Fast During Ramazan
Fasting During Ramazan Ramazan is considered as the holy month for all the Muslims. Ramazan is also known as Ramadan in other Muslim countries. It is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar. Fasting during ramazan month is compulsory for all the adult Muslims.
The start of the Ramadan is decided on the sighting of the new crescent moon. This year the estimated start date of Ramazan is 28th June, 2014 and ends on 27th Jully 2014. Actual dates may vary on the sighting of the new crescent moon.
Fasting during Latest Ramazan 2014 Updates is considered as most important and every adult has to fast from dawn to dusk. During the fasting Muslims are not allowed to eat, drink, smoke, use abusive language and have to refrain from sexual activities.
People who are exempted from fasting are breast feeding women’s, pregnant women’s, sick people and females in menses. They can still cover up for the days they have missed, later time.
Fasting during ramazan is considered as 1 of the five pillars of the Islam. It was during the Ramadan month prophet Muhammad received revelation from Allah through Gabriel. It is mentioned that the prayers made during the fasting has more powers and are herd by Allah.
Have give few quotation from Dates of Kurban Bayrami 2014 about fasting during Ramazan. “O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that ye may (learn) self-restraint.� 2:183
“(Fasting) for a fixed number of days; but if any of you is ill, or on a journey, the prescribed number (should be made up) from days later. For those who can do it (with hardship), is a ransom, the feeding of one that is indigent. But he that will give more, of his own free will, it is better for him. And it is better for you that ye fast, if ye only knew.� 2:184
These verses clearly states how important is, fasting during Ramazan. The verses also tell us about what to do if we have missed fasting.
Obligatory Fasting: Fasting during Ramazan is obligatory. Muslims have to fast for full month from Dawn to dusk. Apart from fasting Muslims have to offer more prayers and recite more Quran during the month.
Muslims are also encouraged to do more charity during the month, as it is said that if anyone gives food to poor people to break their fast they the person receives rich blessings on the judgment day.
Every day before the start of the fasting time, Muslims enjoy the meal with the family. The early morning meal is known as Suhoor meal. In evening Muslims break their fast with dates and water after sunset.
After breaking the fast, Muslims enjoy Iftar meal; it is the bigger meal that everyone enjoys with the family. If you are fasting during Kurban Bayrami 2014 then the rewards received are great from Allah. If you have decided to fast during the month then you need to start following the month from now.
If you have a smoking habit then try to quit smoking from now, else you will find it difficult during the Ramazan month. Start reading Quran for more times from now and offer more prayers. Fasting during Ramazan brings happiness and peace and teaches us important lesson of life.
The month of fasting, the holy month is very near, so start preparing for the fasting month from now.
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