you read. This time around we also have a focus on projects in Mongolia, having visited existing partners and new contacts in recent months. We trust that you will find it both informative and heart-warming to read about God growing his church in this oft-forgotten land. You’ll also find information about new gospel workers, plans to reach a new people group, an update from North Korea, reports from our short-term teams and a remarkable group conversion story. We do hope that you will enjoy reading, and would warmly welcome your feedback.

Alex Operations Manager

Head Office PO BOX 891, Preston, PR4 9AB 01772 681618 Irish Office 31a Main Street, Ballyclare, BT39 9AA 028 933 42920, Registered Charity No. 327165





Autumn 2017

Wrap it up in a sandwich W

e all wonder how to effectively and imaginatively reach our neighbours with the good news of the gospel? We may have considered holistic approaches, meeting the needs of others in practical ways, to introduce them to the love of God in Christ. In our modern, secular and selfindulgent world, reaching the lost for Jesus is a real challenge. I have just visited South East Asia, where the outreach strategies I encountered are not only imaginative, but are positively impacting communities. I never thought that fish farming or cultivating mushrooms would be a means through which lives could be changed, and yet there it was, right before my eyes. Fish are being farmed which can then be sold, at reduced prices, to local villagers. Alternatively, villagers can learn to farm the fish for themselves, thus providing food and employment. This introduction to the villagers enables the spread of the gospel and the planting of churches, together with the ongoing opportunity for discipleship. In a similar way, mushrooms are being grown which can be sold cheaply at the local market, enabling contact

if you give a man the Gospel wrap it in a sandwich and if you give a man a sandwich wrap it in the Gospel.” CH Spurgeon

with villagers and the spread of the gospel. The wonderful thing is the fact that churches are being planted, believers are being discipled and the number of believers is growing rapidly. Not only that, but so many believers engaged in these ministries are themselves young in the faith and have a real passion to reach their communities for Christ. This all took me back to something that C H Spurgeon said, “if you give a man the Gospel wrap it in a sandwich.” Even Spurgeon might not have envisaged this being played out as imaginatively as the ways in which I saw it being done, but I was glad of the challenge and encouraged that AsiaLink’s partners are bearing such good fruit (and fish and mushrooms). Bill Ferguson Scottish Representative


Chile concert


Planes, trains & tuk-tuks


ixteen days. Seven flights. Thirty tuk-tuks. Five hotels. Hundreds of Bibles, radios and songbooks smuggled. Eleven incredible team members all serving one almighty God, who is moving and working in South-East Asia. For a couple of weeks this summer, our HistoryMakers team encouraged the church, carried Bibles and helped practically across various ministries. The team of young adults aged

18-26 loved learning about and being challenged by the Lord’s heart for global mission, and the need for the gospel among the unreached. HistoryMakers is the youth and media ministry of AsiaLink. Every year we send teams of students and young people to serve the church in Asia. For regular updates on future trips, email and ask for information on teams.

n September we were thrilled to introduce thousands of people in Santiago, Chile to our work in Asia. We’re incredibly thankful for the opportunity to present our work at a Christian concert, and ask you to pray with us that this will expand international awareness and passion for the mission field in Asia.

AsiaLink on tour

Teaching in Myanmar (Burma)


fter spending two weeks in SE Asia with a team from her church, retired teacher Wilma Bonnar went the extra mile and visited a school set up by our partners in Burma: “I had already committed to going to SE Asia and thought that since I would already be halfway across the world, I could serve for a little while longer. I emailed the school in Burma offering to help and serve them in any way I could. I knew very little about the school or country but was willing to give it a go! “I spent much of my time teaching in the school but was also able to help the local teachers in their work, training them by example as well

as helping the school with how to develop reading and literacy skills among the pupils. I also spent some time with a local Bible school and its students. “What will always remain with me is the kindness and love shown to me by the teachers and staff I worked with. They prayed often for me before I was with them and went above and beyond when it came to hosting me. They don’t have much in the way of belongings or wealth, but the kindness of Jesus each person possessed was incredible. I was blessed by the Christ-centred love they showed more than I could have imagined. It was an incredible experience - one I thoroughly recommend!”


e’ve visited a huge number of churches and groups across the UK and Ireland in recent weeks, ranging from Sunday services to youth meetings and other midweek events. Mission isn’t just for adults, so we were particularly encouraged to hear that the children of Waterford Baptist Church were glued to their seats as they sat in the service to hear about the work in Asia. Not only that, but some of the young people are now eager to learn more about world mission! If you’d like us to visit your meeting, please do get in touch!



s se

tnumber ou hu m s an

Ho r


3.03m Total population

1.38m Population of Ulaanbaatar



of the population is under 18

Ulaanbaatar is the coldest national capital in the world, annual average -1C

The Uncharted Mission Field Religious make-up

Buddhism 50%

42% of people live in gers (round tents)



Autumn 2017

No Religion 38.6%

Islam 2.9.%

Christianity 2.1%

Number of Christians Official 1990: 0 2010: 50,000 2017: 70,000

Estimated 1990: 4 2010: 100,000 2017: 150,000


ever making the headlines, and barely on most people’s radars, Mongolia sits between Russia and China, influenced by both whilst retaining its own unique culture. Whether it’s food, language or sport, this nation is unlike any other. Even the climate is unique, with Ulaanbaatar being the world’s coldest national capital. The average temperature is -1C, with lows of -40C in the winter months. For many years, Communism prevented any Christian outreach, but since the peaceful revolution of 1990 God has used faithful witnesses to bring many lost souls home. The church has grown from just four believers to perhaps 150,000, and efforts to plant churches in every village continue apace. As well as the feeding centre highlighted on this magazine’s cover sheet, we visited three further projects, each seeking to share the gospel whilst providing what is lacking in this fledgling postCommunist society.

Teaching Life Skills We struggle to imagine a culture without family or societal values, and yet this is the norm in Mongolia. Generations have grown up with little or no parenting, resulting in a lack of communication skills and self-worth. That’s why our partners visit schools to run a curriculum based on values and character. We met children whose worldviews had been changed by the project, and heard rave reviews from parents, teachers and school managers alike. In Nalaikh, our partners have been given two rooms in a

new government building, and their lessons now form part of the curriculum for every school in the town. Whilst the classes run in Ulaanbaatar and various other locations, there are calls to expand the work into new regions. Every lesson is a chance to show the love of God, and each year hundreds of children sign up for follow-up Bible clubs. One boy who heard of Christ through our partners’ work now walks the long distance to church alone each week, even in the freezing winter. He said it’s his heart’s response to being saved by Jesus! Reaching the Nations Built in the 1970s, Erdenet was constructed to house workers for a Russian copper mine. However, in a quiet corner of the city lies an unassuming but excellent work. Our partners here run discipleship courses, missionary training, and community outreach, equipping many believers and leaders before they go out to serve. We met students who’d spent five months on the discipleship course, before scattering across Mongolia, China and Russia to share the gospel with Mongol groups. Some had met Jesus for the first time this year, and whether they were retired teachers, experienced businessmen or struggling alcoholics they had all found new life and joy in Christ! The centre has earned the respect of the authorities, who are calling them to reach their local community and to plant churches in the Kazakh region of Bayan-Ulgii, where Islam dominates. We look forward to supporting more Mongolian missionaries, and seeing God grow his church. Rescuing Sexual Slaves Many women in Ulaanbaatar have been involved in prostitution from a young age, so we are delighted that our partners are offering them

a way out through employment in jewellery-making, clothes production and childcare. Their centre runs across three apartments. Production takes place in one, and childcare in another, with the third providing accommodation for the women. Some see their lives changed by this new opportunity, while others flit between the centre and the streets, lured away by alcohol, friends or money. Our partners share the Bible and sing hymns with the women daily, showing them freedom and hope in Christ. Some women ask to join churches. However, not all churches have responded well, either being unwilling to welcome them or not knowing how. Even pastors have opposed the work, occasionally violently, such is the spiritual immaturity of the church and some of its leaders.

How to pray >> For many children to find value through life skills classes, attend Bible clubs and trust in Jesus >> For the feeding centre to bear gospel fruit in the lives of children and the wider community >> For God to sustain missionary zeal since the workers are many but resources to send them are few >> For God to rescue women from prostitution into new life with Him, and for more suitable premises for the centre



Field Updates

ISIS in Marawi Philippines

new workers for Bhutan Bhutan


hutan is the last Buddhist kingdom on earth. To be Bhutanese is to be Buddhist - it’s part of the national identity. It’s often referred to as the happiest country on earth and the government proudly keeps a record of the Gross National Happiness of its citizens. However, the people of Bhutan are certainly not happy. Indoctrinated from a young age into the Buddhist faith, millions are heading to a lost eternity with little hope unless they hear the gospel. We’re thankful for God’s provision of four new workers for the harvest in Bhutan - men who, along with their families, know from personal experience the power of the gospel to save and transform lives. Now they are working in this closed country, enabling others to hear and respond to the good news about Jesus Christ. For their security, it isn’t possible to share their names, but we ask you to pray for these four men and their families as they seek to plant underground churches all across Bhutan. Pray for their protection, for those they will train and disciple in the land and for God to work through their service to save many.




ince mid-May the city of Marawi has been transformed into a battleground. A conflict has been raging between the national Armed Forces and ISIS-affiliated militants, resulting in hundreds of casualties and the displacement of over 250,000 people.

Your Part You can support gospel workers like these through our Beautiful Feet Project which supports pastors, evangelists and church planters in both Bhutan and across all of Asia.

Autumn 2017

The need for prayer in this part of the world is great. Please pray: >> For our partners, who are providing medicine and food to victims of the conflict, seeking to introduce them to Christ. >> For all the victims - both Christians and Muslims have been caught up in this crisis, despite the mixed population having lived side by side in peace until recent times. >> For the Philippine military which has suffered great losses, but continues to fight bravely for the land. Do remember the families of the fallen soldiers. >> For a resolution to the conflict and restoration of the city of Marawi. We emailed supporters on our eBriefing list earlier this year asking for prayerful and practical help for Marawi. Thanks to your response, our partners in the Philippines have been able to supply food to three different communities and are planning for three new medical camps. Thank you for helping the hurting people of Marawi.

Imagine living in a place where…



Please pray

he main cities have surveillance systems which track vehicles wherever they go, and inter-city travel requires special documentation. ID is required to enter public buildings such as shopping malls, supermarkets, hospitals and restaurants. People are stopped at random on the street to have their phones searched, whilst school children are pressured to report their parents’ religious practice.

predominantly Muslim Uyghurs – one of the region’s many ethnic minority groups.

This is Xinjiang province, China - a region marred by serious uprisings and subsequent violent clampdowns by the military. China blames Islamic extremists and separatists, whilst others highlight resentment at Chinese rule among

Local leaders ask us to pray that even in this environment, where it is difficult to share the gospel and plant churches, they would continue to be salt and light and people would turn to the Lord, the source of true peace.

Uyghur people avoid foreigners in the fear that any association may cause them to be detained. Meanwhile, it is illegal for believers to meet for worship or training, and so Christian leaders are among those succumbing to this fear, hindering ministry projects in many areas.

>> For very small housegroups who must regularly change location for security >> For the Uyghur believers who are constantly harassed and monitored >> For the many Christian leaders who are imprisoned or regularly questioned and harassed >> For wisdom and God’s leading as we begin a new project supporting gospel outreach amongst the Uyghur people

The Homeless Millions Flooding in Nepal

A Pray for our partners seeking to show the love of Jesus practically and sharing the gospel with those they meet.

t the end of August, many were stunned by images of Houston, Texas underwater. Flooding has devastated that city and its residents - but did you know that across the world, many millions more were suffering from floods and rainfall as well? During the recent monsoon season, flooding occurred across much of South Asia claiming the lives of over 1000 people and leaving millions homeless. In Nepal’s heavily affected lowlands, villages have been wiped out, families separated and homes washed away. Our partners in Nepal have been bringing food bags, clothes and basic utilities to people across the affected districts. Our friend Bishnu has been a part of this effort to bring aid across Nepal. Earlier this year, we highlighted Bishnu’s need for a new vehicle to continue travelling across the country to share the gospel. Your amazing response purchased the new vehicle he needed - and it’s been put straight to work!

Bishnu has been filling the vehicle with supplies to assist in the relief effort for flood victims. Both Bishnu and AsiaLink would like to say a big thank you to all those who give and pray to support the work in Nepal. Please continue to pray as Nepal recovers from flooding and seeks to provide for the many who have lost their homes and possessions. Pray for our partners seeking to show the love of Jesus practically and sharing the gospel with those they meet.



Field Updates

How to Pray

A Whole House Saved! South-East Asia


he Salt & Light women’s shelter in South-East Asia seeks to rescue girls from sexual slavery, offering a home to many women and girls as young as eight years old. The shelter offers the education and opportunities many of these girls were promised before they found themselves in slavery. The girls are built up and prepared for life after the shelter by learning skills for future employment, such as sewing and baking, and every effort is made to reconnect the girls with their families. A number of years ago, the nation in which Salt & Light operates

undertook a new plan to combat human trafficking. Consequently, attention from the government towards brothel owners and suspected human traffickers has increased. The team at Salt & Light has recently seen the tangible effects of the policy change at one of the brothels they visit. The police organised a raid on the premises and arrested the owner of the brothel for trafficking drugs, stolen vehicles and young women for sex. Salt & Light staff were able to speak with some of the girls left in the aftermath of this particular raid.

>> Pray for the staff as they build relationships with the young women being sold – the entire programme is based on these relationships. >> Pray that more young women would make the courageous decision to leave the sex industry and stay at the shelter. >> Thank God for bringing an entire brothel out of sin and slavery and into saving faith in Christ. >> Pray for these new converts, that they would be protected from attacks and would grow in faith.

The team is currently celebrating news of an entire brothel coming to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour for the first time. Seven girls, along with the owner of the brothel, made the decision to follow Jesus and leave the sex industry. In September, all eight were baptised and the team continue to walk beside them as they get to grips with the Christian faith.

Greenhouse project North Korea


way from the missiles and international power plays that make the headlines, our partners are continually working to bless North Korea. Whilst it remains dangerous to witness openly, people know they are being helped by Christians, and we thank God for the opportunities we have to bring light into darkness. We were able to support a third large-scale greenhouse project earlier this year, which is now enabling food production and the

breeding of livestock, whilst also providing accommodation. Now, we are pleased to begin work on a fourth project, and look forward to updating you as the work progresses. If you would like to support the latest greenhouse project financially, you can do so by donating to our North Korea fund. Meanwhile, do join us in praying for a day when food shortages are a thing of the past, and Christians are able to live and witness freely in North Korea.

Which Asian country was the last country in the world to allow television?

For the answer to this question, and to keep up to date with the latest news from across Asia, find us on Facebook and give us a like. Search for AsiaLink in the search bar.

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